
Salad 'White birch'. Salad "White birch" - a tandem of exquisite taste and original design

The name of the salad is well known, but its recipe, oddly enough, has different variants. Most famous recipe"White birch" - salad with chicken, mushrooms and prunes. But they also cook it with liver and meat. Mushrooms are also put differently. Someone prefers fresh champignons or Forest mushrooms, and someone is preparing this salad with pickled mushrooms. Some housewives add carrots to the salad, others put apples in it. But the most remarkable thing about this salad is its design. So, no matter what recipe you choose, the main thing is to decorate the salad so that it becomes a “White Birch”. And the design of birch salad can also be different.

Salad "White Birch"

The whole trick of the design is to make the salad reminiscent of the characteristic coloring of birch bark - dark stripes on a white background. Let's start with the stripes. IN traditional recipe they are made from soaked prunes. But there are recipes where the stripes are “drawn” with black olives. Some especially sophisticated artists manage to lay them out with black caviar (even from protein caviar). And someone uses dark purple basil leaves for this. Now about the background. There are fewer options here. Either you grease the top of the salad with mayonnaise or sour cream, or sprinkle with grated egg white or light cheese.

We figured out the background and stripes. Let's figure out how to serve salad. Any White Birch recipe is a puff salad recipe. And here you can choose one of two ways to submit it. In the first case, the layers are placed in a deep and preferably transparent salad bowl, and the top of the salad is simply decorated with a pattern of birch bark. In the second variant, the layers are laid on flat dish in the form of a birch log. This salad looks spectacular, and you can add it with other decorations.

As additional decorations, lettuce leaves imitating curly birch leaves are suitable. You can make "grass" at the base of the log, taking dill or parsley for this. You can plant mushrooms in the "grass" (real pickled or made from eggs). And you can crawl along the trunk of our birch log ladybugs cherry or red tomatoes bell pepper. In a word, how many artists - so many canvases. But in order to decorate the salad beautifully, you need to choose its recipe. And each recipe is interesting in its own way.

Salad "White birch". traditional recipe

This is the most common recipe for such a beautiful and tasty salad. It includes the following ingredients:

  • Chicken breast;
  • Champignon;
  • Eggs;
  • Fresh cucumbers;
  • Onion;
  • Prunes;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Greenery.


half pack fresh champignons(200 g) wash and chop. Finely chop one onion and fry the mushrooms along with the onion for vegetable oil. Boil the breast, cool and cut into long thin sticks. We also cut cucumbers (2 pcs.). Grated hard-boiled eggs (2 pcs.). Prunes (six pieces) soak for five minutes and let it dry.

We begin to collect the salad, spreading each layer with mayonnaise and seasoning with salt:

  • mushrooms fried with onions
  • chicken meat,
  • eggs,
  • cucumbers.

Most upper layer Lubricate abundantly with mayonnaise and lay out prunes, imitating stripes on a birch bark. Decorate with greenery of your choice.

White birch salad with liver

A variant of the salad, in which instead of chicken meat liver is placed, and olives are used for decoration. Try this recipe for comparison.


  • Beef liver;
  • Eggs;
  • Carrot;
  • Potato;
  • Onion;
  • Greenery;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Vegetable oil for frying;
  • Olives.


Half a kilo beef liver boil and rub on fine grater or pass through a meat grinder (grind in a blender). Wash one carrot, peel and cut into strips. Let's chop the onion. Fry carrots with onions in vegetable oil. We will cook a couple of washed potatoes in their uniforms, cool, peel and grate (large). Three hard-boiled eggs - also grated (yolks and whites separately).

We spread the salad in layers, spreading them with mayonnaise and seasoning with salt:

  • boiled liver
  • overcooked carrots with onions,
  • boiled potatoes,
  • egg yolks,
  • egg whites.

We decorate the salad at our discretion, using black olives (olives) for “drawing”.

White birch salad with apples and cheese

interesting recipe famous lettuce, including cheese and apples. By the way, black olives are also used to decorate this salad.


  • Chicken meat;
  • Eggs;
  • Onion;
  • Apple;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • olives;
  • Vegetable oil.


Boil the chicken and cut the fillet from it: for the salad, we need about half a glass of chopped meat. Hard-boil three eggs, separate the yolks and whites and grate them into coarse grater. One apple (with sweet and sour taste) peel and seeds and also grate on a coarse grater. Hard cheese (one hundred grams) - also grated. We cut the onion into rings and fry in vegetable oil, put it in a colander to drain excess oil.

Let's start laying out the salad in layers:

  • fried onion,
  • chicken meat,
  • egg whites,
  • mayonnaise,
  • apple,
  • egg yolks,
  • mayonnaise.

We decorate the top of the salad with chopped olives, imitating the pattern of birch bark.

Salad "White birch" with crab sticks

Another salad recipe, born (in all likelihood) after appearing in our stores and in our holiday menu crab sticks. And what is even more remarkable: this recipe includes canned mushrooms.


  • Packing crab sticks;
  • Bank of canned mushrooms;
  • 250 g of cheese;
  • 2 heads of onions;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Prunes (5-6 pieces);
  • Green salad;
  • Vegetable oil.


Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry in vegetable oil. At the very end, add canned mushrooms, which we first remove from the marinade, rinse and dry. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Crab sticks cut into small sticks. Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and put them on a flat dish.

On top of the salad, put half of the crab sticks and grease this layer with mayonnaise. On crab sticks lay out half of the mushrooms fried with onions, and on them - half of the cheese. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Then we repeat all the layers except for lettuce leaves: crab sticks, mayonnaise, mushrooms with onions, cheese, mayonnaise. We decorate the salad with prunes.

Salad "White birch" with prunes

This recipe is almost the same as the traditional one. But prunes for the preparation of this version of the salad take much more: a whole layer is laid out from it.


  • 300 g of chicken meat;
  • 200 g fresh champignons;
  • Bulb;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 200 g prunes;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Greenery.


Boil the chicken breast, cool and cut into cubes. Cut the onion into half rings. Wash, dry and cut the mushrooms into slices. Fry the mushrooms with onions in vegetable oil and discard them in a colander to drain excess oil. Cucumbers cut into strips, chop hard-boiled eggs. Rinse prunes and soak in boiled water for ten minutes. Then we dry it and finely chop it (leave a few pieces for decoration).

We lay the salad in layers, spreading each layer with mayonnaise:

  • prunes,
  • mushrooms with onions
  • chicken,·
  • eggs,
  • cucumbers.

We decorate the salad with prunes and herbs.


Can this recipe be "modernized" and replaced fresh mushrooms on canned, and fried onions - on soaked in vinegar. Then the salad will become pronounced sweet and sour taste.

Try, experiment and choose the most “delicious” recipe in your opinion. Let your performance salad " White birch” will turn out especially beautiful and especially tasty. Cook with pleasure!

If you want to diversify the list of salads that you know how to cook, try making White Birch Salad. Its ingredients are very simple, the cooking time is about 30 minutes, and the resulting look is able to satisfy the most sophisticated taste.

Salad White birch is suitable for both daily and festive tables.

How to cook White Birch Salad?

To get to know the White Birch salad closer, you should try to cook it first according to the traditional recipe.


  1. Pickled champignons - 1 b.
  2. Onion - 1 pc.
  3. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  4. Prunes - 100 g
  5. Chicken breast - 350 g
  6. Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  7. Lettuce, mayonnaise and salt - to taste


  • Clean and wash the onion. Cut it into small cubes. Open the jar of mushrooms and drain the marinade. Heat oil in a pan and add onion. Fry it and add mushrooms. Salt and pepper them to taste. Leave the mushrooms and onions to cool.
  • Soak prunes in warm water for 15 minutes. Set aside 3 prunes, and cut the rest into squares.
  • Hard boil the eggs. Let them cool, peel and grate the eggs.
  • Boil chicken breasts, cool them and cut into medium-sized cubes.
  • Wash and cut the cucumber into thin strips. Wash lettuce leaves.
  • Lay the salad in layers: 1st - prunes, mushrooms with onions, mayonnaise. Then the 2nd layer - boiled breast, salt and a layer of mayonnaise. 3rd - eggs, mayonnaise, 4th layer - cucumber and mayonnaise.
  • Lay lettuce leaves on the edge of the dish. Extraordinary salad White birch is ready.

White birch salad has several cooking options, one of which is with apples. Someone may really like the sweet and sour taste of the new cheese salad.


  1. Eggs - 3 pcs.
  2. Chicken fillet - 300 g
  3. Apple - 1 pc.
  4. Onion - 1 pc.
  5. Cheese - 200 g
  6. Olives
  7. Mayonnaise, sunflower oil


  • If you decide to boil the chicken yourself, wash it, put it in a saucepan, pour cold water. Put on medium fire. When the water starts to boil, remove the resulting foam. Once the water boils, make small fire and leave to cook for 30 minutes.
  • Then put the chicken to cool and separate the fillet from it. can buy finished fillet at the store to save time.
  • Wash well and set chicken eggs boil hard. Cool them down and peel them. Separate the whites from the yolks, then grate them separately on a coarse grater.
  • Peel the apple from seeds and peel and grate on a coarse grater.
  • Peel the onion and cut it into rings. Then heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion. Discard the onion in a colander to drain the oil.
  • Grate the cheese on a fine grater.
  • Lay the salad in layers: fried onion, chicken meat, egg whites, mayonnaise, apple, cheese, yolks and mayonnaise. Decorate the top of the salad with olives, creating the appearance of a birch bark pattern, and after an hour, when it is saturated with juice, serve.

Salad White birch with crab sticks

Another type of White Birch salad worth trying is with pickled mushrooms and crab sticks. If we focus on the popularity of salad with crab sticks, then it is not surprising that White Birch salad with such ingredients will also appeal to all lovers of delicious dishes.


  1. Crab sticks - 200 g
  2. Pickled mushrooms - 1 b.
  3. Onion - 2 pcs.
  4. Cheese - 200 g
  5. Mayonnaise, salt, vegetable oil to taste
  6. lettuce leaves


  • Peel, wash and cut the onion into half rings. Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the onion until golden color.
  • Drain the marinade from the mushrooms, rinse and dry them, then add to the onions at the very end of cooking.
  • Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut crab sticks into small cubes.
  • Wash and dry lettuce leaves. Then put them on a salad dish.
  • Put half of the chopped crab sticks on the salad and brush them with mayonnaise.
  • Then put half of the mushrooms with onions on crab sticks, and 100 g of cheese on them. Grease again with mayonnaise. Now again repeat all the layers in order, except for the lettuce leaves: crab sticks, mayonnaise, onion with mushrooms, cheese and mayonnaise.
  • Finally, decorate the salad with prunes on top, creating a pattern of birch bark. White birch salad is ready.

White birch salad can be prepared with many ingredients, but the main ones are pickled mushrooms, mayonnaise and prunes, which allows you to create an imitation of birch bark.

« white birch"- a salad in which not only the content is interesting, but also the design. This recipe has several variations, but the most interesting is the traditional recipe.

Because the main feature, by which the Birch salad is always recognized - this is exactly the design, the ingredients can be replaced with others. But in fact, the original "White Birch" has such a harmonious taste that there is simply no need to add something.

It is easy to prepare and no special culinary skills are required. The main thing is to carefully study the recipe and follow its recommendations.

So the required ingredients are:

  • chicken fillet- 300 gr;
  • champignons - 200 gr;
  • prunes - 100 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • mayonnaise - 250 ml;
  • salt pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greens - any to taste.

First of all, to prepare this salad, you need to boil the chicken fillet. It will be more fragrant if you add a few peas to the water. allspice. It is possible and Bay leaf- but this recipe is not for everyone: the effect can be very spicy, but here it will be clearly superfluous.

While the fillet is cooking, it is necessary to boil the eggs and soak the prunes in warm water to make it softer. Adding prunes to a salad is always recommended only pre-soaked. At the same time, you should not leave it for more than an hour - it will give all the aroma and a considerable amount of taste to water, which will not be useful during the cooking process.

Now it's the turn of the champignons: peel the mushrooms, cut the legs into four parts, the caps into six or eight parts. Onion cut into small cubes. In order not to cry during this procedure, there is one effective recipe. You can take water in your mouth and not breathe, you can constantly moisten the knife in cold water. But now we are talking about a completely different recipe: you need to ... sing! Besides the fact that it really works, it also makes the cooking process more enjoyable.

Fry the mushrooms in a dry frying pan for 3-5 minutes: excess liquid will come out of them. When it evaporates, pour vegetable oil and add onions to the mushrooms. Fry, stirring, for 10 minutes. Season with spices, remove from heat.

Then the fun part begins - laying out the layers. And they are possible in different variations- each housewife prepares this salad the way she likes it. One thing remains unchanged: the top layer is eggs (because birch should be white). But again, some last layer cucumbers are made to give the dish relief when decorating, like a tree trunk.

It's amazing how the same recipe "sounds" differently if you just change the order of the ingredients in it!

So, you need a dish that will make a beautiful birch. It is desirable oblong, but if it is not there, you can use the usual, round one. It is important to remember that when preparing this salad, all layers are smeared with mayonnaise (or reverse side tablespoon evenly distributing the sauce over the surface, or making a thin mayonnaise mesh). This is done so that the salad is not dry. Don't just mix all the ingredients and pour the sauce over them - it will be easier, but this recipe does not involve such an action.

Finely chopped prunes are laid out in the first layer. You don’t need to salt or pepper it - just put it on a dish and coat with mayonnaise. A few things need to be left for decoration.

The third layer of White Birch salad is mushrooms. Classic combination chicken and mushrooms will be diluted with a somewhat unusual sourness of prunes - this a win-win when you want to surprise guests with a new taste.

Cucumbers are cut into cubes (thin strips) or slices and spread in one even layer. Salting is a must!

After that, it's time for the eggs. The yolks are separated from the proteins, rubbed on a fine grater and sprinkled with cucumbers. Next, the proteins are rubbed on a fine grater and also poured in an even layer, smeared with mayonnaise.

The recipe does not end here. Now the most interesting thing remains: the design of the "birch". Traditionally, this salad is made simply whole white, and on the resulting white "log" a characteristic pattern is "drawn" with strips of prunes. But if you approach the process more creatively, you can serve the salad in the form of a full-fledged tree.

To do this, you must initially give the blank the correct shape: visually divide the dish in half, and spread the salad on one half over the entire surface (this will be a sheet), on the second - only a strip in the middle (this will be the trunk).

After the last layer with a spoon, smooth out the bumps on the sides. The tree trunk is already being formed known way, and the foliage is made from greenery. It can be dill, celery, parsley, finely chopped lettuce leaves - it depends on taste.

As for substitution options, some use olives instead of prunes, some expand the recipe by adding a layer hard cheese or green apple. All these variations have the right to life, only the salad will be different. "White birch" is a light (albeit mayonnaise) dish with a bright taste.

It is not as popular as some other salads, but it is all the more interesting: this is a dish with an unconventional combination, and it will definitely help to effectively diversify the culinary menu.

Salad "White birch"- delicious hearty salad based on chicken, made in layers, has long been a regular dish on our holiday table. Today I tried to design it to match the name and “painted” a real white birch with the help of products. All the guests were completely delighted, and at first they even refused to eat it. Great combination of simple and not expensive products, plus the original design of the dish, I think they will not leave you indifferent.

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.
  • fresh champignons - 150 gr.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • cheese - 150 gr.
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 large onion
  • mayonnaise - 200 gr.
  • salt to taste
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoon

For decoration:

  • green onion - a few feathers
  • olives - 2 pcs.
  • parsley - a few leaves

Salad "White Birch" - recipe

Rinse, remove the skin and boil for 30 minutes in 1.5 liters of salted water (you can also use another part of the chicken, such as a leg). After the specified time, drain the broth, cool the chicken, remove the bones and finely chop with a knife.

Eggs pre-boil hard-boiled, cool, remove the shell and grate on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into half rings and saute a little in a pan with olive oil. In this case, the fire should be slightly below medium, frying the onions until golden brown is not required.

Wash thoroughly and cut thin plates, put in a pan, salt and fry on olive oil for 5 minutes until golden.

Let's get started on the salad. You will need a large flat dish. Put the passivated onion in the first layer and apply a mayonnaise net on it.

I like to cover each layer with mayonnaise in this way, without smearing with a spoon - the salad turns out to be more tender and airy. But you can do this only if the salad is not supposed to be eaten immediately, but if there is no time to wait until it is soaked, smear it as usual with an even layer.

The second layer is chicken pieces. Put half of the total amount of meat, grease with mayonnaise, then the remaining half and cover with mayonnaise again. This is done so that the chicken is evenly soaked and not dry.

The third layer is mushroom. Lay out the plates of champignons and grease them with mayonnaise. Leave a few plates to decorate the salad.

Put the eggs in the next layer and cover with mayonnaise mesh.

Wash the apple, peel, remove the seeds and grate on a coarse grater or finely chop with a knife. Put the eggs on top and grease again, a little more than the other layers, so that it is enough to impregnate the top layer.

The final layer is cheese, grated into a fine grater. Cheese is desirable to take yellow color so that the birch tree looks more contrasting against its background. Spread the cheese in an even layer and press down with the palm of your hand.

Let's get to the art. "Draw" a tree trunk from the package. It is more convenient to draw thin branches by cutting off the corner of the mayonnaise package.

Cut the olives in half lengthwise and cut into very thin half rings. Randomly place them on the "trunks".

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 20 minutes

If you love to cook, experiment, conquer guests and loved ones with new delights, unusual dishes then you should definitely try this one interesting salad. It's called "White Birch".

Moreover, the products included in its composition are extremely simple and every housewife will find them in her refrigerator.

Imagine winter in the yard, on the threshold New Year, and you have summer on the table. This original, amazing, cost-free a large number time, and its design will cause a storm of delight. Believe!

Salad "White birch" with chicken - recipe with photo.

Preparation time - 20 minutes
Cooking time - 15 minutes
Difficulty level is easy.

- chicken fillet - 100 gr;
- apple - 1 pc. (medium in size);
- cheese - 190 gr;
- onion - 1 small head;
- eggs - 3 pcs.;
- olive mayonnaise - 100 gr;
- salt, parsley, dill;
- olives - 5-6 pieces for decoration.


Boil chicken fillet for White Birch salad in lightly salted water for 20-25 minutes, cut into small cubes. The smaller the better.

Finely chop the onion, lightly fry in vegetable oil until translucent. This is necessary in order to remove bitterness.

Boil the eggs and grate on a coarse grater, or you can just chop them finely. As you will be more comfortable.

Cheese grate on a fine grater. Better get some cheese durum varieties. We do the same with an apple, three of it on a fine grater.
Salad "White Birch" will be laid out in layers. It is better to immediately come up with the shape of the trunk and crown, and then lay out all the cooked ingredients. You can send a plate with green leaves, juicy salad, and directly form the salad on the substrate.
So, the first layer of White Birch salad, according to the recipe, will be from chicken meat. Meat can be slightly salted.

On it, the second layer must be laid out onions.

The next layers are an egg, followed by a vitamin apple.

And again put a layer of chicken meat. You can lubricate each layer with mayonnaise, this is at your discretion and desire.

And finish with a layer grated cheese. Gently grease everything with mayonnaise.

Now you need to form a tree - the crown and trunk of the tree. You shouldn't have any trouble with these.

Now let's move on to the most interesting, to the highlight - decorating our salad. This is where you can really get creative. But, before that, it is again necessary to grease the entire salad with mayonnaise on top.

Finely chop the dill and parsley, sprinkle the "tree crown" on top. Decorate the trunk of the "birch" with finely chopped pieces of olives. Greenery can imitate grass under a birch.
Amazing and delicious salad Salad "White birch" with chicken is ready and decorated! We send it for one to two hours in the refrigerator. Believe me, it is simply impossible to break away from the salad. Very beautiful in appearance and soft in taste, it will certainly be the center of attention on your table. Enjoy your meal! And the realization of all creative ideas!

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