
Kale kale cooking recipes. Surprisingly useful - mysterious kale

Kale, which is known as kale, grunekol and browncol, is one type of cabbage that is grown for its nutritious leaves with a specific taste. There are many varieties, but the most common is dark green with curly parsley-like leaves. Kale is an underestimated vegetable, it is disliked mainly because the variety is chosen incorrectly and old wilted leaves are taken. Such leaves have a very strong bitter taste, but young leaves are very tasty, and the cook imaginatively knows a lot of kale recipes and uses them in different dishes- in side dishes, soups and some gourmet dishes.

Kale ripens starting in the fall, and a slight frost only enhances its taste. It pairs well with other strong flavors. Most kale varieties can be harvested like asparagus broccoli, first the top leaves, then the new side shoots.

Kale storage and photo

Choose kale leaves when they are still small and young - yellowing leaves are not good for the kitchen.

Look at the photo of kale - this is how fresh, edible kale leaves look like. Use them immediately after collection. Kale can be stored in plastic bag in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days, as long-term storage increases bitterness. Leaves can be chopped and frozen in a bag.

Very young, tender kale leaves are good for eating raw. They can be cut into a mixed salad or served with a lemon dressing.

Kale salad and recipes for soups and appetizers

Remove the leaves from the tough stem, wash and chop or cook as directed in the recipe.

Boiled kale.

Chop or thinly slice the leaves. Fill with boiling water so that they are half covered with water. Season with salt and boil for 2-3 minutes until the leaves are slightly soft. Serve the kale salad with a dollop of butter.

Steamed kale.

Place chopped or finely chopped leaves in a double boiler or on a wire rack over boiling water.

Let cook for 2-3 minutes until slightly soft. Salt and put butter taste.

Fried kale.

cut into narrow stripes young tender leaves and quickly fry with Not big amount butter or vegetable oil; salt to taste. Chop older leaves and blanch them for 30 seconds, then drain and fry, stirring constantly.

Kale with onion-trampoline and chili.

It's fantastically delicious. winter dish. It can be eaten as a side dish or put in fried or boiled chicken for a quick dinner.

For 4 servings

  • 800 g kale (kale)
  • 12 pcs. onion-batuna
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 2 red chili peppers
  • piece fresh ginger 2.5 cm long
  • 3 art. tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • salt, black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil

Prepare kale to fry, blanch old leaves for this. Roast over high heat vegetable oil along with chopped onion, garlic, chili and ginger until the kale leaves are soft - about 3 minutes.

Salt and pepper to taste, drizzle with sesame oil.

Ribollita from kale.

Classical italian soup, which can become a hearty main course. It is very easy to prepare.

For 4 servings

  • 400 g cannellini beans
  • 3 art. spoons of olive oil
  • 3 celery stalks
  • 3 carrots
  • 1 bulb
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 400 g can of chopped tomatoes
  • 3 art. tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
  • salt, black pepper
  • 4 thick slices of ciabatta bread

Remove the beans without brine from the jar, mash them and set aside.

Heat up over medium heat for large saucepan 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, fry the chopped celery, carrots, onions and garlic in it for 10 minutes until they become soft and acquire a golden hue.

Add thinly sliced ​​kale leaves, tomatoes and three-quarters of the whole amount of parsley to it, pour boiling water so that it covers the vegetables. Salt, pepper, stir, reduce heat to low and let simmer for 30 minutes.

Add the mashed beans along with a little boiling water to lightly thin the soup. Bring to a boil again, taste for salt.

Drizzle the bread with the rest of the olive oil and fry until golden color. Put in soup. Serve sprinkled with the rest of the parsley.

Soup with kale and chorizo.

Try this one tasty soup with fresh bread.

For 4 servings

  • 2 onions
  • 3 art. spoons of olive oil
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 100 g chorizo ​​sausage
  • 4 potatoes
  • 1.2 l chicken broth
  • salt, black pepper
  • 300 g kale (kale)

Sauté the finely chopped onion in oil in a large saucepan until soft but not discolored.

Add minced garlic, sliced ​​chorizo ​​sausage and potatoes and saute for 5 minutes. Pour in the broth, salt and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes. Mash potatoes. Bring to a boil again. Put thinly shredded kale into the soup and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Stir and serve.

Kale with pasta, tomatoes and mozzarella.

fast and nutritious dish. The smell and taste of collard greens, chili and anchovies are softened with curd cheese.

For 4 servings

  • 400 g spaghetti
  • 3 art. spoons of olive oil
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 6 anchovies from a can
  • 2 chili peppers
  • 5 cream tomatoes
  • salt, black pepper
  • 300 g kale (kale)
  • 1 mozzarella ball

Boil spaghetti, drain water, mix with 1 tbsp. tablespoon olive oil and keep warm.

Sauté the garlic, anchovies and chili peppers in the remaining oil for 1 minute. Add chopped tomatoes, salt and pepper. Fry, stirring constantly for 5 minutes.

Blanch the chopped kale, transfer it to the pan and fry for another 3 minutes. Divide the mozzarella cheese into small balls, throw into the pan, stir, then remove from heat, combine the resulting sauce with pasta and serve.

Hello, dear readers and guests of my blog!

In my new article I want to tell you about an incredibly valuable, but, oddly enough, little-known vegetable in Russia - kale! In our country, it is also known as "kale" or kale.

Adherents healthy lifestyle life around the world in love with this super vegetable, and nutritionists sing praises to him and call him a real find for vegetarians!

I will say right away that this article will be the first part of a series of articles about kale, in which I will tell you what kind of vegetable this is and what the actual use of kale is. The second part will be devoted to the results of my experiment on growing kale in my garden, there will also be an article with methods for preparing this vegetable!

Now I will introduce you to this super vegetable!

Kale or kale or kale belongs to the cabbage family (they are also cruciferous). Closest relatives: broccoli, cauliflower, Beijing and Brussels sprouts.
There are many varieties of kale. Leaf color varies from gray-green to purple, they can be smooth or, as in most cases, curly.

Useful properties of kale

Kale leads among all products in terms of content vitamin "K", 100 grams contains whole 1020% daily allowance consumption! This vitamin promotes the absorption of calcium into the bones and helps make our bones stronger, and it is also important for blood clotting. Kale has 10 times more vitamin K than our native white cabbage.

The kale contains calcium much more than in other vegetables (150 mg per 100 g of product), in this indicator it surpasses even milk (130 mg per 100 g of product), but another plus is that calcium in the “curly champion” is in easily digestible form and it is absorbed by the body by 50%. For comparison, calcium found in milk is only 30% absorbed.

Kale also contains a record amount vitamin "A". Imagine, 100 grams contains 300% of the daily requirements of this vitamin! And this vitamin is very important for our vision and skin renewal.

Vitamin "C" contains as much as 200% of the daily requirements in 100 grams of these green curls. Cup raw cabbage contains more vitamin C than a whole orange!

What else is contained in 100 gr. Keila as a percentage of the recommended daily intake:

  • Manganese: 39%
  • Magnesium: 9%
  • Copper: 15%
  • Potassium: 13%
  • Calcium: 13%
  • Vitamin A: 300%
  • Vitamin K: 1020%
  • Vitamin C: 200%
  • Vitamin B6: 13%

Here is a comparison table with white cabbage:

Cale White cabbage
Vitamin C 120 mg. 36 mg.
Magnesium 47 mg. 12 mg.
Vitamin A 9990 iu. 98 iu.
Vitamin B6 0.3 mg. 0.1 mg.
Iron 1.5 mg. 0.5 mg.
Sodium 38 mg. 18 mg.
Potassium 491 mg. 170 mg.

(iu is an international unit of measure used for certain vitamins, hormones, and drugs)

  • Nutritional value per 100 gr. kayla:
    49 kcal.
    Fat: 0.9 gr.
    Protein: 4.3 gr.
    Carbohydrates: 8.8 gr.

In terms of amino acid content, this cabbage is identical to meat, it contains nine out of ten essential amino acids! Also, it is a source of complete, easily digestible protein. It is a real find for vegetarians, which is why kale is also called "meat" for vegetarians.
There is very little fat in the stool, and most of of which is a polyunsaturated fatty acid omega 3.

kale contains a large number of flavonoid antioxidants.
Antioxidants are substances that prevent the oxidation and destruction of body cells by free radicals.

In large quantities, kale contains such powerful flavonoids as quercetin and kaempferol. These substances have been studied in test tubes and animal studies. They have been shown to have powerful cardioprotective and down-regulating arterial pressure action, anti-inflammatory action, antiviral, antidepressant action and anticancer effect. These same substances, by the way, are found in green tea.

Kale contains substances such as bile acid sequestrants, these are substances capable of binding bile acids in our digestive system thus, they reduce the level of cholesterol in the body.
A study by the Korea Research Foundation found that daily use kayla juice for 12 weeks increased the level of good cholesterol (HDL) by 27% and reduced the level bad cholesterol(LDL) by 10%.

Scientists from Norway have found that feces can significantly reduce the risk of developing certain types cancer, especially colon cancer. All this thanks to substances such as indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane (beautiful names, is not it? :)). Sulforaphane has been proven to help fight cancer at the molecular level! And indole-3-carbinol is another substance that helps prevent cancer and removes toxins.

Kale is good for eyesight! It has two very important substances that can prevent the development of eye diseases. This lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoid antioxidants, which are found in kale in large quantities.
Research carried out in different time, have shown that people who consume enough lutein and zeaxanthin have a much lower risk of macular degeneration (this is an age-related disease) and cataracts.

In general, kale is certainly one of the healthiest and most useful foods on the planet, given to us by nature itself (more about one of the useful gifts of nature, sea kale, you can)!

Of course, our habitual White cabbage also very healthy vegetable, and we will talk about it in a separate article, but still, kale is a real super-vegetable!
So dear readers, if you want to increase the number nutrients that enter your body and improve your health, consider adding kale to your diet!

So, having learned about this vegetable and seeing that there is nowhere to buy it at all (at least in our city), I decided to grow this miracle in my garden! But it turned out that the seeds are not so easy to find! Before I could buy them last year, I finally found them and bought them this year! The beginning of April is just the time to plant it with seedlings.

My son and I (he helped me a lot, scattered the earth over the balcony 🙂) planted one box of seedlings, and for the purity of the experiment I will plant the rest in May straight into open ground! But I will talk about the intricacies of growing and what I got from this experiment in a separate article, here it is:

That's all for today, thank you all for your attention!
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Here's to dessert came across interesting video on how to make kale chips (I'll definitely try it when it grows up):

Friends, have you already tried kale?

People love everything new. Kale has become another trend of nature. Gardeners different countries it has been grown for more than one century, but only now has mass interest been shown to it. Establishment owners from healthy food introduced new dishes to the menu along with cabbage of this variety.

It is distinguished by the fact that it contains a large number of useful elements. Therefore, it is highly valued among admirers of traditional medicine.

Kale or Kale cabbage is a food product for vegetarians and people sitting on strict diet. It contains a large amount of vitamins and proteins, which are quickly and completely absorbed.
plant by appearance is not a standard head of cabbage. It just doesn't exist. Often many inexperienced gardeners take this species cabbage for salad.

Distinctive features cabbage is sufficiently resistant to frost - withstands temperature regime up to -6 C.

She is not afraid of pests and most pathogenic bacteria. In addition to its own name Kale, cabbage is popularly called "Grunkol" and "Brownkol". Not so long ago, the culture was an ornamental shrub. But more recently it has been used for cooking in culinary dishes.

No one can say exactly where she first appeared. Some say that cabbage originates from France, others from England or Germany, and still others argue that it owes its origins to Siberia. The Americans claim that it was Russian merchants who brought the outlandish plant on ships.

Although cabbage does not have a standard appearance, endowed with a head of cabbage. It also has its own varieties:

  • Premier cabbage is a frost-resistant, fast-growing variety.
  • Red Russian - stands out with sinuous, red leaf blades.
  • Curly - The foliage is wrinkled and curly. Endowed with a softer and more delicate taste. The most popular of all types.
  • Siberian - not susceptible to pests and tolerates a sharp drop in temperature.
  • Redboro F1 - can be a dark purple tone or a red tint. It is used to decorate food and give it an original color.
  • Cane - the tallest cabbage, stretches to a height of up to 1.9 meters. The peculiarity is that its stem is strong. It is often used to make walking sticks.
  • Tuscan - awarded with oblong thin elongated leaves, with a wrinkled top cover.

Any kind of cabbage can be eaten as a fresh, and in stew. It is preferable to supplement the diet with tender leaves just plucked from the bush. If the plant has a rigid structure, then it is subjected to heat treatment.

Cabbage does not require special care for itself. The only important requirement is the growing conditions - the place should be well lit, without drafts and neighboring fruit crops capable of drawing useful elements from the earth, depleting cabbage.

It is advisable to place landings on a small hill or elevation. Kale cabbage does not like groundwater close to the soil surface. If this is present on the site, then when landing, additional drainage should be poured onto the bottom.

Dangerous pests of all cruciferous crops where Kale comes from are:

  • Rape sawfly
  • scoops
  • Cabbage aphid, fleas
  • flower beetle
  • wireworm
  • garden slugs
  • Weevils

To prevent the colonization of harmful insects, the foliage is powdered with tobacco dust, wood ash, or combine these ingredients together. But the first rain will wash away all the spraying, you will have to carry out the process again.

Another pest control option is to spray 7% vinegar essence and boiled liquid. In addition, you can apply an infusion of chicken manure (200 gr.) To a bucket of water. But it should be insisted exactly 24 hours before use.

If folk methods do not have an effect, you need to use chemical insecticides - Aliot, Fury, Kemifos, Kinmiks, Bankol, Sharpei, Bitoxibacillin.

Cabbage can be affected by the following diseases:

  • Fusarium
  • Rot (white and gray)
  • Viral mosaic
  • Mucous bacteriosis
  • Blackleg
  • ring spot

In order to protect the crop from diseases, it is first of all recommended to observe, to take resistant varieties of cabbage for cultivation. Before you start planting work, you need to treat the seeds with (potassium permanganate). After planting, it is recommended to constantly monitor the appearance of pests on the foliage and eliminate weeds near the base of the cabbage.

Such measures contribute to a more reliable preservation of the plant from possible diseases and pest control is much better than chemicals. At the first manifestations of the disease, it is recommended to remove the affected leaves so that the disease does not spread to healthy parts.

Various varieties have excellent maturation periods. Some species are harvested 70-90 days after planting in open ground. Others are to be collected as early as 60-75 days from the moment of deepening into the ground.

The first crop can be removed from the cabbage at the moment when the plant reaches 20 cm in height.

An earlier collection does not have due taste characteristics and a rich composition of useful elements. Collection begins with the outer leaves. They need to be cut from the plant in such a way that a 5 cm stump remains. On the remaining process, young leaves will re-form.

Leaf plates must be collected as they mature. If the procedure is not carried out in time, then the greens become hard, dense and not tasty - bitter. After harvesting, the tops can be stored in the refrigerator for 7 days, but it is better to eat freshly picked. In addition, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the cabbage, cut it into pieces and put it in the freezer for safety. In this form, the product is stored for about 6 months.

Kale cabbage is distinguished by a large number of vitamins, which exceed in their value allowable norms required by the body. So constituent parts the structure of the foliage of the plant are vitamins: A, K, PP, C B (1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 9).

Additionally, there are micronutrients - manganese, phosphorus, potassium, copper, iron, sodium, calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium. The presence is noted fatty acids(Omega 3). In addition, it includes essential amino acids in the number of 9 elements, flavonoids, carbohydrates. Lutein, fats, zeaxanthin, glucosinolates are present in small amounts.

A nutritious product is a fairly high-calorie plant and contains 100 gr. - 48 kcal.

Kale, thanks to its nutrients and vitamins, has positive influence on the human body in the following cases:

  1. Minimizes calcium deficiency internal organs. Cabbage can easily replace milk, because in 1 gr. The product contains 0.22 mg of calcium more than in milk.
  2. It has the ability to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body, and also has antioxidant properties.
  3. Promotes the removal of toxins and a softer exit of feces from the intestines.
  4. Speaker preventive measures from cancerous growths.
  5. Improves the quality and clarity of the organs of vision.
  6. Helps with monthly menstrual flow.
  7. Contributes to the normal healthy development and growth of children.
  8. It delays the aging process as much as possible.
  9. Improves the quality of the skin.
  10. Helps strengthen teeth.

Thus, Kale has a great positive effect on general state human body. Its use completely replaces not only milk, but also meat. By using culture, you can quickly throw off excess weight and look healthy and cheerful at the same time.

If you use the product fresh, just picked, without seasonings and additional ingredients, then the cabbage will seem quite bitter and tasteless. It is mostly used for making various salads or first courses. Thus, the bitter feature disappears, being replaced by the original piquant taste.

For cooking culinary delights only sheets are used.

The stem is recommended for making fresh juices, dressings or specific cocktails. In addition, specific chips are made from the leaves, which have a specific taste, saturated with a special zest. So the product is mixed in spices, and olive oil is also added. Bake in the oven until crispy.

Culture can be added to the diet of almost all people, with the exception of only a few categories:

  • First of all, it is forbidden to use for food for patients with individual intolerance to the product as a whole.
  • With caution and under supervision, people suffering from illnesses can eat gastrointestinal tract such as colitis, gastritis, ulcers.
  • With dysbacteriosis and during chronic indigestion with persistent diarrhea, it is not recommended to eat the plant. It can even more provoke the development of dangerous diseases.

Therefore, cabbage kale is very useful product for the entire human body. For lovers and connoisseurs palatability This shrub is recommended to start growing it on your own site. Moreover, this plant can be without special efforts plant and care for yourself.

More information can be found in the video:

Healthy eating: Kayle is focus useful substances, which can be cooked perfectly different ways from steamed to chips.

Kale is a concentration of useful substances that can be prepared in completely different ways from “steamed” to chips.

How to handle and wash the kale:

At large leaves cut out the center stem. You can only cut off the base of the stem of smaller and tender leaves. Cut off the damaged parts of the leaves.

Rinse thoroughly in cold water several times and dry paper towel Or use a salad dryer. This step should be key, as otherwise sand will come across.

Tear the leaves into pieces; 12 ounces of kale equals about 12 cups of chopped kale, or four servings.

How to cook kale:

Boil some water (about 2 cups) in a large saucepan with a little salt (1/8-1/4 teaspoon). Add 12 oz chopped leaves. Keep boiling. Reduce heat and simmer for 20-25 minutes until tender. Drain the water.

How to fry kale:

Heat 4 teaspoons of olive oil in a large skillet. Add 12 oz dinosaur (Tuscan) or kinky kale. Cook covered for one minute. Remove the lid and fry for one more minute. Season with salt and pepper, if desired, and squeeze in some lemon juice.

How to simmer the kale:

This cooking method uses the whole leaves and yields 8 to 10 servings. In a large deep saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons olive oil to medium-high heat.

Thinly slice one medium onion. Peel 2 cloves of garlic and crush them using the flat part of a knife blade. Add the onion and garlic to the hot oil and sauté until golden brown. Add two large pork tendons and two bay leaves. Cook for about 10 minutes or until the garlic is soft.

Meanwhile, starting with 5 kale leaves, stack them together and cut into strips. Add the kale to the pan, tamping down the leaves. Add 3/4 unsalted chicken broth, 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon of sugar and one teaspoon of ground red pepper.

Bring to a boil. Cook 10 minutes. Then stir the kale with a wooden spatula and reduce the temperature to simmer temperature. Cover and simmer for 45 minutes. Add salt to taste. Cover again and cook for 10 minutes or more. Get it bay leaves and bring to the table.

This will be of interest to you:

How to make kale chips:

Preheat the oven to 150 C. Cover a baking sheet with baking paper. Arrange 2 cups of chopped leaves on a baking sheet. Drizzle with 1 tablespoon olive oil and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the characteristic crispy taste develops.

Kale kale (aka borekol, brunkol, kale) is a variety of ordinary cabbage. Calais is closest to wild cabbage, about which the French scientist Genre-Henri Fabre (thanks to Natalya Ivankevich for the quote) wrote: “Nature has provided us with a wild-growing specimen with a tall stem, living, as the botanist says, on coastal rocks.” So she rightfully owns the title of patriarch of the cabbage family. During the Middle Ages, kale was one of the most common vegetables in Europe. And during the Second World War, the British government announced the program "Dig for victory!" and urged the British to cultivate kale in the backyards of houses - it was believed that this cabbage could provide a person with useful substances necessary for life.

Kale is a vegetable champion in terms of versatility. It is eaten fresh, boiled, fried, stewed, baked, steamed and made into smoothies and even chips.

For the latest surge in global kalemania, we have the Americans to thank - restaurants in New York and Los Angeles have turned the good old kale into a fashionable novelty. Nutritionists note that it contains a unique set of vitamin compounds with antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

Kale salad with baked pumpkin and ricotta


  • Kale - 300 g
  • Pumpkin - 500 g
  • Ricotta goat from Andrey Akesolo - 150 g
  • Sesame oil
  • Vinegar
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Pepper

How to cook

Rinse the kale, separate the stems. Cut the leaves into strips half a centimeter wide.

Mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, pour over the leaves and lightly massage them with your hands to absorb the dressing. Set aside (the longer the kale marinates in the dressing, the tastier and more tender the salad will be. I like to infuse the leaves in the refrigerator in a covered container for several hours or even overnight).

Cut the pumpkin into 4 parts, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with garlic flakes and lightly sprinkle with cinnamon. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes.

Cool the pumpkin, cut the pulp into cubes. Mix with kale. Mash the goat ricotta with a fork and sprinkle over the salad. Mix gently, lightly salt and pepper and serve.

“Kale is a vegetable champion in terms of versatility. It is eaten fresh, boiled, fried, stewed, baked, steamed, made into smoothies and chips.

Kale chips


  • Cale Curly by Daniel Lawrence - 500g
  • Fruit vinegar from Ivan Novichikhin
  • Olive oil first cold pressed from Dimitrios Kotaridis
  • Hot peppers from Ivan Novichikhin
  • Garlic

It is best to make "keylochips" from curly varieties- it turns out both tastier and more picturesque.

Take 500 g fresh leaves kale and snatch on small pieces. Remove tough stem (can be used in smoothies or broth).
