
Low carb creamy panna cotta (panna cotta, panna cotta, panna cotta). The nuances of making vanilla pana cotta

Another review of our culinary blog dedicated to the Italian dessert called Panna cotta.

In fact, this dish is a Mediterranean variant of jelly. However, it has a number of specific features: a more delicate texture, soft structure, a bright and memorable smell of spicy vanilla.

The secret is in how the dish called Panna cotta. Recipe provides for the addition of fatty confectionery cream of vegetable or animal origin, or ordinary cow's milk, as the main ingredient.

However, it is preferable to use natural cream because they make the dish more tender.

The treat is served cold to the table, while adding grated berries, fruits or jam.

It is impossible not to mention useful properties this delicacy. Yes, yes, despite the fact that panna cotta is a sweet treat, in moderate amounts it is good for health.

The rich content of protein and calcium, which are well absorbed by the body from dairy dishes, is a valuable advantage. the society of the dish.

But there is one serious drawback: panna cotta classic has a high concentration of animal fats.

Suffice it to mention that the content of cream in one portion of the dish reaches 95% - and that says it all.

The history of panna cotta

As mentioned above, home tender pudding Italy is, namely, the north of the Apennine Peninsula, more specifically, Piedmont. In Italian, panna cotta means " boiled cream”,“ boiled cream ”.

Many facts about the origin of the dish are lost, but it is known that in its earliest versions, panna cotta contained whipped cream, fish collagen (bone decoction), honey and, of course, vanilla, which was added to create a special spicy taste.

After baking, the dish was cooled and served with fruit and a glass of wine. Subsequently delicate delicacy spread widely throughout Italy, and then throughout the world. There were even such variations of the dish as chocolate and coffee panna-cot that.

However, the Italians are still true to their culinary traditions, so in its classical performance the Mediterranean counterpart of jelly contains heavy cream, a fair amount of sugar, vanilla and gelatin are the main ingredients of this delicacy.

The nuances of making vanilla pana cotta

Today, there are many options for the execution of such a dish as panna cotta. However, to cook for your guests and loved ones delicate dessert at home, you must strictly adhere to the recommendations of Italian chefs.

  • First, it must be remembered that the pudding should be more tender than elastic. Otherwise, it will not differ in any way from ordinary jelly. It follows that gelatin should be added in moderation.
  • It is not recommended to bring the cream to a boil, as this may adversely affect the taste of the dish. We advise you to add the diluted gelatin to the already warmed cream.
  • It is no coincidence that the dish is called "vanilla panna cotta". That is why you should not save on vanilla to the detriment of the taste of the dish, adding substitutes of artificial origin to it.
  • Panna cotta is not the case when you should experiment with spices and spices. Limit yourself to vanilla, following the principle of "brevity is the sister of talent."
  • Otherwise, panna cotta recipes do not contain strict restrictions and provide complete freedom of action for creativity.

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In addition, in the next issues of our blog, we will post more detailed recipes cooking panna cotta.

Among the variety of desserts, it is difficult to single out the most unforgettable. Panna cotta occupies a special place. What is it, the Italians know well. How to cook a unique dessert at home? What are the tricks for making an unforgettable panna cotta?

The history of the dessert

Where did the real panna cotta come from? What is it and what did the very first dessert look like? Panna cotta is an Italian delicacy with a really refined and delicate taste. It was created many years ago in a little-known city Northern Italy— Piedmont. Interestingly, before the dessert was prepared absolutely without sugar. The reason for this was its high cost. Incredible taste and panna cotta enchanted the Italians with its aroma. Not many people know how to cook such an incredible dessert at home.

Panna cotta differed not only in the absence of sugar, but also in the replacement of gelatin with fish bones. Today, there are a lot of different cooking variations, but it is interesting that in the homeland of the dessert it is unacceptable to add anything extra to the panna cotta, and that is why in Italy they cook only according to the classic recipe.

Cooking the most popular varieties of panna cotta

Panna cotta at home: myth or reality? unique italian dessert most often associated with haute cuisine and incredibly heavy cooking. Is it so? Dessert with unforgettable taste and exquisite presentation has a fairly simple and generally accessible recipe. In addition, panna cotta at home is prepared quite easily and quickly. Anyone who has at least a little experience in making desserts can surprise themselves and loved ones with Italian sweetness.

Pannakota finds everything every day large quantity fans around the world. Exists great amount most variety of options cooking desserts. Everyone is fascinated and mesmerized by panna cotta. How to cook this sweetness at home, this article will help you figure it out.

Classic panna cotta

Make your friends the Classic Panna Cota dessert. What it is, they may not know. It is according to this recipe that airy dessert in Italy. The classic panna cotta recipe at home is quite simple and understandable in execution. For cooking incredible delicious treats we will need:

Two glasses heavy cream;

One glass of sugar;

Fifteen grams of gelatin;

Two vanilla sticks or ten grams vanilla sugar;

Fresh or frozen fruits and berries for presentation.

To make vanilla pana cotta, you first need to heat the cream over low heat with the addition of vanilla. After the creamy vanilla mass has warmed up, it must be cooled, and then beat with a mixer until foam forms.

The next step is soaking the gelatin. To do this, it is poured with water at room temperature and wait a couple of minutes until it swells. Then we need to pour the jelly mass into the cream and put on low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to leave it for twenty minutes so that it cools completely. After the required time has elapsed, you will need to beat the mass again.

Our future panna cotta is almost ready. It is necessary to prepare the form for its solidification. For required lubrication butter so that you can easily get dessert in the future. Optionally, you can place fruits and berries on the bottom. You will need to pour the finished mixture into the mold and put it in the refrigerator for several hours.

When the dessert has completely hardened, in order to easily remove it, you will need to lower the mold for a couple of seconds in boiling water, and then put the panna cotta on a plate. Optional ready meal you can decorate with fruits and berries or sprinkle with jam. The dessert is light and excellent. palatability. We made sure that classic recipe Panna cotta at home is quite simple to perform.

orange panna cotta

Fragrant orange panna cotta - what is it and how to cook it? Another common option for making panna cotta, which has found a considerable number of fans, can be considered an Italian dessert with the addition of an orange. To prepare it, we need:

One large orange;

Two chicken yolks;

Half a glass of cow's milk;

25 grams of powdered sugar;

Two teaspoons of gelatin;

Half a glass of water at room temperature.

In order to prepare an orange panna cotta, we need to grate orange peel, and also extrude a small amount of juice. As in the classic recipe, you will need to pour gelatin with water, but after 5-7 minutes add orange juice to the jelly mass.

While the gelatin swells, you need to put the milk on slow fire and, stirring, gradually add the zest and powdered sugar, juice and yolks. When the gelatin mixture is ready, it will need to be put on water bath so that the mass becomes completely homogeneous. ready mix you need to mix with milk and pour into portioned forms.

At the last stage, you need to remove the dessert in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Ready panna cotta can be decorated with fruits and berries. However, do not forget that this recipe contains an orange, so extra fruits and berries can spoil the taste. This dessert is perfectly complemented by bananas or kiwi.

Dessert calories

Recently, it has become fashionable to monitor your health, figure, look good. Many sweet tooth refuse sugary desserts in favor of their figure. Whether a dessert is dietary usually ranges from 300 to 400 kcal, depending on the recipe. If you carefully monitor your diet and figure, then you can not be upset - panna cotta can also be made dietary. To do this, take cream with a lower fat content or replace them with yogurt. In books about healthy eating you can easily find a "healthy" recipe. Diet panna cotta at home (it’s easy to find a recipe with a photo) is prepared easily and simply. And you can taste an unforgettable Italian dessert without worrying about your figure.

Unforgettable dessert

Panna cotta is a dessert of Italian origin, which is loved by millions of fans. Its appearance captivates with its beauty, and its taste is light and unique. Be sure to try cooking it. With such an amazing dessert, you will definitely please your family and friends.

Panna cotta can always be that dessert - in a restaurant, cafe, at a party or at home. You can make it with milk or cream, freeze it or bake it the old fashioned way, make it vegan or make it incredibly sweet. This is its perfection - everyone can cook it in just 2-3 hours.

What is panna cotta dessert?

Panna cotta ( panna cotta) is one of the simplest dairy desserts with gelatin, cream, vanilla and sugar.

This is the purest embodiment of Italian "spoon" desserts. The hardest part about making panna cotta is reaching desired consistency and texture - it should be silky soft and supple. The Right Recipe and the proportions will give you this result.

Classic panna cotta. It is almost always made with gelatin and cream, which gives it a soft and melt-in-your-mouth texture. But you can create your own version: very light and soft from milk and fruit puree, or rich and dense of heavy cream. It can be made with yogurt - as in this recipe with tangerine sauce.

History of panna cotta

The first panna cotta (in Italian, literally: "cooked cream") were prepared not like cold dessert. It was more like creme brulee: a mixture of heavy cream, egg whites and honey were baked in a form with a water bath over low heat. The original panna cotta really tastes like baked cream, but requires constant attention to temperature and cooking time.

That's why early recipe seldom cooked, classical panna cotta is considered the one that was prepared in northern Italy, in Piedmont - first from a mixture of cream and fish collagen (from a decoction of bones), with the addition of vanilla for the best flavor. She, too, was first baked, and then cooled. Dessert was served along with fruit and a glass of wine.

There are other versions: panna cotta comes from Lange, where it was invented by a lady of Hungarian origin. Or maybe a dessert - a light version french dessert, traditional Bavarian cream. There is also an opinion that panna cotta is a kind of blancmange ( biancomangiare), a Sicilian dessert from the distant past, when the island was under Arab rule. Blancmange uses almond milk, while panna cotta has replaced it with cow's milk.

Early commercial recipes did not explicitly refer to gelatin, but always suggested adding a decoction of fish bones. home version always cooked with honey. Sugar came much later and was too expensive. Only years later did the Italians begin to cook restaurant panna cotta - and later homemade - with gelatin, without baking, and serve cold.

Greetings to all sweet tooth! Today I will share another dessert that is correctly named and spelled as panna cotta, which means "boiled cream" or "boiled cream" in Italian.

This dish Italian cuisine, but this is also found in French, and Greek, and even Finnish cuisine. On the Internet, you can see various names for this dessert - panna cotta, panna cotta, panna cotta, but the option that I wrote above will be the most correct.

Panna cotta is a gentle cream pudding by consistency. It can be served both in bowls and laid out on a plate. There are a lot of panna cotta recipes out there, but today I'm going to show you a classic recipe adapted to a low-gut diet. So, let's get right down to business...

Low carb panna cotta (panna cotta, panna cotta, panna cotta)

The recipe for this wonderful dessert is very simple. Each hostess will be able to repeat it in no time. For classic panna cotta you will need:

  • cream 10 or 20% 350 ml (4.5 carbohydrates per 100 g)
  • sugar substitute to taste, for example, or (0 g carbohydrates)
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar a couple of pinches (carbohydrates do not count)
  • gelatin 5 g (0 g carbohydrates)
  • 5 g dark chocolate at least 75% cocoa for decoration (carbohydrates are not included)

Let me tell you briefly about the products. I take live cream, which lives only 3 days. They are sold with a fat content of no more than 10%. I have not tried it on long-playing cream, but I am sure that they will also work.

I use two natural sweeteners - stevioside and erythritol. The one in the photo and I took only 40 g per 350 g of cream. I also added a few drops of NowFoods Stevia Extract later.

I always take instant gelatin, sometimes even in plates, and not in powder, as in the photo above. Someday I'll post a recipe using gelatin in plates,. You can change the amount of gelatin, if you put less, then the mass will not be completely frozen, you will get something in between jelly and liquid cream, fluid and slimy. If you put more gelatin, then the panna cotta may turn out to be more dense. So experiment to your liking. I got a light jelly that does not spread and does not flow, but at the same time is not dense, like marmalade.

Instead of vanilla sugar, you can take pure vanillin powder or vanilla pod. Vanilla sugar, I put here just a couple of pinches for light fragrance panna cotta.

In the photo you see that I took the usual chocolate, i.e. on sugar. You can take on stevia. It takes very little chocolate (during cooking, not even all of it was used) and chocolate carbohydrates in such an amount can be neglected, so I didn’t use low-carb chocolate, it’s better to eat it like that))

Panna cotta technique

Pour 5 g of gelatin 40 g of water, stir, let stand, and in the meantime take on the cream. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add the sweetener and vanilla sugar there. If you use a pod, then you can put it in ready-made cream for a few minutes, and then take it out and stir it. Put the cream on medium fire and cook for about 15 minutes, as soon as the cream boils, immediately remove them from the heat and add the gelatin, which by that time has already swollen. Return the pan to the heat and stir to dissolve all the gelatin.

Important! When you poured in the gelatin, it is no longer possible to boil the mixture. Ideal if you put everything in a water bath, but you can just remove the pan from the heat when you see that it wants to boil. If the mixture boils, then the gelatin will give off a smell and the dish will be spoiled.

It takes 1-2 minutes for the gelatin to dissolve. As soon as you see that the gelatin has completely dissolved, you can turn off the heat and remove the pan from the stove. Now you can spill hot mix in bowls or in molds and put in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Well, if you make dessert in the evening, then the next day you can try it.

A few hours later when upper layer already hardened, you can decorate with chocolate. To do this, I melt the chocolate in a water bath with the addition of a tablespoon of water and then apply droplets over the frozen panna cotta. Here you can show your imagination and decorate as you like. Then we put it back in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Freezing occurs within 10-12 hours.

This is the beauty I got. It tastes very similar to ice cream ice cream.

In the portion shown in the photo, 200 g finished product. You can pour into molds with a smaller volume.

For 100 g of this product it turned out:

3.8 g carbs
3.2 g proteins
8.7 g fat

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

What is panna cotta? We will answer this culinary question in the presented article. It will also describe the recipes for this dish and how it is served at the table.

General information

Many people in Europe know what panna cotta is. This word has Italian origin and literally means "boiled cream". According to experts, such a dish is a northern Italian dessert made from vanilla, sugar and cream.

What is panna cotta? Every Italian knows the answer to this question. After all, Piedmont is the birthplace of this dessert.

To prepare such a delicacy, cream with vanilla and sugar is heated, and then boiled over low heat for about ¼ hour. Gelatin is also added to the mass.

After preparing the base, it is poured into molds and sent to the cold. As soon as the dessert hardens, it is laid out on a plate and served at the table.

Panna cotta, the photo of which is presented in this article, is served to guests with pieces of fruits and berries, or with in small portions sweet sauces.

Leaving the resulting mixture aside to cool, proceed to the preparation of other components. Gelatin is poured into a deep bowl and poured with ordinary cold water. In this form, it is kept for a while room temperature so that it swells well. Next, the resulting mass is stirred and slightly warmed up. At the same time, make sure that the gelatin does not boil.

The presented panna cotta recipe with a photo is ideal for those who like to enjoy dessert, but do not want to mess around with dough, cream and other ingredients.

As soon as they cool down, gelatin is poured into them. After thoroughly mixing the products, a homogeneous and rather liquid mixture is obtained.

Recipe classic panna cotta does not apply various additives. If white dessert it seems boring to you, then you can additionally add berries ground to a homogeneous state in the base.

Formation process

Panna cotta, a photo of which everyone can take, should be prepared in small shaped bowls or cups. The liquid base is carefully poured into pre-prepared containers, and then sent to the refrigerator. In this form, the Italian dessert should be at least 2 hours. This is necessary in order for the panna cotta to freeze well.

Serving method

Now you know the recipe for the classic panna cotta. As soon as vanilla blend harden, the molds are carefully turned over and laid out ready dessert on flat plates or saucers.

If desired, this delicacy can be cut in small pieces and then sprinkle granulated sugar or powder, sprinkle with lemon juice or add any aromatic herbs.

Also, this amazing dessert can be served at the table along with fresh fruit, your favorite syrup or berry mousse.

Step by step panna cotta recipe with photo

As mentioned above, such a dessert can be prepared different ways. Classic variant we presented at the beginning of the article. However, some cooks prefer to make italian dish along with chocolate and coffee. For such a fragrant panna cotta, we need:

Cooking coffee cream

To make this cream, fresh milk throw grain natural coffee, and then heated over low heat, bringing the contents of the dishes to a boil. After boiling the ingredients for about 2 minutes, they are filtered through a sieve and left to cool.

At this time, start processing gelatin. He is being bred plain water and wait for swelling, after which they heat it up a little over low heat, but do not boil. Further egg yolks whisk together with sugar. Having received a whitened homogeneous mass, cooled coffee milk is poured into them in a thin stream.

The finished mass is put on a slow fire and slowly warmed up. In this case, it is very important to stir it regularly with a spoon and avoid boiling.

As soon as the mixture thickens, it is removed from the stove and gelatin is added to it. In this form, the cream is left to cool at room temperature. Next, whip 150 ml of cream, and add them to the coffee base.

How to form?

A coffee panna cotta is formed in exactly the same way as a classic one. For this, creamers are used. They are lined cling film and then half filled with fragrant cream.

Making chocolate filling

To prepare such a filling, milk or melt over low heat. As soon as you have a homogeneous glaze, the remaining 100 ml of whipped cream is gradually added to it. At the same time, they get quite thick and very tasty mix. It is placed in or a bag with a narrow and long nozzle.

After that, a little chocolate filler is carefully introduced into the middle of the coffee cream. At the same time, care is taken to ensure that liquid dessert didn't pierce through. This is necessary so that the filler remains in the center and does not break. coffee cream and did not go beyond it.

If this still happened, then you should not be upset. In any case, such a dessert will turn out very beautiful and tasty.

Final stage

As soon as the Italian delicacy is formed, it is immediately sent to the refrigerator. In this state, panna cotta is kept until it hardens (about 3-6 hours).

Serving dessert to the table

After the gelatin has completely solidified, the dessert is carefully removed from the mold along with the cling film. It is turned over and placed on a beautiful flat saucer. Next, start decorating. homemade treats. To do this, use the remaining milk or dark chocolate(30 g). It is melted over low heat (you can add a little cream), and then the whole dessert is poured over it. If desired, this dish can be sprinkled chocolate chips Or just decorate with berries.

Coffee panna cotta should be consumed with a dessert spoon. It turns out very tender and tasty. Due to the fact that gelatin was not added to the chocolate filling, it remains semi-liquid even after the dessert has been kept in the refrigerator for a long time. After cutting the panna cotta, the filling should flow out nicely on the saucer. Bon appetit!
