
Cherry in own juice in the oven recipe. Step-by-step recipe for cherries in their own juice for the winter

How in own juice cook cherries? What does she represent? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Cherry has always been considered the queen of summer. Cherry in its own juice is a ghostly bridge that connects us in cold winter with hot summer. The smell of these berries, spreading throughout the apartment, instantly fills it with warmth, comfort and the promise of well-being.

Essential Ingredient

Cherries in their own juice - the most unpretentious type of blanks that will give pleasure and do not take much time. In addition, everyone can choose any option they like: with or without sugar, with bones or not. Cherry is the main ingredient here. It is necessary to pay close attention to it.

Berries should be fresh, ripe and large. After all, then they will better retain their shape if you choose the pitted option. They are also very juicy, which is very important for this type of blanks.

Before conservation, cherries must be sorted out, unripe, wormy or spoiled fruits, all leaves and twigs removed. You need to wash the cherry carefully, otherwise it will release the juice ahead of time.

About bones

Everyone likes cherries in their own juice. Let's talk about bones. This activity requires a lot of time and patience. But if relatives are also involved in this business, then the work will go more fun and faster. There are many options for bone removal.

Someone uses special devices, someone simply takes out the bones with their hands or uses a pin. It is important that the pulp remains as intact as possible.

Have you decided to preserve cherries with pits? Then you just need to sort it out, wash it and start cooking. Such berries will look more beautiful. But remember that they are not meant to long-term storage. The bones contain a substance that, after eight months, begins to transform into hydrocyanic acid - a poison (they can be poisoned). Therefore, blanks of this kind must be eaten before this time, turning them, for example, into fragrant compotes.


To harvest cherries for the winter in their own juice, you need to take glass jars, with a capacity of one liter or half a liter. It is very convenient: they opened it and immediately used it for its intended purpose. Before laying cherries, the container must be washed and sterilized in the usual way for you.

For cherry preservation, use lacquered or aluminum tin cans, and if screw cans, screw cans. metal lids. They are less susceptible to oxidation.

The blanks we are considering are perfectly stored at room temperature. But they must be in darkness or twilight, as in a bright room the cherry will change its color. Therefore, save it in cozy pantries. Now choose a recipe and start canning.

Pitted cherries

We present you a recipe for cherries in their own juice with a stone. To create this blank, you need to have:

First, sort the cherries, rinse them thoroughly, then let the water drain. Fill pre-prepared sterile jars with berries to the top and pour boiling water over them. Next, cover them with lids and disinfect: liter jars - 20 minutes, 15 minutes. - half a litre.

Cherry settles during sterilization, so it needs to be reported from time to time. Roll up the jars after sterilization, turn upside down and leave to cool.

Pitted cherries with sugar: method number 1

Check out another recipe for cherries in their own juice with sugar and pits. To create this blank, you need to have:

  • cherry (the amount you need);
  • sugar.

Sort the cherries, remove spoiled berries. Remove the seeds from the third part of the berries, chop the pulp in a meat grinder and squeeze the juice. Pour sugar into it in the following proportion: 300 g of sugar per liter of juice, and boil.

Let the juice boil a little so that the sugar dissolves well. Arrange the remaining cherries in sterilized jars, fill them with hot cherry juice and disinfect: liter jars - 25 min., 20 min. - half-liter at a temperature of 100 ° C. Then roll up the jars, turn upside down, cover with a cloth on top and leave to cool.

Cherries with sugar and pits: recipe number 2

Canned cherries in their own juice with pit and sugar are very tasty. We present you another recipe for which you need to have:

  • sugar;
  • cherries (quantity optional)

Place the prepared cherries selected for preservation tightly in sterile jars, sprinkling every 2 cm with two tbsp. l. Sahara. In the process, shake the jars periodically so that the berries are evenly distributed. Also, in each jar, pour a couple of tbsp. l. Sahara.

Cover the filled jars with lids and place them in a pot of water. Disinfect at a temperature of 100 ° C: liter jars - 20 min., 15 min. - half a litre. Then carefully remove them from the pan, roll up the lids, turn them upside down, cover with a cloth and leave to cool.

Pitted Cherries with Sugar: Recipe #1

Now let's cook pitted cherries with sugar in our own juice. You need to have:

  • sugar (300 g);
  • cherries (1 kg).

Sort out the cherry first. Then wash the berries thoroughly and remove the seeds. Put the finished pulp into a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, boil and remove from heat. Now pack in sterile jars, roll up the lids.

Pitted Cherries with Sugar: Recipe #2

Few people know how to cook cherries in their own juice. Study this recipe carefully. You need to have:

  • cherry;
  • sugar (one glass for each kg of berries).

Sort the berries, remove the seeds. In the prepared enamelware shift the cherry pulp, sprinkling it with sugar at the rate of: one tbsp. sugar per kg of cherries. In this form, leave the berries for 12 hours so that they are saturated with sugar and secrete right amount juice.

Next, boil the pot with cherries. Transfer the berries to sterile jars, pour over the juice that stood out during cooking, and roll up clean lids. Now turn the jars upside down, cover with a cloth and leave. When they have cooled completely, send the workpiece to a dark place for storage.

Cherries without pits and sugar

To create this blank, you need to have:

  • large, ripe cherries (as many as available).

Sort the cherries, fill with cold water and leave for one hour. Next, remove the seeds from the berries, and put the pulp in a saucepan. Now spread the cherries in sterile jars, fill them with the released juice that remains in the pan. Send the filled jars to be sterilized as follows:

  • Cover the bottom with a thick cloth large pot, place cans on it.
  • Pour enough cold water into the pan so that it does not reach 2 cm to the neck.
  • Put the pan on the stove, turn on the fire and disinfect: liter jars - 20 minutes, 15 minutes. - half a litre.

After completing this process, remove the jars, cork with lids, cover with a towel and leave to cool. This preservation will help you stay in a cherry-dreamy mood all winter, filling your body with useful substances. Happy preparations!


And how to concoct tasty pie with cherries, canned in their own juice? This, in essence, chic dessert is prepared very simply, you don’t even need to knead anything with your hands. It is only important that there is a cherry in the house. So, to make this dessert, you need to have:

  • 200 g canned cherries (or frozen);
  • 100 g cow butter(or margarine);
  • three eggs;
  • one st. sour cream;
  • 1 tsp soda, slaked vinegar;
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife;
  • 1 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 st. flour;
  • powdered sugar for decoration.

So let's make a cake:

  • Cut the butter into pieces, send it to the pan and heat over low heat so that it is not hot, but melted.
  • Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream, spoon sunflower oil and melted butter. Pour in vanilla, soda, quenched with vinegar, and stir.
  • Now add the sifted flour. The dough should not be too thick so that the cherries sink in it immediately.
  • Pour the dough into a mold, smeared with any oil (you can just cover the bottom with parchment). Lay cherries on top.
  • Send the cake to a preheated oven and bake it at 180 ° C for 25 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 165°C and leave in the oven for another 25 minutes.
  • Remove the cake from the oven, take it out of the mold after 10 minutes, cool.
  • Grip the product powdered sugar through a sieve.

Amazing cherry pie is ready! Happy tea drinking everyone!

Cherries in their own juice (no sugar)

Cooking cherries. Photo: pixelatedcrumb.com

Cherries in this preparation are very juicy and piercingly sour. Delicious! These canned cherries suitable for winter compotes, fillings for pies, desserts and just as juicy vitamins! Suitable for diabetic nutrition.

Cherries without sugar are very easy to prepare. It is convenient to preserve such an unsweetened cherry compote in liter jars.

How to close cherries without sugar

  1. pitted cherries (pry it with the head of a pin and remove it);
  2. Pack tightly into prepared jars. Cover with prepared lids;
  3. line the bottom of the sterilization pan with a cloth or napkin. Place jars with berries in it, pour water into the pan (carefully so as not to get inside the jars). The water level is on the shoulders of the cans;
  4. bring water to a boil and sterilize with a uniform (but not violent) boil for 25 minutes;
  5. roll up covers;
  6. cool in a cool place (avoiding drafts) and store in a cool place.

Features of the preparation of blanks without sugar and taste

For those who love rich dark, sour juice, sugar-free canned cherries are just what you need! Thick, tasty. A sea of ​​vitamins and joy! Juicy cherries and their thick juice- It's delicious food!

Sweet tooth later, in winter, can add to Cherry juice the right amount of sugar or honey

How to prepare dishes for canning

Be sure to prepare lids and utensils for storing sugar-free cherry compote in advance: glass jars and lids (tin, with a rubber gasket, the most common ones) must be washed with soda or dishwashing liquid. Rinse well.

Banks or doused with boiling water, or sterilized over steam (you know, there are special lids on the pot with a hole into which the neck of the jar is inserted?).

How to sterilize jars

When sterilizing, leave a space between the jars, and between the walls of the jars and the pan in 0.5-1 cm.

The lids on sterilized jars cannot be moved, handle the jars carefully, otherwise sterilization (disinfection of fruits and canning utensils) will lose its meaning.

With a violent boil, water bubbles can fill the lids and move them, violating the sterility of canned food. Therefore, maintain a moderate, calm and even simmer.

How to store canned food without sugar

I successfully kept canned berries cherries without sugar and in the built-in refrigerator under the window, and in the basement, and in the refrigerator (more than 2 years). If you have a pantry (or closet) and it's cooler than the room, I think that's fine too.

Bon appetit and success in cooking cherries!

And if you got a lot of cherries -. This Greek recipes, very tasty!

By canning cherries in their own juice, you will gain strategic reserve for the winter for the preparation of drinks - compote and jelly. Berries are good for various pastries, will go to the filling, to decorate cakes and pastries. I offer a few good recipes blanks, with and without sugar.

Advantage natural harvest in what is saved more benefit cherries. Thanks to a very modest heat treatment, vitamins do not have time to die, which means that we have achieved the main thing - we got tasty and healthy dessert. Five minutes can rest.

How to roll cherries in your own juice - harvesting secrets

  • As a rule, the preparation is made in small jars, for one-time use, since an open dessert does not last long, especially if it is without sugar.
  • Take only the ripest berry.
  • Remove bones. An exception is the harvesting of cherries in natural syrup for cakes. There are several recipes for preserving fruits with seeds, this is not forbidden. But you should know that long storage jars are not eligible. The bones contain hydrocyanic acid, which over time is released into syrup.

Pitted cherries in own juice with sugar

I think this is the best and The right way blanks in their own nectar. Dessert is stored without complications all winter.


  • For 1 kilogram of berries 300 gr. granulated sugar.

Preparation of the workpiece:

  1. Put the jars to be sterilized and boil the iron lids.
  2. Peel the washed cherries.
  3. Put the fruits in a cooking container. At the lowest power of the fire, start heating the contents. This is important - a strong fire is not needed.
  4. Immediately after the first signs of boiling appear, quickly transfer the cherry mass to jars and roll up.

Cherry with sugar without sterilization

The blank is also made pitted, but somewhat different. It does not take long to bring the berries to a boil. The method is very simple, but the cooking technology will allow conservation to stand all winter.


  • A kilogram of fruit is a glass of sugar.


  1. Put the cherries freed from the core into a saucepan. Sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Set aside for 12 hours. Behind given time the berries are saturated with sweetness and give a lot of juice.
  3. Prepare jars - wash and sterilize.
  4. Turn on the gas at full power, let the mass boil quickly and strongly.
  5. Remove, quickly pack into jars and seal.
  6. For storage, choose a pantry or refrigerator shelf.

Cherry in juice syrup with sugar

In your own juice, you can prepare cherries in such a way that you get a thick, pomegranate-colored syrup in which stunningly beautiful whole berries will float.


  • Per liter of cherry juice - 300 gr. granulated sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Divide the washed cherries into 2 unequal parts. Free the smaller part from the bones. Place in blender bowl and grind.
  2. Drain the juice, add sugar to it and put on the stove.
  3. When the pulp boils, check if the sugar has dissolved.
  4. At the same time, distribute most cherries in jars without removing the pits.
  5. Pour in boiled juice.
  6. Sterilize a liter container for 25 minutes, for containers of 0.5 liters - 20 is enough.

Cherries in juice with pits, recipe with sugar

The recipe has no exact proportions. But a large number of sweetener and sterilization will guarantee to protect the workpiece from rapid fermentation.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Fill the jars in layers. At the bottom is a layer of cherries about two centimeters. Then 2 tablespoons of sugar. And so to the very top.
  2. Shake the jar occasionally to make sure the contents are packed tightly. The top layer must be sugar.
  3. The last step is sterilization. How much to sterilize: liter 20 minutes. Banks per half liter - 15.

Cherries in their own juice - sugar-free preservation

By this recipe it will turn out to preserve a lot of berries in one jar. Another one forte recipe - the fruits do not lose color, it turns out fragrant, almost natural taste.

  1. Before cooking, do preparatory work- pour cherry cold water and hold for exactly one hour. During this time, it will be saturated with water and become more juicy.
  2. Get rid of the core, put the pulp in jars.
  3. At the same time, sterilize jars and lids.
  4. A blank without sugar in its own juice must be sterilized. Put the jars in a saucepan with hot water. Let the liquid boil and sterilize. For a 0.5 liter can, 15 minutes is enough. Process a liter container for 20 minutes.
  5. After rolling, the blanks are turned over, wrapped and waited for cooling.

Pitted Cherries - Sugar Free Recipe

I have already drawn your attention to the fact that it is desirable to harvest berries in their own juice without a core. However, if you plan to quickly use the content, it is acceptable to do so without deleting it.

  1. Fill jars with washed berries. Place in a pot of hot water.
  2. Line the bottom of the pot with a towel to keep the jars from bouncing around too much. Don't forget to cover the jars with lids.
  3. Conservation requires constant control, because the cherry will soon begin to settle down. Enclose required amount filling the jar to the top. Settles again - put a new portion.
  4. Soon the settling will stop, this is a signal that no more fruits will enter. Get it, roll it up. Cool by turning over the neck.

Successful harvesting! Winter evening open the jar tasty preparation, and make any dessert with cherries, as if just plucked from a tree. Video, with a recipe for cherries in their own juice in jars for the winter.

IN home preservation cherry takes its rightful place. Having processed strawberries and cherries, you can prepare several jars of this berry.

It grows in almost every garden, so it is sold by affordable price.

Canning cherries in their own juice for the winter is a much easier process than making jam or jam.

This blank will help create many mouth-watering dishes, including cherry dumplings, pies and pies with sweet stuffing. It is useful in the preparation of compotes and jelly.

Such a cherry can decorate cottage cheese, semolina or just eat a few fruits just like that. It has not been subjected to prolonged heat treatment, so it retains its shape, smell, and taste. In addition, it contains plenty of vitamins.

Cherries in their own juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

Fresh cherries need to be washed and sorted out. We leave only whole fruits, without wormholes.

It is advisable to hold the berries for half an hour or an hour in cold and salted water, so that later you do not meet an unsympathetic worm in the finished product.

The most time-consuming process in harvesting cherries in their own juice for the winter is the removal of seeds. The easiest way to do this is with a special device. But if it is not there, then a toothpick, pin, hairpin or even a nail file will help. Remove the bones carefully so as not to crush the fruit.

The further process depends on the recipe.

Jars and lids should be prepared in advance. They must be washed with hot water and soda and steamed. Then the container is turned over and dried to dryness.

Jars of cherries need to be sterilized. You can do this:

1). in gas or electric oven. It turns on only after the banks are already inside. Typical sterilization time is 20 minutes. Most often, the process occurs at a standard temperature of 180 degrees.

2). In a pot of water. The dishes are taken larger so that at least four jars fit in it. Put a cotton towel, a thick napkin or a wooden circle on the bottom of the saucepan. You need to do this for your own safety: the jars will definitely not burst when heated.

The glass container is placed in a saucepan, cold water is poured and the heating is turned on. The liquid should not reach the neck of the jar by two centimeters. It is impossible for water to get into the jar.

After boiling, a half-liter container with cherries is in the water for fifteen or twenty minutes. Sterilization time liter containers- up to half an hour.

To prepare the preservation, you will need sugar and cherries. In rare cases, starch and water are added.

Useful at work big spoon, a container for bones, an enamel saucepan, a ladle, a colander, potholders and towels.

When rolling cherries, it is desirable to observe the following proportions: for each kilogram of fruit, a glass of sugar is needed. It is also possible: liter jar three spoons of sugar.

especially ripe and juicy fruits can be preserved without sugar.

Jars of cherries are turned over, wrapped in something warm and large. They should be left in this form until the seaming has cooled completely.

Preservation is stored in a dark and cool place: a cellar or pantry.

Recipe 1. Cherry in its own juice for the winter "Fresh Berry"


Sugar - three tablespoons. for one liter jar;

Cooking method:

    We sort out the cherries, remove the spoiled berries.

    Soak it for half an hour in salted water.

    Wash fruits well running water.

    Transfer to a colander and let the liquid drain.

    Pour a spoonful of sugar into a sterilized and dry jar. Then fill it halfway with cherries. Shake lightly so that the fruits lie denser.

    Add another tablespoon of sugar.

    Fully fill the jar with cherries, shake.

    Sprinkle another spoonful of sugar on top. It should be noted that if the cherry is very sour, then you can add more sweet ingredient.

    We cover the jars with lids.

    We sterilize in hot water for about 15 minutes. We start counting the time from boiling the liquid.

    You can carry out this operation in the oven. Banks need to be kept there for 20 minutes at standard temperature.

    Roll up the lids tightly. Turn the container with cherries over. Do not forget to wrap the jars well.

Recipe 2. Cherries in their own juice for the winter for desserts


One kg ripe cherries seedless;

0.3 kg sugar;

50 ml of water;

Two table l. starch;

Cooking method:

    Berries fall asleep with sugar and put on medium fire.

    Boil the cherry for five to seven minutes after boiling the juice.

    We remove the vessel from the fire.

    Dilute starch in cold water. There should not be a single lump. Add it to hot, but not boiling juice with cherries.

    Again we place the dishes with the fruits on the fire and wait for the boil. Turn off immediately.

    We lay out the cherries in their own juice for the winter in clean jars, twist, cover and wait until they cool.

Recipe 3. Cherry in its own juice for the winter "Winter Sweetness"


Sugar - four tablespoons per 0.7 l jar;

Cooking method:

    Prepared cherries are placed in a jar with a layer of approximately four centimeters.

    We fall asleep a tablespoon with a slide of sugar.

    In the bowl where she lay fresh cherry, juice was formed. Pour two tablespoons on the surface of the fruit.

    We cover the filled glass container with lids and send it to the oven for 30 minutes.

    We take out hot jars, covering our hands with an oven mitt or a towel.

    We twist, turn over and cover with something warm.

    We hide the already cooled cans on a shelf in the pantry or cellar.

Recipe 4. Cherry in its own juice for the winter "Country Recipe"


Two kilograms of cherries;

Half a kilo of sugar.

Cooking method:

    Pour the pitted cherries into a large saucepan. Add sugar and mix gently with a spoon or spatula.

    Gotta try, is it enough sweet juice, which let the cherry. If necessary, you can add more sugar.

    Put the pot on the stove and turn on small fire. Stirring occasionally, bring to a boil. Boil the cherries for fifteen minutes.

    finished product put into clean jars. Roll up the lid, turn over.

Recipe 5. Cherries in their own juice for the winter without sugar


Cooking method:

    Remove the pits from each cherry.

    Using a spoon, fill the prepared jars with fruits. Lightly tamp the berries so that they release juice more actively. Between top layer cherries and leave a distance of about three cm with the edge of the jar.

    We cover each glass container with prepared lids.

    We place the jars on a baking sheet and load into the electric oven. We place them on the second level from the bottom.

    Set the temperature to 150 degrees. Heating mode: top and bottom.

    We follow the jars until the cherry juice boils in them. After this happens, keep the preservation in the oven for about twenty minutes.

    We take out the jars of cherries in their own juice, prepared for the winter, and tightly tighten the lids.

    We give the glass container to cool to room temperature, and send it to storage until the winter cold.

Recipe 6. Cherry in its own juice for the winter "Sour Berry"


One kilogram of cherries;

Sugar - one tablespoon on the floor liter jar.

Cooking method:

    Cooking cherries and containers. Pour fruits into each jar. Shake them to fit tightly.

    We put the jars in a saucepan. We put one tablespoon of table sugar. Cover with lids.

    Pour into a saucepan cold water. We turn on the fire.

    The jars are sterilized ten minutes after the water boils.

    We take out the banks and quickly roll them up. We turn over, wrap and after complete cooling we move to a prepared place for storage.

Recipe 7. Cherry in its own juice for the winter in Eastern European style


Sugar - five tablespoons of Art. per liter jar;

Cooking method:

    We load pitted cherries into clean jars.

    After half glass containers filled, pour granulated sugar.

    We fill the jars with cherries almost to the top. Leave a distance of one centimeter to the edges of the container.

    Pour into each jar clean water. She must fill the container completely.

    We cover the jars with clean lids and twist. We turn each one over and make sure that they are closed tightly.

    We put the jars in a large saucepan and fill with water up to the neck.

    After boiling, we fasten the fire to an average level and note the time in twenty-five minutes.

    Turn off the heat, cover the saucepan with jars with a lid. We leave the preservation directly in the water until the morning.

    We unload the jars, wipe with a towel and turn over. Once again, check if they are hermetically sealed.

Harvesting cherries in their own juice for the winter - tricks and tips

  • When sterilizing in the oven, jars should be placed on a wire rack and a baking sheet placed at the bottom to prevent contamination of the entire inside of the stove. After all, when heated, juice can flow out of a glass container.
  • If there are a lot of jars, then the sterilization process is best done in the oven. If their number is limited to three or four, a saucepan of water is more suitable.
  • When the bones are removed with a toothpick, one of its sharp tips can be broken off.
  • In order not to confuse the ratio of sugar and cherries, it is necessary to use jars of the same capacity.

Cherries are rolled in their own juice for the winter without pits, without sugar and without additives. The blank is unique, 100% consists of a fruit part. Safety is ensured by sterilization in boiling water.

Canned cherries in their own juice are obtained with a characteristic pronounced sourness, rich in taste, dark and fragrant. The product is in demand in cooking, it can be used to prepare fillings for dumplings and pies, cakes and pastries. Suitable for compotes, jellies and sauces. Those with a sweet tooth can add sugar or honey to their taste and enjoy tea drinking on winter evenings.

Total cooking time: 20 + 3 hours for steeping / Yield: 0.5 l

What will be needed? Pitted cherries - 500 g.

How to cook cherries in your own juice

I wash the cherries in cold water, remove the leaves and stalks. I sort through, getting rid of the damaged and spoiled, leaving only the most ripe and juicy. To give berries more juice I recommend keeping them at room temperature for a while, not in the refrigerator.

I take out the bones. You can use the device in the garlic press or resort to other improvised means: a hairpin, a pin, a bamboo skewer, a toothpick. The work, although painstaking, is essential for this method blanks. Since we have a recipe for sugar-free cherries, the presence of seeds is unacceptable, the workpiece simply will not stand, it will explode the lid. I advise you to take out the stone over a bowl to save the cherry juice.

Be sure to sterilize containers for seaming and lids, any convenient way(over a pot of boiling water, in the oven, in the microwave, etc.). I lay out pitted cherries in jars, filling to the very top. The berries should be packed tightly, with a small slide. I cover the filled jars with clean lids and leave for 3 hours at room temperature so that the juice stands out.

The next step is sterilization. To do this, I pour cold (!) Water into the pan, put a piece of cotton towel on the bottom for a more secure fixation. I put the jar and bring it to a boil. Water should reach almost to the neck of the jar, but not get inside when boiling. I sterilize for 20 minutes from the moment the water boils in the pan (if the jar is 1 liter, then you need to sterilize for at least 25 minutes). Boiling should be uniform, but not violent, so that splashes in no case fly under the lid.

After boiling in boiling water, the cherry will settle and release the juice, which will completely cover the berries. I very carefully take the jar out of the boiling water. Seal immediately with sterilized lids. I turn it upside down and wrap it tightly with a blanket. I leave it in this form until it cools completely, and then I put it away for storage.

The spin is sterilized with boiling water, so it is well worth it. Cherry has a lot of natural ascorbic acid, which ensures its storage without additional preservatives such as sugar or lemon acid. But in the heat and when hit sun rays berries can still ferment, so it’s better not to take risks and ensure proper storage conditions. After cooling, I recommend removing the preservation in a cool, dry and dark place. Shelf life - 1 year.
