
What mixtures do not contain palm oil. Is palm oil in baby food a 'hidden threat'? Formulas for premature babies

2018 infant formula ranking to educate mothers about the infant formula market. Manufacturers are trying to bring the composition of infant formula as close as possible to breast milk. There are product lines designed for healthy children, and with a therapeutic effect, for children predisposed to allergies to organic milk components. The latter are overpriced, because. during the manufacturing process, cow or goat milk is taken as the basis for the future product, which goes through several degrees of filtration in order to minimize the content of lactose and casein in the final product.

All infant formulas are divided into "steps": 1 - newborns, 2 - from 6-12 months, 3 from 1 year, 4 from 18 months. Also pay attention to the content of whey protein. According to WHO regulations, the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Customs Union, products with a whey protein content of at least 50% for children from 0 to 6 months and at least 35% for children over 6 months are considered adapted mixtures imported or produced on the territory of the Russian Federation. This rating is compiled taking into account the opinions of experts and consumer reviews about the best infant formulas. So, TOP 10 infant formulas:

Baby 4(Nutricia)

The brand Malyutka, from Nutricia, opens the rating of baby food mixtures. This mixture Suitable for use by children from 18 months. The composition excludes the presence of sugar, starch, gluten, harmful additives, flavors, leaving the child only the essentials: skimmed milk, prebiotics, a complex of vegetable oils, a bunch of vitamins and minerals, and taurine. The ratio of casein to whey proteins is 4:1 - this fully satisfies the norms, and even more. The complex of vitamins and minerals involves 13 pieces of each in the composition. The price for a 600 gram pack is 300 rubles.

Kabrita 3 GOLD

Takes 9th place in the ranking of baby formula from 12 months Kabrita GOLD. Balanced infant formula contains 37% whey protein and 63% casein. The manufacturer has created an optimal formula that softens stools, improves digestion and absorption of calcium, and also helps to optimize metabolism, calling this complex DigestX. Kabrita Gold is 100% whey protein concentrate from goat's milk mixed with skim milk, eliminating the addition of maltodextrin, sugars, flavors and other harmful additives. The formula is also rich in prebiotics FOS, extracted from chicory extract, GOS, which are part of goat's milk, as well as beneficial bifidobacteria BB-12 - all this helps to maintain the intestines in a "healthy form". The cost of an 800 gram can is 1600 rubles. Recommended for healthy children.

MD mil Goat 2

The 8th place in the ranking of infant formula from 6 months is occupied by MD mil Goat 2. The Spanish brand MD can boast of its products on goat milk produced in accordance with the recommendations given by the association of societies D-A-CH: the German Society for Nutrition (DGE), the Austrian Society (ÖGE), and the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SSG / SSN). However, the composition, unfortunately, contains palm oil and lactose, so the product is only suitable for healthy children. Palm oil is not recommended to be used constantly, because. in the intestine, palmitic acid binds with calcium, blocking the entry necessary for the child structural material for bones through the walls of the intestines, on the other hand, when not systematically used, palm oil has a beneficial effect on children up to 2 years of age, because. contributes to the increase in cholesterol required during this period. According to the standards declared by the manufacturers, the ratio of whey proteins and casein proteins is 1:1. The composition is dominated by a decent amount of GOS prebiotics, and PUFAs omega 6, omega 3 in a ratio of 7: 1 is the optimal indicator. The price for a 400 gram jar is about 900 rubles.

Nestogen (Nestle) 1

It occupies the 7th place in the ranking of baby formula for newborns from Nestlé - Nestogen 1. The product is suitable for use by children from the very first days of birth. Does not contain anything extra, including palm oil, only skimmed and demineralized milk, sunflower and rapeseed oil, maltodextrin, as well as probiotics and prebiotics. Lactobacillus Reuteri acts as a probiotic - supporting oral hygiene and reducing the duration of diarrhea. Complementary foods for lacto and bifidobacteria in the intestines are FOS and GOS prebiotics, thanks to which living microorganisms "eat more", multiply, and fight pathogenic bacteria. Maltodextrin is an energy source that breaks down in the body into glucose. Corn maltodextrin is used in Nestogen, and, as you know, corn does not contain gluten, a common causative agent of allergic reactions. This mixture is not hypoallergenic due to the way the milk is processed, which leaves a large amount of lactose. The price for a 700 gram pack is 475 rubles.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) Pepti Gastro

Nutricia was recognized as the best in the rating of infant formula test purchase. Pepti Gastro is designed specifically for children with gastrointestinal problems and intolerance to certain food components. Pepti gastro milk base is a whey protein concentrate that has undergone additional hydrolysis, with the help of which it is possible to decompose the whey into separate fractions - peptides, and then, using ultrafiltration, leave only the most necessary of them, almost completely eliminating lactose, fats and casein, bringing the spectrum as close as possible to breast milk. Such a gentle method of preparation with an emphasis on hypoallergenicity makes the Pepti Gastro complex the leader in the quality rating of infant formulas. The manufacturer also adds nucleotides to their product in order to bring the mixture as close as possible to breast milk. Nucleotides play an important role in the synthesis of antibodies - the weapons of immunity, serve as the basis for building DNA and RNA, are responsible for the synthesis of proteins, etc. The cost of a 450 gram can of a hypoallergenic product is 950 rubles.

NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro

Nestle takes the 5th place in the best infant formula from birth for healthy children, that is, those who do not have intolerances to some components, incl. lactose. Nestlé NAN excludes the addition of palm oil, flavors, GMOs, dyes and other harmful additives to its product. getting ready children's composition from demineralized whey high content albumins and globulins, and the opposite content of casein, a complex protein that often provokes allergies. In addition to important amino acids, NAS is saturated with 13 vitamins and 14 minerals, as well as cultures of bifidobacteria. A feature of NAS is the addition of oil unicellular fungi Mortierella Alpina - producers of arachidonic acid, exactly the same as that found in breast milk. Arachidonic acid is an oily liquid that contains omega 6 fatty acids necessary for brain maturation. The price for an 800 gram container ranges from 700-750 rubles.

Similac (Abbott) Premium 1

4th place in the ranking is the best baby formula without palm oil. According to some studies, palm oil has a negative effect on the absorption of fats and calcium in the intestines, because. palmitic acid, a derivative of palm oil, binds to calcium and forms insoluble compounds that prevent the absorption of some other components. Similak Premium 1 contains lutein pigment, which is not synthesized by the human body itself, which helps to increase visual acuity and filter out the "harmful" spectrum of rays for the human eye. Similac also contains "live" bifidobacteria, complete with food for them - a prebiotic. This product is suitable for feeding children from the first days of life who are not allergic to lactose (since it is available in Similak). The cost is 900 gr. banks - about 1000 rubles.

BIBIKOL Nanny Classic

Opens the TOP 3 rating baby formula from 0 to 6 months manufacturer Bibikol. In the preparation of its products, the company uses natural goat milk produced on farms in New Zealand. So, this mixture is made from goat's milk, and this is a big plus for several reasons: first, it does not contain the alpha-S1 fraction of the casein protein, which causes “rejection” in some people; second, goat's milk tastes less sweet, which means it has less lactose - milk sugar, allergic; third, goat's milk contains oligosaccharides - a prebiotic, omega 3 and omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids that contribute to the "correct" development of the brain in newborns and infants. You can write endlessly about the properties of goat's milk, summing up, we can say that goat's milk is better tolerated by children than cow's, and is not inferior to the latter in terms of benefits for the body. For an 800 gram jar of Bibikol, Nanny Classic will have to pay about 1,800 rubles.

Friso Frisopep

Friso is the best infant formula for 0 to 6 months in our ranking. Firstly, this composition is completely hypoallergenic, and, secondly, it has a pronounced healing effect. Despite the fact that the main components of infant formulas are derivatives of cow's milk, Frisco made sure that the mixture contains lactose in the most minimal amount. This was made possible thanks to the technology of separating protein from lactose and fat using whey protein hydrolysis, which yields a protein concentrate of 50% of mass fraction all other substances. Frisco also contains about 5 nucleic esters that help synthesize immunoglobulin M and A - antibodies, the prebiotic galactooligosaccharide - food for beneficial bifidobacteria living in the intestines, as well as great amount indispensable and nonessential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. The price for a 400 gram jar is about 900 rubles.

Nutrilon (Nutricia) 1 Premium

Nutrilon from Nutricia is considered the best infant formula for newborns. This mixture is not suitable for children with lactose allergy, because. the composition contains demineralized whey - finely dispersed dried cottage cheese, from which salts are removed, but a large amount of proteins and lactose are left. In addition to whey, the complex composition includes oils (rapeseed, sunflower, coconut, palm, etc.), as well as fish fat, vitamins, taurine, nucleotides, prebiotics, etc. The manufacturer uses a patented prebiotic complex called IMMUNOFORTIS. This is a two-component "nutritional menu" for beneficial bacteria in the intestines, consisting of fructooligosaccharides, which are not broken down and not absorbed by the human gastrointestinal tract, and oligosaccharides contained in mother's breast milk, which are also complementary foods for bifidobacteria in the intestines, which only they "eat" and assimilate. On the container with the contents, Nutrilon is framed “improves immunity and intelligence”, we figured out the first one, prebiotics and a complex of vitamins with nucleotides contribute to this, but polyunsaturated fatty acids ARA and DHA are responsible for the development of the brain, in simple terminology, these are Omega acids 3 and Omega 6. The price for 800 grams is 650 rubles. It is the clear advantage of quality over the price in Nutrilon Premium that allows the product to become the best infant formula in the ranking.

Which mixture is best for a newborn

The best mixture for newborns in composition

All milk mixtures can be conditionally divided into two large groups: those made on the basis of goat's milk and those made on the basis of cow's milk. Experts believe that goat milk formulas are better suited for a baby, since its proteins are more similar to breast milk proteins.

most best food for the newborn are adapted milk mixtures. They are the most suitable for replacing breast milk, since they are completely absorbed by the baby's body. But it is advisable to choose milk formulas for a newborn without palm oil. The use of this oil in in large numbers is fraught with a weakening of the child's growth, poor formation of the skeletal system and the occurrence of problems with the teeth.

Modern manufacturers offer milk formulas without sugar, but enriched with various minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the child. In addition, prebiotics and probiotics are added to the composition of the mixtures. Adapted milk formulas with prebiotics help create an environment for “good” microflora in the baby’s digestive system, and mixtures with probiotics are responsible for the health of the organs involved in digestion. Research shows that the presence of pre- and probiotics in infant formula helps reduce the risk of food allergies and even diseases like asthma.

What is the best infant formula for newborns by age

The child's body different ages has different nutritional requirements. And it's absolutely natural process. After all, the composition of breast milk changes with the growth of the baby. Therefore, the formula of milk formula also depends on the age of the child. It is believed that mixtures for an older child should be more satisfying and high-calorie than for a newborn. In their composition, the amount of non-adapted cow's milk proteins, as well as the content of minerals and vitamins, increases, since the need of the child's body for these substances increases.

For each age group, manufacturers offer separate product, created taking into account the needs of the child's body at a certain age. For children of the first six months of life, the so-called "initial" or milk mixtures of the first stage are intended. The composition of the “follow-up” mixtures is designed to meet the needs of older babies. Adapted milk formulas from 0 to 12 months can be used throughout the first year of a newborn's life.

Which mixture is better to choose for a newborn: dairy and sour-milk formulations

Baby formulas without preservatives are very popular among mothers today, due to their low cost and composition, which includes all healthy ingredients, contributing to the active development of the peanut. These mixtures can be fed to both infants and older children. Powdered fermented milk mixture Malyutka normalizes the composition of the intestinal microflora, improves digestion, strengthens the child's immune system, and reduces the risk of intestinal infections.

Our review includes the following manufacturers:

  • Abbott is a diversified international company engaged in the production a wide range products, including baby food. It produces products that are necessary for optimal development, growth and health of a person at all stages of his life;
  • BIBIKOL– this company has been presenting on the baby food market for almost two decades unique products which are made on the basis of goat's milk;
  • Nestle is a company that has been producing infant formula for many years. Every year its products are improved, so completely new mixtures appear on the market, designed for certain categories of children and taking into account their needs;
  • Kabrita– under this brand the most modern blends for children based on goat's milk. They combine all the benefits of goat's milk and modern ingredients for the development, growth, protection and nutrition of babies;
  • Nutricia is a Dutch business organization specializing in scientific research in the field healthy eating and production food products with special needs. It is now part of the Danone group of food companies.

The Best Palm Oil Free Infant Formulas

Similac Milk Formula (Abbott) Free of Palm Oil and Sugar

Milk formula Similac (Abbott) in its composition as close as possible to mother's milk and contains nutrients for the full development of the child. First of all, this is the unique IQ Intelli-Pro complex, which includes docosahexaenoic (DHA) and arachidonic (ARA) acids, which are present in breast milk and ensure the proper development of the brain and vision. Prebiotics help the gut form its own healthy microflora and soft stools, and probiotics (live bifidobacteria) support this microflora.

The composition of the mixture also includes such substances indispensable for the healthy development of the child's body as calcium, iron, magnesium, ascorbic and folic acid, riboflavin, lactose, coconut, soy and sunflower oil, vitamins B12, D3, K1 and other vitamins and minerals with which the child will grow and develop properly. Price - from 900 rubles for 900 g.


  • live bifidobacteria have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora of the child;
  • prebiotics help to normalize the stool and microflora, reduce colic and the frequency of regurgitation;
  • the presence of an antioxidant such as lutein in the mixture is very important for eye health. Lutein is not produced in the body, so you can get it only with food;
  • the fatty acids DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6) included in the mixture help the proper development of the brain;
  • the absence of palm oil in the composition provides the child with healthy and strong bones and teeth.

No significant cons were found.

BIBIKOL Nanny 1 mix with goat milk

BIBIKOL Nanny 1 is an adapted milk dry mix for artificial feeding children from the first days of birth to six months. It is made from whole goat milk from New Zealand goats. New Zealand are among the most environmentally friendly countries. That is why goat milk is so natural and rich in various nutrients, and infant formulas made on its basis contain all the components necessary for the full development and growth of the baby.

Nanny 1 formula is recommended for feeding healthy babies or those who have intolerance to cow's milk proteins and soy. Goat milk proteins contain lower amounts of beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-S1-casein compared to cow's milk, so they are better absorbed by the child's body. In addition, goat milk contains such biologically active components as phospholipids, nucleotides and oligosaccharides, which have a positive effect on the immune system of children.

Minerals, vitamins and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contribute to the proper development of the brain and organs of vision. The Nanny 1 mixture also contains a complex of plant prebiotics that normalize digestion.


  • the mixture does not contain sucrose, glucose, demineralized whey, modified proteins, dyes and flavors;
  • All components of the mixture are made from natural products plant origin with unchanged gene structure;
  • the possibility of feeding children who are at risk of developing food allergies or intolerance to cow's milk proteins.


  • low dissolution rate at the recommended water temperature of 35-40 degrees. This may make the mother want to use more hot water, but in this case, vitamins will be lost;
  • somewhat overpriced.

Infant formula NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro

The mixture NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro is intended for feeding healthy babies from their very birth, if breastfeeding is not possible. It is made from high quality raw materials, free of genetically modified ingredients, flavors, colors and preservatives. NAN (Nestle) 1 Optipro is a milk formula that contains all the nutrients necessary for the harmonious mental and physiological development of a child.

Optipro is a quality and quantity optimized protein complex found exclusively in NAN blends. The baby, thanks to him, receives exactly the amount of protein that is necessary for his proper growth and development. Price - from 700 rubles for 400 g.


  • the product does not contain palm oil, dyes, preservatives, flavors, genetically modified substances;
  • optimized protein complex;
  • the presence of bifidobacteria BL, which help to normalize intestinal motility and increase the ability of the child's body to fight various infections;
  • Omega-3 fatty acids present in the mixture contribute to proper formation brain and organs of vision;
  • the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for the development of the child at this stage.

Among the minuses can be noted the higher cost compared to domestic blends.

The best adapted mixtures for newborns

Milk formula BIBIKOL Nanny Classic

BIBIKOL Nanny Classic milk formula can be used for artificial feeding of healthy children, as well as those who are at risk of developing an allergy to cow's milk protein. It is produced on the basis whole milk New Zealand goats, which is much closer in protein structure to mother's milk than cow's.

The composition of the mixture contains all the nutritional components that are necessary for the full development and growth of the child. These are goat's milk proteins, which, compared to cow's milk, contain less alpha-S1-casein and beta-lactoglobulin, as well as high-quality vegetable oils, natural milk fat, as well as nucleotides, phospholipids, oligosaccharides, which are naturally present in goat milk.

Nanny Classic blend is enriched with additional fatty acids DHA and ARA (Omega-3 and Omega-6), which are especially important for the development of the brain and organs of vision of the child. No sweeteners are added to this mixture. The only carbohydrate present in Nanny Classic is lactose, which is a natural milk sugar and helps maintain a healthy intestinal microflora. Price - from 1200 rubles for 400 g.


  • naturalness. The mixture is made on the basis of natural goat's milk and has a mild creamy taste;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • the possibility of using for feeding children suffering from intolerance to cow's milk and at risk of developing food allergies.


  • low dissolution rate;
  • high price.

Kabrita 1 GOLD Infant Formula with Prebiotics

Based on goat's milk, Kabrita 1 GOLD contains nutrients that are essential for the proper mental and physiological development of the child, as well as for strengthening his immunity. Goat milk, unlike cow milk, has a higher degree of digestibility, therefore, mixtures based on it can be a godsend for those parents whose babies suffer from intolerance to cow's milk proteins. This problem is quite common and can cause difficult digestion, skin problems and complaints related to the respiratory system.

Kabrita 1 GOLD blend also features a unique combination of prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics (fructooligosaccharides and galactooligosaccharides) in combination with BB-12 bifidobacteria (live probiotics) ensure proper digestion, strengthen the child's immune system and contribute to the development of the protective functions of the child's body. The presence of arachidonic (ARA), docosahexaenoic (DHA), linoleic and linolenic fatty acids in the mixture ensures the proper development of the child's brain. Price - from 1800 rubles for 800 g.


  • the mixture in terms of the ratio of casein and whey proteins is as close as possible to mother's milk;
  • the optimal ratio of prebiotics and probiotics improves the digestion of the child;
  • the mixture has a natural sweetness. It is made without the addition of fructose, glucose, maltodexin, crystalline sugar;
  • mixture does not contain soy lecithin, flavorings, flavor enhancers and preservatives.


  • contains palm oil;
  • high price.

Fermented milk mixtures for newborns Malyutka

Dry fermented milk mixture Malyutka (Nutricia) 1

Sour-milk products significantly improve digestion, but they are quite complex food for the delicate tummy of a newborn baby. Nutricia created Baby 1 - specially adapted fermented milk formula for children early age which combines the benefits fermented milk products And good nutrition. The secret behind the formula of this blend lies in the special manufacturing process of Lactofidus, using a special starter culture to support natural digestion and promote tummy health.

The mixture also contains the essential amino acid L-tryptophan, which is used by the brain to produce serotonin, which is called the hormone Have a good mood, as well as free sulfonic acid taurine, which is necessary for the formation of brain tissues and has an anticonvulsant effect. The mixture contains vitamin complex , contributing to the harmonious physiological and mental development of the little man.

Fermented milk formula Malyutka 1 can be used to feed healthy babies with a sensitive digestive system (with a restless tummy, a tendency to colic) and babies with reduced appetite, including during the period of prevention after an intestinal infection. The mixture can be used as a main food or combined with breast milk.


  • a balanced composition of the mixture that provides the infant with good nutrition;
  • the presence in the composition of the mixture of milk demineralized whey, as adapted as possible to the characteristics and needs of the body of the newborn;
  • prebiotics that improve bowel function and reduce the manifestations of dysbacteriosis;
  • the presence of a variety of vitamins, minerals, trace elements and amino acids.


  • the presence of palm oil in the mixture. The possibility of its significant harm has not been proven, but it is known that it is digested rather hard;
  • the presence of soy lecithin. There is an opinion among consumers that genetically modified soybeans can be used in its production.

Sour-milk baby formula Malyutka (Nutricia) 2

Formula Malyutka (Nutricia) 2 is recommended for feeding children over six months of age. if it is impossible breastfeeding. The mixture contains the entire spectrum useful elements and vitamins that ensure normal digestion and maintain the immunity of the crumbs.

Fermented milk formula Malyutka 2 is produced according to a special technology using a special starter culture that promotes the health of the baby's tummy and supports natural digestion. It is a completely balanced product, so it can be used as a main food. A mixture of Malyutka 2, unlike Malyutka 1, contains "smart iron" - the optimal combination of the amount of iron, zinc and vitamin C. This ensures better absorption of iron, which is especially important for the prevention of iron deficiency. Price - from 330 rubles for 350 g.


  • provides the child with a balanced diet;
  • nutrients, alimentary fiber, vitamins and minerals are selected taking into account the age of a six-month-old child, therefore they provide him with healthy growth and development;

Rumors about irreparable harm health, which causes, today led to the fact that many consumers refuse to buy a product if the manufacturer indicates the presence of this product in the composition. Is it really that dangerous or is it just a common misconception? Let's try to figure this out for ourselves. So what do we have...

palm oil in baby food

If an ordinary person thinks about his health only when something gets sick, aware - almost every day, day after day, then the mother's worries about this for her child are very significant, one might say hourly.

Therefore, those mothers who, for whatever reason, cannot enjoy the "benefits" of breastfeeding, have to worry about the presence of palm oil in specialized infant formulas. Why is "goods" in quotation marks? This topic is not this article, but these benefits are greatly exaggerated. There is evidence that formula-fed babies gain weight faster, they get teeth faster. This is because an exhausted mother at 6 months of breastfeeding usually looks like water ... And the calorie content of water, as everyone knows, is zero calories. It does not contain vitamins, trace elements, minerals. But artificial mixtures are very high in calories and contain everything.

Manufacturers are trying to create complete product, as close as possible in quality to the breast milk of a nursing mother. But not the one from which “everything is squeezed out”, but the one that is just beginning to feed. However, there is no consensus about the composition of the mixture. So there was no consensus on whether to include palm oil in the composition.

Benefits of palm oil in baby food

Palm oil is a product made from the fruit of the African oil palm. In addition to Africa, the plant grows in those countries where tropical climatic conditions are observed. So, Malaysia and Indonesia are its leading producers today.

Palm kernel oil, as it is also called, has a reddish-transparent saturation and a pleasant nutty taste. In the culinary industry, it is considered best product vegetable origin.

TO useful properties almost complete digestibility. The content of vitamin E (more precisely, tocotrienols in its composition) does the job nervous system full-fledged, stimulates the immune system and blood circulation in the body, improves tissue regeneration, promotes better assimilation vitamin A.

Vitamin A, in turn, is useful. Retinol, as it is also called, provokes good growth body, helps to strengthen teeth and bones.

The carotenoids in the oil make it good antioxidant. This means that it also slows down the aging process of our body.

Thanks to the oleic acid contained in the plant product, bad cholesterol is modulated, which reduces the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Harm of palm oil in baby food

Saturated fats, found in excess in palm oil, can contribute to the accumulation of cholesterol. Therefore, scientists recommend limiting its consumption and replacing it with sunflower, soybean or olive vegetable oil. Such research scientists include the World Health Organization and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists.

However, the United Nations University and the Center for Science in the Public Interest emphasize that it is only overuse palmitic acid.

The presence of palm oil in infant formula makes it difficult for a growing child to absorb calcium. But this applies to cheap mixtures. More expensive formulas artificially change the position of palmitic acid in palm olein, thanks to scientific knowledge, so that the oil again allows calcium to be absorbed normally.

More arguments about the harm such. Decreased bone mineralization, decreased metabolism. The chair becomes more dense and less frequent, which provokes constipation in babies. These disadvantages of palm oil supplementation can be balanced by taking sources of probiotic microorganisms and prebiotic substances. Such as "", "Normobact", "" or "". In addition, some mixtures already contain such substances in their composition.

You can also purchase baby formula that does not contain palm oil. True, they belong to the so-called premium class and their cost is higher.

Palm Oil Free Infant Formula List

These are mixtures such as Similak and Nanny, and Nutrilon, Heinz and Kabrita can also be attributed to them. As a rule, they already include prebiotics and probiotics in their composition. "Nanny" and "Similak" include a complex of vegetable oils that do not interfere with the absorption of calcium. The rest of the above mixtures contain beta palmitate.


Thus, it turns out that the benefit palm product is equivalent to possible harm. The harm from its impact was at the very beginning of the production of mixtures, and now we are eliminating it by the main manufacturers. Most likely, the rumor about the harm is artificially inflated by competing companies that are not happy with the distribution cheap product. The economic feasibility of using palm oil is pushing other types of vegetable and animal oils out of the market.

One way or another, most mothers will first buy mixtures cheaper, and then, in case of problems, switch to more expensive ones as needed.

You can refuse to use palm oil due to ideological reasons, because large buyers of this product (including baby food manufacturer Nestle) are indirectly guilty of deforestation of tropical forests, which are the habitat of orangutans. There is an opinion, by the way, that this is the most intelligent animal, after man. And it is very sad that their existence is endangered.

If you do not associate yourself with Greenpeace, but still doubt whether it is worth eating foods and feeding mixtures containing palm oil to your child, purchase equivalents without it. However, keep in mind that they will be slightly more expensive. But then, as you know, you can’t buy health for any money ...

Currently, disputes over such a popular product as palm oil do not subside. Someone believes that it is unacceptable for use not only by children, but also by adults. Others safely eat foods based on it. On the shelves of stores, most infant formulas contain palm oil. How justified is its use and is there food for children without this component?


Palm oil is a product obtained from the fruit of the oil palm. Its use in production accounts for almost a third of all vegetable oils. This is not surprising, because it is very cheap and easily transported. In addition, he has a number of other positive qualities.

  • The highest resistance to oxidation among fellows. This means that it can be used as a natural preservative.
  • High content of vitamin E (about 15 mg per 100 g of product). This vitamin contributes to the strengthening of bones. Especially negatively, its deficiency can affect children's body and the body of the elderly.
  • Tocotrienol in palm oil helps to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system: improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, helps with high blood pressure.
  • The same substance plays an important role in the prevention of cancer.

  • This product is high in antioxidants. Their properties are to prevent the death of brain cells, that is, with regular consumption of palm oil, the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases is reduced.
  • Increases the body's immunity with the help of alpha-tocopherol, which is part of it.
  • Unlike other vegetable oils, palm oil lowers the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. This promotes weight loss.
  • A small amount of the product every day does not increase blood glucose levels, unlike, for example, butter, which means that eating is indicated for diabetics.
  • Provitamin A is involved in the production of pigment in the retina and helps the functioning of the vision analyzer.
  • Extends the shelf life of products due to low oxidizing power.
  • Breast milk contains palmitic acid, but it can also be isolated from palm oil. This property makes it indispensable in the production of baby food.

In confirmation of the benefits of palm oil, it can be noted that mankind has been using it for more than 400 thousand years. During excavations of Egyptian burials, containers were found in which this product was previously located.


It is worth noting that palm oil itself is no more harmful than butter, but with one “but”: its oxide number should be no more than 0.5. But in Russia they use a product with the number 10. In the rest of the world, oil with this indicator is technical. This means that it is very harmful to use it in the preparation of food, and even more so infant formula.

  • The main negative factor in the use of palm oil is a large amount of fat. With the use of a large amount of this product, plaques can form in the vessels, causing heart disease.
  • There is a risk of oncological diseases against the background of abundant ingestion of the product.
  • If the oil is not certified, then it may contain substances such as arsenic, lead, and even mercury. The use of the "left" product can simply be dangerous to health.
  • Scientific works of scientists have demonstrated that palm olein reduces the absorption of calcium by the human body. In general, the harm from oil exotic tree similar to other vegetable oils in case of poor quality raw materials, insufficient processing and lack of compliance with special standards.

What blends do not contain palm oil?

In baby food, highly refined palm oil is used: it is isolated from it using various chemical reactions palm olein, which is present in breast milk. However, many mothers still prefer to choose infant formula without this component. Fortunately, there are plenty of such breast milk substitutes in retail outlets.

In addition to the Similac brand, Nutrilon nutrition is among the palm oil-free formulas. Nutrilon has firmly occupied its niche in the infant formula market due to its high quality, affordable price and a wide assortment list.

  1. Premium PronutriPlus 1, 2, 3. Mixture with prebiotics for children up to one and a half years.
  2. "Hypoallergenic" 1. For infants up to six months in order to prevent possible allergies.
  3. Premium Junior 3, 4 PronutriPlus. For children from one to two years with a weakened immune system.
  4. Premium Pre PronutriPlus 0, 1. For children up to six months with low weight.
  5. "Amino acids". For children with allergies to soy and animal protein. Suitable from birth up to two years.
  6. "Sour milk" 1, 2. It is used by children from birth to 12 months with problematic intestines.
  7. "Lactose free". For children with lactose intolerance from birth to two years.
  8. "Pepti Gastro". For children with intestinal problems. Accept up to two years.

Nanny goat milk formulas are also free of palm oil. They are maximally adapted to female breast milk and come in several types:

  • "Classic"– 0–12 months;
  • 1 "with prebiotics"- initial formula for children up to 6 months;
  • 2 "with prebiotics"- follow-up formula for children from 6 to 12 months;
  • 3 - a drink for children from 12 months based on goat's milk.

Kabrita is a mixture from Holland, also made with goat's milk. It does not contain palm oil. There are only three types of this food:

  • 1 Gold- initial up to 6 months;
  • 2 gold– follow-up from 6 to 12 months;
  • 3 gold- baby milk based on goat milk for children over one year old.

A popular mix in this category is also Nestogen nutrition. It happens the following types:

  • 1 (with Prebio prebiotics)- allows you to form a healthy intestinal microflora and reduce colic, is used for children in the first 6 months of life;
  • 2 - follow-up formula for children from 6 months to a year;
  • 3 - replaces cow's milk for children from the age of one in accordance with the recommendations of pediatricians;
  • 4 - baby milk for babies over one and a half years old.

The Italian company Heinz also has an adapted breast milk substitute - Infanta 1 formula, which is used from birth. Has a soft texture and pleasant smell. The problem is its rarity.

Palm oil was found in NAN blends, but not so long ago, manufacturers released adapted mixture high class NAN 1 Premium non-GMO made in Switzerland. Milk protein-based adaptation contains bifidobacteria, minerals, probiotics and a set of B vitamins that help prevent iron deficiency anemia. NAN also contains bacteria for excellent bowel function. The disadvantages of this product should be attributed not entirely pleasant taste, which sometimes causes newborns to refuse this mixture.

Nestle's Alfare blend has successfully proven itself as a hypoallergenic blend High Quality. Does not contain lactose and sucrose, includes anti-inflammatory fatty acids. Can be used from birth.

MAMEX plus is also an adaptation version of baby breast milk substitute without palm oil. This product is recommended for babies from birth to one year old. The description states that this food prevents intestinal problems and regurgitation.

I would like to note that mixtures under the brands Nutrilon, Heinz and Kabrita contain beta palmitate. It seems to be not palm oil, but a product of its processing. So you should carefully re-read the composition and analyze it before buying.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician claims that modern mixtures are adapted to breast milk and you should not be afraid of harm from palm oil in the composition. Even if it is included in baby food, it is already processed and adapted for eating by babies. Modern technologies allow you to isolate from palm oil the necessary olein, which is naturally present in breast milk.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is much more harmful to feed babies the old fashioned way with semolina or cow's milk in the absence of breastfeeding than to give milk formulas containing palm fats. And allergies and poor absorption of calcium can also be observed in babies who feed on mother's milk.

It is especially important for newborns to receive maximum amount useful substances and probiotics. Baby food can currently meet the needs of infants to the maximum even with palm oil in the composition.

For what pediatricians think about palm oil in infant formula, see the following video.

The debate about the benefits and harms of palm oil in infant formula began a long time ago and does not stop to this day.

Most baby formulas contain this ingredient, and for good reason.

The fact is that in the manufacture of mixtures for newborns, processed whey protein is used, the content healthy fats in which it is significantly reduced.

In order for babies to get enough fat, palm oil (among others) is added to formulas for artificial feeding.

Why you should opt for milk formulas without palm oil

A certain set of vegetable oils must be present in the formula of any milk formula. Otherwise, the normal formation of newborn cell membranes will simply be impossible.

Without healthy fats, babies will not have the energy to grow and develop, and the formation of hormones will also not work properly.

At the same time, it should be understood that palm oil, which is part of the mixture, contains a large amount of cholesterol, which can provoke excessive weight gain and a number of disorders in the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, parents of newborns diagnosed with CVS disorders should definitely refuse to feed their child with products containing palm oil.

Another unpleasant moment is the absorption of calcium. The fact is that palmitic acid, which is found in large quantities in palm oil, can significantly reduce the percentage of calcium that is absorbed by the child.

passing through digestive system, palmitic acid forms a strong bond with calcium. So strong that calcium in large quantities excreted from the child's body (children whose diet includes palm oil absorb calcium 20% less than those who consume palm oil free infant formula).

A side effect of this process is frequent constipation in babies who eat mixtures high in palm oil.

Unfortunately, until now, many manufacturers of infant formula sin by using cheap, low-quality ingredients (such as GMOs or palm oil).

In such a situation, the task of parents is to carefully select the most healthy and wholesome food for their kids.

Non-GMO & Palm Oil Blend List Review

  • Nanny

New Zealand infant formula. The basis of the mixture is goat milk processed by a special technology.

Nanny's blends are completely free of palm oil. The fatty component includes encapsulated fish oil, high oleic sunflower oil, as well as coconut and canola oils.

This mixture on goat milk without palm oil can be safely given to healthy children as the main food. It is also suitable for babies who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (colic, constipation), and for children with low weight and allergies to cow's milk proteins.

  • Similac

The mixture is made in Ireland on the basis of cow's milk.

Palm oil in the formula of this blend has been completely replaced with coconut and high oleic sunflower oils. Similac Premium 1 - great formula from birth without palm oil.

In addition to healthy fats, its composition includes lutein for the proper development of vision, prebiotics to strengthen immune system, as well as probiotics to maintain stable performance gastrointestinal tract newborn.

This mixture is suitable for healthy children and those who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but, unfortunately, cannot be recommended for babies with lactose allergy.

  • Nutrilon

Not all mixtures produced by this British company do not contain palm oil, so you need to carefully study the composition, which is described in detail on the packaging.

Without the use of palm oil is produced, a mixture of Nutrilon Amino Acids. Here, fats are represented by a composition of high quality vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, rapeseed).

In addition, this mixture contains amino acids that almost completely repeat the spectrum of natural women's milk and does not contain lactose.

This mixture is ideal for children with strong food allergies, and at the same time it can be used as the main food from birth.

  • Heinz

Although this American company has been seen using GMOs in the production of other products, baby food from this company can be safely recommended even to the smallest.

Heinz blends are made from high quality ingredients and without the use of GMOs or GMIs. In particular, a mixture of Heinz Infanta is produced in this way, which does not include palm oil.

Instead, betapalmitate is used - modified molecules that do not bind to calcium and allow it to be absorbed in sufficient quantities by the child's body.

  • hipp

A well-known Austrian manufacturer of baby food produces a mixture of Hipp Comfort without palm oil. Here it is replaced by the easier-to-digest beta palmitate.

In addition, this mixture includes probiotics to maintain the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of newborns, prebiotics for the formation of immunity and Omega3 and Omega6 acids, useful for the formation of the brain.

This mixture is suitable for daily nutrition of healthy children and babies with gastrointestinal problems (bloating, constipation, belching).
