
How to steam cabbage in the microwave. Cabbage for cabbage rolls

If it is not possible to cook cabbage rolls on the stove, bake in the oven, or simply do not have time, then you can use the microwave.

In it, the dish is prepared simply, quickly, you can use any sauces and gravies, saving time and effort. All this is done much easier than it might seem at first glance.

Cabbage rolls in the microwave - general principles of cooking

All cabbage rolls can be conditionally divided into classic and lazy. In the first variant meat filling wrapped in cabbage leaves. They can also be prepared in a simplified way in the microwave, detailed recipe is a little lower. For lazy cabbage rolls all ingredients are mixed, balls or oblong products in the form of cutlets are formed. Regardless of the recipe chosen, cabbage rolls must be placed in dishes designed for cooking in microwave oven. Next, the sauce is added.

What can fill the cabbage rolls:

  • sour cream;
  • tomato juice, paste, twisted tomatoes;
  • a mixture of tomato and sour cream;
  • cream.

Additionally, garlic, flour, different spices, mushrooms, cheese, herbs, depending on the recipe used. Unlike classic version cabbage rolls, here a little gravy is added. You can stew rolled cabbage rolls under the lid without sauce at all, but they will not be so tasty and juicy. Cooking time in a microwave oven ranges from 15 to 20 minutes, the maximum power is set. If necessary, the dish can be removed in the process, turn the cabbage rolls on the second side so that they are evenly saturated with gravy.

Cabbage rolls in the microwave in sour cream sauce

A simple recipe for cabbage rolls in the microwave. Cabbage for them is also prepared in a simplified way.


  • 500 g minced meat;
  • 120 g dry rice;
  • 1 head of cabbage;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • a spoonful of flour;
  • 5 spoons of sour cream;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • spices, laurel


  1. We take a head of cabbage. We remove the upper unusable sheets, sharp knife cut out the stem. Put in the microwave, heat for 5 minutes. We take out, remove the soft leaves. Next, we put the head of cabbage back into the oven. We warm up for a couple more minutes, and so on, until we remove all the large leaves. Carefully cut out the large vein with a knife.
  2. Boil dry rice. We remove the water.
  3. Chop the garlic clove, chop the onion head. Mix with minced meat, pepper and salt.
  4. The remaining clove of sour cream is combined with sour cream, pepper, salt, add 3-4 tablespoons of water. Stir the sauce.
  5. We wrap the filling in the prepared leaves. We form doves.
  6. Lubricate the mold for cooking in the microwave. We spread a layer of cabbage rolls, pour sour cream. If there are still cabbage rolls left, then put on top, also pour over the sauce.
  7. Cover, put in the oven. Cook at maximum power for 14 minutes. We take out, turn the cabbage rolls on the other side, cook for another 5-7 minutes.

Cabbage rolls in the microwave in tomato-sour cream sauce

The recipe is very tender cabbage rolls in creamy tomato sauce. Pasta is used here, but pureed tomatoes can also be used.


  • 500 g minced meat;
  • 1 st. boiled rice;
  • bulb;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 50 g of paste;
  • 15 g of oil;
  • 80 ml of water.


  1. Connect boiled rice with chopped onion and any minced meat, add salt, pepper, mix thoroughly.
  2. Cabbage leaves cooked in the microwave or boiled in boiling water in the usual way. Spread the filling, roll up the cabbage rolls.
  3. Grind garlic, add pasta or a couple of grated tomatoes, add sour cream. Mix well, add some water. If grated tomatoes were used, then you can not dilute the sauce with water. Salt the filling.
  4. Grate a microwave oven dish with a piece of butter, spread the cabbage rolls, pour over the sauce.
  5. Cover with a special lid, put in the oven.
  6. We cook for 17 minutes at the highest power. We check readiness. Additional time can be added if necessary.

Lazy cabbage rolls in the microwave (recipe without rice)

This recipe for cabbage rolls in the microwave is different in that it does not need to boil rice or cook cabbage leaves. The dish is very simple and fast.


  • 350 g minced meat;
  • 350 g cabbage;
  • 1 egg;
  • onion head;
  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 1 tomato;
  • garlic, spices.


  1. We chop the white cabbage into small strips, grind it with our hands to remove excess volume, to make the vegetable convenient to work with.
  2. Chop the onion, pour over the cabbage, add the egg and lay out chopped meat. Thoroughly stir the base for cabbage rolls, salt.
  3. Form cabbage rolls into round or oblong patties. There is no need to pander them. Pour immediately into a microwaveable dish.
  4. Cut the tomato in half. Grate the pulp, discard the skin. Mix the tomato with sour cream, season with garlic and spices, mix thoroughly.
  5. Pour the stuffed cabbage with the prepared sauce, cover.
  6. We put it in the microwave. We cook from 14 to 18 minutes, depending on the size of the products, as well as the type of cabbage.

Cabbage rolls in the microwave in a creamy sauce with mushrooms

The recipe for chic cabbage rolls with mushrooms, which are easy to cook in the microwave. Small champignons are best suited for this dish.


  • 700 g cabbage rolls;
  • 300 ml cream;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 250 g of champignons;
  • 25 g cl. oils;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • hot pepper, salt, garlic.


  1. Prepare cabbage rolls according to any of the recipes or get a semi-finished product from the freezer. In the second case, it is not necessary to thaw.
  2. Rinse mushrooms, dry, cut into two parts. Sprinkle with flour, mix.
  3. Heat oil in a frying pan, add mushrooms, fry for a minute over high heat.
  4. Put the cabbage rolls in the form, spread the fried mushrooms between them.
  5. Add pepper to the cream, squeeze a little garlic, add salt. Mix well. Finely grate the cheese, add to the sauce.
  6. Pour the stuffed cabbage with mushrooms with the prepared sauce, smooth the layer.
  7. Put in the microwave. If the cabbage rolls are fresh, then 17 minutes is enough. If the semi-finished products were frozen, then increase the time by 2-3 minutes.

Diet cabbage rolls in the microwave (with chicken)

For these cabbage rolls is used chicken fillet but skinless turkey meat can be used.


  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 10 cabbage leaves;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 onion heads;
  • 600 ml of tomato juice;
  • spices, oil.


  1. We cut onion cubes, rub the carrots, mix everything at once. Add a tablespoon vegetable oil, stir.
  2. We put the vegetables in a bowl for the microwave oven, in which we will cook the cabbage rolls. We put in the oven, cook at maximum power for 6 minutes.
  3. We spread half of the vegetables in a bowl, distribute the rest on the bottom of the dish in an even layer.
  4. Chicken fillet chopped small pieces or twist, interrupt with a combine. We add previously prepared vegetables, salt, add a little pepper, you can add chopped greens to these cabbage rolls.
  5. We wrap diet stuffing in pre-prepared leaves white cabbage. Lay on top of the vegetable layer.
  6. Pour salted tomato juice. If you need more thick gravy, then you can dissolve a teaspoon of flour.
  7. We send the cabbage rolls to the microwave, cook for fifteen minutes. If necessary, increase the time.

Lean cabbage rolls in the microwave

A recipe for cabbage rolls in the microwave, which vegetarians will appreciate. The dish is simple, but tasty and satisfying.


  • 150 g of rice;
  • 300 g mushrooms;
  • 120 g carrots;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • bulb;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 500 g of tomatoes;
  • 30 ml soy sauce;
  • greens, garlic.


  1. Dry rice is washed, sorted, boiled, drained into a colander, let it cool.
  2. Cut the onion, put it in a pan, fry in a spoonful of oil, add the grated carrot.
  3. After a minute, we throw chopped mushrooms to the vegetables, bring to half-cookedness, season with spices, herbs, cool.
  4. Add mushrooms with vegetables to rice, stir. We start the cabbage leaves, carefully fold the envelopes.
  5. Grate tomatoes, mix with soy sauce, throw garlic and herbs, pour cabbage rolls.

We put it in the microwave. Lenten cabbage rolls 12-15 minutes is enough to reach readiness. Look at cabbage leaves. As soon as they become soft, you can remove the dish from the microwave.

Lazy cabbage rolls in the microwave with cheese

Another recipe for simple, but very juicy and delicious cabbage rolls. You need to choose a cheese that melts well.


  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 130 g of boiled rice;
  • 250 g cabbage;
  • 1 egg;
  • Spices;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 spoons of sour cream;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • 120 g cheese.


Mix chopped and mashed cabbage with chopped onion, add rice and minced meat, seasonings, form round balls. Fold the cabbage rolls into a greased form.

Remove skin from tomatoes. Cut into pieces, scatter in shape between the cabbage rolls.

Grate cheese, combine with sour cream (or take mayonnaise). Divide the resulting mass evenly among the cabbage rolls.

Put in the microwave for 15 minutes.

  • If the minced meat is caught without fat, you can add a little softened butter or put a piece inside the filling when forming the stuffed cabbage.
  • In the microwave oven, you can cook not only classic cabbage rolls in cabbage leaves, but also dolma. In this case, the minced meat is twisted into tender grape leaves.
  • In minced meat for cabbage rolls, you can put not only boiled rice, but also buckwheat, pearl barley, the dish will sparkle with new tastes.

The most difficult step in the preparation of cabbage rolls is to separate the cabbage leaves from the head so that they do not break, but do not turn out to be too soft. Cabbage for stuffed cabbage in the microwave softens enough to wrap the filling in it, but remains elastic. Unlike standard way using a saucepan of boiling water, the microwave cooks the leaves completely and retains their strength.

Recipe for softening cabbage in the microwave

The way to soften cabbage for stuffed cabbage in is much easier than the standard method with boiling water. With a microwave oven, there is no need to specifically select soft varieties, heat a large container of water and try to withstand the right time so that the leaves do not scald.

You can soften even young cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. In boiling water, its leaves quickly boil and tear while minced meat is wrapped in them, unlike the more modern way.

For the preparation of cabbage rolls, a head of cabbage weighing 1.5-2 kg is suitable. It can be put directly into the oven or wrapped in cling film.

Hot cabbage after getting out of the microwave should immediately pour over cold water. So the leaves are easier to separate from the stalk, and you can immediately wrap the minced meat in them.

Another cabbage recipe for cabbage rolls

The easiest way is to put the cabbage in the microwave for 10 minutes and do not cover with anything. However, many housewives prefer to use a baking sleeve or wrap a head of cabbage in plastic bag or cling film. Thus, the moisture does not evaporate, but remains in the leaves. They bake more evenly and become soft even in the center.

A head of cabbage in a sleeve or film can also be cooked in several stages, but it is easier to place it for 10-15 minutes at a lower temperature. After that, it is dipped in foil in cold water, and when it cools down a bit, they begin to parse the leaves. All veins are removed with a sharp knife so that they do not spoil the taste. ready meal. However, instead, the leaves can be gently beaten off with a hammer, while it is important not to damage them.

How to choose the right cabbage?

If you choose cabbage for cabbage rolls and cook it in boiling water, you need to know a few subtleties. The shape, size, color of the leaves, as well as the structure of the vegetable matter. In the microwave, you can cook any cabbage so that it is convenient to wrap minced meat in it. However, if you follow the advice experienced housewives, cooking cabbage will be even easier:

  • the head of cabbage should not have a round, but an elongated shape - the leaves are separated from such a cabbage much easier;
  • cabbage must have large sheets- if they are small, it will be difficult to wrap minced meat in them, and the cooking process will drag on for a long time;
  • the leaves should be light (white with a greenish tint), without black dots, tears and damage, signs of fungus or mold;
  • individual leaves must be dense, thick and resilient, otherwise they will quickly tear, and the filling cannot be wrapped in them;
  • fading cabbage is not good - it can be stewed with meat, and for cabbage rolls, get another head of cabbage.

You can soften cabbage leaves not only in boiling water or in a microwave oven. Cold has a similar effect.

First you need to freeze whole head of cabbage and then take it out of the freezer and defrost at room temperature. However, after processing, the cabbage can only be used for the preparation of cabbage rolls and cannot be stored even frozen.

Preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave to soften is the easiest way. Even a novice hostess will be able to cope with cooking according to this recipe. The leaves are soft and elastic, keep their shape well and do not allow cabbage rolls to fall apart.

It happens that the preparation of cabbage leaves for stuffed cabbage frightens with its procedural nature. And with raw cabbage, you can’t remove the leaves. Will tear.

And in the recipes - then: boil in boiling salted water, cut out the stalk, and beat off the thick stems ... passion!
Let me suggest a completely non-fatiguing replacement for this procedure. Just process the cabbage in the microwave. And then the cabbage will turn into such a heap of flexible and soft leaves, from which cabbage rolls are made - a pleasure.

We will start by choosing cabbage from the market. It is best to take cabbage not round, but flattened. It is shaped like a large tablet. Such cabbage usually has very large and thin leaves. Round crisp cabbage is more suitable for pickling. And of course, the leaves must be intact, and under the leaves there should not be a scattering of dark dots - traces of eating pests.
So, cabbage, weighing about one and a half kilograms. Light, very dense, flattened shape.
We remove a couple of top leaves from it. They are not needed.
Place the cabbage in the microwave. We set the power to 900w. Timer - for 10-12 minutes (this is for a caputa weighing 1.5-2 kg.
As soon as the microwave signal is ready. We remove the cabbage and put it under the stream cold water. She's probably already done. Squeeze it. It should become somewhat soft. Only if in doubt, give it another 2-4 minutes in the microwave. And again under a stream of cold water.
We put the cabbage with the stalk down and begin to unfold the leaves, opening the cabbage like a rose. They turn away very easily, because they have become soft and flexible. In the first photo you see the end of this process. The cabbage turned into a large soft rose with a small ball of small leaves in the center.
Now turn the cabbage upside down. We take a knife and begin to cut the leaves at the stalk, putting the cut aside.
There will be no marriage in the form of torn leaves. Because, despite their softness and subtlety, the leaves are strong and do not tear. Unlike loose boiled.
With a knife, we cut off protruding thick stems - veins from each leaf. They also cut perfectly easily.
And our leaves are ready.
Wrap minced meat in such leaves - most pleasant process. Cabbage rolls are neat, tight, dense. A feast for the eyes!

Almost everyone loves homemade cabbage rolls, but most housewives cook them infrequently. The reason often lies in the difficulty of preparing cabbage. After all, it is necessary to make cabbage leaves soft and flexible, while not damaging their structure, separating them from the head. To do this, you have to boil the head of cabbage, constantly checking with a knife how easily the leaves are separated, and remove them, at the risk of getting burned. However, this method of preparing cabbage is already outdated, and if you have a microwave oven at home, you can cope with the task faster and easier. Cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave is easy to prepare, even for inexperienced chefs, this is not difficult.

Cooking features

The process of preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls using a microwave is so simple that it does not require any culinary skills. But still, knowing a few subtleties does not hurt.

  • For cabbage rolls, it is better to choose young flattened cabbage - these varieties have more flexible and soft leaves.
  • In order for the leaves to separate well after processing the head of cabbage in the microwave, several deep cuts around the stalk must be made before placing it in the microwave oven.
  • It will be easier to separate the leaves if you place the head of cabbage under a stream of cool water.
  • If the cabbage is young and the leaves are easily separated from the head, you can cook the leaves in the microwave. It will take less time than processing a whole head of cabbage.
  • If the head of cabbage is placed in a bag, then the leaves will soften a little faster. This method is worth choosing if you want to save time.

Preparing cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave with a whole head or leaves, in or without a bag, varies slightly.

How to cook cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls

  • heads of young cabbage - 1.5–2 kg in total;
  • water - 0.2–0.3 l.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage well.
  • Carefully disassemble the head of cabbage into leaves, trying not to break their integrity.
  • Moisten the leaves with water.
  • Place a few leaves on a microwave safe plate.
  • Turn on the microwave at full power. Set a timer for 3 minutes.
  • Remove the plate, remove the leaves from it. Put in a new batch and process in the same way.

Continue processing the cabbage in this way until there is right amount leaves. Remember that this method is only suitable for young cabbage. early varieties- from big head autumn variety it will be problematic to separate the leaves from the stalk without damaging them.

Cooking cabbage in the microwave

  • white cabbage - 1.5–2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cabbage well. It is important that its dimensions are suitable so that it can be put in a microwave oven.
  • Remove the upper leaves - they are usually sluggish, spoiled by insects.
  • Cut the stalk as deep as possible, make several deep cuts around it.
  • Put in the microwave flat dish. Some do without it, but washing the dish is easier than a microwave stand, so it is advisable to still use it.
  • Put a head of cabbage on a dish so that the place where the stalk was was at the bottom.
  • Turn on the microwave for 10 minutes, choosing the maximum power.
  • Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, remove the head of cabbage and place it in a clean sink. Cool under running water.
  • Carefully separate, if necessary, helping yourself with a knife, the upper leaves.
  • When you notice that the remaining leaves are tightly attached to the head and you risk tearing them by peeling them off, place the head in the microwave again. This time, the microwave oven is enough to turn on for 5 minutes.
  • Cool the head again and continue to remove the cabbage leaves.

You need to repeat the five-minute processing of the head of cabbage in the microwave until you almost completely disassemble it into leaves. After that, dense veins will have to be cut out or beaten off with a culinary hammer, since they remain tough even after microwave processing, which makes it impossible to form cabbage rolls.

Cabbage for cabbage rolls in a bag

  • head of cabbage - 1–1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the head of cabbage, remove sluggish leaves. Make deep cuts around the stalk.
  • Place the head of cabbage in a bag or in a roasting sleeve ( last option preferred). Poke a few holes with a toothpick to let the steam escape.
  • Put the bag of cabbage in the microwave, turn it on for 3 minutes, setting the maximum power.
  • Remove, cool under running water and remove the top leaves. Repeat the procedure several times until the desired number of leaves is reached.

Using the same technology, it is advisable to cook for cabbage rolls and chinese cabbage. This will take less time: 2 minutes. In addition, a single treatment should be enough to soften it.

Cooking cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave is quick and safe. Knowing this method, you will pamper your loved ones with cabbage rolls much more often.

In a house where there are many different kitchen appliances cooking becomes a real pleasure. If you show imagination, then some devices can be found not quite standard application. For example, not everyone knows how to cook. It turns out that doing this is not at all difficult.

Waiting minutes

Before starting to cook cabbage rolls, every housewife first of all goes to the store or to the market. The choice of products must be treated very carefully, because they will mainly affect the result. Among the general list Special attention given to cabbage. To begin with, you need to remember two conditions:

  1. You should not take a head for cabbage rolls of a round shape. The leaves are strong and tough. It is better to take one that is slightly flattened and looks like a pill. Such cabbage leaves will be thin and rather long.
  2. The head of cabbage should be without damage: mechanical in the form of cracks and diseases in the form of black dots inside.

Now the hostess is faced with the task of preparing it for work. It is necessary to make sure that the leaves become soft and pliable. Few people know how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave.

There is no secret here. This is done as follows:

  1. A head of cabbage weighing 2 kilograms must be put in the oven and the door closed.
  2. Set the timer for 10 minutes, and it is better to choose the maximum power (900 watts).
  3. After the call, take out the product and immediately put it under a stream of cold water.
  4. After that, it must be squeezed out by hand. If it is not quite soft yet, then the procedure can be repeated (2-3 minutes).

This is the easiest option on how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. Minimum labor costs in a short time.

Slowly and surely

Those who are not used to relying on chance can use another option. There is another way that will teach you how to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls in the microwave. It is basically the same as the previous one. True, there are some clarifications:

  1. First, turn the head of cabbage upside down and make four deep cuts around it with a sharp knife.
  2. Place the cabbage in the oven for 10 minutes.
  3. Remove the vegetable and carefully separate the top few leaves. You need to remove only those leaves that themselves lag behind.
  4. Once again, make cuts around the base and again send the product to the microwave, but for 5 minutes, no more. This must be done until the last leaf is removed.
  5. Gather the separated products together and send them back to the oven for 4-5 minutes. After that, they will become completely transparent. It will be easy and simple to wrap minced meat in them. Soft thin leaves retain their plasticity, and the filling will never fall out of them.

This option is longer, but reliable.

hot water effect

But the microwave is not the only option on how to remove leaves from cabbage for cabbage rolls. After all, this dish was prepared long before they invented a cunning machine. And the hostesses found another way out of the situation. It is understood that the product softens at elevated temperature. But how to create such conditions? The easiest way is to use boiling water. This was the secret of our grandmothers.

Everything was done like this:

  1. First, with a sharp knife, you need to cut the stalk.
  2. At this time in large saucepan boil water.
  3. Dip the prepared product into it and wait 7-10 minutes.
  4. Remove the head of cabbage, put it on a plate and carefully separate the top leaves.
  5. Make incisions again, but deeper, and repeat the procedure.

Each time the head will become smaller and smaller. At the last stage, the process can be considered complete. Too much big chunks can be divided in half, and thick stems can simply be cut out. This method of how to remove leaves from cabbage for cabbage rolls is good because it does not require re-treatment of the leaves. But he also has disadvantages. The hostess has to constantly deal with boiling liquid and hot product, and this is not at all safe.


Having mastered the method of processing cabbage, you can take on the dish itself. How to cook will explain step by step how this can be done.

First of all, you need to collect everything on the table necessary products: a kilogram of meat, 2 heads of fresh cabbage, onion, a glass of rice, 1 carrot, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 500 grams of tomato, a bunch of parsley, pepper, salt and any spices.

To make cabbage rolls, the recipe (step by step) involves the following steps:

  1. Rice pour boiling water and leave for half an hour.
  2. In any of the chosen ways, divide the head of cabbage into leaves.
  3. Lightly fry the chopped onion in a frying pan. A little later, add the grated carrot, tomato, salt and pepper. The mixture should boil well.
  4. Grind the meat with an immersion blender. You can also use a meat grinder, but then it is better to scroll the mass twice.
  5. Strain the rice and add to the meat along with the stewed vegetables. Mix the products well. This will be the filling.
  6. Put a little minced meat on each cabbage leaf, and then, wrapping the edges, squeeze tightly and form a stuffed cabbage.
  7. Place semi-finished products in a roaster or on a pallet, placing them with a seam down. After that, pour the tomato diluted with water, sprinkle with chopped herbs and put in the oven.

After a couple of hours, tender and fragrant cabbage rolls will be ready.

Simplified version

For those who don't want to waste time fiddling with leaves, there is another way. They can cook from fresh cabbage.

And they turn out no worse than usual. For work you will need: 400 grams of minced meat and a head of approximately the same mass, a glass of rice, a carrot, an egg, 2 onions and a tablespoon of tomato paste.

The cooking method is not complicated at all:

  1. First, the cabbage must be arbitrarily cut with a knife, pour hot water and leave for 5-7 minutes so that all the bitterness leaves it.
  2. During this time, boil the rice. Water must be salted.
  3. Combine the minced meat with half of the prepared cabbage and rice. After that, add one chopped onion, egg and spices. Mix the products.
  4. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and place them on a tray, previously lined with the remains of cabbage.
  5. Fry the remaining onion with carrots and put on top.
  6. Pour everything with a glass of water and put in the oven. In an hour everything will be ready.

Those who do not want to suffer with cutlets can take meat instead of minced meat and simply cut it into small pieces.

Cold treatment

It turns out that fever is not the only way to change the state of a product. The same results can be achieved with the reverse action. This means that cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls need to be cooled down a lot. This problem can easily be handled by a conventional refrigerator.

You just need to put the head of cabbage in advance freezer hours for 10-12, and then take out and defrost in vivo. Surprisingly, cabbage in this case becomes simply unrecognizable: soft, tender and very plastic. You can wrap anything in it. It is very convenient and absolutely safe. But this method also has its own catch. cabbage leaves processed in this way will subsequently be unsuitable for other dishes. Only cabbage rolls can be made from them, so you will have to make so many fillings to use up the entire head of cabbage. Also, they can't be stored. Even in the refrigerator, this product will spoil very quickly.

Technical capabilities

It is not necessary to pre-process for cabbage rolls in the microwave. There are many other appliances in the kitchen, which are also always at hand. Take, for example, a steamer.

Everyone knows her abilities fast food many dishes. This can also be used for preparatory stage. The procedure is very similar to the option with boiling water in a saucepan. But everything is done much faster. After all, time is an expensive pleasure, and they should not be scattered. The sequence of actions remains the same. You just need to lower the head of cabbage into a double boiler for a couple of minutes. After that, take it out and carefully cut off the top leaves. Further, the procedure is repeated until the bare stump remains in the hands of the hostess. After that, it remains only to carefully review the prepared product. Some leaves can be cut off the thickening on the stem. If the veins are too large, then it is better to remove them altogether with a sharp knife.
