
How to cook creamy sausages. How to improve boiled sausages

Everyone knows that it takes several minutes to cook sausages in boiling water, but not everyone knows exactly how long it takes. It is easy to answer this question. In fact, this product is immediately ready for use, but after cooking it becomes tastier and juicier. It is also worth noting that more modern manufacturers sausage products are not distinguished by conscientiousness. Therefore, the cooking process not only improves taste qualities sausages, but also makes them safer to eat.

How long do you need to cook sausages?

Boil sausages in boiling water for 5 minutes.

Cooking time does not depend on the type of sausages. They can be Bavarian, Viennese, dairy, chicken or others. It also does not matter in which casing the sausage product is: natural or cellophane. In any case, you need to cook sausages after boiling for no more than 5 minutes.

On a note! In fact, any sausages are allowed for cooking in the shell. But cellophane under the influence high temperatures tend to burst. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to first pierce it in several places, and only then cook the product. Another option is to remove the casing before cooking the sausages.

Boil the most fresh sausages high grade can be within 2 minutes after boiling water. Cooking time is reduced due to the fact that a quality product is completely safe to eat even raw. And two minutes is enough to warm up the sausages, make them more juicy.

How to cook sausages?

The method of cooking sausages is so simple that even children can handle it. To properly prepare them, you need to do the following:

  1. Prepare a small saucepan, pour water into it and place on fire.
  2. If desired, peel the sausages from the shell. Post sausages in water. It should completely cover the sausages. Some put sausages in cold water, others wait for it to boil. In fact, there is no fundamental difference.
  3. After boiling, reduce the heat, cook sausages in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  4. After the specified time, drain the water and transfer the sausages to a plate.

On a note! When cooking sausages, they need to boil for about 7 minutes, since they are larger than sausages.

In addition to boiling in water, there are other ways to cook sausages. One of them involves the use of a microwave. The process of cooking sausages in it is carried out at high power for 3 minutes. In addition, you can cook sausages in a slow cooker.

How long to cook frozen sausages?

Today, frozen sausages are on sale. With the help of freezing, sellers try to extend the shelf life of the product. The principle of cooking frozen sausages does not differ from the preparation of chilled products. However, it will take a little more time to prepare them.

Frozen sausages should be cooked for about 8 minutes.

Before starting the cooking process, you need to place the frozen sausages in a saucepan with cold water for about 30 minutes. It is not necessary that they are completely thawed, a slight defrosting is enough. Then you need to pierce the casing of sausages in several places with a knife in order to avoid deformation during the preparation of the product. Put the pot on the fire and bring the water to a boil. Boil sausages after boiling for at least 8 minutes. If they boil for less time, they may turn out tasteless. When 8 minutes have passed, drain the water, peel the sausages from the shell and put them on a plate.

Video: how long to cook sausages in boiling water?

Today, sausages are considered a popular product that housewives often use when there is no time to prepare a full dinner or breakfast. Indeed, to cook sausages, it will take a minimum of time and effort. In addition, many people like sausages - both children and adults. They pair well with pasta. mashed potatoes, vegetables, and can also be used as a separate dish. The main thing is to choose a quality and fresh product.

To properly cook sausages and enjoy them excellent taste you should check out the following videos.

Modern life is so dynamic that a person, imprisoned in the grip of burning deadlines and multitasking, often does not have time to stand at the stove. This is where modern miracle helpers come to his aid: microwaves, multicookers, double boilers, mixers and blenders. And in addition to them, semi-finished products, promising tasty and healthy dinner. Sausages are among them.

Sausages are thin boiled sausages in a natural or artificial casing, which include finely chopped meat and cream. This product owes its origin to Johann Laner. At one time, he moved from Frankfurt to Vienna, which is probably why these two cities still dispute the right to the homeland of sausages. So, sausages appeared in the 19th century and immediately became the property of the German national cuisine. And those sausages that we are used to are the result of the work of Anastas Mikoyan in 1936.

What are sausages

On the counter of a modern store there are now a lot of sausages of various types. Russian production knows classic and Russian sausages. The classic ones include: Frankfurt, Vienna, Munich. Among the Russian ones the most popular are: doctoral, creamy, dairy, amateur, veal, Bavarian, with cheese, children's. This product May be different sizes and colors. But if the color is an indicator of the composition and quality of the product, then the time and method of preparing the sausage depends on the size of the product.

Sausage casings

Also, these sausages differ in the type of casing in which they are packed. In the common people, it is also called "skin". "Skin" can be natural and artificial, and the storage time of the product and the technology of its preparation depend on its type.

natural casings

The natural type of packaging includes intestinal casings, they are used extremely rarely, because. the shelf life of products in such packaging is only five days. Intestines are not convenient for production - they can tear, they need to be prepared in a special way, they themselves are not stored for a long time and, moreover, their diameter is uneven. Most often in such a shell you can find white Munich or Alpine sausages. Sometimes individual poultry farms also produce poultry sausages in a natural casing.

Artificial casings made from natural materials

It is also common to call natural packaging products in a protein casing, but in fact it is an artificially made casing from a high-grade raw material obtained from the middle layer of cattle hides, i.e. natural. It can be both edible and unsuitable for food, depending on the thickness and production technology. Products are stored in such a shell for five days. Nevertheless, for production it is more convenient than the natural casing. In such packages you can find Viennese, Bavarian, veal sausages.
Also, sausages are produced in cellulose packaging. This casing is made on the basis of natural cellulose material. Its use reduces the price of the product, moreover, it has a good level of permeability and can be used in the production of smoked sausages. But the shelf life in these "skins" is only 2-3 days. In this package you can find any Russian sausages.

Artificial casings

And the last type of packaging is a polyamide, completely artificial shell. It protects products very well from external influences and extends the shelf life. Products in such packaging can be stored for 15-60 days. The material is completely safe in contact with the product. In this package you can find any Russian sausages.

Products without casings
IN Lately stores sell sausages made using a technology that makes it possible to produce products without a casing. They are sold in vacuum plastic packaging. Stored in a closed pack from 8 to 12 days. In this form, dairy, doctoral, children's and creamy sausages.

How to choose sausages

In order not to miscalculate when choosing sausages, you should know a few rules for choosing sausage products of this type:

Sausages must be pale pink in color (this does not apply to veal, hunting, amateur, Munich and Alpine). Pale pink color - an indicator of freshness (drying, the product darkens) and the absence of dye.

Smooth skin. If the product is wrinkled, it means that it is not fresh and dried up. There may be protrusions on products in intestinal and protein packaging due to the properties of the packaging material.

The product should be resilient and easy to restore shape after pressing with a finger.

On a fresh product there should be no smudges and stains. If they are, then the products are either of poor quality or stale.

Pay attention to the packaging - it should not contain liquid.

Sausages are now produced in accordance with GOST and TU. It is better to give preference to products manufactured in accordance with GOST, because. institutes and experts worked on its creation, fulfilling the state order. TU is approved at the production site and may include products that affect the quality and taste of the product. So, for example, not beef and pork, but minced chicken can be used.

Pay attention to the composition: in the first place there will be the product, which in percentage most.

How to prepare sausages for cooking

Often, before immersing sausages in boiling water, the question arises: is it necessary to remove the casing from the sausage? Now that we understand which packaging is truly natural and which is artificial, we can answer this question. Natural intestinal packaging, of course, can not be removed. A protein shell artificially recreated from natural product, also do not remove. On other issues, opinions may differ.
Some people believe that it is necessary to remove the “skin” from artificially packaged sausages, if only because the product is saturated during cooking. harmful substances from the shell. In fact, the material designed for Food Industry, does not impregnate products with harmful substances, as we said above. For some reason, consumers can safely cook meat in a film, vegetables in culinary sleeve or even poached eggs in cling film, but as soon as it comes to sausages, this kind of casing immediately becomes harmful.
Cellulose packaging can not be removed. It is easy to pierce and remove the finished sausage product after boiling. In addition, some sausages when cooked without a casing are bent and lose their appearance. But before cooking, it is better to pierce the “skin” so that there is no excess pressure inside the package and the sausage does not burst.
But the polyamide packaging is best removed - piercing it and separating it from the sausage after heat treatment will be a difficult task.

How to cook sausages on the stove

Cooking sausages on the stove in large numbers water, laying them in already boiling water. You can pour the product with cold water, but then more will boil out of them useful substances. It is not necessary to add salt to the water, it is enough in the product itself, especially in the summer. After the water boils again, the time is set (5-10 minutes), after which the sausages can be served on the table.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

Sausages in the microwave are prepared in two ways: in water and without water.
For cooking in water, we first prepare the product - we clean it from the shell and pierce it with a needle in several places. Can be cut around the edges. IN transparent saucepan For microwave oven lay out the product and fill it hot water. Cover the container with a lid. Set the power to high and cook for three minutes.
In order to cook a sausage without water, it must be peeled and pierced or cut at the ends. This is done so that the product does not crack. Sausages should be cooked for two minutes at a power of 400 kW. It would be nice to add a little water to make the products juicy.
Keep in mind that not every dish is suitable for the microwave.

How to boil sausages in a slow cooker

Products are peeled, if necessary, and filled with hot water so that it covers it completely. Close the lid of the device and select the "steam" mode. Cook 5 min. With the same parameters, you can use the "stew / soup" mode.

How to steam sausages

Of course, it is most useful to steam sausages, especially if they are in a natural “skin”.

We prepare the product - we clean it from the shell, if necessary, pierce it in several places and put it on a bowl greased with oil. Pour water into the steamer and install the bowl. Turn on the steamer and cook for 10 minutes.

How to cook frozen sausages

Sometimes, in order to extend the shelf life, the hostesses freeze this product. To cook such a product, it is not necessary to defrost it first. Sausages are poured with cold water and brought to a boil. Then the time is set to 10 minutes. After cooking, the packaging is removed, because. it can be difficult to remove from a frozen product.

Interesting ways to cook sausages

Finnish sauce with sausages

  • Sausages 300 grams
  • Bulb 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 clove
  • Cream 15% 150 ml.
  • Thick tomato sauce 3 tbsp
  • Flour 1 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Clean sausages from packaging and cut into slices. Chop onion and garlic as finely as possible. In a heated frying pan, with the addition of vegetable oil, fry the onion and garlic until caramelized.

Then put the sausages in the pan and lightly fry them. The next step is to add flour and mix. Add tomato sauce, stir again and heat through. Pour in the cream and, stirring constantly, so that all the ingredients of the sauce, except for the sausages, dissolve, bring to a thickening. Season to taste.

You can serve this dish with any kind of pasta, rice, potatoes or buckwheat.

Sausages in bechamel sauce with mushrooms

  • Sausages 300 grams
  • Champignons 150 grams
  • Onion bulb 1 pc.
  • Flour 1 tbsp
  • Butter 50 grams
  • Milk 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper to taste

Cut mushrooms into slices, onions into small cubes, sausages into slices. Boil champignons and sausages in a saucepan with a small amount water.

Melt half the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion until caramelized.
Cook bechamel in a deep frying pan. To do this, melt the remaining butter and fry the flour in it. Add milk, starting with 1 tbsp, doubling the amount each time. Warm up until thick.
When the bechamel thickens, combine all the other ingredients with it and bring it back to a density, stirring constantly.
You can serve the sauce with rice, potatoes, buckwheat or any kind of pasta.

Pasta boiled with sausages

If you want to save time, you can boil sausages and pasta together right in one pan (their cooking time is the same - 5-10 minutes). And if you have Small child, then you can serve spaghetti with a sausage product in an original way: in the form of hedgehogs, hairy sausages or octopuses.

To cook hairy sausages (don't let the name confuse you: they look very nice :)), you need to pierce the sausage with spaghetti sticks across or along, but so that the spaghetti protrudes beyond the product on only one side.

For octopuses: cut half of the sausage into eight pieces lengthwise and pierce with spaghetti sticks, the remaining whole part, also lengthwise.

In other words, sausages are a real lifesaver if you need to feed invited guests or hungry household members very quickly. Let's talk about how to cook sausages and how to do it.

Many are wondering whether to cook sausages or not to cook? Sausages are positioned as a ready-made product for consumption. But it is advisable not to take risks, especially if you want to feed your child and there is no certainty that your child will not be poisoned by this meat product. Especially if the sausages were not bought in sealed packaging. Besides, raw sausages not as tasty as boiled.

How long to cook sausages?

Sausages need not only boiling in water, but also heat treatment. In order to improve the taste of sausages and completely protect your body from the penetration of pathogenic microbes, you need to learn how to boil sausages in water. To do this, just put the sausages in clean water, put on the stove, bring to a boil and immediately turn off.

Sausages can be boiled for several minutes if you are not exactly sure how many days they have been stored. The water for boiling sausages can be slightly heated or very hot - it makes no difference. But in the latter case, there is a high probability that the sausage will burst during cooking and will no longer be so tasty. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, you can pierce the sausages in advance in several places or boil them without peeling them.

Should I peel sausages or not?

The casing is another "pitfall" in boiling sausages. In fact, sausage casings can also be different - artificial and natural, which can be eaten with sausage. You can also cook sausages in a casing, as for the artificial casing, it is advisable to remove it before starting cooking.

If you do not remove the artificial casing, then try not to digest the sausages, otherwise the casing may stick and it will be difficult to remove.

In fact, there are no specific rules for how to cook sausages, because they will be cooked anyway if you boil them in boiling water. But still there are a few useful tips, adhering to which you get the most juicy and delicious sausages.

The first step is to determine which type of sausages you have purchased or which ones you only want to buy in the nearest supermarket. Usually sausages are sold in polyethylene or natural packaging. The plastic packaging is very quickly removed from the sausages, it is enough to cut it a little with a knife, as for the natural casing, it will be a little more difficult to remove it. The natural casing is the most environmentally friendly, but after boiling the sausages it can be very difficult to remove it, and eating sausages with the casing is not very pleasant. Therefore, it is better to remove the skin from sausages before cooking them. If the shell comes off along with the sausage, then it is better not to do this at all and cook like that.

How to cook sausages in a pan

To boil sausages, you need to take a small pot of such a size that all your sausages can lie flat on its bottom and do not deform during cooking. To make it more convenient for you, you can cook sausages directly in the pan. Picking up the right utensils for cooking, put all the prepared sausages into it, add water so that it completely covers the sausages. Place the container on medium fire, bring all the contents to a boil, after which the fire can be slightly reduced and simmer the sausages over low heat for a few more minutes. Carefully remove the cooked sausages from the pan using special tongs or a regular fork. Transfer the sausages to a plate with your favorite side dish.

How long to cook sausages?

Let's find out how to cook sausages and how long it takes. After the water in the container boils, it takes no more than five minutes to cook sausages so that they have an attractive appearance. It is not advisable to pierce sausages that you are cooking in the package with a knife, as there is a high probability that the sausage may burst or fall apart. But it already depends on the quality of the finished semi-finished product.

The water in which sausages are boiled does not need to be salted, since this semi-finished product is already salty. It is not advisable to add any spices, vinegar or oil to the water. If suddenly the sausages are a little salty, then you can take a small saucepan, add a lot of water to it, as a result excess salt from sausages should go.

So that after boiling the natural packaging can be quickly removed from the sausages, quickly remove them from boiling water and immediately place them in cold water. As a result of a sharp drop in water temperatures, the packaging will very quickly move away from the sausages. At the same time, you should not keep the sausages under cold water for too long, so that later you do not have to heat them up again.

Usually this semi-finished product is cooked on the stove - this is a common thing, and they are cooked much faster. But they can be boiled in other ways, for this you can use almost any kitchen appliance: a slow cooker, a microwave oven, a double boiler, a pressure cooker, etc.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker

In many cases, sausages help us out when we need to quickly prepare a meal and there is no time to cook some kind of food. complex dish. After all, sausages are almost ready to eat, but it is advisable to subject the sausages to heat treatment. Sausages in a slow cooker cook very quickly.

Before cooking sausages in a slow cooker, remove the plastic wrapping from them. If the sausages have natural casing, then it can not be deleted. Transfer all prepared sausages to a slow cooker. Then pour water into the multicooker and cover the top with a lid. In the menu, select the “Steam cooking” function, set the cooking time to 10 or 15 minutes, now you can press the “Start” button. After the beep of the multicooker, your sausages will be completely ready.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker for a couple

Pour enough water into the multicooker bowl. After that, it is necessary to shift the sausages into the steamer basket, carefully insert this device into the multicooker and close the lid. Now you need to turn on the “Steam cooking” mode. Cook sausages for twenty minutes. Remove cooked sausages and serve with any vegetables.

How to cook sausages in the microwave

To cook sausages in the microwave, pour water into a glass container so that the sausages can be completely immersed in it. The cellophane casing must be completely removed from the sausages, since it will be difficult to remove it when it is very hot. If sausages have a natural casing, then it must be cleaned in advance.

Place the sausages in a container filled with water. Add bay leaf, pepper, and salt to taste, if desired. Set the microwave to warm. Place the container with sausages in the microwave, then turn on for 5 minutes. Drain water from cooked sausages and serve.

How to cook spaghetti in sausages

We offer you a non-standard way to cook pasta with sausage. To do this, you need to take sausages and cut them into three or four parts. Stick the spaghetti into the cross sections of the cut sausages on both sides so that you can end up with hedgehogs. Gently lower the prepared "hedgehogs" one by one into the preheated water. Each of the sausages must be cooked for ten minutes. When the first part of your hairy sausages is cooked, you can add a few more pieces. Put cooked sausages with pasta on plates and serve.

How to cook milk sausages

To boil milk sausages, first clean them from the film. If the film is natural, then there is no need to remove it. Pour water into a deep saucepan, then put it to boil on the stove. After the water boils completely, you can add salt, but this is to taste. When the water boils again, boil the sausages for a few more minutes. Transfer cooked sausages to a plate.

How to cook frozen sausages

Frozen sausages are cooked in the same way as regular sausages. But frozen sausages must be immediately immersed in water, without waiting for it to boil. Make sure the sausages are well cooked. And the film from sausages must be removed after they are cooked and cooled.

Boiled sausages go well with pasta, bread, ketchup or mustard. Sausages are ideal for both a light snack and lunch.

How to cook sausages in cellophane

Sausages in the film are cooked in the same way as a pre-cleaned semi-finished product. To cook them, place the sausages in a pot of water so that they are completely covered with a few centimeters of liquid.

Place the pot over medium heat and bring everything to a boil. After the water boils, boil the sausages for another three minutes. Boil no more than the specified time, otherwise ready sausages may lose their taste. After cooking, sausages must be pulled out of the water and served.

How to steam sausages

This method is the most ideal for those people who like to eat fresh sausages directly from the supermarket counter and do not want to boil them in water. Many people think that after cooking sausages lose their taste. Therefore, it is better to think about your health by steaming this semi-finished product. If suddenly you have a double boiler on the farm, then sausages can be cooked in it, it will take only a few minutes.

If suddenly you do not have such kitchen appliance then you can cook water bath. Take a metal colander or a metal sieve and a deep saucepan. The most important thing is that they do not come into contact with the bottom of the container. Pour some water into the pot itself and place a colander on top so it doesn't touch the water. Place the sausages in a colander and cover with a lid. After the water in the container boils, continue cooking the sausages for another five minutes.

How to cook soup with sausages


350 grams of sausages,

2 liters of water

1 handful of small vermicelli,

1 carrot

1 clove of garlic

25 grams of butter,


Boil water or cook ahead meat broth. Finely chop the peeled onion, chop the peeled carrots into strips or just grate. Heat the pan along with the addition of oil, after which the carrots must be added to the pan, fry it for five minutes on a not very high heat.

All fried vegetables after cooking must be transferred to hot broth and continue to cook for seven minutes. Finely chop the peeled garlic (if desired, garlic can not be added to the broth).

Cut the sausages peeled from cellophane into neat circles. In the pan where you fried the vegetables, add small piece butter. Then add the garlic here, then add all the chopped sausages. Continue to fry them for another five minutes until lightly browned, transfer them to the broth.

After you transfer the sausages to the pan, add a small handful of thin vermicelli here. Continue to cook the soup for a few more minutes, stirring it all the time until the vermicelli is ready. A few minutes before the end of cooking, the soup must be salted to your liking. Now you can turn off the fire and add chopped dill to the soup. Let the soup brew for a few minutes and you can serve.

10 months ago

At present, it is quite difficult to imagine at least one family in which they have never tried sausages. This product is very fond of children of all ages, and it is very convenient for adults to cook them for dinner after a long day at work - because it takes a minimum of effort and time. Some even prefer to eat sausages raw, however, nevertheless, before eating them, it would be best to boil them. And you need to do this correctly, otherwise the sausages will boil and lose their whole appearance, and with it the taste.

Selection of sausages

Before you proceed directly to the preparation of a semi-finished product, it must be purchased. And it's better to do it based on some facts.

First of all, we pay attention to the price. This is the practical main selection criterion. The price of sausages should not be lower than the price of meat, which is indicated in the composition of the product.

Pay attention to the inscriptions on the packaging or price tag. It is best to purchase a product marked with the GOST sign. However, the TU sign should not scare you too much. In this case, study the composition of the selected product. For example, if cheese was added to sausages or nutmeg, such products will no longer comply with the canons of GOST.

Continuing to study the composition, pay attention to the fact that the presence of such ingredients as a thickener, various flavors, dyes and starch is highly undesirable in it.

Pay attention to the color of the purchased sausages. At quality product a uniform light pink color should be observed, without all kinds of spots and inclusions.
The appearance of sausages should be pleasant and appetizing. The use of curved, non-smooth, wrinkled semi-finished products is not allowed.

Also pay attention to the product expiration date. As a rule, for high-quality sausages, it is from 3 to 5 days for those products that are sold by weight, and from 15 to 20 days for products packed under vacuum.

Preparing sausages for cooking

It would seem that sausages are such a simple product, what kind of preparation might they need? However, if you want to put beautiful, appetizing, even sausages on the table, you should take into account some of the nuances.

First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the cellulose unnatural casing on sausages, if it is present.

In the event that the semi-finished product has a natural shell, it is better not to remove it in order to preserve the juiciness of the product. It will be enough to pierce the shell with a needle in several places.

If you decide to cook frozen sausages, you should not defrost them first, you will only waste your time. They should be cooked in the same way as chilled ones, just increase the cooking time by 5 minutes.

Don't put too much water in the pot. A level at which the sausages will be slightly covered with water will be enough. If you need to know the exact amount of water, pour it into the pan at the rate of 100 ml of liquid per 1 sausage.

No additional spices, such as salt or pepper, need to be added to the water for cooking sausages. Firstly, all the necessary seasonings have already been added to the semi-finished product in required quantity, Secondly, ready taste product may deteriorate.

Sausages can be cooked in different ways. Therefore, we will analyze the cooking time for each of the existing methods.

The easiest way is to boil the semi-finished product in a saucepan. How many minutes does it take to cook sausages in this way? The cooking time will be from 3 to 5 minutes depending on the product size.

You can also boil sausages in the microwave. Moreover, you can cook the product, both with water and without it. In the case of cooking with water, the cooking time will take 5 minutes; without water, sausages will reach readiness much faster - in just a minute or two. If you cook sausages in a double boiler, you should lay them out on the first tier of the appliance and cook for 10-15 minutes.

You can also cook sausages in a slow cooker. You can choose any of the proposed modes - cooking, baking, stewing or soup. The cooking time in this appliance will be from 5 to 7 minutes.

If you want to cook frozen semi-finished products, cook them for about 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Readiness can be checked by piercing the product with a toothpick. It should equally enter the entire width of the sausage.

In the event that you later want to cook sausages in the dough, you do not need to boil them first.

It is not enough to boil semi-finished sausage for dinner, you also need to serve it with the appropriate side dish. What goes with sausages?

The most common side dish for sausages is spaghetti or any other pasta, watered with ketchup.

Potatoes are also quite suitable, and in different types- fried, boiled and even stewed.

Match very well boiled sausages With stewed cabbage. You can even add raw sausages to cabbage during cooking. You get a very tasty meal.
All kinds of cereals, such as buckwheat or rice, are also suitable as a side dish. In rice, it is best to add fried on vegetable oil onion. So it will be much tastier.

Stewed vegetables are another garnish option for semi-finished sausage.

With sausages, you can fry an omelet or a simple scrambled egg for breakfast.

You can serve sausages on the table with almost any sauces - ketchup, mayonnaise, cheese and sour cream sauces, with sour cream, soy sauce, adjika and mustard.

Sausages are very popular among many buyers as they are delicious and most importantly they are already finished product, which can be eaten, but it is advisable to boil it in advance, so we will consider in this article how many minutes to cook sausages, as well as how you can cook sausages in a saucepan, slow cooker and microwave.

How long to cook sausages in time?

In time, sausages are cooked quite quickly and the time of their cooking directly depends on the chosen method of their preparation:

  • How long to cook sausages in a pan? In a saucepan, sausages are cooked for 2-5 minutes when they are placed in boiling water. If the sausages are frozen, then they are placed in cold water and, after boiling, boil for 7-10 minutes.
  • How many minutes to cook sausages in the microwave? Sausages are cooked in the microwave for an average of 3 minutes.
  • How long to cook sausages in a slow cooker? The cooking time of sausages in a slow cooker is 5-7 minutes.
  • How long to cook sausages in a double boiler? In a double boiler, sausages are cooked for 10-15 minutes.

Sausages do not need to be cooked longer than the time indicated above, as they can become too soft and become more watery and tasteless.

How to cook sausages in a pan?

The most common way to cook sausages is to boil them in a saucepan, so let's take a look at how to cook sausages in a saucepan in water step by step:

  • We clean the sausages from the film (if it is artificial, you can leave the natural casing on).
  • We select a pan of a suitable size (so that the sausages fit in their entire length), fill it with water so that it eventually completely covers the sausages and put the pan on the fire, and bring the water to a boil.
  • As soon as the water boils, put the sausages, wait until the water starts to boil again and reduce the heat, then cook the sausages for 2-5 minutes (on average 3 minutes).
  • When the sausages are cooked, immediately take them out of the pan (leave them in hot water not necessary, as they will boil and become worse in taste). In addition, sausages do not need to be cooled with cold water, they can be eaten immediately.

On a note: if the sausages are frozen, then they are placed in a saucepan in cold water at the very beginning of cooking, and after boiling the water, they are cooked longer than usual (an average of 7-10 minutes).

How to cook sausages in the microwave?

Since sausages are a “fast” food for many, it will be useful for many to learn how to quickly cook them in the microwave:

  • We clean the sausages from the artificial film, pierce each sausage with a needle (fork, knife) in several places) and put them in a deep bowl (which can be used in the microwave).
  • Pour boiling water over the sausages so that the water completely covers them.
  • We place the bowl in the microwave and turn it on at maximum power for 3-5 minutes.
  • After the timer goes off and the microwave is turned off, we take the sausages out of the water, they are ready to eat.

Note: in the microwave, you can cook sausages even faster without wasting time on heating water. According to this method, we put sausages in a small plate, pour a little bit on the bottom of the plate cold water and put the sausages in the microwave at maximum power for 1-1.5 minutes.

How to cook sausages in a slow cooker?

In order to cook sausages in a slow cooker, you must perform the following sequence of actions:

  • Remove the artificial casing (film) from the sausages.
  • Pour 300-400 ml of water into the multicooker.
  • We put sausages in a container with water in a multicooker, turn on the multicooker, select the “Cooking” mode and cook sausages for 5-7 minutes.
  • At the end of cooking, we take out sausages from the slow cooker (so that they do not remain in the water). Sausages are ready!

How to cook sausages in a double boiler?

A double boiler is not often used for boiling sausages, but nevertheless, it can also cook juicy boiled sausages. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We clean the artificial casing of sausages.
  • Pour 1 liter of water into the double boiler and put sausages on a special stand.
  • Turn on the steamer and steam sausages for 10-15 minutes.

Finally, consider the most popular questions that many people have when they are looking for how to cook sausages.
