
How to make french fries in a deep fryer. Frying temperature

If you have a deep fryer, a special broth pot, a wok, or a broiler, you can cook in simmering oil with ease. Fill a container with high-burning oil (such as vegetable or canola), heat the oil to 175°C, and add the chopped in small pieces the same size. In just a few minutes, the products will have a golden crispy crust and an irresistible smell.


How to choose dishes

    Try cooking in an ovenproof dish with high rims. It works best in an electric deep fryer, stock pot, deep frying pan, wok, or Dutch oven. However, any other utensil that can hold a few glasses of oil (and food) and can handle the heat will work.

    • The most convenient way, of course, is to use an electric fryer.
    • If you don't have special cookware, use a pot or wok with high rims. This will make it easier for you not to splatter the oil all over the kitchen.
  1. Choose oil from high temperature soot formation. This means that the combustion temperature of the oil should be as high as possible. This oil is the best for frying. Usually use vegetable oils, peanut and corn.

    Prepare a special deep-frying thermometer, as well as tongs or wooden spoons. With a thermometer, you can control the temperature throughout the cooking process. This will achieve perfect taste and golden crisp. You will need tongs or a spoon to stir the food during cooking and to remove it from the oil.

    • If you don't have a thermometer, a wooden spoon will help you control the temperature. Dip the tip into the oil. If bubbles appear around the spoon, this means that the oil has not yet warmed up to desired temperature.
    • Do not use plastic spoons. The hot oil will instantly melt them!
  2. Prepare a cooling pad or paper towels. It is best to use special cooling pads fried food, but ordinary grills from the oven will do. If you don't have either, take a large plate and line it with several layers of paper towels.

    How to deep-fry

    1. Pour enough oil into the container so that it covers the food at least to the middle. The amount of oil depends on the food and the container you are cooking in. Typically, deep-fried foods need between 900 milliliters and 1.9 liters of oil.

      • Ideally, use a large container and completely cover the food with oil.
      • The oil should not reach the edge of the container by at least 2-3 centimeters so that splashes do not fly around the kitchen.
    2. Heat oil to 150-190°C. If you have an electric fryer, turn it on and select the desired temperature. If you have a different type of cookware, put it on the stove. Most recipes call for 160-180°C. If the recipe does not specify a cooking temperature, stay within 150–190 °C.

      • If the temperature is below 150 °C, the food may become soft and not cooked through. If the temperature is above 190 °C, oil and food may start to burn.
      • Various products suitable for different temperatures. To understand what temperature you need, read the instructions for deep-frying.
      • Keep flammable objects and substances away from the working fryer.
    3. Cover foods with breadcrumbs or batter to make the crust crispy. Dense breading or batter will make the taste and texture of the products more interesting. Cover the entire surface of the piece with breading or batter and dip in oil.

      • If you decide to make a breading, dip a piece of product in a mixture of 3-4 beaten eggs, then dip in flour or breadcrumbs or both.
      • You can also make batter. Mix 120 ml milk or other dairy product, 80 milliliters of water, 60 grams of flour, 60 grams cornstarch, one and a half teaspoons (10.5 grams) baking soda and add salt and pepper to taste.
      • You can enhance the taste of batter or breading by adding some spices, salt, onion or garlic powder, black or cayenne pepper, red pepper or oregano.
    4. Slowly and carefully lower the food into the fryer. To reduce splashing, lower food with tongs or a slotted spoon. It is important to add foods slowly and in small quantities. Throwing in too many pieces at once will lower the temperature of the oil, causing the food to cook poorly and absorb too much oil.

      Stir the pieces so they don't stick to each other. Do this every few minutes with tongs or a wooden spoon. If the pieces are too close together, they will stick together and the crust will be uneven.

      • If you are frying a large piece that is only half covered in oil, turn it over during cooking so that each half is covered in oil. equal amount time.
      • To avoid burning yourself, do not hold your hand over the fryer for too long.
    5. Take the food out of the fryer when it is golden brown. Different products need different amount time (from 30 seconds to several minutes), so it is best to determine the degree of readiness by the color of the crust.

      Remove the pieces from the butter with tongs or a slotted spoon. When the pieces are golden brown, remove them from the oil with tongs. If you have a lot small pieces, use a metal slotted spoon or a spoon with holes. Gently shake off excess oil and place on a surface to cool.

      • Do not pick up burnt pieces that float on the surface of the oil.
    6. Lay the food out on a cooling surface and let it dry. While the pieces are still hot, place them on a wire rack, rack, or paper towels. There, the products will dry out and cool to a temperature at which they can be eaten. Food should lie down for at least 2-3 minutes.

      • When you take the food out of the oil, it will be very hot. Do not touch them until they are cold. Remember that even if they are cold on the outside, they can be very hot on the inside.
      • If you wish to season the product, do so while cooling. Seasonings are better on warm food and soak it.
    7. Reuse the oil or discard it in a separate container. When finished cooking, strain the oil through a coffee filter into a large heatproof container. Store at room temperature. The oil can be used for deep frying again. If you want to use fresh oil, discard used in a closed container.

      • Cooking oil can be stored in metal cans, bottles, and thick-walled plastic containers. If you plan to throw away the oil, put it in a container you don't mind (such as a drinking yogurt bottle).
      • Reusing oil will save you money.

    How to choose products

    1. Make french fries if you want a quick snack. Potatoes do not require special preparation, so you can train on them. Open the package with the cut pieces and fry the potatoes for 5-10 minutes. You can also cut your own potatoes.

    2. Cook chicken if you're craving familiar food. Chicken is perfect for deep-frying. Roll the pieces in homemade breading or dip in batter. Then dip the chicken into the oil and keep it there until golden brown. A whole chicken can be fried in 30-45 minutes in one simple pot, if you put one piece at a time.

      • You can even try deep frying a whole chicken or turkey if you have a large container. Try to fry large foods outside to reduce the risk of fire.
      • If the bird is frozen, thaw it completely first to avoid heavy splashes.

If you don't have an air fryer, you can still make french fries with regular kitchen utensils.


Potatoes large 8 pcs.
refined sunflower oil 250 ml
Salt to taste

Cooking method:
We wash and peel the potatoes, hold for several minutes in cold water, wipe with a dry towel. Cut into straws.

Fill a heavy-bottomed, high-sided frying pan with oil and heat. Using a slotted spoon, lower a portion of potato straws into the preheated deep-fryer. We wait until it is reddened to a golden crust, and spread it with a slotted spoon in a colander so that the oil is glass.

We get wet paper towel, removing the remaining excess oil. We shift to portion plate and sprinkle with salt.

Great news for french fries lovers - it's not that difficult to make your own at home. The main thing is to know the small subtleties of cooking and follow our detailed recommendations.
We tell those who often order french fries in cafes and restaurants about how to cook it at home. This is a real treat not only for children, but also for most adults. Fries can be used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, serve it as a snack, and only in nature and in big company You can't do without this dish.

It doesn't take long to cook french fries, and you will surely like the result. True, such potatoes are best eaten hot immediately after cooking, since when they cool, they lose their taste qualities. Therefore, if you plan to serve it as a side dish, then cook it last.

We prefer homemade fries

Of course, french fries cannot be classified as dietary and healthy meals, but by making it yourself, you will protect yourself from exposure to harmful preservatives that are used in most food outlets. The potato contains a number beneficial vitamins and trace elements, such as potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, vitamin B, ascorbic acid. True, the longer you cook the dish, the greater the likelihood of almost complete destruction of these elements.

If you plan to make French fries at home, then use fresh potatoes, and not a frozen product already ready for frying. Such time savings can lead to health problems, since the technology for preparing frozen semi-finished products involves the use of chemical substances that retain the shape of ideal potato cubes. In addition, your favorite potato is quite high in calories, it contains a large number of carbohydrates, which means you should not get involved in it daily. If you often order this dish in a cafe, then be prepared for the fact that the oil in which the potatoes are fried is heated a dozen times. And this means that carcinogens appear in it. By cooking potatoes at home, you will definitely avoid this.

An excess of salt, which a purchased dish is famous for, can lead to the development of hypertension, heart attacks, problems with genitourinary system. At home, you can be more demanding about this issue, using a minimum of salt. By frying french fries too often, you get a large amount of trans fats, which, in turn, threaten the body with diabetes, atherosclerosis, and various malfunctions in the immune system. That is why french fries are more of a delicacy than a regular item on your daily menu.

deep frying

How to make french fries less harmful has long been known - cook it yourself, in fresh deep fat, use less salt and eat such potatoes rarely. Vegetable oil is used as deep fat for french fries. It must be deodorized and refined. You can use sunflower, olive, cotton and corn oil. True, each gives its own peculiar flavor to potatoes, here you need to focus on your taste preferences.

Deep-frying oil is taken four times more than potatoes. The temperature of deep fat for frying french fries should be at least 180 degrees. The potatoes are placed in the already hot oil. If you do not have a kitchen thermometer, then after heating the oil, which takes about 15 minutes, put one slice of potato into the deep fryer, if it immediately hisses and floats, then the deep fryer is ready and you can put the remaining potatoes in it. After cooling, deep-frying oil is considered unsuitable for further or reuse into food.

How to choose french fries

For french fries, choose fairly large tubers, even oval shape which are easier to cut. Choose tubers without eyes, otherwise your fries will look unpresentable. To make your french fries look just as good as restaurant fries, it's important to cut them properly.

The tuber must be cut into plates of 1 centimeter, and then them - into bars with a cross section of no more than 1x1 centimeter. The more evenly sized potato pieces you get, the more evenly they will deep-fry.

A few cooking secrets

It is very important to put the peeled potatoes for a while in cold water. So it will come out excess starch, and in the process of cooking the potatoes will not crumble. After that, it is best to wipe the potatoes with a dry towel to get rid of excess moisture. The better you rub the potatoes, the more fried they will turn out.

All ingredients immersed in deep-frying must be dry, also because the oil, when a drop of water enters it, begins to splash and hiss.

Do not salt the potatoes during the cooking process, salt them to taste already in the serving plate.

Be sure to transfer the finished fries to a colander so that the excess oil is glassed. Can get wet ready potatoes paper towel to keep as little oil as possible on the fries.

Deep fryer cooking

The easiest way to cook homemade potatoes fries - buy a special fryer. It can be electric, or maybe in the form of special dishes that are placed on the stove. In all options, there is a container into which deep-fried meat is poured, and there is a grid into which chopped potatoes are placed. In this grid, it is convenient not only to fry french fries, but also to use it instead of a colander so that the oil drains from the finished potato.

The technology of cooking in a deep fryer is simple - it is heated to the desired temperature, then a grid with potato slices is lowered into it and cooked until a special crust is formed. The grid is removed from the oil and put to drain.

Tell me, what dish is most often served for dinner in our homes? And what is your favorite and never gets bored? Right! This is a mouth-watering, with a crispy golden crust, the queen of side dishes! And how beautifully and skillfully French fries are cooked in a deep fryer, especially if you follow all the cooking rules! This kitchen appliance will help us not only quickly and competently prepare a side dish for lunch or dinner. Most importantly, it will allow you to enjoy the process itself!

Cooking french fries in a deep fryer

It would seem that it could be easier than potatoes fries? He warmed up the oil, poured the potatoes into it, cut into strips, and in a few minutes the fries are ready! But how can you get a beautiful, golden queen of side dishes as a result of such uncomplicated preparation? Of course not! You can only get an inedible potato dish that doesn't even look like real french fries. Even a modern deep fryer won't help!

To get a delicious potato dish, we must follow the rules:

  • Use of low starch potato tubers

If you stocked up on starchy and quickly boiled potatoes, then cook delicious potatoes fries will be harder, but possible! To improve its qualities, before frying, already chopped sticks are recommended to be washed under running water, which leads to the loss of a significant part of the starchy substances. Or just soak them in a bowl of water for 10 minutes - some of the starch will go into the water.

  • The product is placed in the frying oil completely dry!

Therefore, no matter what kind of potatoes we use, before dipping into boiling oil, we put the prepared sticks on a paper towel and dry them thoroughly. Only after this procedure, the straws are lowered into the deep-fryer.

  • Choosing the Right Oil for Deep Frying

Not all oils are suitable for deep frying! The oil must be free of foreign odors, i.e. only vegetable, refined, better deodorized! It can be sunflower, and corn, and olive, and even cotton! Oil will give the dish a subtle specific flavor of the product chosen for deep-frying!

It is also allowed to add a little animal (melted, chicken, duck or lard) to vegetable fat, but not more than 10%. The main thing is the high purification of animal fat!

  • Frying temperature

Deep fryer before laying potato straws should warm up to 170-190 degrees. How to check - the question arises? Easily! Pour the fat into the fryer bowl and heat the oil for 10-15 minutes. To check the readiness of deep-frying, throw one potato wedge into it. If it immediately pops up, surrounded by bubbles of boiling oil, it means that the deep-fryer has reached the right temperature!

  • It is impossible to salt potato straws either before or during frying!

You can salt the french fries only immediately before serving! If we rush and add salt, then the crispy crust will immediately absorb moisture from the surrounding space and become sour. If we lay already salted potatoes deep-fried, it will lose its shape and a crust will not form on its surface.

Considering all the above rules for cooking french fries in a deep fryer, let's start cooking!

Recipe for the perfect french fries

  1. We choose oblong potato tubers, wash them and peel them. We cut them into strips, trying to get sticks of the same size (this is very important for uniform frying). If you just bought a deep fryer and plan to indulge in your favorite dish often, then a wise decision would be to purchase a special french fry shredder.
  2. We spread the straws on paper towels and diligently wipe the water, otherwise the final product will upset you!
  3. Pour vegetable fat into the fryer bowl and heat it up. If you want to enrich the taste vegetable oil animal fat, add it just before laying potato straws! A 100g serving of potato chips needs 500g of deep fat.
  4. We put the dried potatoes in the deep fryer basket and lower it into the melted deep fat. Remember that deep fat should not boil! Potato sticks are laid in small portions so that during cooking they do not stick together and are fried on all sides evenly. Fry each portion for 4-5 minutes - until a beautiful golden crust.
  5. Put the fried portions on flat dish covered with paper towel and give excess fat soak into the fibers of the towel.
  6. Ready before serving potato straw salt fine salt and decorate with herbs or any vegetables.

Bon appetit!

What's good with french fries?
French fries can serve us both as a side dish and an independent dish. It can be tasted with pleasure with any sauce or with a simple vegetable salad. It goes well with any meat, mushrooms, fish and vegetables. Choose!
Be sure to remember that french fries in a deep fryer will be very tasty if all the rules for its preparation are followed. The vegetable fat remaining after frying should never be reused!

We tell those who often order french fries in cafes and restaurants, how to cook it at home. This is a real treat not only for children, but also for most adults. French fries can be used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, served as an appetizer, and even in nature and in a big company you can’t do without this dish at all.

It doesn't take long to cook french fries, and you will surely like the result. True, such potatoes are best eaten hot immediately after cooking, as they lose their taste when they cool. Therefore, if you plan to serve it as a side dish, then cook it last.

We prefer homemade fries

Of course, french fries cannot be attributed to dietary and healthy dishes, but by making it yourself, you will protect yourself from exposure to harmful preservatives that are used in most food outlets. Potatoes contain a number of useful vitamins and microelements, for example, potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, vitamin B, ascorbic acid. True, the longer you cook the dish, the greater the likelihood of almost complete destruction of these elements.

If you plan to make French fries at home, then use fresh potatoes, and not a frozen product that is ready for frying. Such time savings can lead to health problems, since the technology for preparing frozen semi-finished products involves the use of chemicals that maintain the shape of ideal potato sticks. In addition, your favorite potato is quite high in calories, it contains a large amount of carbohydrates, which means that you should not get carried away with it every day. If you often order this dish in a cafe, then be prepared for the fact that the oil in which the potatoes are fried is heated a dozen times. And this means that carcinogens appear in it. By cooking potatoes at home, you will definitely avoid this.

An excess of salt, for which a purchased dish is famous, can lead to the development of hypertension, heart attacks, and problems with the genitourinary system. At home, you can be more demanding about this issue, using a minimum of salt. By frying french fries too often, you get a large amount of trans fats, which, in turn, threaten the body with diabetes, atherosclerosis, and various malfunctions in the immune system. That is why french fries are more of a delicacy than a regular item on your daily menu.

deep frying

How to make french fries less harmful has long been known - cook it yourself, in fresh deep fat, use less salt and eat such potatoes rarely. Vegetable oil is used as deep fat for french fries. It must be deodorized and refined. You can use sunflower, olive, cottonseed and corn oil. True, each gives its own peculiar flavor to potatoes, here you need to focus on your taste preferences.

Deep-frying oil is taken four times more than potatoes. The temperature of deep fat for frying french fries should be at least 180 degrees. The potatoes are placed in the already hot oil. If you do not have a kitchen thermometer, then after heating the oil, which takes about 15 minutes, put one slice of potato into the deep fryer, if it immediately hisses and floats, then the deep fryer is ready and you can put the remaining potatoes in it. After cooling, deep-frying oil is considered unsuitable for further or reuse in food.

How to choose french fries

For french fries, choose fairly large tubers, even oval in shape, which are easier to cut. Choose tubers without eyes, otherwise your fries will look unpresentable. To make your french fries look just as good as restaurant fries, it's important to cut them properly.

The tuber must be cut into plates of 1 centimeter, and then them - into bars with a cross section of no more than 1x1 centimeter. The more evenly sized potato pieces you get, the more evenly they will deep-fry.

A few cooking secrets

It is very important to put the peeled potatoes in cold water for a while. So excess starch will come out of it, and during the cooking process, the potatoes will not crumble. After that, it is best to wipe the potatoes with a dry towel to get rid of excess moisture. The better you rub the potatoes, the more fried they will turn out.

All ingredients immersed in deep-frying must be dry, also because the oil, when a drop of water enters it, begins to splash and hiss.

Do not salt the potatoes during the cooking process, salt them to taste already in the serving plate.

Be sure to transfer the finished fries to a colander so that the excess oil is glassed. You can blot the cooked potatoes with a paper towel to keep the fries as little oil as possible.

Deep fryer cooking

The easiest way to make homemade french fries is to buy a special fryer. It can be electric, or maybe in the form of special dishes that are placed on the stove. In all options, there is a container into which deep-fried meat is poured, and there is a grid into which chopped potatoes are placed. In this grid, it is convenient not only to fry french fries, but also to use it instead of a colander so that the oil drains from the finished potato.

The technology of cooking in a deep fryer is simple - it is heated to the desired temperature, then a grid with potato slices is lowered into it and cooked until a special crust is formed. The grid is removed from the oil and put to drain.

How to cook delicious potatoes fries in the fryer?

How to fry french fries in a deep fryer so that it is delicious? How long to cook french fries for them to be crispy? Is there a universal recipe?

We know the answers to these questions!

You will find the most detailed step-by-step instructions for cooking delicious and crispy french fries at home in our article!

Total 8 simple steps To perfect potato fries! And we will start by choosing a good sunflower oil.

1. Choose sunflower oil.

To make delicious and crispy french fries, it is important to choose the right oil.

To begin with, we note that although the oil from the deep fryer can be used several times, for cooking perfect potato best to use new. After all, the taste of previously cooked dishes is preserved in the already used oil.

Choose a quality sunflower oil for cooking. Yes, you need a large volume, but do not buy cheap oil dubious production. Choose cold-pressed and preferably refined oils.

2. Do not use frozen potatoes.

Just remember to fry a truly tasty and healthy potatoes fries never use frozen potatoes!

Yes, it is already cleaned and cut - it saves time. But the taste of a frozen potato will never compare to the taste of a potato from the garden. If you do not have your own garden, give preference to farm products.

Ordinary potatoes need to be washed, cut (but what to do?). But it's worth it. And outwardly, it should not look like french fries from McDonald's. The unevenness of the pieces will show your guests that you really cooked it yourself.

3. Cut the potatoes into even slices.

To make french fries tasty, before cooking, they need to be cut into pieces of equal size. If the pieces differ in size, then some will undercook, while others will turn into chips.

4. Prepare the fryer.

Before frying, make sure the fryer bowl and grate are clean and that the fryer filter is not clogged and working properly.

If the filter is clogged, it must be replaced. You can buy such a filter in Topperr-Store - Set of universal filters for fryers Topperr FF 1

5. How to cook potatoes for frying.

Potatoes need to be washed, peeled off and cut into even pieces - everything is clear here. Before cooking, potatoes should be stored in a pot of water, without water, the potatoes will turn black.

Rinse with water before frying to remove excess starch.

6. Correctly set the frying time.

How long to fry french fries? If you want to make French fries that are "just right", remember that they only take 7 minutes to cook. Hold less - it will be pale and as if boiled. The longer the fries are fried, the crispier they will be. But don't overcook it, you don't want it to turn into chips.

7. Seasonings and spices.

Seasonings and spices - this is what will make regular potatoes fries unique. It will be possible to say about this one for sure - “I have never tried such a potato anywhere!”.

We at Topperr-Store love adding rosemary to our fries. It perfectly complements the taste of potatoes and gives it flavor.

You can also sprinkle French fries with paprika or turmeric. It's hard to go wrong, but really successful recipes are born only in experiments.

And remember, add spices and seasonings after frying, and not before or while it is cooking! You need to salt the french fries when they are already cooked.

8. Little secrets of serving.
