
How to make wine from fresh strawberries. Procurement of raw materials and obtaining sourdough

This wine can be made using sourdough or raisins instead. The result will be identical, the taste cannot be distinguished from one another.

Ingredients (for sourdough raisin wine)

  • 5 kg of strawberries;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 10 cups of sugar (200-gram waist-high glass);
  • 1 cup raisins.

Cooking process step by step

  1. Sort the berries, removing those containing even a hint of mold.
  2. Rinse thoroughly, but gently, drain.
  3. Remove large mechanical particles and sepals.
  4. With a simple wooden crush, scalded with boiling water, or with cleanly washed hands, grind the berry into a puree.
  5. Dissolve sugar in the stated amount of water and pour the syrup into the pulp. Add raisins. Leaving 1/3 of the empty volume of the bottle above the wort, put it in a dark, warm place (with a temperature of 21-24 ° C).
  6. Put a water seal on the bottle.
  7. After 4-5 days, after the start of active fermentation of the must, squeeze out the pulp (without throwing it away, it can still come in handy later!).
  8. Re-install the water seal, and send the wine for fermentation, this time in a cool place, with a temperature of 8-12 ° C. The fact is that keeping the heat high will turn the wine into vinegar. It will be impossible to save such a drink.
  9. After about a month, when the drink has cleared and the yeast waste has settled to the bottom, your delicious homemade strawberry wine is almost ready.
  10. For final readiness, carefully drain the wine without sediment into bottles, put it in a cool dark place (cellar) for ripening, where it will stand for another month. During this time, another sediment forms at the bottom, draining from which the wine can be consumed.

The lower the temperature of wine storage in the cellar or in the lower section of the refrigerator, the more readily it gives out a sediment from which it must be periodically drained.

The main thing is not to overcool the wine - the border of the thermometer column should not fall below +5°C. (+4 degrees is not yet freezing, but already a change in the crystal lattice of water). Evidence of the complete readiness of the wine will be the formation in a half-liter bottle of no more than 1 mm of sediment in 2-3 weeks.

Depending on the sugar content, we get dry, semi-dry or semi-sweet wine. But you can also get a delicious dessert, that is, sweet. For this, the pulp squeezed out at the stage of initial fermentation is useful.

Waste-free technology for making dessert wine from pulp

This method of making wine is the simplest of all - no actions are required to select and wash the berries, the pulp is used after detaching it from the juice. Thus, considerable savings are achieved from the fact that you do not have to buy an expensive berry.


  1. The resulting pulp is poured with an equal volume (1: 1) of sugar syrup with 30% sugar content. That is, if you have 1 kg of pulp, then 1.8-2 liters of water will require 300 grams of sugar. For two kilograms - 600 grams of sugar, etc.
  2. Mix the syrup evenly and for a long time, until the parts are completely connected, mix with the pulp, then put in a warm, 21-24 degrees, dark room. Intensive fermentation of the wort will begin.
  3. After three days, the wort will separate into the spent pulp that has surfaced and the viscous juice. Pour the juice (do not squeeze the pulp anymore!), Then put a water seal on the bottle with it, pour it into bottles in a month and place them in a cool place. That is, perform the same actions as in the recipe above.

Fortified strawberry dessert wine

Although the more correct name for such a drink is liqueur. It is made from the same ingredients as strawberry wines, but with the addition of a strong alcoholic drink - well-purified moonshine or vodka.


  • 1 kg of strawberries;
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 500 ml hot (40-50⁰С) water;
  • 500 ml of vodka or 40% purified moonshine.

Cooking technology. Step by step recipe:

  1. Wrinkled, damaged fruits can also be used to make wine. Clean them from rotten ones, sort them out, mash them into a puree.
  2. Pour the resulting mass with sugar and pour boiled and cooled to 50 ° C water. Stir and pour into a suitable glass bottle with a margin of at least 1/3 of the volume above the wort.
  3. Put in a warm dark place for 5 days, be sure to use a water seal.
  4. After this time, after separating the must into pulp and juice, squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth into juice, add vodka to the product, mix well.
  5. Insist for another 7 days in a cool place, then filter (or drain very carefully from the sediment), and can be bottled, placed in the cellar or in the refrigerator section of the refrigerator.
  6. After another week, the drink can be consumed.

The strength of such a drink, or the alcohol content in it, is about 20%. Do not confuse the concepts of "tincture" and "pouring". For the usual strength of the first - from 30% alcohol and above.

The main thing is that the tincture implies a very small amount of the product (in our case, these are berries) on which the drink is infused, usually 3-4% of the volume. And "berry tincture" is a linguistic and gastronomic nonsense. Rather, it will be the already mentioned liquor or even liquor.

Thematic video on the manufacture of one of the liqueur options:

Classic recipe without water

The hardest part when dealing with strawberries is getting the juice. Due to the many strands of fiber penetrating the fruit, it can only be squeezed out of the fruit either on high-tech presses or using a fermentation process. But on the other hand, such a wine turns out to be as tasty and fragrant as possible - after all, water is not included in the original ingredients at all! But you also need a lot of strawberries, and you need to approach the selection of raw materials for wine production more carefully.


  • 4 kg of strawberries;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar.

Cooking recipe step by step:

  1. Sort the berry, separate the sepals from it, carefully rinse in several waters, put it in a colander and dry
  2. With clean hands or a wooden crush scalded with boiling water, mash the berries with sugar.
  3. Transfer the berry puree using a funnel with a wide spout into a pre-sterilized bottle. The use of a water seal is a must!
  4. After 5-7 days, the berry mass will exfoliate: the pulp saturated with gases floats up, and the juice extracted from it sinks down.
  5. Drain the juice into a separate container. It is best to do this by placing the bottle on a raised platform and, having pierced a layer of pulp with a hose, drain the pure juice into a separate container using suction. Then it is already possible to shake out the pulp from the fermentation bottle and combine the pomace from it with the juice. The extraction must be done through several layers of gauze.
  6. Rinse the bottle thoroughly, pour the juice with the pomace from the pulp into it. Put the water seal in place.
  7. Keep young wine in a cool dark place for at least three weeks.
  8. Strain, bottle, refrigerate, and after a week the wine can be consumed.

Dry strawberry wine cannot be made using this technology - it will not give an excess of sugar. Although, if you set yourself the task of making dry strawberry wine, then the line between fermenting must turning into vinegar or turning it into a drink with a low sugar content is very thin, you can not always catch it, so it’s better not to risk it!

Dessert and semi-sweet will come out great!

Thematic video on YouTube:

If all the technological methods were performed flawlessly by you, strawberry wine felt the warmth of your hands throughout its production, you were lucky with the berry, with its sugar content and juiciness, then every time a heavy bright scarlet wave of strawberry wine you made with your own hands splashes into a glass - its aroma will vividly remind you of the taste and smell of the past summer.

It remains only to choose the right snack for the drink, the article about will help you with this, it also says the better not to eat wine.

26.05.2017 11 220

Strawberry wine at home - a simple recipe for all times!

If you decide to make strawberry wine at home, then it is better to take a reliable and proven recipe. After all, a drink can be made easily and simply, without water and without yeast, or from frozen berries or from fermented ones - it all depends on preferences, but in any case, homemade alcohol will never compare with store-bought! And to make it all right, read the article, which contains all the secrets and tricks of cooking ...


Strawberry wine at home - pictured

Traditional strawberry wine recipe

A garden berry like a strawberry is an ideal product for many desserts and goodies, including drinks. Strawberries are often used as the base for homemade wine or liqueur. Of course, everyone will agree that strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which is not so complicated, is tastier and more aromatic than those that we can buy in stores. If you correctly observe the proportions and preparation technology, then the output will be a wonderful drink.

So, what is the recipe for homemade wine from your favorite strawberry?


  • berries - 3 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg
  • cold boiled water - 3 l

Almost all homemade wines are made with juice. And this, perhaps, is the main difficulty in making strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which we will now tell. Juice for a drink is obtained not in the traditional way - by pressing, but by fermenting berries mixed with sugar and water. Usually, the berries used to make wines are not washed, preserving the natural yeasts that are essential for the fermentation process.

In our case, carefully sort out all the fruits, remove debris and stalks. Otherwise, wine made from fermented strawberries will acquire an earthy flavor and an unpleasant smell. Attention! To seal the wine, use sterile dishes, thoroughly washed and dry.

Prepared berries must be placed in a large volume of enameled dishes and knead thoroughly. Experienced housewives recommend doing this with your hands so that all the fibers of the berries are separated and the bones are not damaged (bitterness may appear).

Mix three liters of water heated to +30 ° ... +40 ° С with 1 kg of sand and wait until it is completely dissolved. Allow the resulting syrup to cool to +20 ° ... +30 ° С, then pour it into the berry puree, add 100 grams of raisins here, it contains live yeast necessary for the fermentation process.

The learned mass (wort) must be poured into a glass bottle or other container in which the drink will ferment. Do not fill the vessel to the top, during fermentation, foam will appear, which will certainly rise and flow out of the bottle. Place the container in which the future strawberry wine was placed in a dark corner.

making strawberry wine

Do not forget to stir the wine blank every 5-8 hours for three days and remove the foam. The pulp, which rises along with the foam to the surface of the container, must be lowered back, so the wine will absorb the maximum amount of strawberry juice.

If after a day the liquid in the bottle ferments, strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which you have chosen, is prepared according to plan.

After a few days (3-5), the wort needs to be filtered, thereby ridding it of excess pulp, poured into the bottle again and poured 0.5 kg of sand into it. After a week of fermentation, add another 250 grams of sugar. A week later - another 250 g, and so on until the sand (3 kg) runs out.

Advice! Sugar should not be poured directly into a container, it is better to pour a certain amount of future wine into a separate container, dissolve sugar in it, and pour the resulting syrup back.

Put the bottle under a water seal or put a latex glove on your throat. Somewhere after 2 months, fermentation in the container will stop: a precipitate forms at the bottom, the liquid becomes light and transparent. Now the resulting wine should be carefully separated from the sediment, poured into prepared glass bottles and corked.

It is worth noting that strawberry wine can also be prepared without water, in which case it will turn out to be even more saturated and fragrant.

Frozen strawberry wine

Many housewives are interested in the question, is it possible to make wine from frozen strawberries? Certainly! However, in order for the drink to turn out to be no less fragrant and tasty than from fresh fruits, it is important to follow the rules:

  • It is necessary to defrost the berries properly. Do not pour water over them or defrost them in the microwave. Strawberries should thaw on their own - so it will retain its beneficial qualities
  • It is best to defrost berries in the refrigerator.
  • You should not mix different berries, because each has its own fermentation rate. Wine drink made from strawberries must remain pure strawberry

So, to make a wine drink from frozen strawberries, we need:

  • Boiled water - 2 l
  • Yeast (powder) - 10 grams
  • Strawberries, pre-thawed - 3 kg
  • Vodka - 0.5 l
  • Sugar - 2 kg

making strawberry wine from frozen strawberries - pictured

The step-by-step recipe for this variation of strawberry wine looks like this:

  1. Put the defrosted strawberries in an enamel bowl and knead, heat, transfer to a glass container
  2. Pour the prepared yeast into the container, mix the base of the wine, put a water seal or put a glove on the bottle and put it in a dark place
  3. A month later, after fermentation is completed, drain the settled liquid into another container, add vodka there
  4. Let it brew for another 30 days, then filter and pour into sterile glass bottles

Strawberry wine is prepared in this way quickly, and by adding vodka it turns out to be fortified.

Secrets of making strawberry wine

Strawberry wine at home, the recipe of which is quite simple, can become even tastier if you follow some simple subtleties, for example:

  • A bottle of spilled wine must be carefully sealed. This is best done with wine corks. To reuse a factory cork, place it in boiling water and wait until the cork softens. It is recommended to fill the holes from the corkscrew with melted wax. Wrap the top of the sealed neck several times with tape
  • Don't forget to label the wine you leave to age. Indicate its variety, strength, date when the wine was made and bottled. So you do not confuse the wines and do not open them ahead of time

Follow these little tricks and delight your guests with an incredibly tasty and aromatic drink all year round!

See also:

Once, on a December evening, I put a few spoons of strawberry jam in a bowl, which I cooked back in the berry ripening season, and was not inspired at all by returning the jam to the jar. Frozen berries did cause an attack of inexplicable longing, because strawberries (aka garden strawberries), having thawed, flowed, lost their shape and, in fact, did not much resemble themselves. Then I filled the bowl with either Turkish or Greek strawberries - outwardly similar, of course, to ours, but without taste and smell, and I realized what I was missing. Yes, it was exactly that that was missing - a strong, persistent, fragrant and easily recognizable aroma of strawberries plucked from a bush on a June morning, which is especially acutely perceived on the days of the winter solstice. More precisely, the absence of the sun. Fortunately, there is such a wonderful thing as strawberry wine- the only, perhaps, of all the wines I know, which never once smells of wine. It is fragrant, and even how, with the very desired strawberry aroma! It exudes it like cognac, one has only to warm the glass in the palms and bend over it! It is everywhere, if you decide to walk around the rooms with a glass, occasionally kissing it like a basket full of berries! A fantastic drink, gratefully responsible for smothering a six-month-old internal toad: “Strawberries for wine?! Instead of eating it or making jam?!”

But it's true! Look at these berries (here is a little more than a bucket, that is, about 10 kilograms): well, how can you resist not to eat them? However, taught by experience, I demonstrate them for a different purpose. Strawberries for wine must be carefully sorted. Slightly rumpled berries during the harvest, which, in general, are not so many, are quite suitable for wine. Unlike berries, obviously spoiled or slightly rotten. They are able to ditch the wine in the bud, giving it shades of decay that cannot be corrected. Therefore, when sorting through strawberries, you should be especially careful, good for wine, so that future processes develop in it in the most natural way, you should not wash the berries, and you can not remove the cuttings-tails from them.

And here are the echoes of bitter experience number two in the truest sense of the word. I don’t know what a tiny strawberry seed contains, of which there are millions or a little more in the mass of the collected berries. But when crushing berries in any mechanical way, there is a high risk of crushing strawberry seeds, which then backfires with a slight, but still bitter taste in wine. Therefore, you will have to crush strawberries with your hands, and only with your hands, carefully kneading each berry, turning the harvested crop into a liquid puree - the basis of wine.

There is one important point that distinguishes the preparation of strawberry must from any other fruit and berry. It does not require the addition of water, which is often necessary to reduce the acidity of the juice or flush out the juice from the berry flesh. It does not require the addition of sugar at this stage, as a top dressing for the development of alcoholic yeast (it can be added in a small amount later). That is, according to the ratio of sour and sweet, on which, in fact, any wine is formed, strawberries are a “creature” self-sufficient and balanced. Perhaps it is this circumstance that determines the aroma of the future drink, subtle shades of its taste, its cognac color and amazing resistance to vices, if everything is done correctly.

And the rules at this stage are simple. Strawberries are squeezed into a suitable container - steel or glass. The container is closed on top with a lid so that midges do not climb into the juice (aka must). The juice container itself is for three to four days of rest with an ambient temperature in the range of 18-23 degrees Celsius. After this period, the wort should be disturbed (once every two or three days) several times, stirring it from bottom to top, so that the upper, most active life of alcoholic yeast compensates for their fading life at the bottom, and the yeast themselves take a sip of air.

After about two weeks (from the day when the strawberry wine is started), the vigorously fermenting must can be left completely at rest for a day. Usually the pressure of carbon dioxide is such that a dense cap of pulp is formed on top of the wort - strawberry lumps pushed out by gases from the seething juice. If this cap is not pulled, then there is a chance to remove it from the juice with a slotted spoon or spatula to the maximum, transferring it to a sieve. Remove, let’s say, in a “dehydrated” form, so that, on the one hand, you don’t grab “excess” juice, on the other, you spend less effort and time squeezing the pulp. Bearing in mind the previous experience, for example, I don’t even keep in mind the use of any press for squeezing or something similar in the variant with strawberry wine, which I advise you. Otherwise, the damaged grains of berries in the finished wine will backfire. Although maybe not. But I wouldn't risk it.

The removed pulp is best placed on a sieve, under which some container, such as a pot or bowl, is covered with a clean napkin and left for several hours so that the juice "stuck" in it drains by gravity. There is a more time-consuming method, but no less effective, if you put the pulp in a canvas bag and hang it over the pan. The choice, in general, is yours. In any case, the juice that has come down after a few hours should be poured into a suitable jar ...

... and send the main portion of the juice to it with the remains of the pulp, which could not be extracted.

Put the jar under a water seal for further fermentation for another 8-10 days. You can see, for example, how to make a simple water seal. As for the use of rubber gloves as a closure, in my opinion, this is akin to marinating meat in mayonnaise. That is, the action is meaningless and destructive for products, if surrogate mayonnaises can be called products at all.

After the agreed 8-10 days (maybe a little earlier, maybe a little later, because wine is not two-minute soft-boiled eggs, where accuracy is needed), the water seal can be removed and the accessible, that is, “dehydrated”, part of the pulp can be fished out of the jar, squeezing it slightly .

Then - strain all the future wine through a fine sieve to cut off the remnants of the pulp from it.

Straining is a painstaking process if there is a desire to extract the juice from the pulp as much as possible. However, if you strain the juice in small batches, being careful, it's just a matter of time. The main thing is to pour the strained juice into a container of a suitable volume and put it under a water seal again. Thus, a start is given to the main or, as it is also called, quiet, bottom fermentation of wine, which can last a month, or two, or three, depending on the speed of the metamorphoses taking place in the wine. But this does not mean, of course, that all this time you need to wait for something with folded hands.

About a week to ten days after the start of the main fermentation, the wine will need to be drained from the sediment, usually quite impressive. This is done in a primitive way, using a one and a half meter thin hose or tube.

It is poured into another clean container, of course, only juice, and in such a way as not to grab the sediment, or grab it to a minimum. Therefore, the end of the tube or hose facing the sediment should be controlled when pouring juice. The poured juice again goes under the water seal - until the next filtration, which, as a rule, is carried out in descending order, if we keep in mind the frequency. Roughly speaking, in a week, then in ten days, then in two weeks. As the drink clarifies, that is, it becomes transparent, the sediment falls less and less, which, of course, does not mean at all that it does not need to be removed. Wine left on the lees, especially at home and especially for a long time, is always a risk that something will go wrong later or that the result will not be as planned.

But the change in the color of strawberry wine, when thick pink tones are replaced by red ones (and this is noticeable after about a month of the main fermentation), is a kind of equator of the started process, when, in addition to filtration, it is useful to do other procedures that are useful for the drink.

For example, from time to time, when the wine is once again filtered, it can be carried out by pouring it from one container to another using a tube - so that the stream is thinner and "more authentic". On the one hand, ventilation stimulates further fermentation of wine, on the other hand, it makes it more resistant to diseases, and on the third hand, it helps to correct minor mistakes and tricks that arise along the way. In a word, in the overwhelming majority of cases, winemakers air the wine, and this is justified.

Now - about what was said at the beginning - about sugar, the addition of which at the stage of preparing the wort was not necessary due to the good percentage of this product in strawberries. Actually, if the task is to prepare table wine, sugar is required quite a bit - 50-70 grams per liter of juice. Moreover, this amount of sugar is not introduced at once, but, as it were, divided into two or three portions and added every time after the next wine filtration. It is better to start this procedure when the "own" strawberry sugar is almost already fermented - that is, in the taste shades of wine, if you take a sample from it, sour tones strongly prevail. To do this, a measured portion of sugar should be dissolved in a small amount of slightly warmed wine ...

... pour the solution into the main wine and mix well, repeating this procedure two or three times after the next filtration.

Almost at the finish line, when the wine has become transparent and not only sediment, but even a slight coating does not fall to the bottom of the container, the sweet component of the wine can always be corrected by sweetening it, which, of course, is carried out in a special way (this can be seen, for example, in the recipe red currant wine). But this is already a matter of taste and the scope of the winemaker's own decisions. The main thing to remember is that strawberry wine is a restless wine. In the sense that it can ferment indefinitely. That is why it should not be sealed tightly in bottles, even if there are no signs of fermentation.

However, this does not mean that he is unprepared. Young strawberry wine is a bright thing. In all senses. Especially in a dank time, when summer smells and sounds seem completely out of place.

Posted by author

Strawberries are a summer treat that is consumed not only raw, but also in the form of jam, liqueurs and wine. Making wine from strawberries does not take much time. The drink will appeal to gourmets who love sweet aromatic alcohol.

Useful properties of strawberries

Strawberries have a rejuvenating effect on the body. The berry, rich in fiber, is suitable for the treatment of eczema, constipation, hypertension, sclerosis. It speeds up the metabolism, is indicated for diseases of the heart and kidneys, anemia, problems with the digestive system.

Strawberries are advised to eat with inflammation of the thyroid gland, beriberi, cholelithiasis. It has a sugar-lowering and diuretic effect, removes excess water. Antioxidants present in berries improve mood and slow down aging. Strawberry is a strong aphrodisiac and enhances sexual desire. It has long been used to care for the skin of the face and body. Homemade berry elixir increases the body's resistance to disease. It improves appetite and restores strength. How to make wine from fresh strawberries is a question that interests people who want to combine business with pleasure.

Preparation of ingredients for making wine

To obtain a satisfactory result, you need to take only ripe berries that have an intense color. You can use both sour and sweet strawberries. Defects and rot should not be. Since the juice from strawberries is difficult to squeeze out, you need to make wine from the pulp.

The berries must be thoroughly washed - they may remain earth, which gives the wine an unpleasant aftertaste. After drying, the petioles are removed, the strawberries are mashed into a puree, which is called the pulp. At the same time, a blender is not used: it crushes the bones, which bring a bitter taste to the drink and make it cloudy. Passing berries through a meat grinder is also undesirable: its metal parts have a bad effect on the taste of raw materials. You can take a rolling pin, a silicone crusher, or chop strawberries with your hands.

When preparing the tank, you need to rinse it with hot water and wipe it to a creak with a dry cloth. Taking care of how to make delicious wine from strawberries, taking dishes that used to contain dairy products is not recommended. A bucket, a glass bowl, an enameled pan with a wide mouth will do.

The nuances of making sourdough

Homemade wine from ripe strawberries is prepared using sourdough. It is made before making wine. It is stored no longer than 10 days. You need to take:

  • 2 cups of berries;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • some unwashed raisins.

Strawberries, softened in puree, are transferred to a tank, liquid and other ingredients are poured in, and shaken. The vessel is sealed with a cork to protect against goosebumps, and placed in a room with a temperature of 22-24 degrees. To avoid mold and sourness, the contents should be stirred with a stick throughout the day to drown the emerging layer of pulp. On the fourth day, bubbles, foam, aroma of mash will appear. Then the pulp should be removed by separating the juice.

Strawberry Wine Recipes

A popular recipe for making homemade strawberry wine is not particularly difficult. It is necessary to pour the juice obtained during the fermentation into a separate bottle, put half a kilogram of sugar. It is not filled completely, otherwise the contents will overflow. A plug is installed at the end: a plastic bottom, a shutter with a gas outlet from the tube. The liquid is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 19-27 degrees.

After five days, half of the juice must be separated, a glass of sugar should be dissolved in it, and the workpiece should be poured into a jar again. Make sure there is room in the bowl to add all of the ingredients. The procedure is repeated after a few days. The active fermentation stage will end after a month. The wort will become light, the cake will remain at the bottom. Then you can drain the resulting wine. This can be done through a dropper tube. It is required to take a sample from the drink, if desired, make it sweeter or flavor with vodka in an amount of 3-14% of the volume. This will contribute to the safety of the drink, but worsen its taste.

In order for the drink to reach the condition, it is placed in a dark place with a temperature of 4-16 degrees. It should be in a sealed glass container. After two months, the wine will mature, its shade will become richer. When sediment is formed, it is advised to drain the wine, pouring it into a clean tank. If sediment no longer forms, the drink is ready. The resulting aromatic strawberry wine will have a strength of 10-12 degrees. The more sugar in the wine, the stronger it will be.

Important! It should be borne in mind that the natural sugar content in strawberries is quite high, so the main thing is not to overdo it with sugar. If there is a lot of it, the wine may stop fermenting.

Yeast free

There is a recipe for strawberry wine made at home without yeast. You need to take 2 liters of strawberry jam with berries, a couple of liters of water, 200 g of raisins. In a jar that has undergone sterilization, put jam, pour cold boiled water, raisins and sugar syrup. The ingredients interfere, tightly close the container with a lid. The contents are kept for 10 days at a temperature of 22-24 degrees.

At the end of the period, the bottle is uncorked, the pulp that has appeared is removed from the top, the juice is filtered through gauze. The pulp is thrown out. The wine is placed in a separate jar with a holey glove at the top. The liquid is placed in heat for 35-40 days. You can understand that the fermentation is over by the inflated glove, the appearance of sediment, and the clarification of the wine.

The drink is poured into separate containers, making sure that the liquid is not cloudy. The bottles are corked, left for at least three months. Alcohol should be stored at a temperature of 10-15 degrees.


There is a simple recipe for making strawberry wine at home with vodka . It is required to sort out the strawberries, wash them, remove the leaves. Transferring to a deep bowl, it is crushed until a puree is formed. Add 1 kg of sugar, 500 ml of hot water. The ingredients are mixed in a bottle, it is closed with a cork. The liquid is left for a week at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. After that, the wine is cleaned with gauze, removing the pulp.

Add 500 ml of vodka to a clean liquid. It is better to use high-quality alcohol. Everyone is shaken, the wine is left to infuse for 7 days. The final stage is filtering, getting rid of sediment. The finished product is bottled and stored in the cellar. You can drink it after a week.

A delicious strawberry wine recipe takes time to prepare. If you need to get a drink quickly, it is better to prepare a liqueur or liquor.

Supplement Options

There are not enough astringents in the berry, therefore, to prepare a strong drink, tannic acid or fruits with a high content of astringents are put in the must. These include raisins. The taste, color and aroma of strawberry wine with raisins will be more interesting.

For making wine with an additive, it is better to take strawberry compote. You can take a spoiled or sour drink. Pour 2 liters of compote into a large bowl, leave to ferment for 2-3 days. After the process is completed, add unwashed raisins - 150 g, a glass of sugar. On top of the container we attach a glove with a slot on the little finger. For ten days, the wine should stand. After - pour the contents into bottles, cork, place in the refrigerator for a couple of months. At the end of the period, you can take a sample from the wine.

Unusual and original aftertaste leaves strawberry wine with lemon. Yellow fruit will make drinking more beneficial for the body. You will need:

  • 100 g lemon;
  • 4 liters of water;
  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 20 g yeast;
  • 3 kg of fruit.

Strawberries are cleaned, dried, poured into a large container. After - add water, sprinkle fruit with sugar, put yeast. Close the bottle tightly with a lid, hide for 3-6 days in a cool room. At the end of the period, the remaining sugar and lemon, cut into half rings, are mixed in. Some winemakers add lemon zest. The bottle is shaken, hidden to settle for 5 days. When the wine has fermented, it is removed from the sediment, filtered and distributed in containers. For a more pleasant taste, you can put 10 g of vanillin.

Is it possible to make wine from frozen berries or compote

Strawberry drinks are prepared from both fresh and frozen fruits. To make it light and clean, they need to be properly thawed. Strawberries should thaw on their own in the refrigerator - you cannot defrost them in the microwave or by dousing them with water.

3 kg of strawberries are crushed, transferred to a glass container. Put a tablespoon of yeast, interfere. A month later, the drink is poured into another bottle, 500 ml of vodka is added. They wait another 30 days, after which the drink is filtered, removing the cake, and distributed in containers.

Terms and rules for storing strawberry wine

Professionals advise to withstand the workpiece before use for at least 65 days. When a sediment 2-3 cm thick appears in it, the liquid must be cleaned by pouring into a separate tank. It is advised to do this several times. It is better not to make wine without sugar - it can become moldy. It is better to put at least a little sugar.

Wine should be served on the table in a decanter, but it cannot be stored there for a long time - the liquid will oxidize. It goes best with light sweet snacks. It can be used in the preparation of desserts and cocktails. Strawberry wine is often added to other spirits to give them a sweet flavor. Drink should be stored in the basement or refrigerator - then the shelf life will be a couple of years. Bottles can be marked with labels indicating strength (sugar content), production date, type of wine.

Contraindications for use

Since the strength of strawberry wine is relatively low, it is not harmful when consumed in moderation. It is not advisable to drink it for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can harm with kidney stones, gallbladder diseases. If there is a food allergy, it is also better to refuse a drink from berries. Wine should not be given to young children due to its strong allergenic properties.

Strawberry wine is a real delicacy that no connoisseur of delicious alcohol will refuse to try. It is not only delicious, but also extremely useful.

Strawberry wine recipes.

You can find any wine in supermarkets. Just for a bottle of a good alcoholic drink, you will have to pay a considerable amount. Having settled on a cheap option, we will get an alcoholic drink with unnatural ingredients in the composition. And it's not just additives that improve the smell of wine or make it more intense.

Inexpensive wine is, as a rule, a young drink. Having stagnated on the shelf of an ordinary store in which storage conditions are not observed, such a drink may be spoiled.

  • If you prefer to treat your guests with exceptionally healthy products (and wine is just one of them), then try to reproduce the winemaking process on your own, using the “substandard” berry left after making jam and compote as the main ingredient. To do this, you only need to prepare the necessary products and familiarize yourself with the rules of winemaking.

Strawberry wine: a simple recipe at home

  • Why is a classic alcoholic drink considered healthy? Wine has long been credited with miraculous properties. It contains substances that prevent the development of microorganisms. The proof is the fact that typhoid and even cholera bacteria found in wine die in just half an hour.
  • Homemade berry alcoholic drink contains elements such as potassium, phosphorus, pectins, sugar.
  • It contains vitamins: B1, B6, B12, C, PP.
  • The fermentation process ends with the formation (except alcohol) of such products as glycerol, succinic and lactic acids.
    After drinking wine, the appetite improves. The body becomes stronger.
  • Increases resistance to various diseases. However, as a medicine, wine is drunk only in small portions.
  • If you decide to prepare a delicious, fragrant and pleasant low-alcohol drink on your own, then you need to prepare special dishes, provide the necessary conditions for passing through all the winemaking stages. You also need to prepare alcohol of the preferred strength, because the strength of the finished product will depend on this.

In the berry season, homemade wine recipes become relevant among craftsmen. You can cook it not only from grapes. An excellent drink for a homemade feast is obtained from strawberries. We choose whole, ripe berries. After all, the taste and aroma of the final product depends on the quality of the berries that will go through the winemaking process. We begin to create, not forgetting also the rules of self-made wine.

We comprehend the intricacies of winemaking without special equipment:

  • Winemakers believe that strawberries are not a very good product for making alcohol: the drink is not very stable. It is believed that strawberry wine has a short shelf life. A film of mold may appear on the surface or the finished product, cooked according to all the rules, simply turns sour.
  • It is also not easy to get strawberry juice. Grapes are just perfect for this. In addition, strawberry juice does not lighten as much as juice from other berries.
  • There are no recipes for dry strawberry wine. But a gentle drink like a liquor can be prepared.
  • Wine is best prepared from intensely colored berries.
  • The amount of sugar in wine affects its strength. To increase the strength, you need more granulated sugar. For wine with a strength of 11 °, a glass of sugar is taken per 1 liter of berry juice (in our case, strawberry). If a fortress of 14-16 ° is required, then 240-290 g of sugar per liter of liquid will be needed.
  • To start the fermentation process, the product is not washed. Otherwise, "wild yeast" is washed off the surface of the berries. With strawberries, the washing step cannot be skipped, because it lies on the ground and grains of sand stick to the surface. The taste of wine will only worsen if dirt gets in.
  • A replacement for natural yeast in strawberry wine can be sourdough from the same berries. For her, strawberries are not washed. The sourdough must be ready before you start making wine.

How to cook strawberry sourdough

The finished product can be stored for 10 days. Therefore, the preparation of sourdough must be started in advance.

For sourdough you will need the following products:

  • 2 cups strawberries
  • 200 ml water
  • half a glass of sugar

Preparation of sourdough for wine:

  • We sort out ripe fruits. We remove the strawberries polluted by the earth. We throw only clean berries into the starter, without any garbage. We pour the strawberries into a wide bowl and crush them with our hands or with a potato masher (do not rinse the strawberries with water before that!).
  • Pour the crushed berries into a bottle. As a rule, this is a 5 or 10 liter container with a neck. Pour the entire portion of water there and pour sugar.
  • Mix the whole berry-sugar mass well. it is better to use a long wooden spoon or stick for this. From iron, oxidation will begin. Next, we need a cork made of cotton. We close the container with strawberries, take them to a dark room for 4 days. The optimum temperature is not higher than 22-24 °.
  • After the specified period, the liquid inside the bottle will begin to ferment. Pour through gauze folded in several layers.
  • The sourdough is ready and can be added to wine. It perfectly copes with the role of the "natural" yeast necessary for fermentation.
  • Dessert wine is prepared with a 3% leaven. Take 200-300 ml of sourdough for 10 liters of wine.

Recipe: strawberry wine

To make wine from strawberries, we need:

  • 1 kg ripe strawberries
  • 1 liter of water
  • 400 g sugar
  • 30 g of any not washed and not steamed raisins (or sourdough, the recipe of which is described above)
  • Preparing a glass container. For home winemaking, we also need a gas outlet. It can be built from a glove or a tube that is dipped into a jar of water.
  • If you need a lot of wine, then increase the amount of food in proportion.
  • We sort through strawberries, removing fruits and stalks contaminated with earth and sand.

  • We wash the berries and leave to glass the water.
  • Pour strawberries into a saucepan (you can also use a plastic bowl).
  • We knead. We knead it using a fork. A meat grinder is not used for this business, since the metal changes the taste and aroma of the finished alcoholic beverage.

  • Heat up a little water and pour granulated sugar into it. The syrup obtained in this way is poured into the strawberry mass.

  • It's time to pour the whole mixture with strawberry gruel, sugar and water into a bottle. We also pour raisins here (it can be replaced with sourdough). We only need to fill 2/3 of the bottle so that there is room for fermentation.
  • Mix the strawberry mixture in a bowl. We take out the bottle in a dark room, where the air temperature is 22-24 ° C. We leave for 3-5 days.
  • After the specified period, we change the bottle to a clean one, pouring the contents. The remaining cake is not thrown away, but squeezed through several layers of gauze. We will use it for further preparation of wine. The juice squeezed out of the cake is poured into the same bottle. We close the bottle with a nylon cap, making a hole in it.
  • Next, we need a thin tube (for example, from a medical dropper). We lower one end of the tube through the hole made into the bottle, the other into a jar filled with water. Carbon dioxide will escape through this tube. If there is a cork with a drain tube, then we take it. We close the bottle with this cork. We proceed with the end of the tube in the same way as described above.
  • Oxygen will not enter the strawberry mixture bottle. If you do not use a pipe, then the wine will simply become like vinegar.

  • Due to the fermentation that has begun, the temperature inside the container will increase. At this stage, the bottle is moved to a cool room for 20-40 days. Once the bubbles stop coming out, the yeast will fall to the bottom.

A thin film on the surface indicates the completion of the fermentation process
  • Drain the strawberry mass into a new clean container using a siphon or a soft thin tube. We fill the new container to the very top. The cork should displace the wine.
  • We leave the bottle with poured wine in a dark room for 4 weeks. During this time, the contents of the bottle will become lighter, sediment will again fall to the bottom.
  • We repeat the process of pouring wine into a clean bottle and leave for 30 days. During this time, the alcoholic drink will ripen and it can be poured into a separate container.

We take the following products:

  • 8 kg strawberries
  • 100-150 g of sugar for every kilogram of strawberries

Cooking technology:

  • We sort out the berries, tear off the sepals. Rinse.
  • We pour the fruits into the basin, knead until the strawberry mass acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes.
  • The resulting fruit mass is poured into a clean bottle (it is better to take a container of 10 liters). Add all of the sugar.
  • We tie the neck of the container with gauze. We take it to a warm room for 3 days. The cake should rise up, and the juice will collect from below.
  • Drain the juice into a clean glass container. At the same time, the bottle is closed with a cork, from which a thin tube is brought out and lowered into a jar of water.
  • We wait until the formation of bubbles stops.
  • We take out the bottle in a dark cool room. We leave for 30-50 days. During this time, the strawberry juice will become lighter.
  • Pour the finished wine into another container through a thin hose. Let's hold on for a few more days. After that, the wine can be bottled and hermetically sealed. We take out the containers with wine in the cellar.

How to make wine from strawberry compote: recipe

Let's prepare the following ingredients:

  • 3 l strawberry compote
  • 100 g sugar
  • 55 g raisins

Wine making technology:

  • We filter the compote, removing the berries and the remaining large particles.
  • We still need the berries left after straining the compote, so we are in no hurry to get rid of them.
  • We prepare the starter: we heat 1 glass of compote (it needs to be filtered) to a temperature of 30 degrees. We grind the raisins with sugar and throw it here.
  • We stir. Cover with gauze folded in several layers. We take out in heat for 4 hours.
  • When the rapid fermentation process begins, pour the starter into a clean glass container. We need to add compote to the same bottle. We do this through several layers of gauze.
  • We cover the bottle with a lid with a water seal. We take it to a shaded warm room.
  • We wipe the fruits remaining after filtering through a sieve. Pour a little sugar to the berry mass. Grind the berries with sugar and transfer to a warm room.
  • Place a container with juice, in which sugar has dissolved, on a stove (on a small fire).
  • After cooling, pour the syrup into a jar. Top with water and leave to ferment.
  • Now fermentation takes place in both containers. We need to wait until the bubbling stops.
  • Drain the juice from both cans, combine it, mix and filter.
  • We prepare the container in which the wine will be stored and pour it. We leave for 3 months in a cool room. The strength of the finished drink is 15-16 degrees.

How to make strawberry compote wine

Wine from fermented strawberries with sugar: recipe

In order not to throw away the strawberry compote, which unexpectedly fermented, we will experiment with making a wonderful aromatic alcoholic drink from it.

Let's prepare the following products:

  • fermented strawberry compote - 3 l
  • honey - 275 g
  • rice - 1 teaspoon

Cooking technology:

  • Strain the compote into a clean bottle. Add rice and honey (rice in the recipe can be replaced with raisins).
  • We close the container with compote. We fit an ordinary glove as a cover and leave it in the dark for 4 days.
  • When the release of bubbles in the container stops, strain the liquid through cheesecloth. Strained wine is poured into a container. The drink must mature for 2 months in the cold.

Wine made from fermented strawberries

How to make wine from fermented strawberry jam: recipe

If the fermented jam is covered with mold, then it cannot be used. Discard this jam immediately.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • fermented jam - 1.5 kg
  • water - 1.5 l
  • sugar - a full glass of sugar and another half (you can not add)
  • raisins -1 tablespoon (no need to wash)

Cooking technology:

  • We mix the fermented contents of the jar and water heated to a temperature of 25-30 degrees in a ratio of one to one. Pour raisins into the mass of jam. The mixture should not be cloying in taste. Pour in the sugar. We take it 50-100 grams, if the wine is not sweet.
  • Pour the prepared mixture of jam and water into a glass bottle. There must be enough space left in the container for the foam and carbon dioxide. We put an ordinary rubber glove on the neck of the bottle, after making a hole with a needle in one of the fingers. This is necessary for the gas to escape.
  • We leave the bottle in a dark place at a temperature of 18-29 degrees. After 4 days, add the remaining portion of sugar (50-75 grams). Pour 100 ml of liquid through a thin tube. dilute sugar in it.
  • Add this syrup to the bottle of wine. Fasten the glove again.
  • After 4-5 days, repeat the procedure for adding sugar (50-75 grams).
  • The wine will ferment for 25-60 days. It all depends on the temperature and sweetness of the liquid.
  • When the fermentation process is over (this can be determined by a deflated glove), we filter the liquid through cheesecloth.
  • Add sugar and vodka - 2-15% of the volume. This will add strength to the wine and keep it better. However, it will acquire a harsher taste.
  • Fill the bottle with filtered liquid to the very top. We close tightly with a cork and leave in a dark place at a temperature of 6-16 ° C for 2-6 months.
  • If sugar was added to the drink, then it is better to fix the water seal on the bottle and leave it for a week.
  • After 10-15 days, pour the wine from the sediment. To do this, use a thin tube (pour the wine into another container).
  • The finished wine is bottled and left hermetically sealed in the refrigerator or cellar. Such a wine will have a strength of 8-12% (if it has not been fixed with vodka).

How to make wine from fermented strawberry jam

And here is a universal recipe for making wine from jam:

Video: How to make wine from jam? Part 1 - put on fermentation

Video: Jam wine recipe. Part two

Strawberry wine with vodka: recipe

For wine you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of strawberries
  • 1 kilogram of granulated sugar
  • 500 ml of vodka and water

Cooking technology:

  • We sort out the berries and remove the sepals. Rinse with water and transfer to a bowl. Blend until puree.
  • In the resulting strawberry puree, add sugar and hot water.
  • Pour all ingredients into a bottle. We leave the bottle closed with a stopper with a drain tube in a warm, dark place. Here the bottle should stand for 5-7 days.
  • After the specified period, we filter the contents of the jar, squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. Pour the liquid into a clean bottle and add vodka. It is better if the alcohol is of good quality.
  • The wine should be infused for a week. After that, the drink must be filtered.
  • The finished wine is bottled and corked. Leave for storage in a cool place. you can taste the wine after a week.

  • After the specified period, squeeze the pulp through gauze or a sieve

    Pour the liquid into a clean bottle and add vodka

    Useful tips for making and storing wine:

    • It is better to store bottles by putting them on shelves. This will keep the cork from drying out (it will remain moist) and air will not get inside.
    • It is better to store wine at a temperature of plus 8 °.

    Wine from frozen strawberries at home: a recipe

    You will need the following ingredients:

    • 3 kg thawed strawberries
    • 2 kg sugar
    • 2 liters of purified water
    • dry yeast 10 grams
    • good quality vodka -0.5 l

    Cooking technology:

    • Pour the fruit into a bowl and knead with a fork until the mass acquires the consistency of mashed potatoes.
    • Pour sugar into water. When the sugar dissolves, pour the resulting syrup into the strawberry mass.
    • Combine with yeast.
    • We put a water seal on a container with a strawberry mass, in which the fermentation process will take place. We take out the container in a dark and warm room for 18-21 days.
    • When the fermentation process is over, pour the contents of the bottle into a clean container, pouring 500 ml of vodka. This will add strength and facilitate the process of upsetting the pulp.
    • The wine should stand for another 1 month.

    Wine from fresh strawberries at home: a recipe

    Video: How to make wine from strawberries?
