
Sweet pita cake: ingredients, recipes, cooking tips. Diet Napoleon with apple filling

Prepare the necessary ingredients. Pour milk into a saucepan, add egg and sugar.

Thoroughly beat the milk with the egg and sugar with a whisk.

Add starch and flour, mix everything thoroughly again. There should be no lumps of flour left in the milk. The mass should become homogeneous and only then send the stewpan to a low fire.

With constant stirring, bring the mass to a boil. By this time, the custard will already become thick and will try to boil. Be very careful as you can get burned. Remove from fire. If, nevertheless, the cream turned out to be lumpy, then this is not a reason to throw it away, you just need to rub it through a fine sieve and the cream will be saved. The consistency of the custard will be thick, dense, sweet, tender and uniform.

Lavash must be divided into equal parts: large or small, round or square - you decide. Then dry the pieces of pita bread in a frying pan. You don’t need to grease the pan with anything, it’s enough to warm it up well and lay out the pita bread.

Fry slices of pita bread for 30-40 seconds on each side.

Next, coat the pieces of crispy pita bread with cooled or warm custard and lay them on top of each other, thus forming the Napoleon cake.

Lubricate the top layer of the cake with cream and sprinkle crumbs of chopped pita bread on top.

"Napoleon" from pita bread, thanks to the custard, turns out to be tender and very tasty. It can be served immediately to the table. I think that your loved ones will really like this dessert.

Bon appetit! Cook with love!

Friends, if you like sweets, but at the same time you don’t have time to stand at the stove for a long time, then prepare a lazy Napoleon cake from the finished one. This is a quick recipe - in just half an hour you can pamper your loved ones with a delicious dessert!

It sounds fantastic, but it turns out that this is possible, you just need to know some tricks of this masterpiece of homemade delicious pastries. Although the name of pastry can be considered conditional, because Napoleon is being prepared according to this recipe without baking, it is not for nothing that this cake is called “lazy”. The basis of the cake is thin Armenian lavash. Cakes from ready-made pita bread need to be dried, and then smeared with custard.

Thanks to this finished product, in just half an hour you will prepare a delicious treat that is not baked, but collected. Even a novice hostess can handle it!
In addition, such a cake is still dietary and does not require special financial costs, which is an equally important nuance. At the same time, he is not inferior to anything.

The product is amazingly tasty, very tender, moderately sweet, well soaked. There is simply no better alternative to homemade cakes for tea drinking in the family circle!

Although such a product is not even ashamed to put on the festive table. I assure you that the guests will not even guess what this "Napoleon" is made of.
If you like the idea of ​​​​a quick and tasty cake, then by the same principle you can cook similar products with other creams. For example, Napoleon cake with banana, butter or will be delicious.

Among other things, pita bread can be smeared with boiled condensed milk or chocolate paste.

It is permissible to add flavors to all creams: lemon or orange zest, vanilla, rum or coffee extract.

I won’t torment you anymore, let’s see how to cook a lazy Napoleon cake from Armenian lavash. For your convenience, I have prepared the recipe in the form of step-by-step instructions with photos.

Lavash Armenian - 8 pcs.
Milk - 1 l
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 150 g
Butter - 50 g

Stages of making a cake "Napoleon" from pita bread

1. It is advisable to immediately buy pita bread in a round shape. Round tortillas will do. But if you have large rectangular sheets, then cut out round sheets from them using a plate of the desired diameter.

If the pita bread is very thin, then the number of layers in the cake should be greater. The advantage in this case is that such a cake will soak faster.

2. Cut out round cakes from all pita breads (I got 16 pieces).

3. Dry the pita bread in a dry frying pan for about 1 minute (no need to add oil!) It is better to use a Teflon-coated frying pan.

4. Turn over to the other side and, also with medium heat, fry the cake until brittle (that is, each cake should be well dried).

5. Now let's start making custard for the cake. Place the eggs and sugar in a saucepan.

6. Beat the eggs with a mixer until fluffy and increase in volume.

7. Put the sifted flour into the egg mass.

8. And again, mix the products with a mixer until the egg mass thickens.

10. Put the pan on the stove and on low heat with continuous stirring (to avoid the appearance of lumps), we will cook the cream until the first bubbles appear.

Then take the pan off the stove and add the butter. Stir so that it melts and spreads throughout the mass.

11. Let's start assembling the cake. Put a sheet of pita bread on a dish.

13. Let's do a similar procedure with all pita bread and cream. Also grease the sides of the cake.

16. Sprinkle the cake well with ground pita bread (otherwise the top layer of the cream will dry out, crack and take on an unappetizing appearance).

17. Send the Napoleon cake to the refrigerator for impregnation for 1-2 hours.

Bon appetit!

Lazy cake "Napoleon" from Armenian lavash turns out to be very tasty and tender, it just melts in your mouth! The recipe will be a lifesaver for you when you have little free time to bake complex products.

Video recipe for Napoleon cake from pita bread

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Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

Our today's selection of recipes is dedicated to all the sweet tooth, and especially to those of them who do not like to stand at the stove too much. Sweet pita cake turns out to be unusually fast and tasty, because, in fact, it is in no way inferior to the classic Napoleon with custard or banana cream. For cooking, you will need the simplest products, and even a novice cook, and even more experienced housewives, can assemble the whole cake!

Why does pita bread make a good "Napoleon", because the cakes for this cake are prepared in a completely different way than unleavened cakes? The point is the subtlety of the "cakes". We have to roll out the thinner the better for the classic cake, but here they are already ready.

And when impregnated, fresh, neutral in taste dough becomes sweet and juicy.

Stock up on round pita bread in advance. There should be at least 9 of them to make the cake tall enough, or you can take 12. We choose round tortillas or rectangular classic thin pita breads. In the latter case, you will need to cut large sheets into 2 or even 3 parts.

Remember that the thinner the pita bread, the more layers should be in the cake.

So, for starters, let's prepare a delicious dessert of pita bread and condensed milk according to the simplest recipe.

Quick Recipes: Sweet Lavash Cake


  • Lavash thin - 10 pcs. + -
  • Condensed milk - 1 can + -
  • - 200 g + -

Cooking a cake with condensed milk

We remember that we cut large pita breads and there should be exactly 9 cakes, and the tenth will go for sprinkling. If we use round pita breads just like that. If the sheets are rectangular, make sure that they are exactly the same size.

To make the cake indistinguishable from the classic "Napoleon", improvised cakes must be dried in a pan without oil in the oven or on the stove. Without this, they will become “rubber” during impregnation.

In an oven preheated to 200 ° C, we hold them literally for 2-3 minutes and take them out. Stack on top of each other. The last, tenth cake can be held a little longer so that it breaks easily.

Now, while the pita cakes are cooling down, prepare the cream.

  • Mix the softened butter with condensed milk with a mixer at low speed.
  • Gradually, the number of revolutions can be increased, but not too much, so as not to break the oil into fractions - in this case, the cream will be spoiled.

How to assemble a cake with condensed milk and pita bread

Now let's start assembling the cake!

We coat each layer and carefully stack the cakes one on top of the other. Before starting to spread each layer with condensed milk, we press the dry pita bread against the pile to lightly tamp it down.

We leave the cake to rest, and we ourselves take on the sprinkling. We roll out with a rolling pin or chop the dry last pita bread with a knife, trying to make the crumbs quite small, so the dessert will look neater. Sprinkle them first on the top, then with a wide bead knife.

We leave the pita cake with condensed milk cream to soak for 1-1.5 hours, first at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours, and best of all at night. In this case, the dessert will turn out very juicy and tasty. Bon appetit!

Cook's Tips
If it seems that the cream turned out to be not enough and it may not be enough for all the cakes, it is worth preparing the impregnation. To do this, mix well ½ cup of warm milk with 1 tbsp. Sahara. Pour each cake with such sweet milk syrup before lubricating it with cream, which in this case will take much less.

Now that everything is clear with a simple recipe, you can complicate the task by preparing custard for a sweet pita cake. With it, the taste will become classic, because it was such a cream that our mothers and grandmothers used for Napoleon.

Lavash cake with custard

We prepare pita bread, as described in the previous recipe. We take at will 10 or 12 pieces. While the dried cakes are cooling, prepare the cream.

It can be made with or without oil, as you like. In the first case, it will be more tender, in the second - less high-calorie.

Preparation of cream for pita cake

  1. We break 4 eggs and pour 200 g of sugar. We beat everything until fluffy foam.
  2. Now add 40 g (2 tablespoons with a slide) of flour with vanilla on the tip of a knife.
  3. Pour 450 ml of milk in a thin stream and mix with a mixer until smooth.
  4. We put the resulting mixture on a small fire and cook with continuous stirring until thickened. The consistency is easy to vary as you wish, just keeping the cream on the stove a little more or a little less.
  5. Remove from heat, cool (to speed up the process, you can put a saucepan in water).

In principle, at this stage, you can stop and use the cream just like that. And you can, chopping 200 g of butter into pieces, gently beat it with the resulting custard. In this case, it is especially important that the mixture is completely cooled, otherwise the butter will begin to melt and the cream will be spoiled.

Cream can be made from chocolate, milk or bitter, and from bananas with walnuts - all this will radically change the taste of the dessert, so we choose our own option and experiment with homemade sweetness.

We coat the cakes and decorate the cake with crumbs, grated chocolate or fresh fruit. Bon appetit!

As you can see, a sweet pita cake is prepared very quickly and simply! Pamper yourself and your loved ones! Bon appetit!

Let's replenish the culinary piggy bank with a new quick (or, as many say, lazy) recipe for a delicious dessert - Napoleon's recipe from pita bread with a photo. This cake is another proof that a culinary masterpiece can be created in a hurry, it is not necessary to stand at the stove all day.


Thin pita bread - 1 pc;
Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
Milk - 250 ml;
Eggs - 1 pc;
Wheat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
Butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
Potato starch - 0.5 tbsp. spoons.

Preparation of Napoleon from pita bread:

First you need a thick-walled pot. You need to drive an egg into it, add granulated sugar, sift flour here and add starch, then pour milk. Beat the resulting mixture directly in the pan until smooth.

Send the saucepan with the contents to the fire (small). Bring the mixture to a boil while stirring constantly and cook until it thickens. Then add oil here and beat well with a whisk. Now the contents of the pan must be left to cool. Cream for Napoleon from pita bread is ready.

In the meantime, it is necessary to cut out neat circles from pita bread (diameter - of your choice). There should be enough circles.

Send the prepared circles to a preheated and dry frying pan (in one layer) and brown on both sides until crispy. These crispy circles will serve as cake layers. And dry the remaining trimmings in a frying pan and crumble into a separate container.

Now you can form a Napoleon cake from pita bread. To do this, take a flat dish and lay the first cake of fried pita bread on it. Spread a little cooled cream on it. Thus, lay out all the cakes, spreading them with the prepared cream.

Top, as well as the sides of the cake, also cover with cream, and then sprinkle with crumbs from pita bread.
Next, send the dish with the cake overnight to soak in the refrigerator. And in the morning you can already serve it to the table.

Cake Napoleon from pita bread is ready.
Enjoy your meal!

Suddenly guests came, but there is absolutely nothing to treat? Or do you really want sweets, but there is no desire to go to the store, especially when there is a snowstorm or slush outside the window? Do not panic ahead of time and despair. At such moments, one should remember the pita cake: sweet and very tasty, it is perfect for tea or as a snack. This dish will not leave guests hungry. Lavash cake recipes, sweet and snack, we will consider in the article.

main ingredient

Lavash that you buy in stores and that you cook with your own hands are significantly different from each other. Homemade product is more delicate and tasty. But if there is no time, then you can use the store option to make a cake.

Homemade pita bread is not difficult to prepare and with a minimum amount of ingredients. To prepare a thin Armenian flatbread, you need:

  • flour - 250 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • water - 1 tbsp.

Every hostess in the kitchen can find such a set of products. First you need to dissolve the salt in a glass of warm water (it should not be cold, but not hot). Add flour to the solution. Mix well first in a container, and then on the table. The thinner the pita bread, the tastier it is. Fry each side in a pan. Lavash for the cake is ready. Now you can prepare the filling at your discretion - sweet or not. If there is absolutely no desire to do it, then homemade pita bread can simply be eaten with tea.

Topping Ideas

Lavash product is suitable both as a dessert and as an appetizer. It all depends on the filling. You can use any ingredients. Hostesses can show imagination and experiment. For example, a sweet pita cake without baking can be prepared with condensed milk or custard. You can also use whipped sour cream. Snack cake will be very tasty with chicken or mushroom filling. No cost, no money, no time.

Lazy "Napoleon"

A very interesting dish. For lovers of this dessert and a sweet tooth, the variant of "Napoleon" from pita bread is perfect. It is quick to prepare and delicious at the same time, what could be better? Moreover, such a cake is less high-calorie than puff pastry.

For cooking you will need:

  • pita bread - 6 cakes;
  • milk - 0.5 st;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • wheat flour - 1 tbsp;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

For the dough in the form of cakes, cakes are used, and for the cream, all other ingredients should be mixed. Only there is a feature associated with milk. Pour the heated milk in a thin stream into the pan to the other components. Beat with a mixer. Then squeeze the cream if the milk was too hot. Lubricate the cakes from pita bread. The cream should soak them well. An hour later, you can serve a sweet pita cake for tea and enjoy the taste without fear for your figure.

In order for the pita cake to turn out high enough and lush, you should stock up on ten to twelve pancakes. It works on the principle "the more the merrier". They can be bought at any store or baked. You can choose any shape for the cake: square, round.

One more tip: there are few fillings, but do you want to serve your guests a sweet and lush pita cake? You just need to use the sweet syrup that is on hand. There will be less cream, but the pita bread will be soaked, which will make it quite soft and juicy.

Store pita bread is selected according to certain rules:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the cleanliness of the store and the hands of the seller. No one will be pleased if the bread is prepared by unkempt and dirty employees.
  2. It is also worth making sure that there are no signs of mold on the product.
  3. If lavash is packaged in a bag, then it should have holes for unimpeded air flow. Bacteria can often thrive in humid environments.

If you follow these rules, then you can choose the right pita bread.

Lavash cake with condensed milk

There are many options for preparing sweet dishes from such cakes. There are a large number of recipes, both sweet and snack. Only culinary imagination should be shown.

One of the dessert options is a sweet pita cake with condensed milk.


  • thin Armenian pancake - 1 pc;
  • chopped walnuts (optional) - 50 g;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • condensed milk - 0.5 tbsp.

First you need to cut the pita bread into several squares, grease with butter, boiled condensed milk, add nuts, wrap in a triangle. You can fry on the grill using a grill rack, or you can fry in a frying pan. Each side is about three minutes. In order for the pita bread not to become dry, you can coat it with butter on top as well. After sprinkling with cinnamon - a delicious and sweet pita cake can be served to guests for tea.

One of the options for a pita snack cake

It will take a minimum amount of ingredients and time to prepare, but at the same time, the appetizer will not leave guests indifferent and is perfect for the festive table.


  1. Lavash - 2 pcs.
  2. Mushrooms - 400-500 grams of champignons or others as desired.
  3. Onions - the number of heads depends on the saturation of the taste. The more pronounced the aroma is, the more onions you need to add.
  4. Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp;
  5. Sunflower oil - 30 g;
  6. Cheese that melts well - 50 g;
  7. Salt, pepper and other seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. We clean the onion, cut it as convenient, fry in oil.
  2. Add the mushrooms to the onion, sauté lightly.
  3. Add spices, salt, pepper. We bring it to readiness.
  4. The filling is ready.

We proceed to the formation of the cake according to the scheme - a layer of pita bread, filling and again a cake. Alternatively, you can add a layer of chicken. It takes about 30 minutes to prepare such a cake, which is very convenient. Serve with sour cream.

Lavash cake cooked in the oven

This would make a very good appetizer. Cheese that melts in your mouth will appeal to gourmets who simply adore it.


  • 3 or 4 Armenian lavash;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • kefir - half a liter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • margarine or other oil - 20 g.

The baking dish is greased. We spread one pita bread on it in such a way that later it would be possible to bend the edges and cover the contents from above.

For the filling, we take the rest of the pita bread. Randomly cut them into small square pieces. Dip in kefir mixed with eggs. Put in the middle of the form. We rub the cheese on a coarse grater and put it there. Pour the rest of the mixture of kefir and eggs onto the filling. We cover the edges and send them to the oven. We bake for 20 minutes. When the cake is ready, grease it with oil so that it does not dry out.
