
Everything will be delicious cooking chicken tobacco. With cheese in the oven

On festive dinner fry the famous tobacco chicken. There will be absolutely no difficulties in preparing this dish, if only you can manage to buy a "slender" chicken, and not a meaty broiler.

Why is tobacco chicken so called

Usually, tobacco chicken means fried chicken. Yes, indeed, in this dish, the cooking method plays a major role.

In Georgia, chickens were fried on a heavy cast-iron or stone tapa pan, hence the original name "tapaka chicken".

It's hard to tell now why Georgian dish, so firmly entered the Soviet restaurant and home cooking, and “tapaka” chickens began to be stubbornly referred to as “tabaka”.

Cooking features

Many people are afraid to cook this dish, fearing that the meat will not be fried. In fact, you can use not only small chickens, but any chicken carcass increasing marinating and cooking time.

Adhere to the following rules:

  1. Be sure to cut the joints over the drumstick and wings so that they move away from the carcass;
  2. Marinate the small chicken for 15 minutes, to do this, simply rub it with salt, grease it on both sides with olive oil. Put crushed garlic on top of the carcass, add whole sprigs of tarragon and cilantro, pour lemon juice. Do not forget to remove the garlic before frying;
  3. Heat oil in a frying pan. Chicken frying requires a lot of oil. For example, one small carcass can take about 110 ml. Choose the oil according to your taste, but it is better to take olive oil. The product must be refined. chicken meat this oil helps to become tastier and softer;
  4. Lay the chicken skin side down and press down. Roast until beautiful crust(on both sides). It is important that the frying time under pressure does not exceed 10 minutes;
  5. At the end of cooking, add a little water, which will give the meat juiciness;
  6. When you serve the chicken on the table, be sure to cut it into four parts, pour over the liquid formed during the cooking process. You can decorate the dish with pomegranate seeds and your favorite herbs.

Step by step recipe (using a press)

We cook chicken more often than other types of meat. According to this recipe, it should be fried over low heat. A carcass weighing one kilogram can take an entire hour. And do not worry about the golden and crispy crust, it will definitely be, the main thing is not to rush. We advise you to cook green beans with adjika as a side dish.

Chicken tobacco in a pan under pressure is prepared as follows:

Step 1. If you have in stock domestic chicken weighing 1 kg, then take a little seasoning for it. We do not recommend using curry or turmeric, they will simply "clog" the whole taste. Just cut the carcass into two parts, sprinkle it with pepper (you can use a mixture) and coriander, which you first grind in a mortar.

Step 2 Put the carcass skin down in a slightly heated frying pan, throw a little oil there. Set the fire to minimum on the stove, it is in this mode that the chicken is well fried, and then browned. It's important not to rush.

Step 3 Place a suitable flat plate on top of the carcass, and a load on it. It could be a pot of water. Grill on one side for 15 minutes, flip and cook for another 15 minutes. Note: if you are frying a broiler, then during this time it will almost be cooked, if the chicken is homemade (village), then it will need two more times for 10 minutes.

Step 4 When the chicken is almost done, boil it in a pot of boiling water. green beans(fresh or frozen, whichever you have) for 5 minutes. Then fry it a little in a pan, add adjika to your taste, which you dilute in 2 tbsp. tablespoons of water (you can use bean broth).

Step 5 Divide beans and tobacco chicken on plates. We recommend serving tkemal sauce with the bird, it is the most ideal, but if you are a fan of garlic, you can take it too.

Chicken tabaka with sauce in a frying pan

If you do not find a small chicken, then you can fry a grown bird, such as a broiler. Of course, you need to marinate it for more time, and it is better to bring it to readiness in the oven.

You will need:

  • chicken - 1 carcass;
  • refined and melted butter- 80 ml;
  • 1 large onion;
  • garlic cloves - 3 pieces;
  • 9% table vinegar- 20 ml;
  • a little honey - about 8 g;
  • rub with salt to your liking.

You will need for the sauce:

  • 200 g of tomato paste;
  • 450 ml of boiled water;
  • 8 ml of vinegar;
  • fresh dill and cilantro - 2-3 branches each;
  • 10 g of garlic and sugar;
  • 2 g spicy paprika;
  • season the sauce to your liking.

The chicken will be fried in 30 minutes. The calorie content of the dish does not exceed 360 kcal per 100 grams.

Step 1. Rinse the carcass of a small chicken (chicken).

Step 2 Prepare the marinade: put the chopped garlic cloves and onion in a bowl, add a little honey, vinegar and salt. Rub the carcass with this mixture and leave to marinate. 15-20 minutes is enough, but you can leave it in the refrigerator for a whole day.

Step 3 Take two types of butter - the usual refined odorless as a base and ghee to improve the taste. Heat everything up in a skillet.

Step 4 Put the bird in hot oil, press down with a press and fry for 4 minutes, first on one side and the same amount on the other.

Step 5 Remove the press, reduce the heat, fry a little more until a crust appears.

Step 6 cook delicious sauce: dilute the tomato with water, add seasonings, garlic and move everything carefully.

Step 7 Serve the dish on the table with sauce, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers.

Georgian recipe

In Georgia, chickens are fried in special clay pans in which they are served at the table. As a press, you can take any heavy and flat object. From the greens, be sure to take tarragon and cilantro. Not a single dish of Georgian cuisine can do without them.

For Georgian chicken tabaka you will need:

  • 1 gherkin (chicken);
  • garlic cloves - 4 pieces;
  • 100 ml refined oil;
  • a quarter of a lemon;
  • cilantro and tarragon - 1 bunch each;
  • rub the carcass with salt at your discretion.

The bird can be fried in 35 minutes. One serving contains about 370 kcal.

How to make chicken tabaka in a Georgian pan:

  1. The drumstick and wings should move away from the carcass, so cut the joints in these parts;
  2. Rub the gherkin on all sides with salt, pour with refined oil;
  3. Chop the garlic and put on the bird, on top of a sprig of greens (cilantro and tarragon), then pour over the lemon juice;
  4. Turn the chicken carcass over and pour oil over the back. Leave on the table to marinate, it will take only 15 minutes for the gherkin chicken;
  5. Heat 100 ml of oil in a frying pan, put the bird skin side down, press down with a press. Fry on each side until golden brown and fried, the total cooking time under pressure should be 10 minutes;
  6. At the very end of cooking, pour 20 ml of water into the pan, close it with a lid;
  7. Serve the chicken cut into pieces on the table. Do not forget to pour it with the juice that formed during frying. Decorate the dish pomegranate seeds and fresh herbs.
  1. For the marinade, use only fresh herbs. If you spread dry seasoning on the chicken, then it will be difficult to remove it later, and even during frying it will burn;
  2. Cut the joints in those places where the chicken (chicken) is always poorly fried. This is the shin and wings;
  3. Heat up a frying pan with oil, or rather, heat it up and put the chicken on it. Put a plate on top that will press the meat, and put a load on it (for example, a pot of water). If your saucepan has a wide bottom, then you can not use a plate. Cook for 15 min. over medium heat, turn the chicken over, otherwise the skin will burn and the meat will remain raw. Salt for 5 minutes. until the end of frying;
  4. You can check the readiness by piercing the meat with a knife, if the juice is pink, then fry for another 5 minutes. on each side, if the juice is clear, then the chicken is ready;
  5. cut pieces ready chicken tobacco is eaten with the hands. This assumes that you have a cloth napkin and a bowl of water on your desk so you can rinse your fingers.

So, an indispensable participant in the “chicken tobacco” dish is a small gherkin chicken, which is freely sold in all butcher shops.

Before cooking, be sure to cut the joints in the drumsticks and wings, try to flatten the carcass a little with your hands. Then coat with chopped garlic, spices and after 15 minutes, putting the chicken under a press, fry on all sides in oil. Bon appetit!

Georgian cuisine is a mellifluous duet of intoxicating aromas and elegant taste, seasoned with breathtaking notes of cordiality, cordiality and hospitality. culinary tradition Georgia abounds in mass delicious dishes, but the favorite food of the people of a sunny country is tobacco chicken.

Chicken tobacco ("tsitsila tapaka") - National dish picturesque Georgia. The breathtaking dish is the most tender chicken carcass seasoned with fragrant garlic and fragrant spices.

The name of the dish comes from the pan in which the carcass was cooked - tapas. Tapa is heavy Cast-iron pan with a ribbed base and a lid with a screw press, with which the carcass was pressed against the bottom of the dish.

Juicy and tender meat of tobacco chicken first appeared on the tables of the Russian people during the Soviet era. Of course, the Soviet people did not have tapas, but they had ingenuity. For cooking spicy dish people were limited to an ordinary frying pan, a simple lid and a cast-iron iron or dumbbell. Thus, Georgian chicken tapac turned into the Soviet “guy” of tobacco.

Benefit and harm

Due to the presence of a mass of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in the composition of the chicken, the food:

  • promotes weight loss;
  • relieves physical and nervous tension;
  • improves mood;
  • promotes healthy sleep;
  • restores strength;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • invigorates and tones;
  • improves skin condition.

The smoked tobacco chicken cannot be harmful to health if consumed without the skin. Toasted skin does not contain useful substances. At the same time, tobacco chicken is considered a low-calorie meal. In 100 g meat product contains 180-200 kcal.

Chicken tobacco - step by step recipe with photo

The tender meat of tobacco chicken tastes like one crispy crust and has such appetizing qualities that your hands involuntarily reach for the next piece!

Cooking time: 2 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 2 servings


  • Chicken: 1 piece
  • Butter: 100 g
  • Salt, spices, garlic: taste

Cooking instructions

    The main secret of food lies in the size of the carcass, the weight of which should not exceed one kilogram. Wash the bird well, dry it with a towel, cut along the sternum line.

    We lay the chicken carcass on a cutting board with the skin up, then with a strong pressure with the palm of our hand on the joints and protruding parts. In this way we try to crush the bones, giving the bird a flatter shape.

    Some chefs use a chop hammer, but it's better not to do this: the most gentle side of a metal or wooden chopper can damage the delicate fibers of the meat, and this can ruin the quality and overall taste of the dish.

    At the next stage, we prepare fragrant marinade. We crush the selected spices in a mortar, add spicy herbs (basil, thyme or rosemary).

    In a separate bowl, mix salt and a few chopped cloves of garlic, add a little sunflower oil. The result will be thick platter, very similar to Georgian adjika. Thoroughly coat the bird with the prepared composition, leave to marinate for an hour or overnight.

    To get the promised crispy chicken tobacco, you need the right roasting utensils. If the kitchen arsenal has a special frying pan with a press, this will facilitate our work.

    In its absence, we build a kind of pyramid. We spread the chicken in a pan with oil (sunflower and cream in equal proportions), placing the bird skin down. We cover the carcass with a flat plate, we complete our construction with a pot of water, which performs the function of oppression.

    The frying process is carried out on medium heat. Tender meat cooks very quickly. After 20 minutes, the dish can be served to waiting guests.

    Cooked tobacco chickens are extremely attractive and appetizingly crunchy. Caucasian housewives lay them out in an original pile, layering each carcass with fragrant herbs.

    If you add tender Balkar khychins to this meal (very thin cakes stuffed) or wonderful Kabardian pies, it will be extremely difficult to leave such a table!

    Oven recipe

    To prepare a Georgian dish you will need:

    • carcass broiler chicken- 1 PC.;
    • dry red or semi dry wine- ½ st.;
    • olive oil- ¼ st.
    • garlic - 5 cloves;
    • salt - ½ tbsp. l.;
    • basil - ¼ tsp;
    • paprika - ¼ tsp;
    • coriander - ¼ tsp;
    • dill - ½ tsp;
    • mint - ¼ tsp;
    • saffron - ¼ tsp;
    • black pepper - ½ tsp

    If for one reason or another it is problematic to get spices for chicken tobacco, you can replace them with a package of suneli hops.

    Cooking process:

    1. To cook juicy and fragrant dish wash the young chicken thoroughly, carefully cut the carcass along the brisket. Then carefully turn the chicken inside out, cover the carcass cling film and lightly beat with a hammer on both sides.
    2. Prepare the marinade: pour into a container aromatic wine, add olive oil, add stock spices and chopped garlic, mix the ingredients well until a homogeneous substance is formed.
    3. Generously brush the broiler chicken with the marinade, wrap the carcass again with cling film. Put the young chicken on a dish, put a load (a container of water) and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.
    4. Remove the film from the carcass and wrap the chicken in foil. Place the meat on a baking sheet and place in the preheated oven. Bake the carcass for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C.
    5. Then take out the half-cooked chicken and remove the foil. Gently grease the form with oil, put the carcass on a baking sheet and put in the oven for 30 minutes.

    The dish comes from sunny Georgia ready for a meal. It is customary to serve chicken tabaka with herbs and fresh vegetables.

    To create chicken tobacco, with an amazing divine aroma and fine taste, you need to stock up:

    • garlic - 1 head;
    • a mixture of spices hops-suneli - ½ pack;
    • salt - ½ tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil - 40 g;
    • butter - 50 g.

    Cooking process:

    1. Wash the chicken and pat dry paper towel. Carefully cut the carcass along the breasts. Turn the chicken breast side down and mash well until it flattens out.
    2. Prepare the marinade: pour oil into a container, add garlic, stock spices and mix vigorously until a homogeneous consistency;
    3. Brush the chicken with the marinade, wrap in cling film, place on flat dish, put a load on it and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.
    4. Lubricate the pan with butter, put the chicken in it. Fry the carcass on both sides (enough 20 minutes on each side).

    Dish chicken tabaka with Georgian roots is ready! It is customary to serve tender meat in company with sweet and sour sauce tkemali and fresh greenfinch - dill, parsley, cilantro.

    How to cook chicken under pressure

    To prepare a fabulously delicious dish, you need to arm yourself with:

    • broiler chicken carcass - 1 pc.;
    • white dry or semi-dry wine - ½ tbsp.;
    • olive oil - ¼ st.;
    • butter - 50 g;
    • ground black pepper - ½ tsp;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • mustard seeds - 1 tsp;
    • garlic - 5 cloves.

    Cooking process:

    1. Wash the broiler chicken and pat dry with paper towels. Cut the carcass along the breast. Wrap the chicken in cling film and go over with a mallet.
    2. Prepare the marinade: pour wine into a container, add olive oil, add salt, pepper, mustard seeds, garlic, beat the ingredients well until a homogeneous substance is formed.
    3. Lubricate the chicken with sauce, wrap in cling film, lay on a flat dish, put oppression on top, for example, a weight or a pot of water and send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.
    4. Lubricate the heated pan with butter, put the carcass, cover the meat with a lid or plate, put a heavy pot of water or a weight on the container (you can use any other oppression).
    5. Fry the meat on both sides for 30 minutes.
    6. The golden bird is ready. It is customary to serve fragrant meat with fresh or baked vegetables and herbs.

Chicken tabaka, namely "tsitsila tapaka" is a famous Georgian dish. It is a chicken carcass fried with garlic and spices. However, it must be expanded. It is fried under pressure or in a special frying pan with a lid.

Tapa - hence the name of the dish - is a special corrugated frying pan with a heavy lid. When this dish became popular in Russia, such dishes were real value. Therefore, our hostesses got the hang of cooking a chicken in an ordinary frying pan, pressing the unfolded carcass with an iron, a jar of water, or even a plate with a brick.

Probably, many people imagined fried chicken flavored with tobacco under the word "chicken tobacco". In fact, the name “tapaka” did not take root in our area, so it was skillfully renamed “tabaka”. So tobacco is not involved in the preparation of this dish.

Today I have prepared for you the most delicious and simple recipes this dish. All of them are prepared easily and even a novice hostess will cope with this matter.

Classic chicken tabaka recipe in a pan

Classic way cooking this dish - on a special grill pan with a heavy lid. It is on this that we will cook our chicken. The ingredients are standard and simple. Such a dish will become a decoration holiday table Or just brighten up your everyday lunch.


  • chicken carcass;
  • medium head of garlic;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • butter 30-50 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • ketchup.


1. Rinse and dry the chicken carcass. Cut it along the brisket to the ridge without cutting through it. Thus reveal it.

2. Cut off the tail and fat near it. Cover the carcass with a bag and beat off, not very hard, so that the chicken keeps this shape better.

3. In one bowl, mix salt and pepper. You can use a mixture of ground peppers. Also, in supermarkets you can buy a special seasoning for tobacco chicken. With this mixture, rub the chicken on all sides, not forgetting about the place under the wings. Leave it like this for a couple of hours.

If you have the opportunity to leave the chicken for a longer time, then put it in the refrigerator for the night. This will only benefit its taste and aroma.

4. Heat a little in a pan vegetable oil, add a piece of butter. As soon as it is hot, place the carcass skin side down. Hoist oppression in the form of a special cover or other load. Depending on the size, fry over medium heat for 10-20 minutes.

5. Turn over and fry again under load the same time.

6. While the chicken is roasting, crush the garlic in a press and mix it with ketchup. Determine the amount of ketchup yourself. It should turn out not very thick, but not liquid sauce. Serve the chicken with this sauce.

Bon appetit!

How to cook chicken tobacco in the oven, in the sleeve

Although the classic recipe involves frying in a pan, in the oven such a chicken turns out to be no less tasty, fragrant and more healthy. If you decide to bake chicken in the oven, then I suggest cooking it according to this simple recipe.


  • one chicken or chicken, weighing 1-1.3 kilograms;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • salt and pepper to taste (you can use a special mixture of spices);
  • a tablespoon of vegetable oil.


1. Cut the chicken along the sternum without cutting through the ridge. Excess skin from the neck, back and tail must be cut off. Open carcass. Trim the fat from the inside as well. If you notice blood clots inside, then it is also better to remove them by washing under running water.

2. Turn the chicken skin side up and cover with a bag or cling film. Beat it well so that it keeps such an inverted shape.

So that the wings do not interfere, you can make cuts between the breast and back. Hide your wings in them

3. Rub with salt, pepper or tobacco chicken seasoning. Rub them with your hands on all sides. Cut the garlic into thin slices. Make slits all over the chicken and insert garlic into them. Then grease a small amount vegetable oil on both sides.

4. Carefully transfer the chicken to the baking sleeve. Fasten the ends. Leave it like this for at least 2 hours. Ideally, leave it overnight in the refrigerator.

5. Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the chicken bag on a baking sheet, send the dish to the oven, to the lowest compartment. Bake an hour. 10 minutes before readiness to get, cut off the top of the package. Carefully! You can burn yourself with hot steam. During the remaining time, the chicken will brown and look very appetizing.

Bon appetit!

Chicken tabaka with potatoes in the oven - a simple and delicious recipe

I want hearty and delicious dinner and don't have much time to cook? At the same time, there is not an abundance of food in the refrigerator? But chicken and potatoes, for sure, will be in your stocks. I suggest cooking them on a baking sheet in the oven. I use this recipe quite often and it is always a success on our table.


  • one chicken carcass;
  • potato;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 1-2 medium onions.


1. Cut the bird along the breast without cutting through the backbone. Turn skin side up and carefully beat off. Do not forget to remove the tail, excess skin from it and the neck. Internal fat and clots on the ridge also need to be removed. Put it in a deep suitable dish, add salt and seasonings. Cut the onion into medium cubes and also send to the chicken. Grate it well and mix. Leave aside for 3 or more hours.

Some supermarkets already sell finished semi-finished product for chicken tobacco. It has already been deployed and cleaned of everything superfluous.

2. Peel the potatoes, cut into circles, about a centimeter wide. Salt it, if desired, pepper it.

3. Line a baking sheet with foil. Put the chicken back up in it. Put the onion in which she marinated on top and under the bird. Cover the sides with potatoes. Pour a little water over the potatoes so that they do not turn out to be overdried.

It is important to choose the right baking dish for this dish. Legs or other parts of the bird should not stick out on the sides

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, remove the baking sheet there until done. After about 30-40 minutes, when the chicken is reddened and, piercing it, you will not take away the running out pink juice, the dish is ready.

Chicken tobacco under pressure. Principles of Ilya Lazerson

Ilya Lazerson is famous chef, the principles of which millions try to adhere to. In this video, he will tell you how to properly cook tobacco chicken, with all the subtleties and details. In almost half an hour video, you will comprehend all the secrets of the real "tsitsila tapak".

Enjoy watching!

Chicken tabaka in Georgian, a classic recipe

Classical Georgian recipe tapaka chicken provides the most simple ingredients. This, as a rule, is salt, ground pepper (red and black), garlic and, in fact, the chicken itself. It is better to choose it weighing no more than a kilogram so that it fits in a frying pan. Now we are just preparing such a dish according to the classic Georgian recipe.


  • one chicken, weighing from 500 grams to a kilogram;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • half a lemon;
  • garlic - one medium head;
  • vegetable oil.


1. Cut the carcass along the chest, to the ridge. Flatten it and cut off all unnecessary - the skin from the neck and tail, internal fat and the goose itself. Now it needs to be turned upside down and covered with a film. Through it, to avoid splashes throughout the kitchen, beat the chicken over the joints and bones so that it flattens even more.

2. Squeeze lemon juice into a bowl or glass through a sieve. Pour over the meat on both sides. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with a small amount of vegetable oil.

To make it easier to squeeze the juice, you must first roll it out on the table with your palm several times, and then, after cutting it, make holes in the pulp with a fork. Then you can easily empty the lemon from the juice

3. Put the chicken on a dish or board. Wrap with it in a film and leave to marinate. You should wait at least 2-3 hours. Ideally, the carcass marinates in the refrigerator overnight.

4. Finely chop the garlic. Send it to a bowl, pour a tablespoon of oil, sprinkle with red and black pepper. To make the taste of the sauce more saturated, you can use not ground pepper, but crush peas in a mortar. Mix.

5. Heat a little vegetable oil in a pan and small piece creamy. It will give additional tenderness and aroma. Put the chicken in the boiling oil, back down. Press down on top. Ideally, by classic recipe, this dish is prepared on a grill pan with a special lid. But if you don't have it, it will do. regular frying pan. As oppression, you can use improvised means, for example, a saucepan with water. The main thing is that its weight copes with the main task - to compress the meat so that all its parts are fried evenly.

6. Fry the chicken for 5-10 minutes on each side under oppression. After that, apply on the upper side half garlic sauce and turn the carcass over. Fry for a couple more minutes and flip again. Brush the other side evenly with the rest of the sauce. Fry it for 2 minutes too. Exact time depends on the size of your chicken.

Bon appetit!

Chicken tabaka is a dish familiar to us since childhood. The classic version is fried chicken, cut along the breast and flattened into a layer. Traditionally, it is seasoned with garlic, salt and pepper. Until our time, this dish has been improved and changed. Each family prepared it in its own way. Today you can find many recipes for this dish. But the principle is almost always the same. There are also cases of baking in the oven, one of which we also considered above.

Housewives, forced to feed their families in the 60s and 70s, will agree with me that tobacco chicken, the recipe of which was considered almost festive, is a purely Soviet invention. It is prepared from very thin, practically meatless chickens of blue (from thinness) color. others in Soviet stores it just wasn't. Not everyone had access to the dry wine needed for the marinade. And from the spices for the sauce, you could only buy a boring mixture of hops-suneli spices. Therefore, tobacco chicken recipe had the simplest, but this did not become less tasty. Anyone could cook it, even the most inexperienced hostess, ate she managed to buy, though blue, but a chicken. Today tobacco chicken is almost a different dish.

Tobacco chickens. Soviet times recipe

First, the chicken is beaten properly, so that the bones break, but not much. Then dipped in the marinade. Most often, its role was played by water with vinegar, salt and crushed garlic. They put more of it: Soviet chickens had no smell and taste. After an hour and a half, the beaten and marinated chicken was placed in vegetable oil into a hot skillet. From above they erected a jar of water - for oppression. The finished tobacco chicken, the recipe of which I give here, should be very (almost dry) fried and have a very flat shape. When one side was browned, the carcass was turned over. The finished chicken was doused with a mixture of vinegar and garlic. sometimes used tomato paste(there was no ketchup then either). Surprisingly, this primitive dish (tobacco chicken, the recipe of which has remained from Soviet times) is still liked by my, in general, spoiled children. I sometimes specially buy small chickens to cook an old dish.

How to cook tobacco chicken today?

First you have to remember that this dish has nothing to do with tobacco. Its original name is "tapaka". That is what is called in the Caucasus a frying pan with a lid in which meat was fried. I really like to cook chicken tobacco, without limiting myself in the choice of products. To begin with, I beat the carcass, but gently: you should not break the bones. I pour red dry wine and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then I take out the carcass, rub into it a mixture of mashed coriander seeds, red and black pepper, paprika and dry garlic. I leave it in wine for an hour. I fry on a "cocktail" of vegetable and butter, crushing with oppression. In the process, I turn the carcass several times: it should be covered with a crispy crust, but not burn. I serve each guest a whole carcass, decorating it with greens. In the middle of the table I put dishes with chopped pita bread, parsley, basil, tsitsma, and others. herbs. And definitely three gravy boats. In one - sour cream with crushed garlic. In the other, a sauce of basil, garlic and red wine. In third - homemade adjika. Children, however, always put out more ketchup and soy sauce. But, in my opinion, this is not very suitable for fragrant tobacco chickens. By the way, the recipe can be simplified.

One day I just didn't have time, and I figured out how to speed up cooking delicious dish. Now I can tell you how to cook tobacco chicken in the oven. It marinates the same way. Then roasted in the oven for 40 minutes, in general, until fully prepared. To get a crust, the carcass must be dry and the oven must be hot. If there is a grill, you can brown the finished chicken on it.

Chicken Tobacco: Recipes

The best recipe for cooking tobacco chicken in a pan under pressure. How to choose the right ingredients. Secrets and subtleties of cooking chicken tobacco.

35 min

250 kcal

5/5 (1)

Tabaka chicken is young chicken meat that is cooked under pressure. Hence the name, because in Arabic this dish is read as “tabbaq”, that is, “flattened”. And it itself came to us from Georgia, which explains the many spices and piquant taste.

Tobacco chicken cooks very quickly and does not require complex process cooking, and due to the fact that the meat is young and baked under pressure at high temperature always turns out juicy and soft.

The first time I tried chicken from my friend and since then I just fell in love with this dish. And so I want to teach you how to cook tobacco chicken in a pan with sauce.

Kitchen appliances: two frying pans: regular and cast iron with a press (if there is no special press, it can be replaced with a pot of water). Jackhammer. Shoulder blade. Knife.

Required Ingredients

How to choose ingredients

For this dish, the main thing is to choose the right ingredients, so read a couple of tips on choosing them:

  • The chicken should not be large and too meaty. It should weigh 600-800 g.
  • For the sauce, it is better to take odorless vegetable oil, olive oil is well suited.
  • Do not use tomato paste for sauce, it is better to take mild ketchup.

Cooking process

  1. Take a chicken, gut it and rinse it well. Then beat it with a hammer to break the bones and make it almost flat. Salt and pepper on both sides, rubbing the spices into the meat.

  2. Take 2-3 tablespoons melted butter, grease the entire surface of the pan well and wait until it all melts. Put the chicken in it with the wings down. Cover with a flat lid and place a press on top. Place the frying pan with the press in the oven preheated to the maximum (240-250 °). And leave for 10-12 minutes.

  3. Place chopped garlic in a heated pan and fry for 1-2 minutes. Then add spices and stir. Pour the juice into the pan and simmer for another 2-3 minutes.

  4. Open the lid of the pan with the chicken, check it on one side and turn it over to the other. Lightly brush the cooked side with the prepared sauce and cover the chicken again with a lid with a press. After 10-12 minutes, you can serve the dish to the table, not forgetting the sauce.

Chicken Tobacco Video Recipe

In this video, the girl explains in great detail how to fry tobacco chicken in a pan. After watching it, you will learn how to choose the right chicken and what to do so that nothing sticks to the pan.
