
A recipe for delicious steamed cabbage rolls in a slow cooker. Tender and juicy steamed cabbage rolls - you will lick your fingers

Pigeons are old dish, which traditionally looks like minced meat wrapped in cabbage leaves. It is not only satisfying, but also very tasty, so it is not surprising that many people love it and often pamper themselves and their families with it.

Over time, the cooking process has become noticeably simpler: instead of whole leaves that require separate cooking, shredded cabbage has been used, which is stewed together with the filling. The people began to call the dish "lazy stuffed cabbage". Usually it is served separately, and not as a side dish, and recipes may differ from one housewife to another.

With the advent of multicookers, cooking has become even easier and faster: the technique can be used for soups, and for cereals, and for meat, and for stuffed cabbage, and ordinary, and lazy ones. By the way, more tastier dish It turns out if you cook it with sauce.

Stuffed cabbage lazy recipe in a slow cooker

You can take any stuffing that you like more. For example, with chicken it turns out less calorie, and with pork it is more satisfying. But in any case, this is a matter of taste and desire. I take beef and pork in a ratio of 50 to 50.


To prevent lazy cabbage rolls from falling apart during cooking, do not make the minced meat too liquid. I don’t add water to it at all, but I drive in 1 egg to make the mass more “sticky”.


  • 500 grams of minced meat (chicken, pork, beef, mixed);
  • 900 grams of cabbage (less or more, depending on the size of the head);
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • glass of water;
  • ½ cup of rice;
  • 4 full spoons of sour cream;
  • Bay leaf;
  • sunflower oil;
  • spices and salt;
  • 2 spoons of ketchup.

Cooking lazy cabbage rolls

Grate the carrots, chop the cabbage, chop the onion.

Mix everything together with minced meat and add well-washed rice to the mass. Salt and pepper everything.

Pour oil into the bottom of the multicooker. Form meatballs into medium sized patties. You can make them oblong or round, whichever you prefer.

In a separate bowl, mix ketchup with sour cream and water.

Pour sauce over future cabbage rolls. In some cases, you can take a little more water so that it does not turn out too dry.

For multicooker-pressure cooker Redmond R.M.C. M-110, I set the "Extinguishing" program for 40 minutes. If you do not have a quenching program, then you can set the "Baking" program for 1 hour. After processing is over, the dish must be left in the heating mode for another 30-40 minutes to make it even tastier.

Lazy cabbage rolls must be served hot, and if desired, you can add a spoonful of sour cream as a sauce to the finished dish.

White cabbage (about 200 grams)

Onion (1 head)

Salt, spices, black pepper to taste

Minced chicken (600 grams)

Greens to taste

1. Twist in a meat grinder / blender chicken fillet, carrots, onions and cabbage.

2. Add 1 egg, salt, pepper and a little suneli hops (if you like)

3. Knead the minced meat, wet hands roll up balls.

4. Put the balls into a bowl without holes in the steamer. Alternatively, you can make a plate-boat out of foil (leave 2 cm on the edges of the steamer bowl on each side so that the steam circulates).

5. Cook for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

If there is no steamer:

6. In silicone mold put the balls, put in a preheated oven for 10 minutes. In 10 minutes. fill with water in half, bake until tender for about 30-40 minutes.

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Tender and juicy steamed cabbage rolls - you will lick your fingers

Stuffed cabbage - delicious and hearty meal which has become popular all over the world. They are prepared with different cereals, meat, mushrooms or vegetables. It depends on the culinary passions And national characteristics region. But the classic recipe is rice with meat in cabbage leaves. They are included as daily diet, so they serve to festive table.

With the advent of such a useful, necessary and convenient kitchen appliance as a slow cooker, the process of preparing cabbage rolls has become quite simple. The dish is juicy, tender and appetizing. And if you make cabbage rolls for a couple in a slow cooker, it’s also dietary.

Steam cabbage rolls "Vkusnyashki"

Eat different variants golubtsov. Minced meat is wrapped in cabbage and grape leaves, beet tops. But on classic recipe However, preference is given to cabbage. With this option, the dish will be all-season.


  • Cabbage - 1 small fork
  • Meat (preferably fatty) - 500 gr.
  • Rice - 250 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2-32 cloves (optional)
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Take a small cabbage head to make the cabbage rolls small. If the cabbage is large, the leaves must be cut in half along the central vein before wrapping the minced meat in them.

Garlic is added to taste. It will not add spice to the finished dish, but only the smell. But it is very specific after heat treatment, and even more so in combination with cabbage. Consider this fact.


  1. In a saucepan or in a slow cooker, boil water (approximately 1-1.5 liters). We clean the cabbage from the upper leaves and cut out the stalk - it is more convenient and easier to remove the leaves. We throw them into a pot of boiling water, close the lid and stand for 5 minutes. We take out the leaves and lay them out on the table so that they cool down.

  • Wash rice under running water. In the slow cooker, set the "Cereal" or "Porridge" mode for 20 minutes. Pour about 1 liter of water, salt a little and lay the rice. Close the lid and cook until the beep sounds. Then the processed rice is transferred to a separate container.
  • Cut the onion into small cubes, three carrots fine grater. Fry on the "Frying" mode until half cooked, adding vegetable oil.

  • We grind the meat in a meat grinder with a large mesh.
  • Add minced meat, fried vegetables, egg, chopped garlic to chilled rice, salt and pepper to taste. Mix the minced meat well, slightly knocking - so it will turn out juicier and more tender.
  • We cut off the hard midrib from the cabbage leaves, lay out a portion of minced meat and wrap the stuffed cabbage.
  • In the slow cooker, set the “Steam cooking” mode for 30-40 minutes, pour 1-1.5 liters of water. Raw cabbage rolls put it on the steamer grid and place it in the bowl. We close the lid. Cooking time is an average - it depends on the power of your kitchen assistant.
  • Serve ready-made cabbage rolls to the table with various sauces - sour cream, tomato, ketchup. You can stew vegetables and put them on the table in a separate plate. Everyone will add what he likes.

    Lazy cabbage rolls "What a miracle"

    These cabbage rolls are really lazy. They can be cooked in just 20-30 minutes, thrown into a slow cooker and forgotten about them. And your assistant will signal when it's time to go set the table for breakfast, lunch or dinner.


    • Meat - 500 gr.
    • Cabbage - 400 gr.
    • Carrots - 2 pcs.
    • White onion - 2 pcs.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • White bread - 1/3 loaf
    • Sour cream - 50 gr.
    • Ketchup or tomato sauce- 50 gr.
    • Water - 100 ml.
    • Salt, spices - to taste.

    If you want to cook lazy cabbage rolls for a couple, you will not need sour cream and ketchup during the cooking process. You can make a sauce out of them and pour them over a ready-made dish right on the plate.


    1. We make minced meat from meat. Use a meat grinder with a large mesh.
    2. Finely chop the cabbage. If desired, it can be crushed with a blender.
    3. Cut the onion into small cubes, rub the carrots on a fine grater. Fry until half cooked in vegetable oil.
    4. We break the bread into pieces and pour milk so that it swells.
    5. Meat, fried vegetables, cabbage, egg and bread, previously squeezed out of the liquid, combine and knead well. Add salt and spices to taste. Minced meat on cabbage rolls is slightly knocked out, so it will keep its shape better, and the finished dish will be juicier and more tender.
    6. We form balls from minced meat and put them in a slow cooker.
    7. We combine sour cream, ketchup and water in a separate container. Season with salt and spices. You can add garlic if you like.
    8. Pour the stuffed cabbage with sauce, set the “Stew” mode in the slow cooker for 1 hour. Close the lid and cook until you hear a beep.
    9. After the time has passed, do not rush to get the finished dish. Let 5-10 minutes still sweat on heating.

    Serve hot, pouring over the sauce in which the cabbage rolls were stewed. Additionally, put fresh herbs on the table, vegetable stew, hot spices.

    If you want lazy cabbage rolls for a couple, put the balls on the steamer grill and cook for 50-60 minutes in the “Steam cooking” mode. The dish will turn out to be lighter, dietary, but less saturated in taste.

    Note to the owner

    To prepare delicious cabbage rolls, use several types of meat for minced meat - pork, beef, chicken. Be sure to choose fatty pork, then the dish will be juicy, with a rich rich taste and a pleasant aftertaste.

    The variety of cabbage should not be hard. Best suited young or medium vegetable. If winter - only with white head of cabbage. These varieties are less fibrous and become soft when cooked.

    Garlic combined with cabbage gives a specific smell and flavor to the finished dish, which not everyone likes. It's connected heat treatment. If you want spicy garlic flavor- it is better to prepare the sauce and serve it to the finished dish.

    Stuffed cabbage is a self-sufficient dish. But it, nevertheless, goes very well with salads from fresh vegetables, stewed spicy or sweetish vegetables.


    Stuffed cabbage lazy for a couple

    How to cook steamed lazy cabbage rolls

    1. Cabbage cut into strips.
    2. Pour boiling water over chopped cabbage and leave for 15 minutes to soften the cabbage.
    3. Drain the water after 15 minutes.
    4. Finely chop the onion.
    5. Cook rice until half cooked (7-8 minutes).
    6. Mix rice with minced meat.
    7. Add onion, cabbage, egg, salt, pepper.
    8. Mix everything.
    9. From minced meat form doves.
    10. Put the stuffed cabbage in a double boiler, greased with a little sunflower oil.
    11. Cook for about 30 minutes.
    • Minced meat - 500 gr.
    • Cabbage - 200 gr.
    • Rice - 100 gr.
    • Water - 120 gr.
    • Onion - 2 pcs.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Sunflower oil - 1 tsp
    • Salt (to taste) - 2 gr.
    • Ground pepper (to taste) - 2 gr.

    Nutritional value of the steamed lazy cabbage rolls (per 100 grams):

    Calories: 164.1 kcal.

    Components and calorie content of the recipe "Steamed lazy cabbage rolls"

    (the calorie and bju data are calculated approximately, excluding uvarki and uzharki)

    This is a custom recipe, so there may be errors and typos. If you find them, please write in the comments under the recipe - we will fix it.

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    Steamed lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker: a recipe with step by step photos

    Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls for a couple in a slow cooker with step by step photos. lazy cabbage rolls require much less time and effort to prepare than ordinary cabbage rolls, but they turn out to be no less tasty and healthy. Probably, steamed cabbage rolls are the most “correct” version of cabbage rolls, in terms of calorie content and fat content in ready dish. My lazy cabbage rolls are very similar to cutlets with cabbage, but still I call them cabbage rolls =) The calorie content of one lazy cabbage roll for a couple (112 grams) is 135 kcal, the cost of one cabbage roll is 19 rubles. Chemical composition one cabbage roll: proteins - 13 grams; fats - 5 grams; carbohydrates - 3 grams.


    To prepare lazy cabbage rolls, we need (for 8 servings):

    minced beef - 500 grams; white cabbage - 200 grams; carrots - 100 grams; onion - 50 grams; chicken egg - 1 pc.; salt, spices.


    Onion finely chopped, grated carrots coarse grater.

    Finely chop the white cabbage, you can chop the cabbage in a blender.

    Putting all the ingredients together: Ground beef, cabbage, carrots, onions, egg, add salt and spices. Cabbage can be poured with boiling water in advance, and then squeezed and added to the minced meat, but this is not necessary at all, the cabbage will become very soft during cooking.

    Thoroughly mix the mince.

    From the prepared minced meat we sculpt cabbage rolls (in the form of cutlets) and lay out their shape for a double boiler.

    Pour about 1 liter into the multicooker bowl hot water, set the "Steam" program, cook cabbage rolls on this program for 35-40 minutes.

    After cooking, lazy cabbage rolls are immediately ready for use!

    You can find other recipes for steaming in a slow cooker here.


    Steamed diet lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

    Your child has a birthday and you expect his little friends to come? Surely you are wondering what is best to cook for a children's holiday table. After all, the treat should be not only tasty, but also healthy and safe from the point of view of children's health. You have a great responsibility for what you will treat the invited guys. After all, no one wants to listen to complaints from parents that their child, after celebrating the birthday of your child, had a stomachache.

    Therefore, we recommend choosing children's holiday menu very carefully. We advise you to cook diet lazy cabbage rolls for a couple in a slow cooker. In appearance, they resemble beautiful multi-colored cutlets. Due to the fact that Beijing rather than white cabbage is used in the composition of such cabbage rolls, they turn out to be very tender. And no cabbage leaves that kids usually leave on their plates!

    Step 1: Prepare cabbage and onion.

    WITH Chinese cabbage cabbage rolls are juicier than with white cabbage and cook faster. It is usually recommended to cut the cabbage into small cubes. In fact, if you cut it into small strips, it will turn out no worse. If you decide to cook with white cabbage, then it is better not to use thickened places near the stalk. Transfer the chopped cabbage to a bowl.

    We clean the onion and cut it into small cubes, you can grate it. Transfer the chopped onion to the bowl with the cabbage.

    Step 2: Cooking minced meat for lazy cabbage rolls in a double boiler.

    You can take any scarf for cabbage rolls: chicken, pork or pork and beef. With chicken cabbage rolls, they will turn out more tender. Perfect option- use homemade minced meat, then you will know for sure that it is 100% meat.

    Add chopped onion and cabbage, egg to minced meat.

    Stir to get a homogeneous mass. Salt and add black ground pepper. Any other spices that you are used to using with meat will also work.

    Step 3: Cooking lazy cabbage rolls in a double boiler.

    Form small balls from minced meat, when you put them in a double boiler, flatten them a little. Cook lazy cabbage rolls in a double boiler for 40 minutes.

    Step 4: Serve lazy cabbage rolls in a steamer.

    Arrange lazy cabbage rolls on plates and pour over sauce, such as tomato or mushroom sauce, or just sour cream.

    Bon appetit!

    IN chopped meat can add cooked rice, carrots, garlic. In some recipes, instead of an egg, they suggest adding a little semolina (about 2 tablespoons).

    Check the readiness of lazy cabbage rolls, the cooking time may vary, it depends on their size and type of minced meat.

    Time: 60 min.

    Servings: 5-6

    Difficulty: 4 out of 5

    Recipe delicious cabbage rolls for a couple in a multicooker

    Stuffed cabbage steamed in a slow cooker is excellent independent dish, which turns out to be quite satisfying and very useful. And rightly so, because it is prepared from natural products that make the dish special. It is worth noting that in our time, cabbage rolls are a favorite dish of many, as it turns out to be hearty and nutritious, and it can be served not only as lunch, but also as dinner.

    If you cook cabbage rolls strictly according to the recipe, observing all the proportions of the ingredients, the dish will turn out “with a bang” and it will not be a shame to present it to the festive table. And if you decorate it with fresh herbs, cucumbers or lettuce, you get real masterpiece which everyone will surely appreciate.

    Cabbage rolls can also be served to children, as they are prepared from natural products and steamed - this means that meat and vegetables retain all beneficial features, resulting in a recipe that can be safely called amazing.

    Cabbage rolls made in a steamed multicooker are served with sour cream or mayonnaise. Rice, which needs to be added to the filling, will add satiety to the recipe, but not many housewives agree to put this cereal in minced meat. But even in this case, they are right, because then cabbage rolls can be served with any side dish, for example, potatoes or cereals.

    The traditional preparation of cabbage rolls involves the use of gravy, which softens cabbage leaves, and also gives tenderness to the filling. However, you have to cook a dish for a couple without it, but even in this case, the food turns out to be soft and juicy, since the steam evenly pours over the cabbage.

    Cooking Tips:

    • Cabbage must be boiled or poured over with boiling water before cooking - this way the leaves will turn out softer and more pliable, and also easily removed when parsing the head.
    • It is better to cook minced meat yourself from chicken, pork or beef - this way it will turn out to be thicker and will not contain moisture, due to which cabbage rolls can fall apart.
    • It is better to choose young cabbage, as it is easier to disassemble into leaves and cooks faster.
    • Garlic is best pressed through a garlic press, rather than cut into cubes.
    • Meat can be taken from a small amount fat to make the filling more satisfying and appetizing.
    • To make the onion tasty, you can pre-fry it - the main thing is that it does not burn, but becomes transparent.

    By preparing the dish correctly, you will succeed great dinner for the whole family, which will never get bored, and will always turn out delicious. Over time, you can begin to experiment with products, replacing them with new ingredients.

    Juicy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker are prepared very simply - for this you just need to follow the recipe and observe the proportion of products.


    If desired, pepper can be omitted or replaced with carrots.

    Step 1

    First of all, bring the water to a boil and lower the cabbage there for a couple of minutes. Then carefully remove it and let it cool completely. At this point, it is important not to damage the leaves.

    Step 2

    We wash the meat, cut into cubes and twist with a meat grinder.

    Step 3

    Boil rice on the stove in slightly salted water.

    Step 4

    We clean and chop the onion.

    Step 5

    We clean the garlic and pass it through a press.

    Step 6

    Pepper cut into small cubes.

    Step 7

    We put all the products in a large plate and mix thoroughly, do not forget to add pepper and salt. Then put 1 tablespoon of minced meat on the cabbage leaves and gently twist them.

    Step 8

    We spread the cabbage rolls in a slow cooker (bowl for a double boiler), and then bring the water to a boil.

    As soon as it boils, set the basket and cook the dish for 40 minutes.

    If you need to cook a large portion, then you can boil whole head of cabbage. If you need to feed the family and so that the cabbage rolls do not stand in the refrigerator for a long time and do not get bored, then you can boil a few leaves in boiling water. raw leaves carefully remove from the head of cabbage, cutting with a knife near the stalk.

    For the filling you will need boiled rice, you can cook it in a slow cooker in the "Pilaf" program or on the stove in a saucepan. The cereal is cooked for approximately 15 minutes. Minced meat must be made in advance from chicken meat You can also add leather.

    You will need a special grill in which you need to place the formed cabbage rolls. And be sure to pour water into the bowl itself so that steam is released during heating. These cabbage rolls with minced chicken and rice can be eaten as an independent dish, for example, for lunch. Easy to take with you to work.

    Ingredients for steaming cabbage rolls

    1. Cabbage leaves - 6 pcs.
    2. Rice - 1/4 tbsp.
    3. Water - 400 ml.
    4. Minced chicken - 250 g.
    5. Onion - 1 pc.
    6. Carrots - 0.5 pcs.
    7. Ground black pepper - to taste.
    8. Salt - to taste.

    How to cook steamed chicken cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

    Remove from head right amount leaves. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Lower the leaves in turn, and hold for about 2-3 minutes. Put all the soft leaves in a pile on a board or plate, so they are still steamed.

    Boil rice until soft in salted water.

    Put the rice on a fine sieve, rinse under water. Pour into a bowl, add minced chicken, salt and black pepper. Mix until smooth.

    Peel carrots and onions, rinse in water. Chop the carrot into strips, and finely chop the onion. Add to filling, mix well.

    Put 1-2 tablespoons on a leaf of cabbage. fillings. The hard white part of the leaf can be cut out.

    It is good to wrap the filling in a sheet. Place immediately on the steam rack. When all the blanks are made, then pour 2-3 glasses of water into the multicooker bowl and put the grate.

    Close the lid, turn on the "Steam" option, and cook the cabbage rolls for 40 minutes.

    Soft and fragrant cabbage rolls can be served with various sauces, such as ketchup or mustard dressing. Bon appetit!
