
Aising: recipe. The best icing recipes at home

Everyone loves. Cookies, muffins, gingerbread - all this improves mood. And when they are also beautifully decorated, they look doubly appetizing. Professional confectioners create works of art that are sometimes even a pity to eat. Housewives today also do not lag behind them in the desire to do real holiday for relatives.

Sweets decoration

And other pastries are very diverse. They have been decorated since ancient times. different creams, fruits, chocolate chips, nuts and coconut flakes. A more complex option - pouring jelly, coating fudge sugar, chocolate icing (ganache). Foreign notions also came to us: mastic and icing. It's over complex options baking coatings, including a variety of figurines and decorative elements. Aising decoration is considered a top confectionery art. Some masters create masterpieces that are simply breathtaking. However, knowing some secrets, each hostess, with a certain skill and patience, will be able to amaze her guests.

Aising - what is it?

From English, this word is translated as "icing", the full name is "royal icing" (Royal Icing). Aising came to us from England, where confectioners at the court of monarchs decorated cakes in this way. This is a mass for drawing and creating edible decorations based on protein and sugar. Aising can be different in composition and consistency depending on the purpose: contour decor, airy decorations or modeling products.

  • Plastic - used for modeling jewelry and creating lace. Helpers here will be a silicone mat for icing and molds). The mass is placed in the base, slightly dried, carefully removed and placed decoratively on the cake. Plastic icing is somewhat different from the classic one - in composition it is closer to mastic.
  • Classic - a more liquid mass, which is applied directly to the confectionery product, or the decor is made on a stencil, and after hardening, the parts are folded into figures. It has a very fragile structure.

We will tell you how to make classic icing for gingerbread, cookies, cakes and other pastries.

Cooking process

The icing recipe is actually incredibly simple. You will need:

From this composition, a rather large amount of mass is obtained, which is enough for decoration. small cake or a kilogram of gingerbread. Any pastry looks much more appetizing with decor such as icing. How to cook it? Let's consider this process step by step.

  1. Separate the protein from the yolk. Make sure not a drop of the yolk gets into the bowl with the protein. If this happens, it is better to take another egg.
  2. Beat the protein with a whisk or mixer at low speed. No need to whip it in lush foam- just mix until smooth.
  3. Add the sifted icing sugar in small portions, without ceasing to beat the mass.
  4. At the end, pour in the lemon juice, which will give the glaze a shine.

The perfect decoration for confectionery is ready. Nothing complicated, right?


The amount of powdered sugar and whipping time may vary slightly depending on what your frosting is for. Aising is usually distinguished by density:

  • Mass of consistency thick sour cream. It is obtained by using a slightly smaller amount of powder. Reminds me of our usual icing sugar, which decorate Easter cakes. Such icing is used for gingerbread and cookies, the top of which is poured in a uniform even layer. The readiness of the mass can be checked by running a knife over it. For some time, a trace of the cut remains, which gradually smoothes out, and the glaze again becomes homogeneous and perfectly even. If this does not happen, then you have beaten the mass too much, and such icing is no longer suitable for pouring - the top of the cookie will be ribbed and uneven. However, do not be upset, because you just cooked next option glaze.
  • Soft peaks. This icing is ideal for inscriptions and linear decorations that are applied directly to the confectionery. Readiness is checked very simply: remove the spoon or whisk from the protein mass - the icing should hang from it with soft peaks, slightly bending depending on the turn of the spoon.
  • Solid peaks. This is a denser mass. When you take out the spoon, the icing reaches for it and remains on the surface in stable hard peaks. This icing is ideal for squeezing patterns from a pastry bag with different nozzles directly onto a cake or cookie. Also, this glaze is suitable for complex decorations, which are first squeezed onto a stencil, and after solidification, they are assembled into shapes.

little secrets

Does royal icing seem incredible and are you scared to even try it? Don't worry, use classic recipe, pay attention to some of the nuances, and you will see - cooking icing will be easy. You will definitely succeed!


Glaze can be colored using food coloring. To do this, divide the mass into several parts and add the desired shade to each. Dyes come with different properties and the degree of intensity, so add color little by little, kneading the mass well. Follow the instructions printed on the package.

Powdered sugar

Cooking icing is possible only with powder - sugar will not work here, as it will not have time to dissolve and make the mass heavy. Moreover, it is advisable to sift the powdered sugar before this, saturating it with oxygen. If you have a good electric mill, you can grind your own powdered sugar.


You can adjust the mass density. If you beat it too hard and it turned out to be too liquid, just add powdered sugar. If the icing is very thick, it will be difficult to squeeze out of the piping bag. In this case, add egg white to it.


If you did not use the entire mass at once, you can store it in a tightly closed container for 3-5 days. Keep in mind that frosting hardens quickly when exposed to air. You can use leftover icing for cookies. Its recipe can be anything, with the exception of wet, too porous baking.

Lemon acid

If desired, a glaze component such as lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid.

Creation of figurines

If you create three-dimensional figures by squeezing the mass onto the stencil, grease it a little beforehand olive oil for easier separation of dried parts. Ordinary sunflower oil will not work here.

To create three-dimensional flowers and other figures, apply glaze to the stencil, and then lay it on any curved surface. For example, a flower can be placed in a cup with the leaves spread out; butterflies - on the fold of the book (when they dry, you get a fluttering effect).

Incredibly beautiful are large volumetric icing decorations: shoes, carriages, houses, towers and more. It seems that this is impossible to do, but in fact, everything is not so scary. These figures are made up of many individual parts, which are pre-applied to the stencil and dried, and then joined together with a cream.

remember, that average term glaze drying - 12 hours, so apply on finished cake need it in advance. Icing for cookies also requires time to dry, otherwise the shortbreads will simply stick together. It is better to start the preparation of bulk or prefabricated figures, which are preliminarily applied to the stencil, a day in advance so that they have time to dry well and are easy to assemble. Make them with a margin, because the parts are very fragile and can break during the assembly process.

Common Mistakes

It seems that everything was done according to the recipe, but the icing did not work out? Here are the most common mistakes that can completely ruin the icing:

  1. Lemon juice must be added clearly according to the recipe - one teaspoon per protein from one egg and 150 grams of powder. If you put in too much egg white, the frosting will be too brittle.
  2. Carefully add powdered sugar depending on the desired consistency. Too liquid mass will spread over baking, too dense it will be difficult to squeeze out of the pastry bag. Adjust the density of the icing with protein and powder.
  3. The glaze needs air to dry. Do not put the decorated product or the drying parts of future figures in the refrigerator - the icing will become limp and flow.
  4. For the same reason, do not apply the mass on cream or wet biscuits. Ideal for dry biscuits and cakes, pre-coated with a base - mastic, marzipan, ganache.


You can not do without auxiliary accessories if you are preparing icing. What it is? First of all - pastry bag. With classic royal icing of any density, it is impossible to work with your hands, so you can’t do without a pastry bag or a syringe. Using various attachments, you can create beautiful patterns, but more often glaze is drawn in straight lines. The real helpers will be icing pencils, acting like a syringe, but with their help, especially thin lines are created.

Stencils, silicone mats and molds help create intricate patterned decorations that are difficult to make by hand. You can apply a pattern or its details on plain baking paper, after placing the drawn contours of the future product under it.


Professional confectioners create real works of art from icing. No wonder it is called royal icing - confectionery decorated with it is truly worthy of kings. We will reveal some of the secrets of the masters, using which you can cook at home beautiful jewelry from icing.


Icing of cookies and gingerbread - great start for training. Drawings can be both the simplest and complicated with a large number of small details. Icing for cookies, the recipe of which can be anything (short and ginger is good), can be of two types: soft peaks (for contours and patterns) and the consistency of thick sour cream (for pouring).

If you want to completely fill the surface of the cookie with icing, apply a contour around the edges, let it dry a little and fill the rest of the area with soft mass. The contour will hold it back, preventing it from combing. Use fine-lined tips or icing pencils to create fine lines and patterns.

Lace of kings

The thin lace that decorates cakes using icing looks incredibly beautiful. edible decoration glaze of very fine workmanship. There are three options for creating it:

  • Applying a plastic glaze to a silicone mat. After drying, this lace can be bent and laid as you like. It is quite convenient to use, but classic glaze don't cook it.
  • Drawing a lace pattern directly onto the surface of the cake using a pastry bag with a fine tip or icing pencils.
  • Drawing lace on a stencil. After drying, they are carefully transferred to baking.

Aising: master class

Airy lace covering the cake with a dome, or decoration with balloons looks very beautiful, and it seems that it is impossible to do it manually. However, having learned a couple of secrets, every housewife will be able to perform such a miracle. Of course, icing will help with this. How to cook it? Here is a step by step guide:

  1. Take an ordinary balloon. Wash it well and inflate it to the size you want the final decor to be.
  2. Prepare the frosting to the consistency of hard peaks. A softer mass will simply drain, and the pattern will not come out.
  3. Fill a piping bag fitted with a fine tip or an icing pencil.
  4. Squeeze out the icing with a thin branched thread over the ball, imitating lace, braiding the ball completely or half.
  5. Leave to dry for at least 12 hours. After that, pierce the ball and carefully pull out the remnants.

Just a magical decoration for the cake is ready!


From this article, you learned everything about icing: what it is and how to cook it. By adhering to simple rules, even at home you can create incomparable culinary masterpieces worthy of the highest praise.

Today it is very difficult to find a person who does not like sweet desserts, such as cakes. In cooking, there are a lot of such recipes; they can be decorated with various patterns, inscriptions or icing. Probably not everyone knows what it is. Let's try to figure this out. So, translated from in English this term means "ice pattern". And this is not surprising, since products made from it are similar to ice ones (in color and consistency). Aising, the recipe of which we will definitely find out today, makes it possible to create extraordinary decorations not only for desserts, but also for various dishes. Properly made, it has a matte finish and great durability. So, let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

What is "icing"?

Aising is a plastic thick mass of sugar and proteins to create confectionery decorations that have volume. Usually this mass white color, but with the help of food coloring it can be given any shades. Icing, the recipe of which will be given below, is made by grinding powdered sugar with fresh egg white. Lemon juice or acid is added to this mixture, glucose syrup, glycerin, etc.

Working with icing

To work with a flexible mass, pre-prepared templates are required, for example, drawings on paper or ready-made contours. On such a drawing put cling film or put it in a file. In this case, it is not recommended to use parchment or tracing paper, since the icing sticks to them very strongly and then does not separate. So, the film is smeared with a layer of olive (this is important!) Oil. fresh protein mass placed in a confectionery envelope or syringe. However, it should not be liquid, so as not to blur along the contours of the picture. A thick mixture, on the contrary, will be difficult to squeeze out of the envelope. However, in this case, it can be molded from it in the same way as plasticine.

All elements of the picture should not be thick. If there is a desire to get multi-colored icing, the recipe of which is very simple, food colors are added to the mass. You can also apply the mixture to the finished cooled confectionery product, for example, cookies or gingerbread, chocolate icing. Do not apply it to biscuits and other non-dry surfaces. They are only placed on finished jewelry from icing before serving. So, a film with a pattern is dried for about three days. Then the jewelry is carefully removed.

Openwork jewelry from icing

In this case, a mass of protein and sugar, that is, icing, the recipe of which is attached, is applied to a small Balloons, they must be pre-inflated and lubricated with oil. After the pattern dries, the ball is simply blown off and removed from the product. This must be done carefully, as the resulting products are very fragile. It is recommended to make them with a small margin. A broken part can be glued with egg white mixed with powdered sugar. Store such jewelry at room temperature in the box. Consider in more detail the recipe for icing at home.

Icing heart

Ingredients: twenty grams of egg white, one hundred and fifty grams of powdered sugar, fifteen drops of lemon juice, food coloring red color, vegetable oil, file and heart template.

Cooking icing

The protein is gently mixed, but not whipped. Powder is added gradually, without ceasing to interfere, put lemon juice with red food coloring dissolved in it. Mix everything well until the color becomes uniform. The mass is transferred to a confectionery envelope or bag with a nozzle and left for a while, covering the hole with a wet napkin so that it does not dry out.

Template preparation

After we looked at the recipe for icing for decorating cakes, you need to make a template. To do this, cut out a heart of the desired size from cardboard. With the help of plasticine, they give it shape and volume. To do this, plasticine is applied over cardboard. Next, the template is placed in a file and pressed tightly so that all the air comes out. Under the cardboard, the file is assembled into a knot so that it lies evenly and tightly on the plasticine. The file is smeared with vegetable oil.

Pattern formation

Further along the contour, a thick line is drawn, and then any pattern is made at their discretion. It can be intertwined lines, squares, ovals, and so on. Ready icing is left for one night - to dry. Then they begin to carefully remove it so as not to break or crush it. Having made two such hearts, they are glued together, for this the same icing is used, and the decorations are left to dry again.

Icing lace in fifteen minutes

Ingredients: one protein, two hundred grams of powdered sugar, half a spoonful of citric acid. Equipment: olive oil, scraper, patterned silicone mat, sponge.


The icing recipe for lace is no different from the one we discussed above. To do this, the egg white is mixed (but not whipped) with sugar and citric acid. Mix until a thick mass is obtained.

Lace preparation

The egg mass is distributed over the entire surface of the rug, removing excess. Then everything is put in a preheated oven and baked for three or five minutes, depending on the type of oven. After the lapse of time, the finished lace is carefully removed and patterns are already made from it as desired. You can decorate the cake with them by attaching them to the sides. And you can make all sorts of figures - it all depends on the imagination of the cook.

As you can see, this cake icing recipe is very post. The lace is ready in fifteen minutes, so you can save time for preparing other festive dishes.

Beautiful icing figures

Ingredients: one egg, two hundred grams of powdered sugar, one teaspoon of citric acid.

Making icing (recipe): master class

Beat the egg white with a fork until a light foam appears. Then powdered sugar is added in portions, rubbing the mixture until smooth, and then - and citric acid while continuing to stir. You should get a homogeneous stable protein mass thick consistency. Add food coloring if desired. Here is the ready icing! As it turned out, everything is quite simple. It must be transferred to a pastry bag.

Making jewelry

Balls of the required size are inflated, lubricated with vegetable oil with a brush, olive oil is best in this case. From above begin to apply an ornament. When the patterns are applied, the ball is hung up to dry. So it should hang for about a day.

After a while, the ball is pierced with a needle and taken out of the sugar figure. With such sweet balls that are cooked, you can decorate cakes or Christmas compositions.


So do flexible icing, the recipe of which we already know, is not difficult. With the help of sugar mass, you can create not only lace and balls, but also make candlesticks, butterflies, snowflakes and more. This requires only stencils, which can be easily found in children's coloring books. Working with stencils is quite simple, you just need to apply ready-made icing on them, and then dry them. Large parts can be glued together using the same icing.

"Royal icing" is the most popular decoration of various confectionery products. With its help, real masterpieces are created. Patterns that seem to be woven from thin lace look appetizing on cakes, gingerbread, pastries and cookies. Decorating confectionery with icing is an interesting activity. This requires only a pastry bag, blanks with drawings, plastic bag, olive oil, egg mass, as well as the desire and imagination of the cook. Undoubtedly, every culinary specialist will be able to create his own masterpiece, which will appeal to everyone.

Here, all the decorations, including the picture of Spiderman, are made of icing.
This is much easier than it might seem at first glance.
Aising ("Royal Icing") is a sugar-protein drawing mass, which is used for the manufacture of volumetric decorations for confectionery. This mass can be white or colored when food coloring is added to it.
Aising is a fairly thick plastic mass, obtained by rubbing fresh egg white with sifted powdered sugar with the addition of some acidifier for plasticity - lemon juice, dry citric acid, cremortartar, etc.

Aising - protein drawing mass.

Sometimes glucose syrup or a little glycerin is added to the mass for greater plasticity, but the addition of glycerin can make the mass too sticky, which makes it difficult to peel it off from the polyethylene substrate. When depositing the mass directly on the surface of the decorated gingerbread, i.e. when subsequent detachment of the icing lace is not expected, the addition of glycerin can greatly facilitate the work.

The correct consistency of icing for jigging it with a cornet.

To create icing jewelry, there are drawing masses with a different composition - for example, based on albumin (1 kg of albumin replaces 316 proteins chicken eggs) and some others that are more convenient not at home, but in industrial conditions.

    NOTE FOR THE INQUIRY. Kremortartar - tartaric salt of potassium acid C4H5O6K (name from Latin cremor - thick juice and lat. tartarum - tartar).
    Formed naturally from long-term storage wines on the walls of barrels in the form of hard crystalline crusts that are deposited as a result of fermentation grape juice; in mass quantities obtained by chemical synthesis.
    When combined with water, milk or vegetable juices, that is, with any liquid mixed into the dough, kremortartar turns into a solution of tartaric acid and thereby contributes to the germination of the dough. Therefore, cremortartar is important component baking powder(bakpulver), and can also be used independently, regardless of other lifting agents (yeast or soda), in those types of dough where it is necessary to achieve particularly strong germination, for example, puff pastry. Cremortartar can be replaced by other types food acids: lemon, apple, vinegar.

How to work with icing:

1) Draw future patterns on paper or print ready-made templates. It is very convenient to use children's coloring pages as templates.

2) Enclose a drawn paper template under plastic wrap or put it in a plastic "file" (thin transparent bag for documents). It uses the property of polyethylene that it does not stick to anything. Products can stick “tightly” to tracing paper, parchment or waxed paper, especially if the icing mass is too liquid.

For better subsequent peeling off of icing products, a thin layer of olive oil is applied to the plastic film (it is non-drying, i.e. non-polymerizing). Sunflower oil is highly undesirable (!), because. upon contact with air, it polymerizes by combining with oxygen and hardens (like oil paint), therefore it can additionally glue the product, especially during long-term drying of large parts.

    USEFUL NOTE. It is the property of the applied layer of sunflower oil to polymerize by combining with atmospheric oxygen and harden into an impermeable insoluble film that is used during impregnation sunflower oil new wooden kitchen boards, which makes the impregnated boards non-hygroscopic, easy to clean and practically eternal. For impregnation with oil, new boards are allowed to dry additionally in a dry room, then generously lubricated on all sides with sunflower oil, which can be warmed up, allow the oil to soak for 1 hour, then generously lubricate again and leave for 3-4 days for final drying.

3) Freshly prepared protein drawing mass (icing) is placed in a cornet with a suitable nozzle or in a plastic bag with a cut corner (for example, in a document file). The mass should be prepared every time in the amount needed now for work. Storage of the mass may cause undesirable changes in its plasticity, which will have to be corrected by adding either powdered sugar or a few drops of water and carefully grinding again.

The icing mass should not be too liquid - so that it does not blur and lose its shape during jigging, and not too thick - so that it is squeezed out of the cornet without undue effort and does not tear during jigging.

If you prepare a thicker icing mass, you can sculpt jewelry from it with your hands, like from plasticine. You should not sculpt too thick decorations, because. they take too long to dry.

4) The icing is squeezed onto the plastic film along the pattern laid under it. If you have sufficient artistic skills, you can do without templates, freely drawing in mass according to your imagination.

When drawing, you can consistently use icings dyed with food coloring in different colors, which will allow you to get multi-colored decorations.

Aising can be deposited directly on the surface of the finished (baked and cooled) sufficiently dry dough confectionery(gingerbread, including glazed, shortbread), as well as chocolate and other things that can be stored outside the refrigerator.

In no case should icing be deposited on confectionery cream, on biscuit and on other wet surfaces, as well as on products for which storage is required only in the refrigerator. On such products, icing decorations are installed immediately before serving.

5) A film with a deposited pattern (or a decorated confectionery product) is left to dry at room temperature (but not higher than +40 ° C) for 1-2-3 days until the mass is completely dry.

Icing dries differently depending on the size of the part and the humidity in the room. 1-2 days of drying is enough for an ordinary small flower. Large parts can dry up to 5-6 days. To speed up drying, the products can be placed in a warm, dry place with a temperature not exceeding +40°C.

If you want to get a three-dimensional decoration, a film with a deposited pattern is placed for drying on some curved surface - for example, on the side surface of a cylindrical pan, in the spread of an open book, etc.

Properly prepared icing mass (not too liquid) does not flow down on inclined surfaces. If the deposited mass is liquidish, you should first let it dry a little to the desired thickening (but not to brittleness) in a horizontal position and only then place it on a curved surface.

To obtain openwork spherical products, the protein mass is applied to small inflated balloons lubricated with vegetable oil. After the icing has dried, the balloons are pierced and the deflated shells are carefully removed from the resulting decorations.

6) Dried icing jewelry is carefully removed from the substrate.

It is better to remove products from the substrate at the edge of the table, starting from the corner of the substrate, which is gently pulled down, bending the substrate over the edge of the table edge.

Since icing products are very fragile, they must be prepared with a certain margin in quantity.

Icing decorations can be glued together with egg white, loosened with powdered sugar, and then allowed to dry.

For the manufacture of large volumetric icing decorations, separate parts are made for them according to the drawings, which, after complete drying, are glued into a single product (for example, into the Eiffel Tower - see below).

Broken products are tasty on their own and can be successfully served with tea. It often happens that icing decorations are eaten by family members, especially children, much before they dry out. So a solid supply of prepared icing jewelry never hurts.

The resulting sweet edible lace used to decorate various confectionery products. Ice jewelry can be stored in boxes for a long time at room temperature, provided there is no high humidity.

Ice jewelry should not be stored in the refrigerator, because. after being in the cold, they liquefy. Therefore, pre-prepared icing decorations are placed on cakes only immediately before serving. Cooking icing
Royal Icing
Ingredients :
- 1 fresh egg white, carefully separated from the yolk;
- about 250 g of powdered sugar until the desired density is obtained; the powder must first be sifted to loosen it;
- about 0.5 tsp. lemon juice or dry citric acid on the tip of a knife, a little more if you want to get a sour taste of icing; add lemon juice towards the end of cooking, otherwise finished goods get too fragile;
- for greater plasticity, you can add 1 teaspoon of a strong (saturated) glucose solution to the mass.
In the absence of powdered sugar, it can be obtained by sifting granulated sugar through a fine sieve, because there is always some fine powdered sugar in granulated sugar. Cooking

The egg white is carefully separated from the yolk.
Even traces of yolk are unacceptable.
Beat the egg white with a fork until light foam.
The task of this procedure is not to beat the protein, but only enough to destroy its structure before liquefaction.
Air bubbles in the finished icing mass are not needed.
Then we begin to gradually add powdered sugar to the protein in portions, each time thoroughly rubbing until smooth.
In the middle of cooking, add dry citric acid or almost at the very end - lemon juice.
By the end of cooking, you can add the desired food coloring.
Adding powdered sugar in portions, grind and knead until a homogeneous stable viscous plastic mass is formed. desired consistency.
Our icing is ready for making cornet jigging jewelry.

NOTE. For jigging with a cornet, the mass is made more liquid, and for sculpting with hands, it is thicker, easily kneaded by fingers.
When sculpting with your hands, icing can be dusted with powdered sugar.

Ice snowflake

1. The beginning of icing jigging from the cornet on a plastic film lightly greased with olive (not sunflower! - see above) oil according to a stencil from a children's coloring book placed below.

2. Finishing the icing for the snowflake.

3. Shift of the placed stencil and jigging of one more snowflake.

4. Drying of deposited icing products at room temperature for 1-2 days.

5. The finished dried snowflake becomes quite hard.

Drawing a multi-colored product by successive jigging of icing cornet different colors.
First, the outlines were stenciled with white icing, then they are filled with colored icing.

Drying a multi-colored icing product on a plane.

Drying multi-colored icing butterflies on the curved surface of a book spread to obtain bulky products.

Drying deposited products on cylindrical surfaces.

Dried pink icing jewelry.
The crown is dried on a film laid on a cylindrical jar lying on its side. Decorating sugar beads are placed on the icing immediately after it has been deposited. After drying the crown, shortly before serving it on the table, "diamonds" can be deposited on it from droplets of thickly boiled transparent colorless jelly.

Multi-colored jewelry from icing to dry.

A voluminous butterfly and patterns of white icing on a layered gingerbread with layers of jam, covered with confectionery mastic.

Volumetric butterflies and openwork jewelry from white icing on a cake covered with confectionery mastic.

White icing decorations on a cake covered with chocolate icing.

Jewelry from colored and white icing.
The carriage is glued together from prepared and dried flat parts.

Glazed gingerbread or cake icing decorations.

Decoration with icing wine glasses for newlyweds.
The icing is applied with beautiful lace on a number of washed glass goblets.
Glasses are installed on gift cake and served to the newlyweds, who immediately drink champagne from them.
After using the glasses, the icing is washed off with water.

Icing products can be served as an independent dessert.

Small colored icing crafts to decorate confectionery.

Miniature icing decorations turn even sugar cubes into attractive sweets.

Christmas trees from icing

We plant such details of different diameters from the cornet. We dry them for about a day.

Then we glue the parts into a Christmas tree with icing. After assembly, dry the Christmas tree for another day.

The result is such a Christmas tree to decorate the New Year's composition with gingerbread house Or for Christmas cake.

Christmas trees from green icing.

New Year's composition.
Herringbone of green icing, deposited from a cornet on a vertically mounted conical gingerbread base, glued thick jam of two baked gingerbread dough half-cones.
Snowman - stucco made of thick icing of different colors, dusted with powdered sugar during modeling so that it does not stick to hands.
The star on the Christmas tree is stucco made from icing.
Rectangular candies with red bows - chocolate candies covered colorful icing and dried during the day.

icing balls

We take:
- icing, pounded to the consistency of peaks,
- small balloons
- a dash of olive oil
- threads for tying balls,
- cream injector with nozzle number 1 or 2.
And in advance we prepare a place where we will hang the balls for drying.
We inflate the balloons to the desired size and tie them with longer threads, so that later we can hang them for drying.
Lightly grease each ball with olive oil so that after drying, the icing will more easily come off the rubber surface.
To do this, use a brush to drip oil on an inflated ball, and then rub it with your hands over the entire surface.
We take the ball by the tied tip and start from the confectionery bag, through the nozzle (preferably the 1st number for greater grace) we deposit a pattern with icing, while scrolling the ball.
Then we hang it to dry for 10-24 hours, and we take the next ball to work.
We take the dried icing ball carefully in the palm of our hand and gently poke something blunt (for example, a blunt brush handle) into the holes of the pattern to completely unstick the icing from the walls of the ball. To make the ball easier to separate from the icing, it is advisable not to inflate it too much.
Then we pierce balloon.
ATTENTION! If you pierce an inflated balloon immediately, without separating its walls, then there is a very high probability that our icing balloon may break.
Carefully by the thread, we remove the shell of the bursting balloon from the product.
Our ball is ready to be used for decorations.

By applying icing mass to a large balloon, we can make just such a decoration.
The whole procedure is the same as described above.

Volumetric icing jewelry,
glued from flat parts.

We use a CD as a circle template.

DETAILS (see photo below, make spare parts in case of breakages):

  • 2 sidewalls of the stroller (sectors in 3/4 circles) - we deposit the contour, and inside it - a rectangular mesh;
  • 1 strip, 3/4 of the circumference long (as the length of the perimeter of the sidewall) and the width of the future stroller - a part of the stroller body that connects the two sidewalls; after jigging, this part must be bent along a radius equal to the radius of the sidewall, and dried in this position; those. dry on a template folded from a CD;
  • 4 wheels (the drawing inside the wheels is any according to the plan of the house artist);
  • 1 rectangle, approximately 4x6 cm (it is attached under the bottom of the stroller, and the wheels will be attached to it);
  • 2 beautiful decorative curls on the sides of the stroller;
  • 2 handles for the stroller;
  • you can make a "tulle" curtain;
  • 1 lace circle with a diameter of about 8 cm as the base of the entire structure - we will install our stroller on it.

The essence of the manufacture of parts is clear from the photo. We dry all the parts thoroughly on a flat surface, and after jigging dry the rounded body part connecting the two sidewalls on a round template.


We glue the bent part of the body with icing or simply powdered sugar with protein to one of the sidewalls of the stroller, lubricating both surfaces to be glued with a thin layer, and let it dry.

Then glue the second sidewall.

When everything is dry, glue a curl on one side of the stroller, and a small rectangle on the bottom of the stroller outside. leave to dry.

We turn the stroller over, glue the curl on the other side. The stroller lies on its side, glue the wheels to the rectangle and to the stroller. We put everything we can to hold the parts in place until the glue sets. When it dries well (you have to wait 20-30 minutes), we try to put the stroller vertically on the wheels. Glue the wheels to the patterned circle. We dry.

Then we glue the handles of the stroller, install the tyulinka (if it was made).
That's all and ready! Store carefully in a suitable box until the hour of donation. The main thing is not to break the product ahead of time.


We prepare flat parts, as shown in the photo, dry them thoroughly for 1-2 days, then slowly glue them into an integral structure. Products glued from three-dimensional parts

icing drawings
The icing technique is clear from the above on this page.
When drawing with icing, you can use cornets with multi-colored icing, fingers, various stacks, as well as brushes slightly moistened with water.


miniature that can become original gift. Aising moldings
Aising for sculpting by hand is prepared thicker than for jigging from a cornet.
So that the icing does not stick to the hands during modeling, the hands are smeared with a thin layer of vegetable oil, and the icing is dusted with powdered sugar.

Do-it-yourself icing for lace is not very difficult. However, the process requires a special creative imagination from the cook. After all, if you do not know how to draw, then you are unlikely to succeed in getting beautiful and graceful figures. Although some housewives resort to one trick. They make patterns using various templates.

Today we will tell you about how to make icing for lace with your own hands. In addition, your attention will be presented with a master class on drawing various patterns. Using the tips below, you can decorate absolutely any desserts.

general information

Before telling you about how to make icing for lace with your own hands, you should tell you what it is in general.

Aising is a sugar-protein drawing mass, which is intended for the manufacture of three-dimensional patterns that decorate confectionery. Initially, such a base is white. But if there is a special need, then it can be made colored by adding various food colors.

Cooking features

Do-it-yourself icing for lace is done quickly and easily. After following all the prescription requirements, you should have a fairly thick and plastic mass. As a rule, it is obtained by grinding sifted powdered sugar with fresh egg white. Also, some kind of acidifier is necessarily added to these ingredients (for example, juice fresh lemon, cremortartar, dry citric acid, etc.). This is necessary in order to make the protein mass more plastic and pliable.

How to make icing plastic?

As mentioned above, icing for a cake or others should be as elastic as possible. Sometimes this effect is difficult to achieve by adding only one acidifier to the base. In this case experienced chefs require additional use or a small amount of glycerin. However, the last ingredient can make the protein mass so sticky that you have trouble peeling it off the plastic backing. That is why this component it is recommended to use when subsequent detachment of the icing is not expected. As a rule, this happens in cases when the protein mass is deposited directly on the surface of the dessert.

Other ways to create

Do-it-yourself icing can be done not only with the use of protein. Indeed, to create such a drawing mass, there are other ingredients. For example, a very popular way to prepare a confectionery base is to use albumin. One kilogram of this substance replaces about 316 egg whites. In addition, there are other ingredients that are most often used not at home, but in industrial production.

master class on cooking protein mass

At the sight of the final results, many people have doubts about whether they can make such an ornament with their own hands. To this I want to say one thing: if you don’t try, you won’t know.

In general, it should be noted that icing for a cake, as well as other confectionery products, is not as difficult to make as it seems from the very beginning. The main thing at the same time is to strictly comply with all prescription requirements. Otherwise, the protein mass will not turn out to be of such a consistency, which is essential for the preparation of various laces and patterns.

So, icing, the photo of which is presented in this article, requires the use of the following products:

  • fresh chicken egg white - 1 pc.;
  • sifted powdered sugar - about 250 g;
  • fresh lemon juice or dry citric acid - about ½ dessert spoon;
  • strong glucose solution - a dessert spoon (use as desired).

Product preparation process

Before making icing at home, you should prepare all the ingredients. First you need to carefully separate from the yolk. In this case, the hit of the second component to the first is unacceptable. Otherwise, the decoration will not work.

After freeing the protein from the yolk, it should be placed in a deep bowl and beat lightly with a fork. The purpose of this procedure is not to make a lush and persistent foam, but to break the viscous structure of the component, converting it into a liquid mass. Excess air bubbles in the icing mass are not welcome.

As for the powder, it should be done with a coffee grinder or purchased at the store already in ready-made. If buy this product if you failed, we recommend that you simply sift the granulated sugar through a very fine sieve. As you know, a sweet bulk ingredient always contains a certain amount of powder.

The process of preparing elastic mass

So, it's time to tell you about how icing is done. The recipe, a master class on the preparation of this delicacy will definitely help you decorate cakes and other confectionery.

After the egg white is beaten a little with a fork, powdered sugar should be gradually poured into it. In this case, the ingredients must be rubbed regularly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

After a few minutes of intensive stirring (about halfway through cooking), dry citric acid must be added to the sweet egg white. If you decide to use Fresh Juice lemon, then it is better to pour it in at the very end, along with a strong one. By the way, at the end, the desired food coloring (optional) should be added to the resulting homogeneous mass.

Thus, by portionwise adding powdered sugar to the egg white and rubbing everything intensively, you should get a stable homogeneous viscous and plastic mass. On this, the preparation of icing is considered complete.

Types of drawing protein mass

We talked about how to make a liquid drawing mass. But sometimes cooks also need flexible icing. How to cook it? This requires using large quantity powdered sugar. In other words, it must be added until the protein mass stops sticking to the palms. As a result, you should get icing mastic. It is good to cover curly cakes or pastries. To do this, the resulting mass must be lightly dusted with powdered sugar, and then rolled into the desired shape with a rolling pin. By the way, in mastic, as well as in liquid icing, you can also add giving it one shade or another.

What are they used for?

As you can see, icing for lace (the protein mass recipe was discussed above) does not require the use of many expensive and rare products. It is made from quite affordable and simple ingredients that are available to every hostess.

So why do you need such a mass at all? As a rule, it is used to prepare unusual patterns for cakes. Although culinary specialists often use a sweet drawing mass to create an independent dessert. In this case, various figures and patterns are made from icing. If you decide to please your loved ones original sweetness, then we offer to form a Christmas tree, various animals, snowflakes and more.

Jewelry shapes

Those cooks who do not know how to draw patterns beautifully use icing stencils. It can be children's books with large flowers, animals, butterflies, snowflakes. In this case, you will get flat decorations that can be easily stuck into the surface of the cake or pastry.

If you need to make a three-dimensional pattern, then we suggest using a book spread. This method is often used to form fluttering butterflies and other lace.

There is another original technique, thanks to which you can independently make complex designs from icing. For example, houses, carriages, strollers, cars, etc. To do this, you need to make stencils of individual parts of the object in advance, apply a protein mass to them using a cornet (through a film) and leave at room temperature for 2 days. After this time, the icing will completely harden. In the future, all the details of the three-dimensional structure should be interconnected using a thick sugar syrup for this.

We decorate protein patterns

Now you know how to use icing stencils. But if it’s not enough for you to just make beautiful voluminous or flat patterns, then we suggest additionally decorating them with confectionery beads, sprinkles and other things. However, it is recommended to do this immediately after the protein mass is applied to the stencil. After all, after hardening, the icing becomes hard, and nothing can be glued to it. At least if you do not use such a component as thick sugar syrup.

The procedure for working with the drawing protein mass

If you do not know how to draw patterns yourself using icing, then we recommend using ready-made templates. Or you can just use children's coloring books. So, let's consider in more detail how to carry out the procedure for working with the drawing protein mass.

1. A plastic film is applied to the selected paper template or placed in a regular transparent document bag. The main advantage of such a bag is that the protein mass moves away from it very well. If you doubt this, then for better sticking of the formed products, the plastic film is smeared with a small layer of olive oil.

2. Freshly prepared drawing protein mass is placed in a special cornet, on which a suitable nozzle is put on in advance. If you don’t have such a pastry bag, then a regular one will do. plastic bag where you want to cut a corner.

3. Squeeze out the icing onto the stencil, or rather, onto the plastic film laid out on it, should be slow and even. If you have artistic skills, you can do without templates, drawing with a protein mass, only armed with imagination. It should be noted that icing is often deposited directly on the surface of the finished confectionery. In this case, you should be aware that the drawing mass should never be applied to cream, biscuit or other wet surfaces.

4. After the icing has been deposited, it should be left to dry at room temperature. This may take you about 1-3 days, depending on the size of the pattern and the humidity of the room.

5. Dried jewelry and details are carefully removed from the substrate, and then used for its intended purpose. It should be noted that it is better to carry out this action on the edge of a flat surface, starting from the corner of the polyethylene film, which is carefully pulled down.

Due to the fact that such decorations are very fragile, they should be prepared with a margin of quantity. If the products break during removal from the substrate, then they can be used as a separate dessert and simply served with tea.

Now you know how to easily and quickly make icing mass at home. To make sure that you have prepared the sweet base correctly, you should look at its consistency. Classic icing should not drip on sloped surfaces. In the event that the mass is liquidish, then the formed products should first be dried until thickened in a horizontal position. And only then place on a curved surface.

If you need to get openwork spherical products, then the protein mass must be applied to greased with olive oil inflated balloons(air). After the cream dries, they are pierced, and then the shells are removed from the resulting jewelry.

Storage method

Decorations and figurines made from icing can be stored for quite a long time if placed in boxes and kept at room temperature. In this case, the humidity of the room should not be too high.

It should also be noted that patterns from protein mass should never be stored in a refrigerator. After all, after being in cold air, they liquefy pretty quickly. That is why pre-formed decorations are placed on cakes and pastries only before serving to the festive table.
