
Dish for christening. Rich borsch on pork ribs: a delicious recipe for Epiphany

One of the main holidays for Christians is the Baptism of the Lord. It is also called Epiphany. It is believed that it was on this day that Jesus Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan. This holiday is celebrated by adherents of the Orthodox Christian faith on January 19. what to cook on this day, what beliefs are associated with it ... You will learn all this by reading this article.

About the holiday

All four evangelists mention Baptism in their revelations. But this holiday received the name of Theophany due to the fact that during the baptism by John the Forerunner of Jesus in the sacred waters of the Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven in the form of a snow-white dove. This is written in the Gospel of Luke. After a dove descended from heaven, a voice of God amid the roar was heard, which proclaimed Jesus to be his beloved son. Today, Orthodox Christians celebrate Epiphany on January 19, but Catholics continue to celebrate this holiday on January 6. Naturally, any hostess on the eve of the holiday is interested in what they are preparing for Epiphany, January 19th. After all, we are used to the fact that each church holiday has its own special traditions, which in most cases are associated with the preparation of a particular dish.


If you follow all the rules, then the feast of the Epiphany, or Baptism, must be celebrated for 8 days, of which 4 are the pre-feast, and the remaining 4 are the post-feast. And these days it is not so important what to cook for the feast of Epiphany, more importantly, the Epiphany consecrated water is “life-giving” and helps to cure many ailments. By the way, it is generally accepted among the people that in Epiphany even tap water is special. If it is not possible to go to the temple for water, then you can drink a glass of it from the tap, and only after some time (at least half an hour) after that you can have breakfast. But the consecrated baptismal water brought from the temple should be consumed on a spoon on an empty stomach. In the homes of believers, such water is stored in By the way, if you are interested in what they cook for Epiphany, January 19, then on Christmas Eve you need to eat fasting dishes, but for the holiday itself - everything you want. Nevertheless, there are some dishes, the presence of which is not only desirable, but also mandatory, for example, a whole roasted pig.

January 19 - pre-holiday and festive table menu

So, the main dishes on Christmas Eve should be lenten, for example, kutya, lenten pies, cookies, uzvar, cakes, jelly, etc. These dishes should be on the pre-holiday table either seven, or nine or twelve. Kutya in the old days, as a rule, was washed down with uzvar. Cookies were in the form of crosses, pancakes were made from wheat or oats, then molded with cherries, etc. Another lenten dish on Christmas Eve is cabbage rolls without eating meat, that is, rice with vegetables is used instead of filling, as well as borscht with beans. In Ukraine, on this day, loaves were baked - karachuns. At the same time, people not only ate these foods, but also fed livestock with them.

Kutia - sochivo

Here is what the hostesses are preparing for Epiphany (January 19). We will tell you the recipe and cooking method in this chapter.

Required products

  • peeled wheat - 100-200 grams;
  • honey - two tablespoons;
  • poppy - 50 g;
  • dried fruits or candied fruits - 1 handful;
  • walnuts, cashews, almonds (kernels), etc. - 1 cup.

Cooking method

1. Soak grains of wheat, filling them with cold boiled water. In a few hours excess water drain, add water again and put on the stove to boil.

2. After the water in the pan boils, reduce the fire and cook for about 40 minutes more.

3. Rinse poppy seeds, pour boiling water over them and leave to swell on the side, do the same with dried fruits.

4. After the wheat is cooked, put it in a colander and let the water drain.

5. Grind the swollen poppy in a mortar or blender until a milky mass is formed.

6. Nuts, if necessary, should be lightly fried (without adding oil) in a pan, and honey should be diluted warm water until a thick syrup is formed.

7. Cut dried fruits into small pieces.

8. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl. At the end, pour everything with honey sauce.

9. Kutya shift to holiday dish and garnish with whole dried fruits.

Epiphany cookies - “Cross”

Of course, one of the main treats on Epiphany table are the cross. For their preparation, the following ingredients: flour (a quarter of a kilogram), one egg, half a pack of butter and half a glass granulated sugar, as well as salt and vanillin on the tip of a knife. All ingredients must be mixed and kneaded elastic dough. Then roll it out on the table into a layer and cut it into strips, and form crosses from them, decorate the middle with nuts or candied fruit. Bake in the oven until golden brown.

Folk omens for January 19 - Epiphany

There are many signs among the people that are associated with the feast of Epiphany. Here are some of them. If the clouds in the sky are blue at noon, this means that the coming year will be fruitful. The same thing means if the night of Epiphany falls in flakes of snow. But if it is cloudless and the stars shine brightly, then the year will be lean. If the barking of dogs is heard that night, this also means that the hunters will be lucky this year. If a snowstorm broke out on Epiphany night, this means that the winter will be long and will continue for another 3 months. But if there is a full moon at Epiphany, then in the spring you need to wait for floods.


Despite the frosts, on Epiphany after prayer, people begin to dive into the rivers, into the hole. This is done in order to cure diseases. It is believed that those who are baptized on this day will be happy all their lives. And the engagement made on this day is also fortunate. After the feast of the Epiphany until Shrovetide in Rus', the period of weddings began. On Epiphany night, the girls guessed at the first person they met. If it turned out to be an old man, then it was not good, but if a young guy, then this meant a quick marriage. In some settlements, the bride-to-be bridesmaids took place on this day. The girls dressed up and stood on the shore. Those who wanted to get married wore a shirt with red stripes down the hem. Naturally, each of them knew what was being prepared for baptism on January 19, and she herself prepared these dishes. And when matchmakers came to their house, the girl’s mother, treating them, boasted that her daughter had prepared all these goodies. There was also such a belief: in the morning, if “the sky is open” (that is, not covered with clouds), then you need to pray to heaven, and any request will be heard by God. Since ancient times, ice-holes - Jordans - have been carved in cities and villages on ice-covered rivers, where believers dived. It was believed that you need to collect water from three Jordans and store it until spring, and then sprinkle the soil in order to have a good harvest.

On January 19, the Christian community around the world celebrates the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, the main action is the threefold consecration of water, which symbolizes renewal, cleansing from sins. Water endowed healing properties, becomes “svyantsona”, “sanctified”, saint. They begin to bless water in churches on the evening of January 18, and after that each owner hurries home to consecrate every corner of his house with the help of spikelets, clean it, protect it from evil spirits. Of course, such a holiday is accompanied by certain traditions and rituals.

Christmas Eve January 18

On the eve of January 18, you should observe strict post. In the evening, Epiphany Christmas Eve comes. The name itself - Christmas Eve - already tells us that the main dish on the table this evening should be juicy. Yes, they called in a special way cooked millet porridge with honey and raisins. Strictly speaking, it can be not only millet porridge. Now housewives cook juicy from rice, and even corn grits.

In different areas, poppy seeds, nuts, prunes, candied fruits are added to the porridge. Flavor porridge with vegetable oil, hemp or sunflower, nut milk. This meal is also called Hungry Kutya or Lenten Kutya, because it should not break a strict fast. In addition, according to popular belief, at this time evil spirits walk the earth, and if they suddenly wander into the house, then they simply will have nothing to profit from and will have to go further. Be sure to have blessed water on the table on Epiphany Christmas Eve. It is customary to put a certain number of dishes on the table: 7, 9 or 12, as on Christmas Eve. Of course, on January 18, the meal is more modest than Christmas.

You can start eating on Epiphany Christmas Eve only after the first festive services have been held in the churches. As a rule, this is the second half of the day. The meal begins with the fact that everyone at the table drinks three sips of Epiphany water, crossing himself and reading a prayer. After that, they proceed to kutya. In some places, there used to be such a custom: kutya had to be eaten to the end, after which the children loudly banged their spoons on an empty plate and sang “Get out, Kutya, from Pokutya!” Sometimes with such shouts and roar they drove Kutya even down the street. Thus, our ancestors saw off the merry Christmas time and said goodbye to them until the next year.

Then it's time for the rest of the dishes. As a rule, these can be lean pies, cheesecakes, fish dishes, dumplings, cabbage rolls or cabbage rolls, lean borscht with beans, oats or wheat pancakes. In some regions, it is obligatory to bake a special ritual cookies in the form of crosses. Hostesses always take a responsible approach to the preparation of this sweet, because often “crosses” are baked personally for each guest. Sweet, ruddy, well-baked crosses promise health, success, well-being to the family. But whose cross is underbaked or burnt, troubles and ailments await him. The hostess is supposed to feed this cookie to the poultry, and instead offer the guest another one baked in reserve.

Of course, all this should be done in secret from the person to whom the cookies were intended. Prepare "crosses" on honey or yeast dough. Lenten cookies knead on vegetable oil, skorny baked with the addition of eggs and butter. It is believed that the ceremonial food on Christmas Eve gives health, removes ailments, therefore, before the housewives, of course, the remaining kutya was treated to domestic animals.

Epiphany January 19

Epiphany morning on January 19 is also customary to begin with blessed water. According to tradition, the first thing to do is to read a prayer with thanks, wash yourself, put yourself in order, and then, crossing yourself, drink three tablespoons of baptismal water. On this day she has a special healing power. Interestingly, according to many studies, such water really has a special structure and does not lose its properties for several years.

Probably, many noticed that even after long-term storage Epiphany water does not change color and does not become musty in taste. It is believed that if suddenly someone fails to plunge into the hole - "Jordan" on Epiphany, then their health reserve and vitality can be obtained by drinking plenty of Epiphany water on this day. Even if a person is prescribed medication on an empty stomach, you should still drink water first and then take the medication.

It is interesting that our ancestors, after drinking Epiphany water, drunk on an empty stomach, necessarily ate “crosses” or pancakes baked with honey. There was even a sign: the more pancakes you can eat, the more benefits await you this year.

There are also certain requirements for the Epiphany dinner, which are dictated to us by the traditions of our ancestors. Like the night before, kutya (or sochivo) must be present on the table. Lenten and fast food should be put equally. They start lunch with kutya, then eat lenten dishes. And only then proceed to the modest ones. These are cereals with butter and cream, rich soups, lard, homemade sausages, aspic, baked pork. It used to be customary to bake even a whole pig. It was placed in the center of the table, and the owner himself cut off a piece and treated the household and guests. It's funny that the youngest member of the family also had his own role in this ceremony: he was supposed to climb under the table and grunt funny, amusing all those gathered.

Sweet dishes are also present on the festive table: pancakes with filling (they are also called pancakes), pancakes, hearty pies, pretzels, cheesecakes. Nalistniki can be both sweet, with cottage cheese and raisins, and meat, stuffed with minced meat or liver. It is customary to drink kutya and other dishes with dried fruit, jelly or sbiten. Uzvar is a decoction of dried fruits, often apples and pears, sometimes raisins and prunes, with honey. Cooking sbiten is an art.

Sbiten drink

Black tea.

Spices: ground cinnamon, carnation, nutmeg taste.

Celery, lemon peel.

The mixture should first be brought to a boil, boiled for several minutes, insisted in a thermos for about half an hour. After that, the sbiten needs to be filtered and brought to a boil again.

It should be noted that almost every dish on Christmas Eve or Epiphany has its own ritual meaning. Therefore, at all times people prepared for this holiday with their soul and body, because each action had and has its own special meaning. Vigil, Lenten meal, the subsequent worship and three-time dipping in the hole-"Jordan" in some way symbolizes the difficult path to purification, spiritualization, the second spiritual birth. It is natural that eating also turns into a festive ritual with its own symbols and rules, the observance of which not only maintains traditions and unites the family, but also in some way guarantees further stability and cohesion. In addition, after Epiphany comes the Winter Meat-Eater, which begins on January 20 and lasts until Maslenitsa.

Epiphany is a big Christian holiday. It begins on the evening of January 18, when Epiphany Eve is celebrated.

The word "baptize" in Greek means "I immerse in water." And water is the beginning of life. Therefore, the main rite of the holiday is swimming in the hole.

What should be done at the Baptism of the Lord?

In the early morning, immediately after waking up, you need to read a prayer for recovery for the sick, peace and prosperity for loved ones, the fulfillment of cherished desires. You can ask the Lord for health for yourself and your loved ones, happiness and blessings.

The water that was brought from the church should be sprinkled on the house in order to sanctify it and free it from bad energy.

If you do a good deed on this day, then positive energy will accompany you all next year.

Be sure to drink holy water on an empty stomach and wash your face with it.

You can collect blessed water both on the night of January 19 and throughout the holiday.

If health allows and there is a desire, you can plunge into the hole with consecrated water. This allows you to cleanse yourself of sin and recharge with positive energy for the whole year.

People with poor health can be healed of an illness, because it is believed that water on this day has magical properties.

If you do not want to swim in the hole, just wash yourself with holy water.

Previously, it was important for any housewife to collect Epiphany water and store it throughout the year. Such water was considered healing, it could help not only a person, but also in the household, rid the house of evil spirits.

A good omen is to get married on January 19th. Young spouses will be accompanied by good luck and happiness.

Also on this day, you can baptize babies - this is also a great happiness.

What can not be done at Baptism?

Epiphany is an important Orthodox holiday, so on January 19 it is forbidden to do hard work and housework, for example, do repairs, wash, clean, sew, embroider, knit.

On this day, you can not swear and scandal, it is better to avoid conflicts. All negative energy will definitely return to its owner triple.

You can’t quarrel with anyone, it’s better to spend the day in a spiritual atmosphere with close people, not forgetting about prayer.

Complaining, gossiping or swearing is prohibited.

You can’t cry on this holiday, otherwise there is a risk of shedding tears throughout the year.

It is no longer allowed to guess at Epiphany, this must be done on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

When collecting consecrated water, one should not show greed.

Holy water taken at the Baptism of the Lord on January 19 should not be diluted, it will lose its healing properties.

When you drink baptismal water or wash your face with it, you should not think of anything bad. Think of something good, bright, holy.

You can't drink alcohol. Doctors do not advise drinking alcohol before dipping into the hole, or after it.

Diving into the water at Baptism without confession and communion is also not worth it.

What to cook for Baptism?

Particular attention should be paid to the evening before Epiphany - Epiphany Christmas Eve, which falls on January 18th. It is also known as Hungry Kutia. On this day, Christians prepare for consecration with holy water, therefore they observe a one-day fast.

On Epiphany Christmas Eve it is customary to serve the same dishes as on Holy Evening, only not 12, but less. You can get by with dumplings, pies, cabbage, fish. The main dish on the table should be hungry kutya, which consists of wheat grains, raisins, nuts.

January 19 table should be one of the richest of the year. Previously, they cooked borscht or cabbage soup on pork belly, they made dumplings, roasts, cabbage rolls, liver fried with onions, they served ham, sausage, blood, fish. Served baked the day before fresh bread, pies, rolls.

Also prepared sweet kissel, and to it all kinds of cakes, gingerbread, pies.

Epiphany is considered one of the most important Christian holidays among the Orthodox. Over the years, the holiday has developed traditions. Now we know how to celebrate this day, what is possible and what is forbidden to do according to the canons, what needs to be cooked on the table on this day.

On Epiphany, Christmas time ends, and a small Philip's fast will begin. On Christmas Eve, January 18, the hostesses prepare treats for the festive table, but they are allowed to eat only the next day, when the first star appears in the sky.

Dishes prepared on Christmas Eve should be lean. On the table you can put:

  • Kutya.
  • Vareniki.
  • Cakes.
  • Cookie.
  • Sweet treat.
  • Cabbage rolls.
  • Uzvar.

Important! Cooked dishes should be seven, nine or twelve.

Throughout January 18, women should be engaged in cooking, baking, frying, and boiling. Lenten dishes can be very tasty if they are cooked with soul, from a pure heart.

Be sure to bake cookies in the shape of crosses. They are made from wheat or oat flour. They eat pastries only in the morning, drinking holy water, which was consecrated in the church.

What else can you eat for the holidays? There are a lot of dishes. These are pigeons stuffed with buckwheat or porridge, rice with vegetables, lean borscht with beans, dumplings with potatoes, mushrooms and fish snacks, compotes.

Experienced hostesses should bake personalized buns. On each, a letter is laid out from the test, with which the name of one of the family members begins. The filling may be different. This is raisins, cumin, poppy, anise or more. Each has its own filling, after tasting the muffin, you can make a wish.

Important! Cookies that are well baked and have a delicate yellow tint symbolize good luck, promise health, luck and happiness. But if the baking is broken or crumbles, then difficulties, unpleasant changes await the person. raw biscuits leads to emotional wounds. It cannot be eaten. Unsuccessful pastries must be crushed and given to the birds, then all hardships will go away.

Be sure to treat friends and acquaintances with cookies, but only tasty and baked, wish them good and well-being.

cookie recipe

For those who adhere to strict traditions, we offer a recipe delicious treat. For the test, we need the ingredients:

  1. Wheat flour or oatmeal - one glass.
  2. Chicken eggs - two pieces.
  3. Butter - 150 gr.
  4. Sugar sand - 100 gr.
  5. Rum or cognac - 2 tablespoons.
  6. Vanillin.
  7. A pinch of salt.
  8. Cinnamon.

It is necessary to sift the flour, add pre-beaten eggs with sugar and melted butter. Then we put two tablespoons of rum or cognac, pour out the vanillin, add a little salt and cinnamon. Knead the dough, it should not stick to your hands. Then we form small sausages, divide them into two parts and put them on top of each other to make a cross.

Turn on the oven, sprinkle the baking sheet with flour or grease sunflower oil, lay out the cookies and bake. After the cake is ready, sprinkle it powdered sugar or pour condensed milk.

Interesting! On Epiphany, after dipping into the hole, it was customary to treat themselves to warming borscht. In the evening the whole family sat down to supper. Many people continue this tradition to this day. The main thing is to cook everything correctly and not violate strict rules.

Dishes for Baptism

So, we found out that you can only eat on a holiday lean food. You can’t put meat in dishes, but this only makes them more useful.

Kutya is being prepared for the second, stuffed cabbage rolls or baked fish. You can even break it with your hands to feel an indescribable taste. On Epiphany they also make a stew with beans, potatoes and other vegetables. Complement the table with sandwiches with liver pate.

The Baptism of the Lord is a holiday that allows you to cleanse the soul and body. On this day, it is recommended to eat the liver. It can be fried or boiled. The product perfectly cleanses the body. A liver dish will be the main touch of the festive table.

Let's not forget the dumplings. They can be with potatoes, eggs or cheese. As a filling, you can take cherries. Sweet dumplings will be a great dessert and complement holiday menu making dinner truly lavish.

Important! You need to cook everything with your own hands, knead the dough, and not buy semi-finished products. To feel the soul in every dish, the sincerity of the one who cooked it.


This is another dish that is not only possible, but also necessary to eat at Epiphany. Kutia must be on the table so that every family member or guest has the opportunity to try a fantastic dish.

Translated from Greek the word kutya is translated as boiled wheat. You can cook a treat from any cereal, but the advantage is from millet, some use rice.

We offer you a recipe for kutya. It turns out very tasty and nutritious.

For cooking, we need the following ingredients:

  1. Water - 1 liter.
  2. Millet - 1 cup.
  3. Honey - 100 gr.
  4. Raisins - 200 gr.
  5. Marmalade - 100 gr.
  6. Candied fruits - 100 gr.
  7. Walnuts - 50 gr.

Pre-millet is well washed under water and boiled until tender. Raisins are added to the porridge. It must be washed and poured over with boiling water. Then kindling honey is placed in kutya. All components are mixed. All. The dish is ready. Garnish with marmalade or candied fruits before serving.

Many delicious dishes are always prepared for Epiphany, hostesses stand at the stove on Christmas Eve, soar and cook, because you want to celebrate the holiday on a grand scale.


What else is put on the table on a holiday? This gefilte fish. They put in it buckwheat porridge, cheese with herbs, mushrooms. You just need to grease the fish with sunflower oil, put the chosen filling inside and bake in the oven on an iron pan or pan.

Do not forget about spices and spices. Use for aroma and more subtle taste:

  • Pepper.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Carnation.
  • Thyme.
  • Nutmeg.

As greens, you can take dill, parsley, basil, thyme and lemon balm. Do not forget to sprinkle the fish with lemon juice.


After hearty dinner you need to drink compote or uzvar, you can also cook jelly for Epiphany. But knot is best. This is a compote that is made from dried fruits. According to the rules, instead of sugar, honey is added.

How to prepare a drink? Very simple. We put in a container dried fruits, fill them cold water and put on fire.

As dried fruits, we choose pears, prunes, as well as apples and raisins. After the compote boils, reduce the heat and cook the uzvar for another 20 minutes, stirring regularly. Let the drink cool down and add honey. We filter and serve.

Interesting! There is a tradition at Epiphany to serve dishes with turnips. Welcome to the table different vegetables, but it was the turnip that was valued the most.


This healthy vegetable plays an important role in the holiday. Turnip was cheap, which is why it was popular with believing Christians in antiquity.

The legendary vegetable is known to all of us from our favorite Russian fairy tales. There are a lot of turnips valuable substances that a person needs, a lot of vitamins, sugar, trace elements.

For Epiphany, you can cook turnip soup, casserole, stew, fish, stuffed with vegetables, turnip, mashed potatoes and even pickled turnips.

Interesting! In Russia and Ukraine, it was customary to bake special loaves on Christmas Eve. They were called karachuns. According to rituals, they were fed not to people, but to animals, livestock. They treated all the feathered inhabitants with karachun. Sometimes pet owners cooked kutya. The dish was prepared from traditional porridge, which was left over after Christmas. A little dried fruit, honey was added to the mixture and livestock was treated.

Now you know what you can cook and eat for Baptism. All meals should be hearty and tasty. The main thing is to cook from the bottom of your heart, then each dish will be magnificent.

Today we will tell you how the christening of a child is celebrated by those who are ready to organize a real holiday for themselves and their guests!

We will offer you interesting and original ideas for christening, which will make your holiday special!

baby christening invitation

Any holiday begins with bright and original invitations! Christenings are no exception, and therefore we have prepared some interesting preparations for you!

It can be both standard-shaped postcards with interesting scrap-elements, and stylish christening invitations. original form and content.

Do not forget to beautifully fill out the invitation to the christening of the child, writing the place and time of the celebration, the possible style or dress code for guests, as well as wishes for gifts.

Menu for christening: what to cook

Another important factor is the table for the baptism of the child. Depending on what type of holiday you want - standard get-togethers, summer barbecue in nature, a buffet table or a tea party - you must determine for yourself the most delicious and satisfying menu.

We recommend that you pay attention to such neutral products as chicken and salads, cold snacks and juicy fish. Undoubtedly, festive table you can form for the baptism of a child using ours.

We have also prepared a sample menu for you:

  • Dish with cold cuts and vegetables - boiled pork, tongue, chicken rolls, sausage lined with sweet peppers and cucumbers
  • a fish dish
  • fruit plate
  • Marinated mushrooms
  • Other marinades to taste (e.g. Korean cuisine)
  • Cheese Sliced
  • 3-4 types of salads
  • The main course is potatoes with chops (cutlets, steaks, steaks, hams) or fish.
  • Cold drinks.
  • Tea, coffee, dessert.

It is worth remembering that the christening table directly depends on the format of the party and the number of guests. If you are planning to celebrate the christening of a child in a narrow circle, you may be satisfied with the tea format of the holiday with several types of desserts and homemade pastries.

Decorating the table for the christening is up to you. You can use small flags and garlands, pointers for products, and decorate the surface of the tables with small compositions on a children's theme.

Blue or pink turntables look very stylish.

You can also decorate the table for the christening of a child with interesting details related to childhood.

Thinking about how to decorate the table for the christening, do not forget about the beautiful, themed food - sweets or a cake.

Christening: decoration ideas

When planning how to celebrate the baptism of a child, pay attention to how best to arrange the christening. Perhaps you use interesting figures of angels, colored garlands, paper pompoms, flower arrangements and other decorative elements.

For you, we have selected inspiration that will help you make your own christening decoration!

You can also use ready-made decor for christening - letters made of wood, figures made of balloons or paper items.

In general, how to decorate a christening is up to you. A budget option celebrating a baby's baptism will allow you to make a modest celebration with inexpensive decorations.

If you want to implement interesting ideas for a child's christening, you can use the services of a children's animator, mime, magician or cartoonist. Do not forget to also invite a photographer who will capture a bright and unforgettable holiday!

Christening contests for guests

When deciding how to celebrate the christening of a boy or girl, remember that the entertainment program is an important factor in an interesting evening. If you are planning to celebrate the christening of a girl or a boy in a restaurant or cafe, we recommend that you contact the host. Having such a person will allow you to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family without any problems.

Wondering how to celebrate your child's christening economically? Then prepare your own baptismal contests!

  • Competition "Quiz". Ask all present questions about the baby. Weight, height, foot length in mm and other tricky questions, including time and date of birth. Let everyone break their heads :).
  • The game "Determine the weight." Anyone can weigh the child in their arms and try to guess the most accurate weight of the baby.
  • Solving children's riddles
  • Children's or adult "Crocodile"
  • Performing karaoke lullabies for baby
  • Writing a letter to the future, where everyone can wish the baby something special. Mom will give letters to a child for 15, 16 or 18 years.

  • An interesting moment will be filling out the first questionnaire for the baby or the game Prophecy

We hope that with our advice we not only suggested how to celebrate the baptism of a child, but also found interesting ideas and solutions for you! Remember that the idea of ​​how to celebrate christening depends on your personal wishes!

You will also be able to find a large number of themed holidays and use them as a basis for deciding how to celebrate a child's baptism. Perhaps it will be an exciting or purely masculine party in the style of a Little Gentleman!
