
Carob syrup application. Use in traditional medicine

You will need

  • - ready-made fruit syrup carob;
  • - a teaspoon, tablespoon or dessert spoon;
  • - cup;
  • - hot water.


The syrup is made mainly in Cyprus and exported to all countries of the world, although carob syrup is ubiquitous throughout the Mediterranean. The syrup contains tannins, a number of organic acids, pectin, mucus, protein, all B vitamins, minerals, trace elements, sugar.

In countries where the carob tree grows, it is used as a delicacy, in particular, they are poured over pancakes, pancakes, confectionery, added to tea, coffee, and water. The syrup has no contraindications and can be used by everyone without restriction.

For the treatment of diarrhea, gastrointestinal disorders, to remove toxins and toxins, 1 tablespoon of syrup should be taken 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals, with diarrhea, instead of eating. Children from two to five years - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. From five to 12 years - 1 each dessert spoon 3 times a day. Syrup is not recommended for children under two years of age.

For the treatment of angina, colds, ARVI, ARI, the above doses of syrup are diluted in a glass hot water(60 degrees) and apply 5-6 times a day.

For nervous disorders, sleep disorders, and neurological headaches, you should take 1 tablespoon of syrup 5-6 times a day for three months. Then you need to take a break for 14 days and continue taking the syrup.

In the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, gum is mainly used to stabilize drugs. In particular, locust bean gum is a part of curds from almost all manufacturers, as well as anti-wrinkle creams, gels, and serums.

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  • carob syrup

Today food industry impossible to imagine without additives. They help extend the shelf life of products, enhance their taste and smell, change the texture and much more. One popular additive is locust bean gum, a substance needed to thicken various types of liquids.

Where does locust bean gum come from?

This substance is obtained from the fruits of the Mediterranean acacia, which is also called the carob tree. The plant has dense leaves, small flowers and a wide crown, and can reach a height of 10 meters. The fruits of the tree are brown beans, 20-25 cm long, containing not only seeds, but also juicy, slightly sweet pulp. From the juice secreted by the beans, the main component is drawn out - gum, which is a high molecular weight carbon.

The carob tree grows in Spain, Greece, Italy, Cyprus and other Mediterranean countries.

Chemical Properties and Applications

Locust bean gum, referred to as additive E410, is a polymer that consists of molecules presented as residues of simple and complex monosaccharides. Externally, this is a yellowish-white powder. It is practically odorless and perfectly retains its properties when heated, as well as in salty and acidic environment. Locust bean gum has a high viscosity and dissolves exclusively in water at a temperature of 85°C.

The main property of the E410 additive is to turn into jelly different kinds liquids. When it is cooled, the formation of ice crystals slows down and, thereby, a structured gel is created. This is why locust bean gum is often used in the production of processed cheese, ice cream and other dairy products, which are not only tastier, but also retain their shape well. In addition, this stabilizer is used for the production bakery products, sauces and frozen desserts, when preserving mushrooms, vegetables and fish.

advantage food additive E410 in food production is considered the ability of a compound to affect other chemicals.

The effect of locust bean gum on the body

Additive E410 refers to substances of natural origin. It is not broken down in the body and is excreted from it in an unprocessed form. It is believed that it is completely safe for humans, so it

The carob tree is a culture that has a long history. Since biblical times, the fruits of the tree have been used as a constant measure of weight. Each of its fruits is equal to an off-system unit of measurement - a carat. They use not only the fruits and seeds of the tree, but also the bark. The benefits and harms of carob syrup are still discussed due to the properties that this exceptional plant has.

What is carob syrup

Pod ceratonia or carob is a member of the legume family. This accessory determines the properties of the fruit. They have the shape of a pod, can reach a length of 25 cm, a width of 5 cm.

Inside are seeds and dense pulp, which is 50% sugar. The dried and crushed product is used as a substitute for cocoa powder.

Carob syrup is made from the fruit industrial scale. To do this, the pods are crushed. The ends are weeded out, as they contain substances that impart bitterness. The mass is then evaporated special equipment. The result is a viscous liquid of a dark brown saturated hue.

Information! Ceratonia grows in countries with a mild climate. In Europe, these are countries along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea; in Russia, it has successfully taken root in the Caucasus.

Due to its exceptional beneficial properties, carob syrup is used as a means of strengthening the immune system. It is widely used as an additive to desserts. The benefit of the application depends on what substances remain after the heat treatment.

The chemical composition and calorie content of the syrup

The elements that contain the carob fruit are characteristic of the composition of the syrup. They join useful material obtained after reactions during the preparation of the product.

Syrup, like all products with a high sugar content, is rich in carbohydrates.

100 g accounts for:

76 g of carbohydrates;

2.6 g protein;

0.3 g fat.

Calorie content - 320 kcal per hundred grams of the finished product.

The chemical elements with which the syrup is saturated are represented by useful vitamins group B.

Water soluble vitamin. Participant in the breakdown of proteins, their synthesis. Beneficial in regulating the growth and development of the human body.

Pantothenic acid

Member of the breakdown of fats for easier absorption. Promotes the production of important hormones.


The main useful property of this vitamin is to help in the absorption of protein foods.


Participant in the growth of hair, nails, epithelial cells. Responsible for many metabolic processes, improves the state of the body's immune forces.

Beneficial for the normalization of the state of the nervous system, has the ability to improve human memory.

In addition to vitamins, the syrup contains:

  • tannins;
  • amino acids;
  • starch;
  • pectin, sugar;
  • trace elements.

Benefits of carob syrup

Beneficial features carob syrup determined by its effect on body systems.

For of cardio-vascular system the product has value as a means that can lead to normal heart palpitations. At regular use it has a positive effect on the strengthening of the heart muscle.

The benefit for digestion is to help cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. This mechanism is triggered by the beneficial property of tannins.

Vitamins and amino acids in the compounds help to normalize sleep, improve the emotional background, which indicates the benefits of the product for the nervous system.

The researchers argue that due to the useful property of strengthening the body's defense reactions, the syrup is valued by Europeans as a means of preventing cancer.

Indications for the use of carob syrup

The medicinal properties of carob syrup are used to treat certain diseases. It is used as a means:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • cough treatment;
  • improving metabolism.

These techniques are gradually entering medical practice. According to doctors, carob syrup as an immunomodulatory drug showed a high effect for children and adolescents.

How to drink carob syrup

Despite the fact that the syrup has exceptional properties and benefits the body, its intake must be carefully dosed. Take it half an hour before the main meal, daily rate for an adult is 4 - 5 tbsp. l.

Children 5 to 12 years old can take up to 2 tbsp. l daily. For young children, syrup is recommended to be introduced into the diet gradually, so as not to harm the incompletely formed intestinal tract.

For medicinal purposes

At the first symptoms of a cold - coughing and sore throat - it is recommended to dilute 1 tbsp. l. glass of syrup warm water and take before meals. Such a drink relieves inflammation of the larynx, relieves smooth muscle spasm.

Carob syrup for cough for children is used in reduced doses. Instead of 1 tbsp. l. 200 in ml of water diluted with 1 tsp. syrup.

To obtain a sedative effect, the syrup is drunk 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day - every day for a month. The course is repeated if necessary. Such healthy drink has a positive effect on sleep problems, relieves manifestations of nervous tension.

Warning! The syrup is not used simultaneously with milk or drinks based on it: such mixing can lead to the development of diarrhea.

For weight loss

To improve metabolic processes and reduce excess weight 1 st. l. liquids are diluted with a glass of water, add the juice of a slice of lemon, drink half an hour before meals 4-5 times daily. Add to drink lemon juice enhances the property of the syrup - to have an effect on digestion: there is an activation of the processes of cleaning the body from harmful toxic substances.

Nutritionists have developed a diet based on the intake of ceratonia molasses. The benefits and harms of carob syrup for those who want to lose weight have a fine line. An overdose can adversely affect people who are obese. Therefore, taking carob syrup when losing weight should be carefully dosed.

Cosmetic properties of carob syrup

Useful properties of the product are widely exploited in cosmetic purposes: some women actively use molasses as an additive to creams, lotions for the skin of the face and head. A good solution would be to use it as a natural thickener for the preparation of face and hair masks.

The researchers claim that the beneficial substances of the product's compounds are able to replace collagen in their properties. Therefore, face masks using a small amount of molasses are in demand.

Important! The astringent and bactericidal properties of the product can be beneficial in the fight against inflammation on the face.

The use of carob syrup in cooking

For cooking, imported Turkish carob syrup is purchased: Turkey has become a major supplier of industrial raw materials, producing ceratonia molasses in volumes sufficient for domestic consumption and for sale outside its borders.

The product is added to drinks as a thickener and as an additive to sweet sauces, glazes. It has the property of imparting to liquids chocolate shade. Many children like to eat pancakes, pancakes, cereals with the addition of a small amount of molasses.

Harm carob syrup

For those who have allergic reactions to food products, it is necessary to be careful about the intake of such sugar-containing substances.

Important! Harm will cause the use of molasses to those who have fructose intolerance.

Contraindications to the use of carob syrup

Do not use carob syrup when pregnant or breastfeeding: it may harm the development of the baby due to high content sugars, since it is during these periods that the bodies of women and infants are especially at risk of developing allergic reactions.

How and how long can you store carob syrup

At long-term storage sediment may form at the bottom, which is not harmful to health and disappears with active shaking. The syrup is stored no more than 24 months from the date of manufacture. Dates and expiration dates must be indicated on the original packaging.


The benefits and harms of carob syrup are determined by its main properties. The peculiarity of the product lies in its ability to completely replace sugar, make dishes healthy, tasty and rich. Use within reasonable limits will not cause harm, may cause therapeutic effect and strengthen the immune forces of the body.

Hello, friends! Today, carob syrup is widely used in European countries and the United States, both in culinary and nutritional sciences, and in manufacturing and pharmaceuticals. It is added to baked goods, drinks and candies, acting as original sauce shading the tastes various dishes, is part of cough mixtures, is used in the manufacture of special foods and a variety of additives.

What is this remedy? Why is it so popular all over the world? What are the beneficial properties and contraindications of carob syrup? Let's try to deal with these questions.

Raw materials for manufacturing

The raw material for the preparation of the syrup are the fruits of the carob tree (carob), which is distinguished by its impressive size, spreading crown and hard feather-like leaves.
The fruit of the tree is a massive pod that visually resembles a horn and, when ripe, contains up to 17 grains surrounded by juicy pulp, rich natural sugars.

Cooking technology

The process of making carob fruit syrup is quite simple - the final product is the result of evaporating ripe fruits chopped into pieces, mixed with water without adding sugar.

The benefits of syrup

Speaking about the beneficial properties of carob syrup, first of all, it is worth noting its strengthening and immunomodulatory effect. That is why this product has found wide application in both traditional and traditional medicine. So, it is very in demand in the treatment of:

  • disorders of the nervous system and sleep;
  • diarrhea of ​​various origins;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, the tool removes toxins, strengthens bone tissue, normalizes arterial pressure and helps lower cholesterol levels.

And, on top of everything else, carob syrup has a high nutritional value and includes the following components:

  • minerals and trace elements necessary for the functioning of the body;
  • proteins;
  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • starch;
  • pectin;
  • natural sugars.

In fact, it is a natural analogue of chocolate, which differs from the latter in the absence of:

  • caffeine and theobromine, which are addictive and provoke the development of allergic reactions, nervousness, palpitations;
  • phenethylamine;
  • oxalic acid that prevents the absorption of calcium;
  • salsolinol;
  • and cholesterol.

Which, of course, is very beneficial for health.

How is syrup used?

As mentioned earlier, carob syrup is in demand both in medicine and in cooking. Consider the scope of its use in more detail.

Use in medicine

To date, syrup made from carob fruits is positioned as a means of improving health and helping to cure many diseases. How to take carob syrup for this purpose?

For the treatment of disorders of the digestive tract and getting rid of the slagging of the body, the agent is prescribed in the following dosages:

  • adults and children over 12 years old - one tablespoon four to five times a day;
  • children aged 2 to 5 years - one teaspoon once a day;
  • children aged 5 to 12 years - one teaspoon three times a day.

The syrup should be taken half an hour before meals.

Attention! Children under the age of 2 years, the use of carob syrup is strictly prohibited.

With SARS and ENT diseases, syrup is used to prepare a drink consisting of a glass of hot water (not boiling water) and a tablespoon of the remedy. This drink is used five to six times a day.

For disorders of the central nervous system, insomnia and pain that are neurological in nature, a syrup made from carob fruits is used one tablespoon five to six times a day before meals. The duration of treatment is 3 months. To consolidate a positive result, it is advisable to repeat the course two weeks after the last dose of the drug.

Syrup is also used to get rid of excess weight. For this purpose, one tablespoon of the product is mixed with a small amount. The resulting mixture is poured into a glass boiled water and the components are thoroughly mixed. Drink twice a day fifteen minutes before daytime and evening reception food. Two weeks after the start of treatment, another dose of the remedy is added - before breakfast.

Attention! Although people with a history of diabetes, can use syrup due to the fact that it does not contain sugar, its volume per day should not exceed two teaspoons per day. This is explained by the fact that the drug significantly increases the level of glucose in the blood and, accordingly, can affect the production of insulin in the same way as inexpensive drinks made on the basis of fructose.

Use in cooking

In cooking, carob fruit syrup is poured over cottage cheese, pancakes and other baked goods. In addition, it can be added to cereals or drinks. Consider one of popular recipes.

Vegetable salad


  • beets - 100 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • - 100 g;
  • prunes - 12 pcs;
  • orange - 1 pc;
  • apple - 1 pc;
  • quinoa groats - 100 g;
  • sunflower or olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • carob syrup - 3 tbsp. spoons.


Boiled, how to do it right, read on this site (link at the beginning of the sentence). Beets, carrots and celery root are grated on a grater designed for cooking carrots in Korean. The apple is rubbed on a classic grater. Prunes are cut into pieces. The orange is peeled and divided into segments.

These ingredients are mixed, seasoned with sunflower or olive oil and drizzled with carob syrup.


Contraindications for carob syrup include personal intolerance, which usually develops in people with an allergy to fructose, and, as already mentioned, childhood(up to 2 years).

In addition, people using syrup made from carob fruits should be aware that the fructose contained in the product is very poorly absorbed when mixed with milk lactose, which can lead to flatulence and diarrhea. However, as a rule, these effects occur only in individuals with lactose intolerance.

Caution should be used syrup and those who decide to use it to lose weight. People using recipes with this remedy must carefully calculate both the number of calories and the amount of simple carbohydrates entering the body at each meal - otherwise these figures may be too large, and the diet will not work.

Attention! Switching from coffee and cocoa to drinks with syrup made from carob fruit can lead to some lethargy due to caffeine withdrawal.

Is syrup worth it?

Summing up the above, we can say that carob fruit syrup must be included in the menu of people who love sweets and take care of their health. Naturally, if they do not have certain contraindications for this.

Be healthy!

The carob tree is a real fabulous tree on which sweets, muffins and drinks grow, the recipes for preparing its fruits are common. The fruit of this tree is simply a substitute for cocoa beans. The fruits of this plant are useful and medicinal properties for human health. Take carob (this is carob) and cook Tasty food, it is a source of healthy nutrition.

The plant is used to make a powder that resembles cocoa and make a syrup that replaces sugar. Both products are called "carob". Where it grows, it is used in national cuisine and traditional medicine, in the West - in vegan dishes. The largest supplier of carob is Spain. Carob can be used by people suffering from migraine and vegetovascular dystonia. The composition of the product does not contribute to the absorption of calcium, therefore it is recommended for patients with nephrolithiasis.

Benefits of carob

This is not a processed product, a natural sugar substitute, it does not contain any chemicals or dyes, it does not affect nervous system. It does not contain caffeine, it does not harm people who have heart problems, like cocoa. Taste is twice as sweet as sugar.

The syrup of this tree is used to sweeten coconut confectionery, the powder is used in the manufacture of sweets.

Such a natural sweetener is not harmful to children who have diathesis - all the guys love chocolate, but with such a diagnosis it is impossible, and carob will satisfy the child's taste sensations. The powder can be added to fruit puree even the smallest ones.

Product properties

The fruits of the tree contain:

  • 49 g of carbohydrates;
  • 1 g fat;
  • 4 g protein.

In 100 grams of the product, a person receives only 220 kcal, much less than with cocoa, which means - fewer calories and food with carob, not cocoa powder. Carob is used by those who keep diets for weight loss.

Vegans use carob because it does not contain animal ingredients. Regular chocolate sometimes contains butter, and vegans, not vegetarians, do not even eat this kind of animal fat, since it is made from milk that a cow produces only after the birth of a calf, and this occurs in conditions of artificial rearing of animals for slaughter for the supply of meat. IN confectionery from carob, animal fat is not used.



1 tbsp soy flour, 30 g ground carob beans, agar-agar (extract seaweed). Dissolve agar-agar in water in the proportion according to the instructions on the factory packaging - this is a dough thickener. Separately, in a small amount water, so that it is like liquid sour cream, mix soy flour with carob. Add agar-agar and beat with a mixer for 3-5 minutes. Pour the mass into molds and refrigerate for 4-5 hours. No need to bake - this dish is eaten natural, raw.

Oil with carob

Everyone is familiar with chocolate butter. With carob it turns out no less tasty than with cocoa. If you manage to buy carob, you can cook with it, but you need coconut oil. Get healthier and more interesting: 30 g of bean powder and 100 g coconut oil. Dissolve the butter in a water bath. Add carob and stir thoroughly. Cool down the mass. There is a little warm.


You will need 30 g of powder, a few dried dates, 150 g of fresh blackberries and a glass nut milk, and better - . Mix all products at high speed in a blender. Eat instead of snacks - sandwiches and cottage cheese curds.

Candies with carob

Take dried fruits - you can use the usual ones: dried apricots and prunes. Need walnuts or hazelnuts. Pass through a meat grinder. Add carob powder to the mass and form sweets of any shape from it. Fruit and nut mass with a chocolate smell will appeal even to children. This great option sweets for dieters, and children will not spoil their teeth with caramels and get a lot of vitamins, vegetable fats and minerals.

chocolate drink

Prepared like cocoa. Carob beans do not bind calcium contained in milk, it is not very useful for people after 30 years of age - it ceases to be absorbed and accumulates in the body in the form of slag deposits, and milk fats are harmful. But many people love its taste, along with carob, milk is safe, and taste sensations- weight.

Cottage cheese casserole with carob

300 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of sugar. Add carob powder to the mixture. In this chocolate casserole you can add fresh and dried fruits.

carob syrup

There are two types of it: squeezed and evaporated. In evaporated - add glucose. It can be added to tea and other drinks instead of sugar for people with diabetes. Many diabetic sweets are made with carob syrup, a natural sweetener that does not contain characteristic aftertaste artificial.

Carob syrup is sold in vegetarian stores and in the diabetic food section.

Carob, like any other food product, has health risks. Any food should be eaten wisely: for example, carob syrup has a lot of carbohydrates. It should be added to food in moderation. It is not suitable for those on a carbohydrate-free diet.

Vegans use carob for ethical reasons - it's just rarely used in foods made with animal fats, it doesn't taste good with them. And on my own, how herbal ingredient, carob does not carry independent benefits - it is just a flavor enhancer for sweet dishes.

Indications and contraindications

Chocolate-loving nursing mothers can drink drinks with carob - with breast milk it will not harm the baby, like cocoa, will not cause allergies or diathesis, it does not contain caffeine. By itself, the taste of the product does not require sugar - it is sweetish.

The product is easily digestible. Does not increase blood sugar levels. Recommended for those who seek to comply healthy lifestyle life and love chocolate taste. And for those who would like to try something new, tasty and harmless. The carob tree is absolutely harmless to human health, but, like any plant, it is surprising and edible.

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Today I want to tell you about useful properties carob syrup. You may not be familiar with this unique dietary product being a natural sweetener. You will learn how carob syrup is useful, and how to use it in cooking, traditional medicine and cosmetology.

For the first time I got acquainted with carob syrup while relaxing in Cyprus. There you can meet it everywhere: in supermarkets, in small shops, in the market, because Cyprus is the birthplace of this mighty evergreen tree.

Carob syrup is a sweet, viscous must-like liquid. chocolate color. It is made from bean-like pods with large grains and juicy flesh without added sugar. The sweetness comes from the sucrose, glucose and fructose found in the pulp of the carob pods.

What is the healing power of carob syrup

Nature created unique product is a natural sugar substitute. Carob syrup contains vitamins such as: C, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, E, PP, as well as minerals: manganese, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium (with 3 times more than in milk), copper, zinc, tannins, organic acids, pectin.

100 carob syrup caps at 70.05% daily requirement body in iron, 14.72% in manganese, 11.25% in magnesium, 10% in calcium.

Thanks to this composition, carob syrup:

  • improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • restores the composition of the blood;
  • regulates the activity of the digestive system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • treats colds;
  • positively affects eye health;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • increases libido;
  • has a slight diuretic effect;
  • is great replacement coffee and chocolate;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol;
  • strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep.

The use of carob syrup is very diverse. It is used in cooking, medicine and even cosmetology.

The use of carob syrup in cooking

In cooking, it is used as a sugar substitute: added to pastries, tea, coffee. Pour porridge, cottage cheese, pancakes and even salad.

I am happy to share the recipe. vegetable salad with carob syrup . To prepare the salad you will need:

  • carrot, apple, orange (one each),
  • beets, celery root (100 grams each),
  • prunes (12 pieces),
  • olive or sunflower oil- 1 tablespoon
  • carob syrup - 3 tablespoons.

Grate vegetables (carrots, beets, celery root) on a Korean carrot grater, apples on a regular grater, steam prunes and cut into pieces, peel the orange and cut into slices.

Mix everything, season with oil and pour carob syrup. The taste is very original.

The taste of carob syrup is special and takes some getting used to, but I especially enjoy using this syrup in baking.

If you add syrup when baking a cake, then after heat treatment you will feel pleasant taste chocolate and the cupcake will be chocolate in color.

In addition, special sweets can be purchased in Cyprus - nuts in carob syrup, usually almonds and walnuts are prepared in this way. Such sweets are very useful for children and diabetics, as they do not contain sugar.

You can make sweets from dried fruits by adding carob syrup to them.

The use of carob syrup in traditional medicine

At home, carob syrup is good to use for the treatment of sore throats, coughs,.

For the treatment of colds in one glass of hot water (temperature about 60 degrees) dissolve one tablespoon of carob syrup. And during the day they drink 5-6 glasses of this drink. It is well known that when you have a cold, you often need to drink plenty of water. This drink It has a mild diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate toxins from a sick body. You can also gargle with a sore throat with a prepared drink.

If you have constipation or diarrhea , then carob syrup will come to the rescue. To conquer disorder gastrointestinal tract you need to take the syrup in this way:

  • adults 1 tablespoon of syrup 4-5 times a day half an hour before meals;
  • children 2-5 years old - 1 teaspoon once a day;
  • children 5 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • children under 2 years of age are not recommended to use carob syrup.

If you are worried about insomnia, nervous disorders, headaches , then you should take this syrup 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day before meals. Reception should be carried out in courses - 3 months, then a break of 2 weeks and can be repeated.

For weight loss should cook special drink: take water room temperature, and dilute a tablespoon of syrup in it, adding a slice of lemon and mix everything thoroughly until the syrup is completely dissolved. Such a drink should be prepared 2 times a day and drunk 5-15 minutes before meals (at lunch and dinner). After 2 weeks, add another dose before breakfast.

The use of carob syrup in cosmetology

Carob syrup is added to face and body skin care products. The presence of oxidants rejuvenates the skin, keeps it fresh and youthful, reduces fine wrinkles, makes your skin radiant.

Today you learned about carob syrup and its beneficial properties and uses. I hope that this information was useful to you, my dear readers. Be healthy.

Sincerely, Nadezhda Karacheva
