
Pickling small cucumbers for the winter recipes. Composition per liter of cucumbers

Cucumbers, which we all look forward to, are growing more and more every day. At first we just eat them in fresh, then we begin to salt lightly in jars, then in. And now it's time to prepare for the winter. We are already with you, but there are still a few delicious recipes.

These greens are so crispy and tasty that you want to eat a couple right now, and even with potatoes, m-m-m-! Now I am writing and imagining how I will treat the guests who will come to visit in the winter. I take out a jar and put it on the table. It will fly away in one evening, it may not be enough and you will have to open more. And when friends come, the first thing they demand is these cucumbers.

There are a few other basic ingredients that are important when canning cucumbers. Their use is mandatory for all housewives. This is of course good mood and great desire. And then things will go like clockwork!

This is a very simple way. We made 3 cans at once and it took us about an hour to do everything about everything. cucumbers are incredibly tasty and crispy. And most importantly, that salt and sugar comes out just right. They can be used as a snack or cut into a salad, for example:.

Ingredients for 1 jar:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 - 2 kg.;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Cherry leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • Dill umbrella - 1 pc.;
  • Black peppercorns - 0.5 tsp;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l. without a slide;
  • Vinegar 70% - 1.5 tsp;
  • Water - 1 l.


1. As always, you need to soak the cucumbers. It doesn’t matter if they are from the store or from the garden. After lying a little in the water, the fruits will be better washed, and they will absorb the missing moisture. Pour into any basin and pour cold water. We leave for 1 - 2 hours. Then wash them well running water.

2. We also clean and rinse the garlic and herbs. While they dry a little, prepare the jars. You can clean them in the dishwasher. Either the old way with soda or cleaning products. You don't need to sterilize them. But it is better to boil the lids for a couple of minutes.

3. Put the garlic at the bottom of the container. It can be cut into two or four pieces. Next we send cherry leaves and dill umbrella. Also sprinkle with peppercorns.

4. Now is the hardest and most time-consuming. We put cucumbers in a jar. You can put them lying down or standing up. It depends on the size of your fruits. But try to keep them close to each other.

5. Put the water to boil. When it boils, pour it into a jar. Cover the top with a lid and leave for 5 minutes.

6. During this time, pour sugar and salt into the pan. Pour the liquid out of the jar and set to boil again. When the brine boils, add vinegar and turn off. Immediately pour it back into the jar and twist tightly metal lids.

Can be used instead of vinegar citric acid. You will need about 1 teaspoon per jar.

7. Turn over and check for smudges. Then we put it under a fur coat until it cools completely. Then we send it to storage.

It came out really fast and very tasty. Let's move on to the next recipe.

How delicious to salt cucumbers under an iron lid?

In general, as a rule, vegetables are pickled precisely under a metal lid. And, if you want to get fruits like from a barrel, then without the use of vinegar or citric acid they are closed with caproic acid. But I prefer the way that cucumbers always turn out crispy and a little sweet.


  • cucumbers;
  • Dill umbrella - 2 pcs.;
  • Blackcurrant leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.;

Brine for 1 liter. water:

  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 70% - 2 tsp


1. Soak cucumbers in cold water. Then wash thoroughly and cut off the ends from them. I also wash all the greens.

2. Prepare the container. To do this, the jars also need to be washed with soda or detergent. Boil the lids for 1-2 minutes.

3. In the container, first put the dill and black pepper with allspice. Now we put in our vegetables. Place them in any position: standing or lying down. The main thing is closer to each other. Top with currant leaves.

4. Boil water and pour it into jars. Cover with lids and leave for 10 minutes. Then pour it back into the pan and add salt and sugar. We boil again.

Usually a 3-liter jar holds 1.5 liters. water; in a 2-liter - 1 liter; in 1 liter - 0.5 liters.

5. Turn off and pour in the vinegar. We pour the brine into jars and twist the metal lids with a special seaming key.

6. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a warm blanket. Leave in this position until completely cooled.

You can store such a blank at any temperature: even in the cellar, even in the room.

Pickled cucumbers - recipe for a liter jar:

If the family is small, then it is best to make blanks in small containers. To get and eat. Although, when you are making several recipes, it is also convenient to preserve in small jars. Now the big ones stagnate in the refrigerator and take up a lot of space.


  • cucumbers;
  • Hot pepper - 1 pc.;
  • Dill umbrella - 2 pcs.;
  • Cherry leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • Sheet black currant-4 things.;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • Black peppercorns - 6 pcs.;
  • Allspice peas - 3 pcs.;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • Water - 0.5 l.


1. We prepare cucumbers again. To do this, we first soak them. Then wash and cut off the ends. Everything else is washed and cleaned. Banks are easy enough to wash, but not sterilized.

2. Put the leaves and dill into the container first. Then garlic, it is cut into two or four parts. Do not forget about peppercorns and allspice. Only now lay the cucumbers. You can also add hot peppers. Only quite a bit, a couple of rings.

3. Boil water and pour into a jar. Cover with a lid and leave for 5 minutes. Now pour the water back into the pot and boil again. Re-fill boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes.

4. Now we drain the water into last time and add salt, sugar and citric acid to it. Bring to a boil and pour the brine into the jar. Roll up with metal lids.

Salt use simple, better coarse. But without additives (iodized is impossible!). Otherwise, your blanks will fly into the air.

5. Turn the neck up and cover with a blanket. We are waiting for it to cool down and put it away for storage.

Crispy cucumbers for the winter - a recipe with vinegar:

So many ways and all so similar. You can add something of your own to each blank. This will only make them tastier. It can be hot peppers or mustard seeds. Anything. But by adding horseradish, you will only improve not only taste qualities, but also the hardness and crunchiness of cucumbers. They won't be spicy, but they will be tasty for sure!


  • cucumbers;
  • Dill - 3 sprigs;
  • Garlic - 4 teeth;
  • Horseradish root - 5 cm;
  • Horseradish leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Allspice peas - 5 pcs.;
  • Black peppercorns - 8 pcs.;

Brine for 1 liter. water:

  • Salt -1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vinegar 70% - 1 tsp


1. Soak cucumbers in water for 2 to 4 hours. Then wash and cut off the ends from them. We also clean the garlic and horseradish.

2. In clean jars add garlic, horseradish (root and leaf), dill and allspice and black pepper. We also lay the cucumbers very tightly. Very large ones can be cut.

3. Fill the contents of the container with boiling water and leave for 10 minutes, while covering with a lid. Then pour the water into the pan, add salt and sugar. We boil again.

4. Pour vinegar into the boiling brine and turn it off. Pour it into cucumbers and roll up with metal lids.

5. Turn the jars over and cover with a warm blanket. When they cool down in this position, we put them away for storage in the basement, cellar or pantry.

I also suggest watching a video on how to make crispy cucumbers for the winter. Here you can clearly see how to roll up delicious green fruits which we love to eat in winter. It is clear that they are crunchy, it is not enough to put one horseradish. Zelentsy themselves should be elastic and freshly picked. That is why they must be soaked. But also so that they do not absorb a lot of brine.

I hope you enjoyed the methods that I shared with you today. They are quite simple and fast enough. Cucumbers can be soaked from evening to night, so that in the morning you can quickly pickle them. Well, for today I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!

In our country, cucumbers have long been preserved for the winter. It is important to note that the preparation depends not only on the chosen recipe, but also on the quality of the ingredients. In addition, you need to know some secrets of cooking snacks.

To stock up necessary quantity jars, it is recommended to allocate a whole day for canning. It is also necessary to prepare glass jars and covers.

You have probably noticed that each hostess has a slightly different taste of pickled cucumbers, even if they were cooked in the same way. This is because every woman has her own little tricks Moreover, each family has its own taste preferences therefore, the dosage of spices and spices may differ.

In this article, we will look at the most popular recipes, with which you can prepare delicious and crispy cucumbers. If you do not have your own vegetables, then it is better to buy fruits with "pimples" in the store, they are best suited for a snack.

To prepare delicious and crispy cucumbers for the winter, they do not have to be sterilized. If you follow the canning technology and tightly roll up the lids, then the snack can be stored for several years.

For a one liter jar you will need next quantity ingredients:

  • The number of cucumbers depends on their size.
  • 2 tsp granulated sugar.
  • 2 tsp salt.
  • 2 tablespoons of table vinegar.
  • 2-3 pieces of dill umbrellas.
  • 5-8 black peppercorns.
  • 4-5 garlic cloves.
  • 10-15 cm horseradish leaf.
  • 5-6cm horseradish root.

canning process

Cucumbers should be thoroughly washed, then soaked in cold water for 2-4 hours.

All products must be washed. Banks also need to be prepared. They do not have to be sterilized, it is enough to wash well under running water. Add dill umbrellas and peeled garlic cloves to them.

Horseradish root needs to be peeled, cut into small pieces and send to banks.

After that, chop the horseradish leaf, and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Cucumbers can be cut on both sides, but this is not necessary. Put larger fruits on the bottom vertically, and add small cucumbers to the jar to the top. If desired, you can add another dill umbrella on top. Also send peppercorns to the jar and Bay leaf.

Fill jars to the very top with boiling water. Cover with lids and leave the workpiece for 40-50 minutes. After that, pour the liquid into a bowl, it will come in handy for us to prepare the brine.

Put a container of water on the stove and bring the liquid to a boil. After that, add sugar and salt, stir well so that all the crystals are completely dissolved. At the very end add table vinegar 9%.

Pour boiling brine into liter jars and roll up the workpiece with a special machine. There is another option - salt, sugar and vinegar can be added directly to the jars, and then poured with boiling water, which we previously drained.

Turn the jars over, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

This is one of the most simple recipes pickling cucumbers.

It is important to note that such preservation can be stored long time in the kitchen cabinet room temperature.

Preservation of cucumbers in liter jars

If you treat your guests with cucumbers according to this recipe, then you will definitely be asked to tell about the cooking method. Preservation does not require a lot of spices and spices. The marinade is different traditional brine, but the cucumbers are non-acidic and crispy.

For two liter jars you will need the following products:

  • 1 kg cucumbers.
  • 1 piece of bell pepper.
  • 2 pieces of dill umbrellas.
  • 4 peas of allspice.
  • 5 black peppercorns.
  • 4-6 garlic cloves.
  • 2 pieces of bay leaves.
  • 2.5 tablespoons of sugar.
  • 1 tbsp salt.
  • 1 tsp 70% vinegar.

Cooking method

Wash cucumbers thoroughly. To get rid of white plaque, it is recommended to use a clean sponge. All fruits must be undamaged.

After that, the vegetables should be soaked in cold water for 1-2 hours.

In the meantime, we will prepare glass jars. They need to be washed with soda, then rinsed. Then sterilize them over steam for 5 minutes, and pour boiling water over the lids. You can use other methods as well.

Put dill umbrellas and bay leaves in a separate cup. Pour boiling water over them and leave for a couple of minutes. In this case, the aromas are better revealed and transferred to the cucumbers.

Wash sweet pepper, divide into two parts to remove the seeds, cut into small pieces, and then send to prepared glass jars.

Then we send the bay leaf, dill umbrellas and 2 cloves of garlic. You also need to add peppercorns.

Cut off the bottoms of the cucumbers. The first row must be laid out vertically. If there is space left in the jar, then you need to lay out several fruits horizontally.

From above, add 1 clove of garlic, an umbrella of dill to each jar. After that, fill the container with boiling water to the very top. Cover with lids and leave for 15-20 minutes.

After this time, you need to drain all the liquid into the pan. It is best to use a lid with holes. You can also make holes in a regular plastic lid.

Boil the water, and pour the cucumbers again so that they warm up well. To prepare the marinade, you need to put a pot of water on the stove, add salt and sugar and wait until they are completely dissolved.

Drain the liquid from the jars again and fill them with marinade, add 0.5 tsp of vinegar essence to each jar. Then the workpiece must be rolled up, the container turned over and checked for leaks.

Cover the workpiece with a blanket, wait until it cools completely, and then put it in the cellar, on the balcony or in the closet in the kitchen.

Assorted cucumbers and tomatoes for the winter. Canning for the winter

It is better to preserve tomatoes and cucumbers together, as they complement each other's taste. In addition, this method saves a lot of time.


  • 800g cucumbers.
  • 1kg tomato.
  • Parsley and dill.
  • 10-15g horseradish root.
  • 3 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 bay leaves.
  • Peas of black and allspice.
  • 3 blackcurrant leaves.
  • 1 tbsp salt.
  • 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • 5 tbsp 9% vinegar.

Cooking process

In a three-liter clean and sterilized jar, first you need to add spices. Put dill, chopped horseradish root, parsley, pepper, peeled garlic cloves cut in half on the bottom. Then black currant leaves.

Cut off the edges of the cucumbers and lay vertically in a jar. Next layer add tomatoes, parsley on top. After that, all products must be poured with boiling water. Cover the jar with a lid and towel. Vegetables should be heated for 15 minutes.

After the appointed time, the liquid must be drained into the pan.

Now let's start preparing the marinade. Put the container on the stove, add salt and sugar to the water. When the brine boils, you need to add vinegar to it.

Pour the vegetable platter with boiling marinade.

After that, the jars can be immediately rolled up without sterilization. As usual, it must be turned upside down and covered with a thick blanket. Assorted is very tasty and is great snack to any table.

Canned cucumbers with vodka. The most delicious crispy cucumbers

If you want to cook at home real barrel cucumbers be sure to try this recipe. It is not as popular as other canning methods, but the vegetables are crunchy and tasty.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 1.5-2kg cucumbers, depending on size.
  • Dill umbrellas.
  • Hell leaves.
  • Amaranth.
  • Currant leaves.
  • 4-5 garlic cloves.
  • 50g vodka.
  • 100g of table salt.

Preservation procedure

Cucumbers need to be washed well, cut off the tips. If you want them to turn out crispy, then they must be soaked for a couple of hours in cold water.

At the bottom of a sterilized jar, you need to lay out several sprigs of greens and 5 cloves of garlic.

Then tightly fill the jar with cucumbers.

The next step is to completely dissolve the salt in the water. Pour the resulting liquid cucumber appetizer. Then set aside the jar for 4 days.

When four days have passed, the brine must be drained into a saucepan. Put the container on the burner and boil the liquid. In the meantime, the jar needs to be filled cold water, cover with a lid, then shake well, then drain the water.

When the brine boils, it needs to be cooked for about 5 more minutes. After that, add vodka to the cucumbers and pour them with hot marinade to the very top.

Now the jars can be rolled up with sterilized lids. Then the container must be turned over to check the tightness. When the workpiece has cooled, it is recommended to put it in a cold place, so they will be stored longer.

As you can see, all canning methods are simple, so any housewife can use recipes and prepare cucumbers for the winter.

Fresh cucumbers are very tasty and healthy. But as soon as it starts to get colder, local vegetables are no longer available to us. Now in winter big choice various fresh and salted vegetables, but how can they be compared with our preparations for the winter. Firstly, purchased cucumbers are expensive, and secondly, they contain a large number of industrial preservatives. That's why, the best option for us - to independently prepare them for the winter. Pickled or pickled cucumbers are the most main blank for the winter. Crispy, firm, fragrant - without them nowhere. And so you can eat with pleasure, and add to salads. The recipes for harvesting cucumbers are very simple and tasty, their salting can be combined with tomatoes, you can make various salads from cucumbers.

Secrets of successful salting:

  1. One of the secrets is to choose our cucumbers correctly. These should be pickling varieties: they look like pimples, prickly and bumpy. We select small and medium cucumbers, 10-12 cm long. Cucumbers from the garden should be collected on the day of pickling or the day before.
  2. The quality of the water is also of great importance. You need to use spring or filtered tap water, or purchase ready-made drinking water.
  3. To make cucumbers successful, simple rock salt is used for pickling.
  4. Spices, spices are also important for salting. For this, black peppercorns, mustard seeds, dill seeds and umbrellas, any part of horseradish, cherry and currant leaves are used (leaves must be young). Sometimes basil leaves, cumin leaves, garlic, oak leaves, or a piece of oak bark are added (oak bark makes cucumbers more crispy).
  5. A liter jar of cucumbers takes 500 ml of water (approximately). How larger cucumbers, topics more water needed for cooking. And vice versa than smaller cucumbers- the fewer voids, and less water leaves.

Consider some wonderful recipes for harvesting our cucumbers for the winter:

Pickled cucumbers for the winter. Recipe for delicious crispy cucumbers in liter jars


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 2-4 kg,
  • horseradish leaves - 2-4 pieces,
  • garlic - 3-6 cloves,
  • hot peppers - 1 pc (to taste),
  • horseradish root 5-7 cm long,
  • celery, leaves - a little,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-7 peas,
  • bay leaf - 3-6 pieces,


  • Salt 2 tablespoons - per 1 liter of water,
  • sugar 1 tbsp - per 1 liter of water,

How to pickle cucumbers:

Wash cucumbers and herbs thoroughly. Cucumbers can be washed even with a soft brush, put them in a saucepan or basin, pour cold water for 2 hours. We change the water, pour cucumbers clean water and leave again for two hours. During this time, the cucumbers are saturated with water, and they turn out crispy and elastic.

At the bottom of a pre-prepared jar, put a few sprigs of dill, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves, currant leaves, celery, 1 clove of garlic (you can’t put a lot of it, this can make cucumbers soft), bay leaf, a small circle of hot capsicum, black and allspice.

We tightly fill the jar with cucumbers.

Pour boiling water over cucumbers.

We cover the cucumbers with lids and leave them like that for 10-15 minutes.

We drain the water.

Pour boiling water over cucumbers again and leave them in water for 10-15 minutes. Then drain the liquid.

We put a pot of water on the fire. Add salt (2 tablespoons per liter of liquid), sugar (1 tablespoon for the same volume) and citric acid (1 teaspoon per 1 liter).

Fill the cucumbers with hot brine and close the jars with a seaming machine.

We turn over and wrap our jars.

Opening such a jar in winter, we will enjoy great taste pickled crispy cucumbers.

Bon appetit!

Cucumbers for the winter in a sweet marinade. Recipe for pickled sweet crispy cucumbers with citric acid

Thanks to the marinade, such cucumbers have a pleasant sweetish taste.


  • small fresh cucumbers,
  • mustard grains - 1-2 teaspoons,
  • horseradish leaves - 2-3 pieces,
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves,
  • hot chilli pepper - 1 pc,
  • blackcurrant leaves - 7-10 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-7 peas,
  • black peppercorns - 7-10 pcs,
  • bay leaf - 3-6 pieces,
  • dry dill and fresh umbrellas with seeds - 3-5 pcs each,
  • vinegar 70% - a few drops under the lid when rolling cans.


  • Salt 40 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • sugar 150 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • citric acid 1 teaspoon - per 1 liter of water.

How to pickle cucumbers:

We prepare cucumbers and herbs. I wash everything carefully. We put the cucumbers in a saucepan or basin, pour cold water for 2 hours. You can change the water several times. Cucumbers will be saturated with water, and pickled cucumbers will turn out strong and crispy.

In clean jars we lay out several sprigs of dill, cherry leaves, horseradish leaves, currant leaves, celery, spicy Bell pepper- a small ring, bay leaf, mustard seeds, black and allspice peas.

Fill with boiling water and cover with lids. We leave it like that for 10-15 minutes. We repeat the procedure twice.

Then pour the water into a saucepan. We put it on fire. Add salt 40 g, sugar 150 g, citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Pour cucumbers with marinade. We roll up and turn over the banks, wrap them in a dress. You can store these cucumbers at room temperature.

Bon appetit!

Cucumbers for the winter with lemon, in Prague. Recipe in liter jars

Such cucumbers are pickled with lemon. Otherwise, the ingredients for salting are common - dill, horseradish, allspice and black peppercorns, bay leaf, sugar, salt, garlic. The taste of cucumbers is obtained with a slight sourness, which gives them a piquancy. You can add various ingredients to your taste, without strictly adhering to a certain composition. Such cucumbers will perfectly fit into any salads, and can be present on the table as an independent dish.


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 2-4 kg,
  • mustard grains - 1-2 tbsp. spoons,
  • horseradish leaves - 2-3 pieces,
  • garlic - 1-2 heads,
  • bay leaf - a few leaves,
  • blackcurrant leaves - 7-10 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-7 peas,
  • black peppercorns - 7-10 pcs,
  • dry dill and fresh umbrellas with seeds - 3-5 pcs each,
  • lemon, cut into rings - a few pieces, to taste,
  • vinegar 70% - a few drops under the lid when rolling cans.


  • Salt 40 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • sugar 150 g - per 1 liter of water,
  • citric acid 1 teaspoon - per 1 liter of water.

How to pickle cucumbers:

Preparing cucumbers and herbs for pickling is the same as in previous recipes.

I wash everything carefully. We put the cucumbers in a saucepan or basin, pour cold water for several hours. You can change the water several times. This will give our cucumbers strength and elasticity.

We cut the lemon into rings and add it to the jars to our cucumbers, we also add dill umbrellas, cherry leaves, part of a horseradish leaf, currant leaf, bay leaf, mustard seeds, black and allspice peas, garlic.

Fill jars with cucumbers twice with boiling water, for the third time pour sweet pickle. We roll up and turn over the banks, wrap them in a blanket.

Cucumbers are crispy, fragrant with original taste. This is the delicacy we will taste in winter if we don’t eat it earlier! 🙂

Bon appetit!

Crispy canned cucumbers for the winter in 3-liter jars

According to this recipe, very tasty, crispy cucumbers for the winter are obtained.

We will preserve cucumbers in 3 liter jars.

Cucumbers in such a jar will include approximately 2 kg, brine is about 1.5 liters.


  • medium-sized cucumbers - 2-4 kg (for one or two cans),
  • horseradish leaves - 3-4 pieces,
  • garlic - 1-2 heads,
  • blackcurrant leaves - 5-10 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 7-15 pieces,
  • allspice - 5-10 peas,
  • black peppercorns - 7-14 pcs,
  • bay leaf - 3-6 pieces,
  • dry dill and fresh umbrellas with seeds - 3-5 pcs each,
  • vinegar 70% - a few drops under the lid when rolling cans.

Brine for 1 liter of water:

  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons (without a slide),
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (with a slide),
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. spoon (or citric acid 0.5 tsp),
  • aspirin - 1 tablet, put before seaming.

How to preserve cucumbers:

Thoroughly wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends.

On the bottom of the jars we put horseradish leaves, currants and cherries, garlic, bay leaves, allspice and black peas. Then we tightly lay our cucumbers.

Pour the cucumbers with boiling water for 2 times, then drain the water after they stand in it for 10-15 minutes. If the cucumbers are bitter, then the bitterness will go away.

For the third time, fill the cucumbers with brine, put an aspirin tablet in the jar.

We roll up our cans, turn them over, put them under the clothes.

Here is such a wonderful simple recipe for pickling our cucumbers.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for salted canned cucumbers for the winter

Cucumbers according to this recipe are very tasty, crispy, taste like barrel ones. We will preserve cucumbers in a 3-liter jar.

Ingredients (per 3 liter jar):

  • cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves,
  • hot pepper capsicum - to taste, about half a small pod,
  • horseradish root - 7-10 cm,
  • dill umbrellas with green seeds - 4-5 pcs,
  • dry dill seeds - 1 teaspoon,
  • dill, parsley, celery - if desired,
  • blackcurrant leaves -3-5 pieces,
  • cherry leaves - 5-7 pieces,
  • mint leaves, if desired - 1-2 pcs,
  • vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to pickle cucumbers:

We prepare the cucumbers, as usual, carefully wash and cut off the tips.

We prepare jars and lids, sterilize.

At the bottom of the jars we put horseradish leaves, currants and cherries, garlic, bay leaves, allspice and black peas, hot peppers and our other ingredients. Then we tightly lay our cucumbers.

Pour the cucumbers with boiling brine without vinegar (for a 3-liter jar - approximately 1.5 liters) - only salt is put in the brine. We leave our cucumbers to ferment for 3 days. Lids must be open. We periodically remove the foam.

After 3 days, shake our jar so that the brine shakes up and pour it into the pan. We put the pot on the fire. As soon as our brine boils, pour it into a jar, pour vinegar under the sterilized lid. We roll up our cucumbers, turn the jar over, wrap it with a blanket.

Cucumbers are amazing! Bon appetit!

Pickled cucumbers are one of the most common preparations for the winter. The success of such cucumbers with housewives is explained by the fact that they are tasty, practical in storage (do not require special conditions, as, for example, for salted and pickled blanks). In addition, pickled cucumbers - component many winter salads, for example, the classic "Olivier". At the same time, there are a great many recipes for pickled cucumbers for the winter, the most successful ones are passed down in families for generations. We have tried to find the most good ways blanks. So, today we have winter pickled cucumbers.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter - a classic step by step recipe

Inexperienced hostesses are mainly looking for a recipe for crispy cucumbers for the winter on the Internet, forgetting that for this rather capricious product, the main indicator of the quality of twists is the exact following of heat treatment technology and proportions. As a result, there are many recipes in the network that violate the technology, and the blanks prepared in this way become cloudy, swell, and the lids “take off”. You can’t eat such products - the products smell unpleasant, and the contents have to be thrown away. Therefore, two rules must be remembered: cucumbers can only be rolled up with double pouring or using sterilization. Everything else is extremely risky, especially if such a blank is stored at home, in an apartment, and not in the cold.

We offer step by step recipe cucumbers in marinade, which was found in the Soviet book "Preparations for the Winter", which shows the GOST food layouts. It uses classic marinade, and it is extremely important to try to comply with the given norms of spices, otherwise the prescribed “bouquet” will be violated. This is especially true for the pronounced flavors of cinnamon and garlic.

This recipe does not involve sterilizing the jars, so it is important to wash the jars with baking soda and rinse the jars thoroughly before use.

The classic blank is designed for three-liter jar. For smaller volumes, you need to recalculate the proportions.

For a 3-liter container we prepare:

  • Lavrushki - 2-3 pieces;
  • a fifth often of a small capsicum;
  • carnation - 9 buds;
  • cinnamon - 2 g;
  • peppercorns - 20 pcs.;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • a little fresh parsley, horseradish leaves, fresh or dried dill;
  • vinegar essence 70 percent - 6-9 g (depending on taste).

So let's get to work:

  1. Wash cucumbers, you should work with them further, if they were just removed from the garden. Those that have been plucked for a long time need soaking. They need to be poured and held in fresh cold water for several hours. During this time, even withered cucumbers acquire elasticity.
  2. At the bottom of the jar we put chopped greens and other ingredients.
  3. Cut off the tips of cucumbers, put in a jar - the bottom layer is vertical. Further, if possible, tightly, without tamping, in horizontal layers.
  4. Prepare the filling as follows: for 1 liter of water, 50 g of salt and sugar. One three-liter container contains approximately 1.5 liters of finished marinade.
  5. Trying to direct the jet to the center, pour in the brine.
  6. Cover with boiled lids.
  7. Heat water in a wide and high container (pot or marmite) to a state of 80 degrees, after placing a piece of cloth or a supply at the bottom. Put the filled jars, wait for the moment of boiling, reduce the heat, pasteurize for about 20 minutes. If the jar is two-liter, then the pasteurization time will be 15 minutes.
  8. When the time is up, open the lid, pour in the vinegar, roll up the jar. Flip.

Not a single one can do without pickled cucumbers festive table: they are not only an integral part of many salads, but also good as a snack for drinking. Of course, now in all grocery stores you can buy ready-made canned cucumbers, but do they compare in taste with pickles prepared by the hostess of the house?

Typically, pickle recipes are passed down in families from generation to generation from mother to daughter. But it should be noted that along with this home cooking does not stand still, and many hostesses come up with own recipes pickled cucumbers, differing in taste and aroma from the "grandmother's classic".

Therefore, the choice of a recipe for pickling cucumbers in our time is quite large, and if you are already bored standard recipes, there is an opportunity to try to preserve cucumbers with a variety of additional ingredients.

Classic Crispy Pickled Cucumber Recipes

For canning, you will need small cucumbers of varieties intended for pickles (usually they are covered with pimples, do not form voids inside and are no more than 12 cm long). They are pre-soaked in boiled cold water for several hours - from 2 to 5.

This note applies to absolutely all recipes for pickling cucumbers, and not only the classic ones, so this stage of their preparation will not be indicated in the future.

Read more about the choice of cucumbers and their preparation, as well as about proper sterilization jars and lids can be found below.

Recipe 1. Crispy pickled cucumbers (per liter jar)

The required number of cucumbers per jar can be different, it all depends on their length and width. Cucumbers are stacked so that the jar is filled with them as much as possible. In addition, you will need:

  • vinegar essence 70% - 1 tsp;
  • parsley branch (a small dill umbrella) - 1 pc;
  • garlic clove - 1 pc;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. without a slide;
  • allspice - 2 ... 3 pcs;
  • cherry leaf- 1 PC;
  • cloves to taste.

First, cucumbers, garlic, parsley (dill) are placed in a jar. In parallel with this, 0.5 liters of water are boiled. As soon as it boils, immediately pour cucumbers into it and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. The jar can be covered with a lid at this time.

After the specified time, the water must be drained back into the saucepan and put on fire. The boiling operation is repeated again: as soon as the water boils, cucumbers are poured for 10 minutes.

And only when the water is poured back into the pan again, salt, sugar, pepper, cherry leaf and cloves are added to it and brought to a boil again. As soon as the moment has come, the cucumbers are poured with the resulting boiling brine, and vinegar essence is added to the jar.

The jar is rolled up, turned over and wrapped until it cools completely, and only then it is put into storage.

Recipe 2. Crispy pickled cucumbers (calculation for a three-liter jar)

In addition to the main ingredient - cucumbers, you will need:

  • table salt - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • 70% vinegar essence - 1 tsp;
  • spices for canning - 1 g;
  • cherry leaf - 2 pcs.

At the bottom of the jar, you first need to lay the cherry leaf and spices for canning, and then lay the cucumbers tightly. Prepare boiling water and pour over cucumbers for 5-8 minutes.

After the specified time, drain the water back into the pan and add salt and sugar to it, and after boiling - vinegar. The resulting marinade must be poured into a jar, rolled up and turned over.

Crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter: video

Sweet cucumbers usually use more sugar than classic recipes. Unusual cucumbers can be prepared, for example, in the following way by preparing:

  • cucumbers;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • cherry leaf - 3 pcs;
  • dill -2 ... 3 branches;
  • carrots (medium-sized) - 2 pcs;
  • cloves - 5 pcs;
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs;
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons;
  • table salt - 2 tbsp;
  • vinegar 9% concentration - 6 tbsp.

At the bottom of each jar, you need to evenly distribute garlic cloves, dill, cherry leaves. Then the jar is filled with cucumbers and carrots cut into strips.

When all the ingredients are laid out, they are poured with boiling water and left to infuse for 15 ... 20 minutes. After that, the water is poured back into the pan and spices are added: cloves, pepper, salt and sugar.

The marinade is brought to a boil and poured into jars. At the end, vinegar is added to each of them and rolled up. Leave to cool at room temperature upside down.

In fact, there are recipes for making pickled cucumbers without vinegar, but using other natural preservatives. Some of them are listed below.

Recipe 1. With the addition of citric acid

Here, all the components are taken with the expectation of filling a liter jar:

  • cucumbers;
  • horseradish leaf - 1 pc;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs;
  • peppercorns - 4 pcs;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs;
  • dill umbrella - 2 pcs;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • table salt - 40 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp

At the bottom of the jar you need to put a sheet of horseradish, bay leaf, garlic, dill and pepper, and then fill it to the top with cucumbers.

Boil water, pour boiling water over cucumbers and leave covered for 15 minutes. After this time, drain the water back into the saucepan and prepare the marinade by adding salt and sugar.

After the water boils again, add citric acid, stir quickly and pour the marinade back into the jar.

Then the jar is rolled up, turned over and waiting for complete cooling without additional wrapping.

Recipe 2. With the addition of red currants

All ingredients presented in the recipe will be taken based on filling one liter jar:

  • cucumbers
  • garlic clove - 1 ... 2 pcs;
  • horseradish shavings - 1 tsp;
  • red currant berries - 1 cup;
  • table salt - 1 tsp with a slide;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. without a slide;
  • currant leaf - 3 pcs;
  • allspice - 5 pcs.

Garlic and horseradish chips are first placed in a prepared liter jar, then cucumbers and, finally, they are sprinkled with red currant berries (if they were frozen, they must first be thawed).

Pour the entire contents of the jar to the top with clean boiling water and wait 10 minutes, then drain the water into a saucepan and start preparing the marinade. To do this, salt, sugar, pepper and currant leaves are added to the water drained back.

As soon as the water boils, the marinade is poured into a jar. The jar is covered with a lid and pasteurized for 5-6 minutes.

After that, roll up, turn over and wrap until completely cooled at room temperature.

Recipe 1. Cucumbers in Bulgarian

Recipe ingredients are based on two-liter jar(two liter jars):

  • cucumbers
  • onion (small) - 2 pcs;
  • garlic clove - 6 pcs;
  • allspice - 10 pcs;
  • bay leaf - 10 pcs;
  • water for marinade - 1 l;
  • sugar - 8 tsp;
  • table salt - 4 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% concentration - 8 tbsp.

At the bottom of the jar, put peeled onions, garlic, pepper and bay leaf (or distribute all the ingredients equally into two one-liter bowls).

Then you should at least once pour and pour back into the saucepan 1 liter of boiling water with an interval of 10 minutes for infusion.

After that, you can prepare the marinade by adding salt and sugar, and after dissolving them - vinegar.

As soon as the marinade boils, remove from heat and carefully pour into a jar. Roll up the jar and turn it over. Cooling takes place at room temperature without wrapping.

Recipe 2. Pickled cucumbers with carrots

All components for harvesting cucumbers this recipe taken based on a one-liter jar, so if necessary, they will need to be increased:

  • cucumbers;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • garlic clove - 2 ... 3 pcs;
  • sprig of dill - 1 pc;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc;
  • black pepper (peas) - 4 ... 5 pcs;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • table salt - 0.5 tbsp;
  • vinegar 9% concentration - 40 ml;
  • water for marinade - 0.5 l.

Except standard training cucumbers before preparing the workpiece, you need to wash and peel the carrots, and then cut it into thin circles.

Cucumbers are placed in the jar first, and then carrots. Dill, garlic, bay leaf and peppercorns are placed on top.

Then immediately prepare the marinade by mixing salt, sugar and vinegar in water in the indicated quantities and putting on fire. As soon as the marinade boils, it is poured into a jar, allowed to stand for about 10 minutes and rolled up.

The jar is turned over and it is expected to cool completely to room temperature without wrapping.

Recipe 3. Pickling cucumbers with onions

Here it is proposed to cook sliced ​​cucumbers With onions, for this you will need:

  • cucumbers - 3 kg;
  • onion - 1 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 l;
  • table salt - 2 tbsp;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • black pepper (peas) - 10 pcs;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • tarragon (tarragon) - to taste.

Cucumbers must be cut into circles about 7 mm thick, and then, together with chopped onions (rings), put them in jars, after adding vegetable oil to them.

Distribute tarragon on top of cucumbers in each jar.

After everything necessary ingredients arranged in jars, you can start preparing the marinade by mixing salt, sugar and vinegar in water and adding bay leaves and peppercorns.

After the marinade boils, it is poured into jars and left to pasteurize for 10 minutes. After that, the jars are rolled up and left to cool at room temperature.

Recipe 4. Pickled cucumbers with mustard

The calculation of ingredients is carried out for 3 kg of cucumbers:

  • onion (medium) - 5 pcs;
  • garlic clove - 3 pcs;
  • horseradish leaf - 1 pc;
  • a sprig of tarragon (tarragon), parsley, dill and celery - 2 ... 3 pcs each;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • black pepper (peas) - 5 ... 6 pcs;
  • cloves - 5 pcs;
  • mustard seeds - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% concentration - 130 ml;
  • salt - 100 g;
  • sugar - 60 g.

So, to prepare the brine, you need to mix salt and sugar in water, and just before it boils, add bay leaf, cloves and pepper. After the marinade boils, you just need to turn off the fire.

You can start filling the jars. First, peel the garlic and onions, wash the greens.

Vinegar is first poured into jars, then mustard seeds are poured, then greens, garlic and onions are distributed.

And only after that they lay out the main ingredient - cucumbers, followed by pouring the marinade.

Banks are rolled up, turned over, wrapped and expected to cool to room temperature.

Usually they try to use home-grown cucumbers for canning. Firstly, they are guaranteed to have no excess nitrates, and secondly, special varieties suitable for conservation are chosen for these purposes.

Usually cucumbers suitable for pickling reach a length of no more than 12 cm, do not form internal cavities, and also have black spines. Smooth cucumbers are generally not suitable for conservation, their purpose is salad.

Cucumbers prepared for pickling should be freshly picked and have a normal dark green color without yellow spots, often indicative of overripe.

As a preparation for pickling, this means washing them off the ground and soaking them for several hours in cold clean water. This operation is required for a number of reasons:

  • if purchased cucumbers are used, then soaking helps to get rid of excess nitrates, as they will remain in the water;
  • if the cucumbers are harvested from the beds not on the day of preservation, but earlier, then they must be refreshed in water, this will give them a unique crunch.

It consists in cleaning the jars from contamination as much as possible. Before sterilizing the jars, it is necessary to make sure that they are intact: they should not have chips and cracks on the entire surface.

You can sterilize jars using one of three methods:

  • in a water bath: a pot of water is put on fire, a sieve or grate is placed on top, on which the jars are placed upside down. After the water boils, the jars are steamed from the inside for 15 minutes, and then transferred to paper to dry;
  • in the oven: after washing the jars with baking soda put them wet in the oven and set the temperature in it to 160 0, and then simply wait for the containers to dry completely;
  • in the microwave: for this, water is poured onto the bottom of each jar and, at a set power of 800 W, they are sterilized for 3 (for small jars) ... 5 minutes. If the jar is large, then it can be put on its side.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter without sterilization! Best Recipe: Video

  1. To get crispy cucumbers, you should not cut off their “butts”, but it is advisable to leave them.
  2. In order to prevent the marinade from spilling during the infusion into the jar, you can use an ordinary tablespoon and pour over it.
  3. To out purchased cucumbers all nitrates have come out, you can prick them with a fork on both sides when soaking.

I wish you delicious pickles!
