
Is it possible to freeze mint for the winter. How to store mint for a long time? Frozen mint leaves

juicy and fragrant mint is valued not only because it can be added to tea or mojito, but also because the marinade with it can save lamb and fish from a specific smell. To this end, mint is frozen for the winter in small bags, if desired, the leaves are plucked from the stems and ground into puree with a blender or in the bowl of a food processor (if the plant is intended for marinade). Frozen mint does not lose its taste properties, and it can be brewed in a kettle without defrosting.


  • 1-2 bunches of fresh mint

Freezing mint

1. You can buy mint in a supermarket or in a spontaneous market from grandmothers. We will choose large bunches without flowers, since during flowering the plant gives all its strength and its aroma is not so bright. We will disassemble the bunches of mint into stems, cut off the roots, if any, and spoiled leaves. Put the rest in a deep container and pour cold water, wash each sheet.

2. Lay the plate paper towel and put the mint on it, shaking off the water from it. Blot with another paper towel on top, removing moisture.

3. Put the stems in bags or containers, carefully tie or close them with lids and place them in freezer until the moment when mint is needed in the preparation of a dish. By the way, frozen mint for making mojitos can also not be thawed. Be sure to place the frozen greens in a separate compartment of the freezer, in which we will not move the workpieces from place to place, since frozen mint leaves are very fragile and after such movements you risk getting mint dust in bags.

How to keep mint fresh for the winter? This question worries everyone who is engaged in harvesting and wants to eat tasty and nutritious throughout the year. After all, mint fragrant seasoning, which contains a large number of menthol.

Where is mint used?

This is a very widely used plant in various fields. You can learn how to keep mint fresh for the winter from our article.

For example, a plant is popular as food product. Japanese and peppermint used in cosmetics. And in herbal medicine - water and peppermint. Peppermint is also used in pharmacology.

Mint lovers

In the summer, many fans of herbs make preparations. These fragrant twigs are easy to prepare useful decoction or tea. Also use fresh foliage to add to cold drinks or fresh baked goods. By winter, all mint is covered with snow.

More recently, most housewives had only one way - to dry. IN Lately through new culinary traditions and the development of technology methods has increased significantly.

Harvesting mint for the winter should begin with its collection, and then proceed to processing.

The best raw material for long-term storage can be obtained from two-, three-year-old plants. Collection is best done in the evenings or in the morning, when there is no dew on the plants. Also, the weather should be cool and dry. Mint is best harvested by cutting off about a third of the stem. The fact is that its hard part is not suitable for storage for the winter. At the same time, if left until the end of the season, it can give fresh shoots.

When to collect mint for the winter? It is best to start harvesting it in the middle of summer - July or August. In most Russian regions, mint begins to bloom by this time. It is easy to determine this by lilac-pale or pinkish inflorescences. By this period, a large amount of essential oil is accumulated, which is concentrated in the tops of the shoots, flowers and foliage. There are also many other active substances. It is for them that this culture is so valued.

Preparing for winter storage

Before the greens are sent to the refrigerator, they must be dried. Mint is carefully sorted out. Damaged or dry parts of the plant must be disposed of. And then rinse and dry.

There is a secret to keeping mint leaves fresh for the winter. To do this, collect your processed greens in bunches. Place in containers with the minimum amount water and cover with foil. You can also use a transparent plastic bag. Then send the containers to the refrigerator.

Mint shoots, as well as leaves separated from the stems, are wrapped in paper napkins. They are placed in containers or tightly closed bags. Only in this form, mint will retain its freshness, its beneficial properties and its original appearance for about a month. But then nature will take its toll. Color and elasticity will be lost, and useful substances will begin to disappear every day.

Harvesting mint for the winter

You can successfully dry mint at home. It does not require you to spend a lot of effort and long preparations.

Mint must be divided into small bunches. In this case, the tops of the shoots are placed in large paper bags. After that, the bundles are tied up and hung out in a dry place with good ventilation. The main thing is that there is no access sun rays.

Under such storage conditions, the grass will not be exposed to ultraviolet radiation, as well as thermal radiation, dust, wind, and will become inaccessible to insects. To taste, you can include other herbs in your bunches, which will add spice to them. Most often, oregano, sage, thyme and St. John's wort are used. Such fragrant bouquets will not only decorate winter tea, but also help from many ailments.

It is often advised to dry mint on pallets. In this case, it must be spread out in a thin layer, and do not forget to also protect it from exposure to the sun, wind, insects and possible pollution. To make the process go faster, the grass has to be ted from time to time.

How to store mint in winter?

Mint, like many others, is often dried in modern electric dryers. Only in these cases, you need to remember the features of spicy herbs.

To keep in mint maximum amount essential oils, in its raw form it should not be exposed to high temperatures. For drying herbs temperature regime should be 25-30 degrees. No more. Therefore, set the most gentle mode in the electric dryer. And in the oven, drying mint for the winter is not recommended at all.

If it is dried out, it will quickly lose moisture, because this process is very intensive. So even in an electric dryer on the mint itself, you can overexpose. Don't let this happen - watch the time. Because of this, it may become too fragile, and the leaves will lose most its beneficial properties.

When you hang bunches of mint around the apartment and you feel that the humidity is rising in the house, you need to take them to another place as soon as possible. Otherwise, mold will appear on the leaves. This will make the mint unfit for consumption.

When mint is overdried, it is easily recognizable by its characteristic color. It becomes brown. In this form, the herb has no smell and is useless to health.

Rules for storing dried mint

Mint with sugar for the winter is often harvested by zealous housewives. This method is best suited for adding it to tea.

If you just dry it, then at room temperature this must be done for several days. To determine the readiness of the plant, simply press on its leaf. When it easily separates from the stem and crumbles in the hands, drying can be safely completed. After that, grind the raw materials and pack for long-term storage.

After drying, mint is important to store properly. Of course, chopped greens take up little space, but at the same time they lose color and aroma more intensively. Therefore, it is best not to grind it into powder ahead of time. And if it still comes to grinding, then do not use a coffee grinder. Instead, use gentle manual methods.

Best for storage glass jars. They should be dry, with a tight-fitting lid. So neither moisture nor pests will penetrate inside. In a dry place, spicy herbs will retain their aroma for up to six months.

Can mint be frozen?

This question can immediately be answered in the affirmative. This became possible with the advent of powerful freezers in everyday life. At low temperatures mint seems to be preserved. All processes in it stop. As a result, you get a spicy herb that has retained its color and most of its flavor and aroma properties.

When you already know whether it is possible to freeze mint, it will be useful to understand the methods. It is best to do this in bunches. But it is also possible individual leaves. They are packed, pre-washed and dried. You need to store such mint in foil or plastic containers.

A real find for fans of aromatic hot drinks with long winter evenings. Mint leaves are often used in portions, frozen into ice cubes.

Mint - the most valuable medicinal plant with an unsurpassed aroma. It is used as a stimulant, an assistant in the treatment of stomach diseases, fragrant spices in drinks and food. In order for mint to please you in winter, the grass should be properly harvested. To save useful substances and vitamins, it is better to freeze the plant, but you can also dry this fragrant culture.

Rules for collecting mint for winter harvesting

To harvest mint, you should follow the basic rules for collecting:

Advice. Of course, you should not harvest mint near roads or livestock farms. Also, you must be sure that the area is not treated with chemicals or fertilizers. Otherwise, instead of useful tool you can get harmful.

For the collected mint, you can organize a short-term storage place in the refrigerator. Wrap leaves or shoots in dry paper towels and place in a resealable container or plastic bag. This method will preserve the aroma and taste qualities mint for about 1 month. Then parts of the plant will darken, become limp and lose their medicinal properties. For longer storage, there are other options.

How to freeze mint for the winter

For long-term freezing to be successful, first of all, after cutting or buying mint, place it in water for a few minutes. For these purposes, you can use a large shallow container. After that, rinse the greens under running water, shake off and place in a single layer on a dry towel. Do not cover the top with anything. Ted the grass periodically. It will take about half an hour for the plants to dry.

Advice. For more long term you can’t leave the washed mint - it will fade and become unsuitable for freezing.

Advice. Delayed young plant parts should be frozen separately. They are thinner and delicate aroma and taste, therefore they have a slightly different purpose in cooking.

Other methods of long-term freezing differ little from those described according to the algorithm of actions:

  • whole plants can also be frozen in bags: the stem will withstand the load, if not crushed and broken before being sent to the freezer;
  • you can finely chop the plant before freezing;
  • another option is gruel from mint ground in a blender, great ingredient for baking;
  • for cocktails, you can make frozen tender mint leaves in ice cubes. To do this, use a standard freezing of water in silicone containers.

Advice. Be sure to sign the contents of the freeze so that you don’t get confused in whitish packages in winter.

How to dry mint for the winter

Mint is qualitatively dried only in a suspended state. Usually, a balcony, attic or veranda is used for these purposes. During the process, it is important to observe the following conditions:

  • soak the herb in water after picking room temperature for 10-15 minutes, and then thoroughly wash under running water;
  • sort and remove damaged copies;
  • choose a dry and well-ventilated area. The place for drying should not fall under direct sunlight;
  • divide the stems into bunches of equal size and tie each of them;
  • hang the mint leaves down.

Advice. Even when following the drying technology, charm may appear in the beams. Periodically inspect the mint, if you find characteristic features delete branches.

To dry the leaves separately from the stem, use another method:

dried mint

  • place the leaves evenly on a clean piece of cloth or paper;
  • send to a dark place;
  • stir from time to time mint leaves to prevent controversy.

You can also dry mint using the express method, in the oven. Parts of the plant should also be evenly distributed on a sheet covered with paper. This method has a significant disadvantage - the characteristic aroma will disappear. Only natural drying will retain all the useful and tasty features of a mint bouquet.

How to save mint: video

Additives, without which it is almost impossible to do in the kitchen. In addition, the leaves will appeal to any gourmet. Besides, whatever, is one of the best medicines, the main component in decoctions that are designed to heal from diseases. In this regard, consumers often wonder how to keep fresh on. The best method to achieve such a goal is mint, the main secrets and methods of which will be discussed.

Advantages of the method

  1. Frozen twigs or leaves of the culture completely retain their aroma and taste.
  2. The freezing process retains the minty vitamin complex that brings invaluable benefit to the human body.
  3. Freezing is unique opportunity enjoy fragrant tea from fresh mint winter time, decorate it with leaves fresh salads and desserts.
  4. The color of the thawed leaves of the culture is saturated and bright, which cannot be achieved with.
  5. This method of storing fragrant spices is absolutely simple and accessible to everyone, does not require material and time costs.

Did you know? Thanks to its unique and unique aroma, mint has become one of the most sought-after ingredients needed for the preparation of perfumes, both for women and men. It is mint that underlies the smells of the world's most popular brands.

When is the best time to collect

Often people complain that they adhered to all the conditions for preparing this magic potion, but the effect was not the same: Mint tea practically devoid of an attractive aroma.
The thing is that the culture was collected at the wrong time. The optimal period for collecting mint is its flowering stage. It was at this time that the leaves, inflorescences and shoots of the plant accumulate the most essential oils, menthol and nutrients, which, among other things, are producers of a rich smell.

If you want to prepare the leaves of the culture, they must be collected before flowering, at the stage of inflorescence tying. If you want to harvest whole stems, cut them exactly at the time of flowering, which occurs in late July - early August.

Did you know? Mint is one of the most powerful natural sedatives. She is able to relieve stress and lull even during a nervous breakdown. That is why neuropathologists advise drinking mint tea after each heavy labor day or after any stressful situations.

Freezing preparation

The process of preparing mint for freezing is quite simple: harvested healthy leaves and stems of the culture need to be thoroughly washed under running water. A clean workpiece should be laid out on a towel, or put in a colander so that it dries well.

Freezing methods

Freezing mint raw materials - quite new process, which has been used only recently. Despite this, there are many ways to freeze a culture: whole leaves, twigs, finely chopped and in ice cubes. Last option- a godsend for those who are wondering how to freeze mint for the winter for Mojito.

whole leaves

For this method of freezing, you will need to select exceptionally healthy mint leaves, without damage and stains. Clean leaves must be packaged in plastic containers or small banks and place in the freezer. Jars are best for preserving the integrity of the leaves. It is not recommended to freeze the leaves in bags, as they will lose their attractiveness.

Freezing mint leaves for the winter as a whole is the best solution that will allow you to use fragrant plant both for tea and desserts.

Whole branches

In addition to the leaves, you can also freeze whole sprigs of mint. The collected branches of the plant are inspected, cleaned and washed. After drying, they are wrapped in cling film, foil or a regular plastic bag, trying not to squeeze the branches, and placed in the freezer.

Important! It is worth remembering that the mint leaves that you are going to freeze must be fresh, in no case should they be wilted in the freezer. Withered mint loses its aroma and nutrients.

finely chopped

TO this method they do not often resort, since it is believed that in the process of grinding mint raw materials lose their amazing aroma and juice, in which beneficial trace elements are concentrated.

However, this is the best option for harvesting mint. The collected raw materials are crushed (you can cut with a knife, or you can use a blender or food processor). The resulting product must be decomposed into small molds and frozen, after which, already frozen spice, pour into a tighter bag and close tightly.

Important! It is best to freeze mint at a temperature of -18°С to -23 °С.

In ice cubes

Ice cubes with mint leaves great option mint preparations for flavored drinks and cocktails specifically the Mojito. Recommended quite easy recipe how to freeze mint in cubes.

To implement this technique, you will need ice containers or small silicone molds into which mint leaves are placed and poured with chilled boiled water so that the edges of the leaves are in the water. After that, the containers are placed in the freezer. When the cubes are frozen, they can be poured into a large bag for easy storage.

Shelf life

There is no exact shelf life for mint. You can understand that this period is expiring by how the product will lose its taste and aroma properties.

Mint is one of the most popular herbal medicinal and herbs. Mint is used mainly for its stimulating effect, as well as to treat stomach ailments and simply as an additive to food and drink.

This herb is used in cases of digestive problems, colic or flatulence. The plant is widely used as a hot tea obtained by brewing the leaves. A couple of glasses a day can be consumed in order to quickly and effectively alleviate stomach problems. Dried leaves, drenched hot water, can be drunk as tea, and also used as an additive in juices.

Useful properties of mint

Mint contains many essential oils. The leaves and flowering tops of the grass contain them in an amount of 1% to 3%.

Generally essential oil Peppermint contains over 100 different components, including a variety of monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes, flavonoids such as luteolin, rutin, hesperidin.

  • She happens to be excellent tool for the digestive system, increases the secretion of gastric juice and bile, while the muscles of the stomach relax;
  • Soothes the mucous surface and muscles of the intestines, which helps in cases of diarrhea;
  • Used in the treatment of short bowel syndrome;
  • The essential oils and flavonoids found in the leaves can aid digestion;
  • The menthol contained in the oil reduces the enzymatic activity of the liver and can theoretically reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Has antibacterial and antiviral properties, is used in the treatment of various infections;
  • It has both warming and cooling properties. When applied internally, it increases heat and blood circulation, increases perspiration;
  • As a decongestant, it helps relieve nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • Restores energy, helps drive away drowsiness;
  • Fresh leaves are applied topically to the skin to relieve arthritis, headaches and migraines, neuralgia, sciatica;
  • Used internally, mint relaxes, reduces anxiety, nervousness and tension, pain and spasms;
  • IN digestive system relaxes smooth muscles and reduces inflammation, reduces cramps and pain in the stomach, colic, flatulence, heartburn, dyspepsia, hiccups, nausea associated with motion sickness;
  • Mint can be used to make refreshing summer drinks or cocktails;
  • Fresh, dried and frozen leaves can be added to hot soups;
  • In order to improve the taste of green peas, potatoes, young carrots, you can add a little mint to the water where vegetables are boiled;
  • fresh or dried leaves peppermint is used to make sauces, oils, jelly;
  • It is added to dishes from fish, poultry, meat and dishes with peas, beans;
  • It can be added to vinegar.

Mint is considered safe for consumption. But in large quantities may cause burning and gastrointestinal problems in some people. It should be avoided by people suffering from chronic heartburn. Mint leaf tea should be used with caution in infants and young children.

How to freeze mint for the winter

Not everyone has one own garden, greenhouses or greenhouses to pamper yourself in the middle of winter fragrant herbs so it's good to know how you can save mint. Instead of drying mint, you can also freeze it for the winter. Freezing is one of the most simple ways its storage, while it retains more taste and aroma than when dried.

Strong aroma and more powerful taste in young leaves and inflorescences that have not yet bloomed.

Harvest them correctly in the morning or evening, do not pick herbs in the middle of a sunny day, because we can bring home a dried plant that has already lost some of the aroma.

Freezing preparation. Freshly picked plants should be washed and dried with paper or a towel. Rinse them thoroughly to make sure no insects or sand get frozen along with the plant.

How to freeze mint for the winter?

There are several ways to freeze mint:

  • No blanching. The leaves must be crushed and put in a container. It is necessary to sign on the container what was frozen and when. Thus prepared herbs can be stored for 4-9 months, some sources say up to 8-12 months. The longer they are stored, the more they lose. nutritional value. Also at long freeze mint changes color, aroma and taste;
  • With blanching. If you want to keep the herb longer, before you freeze it, you should blanch it by lowering it for a few seconds in hot water and then, quickly dip in a very cold water and place in freezer bags or containers;
  • How can I freeze mint for Mojito? Flowers and leaves can be frozen in ice cubes. They look very impressive and can be used to make cocktails and drinks. The prepared grass should be poured and tamped with your fingers into ice molds. Then fill it with cold boiled water.

Place the tray or container in the freezer. As a rule, mint is frozen after 24 hours. Thus, you can freeze mint and lemon balm.

It is worth remembering that the container must be tightly closed during the storage period, and ice cubes after freezing should also be poured into the container and tightly closed to better protect the mint from absorbing odors from other products stored in the freezer.

Be sure to label herbs frozen for the winter, as once frozen, their appearance will be difficult to determine.

What is better to freeze or dry mint?

Mint and lemon balm can also be dried. dried herbs stored for a year.
