
Pancakes with beef liver recipe. Pancakes with liver filling

Pancakes can be stuffed with various fillings. If they are served as a dessert, then I suggest making sweet stuffing from cottage cheese and dried apricots.

Turn pancakes into hearty snack or full meal you can use minced meat, beef or chicken liver, mushrooms, cabbage, fish.

A well-known additive to pancakes - red caviar, good for festive table. But you never know what other filling you can think of to make pancakes tasty and mouth-watering.

The filling from the liver for pancakes is easy to prepare, the main thing is to remember a few rules and follow them clearly. Firstly, minced meat must be of a certain consistency.

If it is too liquid, it will not hold inside the pancake and will flow out. The crumbly filling will start to fall out, which is also not very good.

What is the right way to make beef or chicken liver filling so that it stays in the place where you put it? The task is feasible, you will see it now.

What kind of liver to take for the filling

The offal filling is very tasty and tender. If you are using chicken or turkey liver, you do not need to do anything with it to get rid of the bitterness.

In a young bird, the liver has a uniform color, without inclusions. All you have to do is wash the product under running water and do some heat treatment.

To prepare the stuffing from beef liver and stuff pancakes with it, you need to tinker a little. First, soak it in milk for several hours, this technique will help you remove the bitterness and give the beef liver a delicate texture.

Then remove the film that covers the entire surface, and set to boil or fry (depending on which recipe you have chosen). Cooking liver, especially chicken, quickly.

Make sure that it is not digested, otherwise you will encounter dryness of the product, which will affect the consistency of the minced meat itself. It will turn out to be inhomogeneous and tough.

I think the basic rules for preparing the filling are clear to you, you can start studying the first recipe, which contains the filling from the liver for pancakes.

Pancakes with liver

For the dough you will need: 2 full glasses of flour; 1 liter of milk of any fat content; salt to taste; 60 g sugar; 6 eggs and vegetable oil (4 tablespoons).

First we make the dough:

  1. Whisk sugar, eggs and salt in a deep bowl.
  2. In the resulting lush mass Pour in the flour, adding it gradually so that the dough is homogeneous.
  3. Warm the milk slightly, it should not be too cold, and pour into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Cover the dish with the dough from which you will bake pancakes with a towel and set aside for 15-20 minutes to “rest”.
  5. Then pour in vegetable oil and, having mixed with a whisk again, bake pancakes.

The pan on which you will fry the pancakes must be well heated and greased with vegetable oil. The next portions of the dough can be poured already without pre-lubrication.

Make the filling from: half a kilogram of chicken liver; three hard-boiled eggs; two bulbs; three st. spoons vegetable oil. Put salt and black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the liver, pat dry with a napkin and cut into medium pieces.
  2. Peel the onion, chop and sauté vegetable oil.
  3. As soon as the onion cubes become transparent, put the liver in the pan and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
  4. Cool and twist the pieces together with the onion through a meat grinder.
  5. Boil the eggs and put them in cold water to make them easier to peel.
  6. Cut in half and remove the yolks. They need to be rubbed through a sieve or interrupted with a blender to get a puree mass.
  7. Then add it to other components, adjusting the consistency with the vegetable oil that remains after frying. In general, the filling should resemble whipped cream, only then it will hold well inside the pancakes.

To give piquant taste, season the mass with ground nutmeg. Just be careful, too much seasoning will spoil the dish. It's better not to risk it and add it a little bit.

We start stuffing pancakes:

  1. Cut each piece into two halves.
  2. Put a portion of the filling on one edge and roll it up, covering it with a corner so that it does not fall out.
  3. Fold the pouches like a fan on a plate and decorate with boiled squirrels, cutting out flowers from them. You can stuff the squirrels with minced liver and also put them on a dish. It turned out delicious and festive!

Try this recipe, your family will love it.

My video recipe

Thin and tender pancakes- not only quick to prepare, but also hearty meal. And in combination with all kinds of fillings it can be diversified almost endlessly: it can be sophisticated option with red caviar, thinly sliced slightly salted salmon, sweet cottage cheese and honey, all kinds of minced meat, jam or chocolate.

The filling can be chosen so that the pancakes are to the taste of all guests and household members. The liver is one of the most gentle options meat filling for pancakes. For cooking this dish it is better to opt for beef or chicken liver, as pork has a rather specific taste.


Recipe for liver pancakes

In a suitable dish, break the eggs, add sugar, salt, gradually pour in the milk. Stirring thoroughly, add flour. It is most convenient to mix the dough with a whisk or mixer at low speed. Pour in vegetable oil and stir the dough again. As a result, it should have a consistency resembling liquid sour cream. Set the dough aside for 20 minutes.

Heat up the pan and brush big amount vegetable oil. Dial 0.5 ladle of dough and pour, trying to distribute it over the bottom of the pan. Fry the pancake on both sides - very quickly, until a lung forms golden color. Repeat the action until all the dough is used. Leave the pancakes to cool.
Do not take pork liver for pancakes - not everyone likes its taste! Beef liver pour a large amount cold water, soak for 25 minutes. Thoroughly clean from films and bile ducts. cut into small pieces. Coarsely grate carrots onion finely chop and fry in vegetable oil, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Add chopped liver to the pan and leave on fire for another 25 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in chopped parsley. Salt, add spices. Scroll the mixture in a meat grinder until smooth, mix again. On each pancake lay out the stuffing from the liver with vegetables. Roll up so that the filling does not spill out. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, put on medium fire and fry pancakes on both sides.

From liquid dough can cook thin pancakes, pancakes and pancakes, and ready-made pancakes can be wrapped great amount fillings. pancake dough sweet, salty, fresh. The filling can be cottage cheese, fruit, fish, meat, mushroom, caviar and much more. Pancakes were cooked in ancient Rus'. It was a festive and very satisfying dish. Maslenitsa was especially loved in Rus', it is still celebrated with great pleasure.

It hasn't changed for hundreds of years. To prepare liquid pancake dough chicken eggs, milk and flour are needed. With thorough mixing, you should get a dough in consistency, like liquid sour cream. Pancakes are fried in a hot pan on both sides for a golden color. Not without reason, earlier pancakes were associated with the arrival of spring and were called "suns". And in fact, ready-made pancakes reminiscent of the yellow circle of the sun.

Pancakes are eaten with sour cream, honey, jam. To date traditional pancakes are satisfying and very delicious breakfast. Especially good pancakes with oni besides palatability also have great benefit. After all - just a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

with liver

To prepare this dish we need:

For dough:

Wheat flour - one glass;

Milk - one glass;

Chicken eggs - two pieces;

Sugar sand - two teaspoons;

Salt - a teaspoon;

For the chicken liver filling:

Chicken liver- four hundred grams;
- onion - three heads;

Carrots - two small root crops;

Chicken egg - one piece;

Salt, pepper, spices - to taste;

Vegetable oil - as needed.

Pancakes, recipe with liver, cooking method:

First, of course, let's make pancakes. For this we sift wheat flour(by the way, you can take any other flour that you like - corn, oatmeal, buckwheat) through a sieve so that the flour is enriched with oxygen and lumps are removed. Take a deep bowl, and right there we will sift a glass of flour. In the resulting hill of flour, make a recess and, stirring constantly, pour in half a glass of milk. The dough should become homogeneous. Then whisk in a separate bowl two chicken eggs with a fork and add to the dough. Add sugar, salt and mix thoroughly. When the dough becomes a homogeneous mass, we begin to add the remaining milk. With vigorous stirring, you should get batter similar to sour cream.

Take a frying pan with a non-stick layer (Teflon) and heat it over a fire. You can also take a regular frying pan, but then you will have to add a little vegetable oil before each pancake, which will make the pancakes fatter. It is necessary to pour the first pancake into a very well-heated pan so that it does not turn out to be “lumpy”. You need to fry the pancakes until golden brown on both sides, carefully turning them over, prying them with a wooden spatula. When all the pancakes are baked, leave them to cool.

In the meantime, let's cook the liver, the recipe of which allows you to cook them with different types liver, beef, goose, and even cod fish liver - very satisfying and healthy dish. To prepare the filling from the liver, first boil a hard-boiled egg and peel it. Wash the chicken liver, dry it and cut into small pieces. Peel the onions and carrots, wash and coarsely chop. We heat the pan, pour more vegetable oil, about five tablespoons. Throw onions and carrots into hot oil and fry until golden brown, then add the liver.

When preparing pancakes, a recipe with a liver, you must not forget that chicken liver It cooks very quickly, just a few minutes. After about five minutes, set aside with vegetables in order to cool. Then we take a meat grinder and pass the liver with vegetables and a boiled egg through it. At the output, we will have to get a homogeneous mass-filling. Add spices, salt and black pepper to taste. Ready stuffing you need to fill the cooled pancakes. To do this, put a pancake, in the middle - a tablespoon of liver filling and wrap it like an envelope. Fry pancakes on both sides before serving. The liver recipe is good because all the products for this dish are available, and the result exceeds all expectations. Bon appetit!

My family is very fond of pancakes, including those with liver. I suggest cooking them together. Let's start with the filling.
The liver should be washed, put in a bowl and pour milk for 30-40 minutes. I understand that we can’t fry it in pieces, but anyway, I do it that way.
Now we take the liver, I cleaned and washed the onion.

We cut them into pieces and send them to the pan. Do not forget to pepper and salt a little.

We fry in a small amount odorless vegetable oil. finished products put them in a bowl and let them cool down.

Add butter.
Now all this needs to be sent to the meat grinder.

The liver with onions and butter must be ground.

Minced meat should be brought to taste, adding salt and pepper to it to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and let it stand.
We are now going to cook pancakes. I make them on the water. Let's get started. Crack two eggs into a large bowl.

Beat them a little with a whisk, add a little salt.
Now add water, mix everything again.

I measure it in cups. Two cups of water to 1 cup of flour and another half cup of water.

Everything must be thoroughly beaten so that there are no lumps.
Now we take oil. Based on one teaspoon butter and the same amount of vegetable odorless.

These components must be fried over high heat.

Cool and add to batter.

Once again, whisk everything thoroughly.

The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps, with bubbles. It needs to be left for a couple of minutes so that it rests.
During this time, heat up the pan for baking pancakes. I do not lubricate it with any fat, or oil, or anything.
I pour the batter into the hot skillet.

I bake the pancake on one side. He is thin. So, that is quite enough.

On the one hand, the pancake turns out white, on the other - golden. On the ruddy side, we will lay out the filling.

Our pancakes resemble lace - thin and openwork. Therefore, we apply the filling delicately.

I do this all over the pancake. So it will be tastier. I roll it carefully.

And in order for our pancake to keep its shape, I recommend pressing it lightly with your palms, flattening it slightly. So beautiful and safe. Pancake, as it were, will stick together and will not unfold during further processing. As you can see, from the outside, the pancake is light, not toasted.
Before serving, I fry such a blank on both sides over a fire.

Pancakes are thin. They have a lot of toppings and little dough. They are light and soft.
My family loves them. Bon appetit to all.

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1h 30m

For those who do not really like pancakes with sweet fillings and prefer them to be more hearty, snack, that is, not dessert option, pancakes are perfect, stuffed with liver. But if you use the liver by itself, then the filling will turn out, albeit hearty, but dry, and this, in turn, will make the dish not so attractive. Adding eggs, herbs and onions to the offal turns an ordinary liver mass into something tender, juicy and insanely tasty. Pancakes with her want not only breakfast, they want to have lunch, dinner, or just have a snack as often as possible.

Recipe Information

Cuisine : Russian .

Cooking method: frying pancakes, cooking and chopping stuffing.

Total cooking time: 1 hour

Servings: 10-12 .


To make pancakes:

  • milk - 250 ml
  • fresh egg - 1 pc.
  • flour - 100 g
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch
  • baking powder - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp.

For filling:

  • beef liver - 250 g
  • boiled eggs- 2 pcs.
  • bulb - 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil, green onion, salt and black pepper - to taste.
Beef liver must be boiled in advance and cooled completely. It can be replaced if desired. pork liver, chicken or turkey.

Cooking method

  1. Combine the egg with the required amount of sugar and salt and beat vigorously.

  2. Pour milk and vegetable oil into the resulting mass.

  3. Mix and, gradually adding flour, knead the batter.

  4. It is very important at the same time to achieve uniformity of the dough so that not a single flour lump remains.

  5. Grease a frying pan with vegetable oil, heat it up and pour it into it with a ladle required amount dough to fry one thin pancake. Tilt and turn the pan from side to side to spread the batter evenly. After frying the pancake on one side, carefully flip it over to the other. At the same time, it is desirable that one side of the pancake be well fried (it will be inside), and the other side pale.

  6. Allow the pancakes to cool slightly while preparing the filling. Liver cut into in small pieces and place in a blender.

  7. Grind it at high power.

  8. Add onion sautéed in vegetable oil and boiled eggs, turn on the blender for a few more minutes.

  9. Season the resulting liver mass to taste with spices (for example, black ground pepper) and combine with finely chopped green onions.
