
Recipe stewed hake in tomato. Hake in tomato sauce

Somehow I recently discovered here that I made a culinary site a long time ago, but I still haven’t shown one of my favorite fish dishes. Although she did the same, by analogy, herring in tomato with vegetables. But I cook hake in tomato very often! And I especially like it when I eat this dish prepared by my mother-in-law. She is visiting - a hake in a tomato is always on any holiday table, and I’m happy to press on him, because I would eat it regularly, but there’s often no time to cook - it’s a little troublesome.

Shall we start?
1. We buy 2-3 small carcasses of frozen hake. We bring it home, let it cool a little, and then clean the scales, without cutting the belly, take out the insides, rinse well inside. We put the hake carcasses in a saucepan and salt an incomplete tablespoon of salt per 1 kg of fish (2/3 or 3/4 tablespoon of salt, if you like saltier).

2. Wash and clean carrots and onions. We cut the onion as we like - it can be half rings, it can be cubes, I cut a quarter into rings. Three carrots on a coarse grater.

3. Salted for 30 minutes, cut the hake into portioned pieces(one carcass for 2-3 parts). Dip in flour and fry in a pan for longer and, if possible, on all sides. When I fry a hake, I try to put it not only on both sides, but also on all sides and fry it.

4. After frying the fish, we put it in a thick-walled dish - you can put it in a saucepan, in a cast-iron, in a roaster - whoever has something in the house.

5. Throw onions and carrots into the pan where the fish was fried, and sauté until soft.

6. Add a tablespoon of tomato paste directly into the pan, knead it with vegetables, lightly fry and pour about a glass of boiled water.

7. To taste, add sugar and salt to the tomato fry, stew lightly.

8. In dishes with fried hake add bay leaf and spices for fish - you can put black pepper sweet peas more.

9. Tomato roast pour over the hake and again add water to the pan so that it is on the same level with the fish. Cover with a lid and put the fish to stew over low heat.

10. It’s enough to stew the fish for 10 minutes, but this time I gape, although I noted the time, and stewed for 20 minutes, while the fish did not become too soft, did not fall apart and did not fall apart, but almost all the liquid evaporated and the fish turned out to be almost dry .

You can serve hake in tomato with vegetables with any side dish: it goes well with potatoes, rice, and even pasta.

Moreover, there is a hake in a tomato, both freshly cooked hot, and after, already cooled down. Even from the refrigerator, hake in tomato remains delicious if you cook something hot for a side dish.

Try to cook! AND Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Hake is an inexpensive, tasty and versatile fish. From the fillet, you can cook fish in batter, make meatballs, meatballs for soup, and fry whole pieces in oil or bake in the oven with sauce. Hake carcasses are sold already cut, and all that needs to be done before cooking is to defrost the fish, cut off the upper and lower fins and rinse the abdomen (remove the dark film).

Heck in tomato sauce with vegetables - recipe of the day. In principle, according to this recipe, you can cook any sea ​​fish- cod, natotenia, pollock and even mackerel. The main thing is that there is little in the fish small bones and plenty of meat.

Required products:

- Frozen hake - 500-600 gr;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- bow - 2 pcs;
- tomato sauce - 6 tbsp. l (if thick, then 4 tablespoons + a little water);
- flour - 3-4 tbsp. l;
- salt, ground black pepper - to taste;
- vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We defrost the fish, clean it from the remnants of the insides, cut off the fins, cut off the tail. We wash under cold water and let the water drain or dry paper towel. If the fish is wet, the salt will melt and drain, leaving the fish unsalted. We cut the prepared carcass into small pieces, sprinkle with black ground pepper (or any spices for fish), salt to taste. We leave the fish for 10-15 minutes so that it is saturated with salt and spices. During this time, you will have time to peel the potatoes and put them to boil.

Before frying, pieces of fish must be breaded in wheat flour so that the crust is even and ruddy. Pour flour into a deep plate, roll pieces of hake on all sides.

We heat the pan, pour 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. Put the pieces of fish in hot oil, fry for 2-3 minutes on each side until golden brown. It is not worth frying the fish longer, it will dry out. Before fully prepared hake will reach during stewing in the oven.

Remove the fried fish from the pan. Cooking vegetables for the sauce. We cut the onion into small cubes, cut the carrots into strips or three on a coarse grater.

Heat up in a frying pan 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, fry the onion until transparent (it will brighten). Add carrots, fry for another 2-3 minutes until the carrots are soft.

To almost prepared vegetables pour in the tomato sauce, mix, simmer over low heat for 1-2 minutes from the moment of boiling. The tomato should be slightly browned. Salt tomato sauce to taste, you can season with pepper.

We shift the pieces of hake into a baking dish with sides. Put vegetables with tomato sauce on top of fried fish. Put the form in hot oven, cook for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. If you want to tomato sauce was more, cover the form with a lid or tighten with foil.

fish in tomato marinade It doesn't have to be served piping hot. You can cook it in advance and leave it to taste - warm or even completely cooled, it is no less tasty than fresh from the oven.

The best garnish would be mashed potatoes but you can serve fish and how independent dish with fresh bread.

Cooking hake in tomato sauce is a real pleasure, because practically from nothing, and even with a minimum of costs both in time and finances, you will get an incredibly tasty fish dish!

No wonder hake is called "sea chicken", because this fish is almost impossible to spoil when cooked! It is baked, fried, boiled and steamed, but there is no dish tastier than hake in tomato sauce! To check this, prepare yourself this cooking masterpiece from fish.


  • 1 hake carcass weighing 600-700 g
  • 1 large tomato
  • 1 large onion
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. sunflower oil
  • 0.5 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar
  • 1 st. hot water


1. Rinse the fish and cut it into portioned pieces. Hake is often sold already washed and without a head, so if you purchased frozen fish, you don’t have to defrost it - just cut it into pieces.

2. Peel the onion and cut it into half rings, after washing it. Passer in vegetable oil until soft over low heat.

3. While the onion is being browned - scald the tomato with boiling water, and then abruptly move it into ice water - its peel will perfectly separate from the temperature difference. After removing the peel from the tomato, cut it into large cubes and add to the saucepan to golden onion. Sprinkle salt immediately granulated sugar- sugar neutralizes the acidity of tomato juice. Let the vegetables stew for about 5-8 minutes, and then pour in 1 tbsp. hot water.

4. Place the fish pieces in the water and cover the container with a lid. Simmer over medium heat for about 20-25 minutes until the dish is fully cooked. So that the hake pieces themselves are fed tomato juice- let them cool down in it! At the same time, hake in tomato sauce is tasty both hot and cold.

5. If you love more thick sauces, then pour into the liquid 5 minutes before turning off 1 tbsp. l. wheat flour and stir - your sauce will thicken before your eyes!

Note to the owner

1. Culinary process so simple that even a young housewife, who previously cooked only scrambled eggs, will feel an experienced chef. However, one wisdom she should learn: right choice fish determines success. The carcass must be felt. If ice crunches inside, you should look for another one. At the point of sale where such goods are sold, they are negligently treated temperature regime. The fish, which at first froze well, then thawed and again plunged into strong cooling, will be like rubber. No matter how hard it is, nothing can be fixed.

2. Hake will become more tender if you defrost it in a bowl filled with milk at room temperature. Then the fish will go to the tomato, and this is alarming for many: dairy products do not go well with tomatoes. IN this case there will be no ingredient conflict. The milk will do its job, softening the fish flesh, but not soaking into it deeply.

3. The aroma of any seafood becomes spicy and attractive when a smell is added to it. bay leaf. This is the number one seasoning for hake in tomato sauce. Mixture allspice, lemon or lime zest is also often put in such dishes at the start of heat treatment. And you can also pour 15-20 ml of Dijon mustard into the gravy.

I propose to remember classic recipe childhood memories and cook hake in tomato. This dish was probably prepared in every family, but today it is a little forgotten. Let's remember it and enjoy the wonderful taste.
Recipe content:

Hake, a little oily fish, but when stewed in tomato, it harmonizes perfectly with gravy. The dish turns out juicy, satisfying and light. The recipe is very simple and is within the power of every novice housewife. A the best side dish To stewed fish - boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

In this recipe, I changed the classic a little. Today there are many new delicious sauces and condiments. Therefore, along with tomato paste, I added more soy sauce, which goes well with the dish. Many people are generally skeptical about cooking fish in tomato sauce. However, heck this recipe turns out to be very soft. This the perfect dish for dinner for the whole family. In addition, the bonus of this dish - hake in tomato can be consumed both warm and chilled. The fish will absolutely not lose their wonderful taste qualities after cooling down. In my family, this dish is generally eaten exclusively cold. I cook it in the evening, and then send it to cool in the refrigerator, and for breakfast and dinner next day hake at exactly the right temperature.

In addition, I stewed the fish with passivated onions. However, the circle of vegetables can be embroidered. For example, here it will be good to harmonize fried carrots, sweet bell pepper, garlic and other spices to taste.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 103 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 40 minutes


  • Frozen hake - 3 pcs.
  • Onion- 2 pcs.
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • Seasoning for fish - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp or to taste
  • Black ground pepper- pinch
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking hake in tomato:

1. In a small bowl, combine tomato paste, soy sauce, fish seasoning, salt and ground pepper. Mix well. Be careful when adding salt as the added soy sauce is already salty. Therefore, there is a risk of oversalting the dish.

2. Defrost the fish in advance, because. hake in our latitudes is sold only frozen. Do it right, first on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, then when room temperature. Next, wash the fish and pat dry with paper towels. Put the pan on the stove, pour in the oil and heat well. I draw your attention to the fact that the fish is fried exclusively on strong hot pan. Otherwise, it will stick to the surface and fall apart.
Fry the hake on one side until golden brown, then turn it over and bring it to the same consistency. Prepare it for big fire Literally 3 minutes on each side. Do not worry that it will not be completely fried, it will reach readiness during stewing.

3. Peel, wash and chop the onions in half rings. Heat vegetable oil in another pan and put it there.

4. Make a medium heat and sauté the onion until translucent.

5. Top fried onion put in the fried fish.

Braised hake in tomato sauce - a classic example of a simple but tasty homemade food. This dish able to cook not only experienced housewives but also for beginners in cooking.

In addition, hake is a fairly affordable seafood. It can be found on the shelves of almost all shops, supermarkets, fish shops and markets. Pleases customers and quite democratic price on the product.

Despite the ease of preparation and wide distribution, hake in tomato has pleasant taste, aroma and awakens the appetite. Having prepared such a dish, you will not disappoint your household.

How to cook stewed hake on your own in your kitchen and how useful properties has such a product - about this in our material.

Composition and energy value

Hake (or hake) is a genus of fish common in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This fish contains a large number of useful components:

  • vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, E, C and PP;
  • minerals: iodine, calcium, fluorine, magnesium, sodium, iron and many others.

As regards food and energy value product, it is important to note here that there are only 82 kilocalories per 100 grams of fish. This indicator indicates that the hake is dietary product and it is allowed to be used even by those people who are on diets and worry about their weight.

In addition, 100 grams of hake contains 16.5 grams of protein, 1.8 grams of fat, but fish does not contain carbohydrates. The absence of carbohydrates is a big plus of any product in diet food person.

Benefit and harm

Due to its composition, hake has a number of positive properties that have positive effects on the human body. So, among them it is possible to single out the fact that hake fillet is indicated for use by people who suffer from thyroid diseases, disorders at work digestive system And gastrointestinal tract and those with elevated blood sugar levels.

There is only one contraindication to eating fish - individual intolerance and allergy to fish or to the substances it contains.


In order to cook hake stewed in tomato, you will need to take the following products:

  • hake - 2 fish;
  • wheat flour - 4 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 120 milliliters;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • tomato paste or sauce - 50 grams;
  • water;
  • salt to taste.

The first thing to do is prepare the fish. If you are using a frozen hake, then it must be thawed. In addition, the fish should be cleaned of the husk, head, fins, entrails, tail and other unnecessary components. After this, the hake should be thoroughly rinsed under running cold water and cut into neat portioned pieces.

Next, you need to sprinkle the fish with salt, and you can also add any other spices you wish, and then roll in wheat flour, which will act as a breading. Now the fish needs to be fried - this should be done in a well-heated pan in vegetable oil. Do not forget to fry the fish on both sides until a delicious crispy crust appears. Then briefly set the fish aside and proceed to the preparation of vegetables.

Onions and carrots must be peeled, washed under the tap, dried and chopped. In this case, it is advisable to grate the carrots or use a blender, and cut the onion into half rings. Vegetables also need to be fried.

Now in a separate pan with thick walls or cauldrons, lay out the fish and vegetables, add tomato paste. You also need to add hot water to the container so that it covers all the contents. Don't forget to salt the water.

Despite the fact that hake is a fairly common fish in our country, many housewives bypass this product. And this is completely in vain. With low cost and being important ingredient many fairly easy-to-cook dishes, hake can become great lunch or dinner.

Don't be afraid to experiment in your kitchen. Using the proposed recipe for cooking this fish, you will add variety to your diet and delight your household and guests.

To learn how to cook hake with vegetables in tomato sauce, see the video below.
