
Wedding cake 2 tiered. Two-tier wedding cakes: classic or trendy design

IN Lately the art of making cakes of various shapes began to develop very actively. Creation wedding cake has always been a very responsible matter and required the maximum investment of effort, professionalism and imagination from the culinary specialist.

The cake has always been the decoration and completion of any celebration. And, of course, it is always present on the wedding table.

Recently, the art of making cakes of various shapes has begun to develop very actively (for example,). Creating a wedding cake has always been a very responsible matter and required the maximum investment of effort, professionalism and imagination from the culinary specialist.

And the creation of a two-tiered or even three-tiered cream wedding cake is generally aerobatics confectionery craftsmanship. Due to the growing demand for this species activities, a lot of specialists have appeared who know their business perfectly and create real culinary masterpieces.

Two tiered wedding cakes are all the rage right now.

Therefore, ordering a two-tiered wedding cake of any configuration is not a problem at all. True, such a creamy miracle will also cost royally. Indeed, in addition to the use of high-quality, and, accordingly, expensive ingredients, the cost will include payment for the work of the culinary specialist.

That is why many housewives prefer to do it on their own home cooking create two tiered wedding cream art pieces. It's no secret that many housewives bake well, it's a kind of hobby for them, an opportunity for self-expression. And the use of their skills in order to save the wedding budget is only a joy for them.

homemade wedding cream cake recipe

Now in vogue wedding bunk cream cakes. To prepare such a cake, you need to prepare the cakes. To do this, you need eggs, sugar, flour and water.

Mix two eggs well with half a glass of sugar, add a little water and half a glass of flour. Mix everything again.
Then we divide the resulting mass into two or three parts, depending on how many layers you want to get in the end, and send them to the oven. Then let the cakes cool down.
At this time, you can start preparing the cream.

Preparing the cream for the wedding cake

To prepare it, you need butter, condensed milk, confectionery dyes.

Whip butter and condensed milk.

The butter must first be softened to a soft state. processed cheese. Beat better not by hand, but with a mixer to get a fluffy consistency. About 250 grams of condensed milk is added to one pack of butter.

The butter must first be softened to the state of soft processed cheese. Beat better not by hand, but with a mixer to get a fluffy consistency. About 250 grams of condensed milk is added to one pack of butter. First you need to start whipping the butter itself, and then gradually pour in the condensed milk, and then beat well again. If you need to give a specific color, add food coloring and keep on beating.

wedding cake ideas

Gold and Silver Wedding Cake Decorating Ideas

Decoration of two-tiered wedding cakes

Two-tiered mastic wedding dresses amaze with their beauty. Some couples even leave such figures as a keepsake.

To prepare such jewelry in the form of a bride and groom, you will need:

  • The mastic itself;
  • Special rug for her;
  • Cooking dyes;
  • Toothpicks or skewers;
  • rolling pin;
  • Your skillful hands;
  • A little bit of inspiration.

First, roll out the mastic using a rolling pin and a special rug. Then we cut out a circle from it - this will be the basis for the figures. We twist a beautiful flagellum that will frame the platform.

Indispensable decoration wedding table- it's a wedding cake

We roll out another plate, from which we make a hem for the figurine of the bride and install it on the platform. Then we paint small piece mastics in black and make shoes and trousers for the groom.

To fix the figures in each of them, we install toothpicks or skewers. After that, you can safely proceed to sculpting the upper parts of the figures. We leave the figurines alone so that they dry thoroughly, after which they can be placed on the wedding cake.

Nowadays, it has become popular to make cakes that have a different shape. Cooking a cake for a wedding invariably requires special responsibility from confectioners, professional skills, full dedication of energy and developed imagination.

And from products confectionery art with two or more tiers, generally breathtaking.

Exists folk omen- the taste of a wedding two-tiered cake determines how the family life of the newlyweds will turn out (than better taste the better will be the relationship in the family).

In addition, it is believed that the pyramidal shape of the confectionery symbolizes longevity, the shape of the heart - strong feelings, horseshoes - well-being, cornucopias - material wealth.

Today there are many professional pastry chefs who are experts in their field, creating truly magnificent works of pastry craftsmanship.

Choice of cake with two tiers

Before ordering pastry, you need to familiarize yourself with the individual subtleties of its creation.

A two-tier wedding cake of the smallest size weighs from 3 kg. Therefore, if the scope of the wedding is small, then it is better to choose a dessert with one tier.

You also need to take into account the type of cake. I divide the masterpieces of confectioners into three types: biscuit, meringue and marzipan.

An exception may be the option when both floors of the cake will stand on special stands.

It is not advisable to use meringue, waffles, puff and sand cakes. They crumble a lot when cut and are too heavy food. After all the dishes, such a creation can lead to indigestion.

The most popular are biscuit confectionery, souffle cakes, desserts based on yogurt, cottage cheese, marzipan.

It is advisable to pre-order a trial cake, weighing up to 1 kg. This will help you avoid disappointment later on. Very often, pastry chefs make cakes in the likeness of wedding cakes for tasting purposes.

Decorating wedding cakes

Confectioners offer the following design ideas to decorate their creations:

Decor from mastic

It has a wonderful taste and amazing appearance. From mastic, you can create all kinds of flower arrangements, fancy figures, etc.

The main thing is not to forget that mastic parts will be stable only on a hard surface. Speaking of figures, they can be very unusual, such as depicting animals or fairy-tale creatures. This looks very interesting.

wrong shape

The cake doesn't have to be round. Unusual desserts look great. An example is a cake, in the form of two gift boxes decorated with bows.

The product of confectioners in the form of a rectangle can also look very original.

Two-tier cream wedding cakes in the form of hearts look unusually cute. Or maybe you will like asymmetric stylized masterpieces.

Dessert with meaning

The cake can remind you of the moment the newlyweds met, their hobbies and hobbies.

For example, a confectionery product in the form of a suitcase, vehicle, any sights or favorite game.

Reflection of the theme of the celebration

If the wedding is Japanese style, sakura branches are suitable for decoration, for a retro-style holiday, a cake depicting an old gramophone is suitable.

You are an admirer of the vintage trend, feel free to choose a dessert in contrasting and monochrome colors with a lace gossamer.

Love cartoons? A confectionery product can be decorated with balls, funny figures, funny edible pictures, sweets.

Products in the form of stairs, asymmetrically slanted cakes, fairy-tale palaces, chests, frames from cartoons - the masters of confectionery art have an inexhaustible imagination.

Reflection of the seasons

Summer cakes are characterized by the use of a rich palette, a variety of fruits and berries, bold decorative details and pine fillings.

Autumn means red, yellow, chocolate decorative elements. The cake can be decorated with red-yellow foliage, berries and fruits, autumn flowers. It's great if the latter are in the bride's bouquet.

Winter is cool colors. The work of confectioners can be decorated with details imitating frosty patterns, snowflakes, fir cones, or decorated in the popular ombre style.

Spring palette - light green, sunny yellow, pastel blue, pale pink. As a decor, flower arrangements are a must.

Today there is a huge range of wedding cakes. We wish you to choose the one that will be not just a dessert, but an amazingly delicious fabulous part of your wedding celebration.

A cake is not just a table decoration, but one of the important elements of your wedding. The tradition of serving confectionery treats appeared relatively recently - only at the end of the nineteenth century; before that, weddings were treated with a loaf. And now even a two-tiered wedding cake is no longer a rarity.

Two centuries ago, no one knew what cakes were - not only in Russia, but also in Western countries. This product has come a long way from plain bread(cakes, pies) to a real work of art in which modern chefs can embody any, even the most daring fantasy.

The value of the treat at the celebration

Which cake you choose for your wedding has a certain symbolic meaning:

  • sweet delicious - to " sweet life» young couple;
  • in the shape of a horseshoe - for good luck;
  • - symbolizes passionate and deep feelings;
  • from several tiers - to the longevity of a married couple;
  • swans at the top - to the imminent addition to the family.

Usually served at the very end of the celebration, shortly before the young people leave banqueting hall and the rest of the guests will start to go home. Thus, it will be the end of your wedding, its final chord, and it is very important that its look and taste do not disappoint anyone.

Today we will talk about one of the options for a "multi-story" treat, namely a two-tiered wedding cake. The bottom tier is usually twice as large as the top tier.

How to choose

Please note that the usual weight of a two-tier treat is at least 3.5-4 kg. If you are in a family circle, it hardly makes sense to order such a huge cake. But if the number of invitees is more than 30, then it makes sense to think about it.

However, the choice is yours - single tier cake a large area or a treat from several tiers, but a smaller area. But do not forget that two-tiered and multi-tiered confectionery products usually look more impressive.

wedding planner

Order a "trial" cake of small weight before placing an order for a wedding. It is advisable to try the delicacy in advance so as not to be disappointed in the taste during the holiday.

Elena Sokolova


Vintage treats with lace cobwebs in contrasting colors, confectionery for lovers of card games or in the Gothic style look original.


By composition, treats can be divided into 3 groups:, as well as meringue or marzipan products. But double decker cakes for a wedding have their own characteristics - the second tier can simply crush the first one if it is made of soufflé or biscuit. However, if you only want a biscuit or meringue, there is a way out - to place each tier on a separate stand. In this case, you can use any base and fillers for treats.

Cakes from puff or shortcrust pastry, as well as meringue and waffle, are not very suitable for a wedding. Firstly, it will be impossible to cut them into beautiful and even pieces. Secondly, they are very high-calorie and satisfying - it is unlikely that by the end of the evening guests will be hungry enough to appreciate their taste. Give preference to light two-tiered wedding cakes, as in the photo. Or yogurt, soufflé, curd treats or traditional biscuits.

A two-tiered wedding cake will suit any style of celebration - the main thing is that there are enough guests at your celebration who can try this cooking masterpiece. What kind of confection to choose and how to decorate it - it already depends on your preferences, as well as on the style of your wedding.

Attention! We have highlighted the nuances of choosing a dessert in more detail. Enjoy reading.

Delicacy without mastic

Future spouses can choose a two-tier wedding cake without mastic. The bottom tier must be stable, so it is best to use a dense biscuit as a base. Upper layer may consist of lighter cakes. The most delicious and simple version of cream for mastic treats is cream whipped with sugar. As a rule, treats without mastic are smeared with cream on top, then the upper tier (also smeared with cream) is installed and the product is decorated by squeezing the cream from a pastry bag or syringe in the form of flowers or other decorative elements.

Mastic Treats

Mastic is considered the most traditional way decorations. Two-tiered wedding cakes, like the one in the photo, with flowers and fondant, look neat and very festive.

First, the lower and then the upper tiers are poured with mastic, which is first given the desired color, placed on top of each other and decorated with figures. traditional decoration- figurines of the bride and groom, as well as rings, swans, flowers. In order for the figures to hold well, the cake must be firm enough.

You can get creative and go beyond: animal figurines or any other decorations you like look very interesting. Remember that this is your holiday, and only you can decide how your cake will look!

A treat with flowers

Flowers are the most popular decoration for treats, including for weddings. Usually, whipped cream is used, which is divided into parts, and each part is diluted with a dye of the desired shade. To make flowers from cream, it is squeezed out in layers on a wooden stick, and then the resulting flower is removed with scissors and set on a confectionery. Usually professional confectioners do this, but if you want to make two-tier cream wedding cakes, you can do it yourself.

Useful video: master class

After watching the video clip, you will learn how to decorate a two-tiered wedding cake with cream-free cream.

To prepare the meringue cream, take 4 proteins, a glass of sugar, half a teaspoon citric acid and vanillin. First, the proteins are lightly beaten, and continue to beat, heating in a water bath and gradually adding sugar, for eight to ten minutes. After that, the dishes with proteins are removed from the water bath and beat for another five minutes.

The cream should be very thick and stick to the whisk of the mixer. Another warm cream should be immediately put into pastry bag and start decorating the confectionery. This cream holds its shape very well. First with the help confectionery syringe a mesh is laid out, then wavy patterns are formed on the sides. You can add food coloring to this cream if you like. Then you will get the most beautiful two-tiered wedding cake.

Unusual products

Most often, two-tiered cream wedding cakes are round, rectangular or square, and use fairly standard decorations. Let's look at some unusual options.

Two boxes with tape

In this case, the delicacy is made square, and the upper tier is slightly smaller in area than the lower one. But they are not installed evenly, but at an angle, and decorated on top with a gift ribbon with a bow made of mastic. This cake looks like two gift boxes from a jewelry store.

In the shape of a heart

What better suits the theme of a wedding than a heart - a symbol of love? Two hearts, one family and one destiny - this is the meaning of a two-tiered treat in the shape of a heart. It can be white, red, pink - or a combination of these colors. A two-tier wedding cake, as in the photo, will become a real decoration for a sweet table.


You can make both tiers asymmetrical - this option is suitable for those newlyweds who stand out from the crowd and do not like to act on someone else's orders. The main thing is that the two uneven tiers are well fastened together.

couple symbol

Each couple has their own special story. Some met while traveling, others on the Internet, others when she accidentally hit his car (or vice versa). Why not make a cake that reflects their story? For example, two tiers - two computers (or laptops), symbolizing the virtual acquaintance of the newlyweds. Or two suitcases - black and white, which mean acquaintance on a trip.

If the newlyweds belong to some social group, they have a common hobby or a common profession - this can also be reflected in the wedding treat.

Both tiers are usually made the same or similar - both in appearance and in taste. But nothing prevents you from making them different - such a cake will turn out to be very original and will surely be remembered by all guests.

Product for a themed celebration

Now it is fashionable to arrange weddings in a certain style. If you have chosen a specific theme for your celebration, it should be reflected in all the details, including the wedding cake.

Here are a few ideas on how to play it up for a celebration in:

  • fruit / berry style - a confectionery product is decorated with selected fruits or berries on top or over the entire surface;
  • retro style - the treat looks like a gramophone, and is decorated with a plate on top;
  • - a product in the form of a two-deck ship or yacht;
  • Japanese style - you can decorate with a sakura branch (this idea can be used for any country by choosing its symbol for decoration);
  • ladybug, which sits on a cake decorated with a red flower;
  • green - two caterpillars crawling towards each other on a two-tiered cake covered with green mastic.

Interesting! A two-tiered cake can be made from candy! This original idea came to us from the West.


When choosing the main delicacy, remember that modern confectioners can make any of your dreams come true - do not be afraid to dream and offer ideas. The cake can be completely different: round or square, original or traditional, decorated with cream or mastic. The main thing is that the newlyweds like it, fit the style and theme of the wedding, and of course, be tasty and sweet, like future life newlyweds!

Today I want to show you how you can make a wedding cake, for example, as a gift to your brother or niece. The cake will be very simple in execution, but at the same time very tender, real. An event like a wedding is taken very seriously. The bride chooses a wedding dress, the groom needs to decide on a suit, hairstyles, photo and video shooting, wedding venue, etc.

They also try to impress their guests. original snacks, decor of wedding glasses and champagne. And most importantly, probably everyone wants their wedding cake to be the most beautiful and most delicious.

As a basis, I will have two biscuits, a white biscuit and a chocolate biscuit. After all, a wedding is a combination of two hearts, two different energies, newlyweds - they are like a complement to each other. So ours will complement each other.

  • egg - 5 pcs.
  • flour - 1 tbsp. (not complete)
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • starch - 1 tbsp. lies.
  • soda - 1 tsp.
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. lodges

Wedding bunk cake - recipe

Divide the eggs into 2 parts, yolks separately, whites separately. Whip the whites into lush foam, and grind the yolks with sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. We take a full glass of flour, take three tablespoons of flour from this glass, and instead of flour, add starch, soda and cocoa. Mix everything and add through a sieve to the yolks and not all at once, but in parts.

We also add whipped proteins to the yolks, and so alternate until all the ingredients are mixed together. It is necessary to mix manually, and not with a mixer, a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula, to whom, the more convenient. We bake in the oven at a temperature of 175 0C for about 30 minutes. This is designed for a small portion, I have a chocolate biscuit - a double portion.

Now you need to bake a regular one, add all the same ingredients as for chocolate biscuit other than cocoa.

Cut out from ready-made cakes form for our future cake. I put a lid of the diameter we need on a baking sheet from any pan and cut out 2 circles. Remains chocolate cake will go for the preparation of confectionery putty. white biscuit has slightly uneven edges. It can also be slightly trimmed.

While preparing the cream.

The ingredients are indicated for 1 serving of cream, for a two-tiered cake you will need three servings of these.

  • oil - 250 gr.
  • milk - 150 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.

Whisk the egg with sugar. Heat the milk separately. Then, hot milk, but not yet boiled, is added to egg mixture, we continue to beat. We need the sugar to melt completely. Then, all this milk mixture is again poured into a saucepan and put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. You have to cook until thickened. As soon as the mixture has become thick, turn off the fire, and add a piece of butter, about 50 g, to it, stir and set aside until it cools completely.

Beat the softened butter until it almost doubles in volume. Then in small portions add custard and keep on beating.

As a result, you should get a very thick cream.

The newlyweds asked to add cherries to the cake, so that the taste would be not just sweet, but sweet and sour. Saturate the bottom cake with cherry syrup. We have it chocolate, so there will be no noticeable changes in color, for that the cake itself will be well saturated and will be very soft.

Cover the cherries with cream.

We collect the cake. We coat each layer with cream, do not spare the cream, and also do not forget about the sides of the cake.

From the remnants of the cake layers and the remnants of the cream, we prepare confectionery putty.

We cover with chocolate mass and align the sides of the chocolate cake.

In the same way, we prepare white putty.

We level the surface of the cake with white mass. We put it in the refrigerator for about 4 hours.

For now, let's get on with the makeup. I make mastic from ordinary chewing marshmallows. We need 2 packs. One package includes both white and pink marshmallow. We divide it into separate containers, sorting by color.

Place in the microwave for 1 minute to melt.

We sow powdered sugar.

And knead the mastic.

We cover the finished mastic with a film and set aside for 15-20 minutes.

The mastic has stood, cooled down, now you can work with it. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the table, knead the mastic and roll it out.

We make a flower for the cake. We cut out a circle and on a silicone mat we pass along the edge of the circle with a special tool. Instead of a silicone mat, I had an identical lining, but the tool you need is exactly the same as in the photo.

For one flower, cut out 5 circles of different diameters. We roll everything along the edge to get a slightly wavy edge.

The core can be made from mastic of a different color or beads can be glued. I glue the beads with melted white chocolate.

We take out the cake from the refrigerator. Align all surfaces. The cake must be perfectly flat.

We roll out the mastic and cut out a circle with a diameter that is equal to the diameter of the top tier of the cake. We transfer the mastic to the cake.

We also cover the bottom tier of the cake. We do it all from pink mastic.

Ordered a cake for a wedding. At the preliminary tasting, it was difficult to decide on the filling, everything is very tasty! As a result, we settled on 2 fillings - bianca: sour cream with peach and nuts and truffle chocolate. Delivered on time. At the wedding, he made a splash both in taste and in form! Tastier stuffing have not tried it, unusually delicious truffle, chocolate-chocolate! All the guests were satisfied and the next day they praised the choice of the cake! Definitely recommend and will order again!

Ekaterina May 27, 2018

We ordered a wedding cake with black forest filling. Very very very tasty. Well soaked. Thank you very much.

Olga 01 April 2018

At the celebration of our August wedding (with small blueberry "blotches"))) I wanted to see a light, concise cake and portioned cakes. Thanks to Tortogliano for making our wish come true!)
The filling of the cake is blueberry, cakes are bomb raspberry-passion fruit.

Our guests and we both loved it! We will definitely come back with new ideas and desires to you!

Victoria December 15, 2017

Celebrating a Gatsby birthday! Cake became the highlight of the program! Incredible beauty and insanely delicious! Thank you! I hakazal later many more times and my friends followed my example. And Tortoliano is always on top!

Daria September 25, 2017

Thank you very much for a great wonderful confectionery and wonderful people who work in it. We saw the cake only at the moment when it was taken out at Our Wedding! It was a wonderful and exciting moment. The cake met all our expectations. Thank you so much for your professionalism and fine work. Creative success and beautiful and original ideas. You are best!!! ️ ️ ️ ️ ️

Anastasia September 25, 2017

We are happy that we turned to Tortollano! Very attentive and patient confectioners took into account all our capricious wishes. The cake exceeded all our expectations! Fine work done with love and soul. We are very grateful to the confectioners who worked on our wedding masterpiece! Jennet and Maxim. 08/31/2016

Jennet and Maxim June 14, 2017

Dear Guys!

Many thanks for your excellent work! For attention to every detail, for individual approach, for high professionalism, for quality SERVICE!
We ordered 2 cakes from you, one for a wedding on August 19, and the other for a birthday on November 5 - both cakes were made perfectly, it was a pity to cut them, they were so beautiful)))))) Super toppings, everything is very tasty, but a favorite We have mint chocolate of course.

You are true artists, passionate about creative people, You create works of art, nothing is impossible for you!

Diana and Arthur November 21, 2016

Many thanks to Tortogliano confectionery for the amazing wedding cake (07/16/2016)! :)
Great taste and interesting design made our cake a beautiful and delicious end to the evening!

With great pleasure we admire the works of Tortollano confectioners on Instagram. Your cakes and pastries are true works of art!

Anastasia November 21, 2016

Good afternoon I really want to leave a review about your bakery!

I am a wedding planner. I took the cake ordered by the youth, when the ordered cake was brought, there was one nuance, according to the bride, the flowers that were of blue color, were supposed to be green, the cake was brought at 7, after talking with the senior manager about the color and asking what can be done, she offered to fix everything the way the bride wants!

Everything was fixed in 2 hours, the cake was perfect, everything was as the bride wanted and thanks to Evgeny (Driver) a special thank you, the cake was delivered on time as promised! Thank you so much for your understanding and hard work! The newlyweds were very happy when they got the cake they wanted to see! It's a pleasure to work with you!

Once again, many thanks to the senior manager and Evgeny, as well as to everyone who worked on this order!!! Work for 5+!

Anastasia November 01, 2016

Ordered a cake for a wedding. The cake made a splash. Nobody believed that the apples on the cake weren't real. Everyone was absolutely delighted with the taste. Several guests, without departing from the place, wrote down the coordinates of the confectionery :)))

Thank you great Masters and managers of Tortoliano for their attention and patience in coordinating the cake and quality work. It is always very comfortable and calm with you for the result, for us it was doubly valuable on such an important day.

The loaf that we received as a gift was also very pleasant.

In general, we order a cake here not for the first time, we are always satisfied and pleasantly surprised by the result, no matter how difficult the task is!

Good luck and prosperity!

Sincerely, Svetlana and Igor.

Svetlana and Igor November 01, 2016

We contacted them!

The cake of this confectionery, indeed, fulfilled the role of the culmination of the holiday, they did not immediately cut it, they wanted to take a picture with it ...
I suppose to say that this one was the most a delicious cake, which I have ever eaten, is not even worth it ...

We wanted three toppings, but due to technical features designs of the cake itself, we were told that we could only choose two. Chocolate-mint and raspberry-passion fruit were chosen.
In general, on emotions that have not yet subsided after yesterday, I wanted to write this review. I recommend this pastry responsibility to everyone who is not indifferent to the fate of the wedding cake.

Artem 05 September 2016 Anna 05 September 2016

We ordered a wedding cake for June 18, 2016. We chose a pastry shop for a long time, which would make not only delicious, but also a really beautiful and elegant cake. We opted for "Tortogliano" and did not regret it.

The cake turned out amazing!!! All our wishes were not only taken into account, but understood perfectly - the appearance of the cake consisted of several cakes presented on the site and was supplemented with figures according to our description. The filling "strawberry-banana" in the cake itself turned out to be much tastier than we tried during the tasting, obviously, in combination with the most delicious cake topping. The cake was soft and light.

Special thanks to the girls-managers for their attention and quick resolution of all issues. The cake was delivered to the restaurant without our presence, everything was fast, on time and without problems. A nice bonus is free shipping cake in Moscow. Thank you!

Anna 05 September 2016

It took a long time to choose a pastry shop that would make not only delicious, but also a really beautiful and elegant cake. We opted for "Tortogliano" and did not regret it. The cake turned out amazing!!! All our wishes were not only taken into account, but understood perfectly - the appearance of the cake consisted of several cakes presented on the site and was supplemented with figures according to our description.

The filling "strawberry-banana" in the cake itself turned out to be much tastier than we tried during the tasting, obviously, in combination with the most delicious cake topping. The cake was soft and light. Special thanks to the girls-managers for their attention and quick resolution of all issues. The cake was delivered to the restaurant without our presence, everything was fast, on time and without problems. A nice bonus is the free delivery of the cake in Moscow.

Anna July 02, 2016

June 25, 2016 celebrated a themed wedding. The topic was very interesting and difficult to implement - Ancient Rome, The Roman Empire.

I needed a matching cake. We found on the Internet photos of what we would like to see. We made a mailing list for various confectionery shops and were surprised to find that one of the cakes we liked was made by the masters of this confectionery shop!

We contacted them!

I will say right away, despite the fact that the prices are slightly above average, the work done is amazing and worth every penny paid!

Starting from the fact that the staff of the Confectionery constantly kept in touch by e-mail, sent photos from each stage of the cake preparation, delivery - everything was at the highest level!

The cake of this confectionery really fulfilled the role of the culmination of the holiday, they didn’t cut it right away, they wanted to take a picture with it ... I guess it’s not even worth saying that this was the most delicious cake I have ever eaten ...

We ordered a wedding cake, trusting the reviews of our friends. Of course, we were worried both about the appearance and the taste of the order, especially considering the fact that we did not taste the fillings. Luckily for us, the cake turned out to be magical! It was very beautiful, one to one as in the photo from the company's website, but, most importantly, it was sooo tasty! The guests are delighted! Many of us took the contacts of this wonderful confectionery! We still get "delicious" reviews from our guests =).

We will definitely be ordering from you again!

Separately, we want to note the punctuality of delivery! did not disappoint!

Thanks again! You are doing your job and doing it with dignity!

Anya and Ilya

Anna June 03, 2016

I would like to once again say a huge thank you on my behalf and on behalf of my newlyweds Anna and Alexander, who joined their destinies on April 25 and your cake became the end of our fabulous berry wedding. It was unique, like all your cakes. Working with you, I am always confident in the quality and appearance!

Julia July
(wedding agency Honey Wedding)
October 12, 2015
