
Assorted thick strawberry jam. Compote - assorted for the winter

Summer has finally come, and the first thing it will give us is juicy, ripe, fragrant strawberries. I would like to enjoy its taste longer, but, unfortunately, strawberry time is short. Therefore, we will tell you how to close strawberry compote for the winter in several ways so that this berry will pamper you all year round, reminding you of hot summer days.

Classic recipe

This method of preservation is suitable for any berries, but strawberries are especially juicy and retain their taste. The recipe is very simple, and for sure many of our readers know it from their mothers and grandmothers.

For such a compote, you will need the following ingredients (based on 1 three-liter jar):

  • water - 2.5 liters;
  • strawberries - 600-800 grams;
  • sugar - 1 cup.

Wash the jars very carefully and sterilize them. This is done as follows: water is drawn into a small saucepan or deep bowl and put on fire. When the water boils, put a special stand on the pan. It can be easily replaced by two flat boards placed parallel to each other at a short distance. A jar is installed on them upside down so that steam freely penetrates into the neck.

Choose your strawberries carefully

At the same time, roll-up lids are placed on the bottom of the pan. They should also be sterilized. The whole process will take about 10 minutes. The jar will be covered from the inside with condensate, which, having concentrated, will begin to flow in streams along the walls. At this point, you can remove the bank.

While sterilization is in progress, wash the strawberries and remove the stems. Place the berries in jars about 1/5 - 1/6 of the volume. The more berries in the jar, the richer the compote will turn out.

Pour boiling water into jars (carefully so that the glass does not crack), and leave for 10-15 minutes. After that, close the neck with a special lid with holes and drain the water into the pan. Add sugar, about 1 cup per jar. You can add 1.5 cups to make the compote sweeter.

Bring the compote to a boil so that all the sugar dissolves, pour the berries in jars over it, and roll them up with lids.

Please note: modern seaming machines are a very convenient device. In order to properly roll cans with their help, strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions, because each model has its own characteristics.

Turn the rolled jars upside down, place on a flat surface and leave for 1-2 hours. After that, lower them into the basement or put them in another cool warm place.

What do you need to prepare?

Compote without sugar - a dietary product

This recipe for garden strawberry compote will cost less, and is suitable for those who suffer from diabetes or follow their figure. In this case, the berries do not need to be measured in kilograms, they need to be put as much as will fit into the jar. Therefore, dishes and lids must be prepared with a margin.

Banks must be sterilized before canning.

  1. Rinse the strawberries, remove the sepals and inspect carefully. You will need only undamaged, whole berries for canning.
  2. Lay the strawberries out on a clean, dry towel. When it dries, put it in jars, previously sterilized or scalded with boiling water.
  3. Pour boiling water into jars with berries, cover with pre-boiled lids. Take a saucepan, lay a wooden grate or a rag folded several times on its bottom and place jars on top. Thus, they will not slip and come into contact with the pan.
  4. Pour water into the pan so that it reaches the shoulders of the jars. Bring to a boil over medium heat and sterilize for a few minutes. Remove without moving the lids and roll up.
  5. Cool the banks. To do this, dip them in warm water, and gradually add cold water until the jars are completely cool. After that, turn the jars upside down and check for leaks. If everything is in order, take the compote to a cool dark place.

It is better to close such compote in smaller jars. Thus, the sterilization time will be about 10 minutes for half-liter jars, and about 12 minutes for liter jars.

Recipe with citric acid

In this recipe, citric acid acts as a natural preservative, so sterilization is not required.

You will need the following products (based on a three-liter jar):

  • 400 grams of strawberries;
  • 300 grams of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon citric acid.

For such a compote, berries need to be prepared in a special way. First, the strawberries must be fully ripe, but firm and undamaged. Secondly, all berries, even small ones, must be cut in half, and very large specimens - into 4 parts.

Citric acid will give the compote a rich color.

Prepare sugar syrup. Boil 2.8 liters of water in a saucepan, add sugar, boil for 5-7 minutes. Meanwhile, pour the prepared berries into sterilized jars. Add citric acid there.

Place a jar of berries on a metal surface so that the glass does not burst from boiling water. First, pour 200-300 ml of syrup, cover the jar with a lid and wait a couple of minutes. The container will warm up, and you can no longer be afraid of cracks. Then pour in the remaining syrup.

Roll up the jar, turn it over and wrap it with a thick cloth. For this, an old jacket, bedspread, warm blanket is suitable. Compote needs to cool very slowly so that the berries have time to soak in syrup and citric acid.

After the compote has completely cooled (this may take a couple of days), send the jars to a cool, dark place where they can be stored until spring.

Citric acid will help the drink acquire and maintain a bright, rich color and slight sourness. And if you want to give the compote lightness and a touch of freshness, be sure to add a sprig of mint to the berries - regular or peppermint.

Compotes - assorted: we combine strawberries with various berries and fruits

Strawberries are not only tasty, but also healthy berries, and it is these qualities that we want to preserve for the winter. They can even be multiplied by canning strawberries paired with other fruits. For example, strawberry-apple platter is very popular, you can often find it on store shelves. This combination is very harmonious, healthy and sure to please the kids.

Based on a three-liter jar, you will need:

  • strawberries - 1 glass;
  • apples - 3 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 cups.

For such a compote, apples of any variety are suitable. Rinse them thoroughly, peel, remove the seeds, cut into slices.

Arrange the berries in sterilized jars, pour boiling water over them, and after 10 minutes pour them into a saucepan. Add sugar, chopped apples, boil for 7 minutes. Pour into a jar, roll up, turn over and wrap for 3 days.

Try making a strawberry and orange compote. You will need:

  • 5 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 2 oranges;
  • 4 g citric acid.

Boil water, add sugar, and boil. Stir thoroughly until the sand is completely dissolved. Peel the strawberries, wash the oranges and cut into slices. Put everything in a saucepan, pour hot syrup over it. Add citric acid and cook for 20 minutes. Pour into jars, roll up and set to cool.

For assorted compote, in addition to strawberries, many berries and fruits are suitable

Assorted strawberries, raspberries and wild strawberries are also very tasty and healthy. For 3 liters of water, take 3 cups of berries, 1 cup of sugar, a teaspoon of citric acid. Sort and clean the berries, pour over with boiling water, let the water drain. Pour water into the pan, add sugar, boil for 5 minutes, add citric acid.

Put the berries in another saucepan, pour hot (about 60 degrees) syrup, close the lid and let it brew for 15 minutes. Boil, pour into jars, roll up.

Video about making strawberry compote for the winter

This easy-to-make strawberry compote will remind you of summer on winter evenings. This drink can be put on the festive table, and served for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Share your cooking recipes with us in the comments. Bon appetit and comfort to your home!

Warm sunny summer has finally come, and with it the most delicious and fragrant berry - strawberries - appeared on the table! I want to keep this aroma and taste for the whole winter! You will love the strawberry compote recipe - simple, even for those who are afraid of canning, because we will close the strawberry compote without sterilization!

Usually strawberry compote for the winter is closed last, when everyone has already eaten fragrant strawberries and closed them in jars for the winter, but it's worth it! This is one of the most delicious and fragrant compotes - children will be delighted! Strawberries are a delicate berry, so they require careful handling when harvesting.


  • Strawberry
  • Sugar

Wash strawberries, sort, separate from green sepals.

So, the whole process of spinning strawberry compote for the winter step by step:

  1. Arrange the prepared strawberries in jars, filling them 1/3.
  2. Heat water to a boil, pour into jars with strawberries and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the strawberries will give juice, and the water will turn into a bright beautiful strawberry color. Pour the future compote into the pan from each jar separately (1 jar \u003d 1 pan), using a special drain. Berries should remain in the bank. Add 200-250 g of sugar to each pan and bring to a boil.
  3. At this time, wash the covers under the typewriter or screw caps, put them in boiling water in a kosh and boil for 2-3 minutes.
  4. As soon as the compote boils in a saucepan, mix it well, the sugar should dissolve completely.
  5. Pour the compote back into the native jar, if there is not enough water, add ordinary boiling water from the kettle right to the neck.
  6. Cover with a lid and screw on.
  7. Turn the jar over, wipe it, wrap it in a blanket for 6-8 hours. Then open the blanket and wait for the cans to cool completely upside down.
  8. When the jars are completely cool, you can turn them over to their normal position - with the lid up, wipe them with a damp cloth if they are sticky and put them in the closet until winter.

You can store jars simply in the closet, it is not necessary to carry them to a cold place.

Compote prepared from strawberries for the winter in this way is perfectly stored at room temperature for up to 2-3 years, unless of course it is able to “live” so much in you, because. Usually children drink strawberry compote first of all, it is very tasty and fragrant.

That's all!

A simple recipe for harvesting strawberry compote without sterilization for the winter is always at your fingertips.

If you did not have time to cook, then you are welcome here: - unusual and tasty!

Well, if you don’t have enough berries, or they are “thinking”, then just boil it, cool it and you will get a great refreshing summer drink!

That's all for today, subscribe to new recipes to always be up to date with the news of the site Delicious food

There are harmful sweets (these are all kinds of sweets, milk chocolate, cakes, etc.) and useful ones. The latter include desserts and preparations from various fruits and berries. For example, confiture. From French, this word is translated as "jam" or "jam", but, unlike the delicacies we are used to, it has a denser, jelly-like texture. A particularly valuable characteristic of this berry / fruit dish is that the fruits in it retain their shape better and lose less nutrients than traditional jam cooking. One of the most delicious can be called The recipe for its preparation, we will describe. Optionally, you can use not only strawberries, but also other berries. For example, combine it with strawberries, cherries, currants or raspberries. But let's start with the classic version.

How it is prepared differs from ordinary jam in that in this case gelatin is added more precisely. Thus, we will need the following components:

  • kilogram of selected strawberries;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • dry gelatin (3 tablespoons);
  • liquor (4 tbsp) - in order to give a light touch to the sweet taste.

Cooking like this: choose solid whole berries, wash them and clean them from the stalks. Next, cut the large strawberries in half, leaving the small ones whole. We put the berries in a saucepan and fall asleep with dry ingredients - gelatin and sugar. Refrigerate overnight (or overnight), stirring occasionally.

How to cook strawberry confiture? This must be done quickly. We put the dishes with berries on the fire and cook, bringing to a boil, no more than 4 minutes. Then add some liqueur and mix well. While still hot, pour the confiture into jars and roll up. It is stored in the refrigerator. This berry delicacy is very tasty to eat with a croissant and a cup of coffee. You can't think of a better breakfast.

And how to make confiture from strawberries with other berries? The process is practically the same as the previous recipe. Let's take the following set:

  • 100 grams of raspberries, cherries or cherries and red currants;
  • 200 grams of strawberries;
  • gelling sugar - 500 grams.

We wash all the berries, separate the strawberries from the tails and cut them in half, peel the currants from the twigs, pull out the bones from the cherries. We put the berries in one large bowl and cover with sugar. We leave for 3-4 hours so that juice stands out from them. We put the bowl on a slow fire and cook until it boils, and then another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. We lay out in sterilized jars, close the lids and cool. So the strawberry jam is ready. Its recipe will not be difficult to bring to life even for novice cooks.

Most likely, this berry delicacy will appeal to children more than jam, because of its interesting jelly-like texture. Strawberry and strawberry-berry confiture is very tasty to spread on a bun with butter or on a traditional morning toast. But it can also be used for other purposes, such as adding it to the filling for sweet pies and pies, muffins, layering a cake with it in combination with butter cream, preparing desserts based on it, and more. Strawberry confiture has at least three advantages over the traditional one. Its recipe is simpler, faster, the product is healthier (since the cooking time is less, more vitamins are preserved). Therefore, maybe you should reconsider your preferences in harvesting berries for the winter?

Strawberries have two types - garden (large) and flattering (small). There is a biological difference between strawberries and wild strawberries. However, in our area, summer residents consider garden (cultivated) strawberries to be strawberries (in some regions they call them Victoria), and all the berries that grow in forest country roads are called strawberries in the field. In order not to get confused in these concepts, we will adhere to them, especially since they are extremely convenient for us.

Strawberry jam

Strawberries (garden), before cooking for harvesting, are quickly washed under running water, poured onto a towel or paper napkins, cleaned of stalks and leaves. Make a five-minute jam out of such strawberries, which preserves many of the vitamins of this berry.

Berries are sprinkled with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. You need to let them stand in a bowl of sugar for 4-5 hours. Then the pelvis is put on fire, very slow. The remaining sugar will melt gradually. Stir the berries with a wooden spoon, but do not crush them. Do your mixing very carefully. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the jam and all the sugar “disperses”, we boil for another five minutes and turn it off. Let cool, put in sterilized jars, close with sterile lids. We send our storage to the cellar.

strawberry jam

But from wild strawberries we recommend making the next sweet preparation for the winter. It tastes like natural strawberry jam. And we don’t even have to talk about usefulness, because we won’t cook berries for such jam. Moreover, if the strawberries are small or medium in size, we will remove only the stalks from it. And leave the sepal. It won't interfere with our recipe.

We wash the strawberries only if they are dented and have dirt on them. We remove the stalks, small leaves. We fall asleep with sugar at the rate of 1 kg of strawberries per 1.5 kg of sugar. Now the most interesting. We immerse the contents (sugar sprinkled with berries) into ... a blender, preferably one that is designed for cocktails. Quickly scroll the mass in it until it becomes homogeneous. Don't beat too long! Otherwise, we will get foam, not jam. Now we shift the resulting jam in a sterile container and put it in the refrigerator under the lids. It is desirable to store such jam with live berries in it, untouched by heat treatment, on the upper shelves of the refrigeration unit.

When you make jam from berries, you always imagine what the taste will turn out to be. But if this is assorted jam, then you are in for taste surprises. Sometimes it turns out something transferable. For example, from childhood I remembered some completely unusual taste of my grandmother's berry pies. And only now, through trial and error, I was able to find out that she mixed raspberries and blackcurrants. Who would have thought that such a wonderful taste is so easy to get. In general, assorted jam is an inexhaustible source for culinary creativity and inspiration.

Assorted jam is one of my three favorites for me. I also really like Victoria jam (this is a very popular variety of large strawberries with us) and currants. You can’t tell much about the last two, nothing special, but I would like to dwell on the assortment. Sometimes in such an assorted jam, I simply collect all the berries available at the time of cooking, and sometimes even fruits. But more often I still use a proven recipe, for which I specially extract berries. Now I will tell you more about it.


  • blackcurrant - 300-500 g,
  • red currant - 300-500 g,
  • Victoria (strawberry) - 500-700 g,
  • raspberries - 500-700 g,
  • sugar - 2.5-3 kg

How to make Assorted Jam

First, I sort through all the berries, without mixing the species: I remove all the tails (for raspberries and Victoria), twigs, leaves and other debris, then mine and let the water drain well. After that, I mix the berries in one large cooking pot and cover them with sugar. The proportions of sugar each time can be different, I focus on the taste and number of berries. For raspberries and Victoria, I take sugar in proportions of 1: 1, for currants, usually 1: 1.5, or, if the berry is very sour, 1: 2.

I never liked adding water to jam, so I first leave the berries covered with sugar to stand for a while so that they let the juice flow. As a rule, I do not note the time, but I think that it comes out at least 2.5-3 hours. Or in general I cover the saucepan and hide it in the refrigerator for the whole night.

After that, carefully, trying not to crush the berries, mix them and put them on the stove, first on low heat. And as soon as a sufficient amount of liquid is formed in the pan, I turn on the heating of the stove to the maximum and, with occasional stirring, let the berries boil. Then, when the berries boil and gurgle for about 10 minutes, you can pick up a slotted spoon and remove the foam. I have always been taught that this must be done, because it is precisely because of this very foam that the finished jam can turn sour prematurely. After removing the foam, I let the berries boil for another 5-10 minutes and remove the saucepan from the stove - the jam is cooked. The finished jam should have a thick syrup and dense, unboiled berries. I leave the jam to cool and prepare jars for it. Liter or 2-liter seems to be the most suitable for me, and my mother always used three-ruble notes. This is at the discretion of everyone. I wash the jars, sterilize them and the lids for them over steam for 30 minutes, then fill them with cooled jam. I close the jars with nylon lids or lids with a twist. From the indicated number of berries, just 2 liters of jam are obtained, plus a small bowl to drink tea. Store jam, like all other blanks, in the cold - on the balcony, in a winter or regular refrigerator, depending on where there is free space.
