
How to cook cherry jam. With blackcurrant

Amazingly tasty and dense cherry jam is a real find for any culinary specialist. Prepare a similar fragrant and sweet dessert possible for the winter different ways. Below are a few enough simple recipes with photo. Taking advantage step by step instructions, it will not be difficult to cook a rich and dense version of cherry jam for the winter, even if the hostess first decided on such culinary experiment. So choose any recipe and go for it!

Classic pitted cherry jam

You can cook a classic delicious jam from pitted cherries for the winter various methods. Below is one of the popular options. They have been used by hostesses for many years, and the result is always excellent.


To cook classic pitted cherry jam, you need:

  • cherry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

On a note! From the indicated number of components, 5 jars of dessert with a volume of 0.5 liters each should be obtained.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare all the components.

  1. All fruits are culled. It is necessary to select the most strong cherries. They can be mature and even overripe.

  1. From the berries you need to remove the bones in one of the most convenient ways.

  1. Cherries should be passed through a meat grinder or turned into a pulp with a blender.

  1. The resulting mass is transferred to a bowl for cooking dessert and filled with the amount of sugar indicated in the cherry jam recipe. The specified volume of water is immediately poured into these components.

  1. The container is put on fire. Set to moderate heat. The mass must be boiled for 2-3 hours. During the whole time, the future jam from pitted cherries should be stirred.

Note! A few minutes before the end of cooking, you can add 4 g of citric acid to the composition.

  1. Cherry jam is kept on fire until a distinct trace remains on the surface of the composition from the spatula. The last 3-5 minutes, the mass is held on strong heat.

  1. It remains only to pour hot product in sterilized jars and close with lids.

Cherry jam with apples

Amazing spicy sweet-sour taste and unique benefit cherry jam for the winter is different, which is prepared according to a recipe with the addition of apples.


  • cherry - 1.3 kg;
  • apples - 650 g;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking process

cherry recipe apple jam for the winter is simple in execution. But the result will be delicious preparation rich in vitamins fresh berries and fruits.

  1. Everything needs to be prepared necessary ingredients for cooking jam from cherries and apples for the winter.

  1. Dark cherries need to be sorted out and washed. Bones are removed from the berries.

  1. Prepared cherry pulp is scrolled through a meat grinder. The result should be 1 liter of bright puree.

  1. Next comes the turn of apples. They also move and wash. The skins are cut from the fruits, and the pulp is cut into thin slices.

  1. Prepared pieces of apples are transferred to a saucepan and poured with the amount of water indicated in the jam recipe.

  1. On medium heat, apples should be boiled. They should become soft. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

  1. Still hot apple slices rubbed through a sieve.

  1. Sugar, cherry preparation and apple mass are combined in a common dish.

  1. Mix the ingredients and put the pan on the stove. The composition is cooked until thickened, about 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Sugar foam should be removed periodically.

  1. The finished cherry-apple dessert is poured into prepared jars while still hot. The jam must cool down. When a crust appears on its surface, you need to close the containers with lids and put them in a dark place.

Cherry jam with gelatin

Fragrant and tender cherry jam with gelatin for the winter is made by many housewives. The beauty of this dessert is that it is dense, light and rich at the same time. Such a delicacy can be eaten with sandwiches for breakfast or used as a filling for all kinds of pastries.


  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

To prepare the original tender cherry jam, you should use this recipe with a photo. The result will be amazing dessert, which attracts not only with its amazing delicate taste and delicate aroma, but also spectacular appearance.

  1. First you need to prepare a set of ingredients, which is indicated in the recipe for a tender but dense cherry jam with gelatin.

  1. Berries should be sorted out, all overripe, dried or rotten specimens should be removed. The composition of the harvest includes only whole, healthy and strong fruits. Cherries need to be washed. Bones are removed from it, the product is poured into the volume specified in the recipe granulated sugar and put on fire.

  1. While the cherries are cooking, you need to do the gelatin. The granules of this gelling agent must be diluted in warm water. The composition needs time to swell. So you should let him stand for a while. At this time, the cherries on the fire must be constantly stirred.

  1. When the jam has boiled for about 30 minutes, you need to pour the prepared gelatin into it. On low heat, the resulting mass should be simmered for about 10 minutes.

On a note! Between cooking jam and the introduction of gelatin, a break is allowed. You can leave the cherry mass for several hours, and then boil the composition several times to achieve the desired shade and density of the workpiece.

  1. After the first cooking, it is necessary to puree the future jam and boil the composition again.

  1. Ready cherry jam with gelatin should be poured into prepared jars. The product is corked with lids and removed. Such a dessert is perfectly stored all winter: you can keep a delicacy in the pantry and cellar.

Video recipe jam from cherries for the winter

If you like our step by step recipes cherry jam, but if you want to know even more details about the process of its preparation, then watch the video!

In the summer, housewives prepare conservation. In this article, you will learn how to cook your own delicious jam from various fruits.

Thick jam is famous for its aroma, sweet taste, especially appreciated in the cold season. It can be used as a filling for pastries or simply as a separate dish for tea, as well as eaten with pancakes. There are many uses for this delicacy.

Jam began its existence more than two hundred years ago. It was first prepared in Poland. Initially, the dessert was made from a Hungarian plum, it turned out to be very thick. Next, we consider in detail the recipes for jam from various fruits that housewives are preparing at the present time.

How much to cook jam?

An important step in the preparation of such a delicacy is the cooking process. The cooking time for this sweet dish is different, often depending on the ingredients. Usually, it is boiled for approximately one to three hours.

Consider the different key ingredients of jam. Their cooking time:

  • Strawberries - three hours
  • Apricots - one hour
  • Apples - forty minutes
  • Cherry - two - three hours
  • Currant - about an hour and a half
  • Cherry plum - up to forty-five minutes
  • Plums - two to three hours
  • Cherries - at least juice for five minutes
  • Gooseberries - also forty-five minutes
  • Pear - two hours
  • Raspberries - about two hours

How to cook strawberry jam?

How to make jam thick?

Often you have to face the problem when the jam does not become thick, uniform consistency. So how, after all, to make it thick? To do this, you need to cook it not only from plums or berries alone, but also with fruits that will help bring the jam to the desired density.

Usually apples, gooseberries, pears or apricots are added to thick jam. These fruits contribute to the achievement of a jelly-like state. They have great content pectin. Numerous experiments have proven that it is better to add hard, slightly unripe fruits.

Among the people there are various ways to make jam thicker. Hostesses add a spoon or two when cooking this origin of sweets potato starch. Or they throw ground nuts mixed with starch into the hot jam. Crushed dried fruits compact the mixture of sugar and fruits well. Such as apples, apricots, dried apricots, pears.

There are several proven ways to quickly thicken jam:

  • Add some flour
  • Sprinkle crushed cookies
  • Grind crackers
  • Or boil watery jam with semolina

Recipe for a delicious thick apple jam for the winter

For a tasty, thick jam for the winter from apples, use fruits with tender pulp. Such as : Grushovka , White filling and red - sided varieties of Melba . If you want red jam, then use red-skinned apples.

Recipe for jam with fragrant apples

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Ripe apples - one kilogram
  • Sugar - 720 grams
  • Water - half a cup

How to make apple jam:

  • For start - wash, clean from thin skinned apples
  • Next, you need to cut them into two parts, remove the core
  • In the next step, cut the fruits into smaller pieces.
  • Place chopped apples in a container, fill with water. Put it on the stove, let cook without a lid
  • Stir occasionally with a wooden spatula., simmer the composition over low heat for 37 minutes
  • Pour sugar gradually, stirring the jam that is not yet ready.
  • After, cooled apples, chop gently in the blender bowl
  • Again, return the mass to a slow fire, after boiling, cook a sweet dessert approximately - twelve minutes
  • On winter period jam rolled into jars, previously prepared, sterilized
  • Turn them upside down, put in a warm place, cool
  • Then removed for a long time storage in a cool, dark bin
  • Shelf life should not exceed 3 years

Delicious jam made from juicy varieties of red-sided apples

IMPORTANT: Jam starts to darken if it is cooked for a long time. Also, it must be taken into account that when cooking, the volume of a sweet dessert is halved, and when cooled, the jam acquires a thick consistency.

Recipe for a delicious thick apricot jam for the winter

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Ripe apricots - one kilogram
  • Sugar - 535 grams

How to make apricot jam:

  • Wash ripe apricots, remove pits, put in a large bowl
  • Put them to cook for 17 minutes, stir occasionally so that they do not burn, evenly heated
  • Wipe the boiled fruit through a sieve, thereby you will separate the skin, leaving only the sweet pulp
  • Sprinkle apricots with sugar, cook until the mass becomes thick
  • At the end received amber jam pour into sterilized jars. Put away for storage

Thick apricot jam

Recipe for delicious jam in a slow cooker

To make the jam thick, dark, it is preferable to use slightly unripe, hard fruits of apples of red-yellow varieties.

Recipe for jam in a slow cooker

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Apples - one kilogram
  • Sugar - 735 grams

What is the process of making jam in a slow cooker?

How to make jam in a slow cooker:

  • wash sweet and sour apples, peel them, cut into two parts. Remove the core with a knife
  • Cut the halves into cubes, put them in a slow cooker
  • Pour sugar into prepared apples, mix well
  • Select the mode in the multicooker: "Extinguishing"
  • Wait until cooked, stir occasionally
  • Then pour the finished jam from apples into jars, roll up
  • Leave for a day under the covers
  • Clean in cool place for storage

Cooking appetizing jam from apples

IMPORTANT: You should not load the multicooker with apples to the brim, it is better to fill the bowl a little more than half. Then you can not worry that in the process of cooking, the jam will flow out from under your very nose.

homemade strawberry jam recipe

What is the benefit of strawberries?

Strawberries are very useful product. It contains vitamins B, C, as well as fiber, magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, phosphorus and others. Berry improves digestive system, has medicinal properties with diseases such as: hypertension, sclerosis, anemia, kidney failure. It has a diuretic effect.

Strawberry jam recipe

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Ripe, juicy strawberries - one kilogram
  • Sugar - 525 grams
  • Water - 515 milliliters

How to cook strawberry jam?

How to make strawberry jam:

  • For jam, select only ripe, juicy, not spoiled strawberries
  • Rinse the finished berries well. Remove the stalks
  • Put the peeled fruits in a saucepan, add clean water, cook forty minutes on low heat
  • Turn boiled strawberries into puree. Add sugar
  • Stir, put to cook for two hours
  • ready sweet, fragrant jam Pour into prepared jars. Roll up, store

Strawberry Jam

How to cook currant jam?

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Black currant - one kilogram
  • Sugar - one kilogram

How to make currant jam:

  • Sort the blackcurrant, wash it. Pass through a colander
  • Pour water into a bowl. Put a colander over her
  • Next, blanch the berries for six minutes after boiling the water.
  • In order to get currant puree, wipe it through a sieve
  • Pour the resulting pulp with sugar (500 grams), mix, put on the stove for 22 minutes
  • Add another 500 grams of sugar. Cook for about half an hour until the density of not too fatty sour cream
  • Roll up in banks

How to cook cherry jam?

Many have memories from childhood, adolescence, when the grandmother took out delicious cherry jam from the cellar. IN winter time time I especially want warmth, comfort, to sit in friendly company souls, drinking hot tea with jam - it's so excellent.

These memories can be easily refreshed. It is enough to cook your own fragrant, sugary jam with cherries. For this you need to use next recipe, spend some time.

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Fleshy cherry - five kilograms
  • Sugar - three kilograms
  • Water - one liter
  • Citric acid - 6 grams

How to make cherry jam:

  • For jam you need suitable berries fleshy, juicy. Do not skip overripe fruits in the jam, as they can significantly reduce the storage of the resulting product.
  • Wash the berries well. Pour into a colander to give excess water drain off the cherries
  • Carefully get rid of the seeds from the berries, as ripe fleshy berries were selected - this will be easier, faster. In addition, there is almost no pulp left on the bones.
  • Grind cherries into puree uniform consistency using a blender. Add sugar, water
  • Stir the composition, cook until cooked on the stove
  • As soon as the cherry jam boils, start stirring, it will not burn, it will not be overdried
  • The fire must not be extinguished. Boil the sweetness for 2-3 hours
  • For fully prepared add lemon to the treat, mix thoroughly
  • Then leave the red jam to cool

Cherry plum jam: a recipe for the winter

What are the benefits of cherry plum fruit?

Cherry plum fruits contain a whole storehouse of vitamins: A, B1, B2, C. They have many useful substances(organic acids, pectins, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium). Cherry plum is used for colds, infectious diseases.

Cherry jam recipe


  • Fresh cherry plum - one kilogram
  • Sugar - 623 grams
  • Lemon - one piece

Method for making cherry plum jam:

  • In order to check desired consistency jam, you need to prepare a saucer in advance and put it in the freezer
  • Wash the cherry plum. Remove bones, ponytails from it. Place in a heavy bottomed bowl
  • Squeeze into prepared berries sour juice lemon. Add sugar, mix thoroughly. Place on a slightly heated stove
  • So that the jam does not burn, stir. After boiling, cook for about 34 minutes
  • Remove excess foam with a wooden spoon
  • You can check the readiness with the help of a saucer, which was previously prepared. To do this, put a spoonful of cooked plum jam on it, turn the saucer to the side. Ready dessert should not spread

Sweet cherry plum jam

Recipe for a delicious thick plum jam for the winter


  • Plums - one kilogram
  • Water - 155 milliliters (or half a glass)
  • Sugar - 815 grams

Cooking method plum jam :

  • Wash the plums, remove the pits
  • Pour water into an enamel container. Put plums in there
  • Put on the stove, cook for 12 minutes after boiling
  • Pass the fruit through a sieve, remove all the peel
  • Put the puree back into the original container. Pour in the granulated sugar, mix
  • Boil sweetness until the density of low-fat sour cream is reached.
  • At the end of cooking - roll into jars

Recipe for a delicious thick raspberry jam for the winter

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Raspberries - two kilograms
  • Sugar - one kilogram
  • Water - 125 milliliters

How to make raspberry jam:

  • Sort, peel ripe raspberries. Rinse carefully to avoid damaging them.
  • Put in a special container for cooking, cook for 12 minutes
  • After that, rub the raspberries through a sieve into a puree. Remove seeds
  • Pour the resulting puree back into the bowl. Add sugar
  • Mix the consistency, put on medium heat
  • Cook, stirring constantly, until medium thick, about 1.5-2 hours.

Cherry jam: a recipe for the winter

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Fresh, ripe cherries (pitted) - one kilogram
  • Sugar: 324 grams
  • Lemon: one piece

How to make jam from cherries:

  • Wash one lemon (medium size) well, pour over it boiling water, grate the zest, squeeze out the juice from the citrus with a special tool
  • Peeled cherries, put in a container, add granulated sugar, juice, grated, fragrant zest
  • Mix all this consistency, leave overnight in enamelware so that the fruits let out juice
  • Put a small saucer with a treat in the freezer, this is necessary to control its readiness.
  • The next day, mix the composition well, transfer to a special bowl with a thick, non-stick bottom
  • Put on the stove, bring to a boil, do not forget to periodically stir the jam
  • Reduce heat, cook until medium thick, like sugar syrup.
  • Grind the finished jam with a blender (for uniformity)
  • Then again, stirring, boil the fragrant, sweet jam (about five minutes)
  • Then take the saucer out freezer. Check readiness fruit jam as in above recipe thick jam from cherry plum berries
  • Pour the finished mass into jars, remove excess air
  • Roll up sterile, filled jars with lids, set to cool
  • The next day, remove the finished jam for storage

Gooseberry jam: a recipe for the winter

Gooseberry jam has a large number of pectin, thanks to which it thickens well. Gooseberries do not have a pronounced aroma. For jam, it is desirable to select berries with dense pulp. No need to clean them from the stalks and sepals.

You will need the following Ingredients:

  • Unripe gooseberry puree - one kilogram
  • Sugar - 625-800 grams

How to make gooseberry jam:

  • Wash the berries. Put in a saucepan
  • Add a small amount of purified water. Simmer until gooseberries are soft
  • Rub the prepared fruits through a sieve. Weigh it
  • It should be noted that when cooking, gooseberries are boiled down. It is necessary to add 0.6-0.8 kg of sugar per kilogram of puree
  • If during cooking jam, in addition to gooseberries, fruits with a certain amount of pectin are added, then less sugar should be added

Jam recipe without sugar

Nowadays, people are especially worried about their health, proper nutrition. Therefore, an important factor in the preparation of the menu is sugar. For the sick diabetes, this factor is above all. Jam without sugar can be made from plums, cherries, apples, apricots and other fruits.

Sugar in fragrant, healthy jam is not at all the main ingredient. Preparations from boiled berries (fruits) without sugar must be sterilized. Well, if sugar is poured, then it should be no more than 63% of the mass of all ingredients. Or the jam will go bad. Given dessert dish must be boiled in a low wide vessel. Thanks to this, evaporation will accelerate, the taste and color will improve.

Jam without sugar, what is it like?


  • Plums (other fruits, berries) - one kilogram
  • Water - 225 milliliters

How to make jam without sugar:

  • Wash fruits or berries, put in a saucepan, add water
  • Put on fire. Bring to a boil
  • After that, let the jam cool down, during which time the berries will settle, and the juice will rise.
  • Drain the liquid into another vessel, heat, roll into jars
  • Grind fruits into puree using a sieve (blender)
  • Put what you got thick puree into the saucepan, cover with a lid, cook for 24 minutes
  • Next, leave to cool the not yet ready jam. Boil for 24 minutes for the next five days, while constantly monitoring the consistency
  • On the fifth day, cook the composition carefully with the lid closed, as it can splash
  • Pack the resulting jam in jars and roll up

Video: Apple jam recipe

Amazingly tasty and dense cherry jam is a real find for any culinary specialist. You can prepare such a fragrant and sweet dessert for the winter in various ways. Below are some fairly simple recipes with photos. Using step-by-step instructions, it will not be difficult to cook a rich and dense version of cherry jam for the winter, even if the hostess decided on such a culinary experiment for the first time. So choose any recipe and go for it!

Classic pitted cherry jam

You can prepare a classic delicious pitted cherry jam for the winter using various methods. Below is one of the popular options. They have been used by hostesses for many years, and the result is always excellent.


To cook classic pitted cherry jam, you need:

  • cherry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

On a note! From the indicated number of components, 5 jars of dessert with a volume of 0.5 liters each should be obtained.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare all the components.

  1. All fruits are culled. It is necessary to select the strongest cherries. They can be mature and even overripe.

  1. From the berries you need to remove the bones in one of the most convenient ways.

  1. Cherries should be passed through a meat grinder or turned into a pulp with a blender.

  1. The resulting mass is transferred to a bowl for cooking dessert and filled with the amount of sugar indicated in the cherry jam recipe. The specified volume of water is immediately poured into these components.

  1. The container is put on fire. Set to moderate heat. The mass must be boiled for 2-3 hours. During the whole time, the future jam from pitted cherries should be stirred.

Note! A few minutes before the end of cooking, you can add 4 g of citric acid to the composition.

  1. Cherry jam is kept on fire until a distinct trace remains on the surface of the composition from the spatula. The last 3-5 minutes, the mass is held on strong heat.

  1. It remains only to pour the hot product into sterilized jars and close the lids.

Cherry jam with apples

Cherry jam for the winter, which is prepared according to a recipe with the addition of apples, is distinguished by an amazing spicy sweet-sour taste and unique benefits.


  • cherry - 1.3 kg;
  • apples - 650 g;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking process

The recipe for cherry-apple jam for the winter is simple in execution. But the result is a delicious preparation, saturated with vitamins of fresh berries and fruits.

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking jam from cherries and apples for the winter.

  1. Dark cherries need to be sorted out and washed. Bones are removed from the berries.

  1. Prepared cherry pulp is scrolled through a meat grinder. The result should be 1 liter of bright puree.

  1. Next comes the turn of apples. They also move and wash. The skins are cut from the fruits, and the pulp is cut into thin slices.

  1. Prepared pieces of apples are transferred to a saucepan and poured with the amount of water indicated in the jam recipe.

  1. On medium heat, apples should be boiled. They should become soft. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

  1. Still hot apple slices are rubbed through a sieve.

  1. Sugar, cherry preparation and apple mass are combined in a common dish.

  1. Mix the ingredients and put the pan on the stove. The composition is cooked until thickened, about 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Sugar foam should be removed periodically.

  1. The finished cherry-apple dessert is poured into prepared jars while still hot. The jam must cool down. When a crust appears on its surface, you need to close the containers with lids and put them in a dark place.

Cherry jam with gelatin

Fragrant and tender cherry jam with gelatin for the winter is made by many housewives. The beauty of this dessert is that it is dense, light and rich at the same time. Such a delicacy can be eaten with sandwiches for breakfast or used as a filling for all kinds of pastries.


  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

To prepare the original tender cherry jam, you should use this recipe with a photo. The result is an amazing dessert that attracts not only with its amazing delicate taste and delicate aroma, but also with its spectacular appearance.

  1. First you need to prepare a set of ingredients, which is indicated in the recipe for a tender but dense cherry jam with gelatin.

  1. Berries should be sorted out, all overripe, dried or rotten specimens should be removed. The composition of the harvest includes only whole, healthy and strong fruits. Cherries need to be washed. Bones are removed from it, the product is poured with the volume of granulated sugar indicated in the recipe and put on fire.

  1. While the cherries are cooking, you need to do the gelatin. The granules of this gelling agent must be diluted in warm water. The composition needs time to swell. So you should let him stand for a while. At this time, the cherries on the fire must be constantly stirred.

  1. When the jam has boiled for about 30 minutes, you need to pour the prepared gelatin into it. On low heat, the resulting mass should be simmered for about 10 minutes.

On a note! Between cooking jam and the introduction of gelatin, a break is allowed. You can leave the cherry mass for several hours, and then boil the composition several times to achieve the desired shade and density of the workpiece.

  1. After the first cooking, it is necessary to puree the future jam and boil the composition again.

  1. Ready cherry jam with gelatin should be poured into prepared jars. The product is corked with lids and removed. Such a dessert is perfectly stored all winter: you can keep a delicacy in the pantry and cellar.

Video recipe jam from cherries for the winter

If you enjoyed our step-by-step cherry jam recipes, but want to learn even more details about the process of making it, then watch the video!

My son loves cherries and I try to stock up on them for the winter. My refrigerator is not limitless, and there is no freezer, so I cook jam from cherries. How tasty, fragrant, and most importantly healthy it turns out. I put a minimum of sugar in it, but it keeps well.


  • Cherry - 1 kg.;
  • Sugar - 200 grams.

Cherry jam. Step by step recipe

  1. Be sure to rinse the cherries.
  2. Then remove the seeds and stems.
  3. Remove the bones over a bowl or saucepan, in which you will then cook jam, do not lose precious drops of cherry juice.
  4. To the prepared berries, add quite a bit of water, and cook for small fire, stirring all the time, until the mass is reduced by a quarter of the original volume.
  5. Before the end of cooking, add sugar, and cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  6. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars and roll up.

That's all, cherry jam is ready. I make croissants with cherry marmalade, pies are different, everything is always very tasty. I recommend.

IN summer season When cherry bushes are bursting with excess berries, you have to roll up a lot of jars of jam, marmalade or jam. So that the jars do not gather dust for several years in a dark corner of the pantry, and the dessert turned out to be very tasty and did not live until next summer, you need to pick up the right recipe cooking.

Cherry jam is a delicacy that many housewives love. The process of preparing it at home, of course, is painstaking and takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it.

For this dessert, any berries are suitable, overripe or slightly green, whole or mashed. The main thing is that the fruits do not ferment and mold does not appear on them. unripe cherries experienced chefs It is recommended to add in small amounts. The pectin contained in it will allow you to achieve a thicker consistency.

You can also add a few other types of berries rich in pectin, such as apricots or currants. The main thing is that they do not interrupt the taste and aroma of the cherry itself.

Classic cherry jam recipe

Required ingredients: cherry, water, sugar, citric acid on the tip of a knife or freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Sugar should be at least 60% of the weight of the berries. If the fruits are sour, you can add more sugar to taste.

For high-quality harvesting for the winter, it is not so much the cooking process that is important, but the process of preparing berries.

  1. First of all, you should peel the stalks from the cherries, wash and dry on a towel.
  2. Throw out bad fruits. Although the taste of jam they will not spoil and total mass they will not be noticeable, the jam cannot be stored for a long time and it can ferment or become moldy. A few berries of a non-marketable appearance are not worth the loss of the entire batch.
  3. Remove bones. To remove the bones, mankind has long come up with special device. But if you don’t have it in your kitchen, it’s okay, we remove the bones with any convenient way. This is perhaps the most time consuming. The bones can simply be squeezed out with your hands, the main thing is to do it over the dishes so that the juice stays with the berries.

When all the pulp is separated, you can proceed directly to the preparation of jam.

  1. First, boil the resulting slurry a little, and then grind through a sieve or chop raw berry in a meat grinder or blender. If you want the dessert to turn out with pieces of berries, leave a small amount as a whole and mix it with the finished puree.
  2. Add right amount sugar, pour the mixture into a heavy-bottomed saucepan and simmer for 2-3 hours.
  3. As you digest berry juice you need to add a little water so that nothing burns, but you can’t pour too much, otherwise the jam will turn out to be too liquid.
  4. A few minutes before it's ready to add citric acid and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. When traces of a spatula remain on the surface of the jam, it can be poured into pre-prepared jars.

To keep the delicacy as long as possible, the container must be sterilized. If you want to be 100% sure that the jam will survive until winter, you can put full jars in the oven for a short time, heated to 80-90 degrees. As soon as a thin film covers the entire surface of the jam, the jars can be taken out and corked with lids. Until completely cooled, store in a warm place, and then hide in a far cool corner so that the household does not find it ahead of time.

Some chefs think that long-boiling cherries kills everything. useful vitamins. In that case, to get thick jam, you can cook it for 15-20 minutes, then add a little gelatin or confiture. This will not affect the taste in any way, but the shelf life will be very short. This method is suitable if you do not need to store a delicacy until winter, and the next morning you plan to drink tea with pancakes and fragrant fresh marmalade.

Cherry jam without sugar

Sweet tooth any will do cooking option, but there are people who watch their figure and cannot afford to feast on this delicious jam. Especially for them, there is a recipe for making cherry jam without adding sugar.

It will take 2.5 liters of finished jam:

  • cherry - 4 kg;
  • water - half a liter;
  • yellow apples - 4 pcs.;
  • ground cinnamon - 1-2 teaspoons;
  • cloves - a couple of pieces.

Since sugar is the main preservative when harvesting berries for the winter, and it is not in this recipe, cloves and cinnamon are required. Without the addition of these products, the shelf life is no more than a week. It will not spoil the taste at all, but on the contrary, it will add sophistication, and thin spicy aroma It just brings out the cherry flavor.


  1. Preparing jam according to this recipe for steam bath. To do this, you need to pick up two suitable pans, fill the bottom half with water. Put half of the crushed cherries, peeled from stones, in the top.
  2. Fill the berries with water and cook for an hour in a steam bath.
  3. We divide the remaining berry in half, add one part to the pan and cook for another half hour.
  4. Add the last cherry, finely chopped apples, cloves and cinnamon.
  5. Cook until the mass thickens.
  6. In sterilized jars, we lay out the finished jam and send it to the oven preheated to 80-90 degrees until a thin film appears on the surface.
  7. We roll up the jars that have cooled in the oven with lids and put them in a cool place.

Such jam will not only not harm those who are losing weight, but also provide the body enough vitamins. You can add a few drops to give a sour taste. apple cider vinegar or citric acid.

Cooking in a multicooker

You can cook jam not only on the stove, but also in a slow cooker. This will free up a large amount of time, you will not need to constantly stir and worry that the cherry will burn. Technology will do everything for you. The main thing to choose correct mode- the extinguishing mode will be optimal.

Delicious recipe: cherry jam with currants in a slow cooker. Few products will be needed, since a large volume simply does not fit in the bowl:

  • pitted cherries - 1.5 kg;
  • currant - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. We twist the peeled berry in a meat grinder or grind it in any convenient way, send the puree to the slow cooker.
  2. Remove the foam, bring the mass to a boil.
  3. Cook for an hour on the stewing mode, add sugar. The optimal mode is not more than 70 degrees.
  4. After half an hour, you can lay out the finished jam in sterile jars and roll up the lids.

To extend the shelf life, it is best to store the jars in the refrigerator or cellar.

Secrets of making delicious cherry jam

  • If you want to get a more pronounced cherry flavor, when cooking according to any recipe, you can put a mesh bag with stones in the mass, remove it at the end of cooking.
  • Can be added to jam bag vanilla sugar or fresh root ginger, unusual taste Cherry dessert lovers will love it.
  • No less attractive is cherry jam with the addition of almond extract. At the end of cooking, it is enough to add 1-2 tablespoons. Subtle flavor almonds will emphasize the sweetness of cherries and add piquancy to jam.

Cooking cherry jam is best in the summer season. At this time, the berry is the most ripe, fragrant and affordable. And on cold winter evenings, all that remains is to enjoy the prepared delicacy. Prepare fragrant homemade pies and buns stuffed with cherry jam, reminiscent of the taste of childhood! Also cherry culinary masterpiece will be perfect additions for pancakes, pancakes or cheesecakes.
