
1.9 ppm what degree of intoxication. 6 ppm of alcohol - how much is drunk and how does it affect driving? Duration of action of alcohol

There are situations when a person needs to drive after drinking alcohol. However, under the law, the driver has no right to be behind the wheel in a state of intoxication.

To date, traffic police officers, at the slightest suspicion, can check whether the driver is under the influence of alcohol-containing products or not.

For this, a special device is used - a breathalyzer. It shows the degree of intoxication in ppm. This measurement value indicates the content of pure alcohol in the body.

Determining the degree of intoxication

The breathalyzer shows the degree of alcohol intoxication of a person in the air exhaled by him. To determine, the driver needs to exhale into a special tube on the device and in a matter of seconds he will give the results, according to which law enforcement officers can see if the person has consumed alcohol.

This device is simply impossible to deceive, but it has a slight error. If a person is sure that he did not drink alcoholic beverages before he got behind the wheel, you need to undergo a medical examination. However, if the driver knows for sure that he was drinking strong drinks, then he needs to understand how to determine the degree of intoxication on his own, without the help of a special device.

Any use of alcohol leads a person to intoxication. However, each process of alcohol breakdown occurs individually, so the symptoms of the stage of intoxication may differ. Let's single out the main symptoms that the drinker feels - this is a lack of coordination, unrelated speech, slight dizziness, and it can also give out an unnatural gleam in the eyes.

Severe alcohol intoxication can cause severe poisoning, loss of consciousness, and some people may experience memory lapses. A person suffering from alcoholism is not able to respond to external stimuli, so a person in this state can create a danger to those around him.

For self-determination, there is a table reflecting the degree of intoxication in ppm. Experts combined in it the types of intoxication with ppm, and also characterized the sensations of a person.

Light or first alcohol degree intoxication in ppm is 0.5 - 1.5. At this stage, the emotional background rises, self-esteem improves. Also, drowsiness disappears, stress goes away. But at the same time, coordination is slightly disturbed.

Second or it is also called the middle stage, in ppm it is measured from 1.5 to 2.5. affects the expressiveness of the speech apparatus, instead of a good mood, a negative attitude towards the environment appears, aggression often occurs, and the self-preservation reflex disappears.

Third stage in ppm it is defined as 2.5 - 3. A person with such exposure to alcohol cannot independently coordinate his movements, many experience drowsiness, hearing loss. The visual organs cannot function in the usual mode, so vision deteriorates.

Fourth stage- this is 3 - 4 ppm. In this state, the drinker completely loses his ability to work. He is not able to perform any functions on his own. Not infrequently, when partial memory loss can occur, under the influence of alcohol a person may not recognize the area, the people around him.

Fifth stage- is fatal, and in ppm - it is more than 5. At this stage of intoxication, the central nervous system completely ceases to perform its functions, which leads to the shutdown of all organs, and as a result - death.

The degrees of intoxication in ppm, which the table contains, are approximate. Since the effect of alcohol on the body occurs individually. In this case, it is necessary to take into account age, weight, gender, and the determining factor is the food that was consumed when drinking strong drinks.

The effect of alcohol on the body

Intoxication depends on many factors, for example, the percentage of alcohol in alcoholic beverages, the amount that a person consumed.

It is important that women are more susceptible to the effects of alcohol than men. Therefore, the degree of intoxication can vary greatly, even if they drink the same amount of products.

Let us give an example of a mild degree in relation to alcoholic beverages. And so, 0.3 ppm is 50 gr. vodka, or 200 ml. dry red wine drink, or 0.5 l. beer products with a turnover of 0.4%.

This indicator is reflected after 1 hour has passed after consumption. The degree is also calculated that a person has a body weight of approximately 80 kg. Also, when measuring the type of intoxication, an important factor is the presence of chronic diseases. The above calculations are approximate and cannot fully reflect the state of intoxication.

alcohol withdrawal rate

Alcohol, getting into the body, is quickly absorbed into the blood, but it is excreted from it for a rather long time. Men need a mild form of about 2-4 hours, until the complete disappearance of alcohol from the blood. But women will need much more time from 6 to 8 hours. If measured in ppm, then a man loses an average of about 0.13 per hour, but women lose only 0.9 ppm in the same time.

With a degree of intoxication of 2 ppm, a person needs to wait about a day for the alcohol to completely leave the body.

This information is approximate and may not be suitable for every person. So, for example, for one man, a can of beer is enough for severe intoxication, while another can consume 4 cans of the same product and not feel a strong hangover.

Therefore, do not abuse alcohol.

Consequences of alcohol

First of all, internal organs suffer from alcohol-containing products, a large load falls on the work of the liver. It is she who is trying to remove alcoholic toxins, a person who suffers from alcoholism simply destroys his body.

For such people, the table of intoxication is not suitable, since the effect of alcohol has a different symptomatology, since the internal organs do not function as they do in a healthy person.

To drive a vehicle, there is an allowable rate of 0.3 ppm. However, you should not drive even after a small amount of alcohol. After all, a person in a state of intoxication cannot correctly assess the situation on the road, which can lead to an accident.

According to statistics, a large number of road accidents occur with the participation of a driver intoxicated. Since under the influence of alcohol the driver cannot fully concentrate on driving.

In emergency situations, he cannot soberly assess the situation, since all reflexes are in an inhibited state. Therefore, in order to save your own and someone else's life, it is better not to drive, even if there is a slight degree of intoxication.

Alcoholism is a pathological disease formed by the incessant use of alcoholic beverages. It is distinguished by psychological and chronic dependence on them. Every year, tens of thousands of people suffer from an overdose, and even die. Most of the crimes are committed. Road traffic accidents are increasingly being caused by drunk drivers.

Detection of blood alcohol level

When determining the content of alcohol in the blood, the concentration of alcohol, measured in ppm, is detected. Translated from the Latin "pro mille" means "for a thousand". This should be understood as a thousandth of a number, or one tenth of one percent.

For example, 1 ppm should be considered as one tenth of a percent. Up to the level of 0.5 ppm, alcohol has no effect on the human condition.

Degrees of intoxication

There are several degrees or stages of this condition:

  • first degree - mild

In the blood, from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm of alcohol is found. It takes effect within minutes of taking it. At the same time, skeletal muscles relax, tension and fatigue disappear, mood improves, pleasant warmth is felt. There is fun, increased activity, sociability, boastfulness and self-confidence. With movements, coordination decreases, the quality of pronunciation is lost;

  • second degree - medium

The level of alcohol in the body is from 1.5 ppm to 2.5. It starts shortly after his next serving. There is already monotonous, less intelligible and inexpressive speech. At this stage, a person is no longer cheerful and joyful, but irritated, rude and aggressive, depending on the situation, he easily starts an argument or a fight. Low coordination, uneven gait and loss of balance. In such a stay, a person does not remember everything that happens;

  • third degree - severe or severe

Alcohol in the body already contains from 2.5 to 3 ppm. In people with this level of intoxication, coordination of movement is completely lost, speech is poorly perceived, loss of consciousness is possible, seizures of an epileptic nature may appear. Often, such people experience involuntary urination, even defecation. Often there is partial amnesia, the person does not remember anything that happens;

  • fourth degree - from 3 to 4 ppm

Speech slows down or is completely absent, unintelligible lowing appears. It is difficult for a person to move around, he often does not know where he is going, he cannot keep himself straight. In such a situation, a person no longer recognizes other people. The next morning he may not remember what happened to him yesterday;

  • the fifth stage of intoxication, from 5 to 6 ppm in the blood

Possible damage to the nervous system, violation of the functions of the respiratory system, heart rhythm, sometimes with cardiac arrest, and then death. A person is in a state of absolute misunderstanding of everything that is happening, loses his reaction to the people around him.

The level of intoxication may also depend on the state of health of a person, on his fatigue and tension, on the food that he consumed before or after drinking alcohol, and also on the type of drink. As a rule, a drunk person has too high self-esteem, more often it is biased.

In addition to official degrees of intoxication, its atypical form is sometimes revealed. It is found in those people who have had a head injury and in those who drink alcohol for a long time.

The effect of alcoholism on the body

The body gets rid of alcohol with the help of the liver. The rate of its excretion in women is about 0.08 - 0.1 ppm for an hour, and in the male population - 0.1-0.15, that is, this process is long and detrimental to the liver. For example, a person has consumed alcohol up to a level of 2.0 ppm, the liver will almost completely cleanse the body only by the evening of the next day after taking it. Each person has an individual body. Someone quickly sobers up, while someone has a hangover for a long time. Unfortunately, there are no drugs that can cleanse the body of alcohol. A cold shower or hot tea will not help here.

It is not possible to accurately determine the level of intoxication on your own. Moreover, the effect of alcohol on different people is not the same: 100 grams of vodka is not enough for someone, and two sips of beer is enough for someone.

Alcoholism is one of the socially dangerous and fairly common diseases at the present time. The number of sick people under the control of a narcologist significantly exceeds the number of those registered with a psychiatrist. Drinking is on the rise, especially among teenagers and women, and this is a major public concern.

Becoming an alcoholic is very easy, but getting rid of this disease is much more difficult. This is caused by various external and internal factors.


(from lat. pro mille - for a thousand, female, non-cl.) One thousandth of a number, denoted by the sign ‰ (one tenth of a percent).

At the same time, 45 mg / m3 in the exhaled air corresponds to 0.1 ppm of alcohol in the blood. Once again: the alcohol content of 450 mg / m3 in the exhaled air corresponds to 1 ppm of alcohol in the blood (Guidelines ..).

From the moment of drinking alcohol to reaching its maximum concentration in the blood, it can take from 30 to 120 minutes. Alcohol is processed (oxidized) at an average rate of about 7 - 10 g of alcohol per 1 hour, which corresponds to a decrease in its concentration in the blood by approximately 0.1 - 0.16 ppm.

For example, 100 g of vodka contains about 40 g of ethyl alcohol. Drinking this amount of alcohol will give a result of about 0.5-0.6 ppm. Accordingly, until complete "weathering", when alcohol can no longer be determined in the exhaled air, saliva and blood, 4 - 5 hours should pass from the moment the drink was consumed ("Guidelines ..").

The content in the body of "endogenous" alcohol (not provoked by its use, the natural level), according to the literature, is in the range of 0.008 - 0.4 ppm. The detection of alcohol in biological media at a concentration below 0.3 ppm cannot reliably indicate the fact of alcohol consumption ("Guidelines .."). The presence of alcohol in such quantities is not punishable. At higher rates, the fact of drinking alcohol will be evident, but ... this does not mean an imminent punishment.

It is not the very use of alcohol "at the wheel" that is punished, but its use in such quantities that lead the driver to alcoholic intoxication.

The detection of alcohol in biological media at a concentration below 1 ppm cannot confirm alcohol intoxication. The presence of alcohol in such quantities is not punishable. At least that's how it should be...


The official documents establishing the criteria for determining the degree of intoxication based on the results of the analysis of the alcohol content in the blood / air / urine / saliva, today are ( Currently, all of the following documents have been officially canceled and are not used for medical examination of drivers for alcohol intoxication - Wilych ) :

Methodical instructions. Medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication" (defines criteria),

Temporary instruction on the procedure for a medical examination to establish the fact of alcohol consumption and intoxication "(approves the application of the above criteria),

Order of the Health Committee of the Government of Moscow N 340. (The same criteria, but more clearly defined).

When confirming the test results with a clinical picture, the conclusion “the fact of alcohol consumption was established, no signs of intoxication were detected” can be issued if there is convincing evidence confirming the fact of alcohol consumption, but in the absence of a clear clinical picture of alcohol intoxication and the alcohol content in biological media is less than 1 ppm.

Alkometric criteria for intoxication:

- "light degree of intoxication" .................................. from 1 to 2 ppm,

- "average degree of intoxication" .................................... from 2 to 3 ppm,

- "severe degree of intoxication" .................................... from 3 to 4 ppm,

- "alcoholic coma" .............................................. ....... over 4 ppm.

Regardless of the readings of the instruments, if the driver does not have a clinical picture of intoxication, a conclusion is made: no signs of intoxication have been identified ("Guidelines ..").

In cases where drivers are examined, the degree of intoxication is not indicated, since in these cases liability arises independently of it. ("Methodological instructions..").

A medical examination does not exclude the possibility of making an erroneous decision. Most often this is due to inaccurate implementation of the technique, the presence of impurities of reducing substances in the oral cavity or in the environment, etc. receiving chamber of the instrument. Errors can also be due to the use of alcohol-containing drugs on the eve of the study or the test immediately after smoking ("Guidelines ..").

The instruments used during the examination, depending on the model, can give results both in mg / m3 - the alcohol content in the exhaled air, and in ppm - the alcohol content in the blood, calculated "by air". The numbers will be completely different. Doctors sometimes use this confusion to interpret test results negatively, but the inconsistency in numbers should not confuse an experienced driver.

If the display shows "135" - carefully look for a dot between "1" and "3".

If there is - goodbye rights: this is ppm (1.35). If not - obviously, this is the calculation "by air" in mg / m3.

There cannot be a point between "3" and "5" (13.5), because for "mg / m3" - this is too little, but for ppm ... already at 4 ppm, an "alcoholic coma" sets in and a fatal outcome is quite possible.

A reading of 135 mg/m3 corresponds to 0.3 ppm.

small table ( Currently, regulatory documents establish other criteria for the degree of intoxication. In particular, the alcohol intoxication threshold is set at 0.5 ppm - Wilych ) :

what was/what will be ppm (by blood) in mg/m3 (by air)
endogenous level - natural the presence of alcohol in the body 0.1 45
0.2 90
0.3 135
result within the normal range 0.4 180
0.5 225 from 0.5 ppm, unlawful deprivation of "rights" is possible due to drivers' ignorance of the permissible alcohol content threshold
0.6 270
0.7 315
0.8 360
0.9 405
result 1 ppm and above - above the norm 1.0 450
1.5 675

The Russian device AKPE-1, in addition to measurements in ppm, can give results in "mcg / l", which are essentially the same mg / m3.


Recently, the topic of the quantitative content of ppm in the driver's body has become more and more relevant.
But at first it would be nice to sort out the question: 1 ppm is how much?

Each road user, be it a driver, a doctor, a police inspector, will have his own view on this situation. Where to look for the truth? Let's try to clarify this issue from different angles.

Promille: what is it?

If you look at the interpretation of the concept given in dictionaries, it becomes clear that a unit ppm is a thousandth of something (including alcohol).

It would seem that not so much! But ... It must be remembered that alcohol itself, no matter what dosages it is taken, is aimed at one thing - turning off a person's consciousness.

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The impact of alcohol on people of different sexes occurs in different ways. According to the latest data from research medical and scientific centers, the body of men is 70% fluid, 10% less than this figure in women. Thus, we can conclude that in girls, reaction and self-control are lost faster.

To avoid mistakes when fixing the degree of intoxication, the following personal characteristics of a person should be taken into account:

  • the quantity and quality of the drink;
  • type of alcohol (the amount of time required for the removal of ethanol from the body);
  • age, gender, height, weight;
  • the ratio of the amount drunk to the total mass of a person.

There is a simple system "Translating indicators as a tenth of the total percentage of fluid", which looks like this:

  1. 0‰ = 0 = 0%;
  2. 0.16‰ = 0.00016 = 0.016%;
  3. 1‰ = 0.001 = 0.1%;
  4. 200‰ = 0.2 = 20%

Let's try to consider this system with a simple example.

An object- man
Weight- 82 kg
The amount of alcohol drunk- 300 ml of vodka (which is approximately 6 glasses)
ethyl alcohol- 40 percent.

Remembering that the average man consists of 70% liquid, we get 57kg 400 grams of water. The concentration of ethanol content in this case is easy to calculate: 300 * 40 \u003d 120 ml, and in grams 94 (120 * 0.78). It turns out that ethanol in the bottle is 84.6 grams. It becomes easy to calculate ppm: 84.6 / 57.4 \u003d 1.47.

Stages of intoxication and their manifestations

Science distinguishes four degrees of intoxication, based on data on the volume of alcohol consumed.

1. Light (1.5-2.5‰)

It is characterized by an overexcited state, partial loss of control, a negative effect on the psychomotor functions of the whole organism (impaired coordination of movements, confused consciousness, increased blood pressure, etc.).

2. Medium (1.5-2.5‰)

It is characterized by a violation of the efficiency of the central nervous system, the brain (inadequate behavior, incoherent speech, loss of self-control, etc.)

This state often ends in sleep. Sometimes, upon awakening, amnesia, decreased performance and severe intoxication of the body are observed.

3. Strong (2.5-3.0‰)

It is characterized by a complete blackout of consciousness, damage to the central nervous system, spontaneous defecation.

After leaving this state, a severe intoxication state does not go away for several more days, and the concentration of alcohol in the body remains quite high. When the condition repeats, auditory and visual hallucinations are possible.

4. Stage of complete alcohol poisoning (3-5‰)

At the fourth, most severe stage of alcohol intoxication, there are problems with breathing, heart function, a person is in a state close to coma, and the probability of death without the intervention of doctors becomes especially high.

Some experts define other stages of intoxication:

  • The first stage (up to 0.3‰) - there is no effect of alcohol on the body;
  • The second stage (0.3 0.5‰) is the minimum effect;
  • The third stage (0.5-1.5‰) is a mild degree of exposure;
  • The fourth stage (1.5-2.5%) is the average degree;
  • The fifth stage (2.5-3‰) is the strongest poisoning;
  • The sixth stage (3-5‰) is a coma;
  • The seventh stage (5-6‰) is a lethal dose.

Each stage is a certain physical and mental state of a person, which entails deviations in behavior.

It is strictly forbidden to drive a car in any of these states, since the driver's behavior is characterized by the following actions:

1. Second stage(0.3 0.5‰). There is no perception of moving objects. The driving speed is rapidly increasing, as a person needs adrenaline.

2. Third stage(0.5-1.5‰). There is no clear assessment of the distance, no reaction to signs, signals. Coordination of actions is broken.

3. Fourth stage(1.5-2.5‰) Visual reflexes are reduced, the system and organs are in a relaxed state. There is a complete lack of vigilance.

The remaining stages are characterized by such a state of a person in which he can not only retain consciousness, but also simply sit behind the wheel of a car.

Signs of alcohol intoxication

There are a number of signs that indicate that a person is in one stage or another of intoxication:

  • pungent smell of fumes or recently drunk drinks;
  • slurred, slurred, broken speech;
  • sharp, sometimes chaotic movements of the hands, head;
  • partial or complete loss of coordination and other signs.

It would seem that any specialist is able to determine the degree of intoxication by the state of a person. But what about the next fact? In the recent past, the concept of “zero ppm” was introduced in our country.

But it immediately became clear that the body of some people is able to produce endogenous alcohol (for example, this happens in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).

Yes, and breathalyzers in the hands of traffic inspectors are not always an accurate device. How to be a driver in this case, because this situation threatens to turn into serious problems and fines?

Scientific research comes to the rescue in the form of taking a blood test, which will accurately answer all questions.

alcohol withdrawal process

The rate of alcohol processing in the body is a rather lengthy process. On average, in men it is up to 0.15‰ per hour, in women this figure does not exceed 0.1 ppm.

In practice, it looks something like this: the alcohol obtained from two mugs of beer disappears after 3 hours. The body will need the same time to process 50 grams of cognac, vodka or other strong drinks.

What is the safe level of alcohol consumption? After 200 g of vodka drunk the day before, you can’t drive a car for another 12 hours.

Lethal dose of alcohol

Until recently, it was believed that 5‰ is a lethal dose for any person. But more and more often, modern drivers, as if trying to break records, surprise inspectors with indicators that exceed the “death dose”.

Doctors themselves are not sure about the limits of the maximum dose of alcohol. According to some narcologists, the stage of intoxication begins already at 2.0‰, and 5.0-6.0‰ is an unacceptable lethal dose.

What does it look like in practice? Pure ethanol in one bottle of vodka (700 ml) is 200 ml (2.5‰). We conclude: for a lethal dose, 3-4 bottles drunk within 40-80 minutes are enough.

If you take other alcoholic beverages (wine, liquor, cognac, beer), then the calculation of the volume will be different, since the concentration of alcohol is different.

Of great importance in calculating the "lethal dose" are weight indicators, height and age, lifestyle and human diseases. Therefore, we do not advise you to conduct experiments to determine the maximum dose of alcohol you drink.


Summing up all of the above, I would like to recall that ppm is an indicator that measures the concentration of alcohol in the human body. With the help of this unit, experts easily determine the amount of alcohol consumed. Accordingly, the degree of intoxication is determined, which is extremely important when working with drivers from different countries.

In many European countries, 0.5 ppm is a completely acceptable norm. In Great Britain, for example, the rate of 0.8‰ is officially recognized by the state. In Ukraine, Hungary, the Czech Republic and a number of other countries, drivers are strictly prohibited from drinking alcohol while driving. Each state has the right to establish its own norms of what is permissible.

There are various types of tables with which the number of ppm is determined. But the best one is adequate self-esteem sitting behind the wheel of a car.

The road is a source of increased danger for motorists and pedestrians. It should be remembered that the danger increases significantly when the driver gets behind the wheel after drinking alcohol.

Main information

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It is necessary that the amount of alcohol consumed in the driver's blood does not exceed the amount established by law.

Previously, a zero norm was in force in Russia, but for 2019 it was found that 0.3 ppm of alcohol can be found in the blood, and 0.16 ppm in the exhalation.

When drinking alcohol, the driver needs to at least approximately imagine what its concentration in the blood becomes, while he must be aware of how long after it enters the body, he will be able to drive without risk to himself.

At the same time, human blood constantly contains a certain amount of natural alcohol synthesized by its organs and tissues, but it is relatively small.

On the other hand, a person can drink a non-alcoholic drink or eat a certain food and get an increased alcohol content. However, it will be small, and this alcohol will go away within half an hour.

Basic concepts

Alcohol A concept denoting both ethyl alcohol or ethanol (a substance with the formula C2-H5-OH) and drinks containing this substance (alcoholic drinks)
endogenous alcohol Ethyl alcohol, which is of internal origin, formed in the body itself without the influence of external influences on this process
ppm A concept meaning a thousandth of the content of a certain substance in a certain environment (in this case, alcohol in the air or blood). This term is formed similarly to the term "percent", if "cent" means "one hundred", then "mille" means a thousand. It is designated ppm with the symbol ‰, also similar to the corresponding sign for ppm. For example, 3 hundredths ppm will be denoted by "0.3‰"

Permissible rate of alcohol in exhaled air

Photo: blood alcohol concentration in men

It should be borne in mind that within an hour the proportion of ethanol in the blood drops by 0.15 ppm, therefore, in order to roughly determine how much alcohol will be in the body in an hour, this value must be subtracted from the table indicator.


Below is a similar table for women:

Photo: blood alcohol concentration in women

The effect of the dose of ethyl on the body

A person's behavior changes depending on the amount of alcohol consumed by him. In particular, these changes determine the ability of the driver to control his car.

At the same time, when taking a minimum amount of alcohol, a person remains generally the same as in a sober state.

Changes in the state come gradually, but several stages are distinguished depending on the dose of ethanol that has entered the system.

Of course, alcohol has a much more significant effect on women than on men. Alcohol is excreted from their blood much longer, and the effect of this substance on their body is much more noticeable.

The situation is similar for persons who suffer from various health disorders, minors and the elderly.

Table characterizing the effect of the dose of ethanol on the body:

The content of alcohol (ethyl alcohol) in the exhalation in ppm Human condition Influence of the specified dose on the actions of the driver of the car
0.2(or 0.3)–0.5 A person behaves in a slightly different way from a sober state, but on the whole it is decent. He is more sociable and intrusive The driver perceives objects worse during their movement, first of all, this applies to light sources. Often he strives to squeeze the gas pedal with great effort. Errors appear in the assessment of the actual distance for objects and maintaining the distance to other cars
0,55–0,8 A person experiences a euphoric mood, which is manifested in looseness of behavior, a decrease in tracking one's own state and a certain impudence. A driver who has consumed such a volume of alcohol noticeably loses the ability to quickly adapt to a new level of illumination. He sees red worse. Also, the driver reacts more slowly to what is happening and evaluates it less accurately.
0,85–1,2 A person loses adequacy in relation to what is happening. He gets disorientated. The mood can quickly change from apathy to aggression. Nausea due to intoxication The driver is not able to at least approximately accurately determine the distance to moving cars and pedestrians. He reacts slowly to what is happening, lingers with the braking of the car. Due to the decrease in the level of orientation, it becomes dangerous for other road users
Over 1.25 The person becomes unpredictable, the dominant emotional state is apathy. Possible vomiting, involuntary deurination A person cannot navigate in space and even coordinate simple movements. He is not able to adequately assess what is happening. In cases where this is combined with arrogance, he becomes dangerous to others.

When taking the amount of alcohol corresponding to the last line, the driver is unlikely to be stopped by the traffic police, since most likely he simply will not reach the inspector, because only when he finds himself on the highway, he can, without leaving far, immediately make trouble.

The degree of intoxication depending on the weight for motorists

Below is a detailed table that characterizes the level of intoxication, taking into account the weight of motorists and the number of drinks they consumed:

Photo: table of the degree of intoxication depending on the weight for a person

How to calculate yourself

To calculate the amount of alcohol in your blood yourself, you need to refer to the standards that determine the number of doses that have already been given in this article in the corresponding section.

It is necessary to calculate how many doses the driver received and then, taking into account the weight of the liquid in the body, calculate what the alcohol content is.

Yes \u003d Mchs / (Mt * J), where

Video: how to fool the inspector if you drank

Calculation example

The man weighs 80 kilograms. Since we can assume that in the male body the fluid content is 70%, then its weight is 56 kilograms. According to the conditions, the man consumed half a liter of vodka, the strength of which is 40%.

In this case, the amount of pure ethanol will be 200 milliliters, and since its density is 0.79, the mass of ninety percent alcohol will be 158 grams.

To get the mass of pure alcohol, you need to subtract an additional 10%, getting 142.2 grams.

Now it remains 142.2 g (weight of pure alcohol) divided by 56 kg (weight of fluid in the body of a man) and get 2.5 ppm.

Permissible limits for breathalyzer readings

In different countries, these figures vary greatly. In such countries of Eastern Europe as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania, a zero norm for the content of alcohol in the blood has been introduced.

In Europe, it is 0.5 ppm, and in a number of US states it even reaches one ppm. In Russia, this figure is 0.3 ppm.

Thus, in Russia, the presence of 0.3 ppm of alcohol in the blood is allowed. This is 0.16 ppm per liter of exhaled air.

This figure exceeds any amount of ethanol that can be synthesized in the human body or ingested from any non-alcoholic foods and drinks.

The amount of alcohol consumed can be calculated based on the person's weight and the volume of alcoholic beverages consumed.

At the same time, it is safer for a driver not to count, and not to drive for a certain time (for example, a day) after drinking alcohol, if it is not just a bottle of beer.

