
How much sugar is in chewing gum. How gum is made

Composition of chewing gum Orbit:

§ sorbitol E420, maltitol E965, rubber base, thickener E414, stabilizer E422, natural, nature identical and artificial flavors, mannitol E421, emulsifier soy lecithin, dye E171, sweeteners aspartame E951, acesulfame-K E950, sodium bicarbonate E500ii, glaze E903, antioxidant E320.

Composition of chewing gum Dirol:

§ isomalt, sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, maltitol syrup, aspartame, acesulfame-K, rubber base, calcium carbonate 4%, natural flavors: mint, menthol, idencin natural vanillin, artificial refreshing, thickener E414, stabilizer E422, hydrogenated rapeseed oil, emulsifier E322, color E171, glazing agent E903, antioxidant E321, texturizer E341iii.

What are chewing gum made of anyway?

1. Latex is the basis of chewing gum. So far, it is considered harmless. However, full studies have not been conducted.

2. Flavors, natural and identical. They are not always harmless, because they are often obtained by chemical means (synthesis). Sanitary regulations allow this.

3. Dyes. If you meet E171 on the packaging, you should know that this is the so-called titanium white. Previously, in Russia they were banned in food products, but now the ban does not work (money decides a lot). This dye causes liver and kidney disease. Stimorol gum contains E-131 dye, which promotes the formation of cancer cells.

4. Sweeteners. They are different:

§ Sugar. It has long been proven that the longer its contact with the teeth, the higher the risk of caries. And here, chewing gum simply has no competitors.
§ Acesulfame-K. In its structure, it is similar to saccharin and contributes to the development of tumors, at least in laboratory animals. safe dose: 1 g per day.
§ Aspartame. calls headache, dizziness and nausea. When the temperature of aspartame exceeds 30 ° C, wood alcohol in it turns into formaldehyde, and then into formic acid, which in turn causes metabolic acidosis (disturbance of acid balance in the body). Earlier in the USA it was banned, but then for some reason they reconsidered the decision (money again decides a lot). Safe dose: 3 g per day.
§ Sorbitol and xylitol. More than one pack of gum a day can laxative effect. Since it is xylitol gum in advertising that is recommended to be consumed as often as possible, “diarrhea can take you by surprise.” Safe dose of xylitol: 40 g per day.

And besides, absolutely any chewing gum stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Chewing on an empty stomach can lead to gastritis and ulcers. The acid secreted by the body corrodes the lining of the stomach.
In general, there is undoubtedly more harm from chewing gums than good, because chewing gums have a weak hygienic efficiency compared to, for example, toothbrushes.
We recommend chewing this gum for no more than 3-5 minutes and only after eating.”

Coca Cola

Here are some quotes from the official website of Coca-Cola in Russia (www.cocacola.ru):

§ “More than 162 million liters of Coca-Cola and 84 million liters of the Company's other beverages are consumed worldwide every day.”

§ “Coca-Cola was recognized as the “People's Brand” in 2002 according to the results of a survey of the Russian population. This is a nationwide recognition of Russians to drink Coca-Cola.”

§ “Is it possible to consider soft drinks part of a healthy diet? Yes, definitely. Soft drinks are made up primarily of water and are therefore capable of quenching thirst and satisfying the body's physiological need for fluid (about two liters daily). In addition, sugar-sweetened soft drinks contain carbohydrates and therefore quickly provide the body with energy.”

We drink:

After 10 minutes.
10 teaspoons of sugar will hit your system (this is the daily recommended amount).
You don't want to vomit because phosphoric acid inhibits the action of sugar.

In 20 minutes.
There will be a jump in insulin in the blood. The liver converts all sugar into fats.

In 40 minutes.
Caffeine absorption is complete. Your pupils will dilate.
Blood pressure will increase because the liver releases more sugar into the blood.
Adenosine receptors are blocked, thereby preventing drowsiness.

After 45 minutes.
Your body will increase production of the dopamine hormone, which stimulates the pleasure center of the brain.
Heroin has the same principle of action.

After an hour.
Phosphoric acid binds calcium, magnesium, and zinc in your intestines, boosting your metabolism.
Increased excretion of calcium through the urine.

More than an hour later.
Diuretic action comes into play.
Calcium, magnesium and zinc, which are in your bones, are excreted, as well as sodium, electrolyte and water.

More than an hour and a half later.
You become irritable or lethargic. All water contained in Coca-Cola is excreted through urine.

The active ingredient in Coca-Cola is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8. To transport Coca-Cola concentrate, the truck must be equipped with special containers designed for highly corrosive materials.

1. Aqua carbonated - carbonated water.
Presence in water carbon dioxide excites gastric secretion, increases the acidity of gastric juice and provokes flatulence - abundant gas. In addition, not spring water is used, but tap water, passed through special filters.

2. E952 (Cyclamic Acid and Na, K, Ca salts,
Cyclamic acid and its sodium, potassium and calcium salts). Sugar substitute. Cyclamate is a synthetic chemical sweet taste 200 times sweeter than sugar, used as artificial sweetener. It has been banned from use in human food because it is a carcinogen that causes cancer. In 1969, by order of the Federal Agency for Food Products and medicines(FDA) is prohibited for use in the United States, tk. like saccharin and aspartame, it has been shown to cause bladder cancer in rats. Banned in Canada the same year. Banned in Japan, South Korea and Singapore in 1975. Banned for use in the beverage industry in Indonesia. In 1979, the World Health Organization rehabilitated cyclamates, recognizing them as harmless.

* Safe dose: 0.8 g per day.

3. E150d (Caramel IV - Ammonia-sulphite process, dye)
burnt sugar, obtained by processing sugar at certain temperatures, with or without the addition of chemicals. IN this case add ammonium sulfate.

4. E950 (Acesulfame Potassium, acesulfame potassium)
- 200 times sweeter than sucrose. Contains methyl ester, which worsens the work of the cardiovascular vascular system, and aspartic acid, which has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and can, over time, be addictive. Acesulfame is poorly soluble. Products with this sweetener are not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women.

* Safe dose: 1 g per day.

5. E951 (Aspartame)
- sweetener for diabetics. Chemically unstable: when the temperature rises, it decomposes into methanol and phenylalanine. methanol ( methyl alcohol) is very dangerous: 5-10 ml can lead to death of the optic nerve and irreversible blindness, 30 ml can lead to death. In warm soda and aspartame is transformed into formaldehyde, which is the strongest carcinogen. Documented cases of aspartame poisoning: loss of touch, headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, palpitations, weight gain, irritability, anxiety, memory loss, blurred vision, rashes, seizures, loss of vision, joint pain, depression, spasms, diseases of the reproductive organs, hearing loss. Also, aspartame can provoke the following diseases: brain tumor, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Graves' disease, chronic fatigue, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, diabetes, mental retardation and tuberculosis.

* Safe dose: 3 g per day.

6. E338 (Orthophosphoric Acid, phosphoric acid) - chemical formula:H3
. Fire and explosion hazard. Causes irritation to eyes and skin. Application: for the production of phosphate salts of ammonium, sodium, calcium, manganese and aluminum, as well as for organic synthesis, in the production activated carbon and films, for the production of refractories, refractory binders, ceramics, glass, fertilizers, synthetic detergents, in medicine, metalworking for cleaning and polishing metals, textiles for the production of fabrics with flame retardant impregnation, oil, match industry. food phosphoric acid used in the production of carbonated water and to obtain salts (powders for making cookies). Prevents the absorption of calcium and iron in the body, which can lead to weakening of bone tissue, osteoporosis. Other side effects: thirst, skin rash.

7. E330 (Citric Acid, citric acid) - colorless crystals.
Widely distributed in nature. Citric acid is obtained from shag and the fermentation of carbohydrates (sugar, molasses). Used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Salts of citric acid (citrates) are used in food industry industry, as acids, preservatives, stabilizers, in medicine - for preserving blood.

8. Aromas - no one knows what aromatic additives

9. E211 (Sodium Benzoate, sodium benzoate)
- expectorant, preservative food products. Benzoic acid (E210), sodium benzoate (E211) and potassium benzoate (E212) are introduced into some foods as a bactericidal and antifungal agent. These products include jams, fruit juices, marinades and fruit yoghurts. Not recommended for asthmatics and people sensitive to aspirin. IN latest study, conducted by Peter Piper, a professor in molecular biology and biotechnology from the University of Sheffield (England), found that this compound causes significant damage to DNA. Sodium benzoate, which is the active ingredient in the preservatives used in most sodas, doesn't destroy parts of the DNA, Piper says, but it deactivates them. This can lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

Interesting facts and rumors about Coca-Cola:

§ In a number of US states, the traffic police always have about 10 liters of Coke in their patrol car to wash blood off the highway after an accident. [hearing]

§ If you leave a small piece of sausage overnight in a bottle of Coca-Cola or Fanta; in the morning the sausage will dissolve! [verified]

§ Coca-Cola is used to clean the sewers, rusty bolts and stains from the chrome bumper of the car, batteries and engine in the car, electric kettles from scale. [verified]

§ To clean clothes from stains, pour a can of Coca-Cola on dirty clothes, add washing powder and machine wash as usual.

§ In some Asian countries, farmers use Coca-Cola to kill pests. it is cheaper than chemicals, and the effect is the same. [from the news]

Chewing gum has long been an integral part of human life. Do not forget about it and television advertising, which is happy to remind you that chewing gum reduces the risk of caries. What other "abilities" does chewing gum have, let's try to figure it out in this article.

The history of chewing gum goes back to ancient Greece, when the Greeks liked to chew the resin of the Mastic tree, which grows in Greece and Turkey. Even then they realized that mastic, as they called chewing gum, cleans teeth and freshens breath. The Mayan Indians also loved to chew the frozen sap of trees, 1000 years ago they used the juice of the Sapodilla tree, and the Indians of Latin America chewed the frozen sap of coniferous trees. Later, white settlers adopted this habit from the natives, but improved chewing gum by mixing the resin of coniferous trees with beeswax. As for the first commercial chewing gum, it appeared on the market in 1848 with light hand John B. Curitis in Maine.

Today, the chewing gum industry is one of the most profitable, because most people subconsciously absorb advertising slogans that chewing gum is tasty, healthy and fashionable. At the same time, few people care about its effect on the body, and meanwhile, for many, chewing gum has become a habit. Manufacturers offer us huge selection chewing gums in bright colored packages, and we, tempted by quick and easy oral care, are ready to use chewing gum, generously sharing it with our children.

Nowadays, they have already begun to talk a lot about the harm that chewing gum can cause to human health, the topic correct use chewing gum has become relevant and interesting for research scientists. Some countries consider gum craze social problem, because people do not consider either the place or the time, they chew it during a conversation, at lectures at the university, neglecting the established ethical standards. At the same time, doctors are sounding the alarm, revealing Negative consequences addiction frequent use of chewing gum. It turns out that there are chewing gums that are especially dangerous for our health, and especially for the health of children. This is explained by the fact that they contain chemical elements whose properties are unknown to most people. The contagious ad claims that chewing gum will improve tooth enamel, restore acid-base balance, eliminate tartar and more. But why do people who often use chewing gum develop gastrointestinal diseases? intestinal tract, mechanical damage to tooth enamel occurs or fillings fall out? Not a single ad will tell you about this!

The chemical composition of chewing gum

Since the beginning of the history of chewing gum, its chemical composition changed repeatedly until the manufacturers found the “ideal formula”, the essence of which is that the rubber base is 20% chewing gum, and 60% is sugar. Another 5% are additives that give taste, color and smell. Most of these ingredients are trade secrets, as are the components of each individual aroma and flavor. It turns out that we are in the dark about what we use ourselves and offer to children?

Gum rubber base

The main highlight of chewing gum is its rubber base. Initially, it was assumed that such a base should consist of the sap of rubber trees, which, in the process of acid treatment or evaporation, becomes a soft and elastic mass. But consider if there could be enough trees on earth to satisfy mass production? Manufacturers found a way out of the shortage of rubber tree sap and began to replace it with a synthetic base.

There are children's chewing gums, and their purpose, it would seem, should reduce the risk of negative effects on the body. But data from the Testing Center for Polymer Shoes, Medical and Latex Products in Russia showed that children's chewing gums are the most dangerous. The “harmfulness” of gum can even be determined by taste - it is tougher, loses its taste faster and soon begins to taste bitter. Styrene-butadiene rubber, which makes up its rubber base, gives such properties to the gum. As a rule, this component is used by manufacturers from the "third world", but it happens that developed countries save money with it.

Some countries have banned the use of styrene-butadiene rubber, as studies have shown that the styrene it releases irritates mucous membranes, provokes headaches, and negatively affects the nervous system.

Gum gum base manufacturers are most often the same companies that supply rubber, as well as businesses that buy rubber and sell gum base or big companies engaged in the production of chewing gums. In order for the chewing and mechanical properties of the chewing gum to meet the needs of consumers, special additives are needed that maintain elasticity. As such, glycerin or emulsifiers of natural origin are used (lecithin, gums, antioxidants can be added).

Nutritional supplements

Today, many people already know about the negative impact on the body of taste stimulants, so popular with food manufacturers. Speaking of the most expensive varieties chewing gum, they are distinguished by a rich taste and aroma, which means that they contain a whole range of food additives.

Yes, we all want the taste of chewing gum to last as long as possible, such chewing gum is most loved by the people. But, as mentioned above, flavor fixatives are a trade secret known only to manufacturers. Experts have found that the taste of chewing gum with sugar substitute lasts longer than with natural sugar.

The most popular chewing gum flavor is, of course, menthol. Let's see what menthol gum is. Menthol has four stereoisomers, each of which has the "-", "+" and "+/-" forms. The main difference between stereoisomers is taste and smell. The most intense menthol or cooling taste has (-) menthol, which is 80% essential oil peppermint. But modern technologies developed and synthetic menthol, often used in production. Although today there are research data that are encouraging that, nevertheless, the predominant part of menthol is obtained from peppermint oil. In this case, the oil goes through the stage of cooling and subsequent centrifugation of the crystals.

Modern chewing gum uses a huge variety of fruit flavors, the main components of which are recognizable and well-known. But the consumer demands taste, smell and color completely identical to natural or even exceeding it. For this purpose, many chewing gums have to be tinted. Agree, gray-white chewing gum cannot smell like strawberries. All gum dyes must be officially approved by the International Quality Standard and be included in the list of tested and harmless substances. Such a list exists, in addition, it is constantly supplemented and rechecked, components that have shown themselves negatively can be excluded from it. This happened with monoazonaphthalene, a naphthalene red dye known under the code E-123. It turns out that it was taken out of use due to the discovery of its mutagenic activity. But how long has it been in use? chewing gum!

Chewing gum and human health

What happens to our body when we abuse chewing gum? If we take the microbiological side, then great content sugar makes chewing gum absolutely harmless, bacteria simply do not survive at such a concentration. But there is also excessive calorie content, impaired metabolism and dental disease - a set that causes the systematic use of chewing gum.

The largest accumulation of microbes on the human body is the oral cavity. It is the microbes that secrete great amount acids that destroy teeth. The “correct” chewing gum should neutralize the acid; for this, urea is added to it. When buying chewing gum, pay attention to the presence of sugar or a sweetener in it. If glucose is included in the composition, then all dysbacterial properties are canceled, because glucose itself contributes to the spread of bacteria.

Despite the fact that the main purpose of chewing gum is to protect teeth, many of the varieties themselves are the cause of diseases. oral cavity. If you carefully study the composition of the chewing gum, you will see that its main components are glycerin (E-422 stabilizer), gum arabic (E-414 thickener), butylhydrooxinazole (E-320 antioxidant), lecithins and phosphatides (E-322 emulsifier). Glycerin, in large quantities being absorbed into the blood, it exhibits toxic properties, resulting in such blood diseases as hemolysis, hemoglobinuria, and even methemoglobin kidney infarcts. The concentration of butylhydrooxinazole increases the level of cholesterol in the blood, and lecithin promotes strong salivation with subsequent disorders of the digestive system. The composition of saliva also undergoes serious changes with constant chewing of gum, which threatens the development of caries, periodontal disease, gingivitis, etc.

Those who are familiar with Pavlov's reflex laws understand that with prolonged chewing, the work of the secretory apparatus of the digestive system begins, that is, the salivary glands begin to produce saliva when food enters the stomach, more gastric juice is released, bile is collected in gallbladder, that is, all digestive system preparing for food processing. And there is no food! At the same time, saliva cannot be neutralized anywhere, and gastric juice too. Such stagnation leads to the formation of gallstones, gastritis, duodenitis, cholecystitis and pathology of the salivary glands.

Recall another effect of chewing gum - laxative. The fact is that most chewing gum contains sorbitol - a sugar substitute. This component belongs to alcohols, polyols, known for both sweetness and laxative properties. Of course, one might say that in order to achieve this effect it is necessary to chew 30–40 g of gum, but life shows that 10 g is enough. Another component, xylitol, enhances the laxative effect. On the one hand, it is useful for teeth, but on the other hand, it also represents a group of polyols and also effectively weakens. The conclusion is that all anti-caries chewing gums can cause diarrhea.

Note that the weight of one pack of gum is 13-15 g, which means that it can contain 8-10 g of laxative-sweet alcohols. Of course, it cannot be argued that chewing gum is a good laxative. After all, alcohols, polyols, work as osmotic agents, that is, they retain part of the fluid in the large intestine. This leads to spasms and flatulence. And for people already suffering from gastroduodenitis, colitis, chewing gum is generally contraindicated. Chewing gum on an empty stomach is especially harmful.

Another detrimental effect of gum is the development psychological dependence. For many lovers of “fresh breath”, chewing gum has become a real salvation, because it quickly and easily helps to gain confidence in the absence bad smell from the mouth after eating. But surveys conducted in most countries have shown that most people have a worse attitude towards people who constantly chew gum, for some people who constantly chew are generally disgusted.

It is extremely harmful to chew gum and puff on a cigarette at the same time, since chewing gum has the ability to absorb carcinogens, which, along with saliva, enter the stomach.

Researchers at the University of Rochester have concluded that cigarette-shaped chewing gum develops the habit of smoking in children. Such chewing gum is liked by many children, as they have a feeling of being involved in adult life. And if a child often uses chewing gums that completely imitate the design of cigarettes, then his chances of becoming a heavy smoker increase greatly. Today in the UK, Canada and Australia, such chewing "cigarettes" are already banned, but in the US they are sold next to regular chewing gum and even their packaging is completely identical to that of cigarettes.

Indications for chewing gum

So do you really have to say goodbye to chewing gum, regular use which can lead to dangerous diseases that require complex treatment?

By no means, no. In fact, chewing gum can do us a favor, because it promotes the secretion of gastric juice, and also improves digestion, removes food debris from the surface of tooth enamel. But all this applies only to the first 5–10 minutes. after meal.

In 2011, the volume of the chewing gum market in Russia increased by 25.9% compared to the same period in 2010. According to the results of the first half of 2012, this indicator amounted to 18.9 thousand tons. At the same time, production volumes in 2008-2011 increased by almost 2 times. In January-August 2012, 21.4 thousand tons of chewing gum were produced in Russia.

Most of us chew gum in the morning, afternoon and evening after meals. At the same time, we can chew gum for a long time, but under the influence of saliva it does not dissolve. Why does this happen, and what is included in its composition?

The main component of chewing gum is its chewing base. Modern chewing gum consists mainly of a mixture of polymeric materials. An important polymer that is part of chewing gum is , which accounts for 20–30% of the weight of the chewing base. The rest is sweeteners, dyes, flavoring and flavoring additives.

One of the world's most famous manufacturers of polyisobutylene for the production of chewing gum is Shandong Hongrui Petrochemical, which produces with the trade name HRD® (including food grade HRDF®). The HRDF® food grade range of polyisobutylene ranges from HRDF® 350 (food grade PIB, 350,000 molecular weight) to HRDF® 950 (950,000 molecular weight).

Food grade polyisobutylene is ideal as a chewing gum base. It is completely harmless, non-toxic and certified for use in Food Industry. Thanks to him, chewing gum has flexibility and plasticity, is easily compatible with other components, has natural taste and keeps the flavor for a long time. In addition, it allows the production of chewing mass with varying degrees of softness, as some consumers like soft chewing gum, while others want to train their chewing muscles with a firmer chewing gum.

It should be noted that the scope is much wider. Depending on the molecular weight, this polymer can be either viscous like rubber or thick and sticky like syrup. That's why it's an integral part of many common things, such as band-aids, window sealants, cable insulation or duct tapes for leaking pipes.

To learn more about the application and clarify information on prices and product availability,
write Svetlana Yakovleva( ) or contact us by phone: + 7 495 134 33 14.

We'll be happy to answer your questions and be happy to help!

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Chewing gum has harmoniously entered the daily use of people on all continents, despite widespread rumors about its harm to human health. What caused such popularity? The commercials focus on useful properties chewing gum for teeth, but whether this is so can be understood only by analyzing the composition of the product and the effect of individual components of chewing gum on the human body.

Composition of chewing gum

The birthplace of the first rubber chewing gum, patented in 1869 by W. Semple, is America. However, archaeological finds show that similar product used in Ancient Greece and in the Middle East, only the basis of gum was not rubber, but the resin of mastic trees. Such chewing gum was sold in America, being the forerunner of modern chewing gum.

Then small pieces of pine resin were mixed with beeswax and sold in portions. Perhaps then the harm of chewing gum was invisible to those who actively used it. Without synthetic polymers, flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes, flavors, she was much more harmless than her contemporaries.

Over the years, the range of chewing gum components has evolved to meet consumer needs and to remain competitive. So, in 1880 its composition was enriched corn syrup and peppermint, and in 1898, Dr. E. Beeman tries to increase sales by adding pepsin powder and positioning chewing gum in the market as a remedy for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

However, there was no mention of the harmfulness of chewing gum. The version of its usefulness for teeth appeared in 1899 thanks to W. Canning, and has remained a favorite in terms of promoting trade to this day. However, the composition of the chewing gum confirms the opposite.

The threat of harm exists for both the teeth and the gastrointestinal tract. To neutralize its negative impact, it is really only knowing how much you can chew gum, what time of the day is most suitable for this.


The basis of chewing gum is rubber, latex and other synthetic polymers. They make up 60% of the volume finished product. The negative impact of polymers on the human body has not been identified.

Glycerin (E422) - has the ability to draw water from tissues, so products with the addition of glycerin are contraindicated in people with diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system. The opinion that there is very little glycerin in chewing gum is true, but do not forget that it is contained in many other products: bread, sweets, cookies, marshmallows, cakes and even dairy products.

With the daily consumption of many glycerin-containing products, you can cause significant harm to health.

Butylhydroxyanisole (E320) is an antioxidant, preservative, antioxidant. The additive has been tested on animals, and the carcinogenic effect of the product was observed in large quantities. There are no such data for humans. In some cases, it acts either as an anticancer agent, or as cancer-causing.

Lemon acid(E330) - does not provide negative impact on the human body, and only large amounts, getting on the mucous membranes and skin, can cause a burn. But in chewing gum, the amount of additive is not dangerous.

Emulsifier (E322) is produced on the basis of egg yolk. This supplement cannot cause serious harm to the body, but people with a tendency to allergic reactions should avoid products containing lecithin (E322).


  1. Aspartame is a sweetener that doctors recommend completely eliminating from the diet. Regular intake of aspartame causes allergies, headaches, sleep disturbances, and a depressed mental state. Aspartame cannot be washed out of the mouth with saliva, so the sweetish taste in the mouth causes a constant feeling of thirst. Phenylalanine, being a component of aspartame, disrupts chemical processes in the brain, affects the functioning of the nervous system and hormonal background person.
  2. Xylitol (E697), maltitol (E695) are relatively safe nutritional supplements, however, can cause gastrointestinal disturbances.
  3. Sorbitol (E420) - an emulsifier, sweetener, widely used in the manufacture of products for patients diabetes. However, it cannot be called safe for human health, since long-term use of sorbitol-containing products leads to visual impairment, diabetic retinopathy, gastrointestinal disorders and flatulence. Sorbitol is prohibited for use in food production baby food, and in the USA it is classified as an additive dangerous to human health.

Titanium dioxide (E171) is used as the most commonly used coloring agent for white chewing gum. On the one hand, there is no information about the dangers of this substance. But it is worth doubting its safety, since during experiments on rats, inhalation of titanium dioxide powder caused the development of cancer. In addition to it, a vegetable dye (E120) is used, which is an allergen.

This is an abbreviated list of chewing gum components that are used in production to give it more attractive qualities: ductility, better extensibility for inflating bubbles and unique taste. But with a complex effect on the body, they can give a number of negative manifestations.

Consequences of long-term use

The harm of chewing gum, brought both by its components and by the process of continuous chewing, is as follows:

IN kindergarten or at home, the child can go to bed without taking the gum out of his mouth. Its entry into the respiratory organs can lead to suffocation or consequences incompatible with life.

The disadvantages of chewing gum, neutralizing the usefulness of its use, include:

  1. Short-term effect of improving the smell from the oral cavity, lasting only a few minutes.
  2. Aggravation from chewing gum of short-term memory and manifestation of absent-mindedness.
  3. Negative influence constant use of chewing gum during the day on the condition of nails, hair, skin.
  4. Along with the strengthening of the maxillofacial apparatus, an abnormal bite in a child caused by chewing can form, loosen the teeth.

Video: chewing gum harm, composition - shock!

Rules for use and an alternative to chewing gum

Despite the harm from chewing gum, if you don’t have a toothbrush on hand, its use is acceptable. And even then it is worth adhering to the rules for using chewing gum:

  • Chewing gum is not in between meals, but only strictly before meals or immediately after eating.
  • Chewing gum can be chewed for no more than 5 minutes. Then the additional production of saliva and gastric juice will not harm the body.
  • Do not swallow chewing gum after neutralizing its taste, do not throw it on the street in an unsuitable place for this.
  • Choose chewing gum with a neutral color, taste and smell.

If possible, replace the use of chewing gum with more natural products, causing a similar effect:

  1. Chewing marmalade which is easy to make at home.
  2. Coffee beans, which, when chewed, will permanently eliminate bad breath in the mouth, destroying bacteria.
  3. Mint and parsley leaves can dull the feeling of hunger, freshen breath and saturate the body with useful vitamins.

When using chewing gum, it is important to remember that everything must be in moderation. If possible, replace chewing gum with more natural products that can vitaminize the body, neutralize bacteria and refresh the oral cavity.

She is always with us, without her we do not leave the house, we use it after eating and keep it at hand everywhere - this is chewing gum. Almost no modern person can do without it. But not everyone knows how chewing gum is made, and what it consists of. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Start of production

In order to figure out what chewing gum is made of, let's dive a little into history. Modern prototypes of this product were mentioned in the days of the Mayan tribe. True, the description indicates it as hardened hevea juice, or, more simply, rubber. Chewing gum and the ancient Greeks, especially popular with them was the resin of the mastic tree, which perfectly refreshes the breath. In India, betel leaves and areca palm seeds have been used for this purpose. By the way, a similar mixture of seeds is chewed in our time in many Asian countries.

Modern production is different sophisticated technologies and not so pure natural composition of the product. It began to develop in 1848. The world's first large factory was built, of course, in America. It was thanks to her that the rest of the world learned how gum is made and began to use it in such quantities. Several manufacturers alternately tried to derive its correct formula, ideal for the consumer, but it turned out only in 1928 with Walter Diemer:

  • Rubber in it should be no more than twenty percent.
  • The main part (up to 60%) is sugar and its substitutes.
  • Corn syrup - 19%.
  • Flavorings - no more than one percent.

We can inflate large bubbles precisely because of its composition.

Now how do they make gum?

The production of chewing gum in our time practically does not differ in its technology from that described. True, rubber is now too expensive, and its analogue is synthetic rubber, and in addition to it there is a large set of various preservatives, flavors and thickeners, without which it is already difficult to imagine any modern product.

The basis

Manufacturing process is a complicated matter, here everything is made with the help of automatic machines and in large volumes. And it all starts with the basics. For it, plastic and synthetic rubber are used, which are loaded into a special vat with a mixer. Here the mass is heated and mixed with glucose syrup, dyes and flavors. As a result, it becomes soft and elastic, convenient for its further processing.

Most pleasant smells always come from warehouses with flavorings. Here they are found in large quantities, but the interesting thing is that a certain taste does not really exist. For example, how is watermelon gum made? This may take up to thirty various kinds flavors. All of them have their own specific shelf life, lasting from several months to five years. For the manufacture of the base, they are selected separately and delivered to the workshop in limited quantities.

After making each individual flavor, the large mixer has to be cleaned, which is a very painstaking and time-consuming job, but it is necessary to do this in order to prevent the flavors from mixing.


This is just the beginning of the process, but how do they make chewing gum next? Now let's go to the press. The resulting soft mass is fed into a special machine, which heats it up even more and compresses it, forcing it through a narrow gap. The result is a long, flat ribbon.

The next machine gives it the desired shape, familiar to us, similar to a record, and sends it further along the moving tape to the cooling chamber. We all know the sticky properties of gum. It is necessary precisely for their elimination and subsequent convenient processing of the product.

We divide into pieces

The cooled chewing gum moves on and with the help special knives cut into equal pieces. Everything happens very quickly, literally in one second up to a thousand of its pieces are formed and sent for packaging, each of which is sent for a mandatory check.

Of course, it is random, a person cannot, like an automaton, quickly measure thousands of pads, but such a check is also an important aspect in this production. Each of the firms has a certain limit between the maximum and minimum size of the product, and if a discrepancy is detected, the entire batch will be sent for recycling. The smoothness and appearance of the chewing gum is also taken into account.

At the packaging phase, everything is automated, here the chewing gum turns into special paper, goes further to the packaging and folds into boxes. So we figured out how to make chewing gum.

Benefit or harm?

Everyone who is interested in how and from what chewing gum is made must ask the question: "How harmful is it to our body?" There is an opinion that its influence is purely negative. But after considering the process, you can see for yourself that this is exactly the same confectionery product as any other, and the harm from chewing gum will be exactly the same as from the cake.

Note that the composition of all well-known manufacturers chewing gum meets high modern requirements and includes only ingredients allowed for food production. It really should not be chewed for more than a quarter of an hour, as this negatively affects the stomach, causing an increase in digestive processes and, as a result, a large release of gastric juice that corrodes its walls.

Do not forget: dentists indicate that chewing gum is intended solely for freshening breath and enjoying its pleasant taste.
