
Simple pancakes made from pancake flour. Recipes for pancakes on kefir - from openwork to lush

Every hostess in the countries former USSR knows at least one recipe for making chic pancakes. Now such an interesting little thing as pancake flour has appeared on the shelves of supermarkets. She is different from regular topics that it already contains everything you need for a full-fledged test.

Therefore, there are absolutely no difficulties in how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. But even with the presence of such a miracle product, it cannot be denied that the dish will turn out tastier if natural dairy ingredients are added to it. Therefore, today I advise you to read about how to make pancakes from pancake flour.

Recipe for pancakes from pancake flour on the water

Kitchen utensils and equipment: plate; non-stick frying pan; mixer or whisk; scapula; deep plates and bowls; sieve.


How to choose the right ingredients

  • dough made from this special flour, facilitates the work of housewives, as it already contains some ingredients. Egg powder, powdered milk, sugar, salt and some other ingredients the manufacturer placed in one package. But this does not limit you in any way, and you can add any ingredients to the dough at your discretion.
  • But before you cook pancakes from pancake flour, you need to know a few secrets that will help you cook very tasty dish.
  • If you add eggs to the dough, then only the products of the first freshness are taken for cooking, and you need to beat them separately from all the ingredients.
  • Also, when adding salt and sugar, dissolve them in water or milk, and then add them to dry ingredients. In this way, you can avoid getting sugar or salt crystals into the structure of the dough.
  • Do not transfer to dough granulated sugar. If there is a lot of it, then it will caramelize and burn during the frying process.

Cooking sequence

video recipe

Be sure to pay attention to the video, which shows how to cook a very tasty and simple dish - pancakes using water. But according to the same recipe, you can cook pancakes from pancake flour in milk.

How to serve and how to complement the dish

  • You can add this dish in a variety of ways. You can cook it with sweet or savory toppings. Eat pancakes with jam, jams, sauces, condensed milk.
  • For example, very delicious option are . I'm sure you've never tasted this before. And salty pancakes with ham and cheese can become chic breakfast and a hearty dinner for the whole family. You can also cook hearty ones. Well, the younger inhabitants of your house will be delighted.
  • The options for preparing this dish are not as diverse as the options for serving and supplementing it. For example, you can use a simple recipe for kefir pancakes with pancake flour. Or cook pancakes from pancake flour in milk. In any case, the cooking sequence will not change much. In these cases, you just need to replace the water with your desired dairy product.
  • But for the preparation of thin pancakes from pancake flour in the recipe, you must definitely use milk or kefir. If you add water, then you should not count on a thin and delicate dish.

  • Be sure to sift the flour just before making pancakes. This is necessary not only in order to cleanse it of unwanted impurities and grains, but also in order to saturate it with oxygen and make it airy.
  • In order for you to get the right, tasty, thin and openwork pancakes, you must first mix all the liquid ingredients, and then pour them into the sifted flour in a thin stream. Thus, you can control the process of dough formation and prevent the appearance of a large number lumps.
  • To do openwork pancakes easy and simple, must be separated egg whites from the yolks and beat them separately.
  • If you add vegetable or butter to the flour before the rest of the ingredients, then the dough will turn out elastic and dense.
  • If slaked soda is needed in the recipe, then be sure to make sure that it has all dissolved and has been extinguished correctly. Otherwise, in the end, pancakes will taste like soda. Excessive amount vegetable oil in the dough will give more fat and calories.
  • Also, if you add more eggs than you need, you will end up with more of an omelette than pancakes. Well, if there are no eggs or there are few of them, then the dish will break.

Today I shared with you my little secrets and talked about how to bake pancakes from pancake flour. In fact, this simple recipe so simple that even a novice cook can handle it. So share this recipe, cook for health and delight your loved ones. Write your recipes in the comments, leave feedback, and be happy. Bon appetit!

The easiest recipe to make. It is well suited for inexperienced hostess or as a manual for teaching the simple skill of a child. The cooking method can be called "one to one", since all the ingredients are taken in these proportions.

So, you will need:

  • a measuring cup of pancake flour;
  • measuring cup of any fat content of milk;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • table. a spoon (25 gr) of granulated sugar;
  • we take salt to taste;
  • sunflower oil for baking.


  1. We take a bowl, preferably a larger one, since the ingredients must be mixed well.
  2. We drive in an egg, add sugar, salt, mix lightly and pour milk.
  3. We sift the flour, but it is worth considering the moment that there are additives in pancake flour and, if the sieve is very fine, then pour everything that is left in it into the dough.
  4. The dough should be left for 15-20 minutes to rest.
  5. Pour about a teaspoon of oil into a preheated pan, a small portion of the dough, so that it covers only the bottom of the pan.
  6. Bake on each side for 2-2.5 minutes. The fire must be made medium, otherwise the pancake may burn.

In this case, it is better to serve pancakes on the table immediately, hot. They are good with sour cream or melted butter. For lovers, you can make a sauce in Polish by adding a finely crushed soft-boiled egg to the oil. But this is most likely for adults, since an egg cooked in this way can cause a negative reaction in the child in the form of an allergy.

How to cook custard pancakes from pancake flour in milk

These pancakes are suitable for cooking more experienced hostess. Great option for stuffing. having come up with different kinds toppings, you can free time bake a bunch of these pancakes, stuff them and freeze them in the freezer.

appetizing and hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner for the child of a very busy mom. All you need is to put it in the microwave and heat it up. Just a lifesaver.

To prepare a small batch of pancakes, you need to take:

  • measuring cup of flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 1,5 measuring cups any fat content of milk;
  • salt to taste;
  • sugar is already in pancake flour, but for a sweet tooth, you can add a spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk the eggs, sugar and salt into a large bowl. It is better if the whole mixture is lightly beaten, so the pancakes will be fluffier.
  2. Add flour little by little and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. At the same time, heat the milk until almost boiling.
  4. As soon as the milk begins to rise with a hat, it must be removed and poured into a mixture of flour and eggs in a thin stream. It is necessary to constantly mix so that no lumps form.
  5. Leave the prepared dough for 20-30 minutes, covering the bowl with a napkin. The dough should be the consistency of liquid sour cream and spread easily over the pan.
  6. Pour so that the mass of dough covers the entire surface of the bottom of the pan. Bake on both sides until golden brown.

Having prepared various fillings: from mushrooms or cottage cheese, meat, offal or rice with an egg, you can not worry about getting up early and preparing breakfast. It is much easier to reheat ready-made stuffed pancakes.

Recipe for pancake flour pancakes in milk with zucchini

This, one might say, is a seasonal recipe, since young zucchini must be added to the dough. They cook well in the country, when children always have an appetite, and everyone knows how healthy zucchini is for children.

Delicious in any form, both hot and cold. Preparing them is easy. In a classic recipe, you need to grate a small zucchini. They need to be baked in a preheated pan, over medium heat, so that the pancakes do not burn.

Usually the cooking recipe is written on the package with flour, but in this case it needs to be slightly modified.

So, you need to take:

  • 1 measuring cup of flour;
  • 3/4 measuring cup of milk;
  • egg;
  • salt and sugar are taken to taste;
  • sunflower oil for baking;
  • 1/2 - 3/4 measuring cup grated fine grater zucchini.

Normal preparation:

  1. Drive the egg into a wide large bowl, mix with salt, sugar, milk and sifted flour.
  2. Add grated zucchini and mix again.
  3. Since zucchini provides a lot of liquid, it is possible that flour will need to be added. The dough in this case should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  4. For 20-30 minutes, the dough should be left, covered with a napkin.
  5. Before cooking, mix again and bake in a well-heated pan on both sides.
  6. It is worth noting that the dough must be mixed before each time you pour it into the pan. Otherwise, all the zucchini will remain at the bottom.

Cooking such pancakes will not take much time, the main thing is to grow good harvest zucchini.

Recipe for a bachelor: pancakes from pancake flour on the water

Often a young man living alone dreams of hot and delicious pancakes. Even for him it will be possible from pancake flour. Not always there necessary products and ingredients for the inexperienced cook.

If there was a girl in the house, then perhaps after her cooking there was a bag of flour left, and milk can be replaced boiled water. It will turn out no worse.

Since you are preparing a portion for “yourself”, there is no need to dilute the dough too much.


  • a measuring cup of pancake flour;
  • 1-2 chicken eggs;
  • 1-1.5 measuring cups of water;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon, if you like sweet, then more can be;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of unscented sunflower oil.

The cooking method is the simplest:

  1. An egg is driven into a wide dish, sugar, butter and water are added.
  2. The whole mixture is well mixed and flour is added in small portions.
  3. Flour with the rest of the ingredients must be constantly mixed so that rather unappetizing lumps do not form.
  4. Leave the dough for 20-30 minutes, covering with a napkin in a warm place.
  5. Now you can heat up the pan and bake pancakes.
  6. Oil can be omitted, as it is present in the dough.
  7. Pour a thin layer of the mass onto the pan so that it covers the bottom, turn over after 2 minutes, fry on the other side.

A young bachelor will not be ashamed to invite a girl to such pancakes, as they turn out to be tastier than usual if you put on each of them small piece butter.

Pancakes from pancake flour on kefir

It often happens that there is no milk at home, but the family voted for pancakes for dinner. Looking in the refrigerator, you can find a lot of things that everyone needs to cook. favorite dish.

For example, kefir chicken eggs. Which house does not have pancake flour? That's all - the home is provided with dinner, and the hostess can be calm, if you try and bake more, then the breakfast will be hearty. These pancakes are fluffy and delicious.

So let's get started:

  • 2-2.5 measuring cups of kefir;
  • 1.5-2 measuring cups of pancake flour;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 chicken eggs.

You need to cook in a wide convenient dish, taking into account what will need to be kneaded.

Getting Started:

  1. Gently breaking the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Having rubbed the yolks, pour kefir into them, room temperature.
  3. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Stirring constantly, add the flour in small portions, trying to avoid lumps.
  5. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites with salt with a mixer.
  6. Small portions We introduce whipped proteins into the main dough, trying to mix gently.
  7. Pour the dough into a preheated and oiled pan, bake for one to two minutes on each side.

Home will accept such pancakes with applause.

Pancakes from pancake flour (video)

How to cook thin pancakes (video)

It is worth noting that almost everyone loves pancakes. There are a lot of recipe options. It is impossible to spoil such a dish. You can experiment endlessly and get a new taste every time.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Today I want to introduce you to wonderful recipe, very tasty, but at the same time simple. It's about about pancakes made from pancake flour in milk. To prepare this delicious dish, you need to have the very minimum of products, a little skill and quite a bit of patience. But good mood all household members are provided for you. The smell of magnificent fried pancakes will drive the younger ones out of bed, gently awaken the older ones. The husband in a businesslike way will take a place at the stove, teaching a master class. All you have to do is prepare your favorite toppings, fried mushrooms or . Pancakes made from pancake flour are soft, moderately spongy, the translucent pattern reflects intricate shapes outlined by an unknown painter. Hot, piping hot, they are already filled with wonderful contents and royally settled on plates in anticipation of a sweet sauce, snow-white sour cream. Get down to business, because to create delicious wonders so simple.
- 0.5 st. pancake flour;
- 1 glass of milk;
- 4 tablespoons refined sunflower oil.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Before buying such flour, be sure to study its composition, check the expiration date. You will hardly need the presence of various flavors, fillers and flavor enhancers for such a dish.
Be sure to sift the snow-white flour mixture, remove the screened out impurities. Since the composition of the finished pancake mixture includes baking powder, egg powder, salt, granulated sugar, milk powder and lemon acid– add milk to the oxygenated mixture and vegetable oil.

Thoroughly mix the liquid mass similar to thick sour cream, until the lumps are completely dissolved and small bubbles appear on the surface. Perhaps the consistency of such a test that you are used to will require more or less liquid - do as you wish.

Fry the pancakes in a preheated non-stick skillet or crêpe maker, pouring the batter into a ladle. When using such dishes, sunflower oil for frying is not required. Determine the volume of the test mass, the need for lubricating the molds with a piece of bacon or other fat, as well as the heat treatment time, determine yourself, guided by your taste preferences.

At your request, you can put a piece of filling in the center of each product and roll it into a tube, spread it over the entire volume and form an envelope or serve without filling. Anyway hot tea, homemade jam, sour cream and your hospitality will be very helpful.

Try more delicious

Step by step recipes tender pancakes from pancake flour with milk, kefir, curdled milk and mineral water with and without eggs with the addition of yeast and soda

2018-09-29 Julia Kosich





In 100 grams ready meal

6 gr.

7 gr.


21 gr.

167 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for pancake flour pancakes with milk and eggs

The preparation of thin pancakes involves several simple secrets. Without knowing them, baking is easy to spoil. We will tell about them, but we will reveal one already now. Namely, we will cook openwork pancakes from pancake flour based on water (plain and mineral), milk, kefir and yogurt.


  • 200 grams of pancake flour;
  • a couple of teaspoons of sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 500 grams of cold milk;
  • 10-12 grams of butter;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil

Pancake flour pancake recipe step by step

Wipe a suitable deep container dry with napkins. Inside, sift the pancake flour high so that it is well saturated with oxygen. Add salt and some sugar.

Mix dry ingredients. Beat in all the eggs at once. Knead until they "disperse" in flour. Only then thinly pour cool milk.

Knead dough similar in consistency to sour cream. Wrap the container with foil and leave to infuse for an hour and a half.

After this time, return the dough to the table. Pour in all the vegetable oil and knead everything again. Place a flat pancake pan over medium heat.

Ignite the surface, then grease it with a thin layer of butter. Pour in enough dough. Distribute, forming a round blank.

Fry pancake from pancake flour for about 20-25 seconds, then carefully turn over and continue the process for another 10-12 seconds.

Transfer the pastries to a dish, grease with butter and return to frying. next game test. Cook the pancakes one by one until the mixture runs out.

If you do not want to interrupt the process for infusing the dough, we recommend kneading the mixture late in the evening and leaving it until the morning. Then it remains only to add oil and quickly fry, and then serve for breakfast with any filling.

Option 2: Quick Recipe for Pancake Flour Pancakes

As a rule, the dough for today's pancakes is better to insist. Thanks to this, the flour will “open up” and it will be easier to fry thin round billets from the mixture.


  • 130 grams of pancake flour;
  • 290 grams of water;
  • large egg;
  • salt and sugar in the dough;
  • a tablespoon of sunflower oil.

How to quickly cook pancakes from pancake flour

Sift pancake flour into a clean bowl of a food processor. Install whisk. Add a pinch (small) of salt and sugar.

Knead a fluid dough similar in structure to sour cream. Turn off the machine. Immediately put a frying pan on two burners.

Having calcined on medium strength of fire, grease the surface with oil as carefully as possible. The layer should be very thin.

Now, in turn, pour in a sufficient amount of dough and fry for half a minute on the first side. Flip.

Continue cooking for another 10-13 minutes, then remove the pancake from pancake flour and put on a plate. Fry the rest of the blanks until the dough runs out.

We will not insist the dough and make pancakes in two pans at once, due to which the process will be significantly reduced. This recipe is especially suitable for breakfast or an afternoon snack, when there is simply no time for a long presence at the stove.

Option 3: Pancakes from pancake flour on kefir without eggs

Eggs "cling" the ingredients of the dough well, so that the layer in the pan does not burn, and the pancake itself is easy to turn over. However, if you do not want to use this ingredient, exclude it, and replace milk or water with thick kefir.


  • 400 grams of warm kefir;
  • 130-135 grams of pancake flour;
  • a pinch of fine salt;
  • 2 dessert spoons of butter.

How to cook

An hour before cooking, leave the kefir on the kitchen table so that it becomes warm. As soon as this happens, pour from the package into a deep container. Whisk lightly.

Now add salt and add steam dessert spoons vegetable or melted butter. Continue vigorous mixing.

At the end, sow pancake flour in batches. Ensure that there are no lumps left in the mixture. If they do not break, rub the dough through a sieve.

Place a flat frying pan on a suitable burner. Lubricate the calcined surface with oil as thinly as possible. To do this, you can wet the sponge and light movements run along the bottom.

Pour a small amount of dough inside. And before that, beat it strongly so that a lot of bubbles appear. It is they who will provide an openwork pattern on the surface of pancakes made from pancake flour.

Fry in turn for 15-20 seconds on each side of each round billet and fold the pastries in an even pile on a flat large plate. Serve with any hot topping.

Since in this version we will not use chicken eggs, we advise you to knead the dough on relatively fatty kefir with the obligatory addition of salt and vegetable oil. In this case, it is important to actively kill the mixture until a stable foam appears.

Option 4: Pancakes from pancake flour on yogurt with soda

There is also sour milk, but you do not know what to do with it? Make yogurt pancakes. And to make them more airy, include a little baking soda in the recipe.


  • two glasses of curdled milk;
  • a glass of pancake flour;
  • incomplete teaspoon of soda;
  • large (65-70 grams) egg;
  • 20-25 grams of refined oil;
  • sugar and salt in the dough.

Step by step recipe

Sift pancake flour into a suitable sized bowl. Pour sugar there, a little soda and fine salt. Mix and set aside.

In a separate bowl, combine yogurt and large fresh egg. Bring with a whisk to a uniform homogeneous structure.

Now mix dry and liquid ingredients. Knead liquid flowing dough. At the end, add vegetable oil. Beat until foam appears.

Pour a small amount of the mixture into a well-heated skillet. Distribute in a thin layer. Fry on the first side for about 20-25 seconds. Turn over with a spatula.

Continue the process for about 10-14 seconds, after which put the pancake from pancake flour on a plate. Repeat until the mixture in the bowl is finished.

Since the curdled milk used is acidic, soda will not need to be quenched. The necessary reaction will occur already in the pan, due to which thin pancakes will turn out delicate and very beautiful.

Option 5: Pancake flour pancakes with yeast in milk

On the basis of the dough, to which yeast is added, as a rule, they prepare lush pastries. However, in next recipe we will tell you how to make pancakes with yeast thin and very tasty.


  • 2 glasses warm milk(fresh);
  • half a teaspoon of active yeast;
  • sugar with salt in the dough;
  • large egg;
  • 10-15 grams of sunflower oil;
  • a full glass of pancake flour.

How to cook

Lightly warm up fresh milk. Pour salt into a bowl active yeast and some sugar to speed up the reaction.

Pour in the prepared milk (up to 38 degrees). Leave without mixing. When foam forms, and this will happen in just a few minutes, mix with a fork and add the egg.

Continue mixing while pouring in the oil. Having obtained a uniform structure, sow the pancake flour in batches.

Achieve a fluid consistency, then put a frying pan with a flat bottom on the included stove.

Pour a sufficient volume of the mixture onto the surface with a ladle. Align to form a round shape. Fry 20-22 seconds.

Flip pancakes from pancake flour to the other side. After 10-12 seconds, transfer from the pan to a plate. Prepare all other thin pancakes in this way.

Option 6: Mineral water pancakes made from pancake flour

We will make the last pancakes on carbonated table water with the addition of a small amount soda. It will turn out incredibly tasty!


  • 390-400 mineral water with gases;
  • 130-140 grams of pancake flour;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 15-19 grams of refined oil;
  • salt with soda in the dough.

Step by step recipe

Break the washed chicken eggs into a suitable container. Sprinkle with salt Whisk whisk until foamy. Only then pour in the oil.

Continue interrupting, gradually pouring mineral sparkling water. Getting evenly homogeneous consistency, sift the entire amount of pancake flour.

Knead the dough to a liquid but viscous consistency. At the very end, add soda. Whisk vigorously, and in parallel, ignite the pan on the burner (switched on).

Now grease the surface that is hot by this time, onto which immediately pour a little dough. Form thin pancake from pancake flour.

It is important to use sparkling water to make the pastries more openwork. However, we recommend using the dining room, not medicinal water. Otherwise, you may not receive tasty breakfast and digestive problems.

Pancake flour was invented in the last century to make life easier for working women, and they did not have to spend a lot of time baking. Even novice housewives can easily and quickly cook pancakes.

Thanks to pancake flour, they turn out thin and unusual. traditional recipe includes eggs and milk. The filling can be cottage cheese or another product. They will become satiated and delicious breakfast. Salty stuffing turn pancakes into a main course, and caviar and salmon into an appetizer for the buffet table.

Different manufacturers may vary the composition of the flour. In this regard, before cooking pancakes, you need to study the instructions on the package. It can indicate the composition of ingredients for baking.

Pancakes can be served melted butter, honey, sweet syrup and sour cream, as well as stuff various salty or sweet toppings.

Time consumption - 45 min.

Servings - 10.

Ingredients for pancake flour pancakes:

  1. 1 cup pancake flour.
  2. Milk - 1 glass.
  3. 1 egg.
  4. Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make pancakes from pancake flour with milk

The egg is mixed with sugar and salt, and poured with milk. The sifted flour is poured into the ingredients. The dough must be mixed until smooth. It should be infused for 15 minutes.

Heat up a frying pan and grease with oil. Pancakes are baked on both sides. To prevent the flour from settling to the bottom of the container, stir the dough from time to time.

Pancake flour pancakes with pear

Time spent - 1 hour.

Number of servings - 15.

Ingredients for pancake flour pancakes with pear:

  1. Pancake flour - 2 cups.
  2. Boiled water or milk - 2 cups.
  3. Refined oil - 1 tsp.

Stuffing (1 way):

  1. Pear - 4 pcs.
  2. Brown sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Rum - 1 tbsp. l. (optional).
  4. Butter - 10 grams.
  5. Cinnamon.

Stuffing (2 way):

  1. Sliced ​​pears - 1 kg.
  2. Sugar - 300 grams.

There are 2 ways to prepare the filling:

  1. Pears are cut into cubes. Then they are sent to a frying pan with butter, powdered sugar and a cinnamon stick. Simmer over low heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly. Pour the ingredients with rum and set on fire (optional). Cooking for a couple more minutes. Instead of pears, you can take apples and make a filling from them.
  2. You can prepare the filling ahead of time. Cut the pears and add them sugar powder, mix and leave to brew for 8 hours. We sterilize jars. Bring the mixture to a boil, put into jars and roll up. Banks are covered with a thick cloth. After the jars have cooled completely, we remove them in a cool place.

At any time, you can open the jar and stuff the pancakes with the finished stuffing.

Cooking pancakes

The flour is sifted into a container, poured with boiled water or milk and mixed well with a whisk. To eliminate lumps, add vegetable oil and mix again. The dough should not be too thick.
