
How to cook lean borscht with mushrooms. Lenten borscht with mushrooms and beans

Lenten Borsch from Inga Shadrina

BORSCH. Taste is in the details.

Cooking borscht in a quick way is not my option. And not a variant of classic Russian cuisine. The main "trick" of most Russian dishes is in a long languor, because they used to cook in the oven, but there it’s fast, well, nothing at all :).

My recipe is, of course, a modernized method, tested on myself and guests.

So, the recipe for winter lean borscht with dried mushrooms. For a 5 liter pot...

Mushrooms. Rinse and soak a couple of generous handfuls of mushrooms for several hours. Do not pour water from under the mushrooms!

The smell is still there. We will need her...


And they are not at all the same in winter as in summer. Wooden cabbage, carrots and beets require longer cooking. Therefore, I stew all these vegetables. And not all together.

I pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom of a thick-bottomed pan, chop the cabbage (a third of a small well, but decide for yourself how much cabbage you need) and send it to the pan. First, over high heat without a lid, then over low heat under a lid, let it reach a semi-soft state. A little salt.

We spread the soaked mushrooms into the cabbage, and filter the water from under them into the cabbage (sand from the mushrooms could have settled at the bottom, so it’s better to strain through a fine strainer).

We cut the potatoes into cubes (do not grind them), leave one potato whole and put it in cabbage, pour hot water from the kettle (add water not to the top, but just above half of the pan). We cook on medium heat. After 10-15 minutes, add chopped potatoes. 5 medium potatoes is enough.

We cut the onion (1 medium-sized onion) as best we can, carrots (1 medium), beets (1 large or 2 small) three on a coarse grater ... Sprinkle the carrots with a couple of pinches of sugar. Sprinkle beets with lemon juice, a little.

In a separate pan, we sauté onions and carrots. You can also add celery stalk and bell pepper there. (I don’t insist, there is - put it down, love it - put it down, don’t love it - ignore it!)…

In another pan, simmer the beets. Do not let the beets fry too much, add a little salt and sprinkle with lemon juice again. It is important for us to keep the color!

In the process of quenching beets can also be sprinkled with sugar (I love sweet borscht!) or ... add a spoonful of homemade currant jam. Or blueberry:). At one time, for this advice, I received a lot of criticism on some forum of “home-grown chefs”, but I’m not offended, since this “trick” works with jam - it makes the color brighter and the taste more interesting ... If you don’t like sweetness in borscht and you have enough sweetness of beets and carrots - do not put sugar or jam at this stage.

tomato paste added to beets. If there is a pack of canned chopped tomatoes, then I do not put pasta, but such tomatoes.

Stew the beets further on a small fire, you can add water to dilute the paste. Watch the fire, the beets should be stewed, not boiled. When the beets are soft enough for you, turn off the heat. . I like it to crunch a little.

We take out the potatoes, which were cooked whole, from the pan. We crush it with a fork. Without fanaticism, we do not need mashed potatoes, but simply crushed potatoes.

Put the sauteed with carrots and onions in a saucepan. We also send crushed potatoes there. We cook on a small fire and try. Before laying the beets, the vegetables must be ready.

And now - at the very last moment - we lay out the beets. Make sure that the borscht does not boil, otherwise the color will be killed! We keep on a small fire for another 7-10 minutes. If the stove is electric, you can simply turn it off after laying the beets and leave it on this burner. We try for salt, sugar, acid, add what is missing. Generously squeeze the garlic into the borsch, you can add greens and turn off the fire. Close the lid and wait for at least a little brew.

About spices. I only add black pepper and sometimes paprika. Well, more garlic and herbs, already on the plate.

I invite you to cook with me a delicious borscht with mushrooms! Such borscht will be very useful in Lent and will also appeal to those who love dietary dishes and adhere to proper nutrition. In addition to the fact that borscht is lean, thanks to mushrooms it is also very nutritious.

Of course, borscht cooked with wild mushrooms, even if dried, will differ greatly in taste from borscht cooked with champignons. But if there are no other mushrooms, then champignons are mushrooms suitable for this dish! In any case, if you use dried forest mushrooms, they should first be filled with water so that they get a little wet, then squeeze them and cut them.

So, let's prepare all the products for lean borscht with mushrooms.

First of all, let's prepare the vegetables. We cut the potatoes into cubes, chop the cabbage, and cut the mushrooms into thin plates, after removing the skin from the caps.

Place mushrooms and potatoes in a bowl. Add vegetable broth or water. I make vegetable broth from a vegetable stock cube by pouring 1 liter of boiling water over it. If you only added water, don't forget to add salt. We put the pan on the fire and cook the vegetables in the broth until tender. This will take 20-25 minutes.

In the meantime, we will prepare the frying for borscht. To do this, cut the onion into a small cube, grate the carrots on a fine grater, cut the beets into thin strips.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan and put the pan on the fire. Put the onions, carrots and beets into the pan. Fry the vegetables for just a couple of minutes.

Add tomato paste to the vegetables and fry the vegetables for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then add 1 ladle of broth from the pan. We continue to simmer the vegetables for another 7 minutes.

Finely chop the garlic, parsley and dill, cut the bell pepper into small cubes.

Add garlic and bell pepper to the frying, simmer the vegetables for another 2-3 minutes and remove the frying from the heat.

Add shredded cabbage to ready-made mushrooms and potatoes.

IMPORTANT: if you like boiled cabbage in borscht, then after that you should boil the broth with cabbage for another 5-7 minutes and only then add the frying.

In my family, they like the cabbage in borscht to remain firm, if you put the roast with sour tomato paste right after the cabbage in the borscht, then the cabbage will retain its crunchiness. Let's let the borscht boil.

At the very end, add parsley and dill. We remove the borscht from the fire. We cover the pan with a lid and let the borscht brew for 10-15 minutes.

Ready lean borscht with mushrooms is served in portions with fresh bread and sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Lean borscht with mushrooms is one of the hearty dishes that give strength and fill the body with energy. It is these hot soups that are relevant during Lent. In addition, this soup will appeal to those who do not eat meat for medical reasons or for personal reasons, as well as those who want to diversify their menu.

The composition of lean borscht is perfectly balanced, it contains both proteins, which are especially necessary during Lent, fiber and many vitamins.

Borscht cooked in vegetable broth is rich and fragrant, and is in no way inferior to its meat counterpart. It will take quite a bit of time to prepare a delicious mushroom borscht, because you do not need to cook the meat for a long time. In principle, if the body needs a little unloading, a delicious lean borscht is quite suitable for this purpose. Our culinary selection is the best recipes for lean borscht with mushrooms.

Lenten borscht with mushrooms and beets


  • vegetable broth - 3 liters;
  • champignons, oyster mushrooms or wild mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs. medium size;
  • table beet large -1 root;
  • cabbage -150-200g;
  • carrots - 2 medium pieces;
  • tomato paste -1.5-2 tablespoons;
  • lemon acid;
  • sugar - 1/2 tsp and salt.

How to cook lean borscht with mushrooms and beets:

Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices, cook together with peeled and cut into several pieces of beets until cooked. Take out the beets and leave to cool. Remove the mushrooms too, for a brighter and richer taste, fry. Pour out the decoction.

Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into slices, throw into the heated vegetable broth. Grind boiled beets and raw carrots on a grater and place in a well-heated frying pan with oil. Let it go, add sugar and citric acid to maintain a rich beetroot color.

Dilute tomato paste in a third of a glass of boiled water. Put it in the pan when the carrots are soft. Simmer for about five more minutes and turn off the burner.

Finely chop the cabbage, put it to the almost ready potatoes and cook for 10 minutes. Now add the roast and mushrooms. After 5 minutes, you can turn off the stove, let the mushroom borscht stand for a while and serve with rye bread or crackers, herbs.

Lenten borscht with beans and mushrooms

Beans are a very useful legume. It goes well with mushrooms, and with cabbage, and with other vegetables, so it is often used in the preparation of lean dishes, including borscht.

  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • beans (optional red or white) - half a glass.
  • cabbage - 300 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • champignons or oyster mushrooms - 200 g;
  • carrots, onions, beets, 1 small piece each;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 piece.;
  • vegetable refined oil;
  • ground black and allspice, bay leaf;
  • fresh herbs and salt.

Recipe for lean borscht with mushrooms and beans:

Soak white or red beans in cool water overnight, adding 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This is done to eliminate the undesirable effect of legumes on the intestines. Transfer the washed beans to a saucepan, pour three liters of fresh water, cook until half cooked.

In the meantime, peel the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into slices and place in a bowl with boiling beans. Grind the beets on a grater and stew in a pan with vegetable oil, pouring a little vinegar so that they do not lose their color in the finished dish. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove the peel and rub on a grater.

Add the tomato puree to the beets and simmer, mixing well. In another pan, fry chopped onions until caramelized and transparent, add grated carrots, saute for another 5 minutes.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices and add to the fry. Mushrooms give a lot of juice, when it evaporates, the roast is ready. When both beans and potatoes are ready, throw thinly chopped cabbage and bell peppers into them, cut into small cubes.

After ten minutes, add stewed beets in tomato and fried mushrooms to the soup with mushrooms and beans. When it boils, add peppers and bay leaf. Then throw garlic crushed with the flat part of the knife, chopped greens and turn off the stove.

Like all complex dishes, lean mushroom borscht with beans should be well brewed.

Lenten borscht with dried mushrooms and cabbage

Dried mushrooms, especially forest mushrooms, have an amazing aroma, so the dishes from them are fragrant, rich and very tasty. It is ideal to cook borscht with dried porcini mushrooms.


  • cabbage - a quarter of a small head;
  • onions, beets and carrots - 1 medium root crop each;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • dried mushrooms (preferably forest) - 50g;
  • tomato paste -2 tablespoons;
  • odorless oil for frying;
  • bay leaf, black pepper, salt;
  • water - 3.5 liters.

How to cook lean borscht with dried mushrooms and cabbage:

Wash dried mushrooms thoroughly and soak overnight. Peel and wash vegetables. Cut the potatoes into small cubes, chop the cabbage with a shredder.

For your information! To prepare a delicious lean mushroom borscht, you can use sour cabbage, this will give the finished dish a spicy sourness.

Chop the onion into cubes, and rub the carrots on a grater.
Pour mushrooms into boiling water and cook until they become soft. Salt. Add potatoes to them and, after a quarter of an hour, cabbage. Boil everything together for about 10 more minutes.

While the vegetables are boiling, it is good to heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, put carrots, onions in it and fry until golden. Transfer to a saucepan with mushroom borscht.

Grate the beets on a coarse grater or cut into thin sticks. Saute in oil for a short time, then add tomato paste diluted in a quarter cup of water and simmer a little over low heat.

Now transfer the beets to the pan, sweat a little. Season with spices, crushed garlic, chopped herbs. Simmer the soup for 10 minutes, turn off the heat.
Delicious lean borscht with dried mushrooms and cabbage served with croutons, crackers, lean pies.

Video recipe: lean borscht with mushrooms in a slow cooker

Secrets and tricks

  1. In order to increase the nutritional value of delicious lean borscht with mushrooms, you should try to make it thicker than borscht with meat broth. “For the spoon to stand” - this is how a real hearty first course should be.
  2. If the potatoes are boiled whole and then mashed right in the broth, the fragrant mushroom borscht without meat will become denser. The more ingredients in lean borscht, the higher its energy value, the more useful it is.
  3. If dried mushrooms or beans are added to the recipe, it is best to soak them overnight, then drain and rinse thoroughly. In grated stewed beets, add citric acid at the tip of a knife, or a couple of teaspoons of vinegar. To save time when preparing lean mushroom borscht with beans, you can replace dried beans with canned ones. Then it will not need to be soaked and it cooks quickly: just put it in the soup at the same time as frying.

Interesting! Red borscht is a national dish of the Eastern Slavs, which is prepared with the addition of red beets. Most often, Ukrainian borscht is mentioned in recipe books, but it is also cooked in Belarus, Russia, and Poland. It has been known about it since time immemorial. And in the nobility, and among the peasants, monks, military, this first course was incredibly popular. In each century, the composition of the dish has changed. So, for example, potatoes began to be added to borscht only in the 19th century. And they cooked mostly without meat.

If a person strictly adheres to fasting, he may not refuse the usual food. You just need to adapt your favorite dishes to the situation. For example, borsch will turn out to be no less nutritious and tasty if cooked with mushrooms. Lenten borscht with mushrooms is an excellent substitute for the traditional one cooked with meat. Instead of animal products, champignon mushrooms, or other types of dried, fresh or even pickled mushrooms, are ideal.

We bring to your attention lean borscht with mushrooms - a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

  • 3.5 liters of water;
  • 400 g fresh mushrooms;
  • 5 pieces. potatoes;
  • 300 g cabbage;
  • 1 small beet;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 3 pcs. allspice;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt, suneli hops (to taste);
  • fresh greens.

Boil the mushrooms for 15 minutes and put on a sieve to remove excess water. Cut into small cubes and fry in hot sunflower oil for 10 minutes, set aside.

Remove the skin from the potatoes, wash and cut into cubes, then drop into a pot of boiling water.

Grate the peeled beets and carrots, cut the onion into cubes.

Saute the onion for 5 minutes, then send the grated carrots, beets to the pan and fry everything together until soft.

Add tomato paste, peppercorns and black ground, finely chopped garlic, bay leaf, suneli hops, sugar and salt to the pan. Simmer covered for 10 minutes, remembering to stir. If the mixture is thick, you can add 3-5 tbsp. l. water.

Finely chop or thinly slice the cabbage with a knife.

Throw cabbage and tomato fried with vegetables to the finished potatoes. Boil 5 min.

Add the fried mushrooms to the borscht and let it boil for 15 minutes. Taste and add salt or spices if needed.

Let it brew for 15 minutes, and you can start tasting the dish, sprinkling each plate with chopped dill and parsley.

I must say that the recipe for lean borscht with mushrooms will not take much time to cook, and in terms of taste and nutritional qualities it will not be inferior even to meat.

Recipe for lean borscht with mushrooms, beans and cabbage

You can also cook lean borscht with mushrooms and beans. This ingredient will give the dish a special piquancy, because it is considered one of the most nutritious in terms of vitamins. In this case, it is good to use champignons or oyster mushrooms, which can be bought at any store. Also, wild mushrooms, in particular, are perfect for this dish.

For the recipe for lean borscht with mushrooms and beans, we need:

  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 4 things. potatoes;
  • 200 g of beans;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 beet;
  • 1 PC. onion;
  • 400 g fresh mushrooms;
  • 80 g of tomato paste or fresh tomatoes;
  • 70 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 200 g cabbage;
  • 0.5 tsp. black and red ground peppers;
  • fresh greens.

If the mushrooms were bought in a store, then they can simply be washed and cut into pieces. And if fresh forest mushrooms are used, then first they need to be boiled for 20 minutes and thrown into a colander to get rid of excess liquid, and then cut.

Sauté the mushrooms in a hot pan for 15 minutes and set aside.

Throw the beans into boiling water and cook until tender, adding water if necessary.

Add the diced potatoes to the beans and cook until tender.

Cooking roast: fry the onion cut into half rings, then add the grated beets and carrots. Fry for 10 minutes, add tomato paste, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add cabbage and tomato vegetable frying to the pot with potatoes, and after a few minutes - fried mushrooms, let boil for 10 minutes.

Throw all the remaining spices, herbs, then turn off the stove. Let the borscht brew for 20 minutes and serve. Optionally, lean borscht with mushrooms and beans can be seasoned with sour cream.

Important: in order for the beans to cook quickly, they need to be filled with water and left for several hours, and preferably overnight.

Lenten borscht with mushrooms and fresh white cabbage

Another interesting option that hostesses will like is lean borscht with mushrooms and fresh cabbage.

  • 0.2 kg of fresh mushrooms;
  • 0.4 kg of white cabbage;
  • 0.5 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 beets;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 PC. parsley root;
  • 2 onions;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 fresh tomatoes;
  • 2 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 5 st. l. vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 tsp paprika;
  • 0.5 tsp black ground pepper;
  • 1.5 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%;
  • salt to taste;
  • greenery for decoration.

A detailed recipe for lean borscht with mushrooms is presented in the photo below:

Boil fresh mushrooms, let cool and cut into strips.

Combine grated parsley root with mushrooms and fry for 7-10 minutes, set aside.

Grate the carrots on a fine grater, cut the onion into cubes. Saute everything in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Beets, grated on a coarse grater, fry until soft, add 3 tbsp. l. water, sugar, vinegar and simmer for 5 minutes.

On fasting and relatively fasting days, we suggest trying a vegetarian version of the familiar first course. Cooking fragrant lean borscht with mushrooms without the use of meat / poultry or even canned food. We keep the standard set of vegetables, traditional dressing, rich color, density and irreplaceable garlic aroma. We follow, but without boiling the broth, which significantly reduces the cooking time.

For additional fat and enhance the flavor notes, add fried champignons to the first dish. If desired, the portion of mushrooms and other components can be changed to taste, but it is not recommended to reduce the dosage too much, because the saturation and concentration of the broth depends on vegetables.

Ingredients per 4 liters of water:

  • cabbage - 350 g;
  • beets - 500 g;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • onion - 200 g (1 large head);
  • carrots - 150 g (1 pc.);
  • tomato paste - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 4-6 teeth (more or less);
  • salt, pepper - to taste.
  1. In boiling 4 liters of water, lower the potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes or sticks.
  2. Next - shredded thin and short strips of cabbage. Boil again, reduce the heat and cook for about 20-25 minutes (until the vegetables are soft). If the cabbage is young, you can put it in the broth later. Salt is not added yet.
  3. At the same time, we fry the mushrooms cut into thin plates in refined oil. Stirring, keep on fire until the liquid has completely evaporated. You can use both fresh and frozen mushrooms. Other mushrooms will do as well.
  4. Next up is the vegetable dressing. You can use the same pan in which the champignons were cooked, transferring the mushrooms to another bowl. If necessary, add oil and load the chopped onion into small pieces. Fry for 3-5 minutes with frequent stirring.
  5. Add grated carrots to the fried onions. Stirring, keep on fire for another 5 minutes.
  6. Then lay the beets, grated with large straws.
  7. Add tomato paste, a couple of ladles of water from the pan. Stir, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the vegetable mixture over low heat for 15-20 minutes.
  8. We shift the beetroot dressing to the broth with already soft potato pieces and cabbage. The faded broth will immediately turn into a beautiful reddish color. Next, add the champignons that have waited for their turn.
  9. We simmer borscht on the lowest heat under the lid for 20 minutes or longer, so that the dish turns out to be the most saturated. We do not allow active boiling! The broth should gurgle slowly, but not bubbling. Toward the end of cooking, add chopped garlic (amount to taste), salt, pepper.

Bon appetit!
