
Low calorie snack. The best low calorie snacks

Some of them, on the contrary, prefer to avoid snacking and feel the whole thing on themselves. And others still use a snack as a full meal, then cutting back on the amount of food of the main course. Let's still figure it out, is snacking harmful or beneficial?

Many nutritionists claim that snacking between meals is very healthy. When we eat little and often, blood sugar levels do not change, but metabolism, on the contrary, increases. The most important thing is to find a healthy and high-quality snack for yourself.

What can't be snacked on?

You should not use high-calorie bars or chips, as there is no benefit from them. The feeling of fullness will go away after 20 minutes, but the calories contained in them will remain with you for a long time.

Also, do not get carried away with baking. It contains a large amount of carbohydrates that pass through the gastrointestinal tract quite quickly and the feeling of hunger will return to you after a short period of time. In order to snack and lose weight, you need to choose snacks that contain a lot of fiber. These snacks include: fruits, beans, vegetables, whole grains. Below are the options.

9 healthy and low-calorie snacks

Option 1. Soluble fiber foods

They are great as a small snack, as fiber is processed more slowly by the body and leaves a feeling of fullness for a long time. These foods include: beans and peas, oat bran, fruits such as apples, mangoes, citrus fruits. And of course, vegetables: broccoli, carrots, asparagus, celery. As for carrots, 3 small carrots is only 60 calories. You can eat it for a very long time and the feeling of hunger will not come soon.

Option 2. Protein products

The following foods can be used as a snack when consumed individually. These include: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese. Cheese used to be considered unhealthy for our figure, but nowadays it is believed that a cracker with pieces of low-fat cheese is a wonderful snack and a feeling of satiety will stay with you for a long time.

Option 3. nuts

Although nuts are delicious, they are also high in calories. People who are on a diet should not eat them in large quantities. You should immediately count how many nuts you need for a snack. For example, 14 almonds contain only 98 calories. This number is enough to satisfy the feeling of hunger. If you suddenly feel like salty, do not immediately grab the chips. The best alternative is pistachios. After all, 20 pistachios have only 80 calories! Also, do not forget that salted nuts contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Option 4. Yogurt

It makes a great low-calorie snack both at home and at work. The only thing you should remember when choosing yogurt as a snack is that it should be white and without additives. To make a snack more healthy, you can add fresh fruit or muesli to yogurt.

Option 5. whole fruits

Fruits that contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and fiber. They can be consumed with cottage cheese, yogurt, and muesli. Two kiwis have only 95 calories, and half a banana has about 100. You should know that a banana contains starch and a lot of sugar, so those who are on a diet should not abuse this fruit.

Option 6. Whole grains

Nutritionists and scientists from around the world claim that people who eat whole grains are less likely to develop diabetes.

Option 7. Vegetables

The easiest and most delicious way to prepare vegetables is a salad. Cut fresh vegetables and dress them with a light sauce or olive oil. For variety, you can add cheese or cottage cheese.

Option 8. Dried fruits

They are very useful for our body and contain fiber. Dried cherries are perfect as a snack. There are only 125 calories in 5 tablespoons. Cherries can also be added to yogurt, getting a completely satisfying and tasty dessert. If we talk about healthy desserts, banana ice cream is worth mentioning. To do this, you need low-calorie yogurt and half a banana. Insert a banana on a stick into a glass of yogurt and place in the freezer for several hours. Here is a delicious and healthy dessert.

Option 9. Dairy

Do not forget about a glass of milk or kefir before bed. Kefir improves digestion, restores the intestinal microflora and unloads the stomach well before bedtime. Don't turn a snack into a full meal. You need only 200 calories to last until a full meal. When eating, do not rush. Do not forget - the brain needs 20 minutes to understand that the body is full. Therefore, chew food should be leisurely.

Many, keeping diet food, try to get by with only the main meals. But hunger is a very strong enemy, and it can overtake a person at the most inopportune moment. As a result, you have to eat something far from healthy, which negatively affects volume, figure and health.

Nutritionists advise snacking, but the right products which should always be kept on hand. They claim that snacking is healthy.

Read also:

What not to eat

To begin with, it is worth figuring out what kind of snacks are considered wrong, and sometimes even harmful. This may include:

  • Chocolate bars;
  • Chips;
  • Confectionery;
  • Sandwiches with fatty meat or sausage.

You can often find advice to use for a snack dried fruits and nuts. But you should understand that they are very high in calories. Therefore, you should not get carried away with them. There are many other satisfying options to put something in your mouth, they will be beneficial and perfectly satisfy your hunger.

Tasty and healthy food and snack options

For eating between main meals, you can use:

  • Delicious and healthy drinks- natural yogurts with honey or seeds are easy to use at work.
  • Recently, various smoothies. They are easy to make at home if you have yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Yay, fruits! This is a great option to have a snack anywhere: at home, at work, on the road. Fresh bananas, pears and apples will not only saturate, benefit, but also cheer you up.

Advice! Instead of fresh fruits and berries, you can use frozen ones. You can cook them yourself, cut large fruits into large cubes and put them in containers, the portion should be equal in volume to a glass. You should not defrost fruits before eating, they are tasty and in this form. Frozen pineapple and mango are especially wonderful.

Cheese and cottage cheese. This is not about sweet ready-made curds and glazed curds, but about delicious low fat foods. Enough 100 grams of cottage cheese, mixed with berries, dried fruits or honey, to get enough and wait for the main meal. Low-fat cheese with green tea satisfies hunger very well.

Fast food? Yes!

But not just fast food, but the right, harmless, cooked on your own at home. It is prepared from fruit.. Very tasty chips are obtained from pineapples, bananas, apples, persimmons and citrus fruits.

Cut the fruit into slices, put on a baking sheet covered with parchment, lightly sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Dry in the oven for 15 minutes, then the chips must be turned over and dried on the other side for the same amount of time. The temperature is 180 degrees.

Even harder to give up homemade muesli. Cooking porridge for a snack often fails due to lack of free time. And you can’t take it with you on the road or to work. Muesli will come to the rescue, which can be purchased at the store or made at home.

The recipe for making muesli at home is very simple: a handful of walnuts, 0.5 cups of natural slightly warmed honey with cinnamon, 50 grams of butter are taken for a glass of oatmeal. The mass is thoroughly mixed and placed on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

The mass is baked in an oven preheated to 170 degrees for half an hour. They should be stirred regularly. Ten minutes before it's ready add a handful of chopped dried fruits. Muesli is very fragrant and tasty. They should be broken into small pieces and placed in a tightly closed jar.

In addition to the three main meals, a well-balanced diet should also include low-calorie snacks. In just a few hours after breakfast, blood glucose levels drop, and it becomes difficult for us to maintain concentration. A glass of water and a light, low-calorie snack can solve the problem.

A well-chosen snack allows you to keep energy at a high level, as well as to refrain from overeating, which is fraught with a set of extra pounds (as you know, severe hunger often makes you eat more than your body needs).

Low calorie snack

Find ideas for these low-calorie snacks below. The biggest advantage is that none of them require cooking. A simple and correct selection of products will help you satisfy your hunger and the body's need for essential substances without harming your figure.

1) Low-calorie snack - 1 hard-boiled egg and 1 small carrot = 100 kcal.

Eggs and carrots help prevent eye diseases and support vision due to their high content of lutein and vitamin A.

2) Low-calorie snack - 1 pear and 1 slice of cheese = 100 calories.

Pears help prevent stress and improve memory. Dairy products at the same time provide the body with probiotics, which are good for skin and hair.

3) Low calorie snack - 1 slice of rice bread spread with soft cream cheese and 2 figs = 100 calories.

Figs are a rich source of potassium, fiber and calcium. Helps control blood pressure, prevents constipation and indigestion, and helps maintain weight.

4) 100 ml fat-free natural yogurt, ½ cup whole grain cereal, ½ cup pomegranate seeds = 100 calories.

Pomegranate is a valuable source of vitamins A, C, E and folic acid. Favorably affects the heart and blood circulation, prevents the development of cancer cells. At the same time, whole grain cereal without sugar is low in fat and low in calories. They provide the body with a lot of nutrients and fiber.

5) Low-calorie snack - one serving of oatmeal (28 g) = 100 kilocalories.

Oatmeal is a source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Their daily use improves blood circulation and regulates blood pressure. This product also has a number of other benefits: cereal lowers bad cholesterol, reduces the risk of diabetes, increases energy levels, and helps to withstand diet conditions.

6) Low-calorie snack - 2 tablespoons of peeled pumpkin seeds = 95 kcal.

7) Low Calorie Snack - 1 apple and ½ tablespoon peanut butter = 95 calories.

Apples have many health benefits: they reduce the risk of cancer, prevent heart disease, help control asthma, and their daily consumption reduces the need for insulin. No wonder they say: eat apples in the morning - you will not go to the doctors.

Peanut butter is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for the normal functioning of the body.

8) A serving of gingerbread or plain gingerbread = 95 kcal.

It is difficult to find a dessert that would be as tasty and healthy at the same time. But the gingerbread meets these two conditions. It has a low calorie content, contains little fat, but at the same time rich in fiber and vitamins.

9) Snack - one small banana = 90 kcal.

Bananas consist mainly of fiber and sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose). For this reason, they are an excellent source of energy that lasts for a long period of time. In addition, this fruit contains a lot of potassium, iron and vitamin B6. Helps to reduce symptoms of depression, anemia, get rid of constipation, prevent high blood pressure, improve the functioning of the nervous system, has a positive effect on bone health.

10) 1 glass of tomato juice = 70 calories.

11) 1 apple = 52 calories.

The fact that one apple a day will help you improve your health is undeniable. This fruit does not contain fat and cholesterol, but occupies a leading position among all fruits in terms of pectin content (natural dietary fiber). Apples reduce the risk of colon cancer, protect against high blood pressure, and lower levels of "bad" cholesterol.

12) 50g strawberries and 50g cream cheese = 42 calories.

Strawberries contain many useful substances, including those with antioxidant properties. It is a rich source of vitamin C, K, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, B6, copper, omega-3 fatty acids. Cream cheese is an excellent source of protein and calcium.

Based on the list above and the calorie table, you can easily make your own list of healthy snacks so as not to rack your brains over this issue every day. It may include vegetables, fruits and dried fruits, nuts, dairy and sour-milk products. The main rule is that if you are on a diet, then one such snack should not exceed 100 calories.

The list of snacks can also include options with minimal preparation - for example, a salad with tomato and cucumber, sprinkled with any nuts. Or a salad of boiled beets, garlic or onions and sunflower oil (you can also add raisins). Also as an option - a salad of eggs, sweet peppers and cherry tomatoes, seasoned with olive oil. Consider a variety of fast food sandwiches (such as red fish and lettuce). The main thing is to take as a basis not a white loaf or a bun, but whole grain pastries or bread with bran.

A healthy lifestyle with a confident gait entered the life of a simple man in the street. And that is great! After all, now you can absolutely freely find information on how to eat right, how to lose extra pounds and look stunning. It is no longer a secret that for people who are on a diet or just watching their weight, it is important to eat right and balanced. A light snacks just allow you to satisfy your hunger between main meals.

In order to make it easier for you to decide what to eat on a diet, we have made a selection of the most healthy and tasty, and most importantly, low-calorie snacks.

Before you start choosing what to cook for a snack, you need to consider a few basic rules that help you lose pounds faster and at the same time not feel constant hunger:

  • 20 - 30 minutes before meals, you need to drink a glass of water;

  • the total amount of water per day should not be less than 1.5-2 liters. If you include bread with bran in the menu, the amount of water consumed per day should be more than 2 liters;

  • the time between snacks should be at least 1 hour;

  • in the summer months, try to use sour-milk products to a minimum;

  • use nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits in a very small amount, literally 5-10g. per serving, as they contain quite a lot of carbohydrates and calories;

  • if you like crispbread, be sure to read their composition and energy value;

  • if you are on a diet, then try not to exceed 100kcal per snack.

Top 10 Delicious and Healthiest Light Snacks


It can easily be called a quick snack, and all because the smoothie is prepared in an instant. It can be fruit, berry or vegetable. First, in a blender, you grind fruits or vegetables, and then add the dairy product that you like best: kefir, milk, yogurt, soft cottage cheese. But this is not at all necessary - many people practice to use smoothies in their pure form without additives.

Smoothies can be sweetened with honey if desired. If you use apples or pears in cooking, then at the beginning they should be grated.

As a rule, for 1 serving you take 100g. dairy product and one whole fruit. If you decide to combine fruits and berries, then take half of each ingredient. For example: half a banana, half an apple, 200g. berries and so on. On our website you can look at recipes and - the latter can be used not only as light snack but also for breakfast.


There are no limits for your imagination here. The only prohibition is mayonnaise and similar sauces. Salad should be dressed before serving with vegetable or olive oil, soy sauce, lemon juice. The lowest-calorie vegetables are cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers. Don't forget greenery too.

So that the salad does not get bored, add a small piece of boiled veal or dried beef to it from time to time.

If you like to chew something while watching TV, cabbage or lettuce will serve as a great way out. Cut them into thin strips or roll them into a roll and have fun!

Boiled meat and fish

A piece of meat rich in protein and other trace elements will only benefit your figure. In addition, it can be boiled in advance, cooled, cut into portions and folded into a container to take with you to work or put in the refrigerator at home. Believe me, you will not have the desire to eat a muffin or coffee cake if you provide yourself with such a healthy protein snack. The same applies to boiled fish, but it is still convenient to eat at home.

"Proper" sandwiches

Least of all at the thought than to have a snack, so as not to get better, think about them. Meanwhile, sandwiches can be a healthy and tasty snack, both at home and at work. Instead of regular bread, you should take whole grain, bran or diet bread. Cut pepper, tomato, cucumber, boiled chicken, low-fat cheese into thin slices. Add a leaf of lettuce and have a snack without harm to the figure.

Lavash roll with stuffing

Lubricate unleavened thin pita bread with a small amount of soft low-fat cottage cheese. Cut veal, chicken or other lean meat into thin strips, baked in a sleeve or boiled. Finely chop the tomato, lightly pepper it. In order to “crunch”, add a lettuce or cabbage leaf cut into strips. Spread the ingredients evenly on a pita sheet, roll it into a roll and cut into portions. Divide the resulting pieces into two parts or share with a colleague.

Muesli bars

To crunch on the road, so that it is a low-calorie snack, you can use muesli in briquettes (bars). They differ in that they do not crumble, and they do not need to be soaked in a fermented milk product. The only thing, be sure to pay attention to the composition and number of calories in one briquette.

Dried fruits

You should not abuse them, as dried fruits are quite high in calories. But in small quantities, they are useful and able to satisfy hunger. Do not rush to quickly eat a piece of dried apricots or prunes - stretch the pleasure by chewing it for a long time.

Frozen fruits and berries

Light snacks will also provide you with frozen fruits or berries. Large fruits should be cut into small cubes, divided into portions for convenience: one portion fits into one glass with a capacity of 200 ml. When you feel hungry, take out the workpiece and eat without defrosting! For such a tasty and quick snack, mango and pineapple are perfect.

Low-fat cottage cheese and cheese

Of course, cottage cheese! Where without him? Before mixing it with other ingredients, keep in mind that 100g. low-fat cottage cheese is about 80 kcal. Therefore, if you need healthy snacks for your diet, do not mix cottage cheese with high-calorie foods. Instead of sugar, put half a teaspoon of honey and a handful of dates or 1-2 prunes.

In addition to cottage cheese, low-fat cheeses can be used for a low-calorie snack. Cut it into small slices or cubes and eat. You can add a cup of green or herbal tea without sugar to such a snack.


This fruit can be combined with anything: cottage cheese, fruit salads, smoothies. But it is best eaten as an independent dish. The simplest thing is to grate the apple along with the peel. In this form, it will be better absorbed than you just eat the whole apple. You can add some grated carrots to it.

If you want to snack on an apple at work, the grated apple option won't work. Therefore, you can simply cut it into small pieces and eat them for 10 minutes, even while working at the computer. So you stretch out the pleasure and satisfy your hunger for longer than if you quickly ate the whole apple.

Another option is a baked apple. The advantage of this preparation is that you can bake it in the evening, and eat it at any time the next day (for example, if you need to take something for a snack at work). In order to properly bake an apple, the core must be removed from it. Although many do not do this, it still turns out very tasty. Place a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet, then an apple. Put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 5-10 minutes. Honey gives a richer and more refined taste to baked apples - just add just a few drops of honey to the middle of an apple before baking, and you will get something that will not only fill you up, but also get real aesthetic pleasure.

Now you know what you can eat on a diet so as not to feel hungry and not harm your figure. We hope that such light snacks will not only help you achieve your goal, but also push your imagination to new recipes!

During the day, a person periodically feels the desire to have a snack. Especially often it visits during study or work, when the brain is working intensively and requires additional nutrition. Dieting also leads to cravings. Experts advise not to starve yourself and exercise healthy healthy snacks.

Most people snack, ignoring the principles. Fast food on the go allows you to satisfy your hunger, but later it will be reflected in extra pounds on the sides and stomach of a fashionista. The health of the girl may also suffer. People who do not follow the principles of proper nutrition often suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. While dieting, you don’t have to give up light snacks, but healthy food should be preferred. We will talk about what rules to follow during weight loss, about products that allow you to get rid of hunger and lose weight, as well as about various snack options that can be used at school or work, we will talk further.

If a girl wants to lose weight, there is no need to give up dietary snacks for weight loss. This approach allows you to keep the weight normal. Experts advise eating apples, vegetables, raspberries, dried apricots as a snack. However, fermented milk products are considered the most useful.

If a girl wants to have the right snacks for losing weight at work, she must eat food that is allowed. The use of low-calorie foods does not allow you to gain excess weight, but it helps to saturate the body with energy and maintain its functioning throughout the day. It is important not to exceed the amount of allowed food. Portion size should be strictly consistent with the norm.

Experts have identified a whole list of healthy and tasty foods that can be eaten during a diet. The menu for a snack during weight loss can include:

  • yoghurts (without sugar and additives);
  • fish;
  • salads;
  • legumes;
  • almond;
  • eggs;
  • whole grains;
  • fruits;
  • cheeses;
  • pistachios;
  • bran;
  • dried fruits;
  • a bird;
  • vegetables.

When developing a daily diet for weight loss in accordance with the principles, it is worth considering the calorie content of each meal. It is necessary to strictly observe the permitted indicators. You can use an example menu if you have difficulty compiling it yourself. The human brain receives a signal of satiety only after 20 minutes. If a girl eats slowly during a snack, a feeling of satiety will appear faster.

What to eat as a snack?

Having decided to get rid of extra pounds, most girls are faced with the question: what can you eat with proper nutrition? There are quite a few healthy foods. By properly planning your diet, a fashionista will be able to make it as varied and tasty as possible. It is worth choosing recipes that meet the needs and preferences of the girl. If the food is chosen correctly, the fashionista will normalize the level of sugar in the blood and will not feel hungry. Healthy snacks (PP) for weight loss are prepared quite simply.

For lunch or during an evening snack, you can give preference to the following dishes prepared according to simple recipes:

  • Green smoothie. To prepare a dish for weight loss, you will need to mix whey, spinach, almond oil, coconut milk, banana and ice in a blender. No additional steps need to be taken. When the procedure is completed, the drink is ready to drink.
  • Fruit curd. Having eaten such a dish for food, the girl will receive a strong protein charge with a minimum fat content. The dish is useful for strong physical exertion.
  • Paleo pancakes. To cook them, you need to take 2 eggs and one banana. The mixture for weight loss should be fried, use a large amount of oil. The product is an excellent alternative to standard pancakes, which contain a lot of calories.
  • Boiled turkey cooked with avocado and hummus. Useful products will provide the girl with energy for several hours and saturate the body with the necessary amount of protein.
  • Eggs. To ensure a healthy lunch, it is enough to boil them hard-boiled. The preparation of the dish does not take much time.

Having brought to life one of the above dishes for a snack, the girl will be able not only to eat tasty and satisfying, but also to saturate the body with useful substances.

Healthy snacks with proper nutrition

Today, experts have identified a list of products that are most useful for losing weight. High-calorie food is not included in their composition. Healthy snacks can be a great addition. If a girl wants to lose weight, she should give preference to snacks with a small amount of calories.

For dinner, afternoon snack or breakfast, it is allowed to eat foods from the following list:

  • . It not only helps to reduce weight, but also helps to strengthen muscles. Natural yogurt or cottage cheese. Food provides a minimum of calories, but it has a positive effect on digestion and gives the body the necessary amount of protein.
  • Fruits or smoothies - contribute to the saturation of the body with vitamins and keep the figure of a fashionista in good shape.
  • Salads and greens - have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also help to remove hunger.
  • Fish and chicken are good sources of healthy fats and protein.

If a girl who is on a weight loss diet really wants to eat, it is better to give preference to a protein snack. It is better to minimize the number of carbohydrate dishes in the menu. You can satisfy your hunger by eating pumpkin seeds or almonds. These products do not need cooking and allow you to saturate the body with useful substances. As an afternoon snack, it is allowed to eat ricotta cheese or mozzarella. These foods are rich in calcium and can replace a whole protein shake. For a snack, you can cook turkey or chicken dishes. They will strengthen the muscles of the fashionista.

For girls who are forced to snack at work, experts advise eating rich foods. For weight loss, it is best to eat fresh carrots or celery.

Important! It is most convenient to carry out snacks at work with the help of dried fruits or nuts. They saturate the body with a lot of energy. To satisfy the hunger that occurs in the evening, it is enough to eat a small handful.

Fermented milk products are an excellent assistant for office workers for weight loss. As a snack, you can drink a glass of yogurt or kefir. They will saturate the body better than a bun or a chocolate bar, and will not affect the figure. Giving preference only to a snack based on the concepts of proper nutrition, a fashionista will relieve herself of hunger and will not gain extra pounds.

Useful products will saturate the body with the necessary amount of various substances, which will positively affect the health and appearance of a fashionista. Following simple rules, the girl will get closer to the desired figure.
