
Recipe for kurnik on kefir. Kurnik on kefir - general principles of cooking

Russian cuisine has always been famous for its dishes. The holiday pies were especially delicious and exquisite. The most honorable place was occupied by the chicken. It is usually baked large sizes and with different fillings. No wedding is complete without this cake. Kurniki were baked from yeast dough, puff, unleavened. On milk, curdled milk, sour cream. For the filling, the hostess used mushrooms, porridge, vegetables. But be sure to put chicken meat in this pie. The real chicken was made with different fillings, and so that they do not mix with each other, they were layered with pancakes. Today I want to offer you a recipe for a kurnik, the dough of which is cooked on kefir.

To bake it, you will need:

For test:

  • 120 g butter;
  • 250 g of kefir;
  • 5 g of soda;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • about 500 g flour;
  • egg for brushing.

For toppings:

  • 300-350 g chicken meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 200 g champignons (canned);
  • 2 eggs;
  • a small bunch of green onions;
  • 40 g sunflower oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • black pepper to taste;
  • four pancakes according to your recipe.

First prepare the dough. Pour melted butter and kefir into a bowl. Add salt, sugar and mix well.

Combine this mixture with flour and soda. Knead the dough. It will turn out quite dense, but not tight.

Leave it for an hour to rise in a warm place. During this time, it will become softer and more pliable.

While the dough is rising, make pancakes according to your favorite recipe. You only need four of them to layer three fillings.
For the first filling, finely chop 1 onion and lightly fry it in oil. Put chopped mushrooms to it, salt, put pepper and mix. Put the stuffing on a plate.

For the second filling, in the same pan, fry the chicken meat until half cooked. Add finely chopped onion and spices to it.

For the third filling, hard-boil the eggs and chop them. green onion cut into small cubes. Salt.

The dough on kefir will rise a little, become soft and will be easy to roll out on the table.
Cut off a small piece of dough for decoration, and divide the rest into two unequal pieces. Most roll out into a 1 cm thick sausage.

Grease a frying pan or a mold with plenty of oil, sprinkle the bottom and sides with flour. Put the juicy in the pan so that its edges are flush with the sides. Put a pancake on the bottom of the juice. Put the meat filling on it.

Cover the meat with the second pancake. Now add the egg and green onion filling.

Place the third pancake. Put mushroom stuffing on it.

Cover it with the fourth pancake.

Now roll out the second piece of dough into a small circle. Cover the whole pie with it. Wrap the bottom part of the dough over the top and close up nicely.
Roll out a small piece of dough and cut leaves out of it, and make a ball out of the rest. Make a small hole in the top to let the steam out and cover it with a dough ball.
Brush the pie with beaten egg.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees and put the cake to bake. After 40-45 minutes it will be covered golden brown.
Let the chicken cool slightly and carefully remove from the mold.

Kurnik in Rus' was called " royal pie”, he was prepared for big holidays (Trinity, wedding feast). traditional recipes baking is quite complex. Two types of dough were usually used for it: yeast or shortbread for the base and pancake for the filling layer. Subsequently, the pie recipes were simplified, the filling was often made single-layered, but the kurnik is still one of the most delicious options baking, it's not a shame to put it on festive table. One of the most delicious and simple options the flour base for the kurnik is kefir dough. You can make both the base of the pie and the layer from it, you just need to choose the right recipe.

Cooking features

The kefir dough for the chicken is prepared relatively simply and quickly, but without knowing some important points the expected result may not be obtained.

  • Kurnik is one of the festive dishes, saving on products for him is not accepted. By choosing high-quality flour, you can be sure that the cake will turn out delicious and appetizing in appearance. The composition of the dough for the chicken often includes oil. You can replace it with margarine, but it is undesirable.
  • Flour for any kind of dough should be sifted. The purpose of this manipulation is not only to clean the product from small litter and flour bugs. The main task is to saturate the flour with oxygen. Sifted flour becomes light and friable, it mixes well with other components without forming lumps. Products made from such flour are more delicate in taste, airy and crumbly.
  • On kefir for a kurnik, they usually knead shortbread dough. It does not like the warmth of human hands. At the first stages, it is advisable not to stir the ingredients with your hands, but with a spatula or spoon, however, you still have to complete the process of kneading the dough manually. Products for shortcrust pastry are preferably used cold, although the butter for it is sometimes melted or softened. After kneading, the dough is cooled for an hour by placing it in the main chamber of the refrigerator. Before that, it is placed in a bag or wrapped cling film so that it doesn't fade.

You can make on kefir and pancake dough for a layer of chicken stuffing. Layer the cake with already baked pancakes.

Dough for kurnik on kefir without eggs

  • wheat flour - 0.6-0.7 kg;
  • butter- 0.2 kg;
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • salt - 2 g;
  • soda - 2 g;
  • kefir - 0.25 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sift the flour, temporarily remove to the side.
  • Melt the butter in a water bath or in the microwave. You can also do this over low heat if you are confident that you can achieve this without letting the oil boil.
  • Kefir, without heating, pour into a bowl, add salt, soda, sugar to it. Mix well.
  • Combine kefir with melted butter, whisk the products with a whisk to obtain a homogeneous liquid.
  • Pour the flour into the liquid mixture in parts and stir the products with a spatula. When the dough becomes so thick that it becomes difficult to stir it with a spatula, transfer it to the table and complete the process with your hands. The dough should be soft but not sticky to your hands.
  • Roll the dough into a ball, place it in plastic bag and refrigerate for an hour.

After the specified time, the dough must be divided into two unequal parts, rolled into layers of different diameters. A larger layer is placed in a baking dish, pressed against the bottom and sides of the form, dried in a preheated oven, filled with filling, covered with a smaller layer, and the cake is brought to readiness in the oven.

Dough for kurnik on kefir with eggs

  • wheat flour - 0.7 kg;
  • kefir - 0.2 l;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • butter or margarine - 150 g;
  • soda - 3 g;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sugar - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  • Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt to them, beat with a whisk or a mixer.
  • Melt the butter or margarine, let the product cool so that the eggs do not curdle from contact with it.
  • Add butter to eggs, beat them together.
  • Pour soda into kefir, mix, pour into other products, mix well.
  • In parts, add the sifted flour to the liquid mixture, knead the dough.
  • Shape the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

You can work with the dough only after it has cooled well. The cake from it turns out tasty and crumbly. You can make not only a kurnik from this dough, but also a pie with a sweet filling.

Pancake dough for kurnik on kefir (for layering the filling)

  • wheat flour - 0.3 kg;
  • kefir - 125 ml;
  • refined vegetable oil - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 20 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • soda - 5 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Remove kefir from the refrigerator in advance, by the time the dough is prepared, it should acquire room temperature.
  • Add soda and salt to kefir, stir, wait for the reaction (soda reacts with acid, this is accompanied by foaming).
  • Beat the egg with sugar and combine with kefir. Whip them together.
  • Sift the flour, add it to liquid base, stir well to obtain a homogeneous mass, resembling sour cream in consistency. To facilitate the task, you can use a mixer. It is better to use the nozzle in the form of a corkscrew - it was created specifically for making dough.
  • Add sour cream to the dough, stir again.

The pan for making pancakes from this type of dough can be left unlubricated or covered with a thin layer of oil using a culinary brush. The dough contains a lot of vegetable oil, so the pancakes do not burn.

Dough for kurnik on kefir can be made both pancake and shortbread. Shortbread is used to bake the base of the pie, it comes out tender and crumbly, melts in your mouth. From pancake dough make pancakes, which are sandwiched with the filling of the kurnik. After all traditional version this birthday cake contains several layers of filling, which most often include chicken, mushrooms, some kind of cereal, vegetables.

Kurnik - hearty pie with chicken, which can be served not only for tea. Such pastries can become a full dinner or good snack. There are an incredible number of chicken recipes, but the result largely depends on the test.

Here are collected the most different variants. How and from what to knead the dough for the chicken?

Chicken Dough - General Cooking Principles

Dough for kurnik is usually kneaded on white wheat flour. The higher its quality, the better the result will be. It is advisable to sift the dough before using. The procedure will get rid of random litter, lumps, flour will be easier to combine with the liquid. If the dough is yeasty, then it will require ripening in a warm place. All other types can be used after kneading. Puff pastry also takes a lot of time, but it can be used immediately after the final rolling.

What is kneaded dough for a chicken coop:

Milk, water, kefir and other liquids;

Butter, margarine, fat;

If the dough is not yeast, then baking powder can be added to it. It is often replaced with baking soda. You can extinguish it with acid or kefir, if it follows the recipe. From ready dough form kurniki with different fillings.

Yeast dough for chicken coop with milk

The recipe for a simple yeast dough for a chicken coop with whole milk. Dry yeast is used for it fast action, you need one small bag. Vegetable oil can be replaced with melted butter.


A glass of milk;

10 g yeast;

15 g of sugar;

500 g flour;

Two tablespoons of oil;

1 tsp salt.

Cooking method

1. Warm up the milk. For kneading yeast dough, always use a liquid slightly warmer than body temperature.

2. Add sugar and yeast, stir, pour 5-6 tablespoons of flour. We leave for 15 minutes.

3. We introduce a teaspoon without a slide of salt, stir, add flour and pour in the oil. Knead everything together first with a spoon, then with your hands. We add flour until we get a thick, soft and not sticky dough.

4. We put it in heat. Be sure to cover with a towel, the fabric should allow air to pass through, but protect the crust from drying out.

5. After an hour and a half, the dough will rise, you need to lower it. Then we let it stand a little more, rise, and you can begin to form a chicken coop.

Puff pastry for chicken

Puff pastry easy to buy in the store, it is inexpensive, but does not compare with the home counterpart. The cheapness of the product is explained by the composition, there is nothing supernatural in it, the products are the most primitive, cheap and few of them.


200 ml of water;

0.3 kg of margarine;

Four st. flour;

0.5 tablespoons of vinegar;

A couple of eggs.

Cooking method

1. Puff pastry loves the cold. Therefore, nothing needs to be heated and melted for it. On the contrary, we cool the water. It is advisable to use ice-cold liquid for kneading.

2. Pour vinegar into the water, add salt, stir. Beat the eggs separately with a fork.

3. Sift three cups of flour on the table, make a well, add eggs and water, knead the dough. If necessary, add a little more flour, look at the consistency. We make cool dough. Let lie down for a quarter of an hour to swell the gluten.

4. Margarine cut into slices and spread in one layer on a piece parchment paper. Cover with a second sheet of the same type and lightly roll with a rolling pin. You should get a square in one layer.

5. Roll out the dough into a piece twice as large as a square, that is, a rectangle. We put margarine, cover with free dough, pinch the edges together, roll out margarine with dough.

6. We turn the prepared layer 3-4 times, put it in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour, you can put it in the freezer. We take out, roll out, but do not unfold. Fold again 3-4 times. Put in the freezer for 15 minutes.

7. You can roll out and fold the dough in this way indefinitely, there will be more layers, but two or three times are left for the chicken. At the end, just roll out, form a pie.

Dough for kurnik on kefir

One of classic recipes test for kurnik on kefir or yogurt. Margarine and butter can substitute for each other. But this dough on lard (melted lard). This fat does not contain water, gives a good consistency, allows you to cook delicious and crumbly pie.


A couple of eggs;

Half a kilo of flour;

0.25 liters of kefir;

Sugar 2 tsp;

A pinch of soda;

110 g of oil;

1 tsp salt.

Cooking method

1. Melt the butter and leave for a while, let it cool. If it has lain warm, then you can not do this, we will use a softened product.

2. Break the eggs into a bowl with kefir, add soda and salt with sugar to them. Shake the mixture thoroughly until smooth, add softened or melted fat.

3. Enter wheat flour. We knead the dough. When using liquid kefir (or curdled milk, another fermented milk product) may take a little more flour.

4. Cover the dough with a napkin, put it in a bag or just leave it on the roofing sheet, covering it with an inverted bowl. Let's lie down for a quarter of an hour. After that, you can proceed to the formation and subsequent baking of the kurnik.

Dough for kurnik on sour cream and margarine (shortbread)

To prepare the dough according to this recipe, you need only three ingredients, except for salt. But you can cook without it if the margarine is salty. It is very important to use good sour cream at least 20% fat.


260 g flour;

220 g margarine;

110 g sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Pour the flour into a bowl. It is advisable to sift it. We measure according to the norm, if necessary, at the end it will be possible to add a few more spoons.

2. Add chopped or grated margarine, rub everything together.

3. We introduce salt and sour cream. We knead the dough. We bring it to uniformity, the mass will stick a little to the hands. We remove the dough in the refrigerator.

4. After half an hour, the dough will become hard. We take it out of the freezer, divide it into two parts, form a kurnik stuffed with poultry and vegetables.

Dough for chicken margarine

Very often they knead the dough for a kurnik on margarine. This is one of the cheapest fats, although not very useful. Margarine is better to take fat. It is easy to check this - you need to press on the product lying in the refrigerator. If it is easily washed, then the percentage of fat in it is small.


250 g margarine;

250 g sour cream;

5 st. flour;

5 g baking powder.

Cooking method

1. Measure out three and a half cups of flour, put in a bowl. Add a couple of pinches of salt to it. Remember that it is also contained in margarine. Immediately add baking powder, half a standard bag is enough. We mix.

2. We put all the margarine at once. Whisk together with flour mixture until smooth. If margarine is not enough, then you can partially replace the butter. Melted wine fat (lard) will do. If the margarine is frozen, then you can grate it first or just chop it together with flour with a knife.

3. As soon as the flour with margarine turns into crumbs, add sour cream to them, knead the dough, add more flour if necessary. The amount depends on the consistency of the sour cream. We let the prepared dough lie down for half an hour in the refrigerator. Then we sculpt and bake a kurnik out of it.

Dough for kurnik on mayonnaise "Crushed"

Mayonnaise contains a lot of fat, it also contains eggs, so the sauce is ideal for kneading chicken dough. This recipe is egg-free. That is, the dough is made from those products that can be easily found in the refrigerator.


Three tablespoons of oil;

400 g flour;

0.3 st. water;

Salt (about 0.5 tsp)

Cooking method

1. Add salt to the water, stir. We introduce mayonnaise and continue to stir. It's okay if it is a little flaky, it's normal for such a sauce.

2. Add flour and knead. The amount will depend on the thickness of the mayonnaise. Making soft and elastic dough.

3. Let the lump lie down in the refrigerator for half an hour. So that it does not dry out, it is better to put it in a bag or cover it with cling film.

Dough for kurnik on sour cream with milk

Recipe tender dough for cooking kurnik with sour cream. Additionally, you will need the usual whole milk fat content doesn't matter. This one is with eggs. If they are large, then two pieces are enough. The amount of flour indicated is average, it may change slightly up or down.


0.6 kg flour;

Five tablespoons of sour cream;

140 ml of milk;

Three eggs;

7 g of soda;

Salt, sugar.

Cooking method

1. If the sour cream is sour, then you can not extinguish the soda separately, just mix it with sour cream and leave it for now.

2. Add a teaspoon without a tubercle of salt to milk and twice as much granulated sugar. Dissolve and combine with sour cream.

3. Beat the eggs with a fork, pour into a bowl with sour cream and milk. We mix everything thoroughly.

4. We begin to introduce flour. If soda has not yet been added, then extinguish it with vinegar and pour it into the dough. We knead it until received plastic mass that won't stick to your hands. But you should not make too steep dough either.

5. You can use immediately. But still, it is better to let the test lie down a little, at least a quarter of an hour. You can just on the table or put in the refrigerator.

Yeast dough for a chicken coop on the water

Another version of the test with yeast. This recipe uses ordinary water, but if desired, mix partially with milk. The recipe uses regular butter. We melt it in advance, so as not to use boiling water, you can replace it with margarine.


300 ml of water;

0.6-0.7 kg of flour (approximate amount);

70 g of oil;

One and a half tablespoons of sugar;

1 tsp salt;

One egg;

11 g yeast.

Cooking method

1. Sand mixed with warm water, add dry yeast. Leave for a few minutes for everything to dissolve.

2. Combine the egg with salt, stir and pour into warm water.

3. Add warm oil, stir and begin to introduce flour. Knead soft, but not batter. We crush it to plasticity.

4. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with a towel, leave until well risen, then release once.

5. We form a chicken coop, grease and bake.

Any dough will be easier to knead and will turn out to be of high quality if you use products of the same temperature. Sour cream or fat from the refrigerator is never added to a warm liquid, just as no attempt is made to pour boiling oil into flour.

Yeast dough not subject to storage, it must be used immediately, as soon as the mass comes up and sour. But other types of dough (on kefir, sour cream, fats) lie perfectly in the refrigerator, some can even be frozen. Therefore, if necessary, knead in advance.

Kurniki are usually cooked with raw filling so no need to add a lot of sugar. Otherwise, the crust will quickly burn, and the inside of the cake will not bake.

Kurniki - pies are light, but satisfying. Products for them are available and are not something unusual, like the methods of baking a pie themselves. Regardless of the technology, stuffing products are prepared in the same way, with rare exceptions.

Kurnik on kefir - general principles of cooking

Potatoes are used raw and thinly sliced ​​as thick slices or wedges will not bake through the batter. If, according to the recipe, potatoes need to be grated, then this is done coarse grater so that in the pie the potatoes do not turn completely into mashed potatoes.

Onions are most often sautéed to a light golden color; cooking experience suggests that the juiciness of the pie depends heavily on the amount of this component.

Chicken, as a rule, is cut finely and not fried. If you are preparing for hastily, you can marinate the meat in any non-acidic or mild marinade, lightly fry the potatoes, and simmer the onion slices for a short time with oil.

Kurnik on kefir with potatoes


flour, high-grade - 700 grams;

Butter "Peasant" - one pack, including a spoon for stuffing;

250 milliliters of kefir;

half a spoon fine salt and soda.

For stuffing:

half chicken fillet - 350 grams;

three potatoes;

two medium-sized onions;

salt and pepper mixture.

To grease the pie:

yolk of one fresh egg.

Cooking method:

For kefir, choose a sufficiently voluminous bowl, pour it all at once, pour in and mix soda, salt. Melt the butter and let it cool, pour into the kefir and stir.

Gradually adding flour, stir constantly until it is convenient to do with a spoon. Then put the dough on the table, sprinkle flour under it and knead by hand. Add small portions of flour until the dough does not stick strongly to your hands, then wrap it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Rinse the chicken and cut into slices, the size of a quarter of a matchbox. Peel the onions and cut into half rings, and then chop even smaller with a knife. Peel the skin off the potatoes, rinse and pat dry with a paper towel. Take thin, narrow and very sharp knife, cut the tubers first in half, then into thin half-slices.

Salt and season the filling components with pepper, mix and proceed to the formation of the pie.

Set aside a quarter of the cooled dough, and slightly roll out the rest and lay it out in a round, slightly moistened with oil form. Carefully shape the crust with your hands, working the dough over the sides as well.

In an even layer, distributing potatoes and chicken over the entire form, lay out the filling. Rub or spread the butter in pieces.

Roll out the remaining dough into a circle smaller than the shape of the diameter. We put it in the middle, and we wind it up on it and slightly blind the sides. We make a small hole in the middle of the pie, rub the surface with yolk mixed with a spoonful of water.

The cake is baked at the usual one hundred and eighty degrees for pies, it takes about 50 minutes. Serve the pie warm or cold.

Kurnik on kefir with potatoes and cheese


a glass of three percent kefir;

half a spoonful of sugar and a quarter each - salt and soda;

five hundred grams of flour;

half a standard pack of Farmer's oil.

For stuffing:

four hundred grams of white chicken;

three potatoes;

large bulb;

50 grams of "Farmer" oil;

half a spoonful of fine salt and half as much - ground pepper.

Cooking method:

Pour melted butter into a bowl with kefir, pour salt and soda, mix thoroughly.

Add and mix the flour until a strong thickening, then transfer the batch to the table and bring the dough to a dense consistency. We will not stand it in the refrigerator, but it is necessary to cover it with a film or wrap it in a bag and let it stand.

Wash chicken, pat dry and chop finely. We clean the vegetables and rinse them too. Cut the onion into smaller pieces, and the potatoes into a couple of parts and rub after that with a large grater.

We heat the oil, fry the meat until golden brown and spread the onion to it. Stir and let the juices evaporate, and the onion is slightly fried. We put the components of the filling in one container, salt, add spices if desired or just pepper, mix thoroughly.

We line a form of any size that allows you to fit the cake with foil. We roll out the dough into a centimeter layer, separating about a quarter for the top of the pie. We rub the foil with oil, lay out the “thick” cake. We knead it with our hands, forming the sides.

We lay out the cooled filling in an even layer, cover with a cake from the reserved dough. Borders bottom cake separate from the mold and put on the top, in the middle of the cake we make a two-centimeter hole.

We set the oven to 180 degrees, the baking time will be from 40 to 60 minutes. Lubricate the finished and sufficiently cooled kurnik with a slice of butter.

Yeast kurnik on kefir with potatoes


eight grams of "fast" yeast;

one and a half glasses clean water;

a spoonful of sugar and half as much salt;

three spoons refined oil;

one fresh egg.

For stuffing:

three medium-sized potatoes;

three hundred grams of chicken without bones and fat;

spices for chicken dishes;

a slice of "Traditional" butter.

Cooking method:

We heat water up to forty degrees, pour salt and yeast, stirring, add sugar. Pour in the oil, start kneading and add flour. We act in this way, while there is an opportunity to act with the help of a spoon.

We transfer the batch to the work surface, continue to knead and add flour until plastic, soft dough. We remove it, wrapping it in a bag in a warm place, let it part and rise for three hours.

Peel and coarsely chop the onion, sauté in butter. Cut chicken into smaller pieces, mix with cooled onions and season with spices. Finely chop the peeled potatoes, mix with the rest of the filling and salt.

We divide the dough into two unequal parts, to be more precise, we set aside one third, and roll out the rest according to the size and shape of the brazier. We spread and knead the dough with your fingers all over the baking sheet, be sure to lightly oil it, pull out the low sides.

We lay out the filling, making sure that it is evenly distributed throughout the pie of meat and potatoes. We also roll out the deferred dough into a cake, lay it on top of the filling and point the edges of the lower layer onto it. We press the dough layer with the prongs of a fork, make 3-4 holes in the upper cake for free steam to escape.

Beat the egg and grease the chicken with a brush, bake at 190 degrees for up to fifty minutes.

Kurnik on kefir with potatoes and canned mushrooms in a slow cooker


half glass thick sour cream;

100 grams of kefir;

a pack of "Peasant" oil;

a spoonful of fine salt;

400 grams of flour;

300 grams of steamed chicken fillet;

four potatoes;

large lettuce;

soda - on the tip of a knife;

one and a half cups of pickled mushrooms.

Cooking method:

Melt without heating the oil too much. Mix kefir with sour cream and soda, add salt and add the cooled oil. Mixing flour in small portions, we start a plastic, not tight dough. We pack it in a bag, put it in the common compartment of the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Mushrooms are decanted from the brine, cut arbitrarily. We clean the onion and chop it into small slices, sauté until golden color in hot oil. Add mushrooms and simmer for up to seven minutes.

We cut the washed chicken into small pieces, and peel the potatoes and dissolve them into thin sticks. We divide the dough into two parts of an unequal mass, roll it out in the form of circles, lay the larger one on the bottom of the bowl. Please note that you do not need to lubricate the bowl!

We spread the first layer of half the potatoes, add salt, then lay out the chopped fillet. The meat should also be lightly sprinkled with salt and spices. Next, lay out the mushroom frying and finish again potato layer.

Spread a few thin slices of butter on top of the potatoes; if it is frozen, you can rub it with large chips. We cover the pie with a “lid” from a smaller layer, tightly pinch both layers of dough together.

In the middle of the cake, you need to make a hole the size of a small coin, for the steam to escape freely.

If your multicooker allows you to adjust the set modes for duration, select "Baking" and set the timer to 90 minutes. If such a convenient function is not available, simply repeat the standard cycle after the end of the program, and note the time by the clock.

Take out the cake carefully, use a saucer or a steam container.

Kurnik on kefir with potatoes and fresh mushrooms in the oven


a third of a kilogram of flour;

fifty grams of sour cream and mayonnaise;

60 milliliters of milk;

1/3 pack of butter;

fresh egg;

For stuffing:

two potatoes;

two hundred grams of champignons;

half a chicken fillet, weighing about 300 grams;

a large onion and half a glass of chopped onion feathers;

pepper, vegetable oil and salt.


pancakes or pita bread to form the layers of the cake.

Cooking method:

Sift flour into a bowl, cut frozen butter into it. Rub into crumbs with your hands. Separately mix mayonnaise with milk and sour cream. Pour the mixture into the buttery crumbs in small portions, knead until a soft dough forms. Use the mixture completely, if necessary, it is better to add flour. Wrap the dough in cling film and refrigerate for half an hour.

Wash the chicken and blot with a cloth, dissolve into small cubes. We cut the peeled onion in the same size and shape, and the mushrooms are slightly larger. Separately, pass the onion, add and fry the chicken with it. Brown the mushrooms in another pan.

Having mixed both passerovka, grind them with a meat grinder, release the egg, salt and pepper to taste. After peeling the potatoes, dissolve it into thin and narrow sticks.

Roll out the dough into two unequal layers. We put the smaller sheet on a baking sheet covered with parchment, put about a quarter of the filling on it. We spread with pita bread and put the filling again. We repeat until the products run out, but the last layer is the filling.

We cover the cake with a second, large, layer of dough, pinch the edges, make a hole in the center, the size of an average coin. Bake the cake for forty minutes, with standard heating at 180 degrees.

Lazy kurnik on kefir with potatoes


a glass of kefir and the same amount of mayonnaise;

soda quenched with vinegar - a teaspoon;

one and a half glasses of flour;

two eggs.

For stuffing:

five potatoes;

300 grams of chicken;

half a spoonful of pepper and salt;

spices for chicken meat;

large lettuce.

Cooking method:

We cut the peeled and washed vegetables into thin circles, leave the potatoes as they are, and additionally cut the onion into quarters of rings.

We separate the chicken from the bones and skin, small particles of fat can be left. Wash, dry and cut the meat into small pieces.

We turn on the oven for heating, rub a thick-walled frying pan without a handle thickly with oil, put potatoes on the bottom, salt and pepper this layer. Evenly spread the chicken and sprinkle with pepper, spices and salt, most last layer lay out the onion.

When the oven warms up to 190 degrees, we send the pan into it for a quarter of an hour, and proceed to the preparation of the dough.

We release eggs into a deep bowl with sloping walls, add mayonnaise and kefir. Stir vigorously, adding soda and a pinch of salt in the process. In parts, we introduce flour, starting the dough, as thick as pancakes.

We take out the frying pan with the heated products and let it cool down a little, fill it with dough and return it to the oven for forty minutes. Lower the heat by ten degrees, and make sure it is ready with a wooden stick.

Kurnik on kefir with potatoes - cooking tricks and useful tips

It is widely believed that kurnik is a relatively tasteless pie. In practice, this happens only when ignoring the details of technology. If you still want a brighter pie, do not put off the chicken recipes on the back burner. First of all, pay attention to seasonings, in addition to the most common pepper, you can add a little and ready mixes.

For example, soak the chicken in a mixture of spices "For the bird" and mix the potatoes with a spoonful of seasonings designed specifically for him.

Use the marinator to prepare the chicken, which will take you no more than ten minutes. Potatoes can be cut into thin slices, as for chips, and heated in a microwave oven.

If, nevertheless, something is missing from the pie, serve tartar sauce to it, such an additive is most welcome for a chicken coop.

classic pie kurnik is preparing usually without the addition of kefir, or any kind of dairy products, but as practice has shown, it is thanks to them that the dough turns out to be very soft and tender. If you want your chicken to be just like that, then pay attention to the recipes below.

Kurnik from dough on kefir with mushrooms


  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • butter - 100 g.

For filling:

  • chicken meat - 400 g;
  • onion- 2 pcs.;
  • champignons - 180 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • greens - to taste;
  • pancakes - 4-5 pieces;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • vegetable oil.


For the dough, melt the butter and mix with kefir. Add some salt, sugar and sifted flour to the mixture. Knead a thick and slightly sticky dough and cover it with cling film. Let the dough rest in a warm place.

Meanwhile on vegetable oil sauté onions and mushrooms. Fry the chopped chicken in a separate pan. Once both fillings are ready, put them on a plate and let cool.

Hard-boiled eggs, chop coarsely and mix with chopped herbs.

Lay the rolled out dough on the bottom of the baking dish so that its edges hang down. On a layer of dough we put alternating pancakes and stuffing. Roll up the rest of the dough, covering the entire pie. Lubricate the kurnik with butter or a beaten egg and put in the oven for 45 minutes at 200 degrees.

If you are cooking a kurnik on kefir in a slow cooker, then first select the "Baking" mode for 90 minutes, and then turn the cake over and continue cooking for another 20 minutes.

Kurnik on kefir and mayonnaise


  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • flour - 2 tbsp.;
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

For filling:

  • chicken - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 3-4 pieces;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt pepper;
  • butter.

