
How to make quick chips in the microwave. Cooking banana chips at home

Chips are popular all over the world and, despite the warnings of experts about the dangers of this product, from time to time even supporters healthy eating can't resist getting a pack of these crispy and flavorful slabs of fried potatoes. Homemade chips are not much healthier than store-bought ones, but you can still be sure of their quality, and you don't have to guess if exposure-forming oil has been used to make them. high temperature carcinogenic substances. You can cook chips at home in the microwave. It will take quite a bit of time, and it will be inexpensive.

Cooking features

The principle of cooking chips in the microwave is simple: the product is cut into thin slices and dried. As a result, it becomes crispy even without roasting. For all its simplicity, the technology for making homemade chips has several subtleties that you need to know about in order to obtain the expected result.

  • Chips can be made from any vegetables and fruits. The thinner they are cut, the faster they will cook. You can plan products using a special shredder or vegetable peeler. Some housewives cut food thin enough with a knife. If you cut potatoes or other vegetables too thick, they won't dry out on the inside before they burn on the outside.
  • Before the fry microwave oven vegetable and fruit plates must be dried. They will dry faster if they are laid out on a towel that absorbs moisture well, or blotted with a napkin.
  • To give the chips more good taste before drying, they can be rolled in salt, pepper, dried herbs and other condiments. Powdered sugar and cinnamon are used to make sweet chips.
  • Chips are prepared at a power of 600-800 watts. Cooking time is from 3 to 6 minutes depending on the set cooking power, the product from which the chips are made, the thickness of the pieces. Some products are recommended to be turned over to the other side 2-3 minutes after the start of cooking.
  • To prevent the chips from sticking to the plate, it is recommended to lay parchment on it before laying out the products.

It is recommended to cool ready-made chips before use at room temperature. The product does not tolerate moisture, so it can only be stored in a dry place and for a short time (during the day) - homemade chips do not contain preservatives that increase the shelf life.

Potato chips with butter

  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil- 40 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the potatoes well, pat dry with a towel. If it is young, it can not be peeled, large tubers must be peeled, as their peel contains harmful solanine.
  • Chop the potatoes into round or oval slices, put in a bowl.
  • Separately, mix salt, pepper and vegetable oil. Pour this mixture over the potatoes and stir.
  • On a microwave-safe dish, place parchment paper.
  • Lay out the potato slices in a single layer on the parchment paper.
  • Place the dish in the microwave. Set the power to 700 W, turn on the microwave for 4 minutes. Check out the chips. If they have not dried yet, turn on the device for another 1-2 minutes.
  • Remove the plate from the microwave, transfer the chips to a clean dish, let them cool.

In the same way, the remaining ones are fried in the microwave. potato slices.

Potato chips without oil

  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • ground paprika - 5 g;
  • dried parsley or other herbs - 10 g;
  • sea ​​salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash and peel the potatoes, pat dry with a paper towel.
  • Cut into thin circles or quarters of circles if the tubers are large.
  • Rinse with cool water to remove excess starch.
  • Lay out on a towel to dry the potato slices.
  • Transfer the potato slices to a bowl, sprinkle with paprika, salt and dried herbs, and stir to combine.
  • Lay out the first batch on parchment potato wedges. Place in the microwave. Turn it on for 5 minutes at a power of 600-700 watts.
  • Dry the remaining potatoes in the same way.

Cooked by this recipe potato chips safer than many purchased ones, since they do not use oil and harmful preservatives.

Armenian lavash chips

Cooking method:

  • Unfold the pita leaf, sprinkle it with pepper and salt.
  • Roll the pita bread into a roll, cut into pieces of 3 cm.
  • Unfold the strips of pita bread, put them on top of each other, cut into squares or rhombuses.
  • Spread the pieces of pita bread on parchment, place in the microwave.
  • Dry pita bread for 3 minutes at medium power.

After that, it remains to cool the chips and transfer to a vase.

cheese chips

  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • herbs, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the cheese on a grater with small holes.
  • Add spices and fragrant herbs, stir.
  • Form cheese into flat cakes with a diameter of about 2-3 cm.
  • Spread out cheese cakes on parchment, leaving a distance of at least 1 cm between them, as the cheese will melt and spread.
  • Put the dish with the workpiece in the microwave, run it on medium power for 3 minutes.
  • Leave for 5 minutes for the chips to cool.
  • Separate the chips from the parchment, transfer to a plate and serve.

Cheese chips are much healthier and tastier than potato chips. They should replace the usual snacks for those who cannot refuse them, but strive for a healthy diet.

carrot chips

  • carrots - 0.2 kg;
  • salt, paprika, dried herbs - to taste;
  • refined vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Scrape the carrots, wash, blot with a napkin.
  • Cut or chop the vegetable into thin slices, put in a bowl.
  • Mix the oil with salt, paprika and herbs, stir.
  • Put the chips on a dish lined with parchment, put in the microwave.
  • Turn on the unit at a power of 800-900 W for 2 minutes.
  • Flip the chips. Run the microwave at the same power for another 2 minutes.

If the maximum power of your microwave is less than what is indicated in the recipe, increase the cooking time. carrot chips up to 3 minutes on each side.

apple chips

  • apple - 0.5 kg;
  • powdered sugar - 5 g;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the apples special device cut out their seed pods. Cut into thin round slices. If you do not have the above device, you can first cut the fruit into thin circles, then squeeze out the middle with the seeds with a glass.
  • Arrange apple slices on parchment paper, sprinkle powdered sugar and cinnamon. If you only have granulated sugar, grind it to a powder state with a coffee grinder or blender.
  • Place the container with apple slices into the microwave oven.
  • Run the microwave on medium power, cook for 10 minutes.

Crispy apple chips will become only after they have completely cooled.

If you love snacks, it is not necessary to buy this product of questionable quality in the store. Chips are easy to cook in the microwave. Made by hand, they are much tastier and healthier than store-bought ones.

Chips have a history of more than 100 years. Deliberately overcooked, thinly sliced ​​potatoes made famous chef who gave the world such a simple and delicious treat.

Over time, chips began to be prepared from different vegetables and even fruits that can be cut into thin slices: carrots, beets, parsley roots, celery, apples, bananas.

The food industry produces mainly potato chips, and apple chips to a lesser extent. In addition, enterprising manufacturers have come up with the idea of ​​replacing thinly sliced ​​natural products with vegetable potato mass, flavored, generously flavored with chemical flavoring ingredients.

For lovers of chips, there was a way out - cooking them at home. This is quick and easy to do if there is a microwave in the house.

The principle of frying in the oven allows, by setting a certain temperature and time regime, not to interfere in the cooking process: you do not need to mix, but only lay out the product, close the door, turn it on and take it out after 5 minutes.

Preparation for cooking

To prepare homemade chips in the microwave, you will need some tools:

  1. Sharp knife or slicer;
  2. Cutting board;
  3. Colander;
  4. Clean, dry kitchen towel (disposable paper kitchen towels can be used);
  5. Baking parchment.

At home, you can cook chips from the same products that you are used to seeing in colorful packages in stores: potatoes, apples, bananas, carrots. However, you can endlessly experiment in your own kitchen. The main condition: the product should not be too watery (berries will not work).

The preparation of chips should begin with a thorough washing of selected products.

homemade potato chips recipe

Wash potatoes thoroughly. The skin may not be peeled. Firstly, it is still useful, thanks to great content potassium; secondly, it gives flavor variety to the finished product.

Cut into thin strips, no more than 1 mm.

Take parchment for baking (if you don’t have it, you can replace it with industrial clean paper), spread it on a glass baking sheet from the microwave. Spread the potatoes in a thin layer evenly on the paper. For one bookmark in the oven, it is advisable to take 1 - 1.5 potatoes. Too thick a layer will have to be removed and turned over during the frying process.

The frying mode is set to 700 W for 5 minutes. The color of the potatoes also serves as an indicator of readiness. Gently golden color - a clear signal to take out the chips. The period of transition from “blushing” to “oh, burned out” is very short. Since in the microwave the process of heat distribution in the product occurs from the inside to the edges, it is not worth exceeding the set time, because after the oven is turned off, inertial roasting occurs for some time due to the temperature that has not yet been distributed.

Chips should be ruddy or pale golden, crispy. While still hot, they can be sprinkled with salt and spices - it all depends on taste preferences consumers.

Learn from world-famous chef Hector Jimenez Bravo.

Apple chips in 5 minutes

Homemade chips can be prepared not only from potatoes. Adults, perhaps, can treat themselves to crispy carrot rings and celery root. Neither adults nor children can refuse apple and banana.


  • 2 - 3 apples;
  • Drinking water;
  • 0.5 cups of sugar;
  • cinnamon or lemon peel taste.

For cooking apple chips you need to wash and dry with a towel 2 - 3 apples per serving. Cut into thin slices.

cook sugar syrup from 1 cup of water and 0.5 cup of sugar. Soak sliced ​​apple plates in it for 10 minutes. Remove and spread on paper towels, then spread evenly on parchment on a microwave baking sheet.

Frying mode - 700 W for 5 minutes. golden color is a sign of readiness. After the end of frying, the chips can be consumed hot or cooled - they will be equally crispy.

cooked in in large numbers chips are stored in paper bags in a cool dry place.

17.02.2012 27.05.2016 by gotovlyu v mikrovolnovke

You know, I don’t like all these chips, crackers, snacks and the like that our food industry. Or rather, manufacturers: at least domestic, at least imported. There are so many “goods” in them, which obviously do not benefit the body.

Another thing is homemade crackers yes natural supplements. Or the same chips that are easy and simple to make in the microwave. And you probably didn’t suspect that making chips in the microwave is easy and simple.

Five minutes of time and ... crunch on your health natural product which are not scary to give to children. By the way, the chips are good and how independent dish and as an ingredient, for example, salad.

Here is the simplest one for you easy recipe chips in the microwave, which you can then improve or diversify.

How to make chips in the microwave

Want to make potato chips in the microwave - please. We need potatoes (I hope it’s clear that we are cooking potato, the recipe is below with a photo, although you can make any, for example, by the same principle) and a microwave, as well as a desire.

We peel a few potatoes, let's start with two or three. They make a whole mountain. But one “but” - there is not so much to fit into the microwave at a time, this is perhaps the only negative. But ... we're not in a hurry. Moreover, after the first game, things will go more fun - we will crunch and continue.

My peeled potatoes, drain paper towel and cut into very thin slices. It's great if you have a slicer, or a Burner's grater, or a mandolin, or a vegetable peeler. Don't cut so thin with a knife.

So that our circles do not stick in the process, lay them in one row on a half of a towel, and cover with the other half and run your palms as if you were smoothing crumpled paper - thoroughly “wipe” the potatoes from moisture.

Next sticking precaution: Cut a circle of parchment onto a microwave oven plate. Lubricate it with vegetable oil.

Lay out on parchment paper in one layer (no need for the slices to lie on top of each other) circles.

Now you can salt, pepper or season with any spice to taste.

We put the potato chips in the microwave, turn on the average power (700 W), set for 3 minutes. Then we switch to full and set a minute. At the same time, we follow: if the chips begin to darken, they are ready. Do not burn, but do not pull out ahead of time, otherwise they will not crunch.

Ready chips immediately remove from the paper, transfer to a paper towel.

I believe that after you have learned how to make chips in the microwave, you will not buy any junk, but will cook your own, delicious from potatoes or any other vegetables.

  • Potatoes can be used both peeled and with a peel, especially for young ones. Just remember to wash it very thoroughly before making chips in the microwave.
  • If you are using a vegetable peeler, first cut the potatoes in half crosswise, and then carefully cut the circles.
  • Chips are delicious without any additives, without pepper and salt. But, if you want savory, you can take: paprika (in the photo it is she), dried garlic, ziru, Provencal herbs, sea ​​salt, chili and others.
  • It is not necessary to lubricate the sheet after the first time. You can try and not lubricate at all.

To consolidate the video material on how to make chips in the microwave:

Snacks in the form of dried slices of vegetables are perhaps the most popular these days and, despite the frightening list of unhealthy additives on the packaging, they are easily and quickly swept from store shelves without thinking about the consequences. Homemade chips in the microwave will not harm your health, as they are prepared only from natural products.

How to make chips in the microwave?

Crispy and delicious chips in the microwave, the recipe of which, as a rule, is crazy simple, is prepared not only traditionally from potatoes. Using other vegetables or slices of pita bread as a basis for drying, you get an equally tasty treat. To make the appetizer a success, vegetables need to be cut. thinnest plates. The smaller their thickness, the stronger they crunch. finished goods.

Microwave potato chips

Classic microwave potato chips, the recipe of which is presented below, turn out no worse than a similar product from well-known trademarks. They can be cooked even without salt and spices - it will still be delicious. And if you season the thinnest potato slices with your favorite seasoning and salt them when ready fine salt, then the products can be considered out of competition. The only disadvantage of this preparation is small portions finished product at the exit.


  • potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • seasonings and salt - to taste;
  • oil.


  1. The potatoes are thoroughly washed with a brush, cut into the thinnest plates, blotted from moisture and sprinkled with seasonings if desired.
  2. Spread them in a single layer on an oiled piece of parchment.
  3. The sheet is placed in the microwave oven and the device is turned on for seven minutes at medium power, if necessary, extending the microwave operation for some more time.
  4. As soon as the slices begin to change color, they are removed from the device and laid out on a napkin.

Apple chips in the microwave

Next, after familiarizing yourself with next recipe, you will learn how to cook chips in the microwave from apples. This version of the snack is similar to the previous one only with a characteristic crunch. Otherwise, the taste of the snack is completely different - moderately sweet, with a pleasant fruit flavor And delicate aroma with notes of cinnamon. The delicacy is unique in every respect and low-calorie, which will especially appeal to those who watch their weight.


  • sweet apples - 0.4 kg;
  • sugar and cinnamon - to taste.


The apples are washed, cut into slices and the seeds are removed from them. Lay out the slices on a plate of the device and turn it on for seven to ten minutes at medium power. Apple chips in the microwave will be ready and acquire the desired crunch after completely cooling on a parchment sheet.

Lavash chips in the microwave

As a basis for a crispy snack, you can take not only vegetables or fruits, but also thin Armenian lavash. The result will surpass all expectations. Products in this variation are extremely crispy and appetizing. Moreover, they can be made both salty and sweet, seasoned with the appropriate ingredients and spices. You will learn how to make chips at home in the microwave from pita bread from the following recipe.


  • Armenian pita bread - 1 sheet;
  • olive oil - 20 ml.


  1. Thin pita bread is rolled up and cut into fragments three centimeters wide.
  2. The rolls are unrolled until ribbons are obtained, which are cut into squares or rhombuses.
  3. The oil is mixed with spices or spices and sliced ​​\u200b\u200blavash is seasoned with the resulting mixture.
  4. Mix the pieces with fragrant oil and lay out in portions on a piece of parchment.
  5. Place the products in the microwave, and cook for three to five minutes at medium power.

Microwave pumpkin chips

Many do not even realize that even from the bright, autumn pumpkin you can make no less delicious crunchy snack for a snack. It is necessary to choose a vegetable of a nutmeg variety, peel it and chop the clean pulp very thinly. Taste palette snacks can be expanded, based on your preferences and imagination, sprinkling finished products like fine salt and various savory seasonings, and powdered sugar with cinnamon.


  • Armenian pita bread - 1 sheet;
  • seasonings, spices, salt, powdered sugar - to taste;
  • olive oil - 20 ml.


  1. Cooking pumpkin chips in the microwave is not much different from the previous options.
  2. Prepared pumpkin slices are laid out on a plate of the device, covering it with parchment.
  3. Season slices of vegetables with spices can be both before laying in the oven, and when ready.
  4. Dry the treat at medium microwave power for about seven minutes.

Microwave carrot chips

You can replenish carotene reserves not only traditionally by using familiar dishes or . There is an even more attractive way to fill the body with the necessary elements and vitamins. Having made homemade chips in the microwave, along with the benefits, you will get an incomparable taste pleasure from eating the resulting snack.


  • carrots - 250 g;
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  • spices to choose from - to taste;
  • olive oil - 20 ml.


  1. Carrots are thinly sliced, seasoned with oil, salted and flavored with spices.
  2. After mixing the mass, the spicy plates are laid out on a plate in one layer and sent to the microwave for five to seven minutes, turning once in the process.
  3. Ruddy carrot pieces are removed onto a sheet of parchment and allowed to cool completely and dry completely.

banana chips in the microwave

Do-it-yourself banana chips in the microwave will especially please the children's audience. Adults will also not mind eating this original snack, especially since it is prepared without the addition of fats and it turns out to be low-calorie. Bananas should be chosen not overripe, which keep their shape well. Ready-made delicacy you can eat at pure form or sprinkle with powdered sugar or cocoa powder before serving.


  • medium-sized bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon;
  • and cocoa (optional) - to taste.


  1. Bananas are peeled and cut into circles about two millimeters thick.
  2. The slices are laid out on a sheet of parchment or an oiled glass plate and sent for five to seven minutes in a microwave oven at medium power, gently turning them every minute.
  3. When ready, the products are laid out on parchment for cooling and final drying, after which they are seasoned, if desired, with powder, cocoa or a mixture of them.

Chips in the microwave in 5 minutes

As you have already noticed, any chips at home in the microwave are cooked for a little more than five minutes. The only exceptions are products made from lavash, where the time is reduced due to the low moisture content in original product. How to speed up the preparation of vegetable and fruit snacks by reducing the time spent in the microwave oven to five minutes?

  1. The fruit should be cut very thinly, ideally with a slicer.
  2. The thinnest slices must be wetted from moisture, laid out on a dish and dried for a couple of hours on the table.
  3. Prepared blanks, even with a moderate power of the microwave oven, will be ready in five minutes, and in a more powerful device, the cooking time for the delicacy will be even less.

This article will show you how to quickly make potato chips at home. Here we have placed the most best recipes cooking these wonderful crunchy treats in the microwave in 5 minutes or longer in the oven.

Almost everyone loves to savor chips. But shop product has quite questionable quality, preservatives and additives can be hazardous to health. Refusing to eat potato chips is not necessary, you can make a treat at home.

Step by step recipe with photos. Cooking chips in the microwave in 5 minutes:


Let's take a closer look at the entire cooking process delicious chips from potatoes.

We will need: potatoes, sunflower oil, spices, foil or parchment, instead of sharp knife it is better to take a special cutting device, which is convenient for making thin circles. Another important thing is a microwave (but not necessarily, and below we will tell you about different ways cooking homemade chips without a microwave).

Rinse the potatoes well, cut off the skin and rinse again. Next, you need to cut the thinnest slices as possible, with the special device mentioned above, this will not be difficult at all.

Now let's move on to the microwave. First you need to turn off the ability to rotate the pallet (if you don’t know how to do this, find the instructions for this technique, everything is probably described in detail there). Then we remove the glass tray and cover the bottom of the microwave with parchment (foil).

Arrange the potato slices on paper in one ball, each piece should have its own space. Sprinkle everything with salt and your favorite spices, close the oven and set the timer at full power for 5 minutes.

If there is no microwave, then you can do without it - potato chips will also turn out to be appetizing and crispy. First stage the same: wash the potatoes before and after peeling, then cut into pieces. IN this case thicker slices (3-5 millimeters) will be more convenient.

We put all the pieces of potatoes in a deep container and add vegetable oil (no more than a teaspoon). Then we mix everything. Perhaps there will be little oil (depending on the volume of the product) after mixing it will immediately become visible, then add a little more. But keep in mind that homemade chips should not float in oil, it only lubricates our slices.

Next, take a baking sheet, cover with foil (it must be sprayed with a spray to prevent sticking). Lay out the potato slices in one ball. When the oven is heated to 200 degrees - put the chips for 20 minutes. often look at the product being prepared: it should be removed from the oven when the edges of the pieces begin to wrap. After cooling, the chips are ready to eat.

Before serving, hot chips can be sprinkled with spices, which will give an original flavor, grate on top of the cheese. There are a lot of recommendations, it all depends on the mood of the cook. Surprise your guests with homemade harmless chips.

Make delicious and crispy chips at home, and even without all sorts of harmful additives absolutely anyone can. Now you can easily prepare delicious potato crisps at home very quickly. Bon appetit, friends!
