
Is butter good for kids? The combination of vegetable oil with products

When the time comes for complementary foods, the kids begin to give vegetable purees, and then cereals. Yes, not empty, but with butter! First, vegetable oil is introduced into complementary foods, after a couple of weeks - butter. At first, both of them are added quite a bit. But these precious grams are extremely important for the health, growth and development of the crumbs!

We are traditionally accustomed to sunflower oil, but now we constantly hear that olive oil is healthier. But there is also corn, soy, rapeseed, linseed ... How much should all this diversity be represented in the baby's diet? Let's find out!

Baby oil: benefits and pleasure

A child needs fats, firstly, in order to build their cells and grow, and secondly, to get energy. When burning 1 g of fat, 9 kcal is released, and proteins and carbohydrates are 2 times less. Significant difference! Yes, and you must admit, what a pleasure it is to eat “empty” porridge or mashed potatoes? With oil, any food is much tastier, more satisfying, and most importantly, healthier.

No wonder they say: "It goes like clockwork"! This product facilitates the introduction of complementary foods, helping the baby's digestive system to quickly adapt to a new type of food and unfamiliar dishes. And when the time comes to wean the baby from the breast, it will help to painlessly switch to regular food.

First of all, this applies to olive oil, which is closest to breast milk in terms of fatty acid composition (for example, linoleic is approximately 8% in both products).

Scientists have proven the key role of this and other fatty acids in the formation and development of the infant's brain, as well as their importance as precursors of a series of biologically active hormone-like substances - eicosanoids. With their imbalance in the body, vascular tone and blood clotting are disturbed, immunity weakens, the child begins to lag behind in growth. This must not be allowed!

Oil in complementary foods: a reasonable balance

Fifty-fifty - this should be approximately the ratio of vegetable and butter in complementary foods. Mothers usually do not doubt the benefits of the first, but objections are sometimes raised about the second: “Is butter really necessary for a baby? It's all cholesterol!

In fact, there is nothing wrong with cholesterol if its content in the products of the daily diet does not exceed the body's physiological need for this substance. Based on cholesterol, many hormones and vitamins are synthesized, including vitamin D, which strengthens the baby's teeth and bones, protecting him from rickets.

But it's not only that. Without giving your baby butter and using only vegetable oil in children's dishes, you will achieve only one thing - indigestion. Too much vegetable oil for a child, no matter how useful it may be in itself, causes diarrhea in babies. Therefore, it should be about half of the total amount of fat that a child receives up to a year, and then even less - only 10%. The rest of the fats are supposed to be of animal origin: their main sources at an early age are butter and egg yolk.

Baby oil: vitamin with the letter "F"

Fatty acids are considered a universal building material. Moreover, it is easier for the body to use ready-made molecules for its needs, split off from edible oils and fats, than to synthesize them from scratch. The body is so accustomed to receiving fatty acids from the outside that some of them (linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic) have forgotten how to produce. Therefore, they are called indispensable and are equated in value with vitamins, uniting under the general name "vitamin F" (from the English fat - "fat").

The largest amount of this factor, which is so necessary for the baby's body, is found in olive, corn and sunflower oil, therefore it is their pediatricians who recommend using them in the nutrition of children in the first year of life.

Controversy over the benefits of different oils in complementary foods

Vegetable oil for a child, especially fresh, is useful regardless of where the original product is made and whether it is sunflower, corn or olive (the child needs to be given one today, a second tomorrow, the day after tomorrow a third, because each has its own advantages).

It cannot be said that sunflower, for example, is worse than olive. The further north the crop is grown, the more polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) super-useful for babies in the oil. Sunflower oil is the absolute champion in this indicator - it is at least 4 times ahead of olive oil.

True, sunflower oil is inferior to olive oil in terms of a balanced composition, that is, in terms of the ratio of the two main classes of PUFAs.

The fact is that normally a child should receive 5-6 times more linoleic acid than linolenic acid. The first is referred to as omega-6, and the second belongs to omega-3 acids. In such an ideal ratio, these acids are found in olive oil, which is traditionally received by babies born in the south of Europe.

And for a long time, a combination of different oils has helped children in Russia to maintain the balance of PUFAs. Sunflower is rich in omega-6 acids, but corn, linseed and rapeseed are rich in omega-3s. But due to the fact that we now practically do not use the last three types of vegetable oil, the ratio of linoleic and linolenic acids in the diet of Russians has shifted from the optimal 5–6 to 20–25.

To bring these figures back to normal, one could limit one olive oil for a child, but the problem is that the total amount of PUFAs in it is less than in all others. And they are extremely necessary for a child, and this despite the fact that his body cannot yet absorb a lot of oil.

This means that the baby needs to be given those types of oil in which the concentration of PUFAs is the highest, and this is sunflower and corn. It's good to add linen to them.

But what about olive oil? Of course, it can also and should be used from time to time in the baby's menu.

Secrets of choosing butter for babies

Remember that natural vegetable oil is a very capricious product!

The fact is that the unsaturated fatty acids that are in it are very easily oxidized, because they have unused (double) chemical bonds in their composition and, at every opportunity, they try to attract an oxygen atom to themselves. As a result, the product loses its beneficial properties, and its taste also deteriorates.

That is why vegetable oil for children's meals should always be fresh (of the last harvest) and preferably unrefined, and this is especially true for sunflower oil: it is richer in valuable substances that are removed during the refining process.

Always look for extra virgin on a container of olive oil. This means that it is the very first and at the same time cold pressed. This oil is obtained by a single cold pressing of olives, as a result of which their liquid oil part is separated from the solid one.

Keep a bottle of vegetable oil in a dark place at a temperature of +10...–15°C, since the quality of this product deteriorates significantly when stored in the light and in heat.

We measure correctly

It is most convenient to do this with the help of spoons - you can use special measuring or ordinary cutlery. So, 2 ml of oil is placed in a coffee spoon, 5 ml in a teaspoon, 10 ml in a dessert spoon, and 15 ml in a tablespoon.

There is no problem with vegetable oil, since it is liquid. As for butter, then don’t be embarrassed that its dosage is usually indicated in grams: you can easily measure the same amount in milliliters by melting it right in a spoon.

Add vegetable oil to vegetable puree 1 ml each, while the portion is small (up to 50 g), and 3 ml can be put in a 100-gram puree - this is the daily norm for 5-7 months. At 8-9 months, the baby needs 5 ml, at 10-12 months - 6 ml of vegetable oil per day. Put butter in porridge at 6 months, increasing the dose from 1 to 4 g by 7-8 months. At 9 months, the baby needs 5 g, at 10-12 months - 6 g per day.

Speaking about vegetable oils, I would like to note that there is not only olive and sunflower. Other oils with a useful composition and excellent taste are also on sale. Oil is an indispensable product for the brain, it is necessary for the proper functioning of all systems as a whole. But, like other useful products, if used irrationally, it has small negative aspects.

  1. Vegetable oils provide the body with useful, such as mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids. The child's body needs them for the proper functioning of the nervous system, and intelligence, brain protection. Oils help the body get rid of harmful fats, reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes, and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome from developing.
  2. Vegetable oils are a source of fat-soluble vitamins, which are antioxidants and are needed by the body to protect against adverse factors, to strengthen the immune system and to regulate calcium metabolism.
  3. Envelop the walls of the stomach, protecting from damage, relieve local inflammatory processes.
  4. Vegetable oils are a dietary product.
  5. They have proven themselves as a remedy for constipation: you can take it orally, you can use it for an enema.

On a note! The body needs monounsaturated, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, unfortunately, no vegetable oil has an ideal composition for the content of these substances. Therefore, we recommend combining different oils in order to definitely eliminate the imbalance of fatty acids in your child's body.

Monosaturated fats are rich in olive and mustard oils.

Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids are present in sunflower, sesame and corn oils.

In the list of leaders in the content of omega-3-polyunsaturated acids - linseed and rapeseed oil, walnut oil.

Vegetable oil for newborn skin

Vegetable oils are necessary for the child for the normal functioning of the nervous system. They can also be used for cosmetic purposes - to care for the delicate skin of the baby.

Currently, even the most expensive baby creams contain fragrances, dyes and other chemical compounds that can irritate baby's delicate skin. Lubricating the folds of newborns with vegetable oil is completely safe. This remedy is suitable for all newborns. Take 1-2 tablespoons of ordinary refined sunflower oil and boil it for 10 minutes in a water bath, preferably every 5-7 days to make a new fresh portion. The same oil is good for lubricating diaper rash and redness under the diaper.

Harm of oil for a child

  1. Vegetable oil will not do any good and can cause if it is expired or has deteriorated as a result of improper storage.
  2. If it is used in large quantities to prepare fatty fried foods. It is not recommended to consume oil in large quantities, excessively fatty foods have a bad effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, blood vessels, contribute to the development of obesity, and harm the thyroid gland.
  3. Vegetable oils should be used with caution in case of increased blood clotting, liver diseases, and disorders of the gallbladder.
  4. long heat treatment. Vegetable oils can cause harm due to the formation of trans fats in them during prolonged heat treatment, industrial hydrogenation (i.e., refined and hydrogenated oil is more harmful). Trans fats are found in baked goods, margarine, processed foods, and fast food. These are the main factors in the development of heart and vascular diseases in the future, diabetes and cancer.

Interesting to know! Researchers from the University of California School of Medicine (San Diego) experimentally proved that the presence of trans fats in food affects the appearance.

Optimum application temperatures for each type of vegetable oil

Each oil has a critical heating temperature, at which not only useful substances are destroyed, but also acralamide is formed, a substance from a number of carcinogens.

For rapeseed and corn oils, the critical heating temperature is 160 degrees Celsius. For soy and sunflower - 170 degrees. For olive - 210 degrees. For peanut butter - 220 and palm - 240 degrees.

On a note! Never fry in vegetable oil a second time! Do not regret draining the leftovers from the pan, the health of the child is more expensive.

The temperature of a hot pan over high heat can reach 250 degrees.

Do not fry in unrefined oil, as it will do twice as much damage as refined oil.

Unrefined oil has a smoke point of 107 degrees, while refined oil has a smoke point of 230 degrees. The difference is significant.

Vegetable oils and allergies

Sometimes children develop allergic reactions to certain types of oils or their components.

Vegetable oils are not highly allergenic products, but there are points that you should pay attention to:

  1. In rare cases, an allergy to olive oil is noted if it is unrefined and contains an additive of lecithin, aromatic additives.
  2. If a child has hay fever, allergic rhinitis and lacrimation of sunflower flowers, then it is possible that sunflower oil will cause the same reaction.
  3. Flaxseed oil causes allergies in extremely rare cases, but if it does, then the manifestations are not very favorable, there have been cases of rashes all over the body, swelling.
  4. It is not recommended to use nut and seed oils for children with food allergies.

Given the cross-reactions, it is not recommended to use oils from hazelnuts and other nuts for hazelnut allergies, peanut and soybean oils for peanut allergies, peanut and soybean oils for legume allergies, almond oil for plum allergies, and kiwifruit allergies. - avocado, walnut and sesame oil.

If a child is allergic to some kind of vegetable oil, then replace it with any other, if an allergy is noted to several types of oils, then it is better to remove them from use, replacing them with pork fat, butter, ghee or soybean oil.

From what age and in what quantity can vegetable oil be given to children?

Oil can be added to the child in the first vegetable complementary foods, that is, at the age of 4-6 months. To begin with, one is enough, then two or three drops. Within a week, the volume can be brought up to 1/3 tsp. You should not add oil to vegetable purees of industrial preparation, read carefully on the package, most likely it has already been added there.

The norm of vegetable oil for a child per day

After eight months of age, the entire daily allowance can be divided as follows: 1/3 can be used for making soups, 1/3 can be added to garnish and season salads, the rest can be used to prepare main courses.

On a note! 1 tsp vegetable oil is 5 g, one tbsp. l. – 15–17

As you can see, although vegetable oil is useful, this is not a reason to eat it with spoons, because all the benefits fit into the volume of a few drops. The daily amount of vegetable oil for a child should not exceed 30 g (2 tablespoons).

On a note! American scientists still cannot come to a consensus on whether vegetable oils are more beneficial or harmful. Therefore, in order to avoid a lack of healthy oily substances, they recommend eating more, especially tuna. The child must constantly eat nuts and seeds; dishes from boiled beans, lentils, and chicken egg yolks must be present in the diet.

How to store vegetable oil?

  1. When buying oil, read carefully what the manufacturer wrote on the label: what is the shelf life when closed, how long to store the oil after opening the bottle, what temperature regime should be observed.
  2. It is recommended to pour the oil into a dark glass bottle or decanter at home. Metal containers cannot be used.
  3. Store in a dark place, such as a cabinet.
  4. The storage temperature for oil should not exceed 20 degrees, so it would be better to put sunflower and olive oil in a floor cabinet, and store linseed, sesame and other types in the refrigerator on shelves located on the door.
  5. Rancidity, sediment, bad smell, cloudiness can be signs of a spoiled product.

Types of vegetable oils for children and their benefits

Sunflower oil. Pretty nutritious oil, well absorbed, has no pungent smell and taste, affordable, in our country is the most common and frequently consumed. Contains a sufficient amount and. Its unrefined form is more useful, because in addition to vitamins A and E, it also contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is so necessary for children under the age of two. Refined deodorized oil loses a percentage of vitamins and other nutrients, but has a number of other benefits. It is safe for cooking fried foods, baking in the oven, and is used for diets. Price: up to 100 rubles/liter.

Olive oil. Contains the maximum amount of healthy and minimum amount of unhealthy fats. It is very well absorbed, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the child's brain (their percentage is almost the same as in human milk). Olive oil protects the body from development. Removes harmful fats. Promotes absorption in the body, and therefore it is necessary for a growing child's body. Pairs well with Spanish and Italian cuisine. They can be watered with croutons of black and white bread. Ideal for frying children's meals, as it emits less toxic substances at high temperatures than any other oil. Useful for diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver, to improve memory.

On a note! Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the highest grade. The most useful, made without heating, virgin oil. It should be used as a dressing in salads.

Virgin Olive Oil is also cold pressed, but inferior in quality to the previous oil.

Olive Oil is refined, purified, that is, it has less benefit for the child. It is made from what is left after obtaining good quality oils.

Refined can be used for frying, Pure and Extra light can be used cold.

Interesting to know! Olive oil is responsible for bone strength. Scientists from the University of Madrid have proven that people who consume olive oil, and no other oil, have the highest levels of the protein osteocalcin, which is responsible for bone strength. Therefore, those living in the Mediterranean countries are less prone to bone fractures. Price: 300–720 rubles/liter.

Linseed oil. It is highly recommended in the preparation of children's meals, because it has a unique composition of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Ideal for brain function, it is beneficial for diseases of the stomach and intestines, and for helminthic invasions. In children under the age of two years, thanks to it, brain tissue is properly formed. It must not be heated, as it will become bitter and spoil the taste of the dish. Can be added to salads, cereals, greens, vinaigrette, sauerkraut. The oil spoils very quickly, so keep an open bottle in the refrigerator for a maximum of 30 days. The use of flaxseed oil is very important for those who rarely eat. It has a peculiar bitter taste, which children feel very well, so fill them with dishes in minimal quantities. Price: 200–450 rubles/liter.

walnut oil. A good oil, both in terms of the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and in terms of a set of trace elements, including. Suitable for weakened children, children in the postoperative period, because it promotes the healing of wounds and burns. Increases immunity, strengthens the body during the period of illness. The child will like it more than the above oils, because of its pleasant nutty taste. Perfect for salads, various sauces, complement the taste of nutty desserts, pasta dishes. The oil quickly becomes bitter, so it is better to buy it in small quantities. Price: 500-700 rubles / 0.5 liters.

Mustard oil. It differs in the content of natural antibacterial compounds, leads in the content of vitamin D. It is more useful to eat it with their complications. It has a sharp-spicy taste, which is easy to get rid of by heating the oil. It goes well with a cereal side dish, goes well with fish and meat, pancakes and pancakes fried on it turn out tastier. Salads seasoned with mustard oil spoil more slowly than usual, and pastries become more magnificent. Price: 200-300 rubles / 0.5 liters.

Sesame oil. For children is ideal. It is recommended to use it because of the content of a sufficient amount of calcium, which is easily and quickly absorbed by the child's body. Due to the content of vitamin E, it is a good help to the immune system. Sesame oil is useful for respiratory diseases such as bronchial asthma, shortness of breath, tracheitis and bronchitis. Sesame oil is well stored up to 8 years, retaining its beneficial properties, does not go rancid. Can be used cold, clarified and can be fried. Price: 250-650 rubles / for 0.5 liters.

Corn oil. It is not particularly rich in nutritious healthy fats and vitamins and will not bring much benefit to a growing body. It does not have great advantages over sunflower oil, as a rule, only clarified oil goes on sale, but it is ideal for frying and cooking in the oven due to its safety. It is most often used in the preparation of dietary dishes and dishes for baby food. Price: about 100 rubles / liter.

pumpkin seed oil. Also a good oil for use in children's dishes. It is valued both for its fatty composition and for its selenium content and, therefore, it is a necessary product for increased greasiness of hair. It is also better to stop on it for children with eye diseases and those who have an increased computer load. When dressing salads with it, it is better to dilute 1: 1 with some other oil, for example, sunflower or olive oil. This oil is not suitable for frying, because it quickly starts to burn out and emit a not very pleasant smell. It is good to give the same oil to children in order to prevent worms, to do antihelminthic enemas with it. Price: 500 rubles / 0.5 liters.

Soybean and rapeseed oil. They do not differ in a set of useful qualities and often go on sale with GMO content, so it is better not to use them in the children's kitchen.

Palm oil. Not suitable for frequent consumption by children, because the above oils are more saturated in composition, and palm oil contains saturated fatty acids that are harmful to the body: increase the level of "bad" in the blood, adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and liver, contribute to the deposition of extra pounds.

The combination of vegetable oil with products

  • Vegetable oil is combined with any vegetables, including with, combined with bread, all cereals and legumes, it can be used with sour fruits, nuts;
  • a combination of vegetable oil with sour cream, dried fruits, sweet fruits is allowed;
  • it is not recommended to combine with fats of animal origin (butter, lard, cream), sugar and confectionery, with eggs, the combination of vegetable oil with fish, meat, poultry is also considered heavy food.


Herb sauce with vegetable oil

  • Vegetable oil - 120 ml;
  • parsley, chopped - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill greens, chopped - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • green onions or leeks, chopped - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.

All the greens are chopped with a knife separately, then salt and pepper are added, and everything is rubbed with a little spoon so that the greens release the juice. At the end, vegetable oil is added. What to add? For your individual taste. And if you want, you can beat everything with a mixer. Prepare immediately before use, the sauce is not suitable for storage in the refrigerator.

Mayonnaise homemade

  • Oil, it is better to use olive oil - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • iodized salt - no more than 1 tsp;
  • mustard - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tsp

Initially, the egg white is whipped with a blender, then the yolk and vegetable oil are added, everything is whipped, then lemon juice is poured in and at the end mustard, salt and sugar. Such mayonnaise is safe for a child and is suitable for dressing any meat or fish salad.

We presented the characteristics of oils, their beneficial properties, and gave the conditions under which the oil can be harmful to health. Which of them will be in your kitchen, of course, is up to you to choose, but nutritionists and culinary specialists recommend that housewives have several types of oils, one for frying, the other for dressing. And one more tip: buy oil in small packages so that you can use it up faster and buy a new portion of fresh oil. For salad dressings, use predominantly unrefined cold-pressed oil.

Already on u-mom: Timing of the introduction of complementary foods, signs of readiness for complementary foods, frequently asked questions - in the article Let's bring food! Part I: preparation

Do I need to accurately calculate the amount of complementary foods? Where to start? Canned or natural? Which scheme to trust? - in the article Let's bring food! Part II: how much to hang in grams?

After the introduction of complementary foods, the main food of the child remains breast milk or formula. Gradually, the child is offered vegetables, porridge, meat, dairy products and fruits ... what else?


If you started complementary foods with canned food, it most often already contains vegetable oil. Or - a month after the start of complementary foods - add a drop of oil yourself. Vegetable oil is added to vegetables, it helps their absorption, and butter is combined with starchy dishes - cereals. By the year the child should receive up to 3-5 g of oil per day. The best vegetable oil is olive (cold-pressed), as well as sunflower and corn, they can be alternated. The combination of fatty acids in olive oil is close to the same combination in breast milk. Up to two years, it is desirable to enrich food with oils, in which there are many fatty acids of the Omega-6 and Omega-3 class. Therefore, canned food contains soybean, corn and rapeseed oil (olive oil is more expensive). There are many complaints about the quality of soybean and corn oils, based on the frequent use of genetically modified raw materials. Some well-known manufacturers (such as Semper) have abandoned the use of corn oil for these reasons. Therefore, you should study the label: is there an indication “does not contain GMI” on it. Butter is added directly to the plate, because. When boiled, vitamins are destroyed, and unsaturated fatty acids turn into harmful saturated ones.

Margarine and butter spreads (the so-called "light" oils) are not given to children. The amount of butter needed by a child up to a year is 5 g per day.

But what about cholesterol? According to experts of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, cholesterol, on the contrary, is necessary for a child - in the amounts recommended, according to age. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones, including sex hormones, enters the cell membrane, and its deficiency can lead to violations of its functions, which in turn will affect the development of the baby. With the introduction of butter into the diet of children suffering from intolerance to cow's milk proteins, you need to be very careful. And, finally, no matter how wonderful properties butter has, you should not overdo it, it thoroughly loads the pancreas and liver.


It is 23% saturated fat, so it puts a strain on the liver. Now it is advised to introduce the yolk not earlier than 8-9 months. How to enter: hard boil the egg, grind the yolk into a pulp, add the milk mixture or breast milk. They begin to give from crumbs, then check the reaction, a day later they give again a crumb of yolk, equal to a quarter of a teaspoon. Gradually, the daily dose is brought to half the yolk, a whole yolk is given out after a year. Up to a year there is no need to give the yolk every day - 2-3 times a week. Egg white is introduced only after a year, it is less valuable, less digestible and is a strong allergen. The yolk can be added to porridge or vegetable puree.

Chicken yolk contains essential amino acids, iodine, iron, folic acid, lecithin, selenium, vitamins B2, A, D and B12. When boiling an egg, a significant part of the allergens is destroyed, but still the protein - and even the yolk - can cause an allergic reaction. In this case, eggs are removed from the diet up to 1.5 years, then you can gradually try again, starting with the yolk.

Quail eggs will bring more benefit to the child. Especially if the child is allergic to chicken egg protein - and, in principle, you can start introducing the yolk from quail eggs. Quail yolk contains essential amino acids (tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine), quail eggs surpass chicken eggs in their quantity. They do not contain cholesterol, and quails do not suffer from salmonellosis and infectious diseases. High content of B vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, iron. Don't be fooled by the small size of the eggs, they should be introduced just as carefully and not overdone. Up to a year, the child is offered only one quail yolk. In a year, you can give out a whole egg - with protein. Up to three years, the child is given no more than 2-3 quail eggs per day.


Most modern pediatricians agree that a child who receives breast milk or formula in sufficient volume does not need to be supplemented before the introduction of complementary foods. Breast milk is 90% water, "forward" milk is drink. Many nursing mothers notice that in the heat the child begins to ask for the breast more often, while he sucks for two minutes. The baby drinks foremilk, which is more watery. A stereotype is often cited: they say that adults are thirsty, and the child is also thirsty. Adult food is somewhat different from children's food: what adults eat excites thirst. Nature has not provided any other drink for the child, except for breast milk, it completely satisfies all his needs. Water is an excessive load on the still immature kidneys. Some mothers, during the period of colic, supplement the child with dill water or Plantex tea, again on the water. In this case, the child receives completely excess water, which can just cause colic. A child is born with a sterile intestine, and water erodes the flora that has just begun to form.

Another stereotype: "before all the children were given water - and nothing." Previously, mothers tried to feed according to the regimen, and when a child began screaming from hunger an hour after feeding, it was believed that he was thirsty, hence the myth of widespread supplementation was born. The composition of breast milk was not known, so breast milk was referred to as "food" to be washed down. The recommendations of the World Health Organization, as well as the latest recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, suggest not giving additional drink to breastfed children without special medical indications until about six months. Yes, yes, and our Ministry of Health too. A few years ago, it was forbidden to label special teas for children with the mark “from birth”, now all teas are recommended only from 4 months by decree of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

In what cases do children still need to drink water?

Artificial babies usually need water because formula is heavier than breast milk, it doesn't digest as quickly, and gastrointestinal problems such as constipation can develop without supplementation. Also, any child after 4 months can be offered water in hot weather, especially if the child does not tolerate heat well: sweats, worries. The child himself will choose whether he needs water. As a rule, babies refuse water until 8-9 months. If by 9-10 months the child receives complementary foods in sufficient quantities, he must drink water. In any case, you need to look at the child. Signs of dehydration: dry skin, infrequent urination (in the heat, the number of pissing is much less, this is normal, because the body retains water), urine is dark in color and has a strong odor.

What to drink? The best drink for a child is clean water. Compotes, juices are more food than drink. Compote is a concentrate, any concentrate needs to be diluted. It is by no means useful to supplement compote for up to six months - the child will want to drink even more, "eating" the concentrate from dried fruits. After six months, you can give a diluted compote of steamed dried fruits: when cooking, most of the vitamins die, it is better to pour boiling water over the fruits and infuse, the resulting infusion should be generously diluted with water.

What to do if the child does not drink well? If the child does not show signs of dehydration, there are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, healthy skin, then perhaps he gets enough "hidden" water from the main food (from vegetables, fruits, soups). Or he simply lacks water: dehydration is never asymptomatic. Use different "enticements": young children like original mugs and drinkers.

baby biscuits

Cookies in the diet of a child up to a year old are pure pampering. It has no biological value, but manufacturers add far from hypoallergenic additives to the composition. For example, sugar. It is known that sugar prevents many vitamins and minerals from being absorbed - for example, it beats B vitamins. Why add sugar to fortified cookies is a great mystery. Apparently, the child must eat. For some reason. Also keep in mind that all cookies contain gluten, intolerance to it may occur. There are no hypoallergenic cookies.

Allergists often recommend breastfeeding mothers and children with allergies to use cookies such as "Zoological" or "Mary". These two names appear on all lists of hypoallergenic products. In the reviews of children's cookies in the forums, there is the phrase: "We give" Zoological ", it contains only flour and water!" We appreciate the composition.

Biscuits "Zoological": wheat flour of the highest grade, granulated sugar, invert syrup, margarine, egg powder, salt, baking powder - sodium bicarbonate, vanilla powder.

Cookies "Maria": premium flour, granulated sugar, margarine, condensed milk with sugar, melange, invert syrup, vanilla powder, salt, baking powder (soda, ammonium carbonate).

As you can see, flour and water exist in the form of ghosts, crammed with the rest, by no means hypoallergenic additives. Perhaps these types of cookies exist with a simpler composition: read what labels please.

Special children's cookies also do not shine with a simple composition. Choose from all the evils:

* hipp. Ingredients: wheat flour, wheat starch, cane sugar, vegetable oils and fats, skimmed milk powder, salt, baking powder, vitamin B1.

This is the most sparing composition without eggs and sweets. Hipp biscuits have a rich taste and slightly coconut flavor. The composition of the fragrance is not specified, but the aroma is felt.

* Heinz. Ingredients: wheat flour, sugar, skimmed milk powder, palm oil, milk proteins, ammonium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate, malt, mineral salts (calcium carbonate, ferrous fumarate), olive oil, butter, salt, vitamins, vanillin.

Vanillin can be an allergen.

* "Baby". Ingredients: Ingredients: premium wheat flour, granulated sugar, butter, malt extract, whole milk powder, condensed milk, egg powder, natural honey, corn starch, baking powder, iodized salt, vitamins.

Allergy champion. Comments are superfluous.

* "Grow big!". Ingredients: flour, butter, vegetable fat, corn starch, honey, milk powder, baking powder, salt, vanillin, lactose (milk sugar), vitamins, minerals.

Twin brother "Baby".

* Bondi the Hippo. Ingredients: premium wheat flour, sugar, cow butter, malt extract, whole milk powder, melange, food additives, corn starch, baking powder, baking soda, salt, food concentrate, vitamins C, PP, B1, B2.

The third, lost in childhood brother "Baby". And what are "nutritional supplements"?

None of the listed cookies is suitable for children from 5 months old (this age is indicated on the package). All contain milk (allergen #1), gluten (allergen #2), sugar. Maximum - from 8 months, but many pediatricians warn against eating unhealthy cookies up to a year and a half. Manufacturers of children's cookies use a flirty wording: they say that cookies increase the energy of food. But the ingredients contained in it, logically, on the contrary, dull the energy, and sugar also causes fermentation in the digestive tract. Well-known American obstetricians-gynecologists and pediatricians Glade Curtis and Judith Shuler, in their book on the nutrition of young children, argue that a child is able to absorb flour only after a year. If you absolutely want to introduce your child to some kind of cookie (well, I really want to!), Find any cookie with a simple composition. For example, oatmeal (it can also be different, from simple to chemical) - or dietary drying. Once in the forum I came across the phrase: “give cookies so that the child scratches the gums” - there is nothing better than raw carrots for gums. She is cool, soothes irritation, serves as a teether. Also, cookies are used as nanny cookies: while the child is procrastinating, you can quickly do something ... in this case, also give out drying. At least without honey and condensed milk.

Are "forced" tastes necessary?

Some of the doctors say that a little sugar in kefir will not hurt, someone is categorically against salt, someone advises fructose. Does my child need food supplements? - to begin with, let's figure out why we often want to salt, sweeten or pepper our food.

Not only children's, but also the adult body has a unique ability to recognize what useful substances it needs at the moment. It's just that adults don't always know how to do it. Do you know why? Because some parents from an early age knock down the child - the future adult - taste sensations. Considering that they did nothing wrong - and there really is nothing wrong with a crumb of salt, but listen further - they put a very unpleasant program into the child for the future. It's called "I don't know what I want". When a child is NOT knocked down by taste sensations, he always knows what nutrients his body lacks. This is an innate feeling! When the taste is knocked down to a child, he very quickly loses his unique ability.

Why do parents start adding salt to food, sweeten it? They have a panic. A 9-month-old child drinks kefir only with sugar or fructose. Eat vegetables ONLY with salt. Otherwise, he does not eat or drink ... That's what is important for parents. And the fact that the child will lose his "clairsentience" and in the future will not be able to support his immunity with the help of food, choosing the products that are needed in composition at the moment - this is no longer important ... It's a pity!

Now you understand why sometimes, cleaning the refrigerator to a shine, you remain hungry and confused. Your body ate a lot of things, but did not understand what it needed. Probably, at 6 months you were already fed semolina porridge with sugar. And at 10 months, the whole family proudly looked at the child eating rich broth along with everyone. In the future, this child will demand only a special taste from food. He does not know whether he needs calcium or vitamins at the moment, whether there is a need for protein, fats, carbohydrates ... He was knocked down by the ability to recognize. He wants only fast energy: bright taste. That's why - if possible - do not add sugar, salt, fructose, or anything else to a child under one year old. A child under one year old DOES NOT HAVE to eat all the foods on the list. It is his parents who want to have before their eyes a picture of a healthy baby from a poster, obediently eating everything that is offered to him.


Children from birth lack salt receptors. A person gets used to the salty taste "forcibly". Until the age of one, the child receives a sufficient amount of minerals from food. The daily norm of salt for a child up to a year: 0.3 g. You can not add salt to a child up to a year of food so that he eats it faster. The child's kidneys are not yet formed, they are not designed for such a load and do not have time to filter it. An excess of salt in the diet leads to nervous excitability and seriously impairs the functioning of the kidneys and pancreas. Breast milk, for example, contains 25 times less salt than whole cow's milk - calves need much more salt than human babies.

If you do add some salt to your baby's food, try to use only iodized or real sea salt. Its norm is the same as for ordinary salt, it should not be consumed more in order to get some kind of fictitious benefit. Keep in mind that iodized salt retains its properties for 3-4 months. Therefore, when buying salt, be sure to look at the date of its manufacture. When heated, and even more so when the product is boiled, to which iodized salt is added, iodine will evaporate. You need to salt the dish immediately before serving.

To date, many (unfortunately, not all) baby food manufacturers have already removed or are removing salt from baby products, subject to modern scientific requirements. Similarly, those mothers who prefer to cook food for young children themselves should do the same. Cereals, dairy, vegetable and other baby foods contain naturally occurring salt (sodium), and there is no need to add table salt (sodium chloride) to them.

Sugar or fructose - which is healthier?

Unlike salt, our acceptance of sugar is innate. This is energy in its purest form, and the biggest fear of the body is to die of hunger, that is, from a lack of energy. But at the same time, it is equally important that the child learns to recognize other tastes, because you definitely won’t go far on pure energy. We need other components to live. Returning to the above: if the child does not clog the taste of the product with sweetness, he will still accept this product - perhaps not the first time. At the same time, he will feel its taste, and know with which element he associates it. For example, sugar prevents calcium from being absorbed. Therefore, kefir with sugar turns into an ordinary white liquid, devoid of benefits. As is cottage cheese.

Children don't need sugar, they need glucose. It gives energy and stimulates appetite, helps all organs to be in good shape and work properly. Glucose is found in sugars, that is, in fruits and vegetables. In order for it to be enough in the body, a child under seven years of age should eat a plate of vegetables and 150 g of fruit per day. Sugar and sweets are also suppliers of glucose, but not only it, so their share in the diet for up to three years is no more than 10%.

Baby food often contains a mixture of dextrin and maltose (maltodextrin), which is healthier than sugar and can replace it. Also added to cereals and cookies: glucose (grape sugar), fructose (fruit sugar), dextrose (another name for glucose), maltose (glucose polymer). These sugars do not interfere with the intake of valuable vitamins, minerals and fibers.

Fructose is a fruity, so-called slow sugar. For the absorption of fructose, insulin is not needed, it slowly walks through the body without causing additional stress on the liver, kidneys and hormonal system (unlike regular sugar). The obvious minus of the non-aggressive effect of fructose: the body does not understand that it has received some kind of sweetness, there is no quick burst of energy. A person often wants sweets than when using ordinary sugar. Fructose contains more calories than sugar. Recently, a very persistent myth has emerged about the benefits of fructose for children. Like, it is better than sucrose (sugar), less harmful. This is just a myth! Yes, fructose is a natural sugar, but what we buy in boxes is a very concentrated product obtained through complex industrial processing. Eating fructose does little to increase blood glucose levels, but it can cause an increase in uric acid and other harmful compounds. This is a product that is difficult to digest, produced for patients or people with a lack of weight (the body partially converts fructose, due to its “slow” behavior, into fat).

Experts warn against fructose in children's diets: it cannot completely replace sugar, it is neither lighter nor simpler. Our pancreas, for example, does not care if sugar or fructose are the same simple carbohydrates for it. For example: pediatrician-dermatologist Natalya Ivanovna Semenova, who is well known to many u-mothers as an adequate specialist, categorically advises her patients to replace sugar with fructose: they say fructose is even worse.

In the next article, we will look at what you can and should feed a child after a year.

On the photos: 1. Lisa (mother Yalu), 2. Vasya (mother Money), 3. Mark (mother Zlata), 4. Ksenia (mother

Butter is included in the list of products, the presence of which on the table becomes mandatory in the first year of a baby's life. When adding it to the diet, it is important to take into account the high sensitivity of the baby's body to culinary innovations and the recommendations of pediatricians on the nutrition of infants. For many parents, information regarding when butter can be added to complementary foods and what are the norms for using this healthy product will be important.

Butter and vegetable oils include:

  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • amino acids;
  • minerals.

Due to the intake of such substances into the body, its normal growth and functioning is ensured, digestive processes are normalized, and the immune system is activated. Butter stimulates the brain, promotes the timely formation of teeth and proper bone growth, maintains the necessary level of moisture in the skin, healthy hair.

Allowed until the child reaches the age of 12 months, vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, corn) improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, participate in the formation of tissues of various organs, maintain the organs of vision in a normal state, promote proper coordination of movements, timely transition from crawling to walking.

The belated introduction of such products into the diet of crumbs or their complete absence is fraught with the appearance of various health problems at an early age, a lag in terms of physical and mental development.

It is important to bear in mind that oily substances are a source of cholesterol, an excess of which leads to negative health effects. That is why they should be present in the children's menu in small, age-appropriate quantities.

When to introduce complementary foods to infants

Many pediatricians are unanimous about the age at which it is necessary to enrich the baby's diet with oil products. In accordance with the recommendations of experts, they should appear on the menu after 8 months for children who are breastfed, and after reaching six months for children who receive an adapted mixture instead of mother's milk.

The famous children's doctor E. O. Komarovsky recommends supplementing complementary foods with butter when the child is well acquainted with vegetables, cereals, and fermented milk products.

Rules for introducing complementary foods

The creamy product is introduced into complementary foods as an addition to a variety of cereals, mashed potatoes, meat puree, and vegetable broths. Being added to these dishes, it will not only improve their taste, but also help to better assimilate the starch contained in cereals and root vegetables. It should be added not during cooking, but immediately before serving to the child.

Vegetable oil is introduced into the diet first, then butter. This is due to the fact that the substance of animal origin in most children is more difficult to digest.

The recommended pause between getting used to such products is about one month. It is important to remember that oils should only have a natural composition. It is forbidden to use fat-free products, margarine or spread containing additives of synthetic origin as complementary foods.

When the child's body masters culinary innovations, it is necessary to constantly monitor the development of a possible negative reaction.

If the child has signs of allergies or frequent stools, oil consumption will have to be temporarily abstained. Such phenomena are most often associated with a lack of enzymes and the imperfection of the digestive system.

How much butter and vegetable oils should be given to the baby

There are special baby food standards that describe how much creamy or vegetable product can be given to a child in the first year of life. They look like this:

  1. The daily norm for babies receiving artificial nutrition is 1 g by 6 months, 3-5 g upon reaching 7 months, 5 g at 8 months.
  2. Daily portion of the product for children who are breastfed - 1 g starting from 8 months.

When the child is 9 months old, it is allowed to add 3-5 g of oil to food (not taking into account what the method of feeding the crumbs was in an earlier period). At 10-12 months, the recommended amount of the product per day is 5 g.

As the child develops, the portions of oils in the daily diet should gradually increase. For children from 1 to 3 years old, the norm of a creamy or vegetable product is increased to 6-10 g. After 3 years, the child should receive 10-15 g every day. At this age, butter is not only added to cooked cereals and other dishes, but also offered to the baby with bread and pastries.

Help in choosing an oil for a child

It is important for parents planning to introduce a creamy or vegetable product into the baby's diet to know how to choose it correctly, and which oil will not cause a negative reaction from the child's body. When purchasing butter for feeding a baby, you should carefully study its expiration date, composition and appearance. If possible, it is also recommended to taste oil products.

High-quality butter has a yellowish color, and has a characteristic, pleasant aroma of cream. Its composition should not contain any flavors and flavors. Pediatricians are advised to give preference to a creamy product with a fat content of at least 82.5%.

Vegetable oils that can be safely included in baby food have a beautiful color. They should be clear, without haze or sediment. For baby food, you should choose refined foods, while it will be possible to minimize the risk of developing an allergic reaction. Cold-pressed oil is also considered useful, as it retains all the valuable natural substances in its composition.

It is not easy for a small child to adapt to a new world. Caring parents should do everything possible so that the baby learns everything new gradually. Breastfeeding oils are no exception. The correct introduction of useful products ensures the comprehensive harmonious development of children.

The importance of oils in a baby's diet

Thanks to the fatty acids contained in the oils, the baby's body is enriched with numerous useful substances. The importance of oils in the diet of infants lies in the fact that they contain:

  • Squirrels.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Vitamins.
  • Minerals.

It is important that cholesterol, harmful to adults, plays a very important role in the development of the child. Therefore, it must be consumed in small quantities.

What is the best oil for babies?

Any oil is useful if it is consumed and fed into the diet in accordance with norms and standards. Oil for babies, which one is better cannot be definitely said. Each is a real storehouse of valuable trace elements. It is important that unrefined vegetable oil contains a lot of useful substances that are vital for every developing organism.

Oils include:

  • sitosterol.
  • Lecithin.
  • Vitamins A, E and D.

It is important to know that when heated, many vegetable oils, or rather the vitamin E contained in them, is destroyed. This leads to the formation of carcinogenic products. Therefore, in a heated form, no vegetable oils should be given to babies. Exceptionally fresh oil as an additive to blends and purees.

Sunflower little for babies

It is not easy to determine the real benefits that sunflower seeds bring to babies. Enriched with vitamins E, A and D, it is well perceived by the child's digestive tract and has a positive effect on the skin and intestinal function. Vitamin D contained in the oil is simply invaluable for the normal development of the child and the prevention of rickets.

Sunflower oil for babies is useful in the form of small supplements to the diet in fresh form. It is better not to consume fried foods for babies.

Olive oil for babies

This oil is useful for both adults and children. Olive oil for babies has invaluable benefits due to the large number of useful components. The benefits of oil for the development of the child's body:

  • Favorable effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Maintaining the active development of all types of tissues.
  • Optimum effect on the vision of the baby.
  • Promotes regulation of coordination of movements.
  • Prevents the development of mental disorders.

Thus, olive oil for babies is a must. Timely management helps to cope with many health problems at an early age and nourishes the tissues with the necessary beneficial substances.

Palm oil for babies

Palm oil for babies is often used in infant formulas. Due to the high degree of purification, the oils are completely natural and can be taken by children. It is not worth consuming palm oil on your own. And as a baby food, it’s more complete really. In addition, it has been proven that the type of emulsion in which it enters the stomach is perfectly absorbed.

Additionally, it should be noted that palm oil for babies is useful for:

  • Works of the colon.
  • Processing and removal of harmful substances, excess carbohydrates, toxins.
  • Removal of excess bile acids.

Thus, palm oil for babies does more good than harm.

Vegetable oil for babies

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that vegetable oil has for babies. Timely introduction to the diet can prevent the occurrence of many diseases and stabilize development. It is important to maintain a balance and introduce certain oils in a timely manner so that they only help the child's body, and do not cause unjustified harm.

Benefits of vegetable oils for babies

Before introducing oils into the diet of children, you need to know what are the benefits of vegetable oils for the baby. It is significant and is as follows:

  • Helps to stabilize the work of the nervous system, prevents the development of excessive excitability.
  • Improves memory.
  • Stabilizes vision.
  • Enriches the body with essential antioxidants.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Protect the stomach from the effects of harmful substances.
  • Stabilize the digestive system.

The real benefit of vegetable oils for the baby is clear. It is necessary to determine how to take them correctly and what dosage will bring only benefit, and not harm.

When to introduce complementary foods to infants

Every supplement has its time. Therefore, when to introduce this or that oil into complementary foods for babies, it is necessary to decide based on the recommendations of specialists who are well versed in this matter. In this case, it is necessary to decide on one more nuance. In its pure form, the oil is not introduced and is not given to the child with spoons. It is added to various cereals, mashed potatoes, soups. It all depends on the age of the baby and its tolerance of this or that oil.

Practice shows that when to feed babies with oils and in what volume, it is necessary to determine from age:

  • 4-5 months - 1-2 grams of oil.
  • 6-7 months - 3 grams.
  • 8-10 months - 4 grams.
  • 11-12 months 5 grams.

Further on the rise. In this case, you can combine olive, sunflower and corn oils. They will bring more benefits and demonstrate the reaction of the body and the individual tolerance of the child.

How to enter

The careful introduction of vegetable oils into the diet is the key to the development of a healthy digestive system. How to introduce and with which product you need to decide on your own. So, many use oil, mixing it with vegetable puree. In this case, a few drops of oil added to broccoli or zucchini can cause frequent stools.

Adding to cereals is also possible. In this case, the reaction will be less pronounced. Weak vegetable broths with the addition of oil will provide the necessary benefits. In each case, it is necessary to monitor the individual tolerance of the body. If the baby has an allergy or the stool has become more frequent, then you should stop consuming oil for a while. Perhaps the lack of enzymes played a role and so far vegetable oils should be abandoned.

Butter for babies

Experts believe that you can introduce butter for babies after getting used to vegetable oil. After a pause of a month, after the introduction of a new product, you can proceed to butter. It is ideal to add butter to a plate of porridge to enhance its taste characteristics. It is strictly forbidden to introduce fat-free butter, spread, margarine or oils with all kinds of additives as complementary foods.

The benefits of butter

In this case, it should be noted that the benefits of butter are invaluable for the mental activity of a young organism. Fatty acids help the nervous system work better. In addition, they are good for the digestive tract. For children living in harsh climates, butter is a real source of extra warmth and minerals.

When to enter

The body has to get used to everything new. Therefore, when to introduce it is worth deciding on the basis of the individual tolerance of vegetable oils by the child. If the reaction is good, then already in the 5th month you can try to add a gram of oil to complementary foods, but no more. Several days of observation will allow you to determine whether the product is introduced in a timely manner and how the baby's body reacts to the new product. Monthly, you can add one gram of butter.

How much butter to give to a baby?

If the enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract of the baby are present in sufficient quantities, then it is enough to introduce one gram of natural non-salted oil from 5-6 months. In no case should you give preference to ghee, as the fat content in it is increased. In some cases, deciding how much butter to give to a baby is based on its tolerance. If the first experience was successful, then you can give 2-3 grams in the first month of complementary foods. Further, the amount can be increased by a maximum of one gram per month.

Oils for feeding babies are very important. Proper and timely complementary foods ensure the harmonious development of the child by obtaining all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
