
Is it possible to eat honey in fasting? Recipes for lean sweets with honey. Is it possible to drink in Lent

Honey - medicinal product And tasty addition for tea. Around bee nectar a lot of questions arise. The most popular question is whether it is possible to eat honey during fasting. This is due to the fact that many people refer to bees as animals and not insects.

The most interesting thing is that the opinions of the clergy about the possibility of drinking honey during fasting differ. The fact is that the Old Believers and clergymen, who revere antiquity, consider honey a forbidden product. This is due to the fact that bee nectar is collected from plants, but it contains royal jelly. Accordingly, this misleads the clergy.

Modern ministers of the church welcome the use of honey during fasting. Indeed, at this time, the human diet is significantly limited and devoid of many vitamins and minerals. Bee nectar can be considered a storehouse of vitamins and an immune booster.

What kind of honey is better to eat during fasting?

It's better to prioritize buckwheat honey. It contains twice as many amino acids as acacia. Its taste is rich, with a slight astringency and even bitterness. But if you have nervous work then you better eat acacia honey. It contains ingredients that calm the nerves and improve mood.

Facts confirming that honey is allowed during fasting:

  • One of the fasts is inherently associated with bee nectar. This is the Dormition Fast, which begins on August 14th.
  • There are many old meatless recipes based on nectar.
  • In Rus', honey was served to the needy, as they believed that this product was from God and should be shared.

The most useful is the product that is stored in honeycombs. It can be consumed during fasting. Bee nectar is indispensable during Great Lent before the Resurrection of Christ. Indeed, at this time there is practically no fresh fruit and vegetables. Accordingly, the menu is limited and consists of potatoes, cereals and beets with cabbage.

Recipes with honey during Lent

Basically, honey is used to eat as independent dish. It is often eaten as a snack with tea or herbal tea.

Vitamin salad with honey

To prepare this sweet dish you need:

  • 400 g pumpkin without peel;
  • 4 sour apples;
  • a handful of seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.

Cut the pumpkin into thin slices. Grate apples and add sunflower seeds and honey. Pour the pumpkin with this gruel. Before serving, the dish should stand for 2 hours. This will soak the apple-honey mixture into the pumpkin pieces.

Lenten gingerbread

This is a delicacy that you can treat yourself and children. This dish contains no eggs or milk. To prepare gingerbread, melt 2 tablespoons of sugar over a fire. It is necessary that the mass becomes dark brown. Simply put, burn sugar. Pour a glass of water, 1/2 cup of vegetable oil and 3 tablespoons of bee nectar into it. Pour the dark mass into the sifted flour and knead a soft dough.

The mass will stick to your hands, so that this does not happen, pour vegetable oil on the table. Roll out the layer and cut out the gingerbread with a cookie cutter. Don't forget to add cinnamon, cloves and vanilla. Bake the cookies for 10 minutes. You can sprinkle them with sugar syrup.

Vitamin fruit mix

To prepare the mixture, you need to grind 300 g of dried apricots, raisins and prunes in a blender. Pour chopped walnuts into the gruel. Add a glass of nectar and lemon to the mass. It must be ground in a meat grinder along with the skin. Store the mass in the refrigerator. It should be eaten in a tablespoon three times a day. This great alternative tablet vitamins.

After the winter, which is poor in vitamins and warmth, the body asks for something tasty. Rich in nutrients honey, but is it possible to use it in fasting before Easter, especially in the first and last days? Believers are wary of this product, as it is produced by living beings. But the priests say that you can always eat honey.

In support of this, it can be noted that, firstly, honey was part of the diet of John the Baptist, who fasted all year round, and, secondly, many fasting dishes are already prepared on its basis, including some ceremonial ones (for example, kolivo - wheat grains with honey distributed at the Liturgy on the first Friday of Great Lent).

How to make a lean honey menu

Due to the lack of animal food in the body, the reserves of trace elements important for human health are not renewed. Therefore, bee products are allowed to be consumed even in strict post when it is forbidden to use even sunflower oil. Nutritionists recommend:

  1. Drink a glass of water with honey in the morning on an empty stomach (more about the drink -). This activates the digestive process.
  2. Eat a canteen a day. But no more, as it contains a lot of calories.
  3. Mix honey in ready meals and drinks.
  4. Include dishes with honey in your menu.

An overdose of any drug leads to undesirable consequences. So and too a large number of honey can become, rashes on the body or other problems. Allergy sufferers should be especially careful.

The best varieties for those who fast

When the body lacks amino acids and vitamins, you should carefully choose products to restore immunity and strength, which is especially important during Lent. Is it possible to eat honey to strengthen the body at such a time? The answer is yes, because bees create a unique substance rich in substances necessary for health. What kind of this case will be most helpful? We recommend trying:

  1. . It is a dark, transparent liquid of saturated brown color with a pleasant taste and smell. The concentration of minerals and trace elements is higher here than in other varieties of honey.
  2. Pollen from linden flowers increases the body's defenses. This variety also has a unique taste.
  3. Acacia gives honey a sedative effect. It can be taken instead of a sedative to relax and unwind.

Other types of honey are also useful and are often used as medicinal product V traditional medicine. Main use natural product rather than an artificial counterpart.

Buckwheat honey.

Honey dishes for the lenten menu

If you don’t want to eat just honey in fasting, then you can cook something tasty with its addition. For those who are not averse to enjoying permitted sweets, we suggest trying out several proven recipes.

Sweet croutons

For this dish you will need thinly sliced ​​​​bread, preferably white. You also need water, honey and 1 tbsp. Sahara. For frying, sunflower or olive oil.

Dissolve sugar in water and pour into a bowl. Dip bread in this liquid, and then fry it in a frying pan greased with a small amount of oil. Pour hot croutons with honey. Such the recipe will do for those days when Orthodoxy allows the use of oil.

Nut honey noodles

Such a side dish can also become a hearty dessert, if you choose the right ingredients. With walnuts, the dish will acquire an unusually delicate taste.

To prepare, buy in the store lean noodles. If you decide to make the dough yourself, then do not use eggs. Also grind a small amount of dried nuts (fresh ones will not give the proper flavor, and the skin may be slightly bitter), about 1 tbsp.

First of all, boil the noodles in salted water, let it drain in a colander. When the liquid drains, sprinkle the dish with prepared nuts. Last, add honey melted in a water bath (25 grams). Mix well and the dish is ready.


Is baked honey eaten in fasting or should it not be added to pastries? If this is a gingerbread without eggs and milk, then even you need it. For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 250 gr.;
  • honey - 100 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 5 gr.;
  • a pinch of soda and a teaspoon of vinegar to extinguish it;
  • sunflower oil;
  • ground cinnamon.

The first thing to do is sugar syrup by boiling sugar in water. Add honey to the cooled liquid. If it is sugared, then first melt it in a water bath. Extinguish the soda and pour it into the sweet mixture along with the cinnamon. Stir gently so as not to break all the bubbles - they are needed for the splendor of baking.

Knead the dough with butter, roll it into a 1 cm thick layer. You can also divide it into two parts: spread one with jam, and put the second on top. Cut into circles with a glass or use a cookie cutter. So that the edges of the gingerbread do not stick to the rim and do not tear, dip the edges of the form in water. Prepare sliced ​​honey cookies for baking.

Is it permissible to grease a baking sheet during fasting? vegetable oil? This ingredient is already present in the composition of the gingerbread, and therefore a few more grams of vegetable liquid will not play a role.

You can also line the bottom with parchment paper - the dough will not stick to high-quality baking paper. We bake gingerbread in a preheated oven, periodically checking their readiness with a wooden stick.


List of required products:

  • rye crackers - 3 parts;
  • flour - 1 part;
  • water - 0.75 parts;
  • sunflower oil - 0.33 parts.

If you take a glass as a reference (as one part), then add the following components like this:

  1. liquid or melted honey - 3 tbsp.
  2. any berry syrup- 1 tbsp
  3. vinegar (1 tsp) and a pinch of soda;
  4. nutmeg, ginger or other spices for taste;
  5. icing for pouring.


When fasting began according to the church calendar, such a slurry will help out when baking many sweets. Just boil sugar in water until it starts to stretch like a thread. Use hot liquid before it cools down and becomes solid.

The cooking process is the following. Mix honey with oil, syrup and spices. Slaked soda pour into the resulting mixture. Add flour and breadcrumbs. Knead the dough well, let it rest for 20 minutes. Form gingerbread cookies, bake, and pour glaze over finished gingerbread cookies.

Now you know whether and how to eat honey in fasting. The recipes published above are sure to please your loved ones, especially children.

Honey - unique product, which has many positive properties, and at the same time, the number of prohibitions and restrictions on its use is extremely small. The vast majority of them concern possible allergic reactions and consumption of honey by young children. And in these two cases, there are many reservations and opportunities to circumvent the restriction.

Naturally, as with any other product, a certain dosage should be adhered to, however, from the point of view of religion, there are no taboos and prohibitions. Everyone can eat honey and any products based on it at any given time.


Basic rules of fasting

According to the rules, restrictions during fasting concern dishes that are made with products that are clearly part of the activity or life of animals. So, cottage cheese of any type, cheeses, regardless of the brand and manufacturer, any sour cream, butter type butter (and in some cases vegetable oil), eggs (any), fish, meat, and so on.

If you delve into the topic in as much detail as possible, then here you can generally include everything that did not grow by itself, however, the priests focus on the listed products.

Restrictions are imposed only on livestock products, and insects are not included here.

As a result, the restriction does not apply to seafood, honey and some other types of dishes that are not directly related to animals. The same honey is a product of the activity of insects, and not animals.

It should also be taken into account that in the post, in weekdays, the number of meals should be limited to one meal, and additional red wine can be consumed on weekends.

Features of honey during fasting

Bees in general and the process of beekeeping in our religion since ancient times were considered pleasing to God. There are even such saints as Zosimus and Savvaty, who founded the Solovetsky monastery and are considered the patrons of beekeepers.

Made from honey great amount all kinds of dishes, in particular, this includes those that are designed specifically for fasting. The poor, who are traditionally given not only money, but also food, were often given honey, because this is also considered a matter,pleasing to God .

There is even a special fast for two weeks, which is especially strict - the Assumption Fast. So, it begins with the Honey Savior, during which it is customary to bless honey, which, in theory, does not lose its beneficial sacred properties throughout the year and is indicated for use during illnesses or on holidays.

Is it possible to benefit from honey while fasting?

As you know, honey is extremely beneficial for human health and the full functioning of his body. Namely, these properties of it are very relevant during Great Lent, and here the question is not so much whether it is possible to eat honey, but there is even a direct indication that it is simply necessary to use it. The bottom line is that during this period the human body is weakened due to starvation.

Yes, from a medical point of view, fasting can also be useful if you approach this problem wisely, but you should not discard the fact that honey not only enhances the benefits, but also helps avoid many problems that go hand in hand with the hunger strike process.

Useful substances in honey:

  • minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • fructose;
  • glucose.

All of the above elements help to improve the process of the stomach, have beneficial effect to the level of immunity and so on. Doctors and religious leaders recommend the use of honey, especially since the question of whether it is possible to eat honey simply does not arise directly on the fast before which Easter comes.

Honey is very useful to eat, the main thing is to maintain the correct dosage.

The bottom line is that at this time most vegetables and other plant food has not yet grown, and the remaining reserves have already lost their beneficial features. In fact, a bee product in such a situation saves a person, giving his body everything that he has lost for a while. The main thing to remember is that more than a hundred grams of honey per day cannot be consumed, with a large amount the body simply can't handle.

Is it possible to eat honey in fasting

Considering everything that is written above, we can come to the unequivocal conclusion that honey can be consumed during fasting. Most religious leaders agree on this, who directly allow, do not prevent or even recommend the use of this product.

There are also exceptions. Some priests still urge to limit the amount of consumption of this product, however, they are not guided by religious principles, but by simple concern for people, because honey in large quantities becomes harmful. And only extremely rare individual representatives of the church categorically forbid the use of honey in any post.

As has already been determined, the restrictions on this product are only quite logical, of a scientific nature. That is, you can simply get the honey stored there from the bins and safely eat it, without looking back at the peculiarities of religion.

It should be noted that in addition to this product, bees also produce wax, which can be used to create .

At the same time, wouldn't it be better to prepare yourself so that you can great post eat only the best honey and High Quality? Yes, it is recommended for use during this period. buckwheat variety. This product differs from many other options in its very characteristic aftertaste, as well as a darker color.

The essence of this choice is that only it contains an increased amount useful substances, necessary to a person, exhausted by the process of hunger strike. Also, some prefer to rest on varieties based on acacia or linden, in which also enough trace elements and vitamins.

Benefits of honey in fasting:

  • helps to relax and calm down;
  • saturates the body with useful substances;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • partially replaces the substances contained in animal food.

When choosing a beekeeping product, special emphasis should be placed on ensuring that it is as natural, high-quality and useful as possible. The variety itself is important here, however, in the last place. It is best to focus on familiar product, which is already has been used repeatedly and there were no problems with it. Experimenting with new options is not worth it.

Should honey be added to fasting dishes and how to do it

Among other things, honey can be eaten not only in pure form. Based on it, it is possible to cook a huge number of all kinds of dishes, ranging from more or less sweet pies, cakes and the like, and ending with more satisfying and rich food.

The main thing here is to remember that the presence of honey in a dish does not make it lean by default. That is, it is impossible to use products prohibited during fasting, such as the same oil, sour cream or meat, for cooking.

Hello! Please tell me why it is in fasting that relations become so aggravated - both at work and personal. Quarrels occur, from which it is then difficult to get out. How to avoid such situations or prevent them? Thank you. Tatiana

Hello Tatiana! The main reason for this is that we often only care about bodily fasting, sometimes very carefully reading the ingredients on the packages (so as not to break the fast), but we forget that spiritual fasting is much more important. The elders used to say: “Eat meat while fasting, but don’t eat each other.” That is, for all the importance of bodily fasting, it is much more important to fast in such a way that you do not become exhausted from hunger and fatigue (and irritability usually appears at the same time) and because of this, do not “aggravate relations” with your neighbors.

You need to be very attentive to your inner mood, try to be calm and friendly with everyone, and pray regularly. Let's say, every hour, devote 1-2 minutes to reading the Jesus Prayer "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!" If you have sinned with irritability - immediately repent fervently before the Lord, ask for forgiveness from the one whom you have offended. Ask the Lord to grant you humility, patience and meekness.

Help you Lord!

Please tell me, is it possible to drink tea with chocolate during fasting if it is without milk? Thank you!

cocoa is a product plant origin so chocolate without milk is lean food, which can be eaten with fasting.

Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Father, bless. There is no temple here, so please tell me how to do it right. The team refused to prepare a festive program, thereby offending some people. After all, my husband and I try to observe fasting. But I didn’t explain to people that fasting, I was afraid, a sinner, they wouldn’t understand me. Now I’m still helping to prepare the program, but I said I won’t conduct it. I am very worried that my husband and I will be called to participate in competitions and dances. How to find the middle - and not have fun, and not sit like a downtrodden. I understand that it’s a sin to offend people, but I didn’t think that I could offend someone by refusing. How to reconcile with people? Is it a sin to help prepare a holiday program for corporate holiday? Save you Lord. Svetlana

Hello Svetlana!

It seems to me that helping to prepare a program is not a sin if the program itself does not contain any obscene jokes, etc. At the holiday itself, you can and should congratulate your colleagues from the bottom of your heart, tell them kind words, wishes. Dancing, probably, is not worth it, but participation in competitions (again, not beyond the bounds of decency) is quite possible. You can come up with and conduct any competition yourself. As for fasting, try to participate in the preparation meatless dishes. published regularly on our website.

How is fasting time different from regular time? I already try to lead a strict spiritual life… how and what can I change with fasting?

Lent is a special time of knowing one's own weakness and overcoming one's own "I". Why does the Church single out special periods of fasting? In order for a person to be able to consolidate what has been achieved at this special time in everyday realities: the situation of fasting mobilizes us, we realize something, we embark on the path of struggle with certain inclinations - we bring this awareness and struggle from fasting into everyday life.

The next post brings something of its own. That is why the Fathers say that fasting is a ladder that leads us to Heaven. If you have a feeling that fasting is easy for you, then consult with your confessor or with the priest with whom you constantly confess: they will help you understand what exactly is wrong, what is the reason for this relaxing ease.

It happens that the pious exercises of fasting are given to us easily due to natural inclinations - there are, for example, people who do not like meat or entertainment. But each of us has something that can become the subject of special care during fasting days - imperfection is not outside, it is inside us, and fasting helps to see it.

Sincerely, Priest Alexy Kolosov

Good afternoon My mother is 72 years old, she has poor eyesight. She strictly observes fasts, because of poor eyesight she only cooks potatoes for herself. all year round. It turns out that the body does not receive any useful substances. Please tell me if there are any restrictions on fasting for health reasons and age?

Of course, the measure of fasting depends on the state of a person's health, but this is determined by him in a personal conversation with a priest, and not by his children in absentia via the Internet. Besides, as far as I understand, your mother “cooks potatoes for herself all year round” - so the reason is not fasting, but poor eyesight.

Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

What post should be at the age of 13. Please describe if you can. Arthur

Dear Arthur!

At your age, fasting is determined by what your mom cooks. You can limit yourself to some delicacies, you can not watch TV at all, help your mother more, if possible - go to church more often, not offend anyone. If you haven’t learned it yet, then learn the prayers “Our Father” and “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.” The Lord is with you!

Is it allowed to eat seafood during Lent? And these include shrimp, squid, oysters?

To the fullest extent, during Great Lent, seafood should be consumed, like fish, that is, on the feasts of the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday. Shrimp, squid and oysters are non-vegetarian foods. However, issues of personal measures of fasting must be agreed with the confessor.

Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

How to fast as a student?

The measure of fasting depends primarily on the state of human health, it must be established in a personal conversation with the priest. Remember that fasting is not a hunger strike, lean food can be both satisfying and varied. Do not forget about spiritual fasting: try to go to church more often, devote more time to prayer, exclude watching entertainment programs and films during fasting. Be kind and merciful to your loved ones, try not to judge anyone, not to quarrel with anyone, to avoid irritability.

Tell me, during fasting, animal products are forbidden to be consumed only, as they say, “inside”? The fact is that most cosmetic creams, foams and masks contain milk, cream, and animal fat ... Is it possible to use honey during fasting?

Yes, you can use creams and eat honey during fasting.

Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Father, I'm ashamed to admit; I can’t stand fasting by the monastic rule, I’m at war with myself for a year, but nothing good comes out: I break down, I suffer from guilt, fear, or I fall into grumbling and protest. I was not able to get clear advice and an answer to the question about the measure of fasting from my parish priest, unfortunately, on your website, the answer to the question about the monastic charter of fasting and the charter for the laity is also evasive. It's not that I'm looking for indulgence for myself, it's that I can't go straight up. I need help with advice on how to curb my belly and when fighting with it, not to miss everything else. God bless you.

Try to start small - observe the established fast on Wednesdays and Fridays: do not eat meat and dairy products, and eggs these days. During Great Lent, observe the indicated restrictions, and also refrain from fish dishes on Wednesdays and Fridays. Lenten table can be hearty and tasty, recipes for lenten dishes are published on our website.

Ask the Lord for strength to fast. Also pay more attention to spiritual fasting: go to church more often, devote more time to prayer, exclude watching entertainment programs and films during fasting. Be kind and merciful to your loved ones, try not to judge anyone, not to quarrel with anyone, to avoid irritability.

Help you Lord! priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Please tell me, is it possible to sign during the post?

I would not advise an Orthodox Christian woman to marry during Lent. The only thing that is permissible is to register the marriage with the registry office, and coincide with the wedding celebration on the date of the wedding (weddings are not performed during the fasting period).

Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Is fasting (restriction in food) so obligatory? Reading spiritual literature, intensified prayers, abstaining from entertainment, confession before communion may be sufficient. Especially for children.

If you mean fasting before Communion, then for those who commune regularly (once every 2-3 weeks), it can be facilitated, but only with the blessing of the confessor. Small children (up to 7 years old) may not fast in food before communion.

As for the one-day and multi-day fasts established by the Church, they must be observed if health permits. The measure of fasting for children is again different from that for adults. But, I repeat, all issues of personal fasting must be resolved with the priest individually.

Sincerely, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Why in Orthodoxy are there so many restrictions on pleasures, food, sexual relations? This, it seems, does not cause harm to others, does not violate the commandment to love one's neighbor. Why is it necessary to “kill your body”, your desires? Why such lack of freedom?

Our body is not killed by restrictions on food and other pleasures, but by excess in them. And besides, even if we do not harm others and do not violate the commandment to love our neighbor, we still need to love God. This is where certain restrictions on pleasure come from, because love, when it exists, is manifested in action, in our actions.

For example, it's easy to say, "I don't love myself," but our deeds show that we love ourselves exactly as we should love God. And you can say with the same ease: “I love God”, but only there is nothing easier than words - love is known from deeds. And if we at least want to love God, we will limit ourselves to what separates us from God. There is no such goal - neither in worldly life, nor in spiritual life, for the sake of which we would not sacrifice something else. Those who do not want to sacrifice anything are left with nothing - they do not acquire anything worthwhile, and at the same time they lose what they had.

Priest Mikhail Nemnonov

Mom is against the fact that I fast, I depend on her, what should I do? She is a believer, but she does not go to church, she believes that it is enough just to be a good man. Anastasia

Dear Anastasia!
The first thing that comes to mind is to cook for yourself and your loved ones: by doing this you will serve your family, gain experience in housekeeping, which is so useful in family life, and avoid reasons for quarrels. If for some reason this is impossible, think about the fact that your mother is prompted to such reproaches by sincere concern and concern for you - being a non-church person, she still cannot understand the true motives for your actions and this irritates her: console her with love, signs of attention, a kind word.

Be a good daughter, as befits an Orthodox Christian. Tell her that “everything is permissible, but not everything is useful” - explain to her the real meaning of fasting, as strengthening the will in small things in order to be worthy of the Lord in big things. Most of all, take care of meekness - remember the commandment to honor your parents: although we do not choose them, we are obliged to honor them!
Peace to you and God's blessing!

Is it possible to refrain from fasting a 15-year-old boy, because the school is preparing for exams, and this requires a lot of activity? Denis.

Hello Denis. Fasting is a time of repentance and intense prayer to fight sin and the manifestation of original sin in human nature by passions, and abstinence in food is only one of the means of our approach to God, the return of the prodigal son to the Father. The Church in one of her hymns sings: “From my youth, passions have been fighting me.” At the age of 15, a person should be ready to fight passions, so fasting must be observed.

And how to fast in your circumstances should be established by the confessor. The degree of fasting depends on many reasons. It is not necessary to be on a dry diet, but it is imperative to pray more and more often than usual, and most importantly, limit yourself to entertainment (do not watch TV, do not take part in noisy entertainment, limit yourself to sweets), do not condemn your neighbor, confess and take communion.
God help, Priest Dimitry Lin

Priest Alexy Kolosov

Lent precedes the great Christian holidays - the Resurrection of Christ, the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. Believers try to stick to it by not eating meat, milk, sweets and other foods these days. But not everyone knows whether it is possible to eat honey in fasting, and if so, what kind and in what quantity?

Fasting is a cleansing of the body, both physical and spiritual. It is necessary to abandon products of animal origin, namely:

  • meat;
  • dairy products and eggs;
  • fish. They eat it on the Annunciation, but do not eat it on the Dormition Fast, and during the Christmas and Peter and Paul Lent they eat fish and seafood, with the exception of fast days– Wednesdays and Fridays;
  • ready-made cakes, ice cream and pastries, which contain the above products in their composition;
  • alcoholic drinks and smoking.

IN Lenten menu are present:

  1. Kashi on the water - oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, wheat, barley.
  2. Soups without broth.
  3. Bread, preferably black and rye.
  4. Vegetables and fruits. You can eat them raw or you can cook them various dishes- cutlets, stew, caviar.
  5. For dessert, you can eat marshmallows, marmalade, honey.

Honey on the lenten menu

Honey is unable to completely replace all trace elements and vitamins coming from food of animal origin. But at the same time, it quickly saturates the body and long time does not allow to remember hunger.

Some believe that this fleeting sweetness during Lent is unacceptable. Priests do not agree with this opinion, since it is impossible to compare chocolate and honey delicacy. Honey contains vitamins and minerals that strengthen our body. Its composition is one hundred percent fructose and glucose, so it sweeter than sugar and many times more useful than it, of course, in moderate doses. Thus, it is possible to use the product of beekeeping while fasting.

In the post it is desirable to use the product in small portions or add it to some dishes.

Which variety is better to choose?

  • Buckwheat variety is a dark-colored delicacy that has a characteristic taste. It contains twice as much beneficial trace elements and amino acids than in other varieties.
  • Linden or acacia honey. They have a little less vitamins, but they strengthen the immune system. And acacia honey even has a sedative effect.

Where to add and how to eat?

If you have a sweet tooth, eat honey with tea, spread it on bread. In the morning, you can add to porridge - oatmeal, buckwheat. If you decide to make a salad, you can cook an excellent and original dressing- take honey, olive oil, wine or Apple vinegar and seasonings to taste. Mix and match everything vegetable salad. It will be not only tasty, but also useful.

Lean salad (honey)

For cooking, you need two carrots and an apple, kernels walnut to taste, half a lemon and two tablespoons of honey.

  1. Finely crush the nuts, grate the apples and carrots. Squeeze out the lemon.
  2. Mix all the ingredients and season with a treat.

Video "Honey as pampering in the post"

What the priest Maxim Kaskun says about the use of bee delicacy in fasting, see the video.
