
How to smoke wings at home. Marinade with honey and lemon juice

How to smoke chicken wings

Smoking wings at home is a very interesting, simple and most importantly tasty activity. By spending a minimum of money and effort, you will receive appetizing dish, which you can not only enjoy yourself, but also treat your friends. In this article, we will tell you how to smoke chicken wings in a hot smoked smokehouse.

Cooking in nature "How to smoke chicken wings"

Hot smoked chicken wings recipe

For this recipe we need:

Chicken wings 9 pcs.
- salt
- pepper
- sugar
- lemon acid

Before hot smoking chicken wings, raw wings should be marinated. To do this, thoroughly rinse the wings with water, and then let them dry a little. Next, we prepare a “dry” marinade for smoking chicken wings. To do this, mix in any container salt, sugar, pepper, citric acid in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5 and carefully rub the wing with this mixture. For spicy lovers, I recommend adding a little Tabasco sauce to the marinade. Now let's let our wings marinate, for this we leave them in the refrigerator for 5 hours, or leave them to marinate at room temperature about 2 hours.

Cooking in nature "Marinating chicken wings"

About an hour before the start of smoking, we take out the wings from the refrigerator, and leave them for half an hour, so that they warm up slightly. At this time, we pour the sawdust to the bottom of our smokehouse, then we cover the sawdust with foil, which we will throw away together with the drained fat at the end of the process, or use a special pan to drain the fat.

cooking in nature "Portable hot smoked smoker"

Smoking chicken wings in a smokehouse. Now lay the chicken wings in such a way that they do not touch each other. Next, close the lid and put the smoker on the fire. After 20 minutes, we release smoke from the smokehouse and leave the wing for another 20 minutes. After this time, hot-smoked chicken wings will be fully cooked.

Cooking in nature "Wings in the smokehouse"

Note that the wings domestic chicken smoked for about 10 minutes longer than ordinary shop wings. In general, this approximate time smoking wings. Better install optimal time empirically smoking chicken wings for your smokehouse. Although this time will not differ much from the cooking time smoked wings, which is indicated in our recipe.

Cooking in nature "Smoked wings are ready"

It is equally important to properly serve the cooked dish. An unusual taste and appearance of smoked wings will be given by a bunch of green salad and small fresh or pickled tomatoes. Hot smoked wings are best served directly at the end of the smoking process. But many believe that cold smoked wings are superior in palatability just cooked. But it's up to you!

Cooking in nature "Chicken wings with greens"

If you are interested this recipe or do you just love smoked dishes, we bring to your attention next recipe, from the rubric we smoke, namely how to smoke hot smoked perch

P.S. Bonus video on the topic "Do-it-yourself hot-smoked smokehouse"

More information

Hardly anyone doubts that chicken smoked wings at home- This gourmet delicacy. You can buy it in the store, but the quality of the dish does not always satisfy the lover of smoked meats, and its price sometimes bites.

If there are conditions for smoking at home, in the country or at a picnic, cook fragrant dish It's easy and the process doesn't take long. But before you cook smoked wings at home, you need to prepare them - pickle them.

The delicacy can be prepared in two ways, hot or cold smoked, but regardless of this, any marinade recipe is equally good for one or the other option.

Before loading raw product in the marinade, you need to take into account some recommendations that affect the taste of the finished dish:

  • Buy poultry meat that has not been frozen;
  • At room temperature, pickling occurs much faster than in a cool place;
  • The longer the wings are marinated, the sooner they reach the condition in the smokehouse;
  • A good product is obtained if the wings are wrapped with wet gauze before being placed in the smoking chamber. This operation will allow you to get a beautiful golden color with hot smoking;
  • To prevent the meat from being bitter in taste, the consistency of the smoke should be controlled. If it is too saturated, dense, you need to release some of it from the smoking chamber.
  • The taste and aroma of the finished product is largely determined by the type of wood. Firewood fruit species trees will saturate the meat with natural flavor and delicate taste. good source fragrant smoke are aspen firewood. Never use coniferous wood for smoking, the smoke of which is saturated with carcinogens and resins. Smoked pine or spruce meat products, have a pronounced taste of tar.

Chicken meat bought at the market (homemade) needs to be marinated longer than broiler meat from the supermarket.

When the above conditions are met, and everything necessary for preparing the delicacy is prepared, we select the marinade recipe.

Smoked wings - a universal treat for big company or a modest family feast, a picnic in nature or a home table.

Much easier to go to the store and buy finished product, but then you will miss the chance to try an organic dish with bright pronounced odors haze and your favorite spices, without dyes, chemical substances flavor enhancers and preservatives.

Based on this article, you can create your own unique recipe smoked wings and become a pro in their preparation.

Good marinade- pledge successful cooking smoked bird.

Dry marinade mix

Make up a mixture of equal amount salt, sugar and pepper (red, black or a mixture of peppers). Citric acid, half the norm of salt are added to the marinade. You can enhance the taste by adding coriander or nutmeg. Garlic lovers can also put it in the marinade.

Wings are rubbed with this composition, tightly placed in a non-oxidizing dish, left to marinate for 3 hours.

The mixture is used mainly in the preparation of hot smoked chicken wings recipes.

Liquid or brine marinade

The recipe for marinating smoked wings at home is designed for 1 kg chicken meat.

Take the following products:

  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 20 ml.
  • Salt - 2 tsp
  • Olive or sunflower oil- 20 ml.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • Peppercorns or allspice - 6-7 pcs.
  • Chopped garlic - 2-3 cloves.

All components are combined in a non-oxidizing dish, the wings are placed in the brine, mixed, oppression is placed on top and left to marinate in the refrigerator for a day. It is allowed to increase the pickling time to 1-2 weeks.

Marinade with honey and lemon juice

For 1 kg of chicken meat take the following products:

  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • A mixture of peppers 6-7 pcs.

Pickle as in the previous case.

Other spices can be added to any of the marinades: coriander, ginger, thyme. Instead of water, you can marinate the bird using unfiltered beer or strong

tea brew.

If the meat after pickling turned out to be too salty, then it can be washed or soaked in water for a few minutes.

Features of the preparation of cold smoked wings

Important! To obtain a high-quality smoked product, chilled or fresh wings are taken: the frozen dish will turn out dry and tough. Wings should be large enough. Small ones will make "crackers", which are quickly smoked and can burn.

The wrist (extreme thin part) is removed from the wing, it most often burns. The fluff and hairs remaining on the wings are singeed over a non-smoking flame. Feather stubs are removed with tweezers or a small knife, the bird pieces are washed in water.

Some subtleties

Smoked wings at home can be cooked in two ways: hot or cold. In both cases, smoke obtained from the incomplete combustion of juniper legs, sawdust or branches of fruit trees (apricot, cherry, apple, pear, grape), alder, beech chips is used. Do you want to receive golden brown- sprinkle on sawdust a small amount of sugar sand.

Both methods deserve attention, they allow you to diversify the range of smoked products.

About the cold smoking process

At home, for the cold method, home-made oil lamps are used, which are made from barrels, buckets, outdated washing machines or refrigerators, from refractory bricks.
The industry produces cold smoked smokehouses and smoke generators. They are used in accordance with the instructions.

Cold smoking takes 10 to 12 hours. The process temperature is low and ranges from 35 to 40 ° C, the smoke is specially cooled to this temperature.

Exist different ways cooling the smoke supplied to the products.

  • In one case, in order to observe such a regime, the heating source is placed at a distance of about 8 m from the smokehouse and connected to the place of smoking by a pipe. A small ditch is being dug under the pipe. During the passage of smoke through the pipe, it is cooled to the desired temperature.
  • Otherwise, cool the pipe with cold water.
  • In the third - regulate the temperature of the heater.

Cold-smoked poultry is raw or pre-boiled until half cooked.

Cold-smoked products are stored longer and are considered tastier. They are denser in texture.

Raw smoked cold smoked wings

According to the following recipe for cold smoked wings, a tasty but harsh dish is obtained.

Pickled poultry meat is well dried before smoking. First, they get wet with napkins, and then in a suspended state (on grates or on a fishing line) are left until the skin is completely dry. This process can take from several hours to days. It is advisable to place the wings in a draft. Close with insect gauze.

Prepared dried semi-finished products are placed on the grill of the smokehouse or hung in it. Close the lid. Smoking wings in a smokehouse lasts 10-12 hours.

In order not to be too hot, periodically check the temperature in the smoking chamber. Do not open the lid often, as the temperature will drop and the cooking time will have to be increased.

Readiness is determined by puncturing the knife in the thickest part of the wing. The knife should easily enter the pulp. There should be no pink juice on the cut.

Finished products are cooled for 2-3 hours and served.

Steamed cold smoked wings

According to the recipe for smoking wings in a smokehouse, described below, the products are more tender.

To make the finished product more juicy and soft, the wings are pre-cooked until half cooked on the grate of a multicooker or double boiler. You can replace cooking with baking in a special sleeve at a temperature not exceeding 90 ° C for 30-40 minutes. With more high temperature roof

the skins will fry. After heat treatment, the products are well dried.

IN further cooking does not differ from that described above. Semi-finished products are placed in the smokehouse chamber and smoked for 5-6 hours. Boiled-smoked wings are cooled and kept for 2-3 hours.

Features of the preparation of hot smoked wings

This method is much simpler than those described above. The temperature of hot smoking is 80-110°C. Therefore, the cooking time is reduced to 20-25 minutes.

Products are more juicy and soft, but less tasty than raw smoked products. Additional heat treatment of poultry before smoking is not required.

The industry produces hot-smoked smokehouses heated by electric, gas stoves and solid fuel (from the fire). Sometimes an aerogrill is used for smoking, but then liquid smoke is added to the marinade.

Ready-made smokehouses for hot smoking have different shape but the principle is simple and the same. The base is a container inside which there is a grate for food, a tray for collecting fat and in the lower part - a place where sawdust or wood chips are placed.

Hot smoked wings in a smokehouse

The following recipe for hot smoked wings in a smokehouse is quite simple.

Step by step diagram:

  1. Pickled wings are dried as if cold smoked.
  2. Prepare a smokehouse in the following order:
  3. Wood chips, twigs, sawdust are poured at the bottom.
  4. Install drip pan.
  5. Install the grate.
  6. Chicken is placed on the grate at intervals of at least 1 cm between the pieces and from the walls of the smokehouse.
  7. Close the container tightly with a lid.
  8. The prepared smokehouse is set on fire (bonfire, gas or electric stove) and leave to smoke for 20-25 minutes. During this time, the inner layers of the bird will fully reach readiness. Heating is stopped. Opening the lid releases smoke. Remove the lid, take out the finished wings.
  9. The dish is allowed to "rest" for 2-3 hours. During this time, the pulp is even more saturated with smoke products, cools, the surface becomes drier.

How to smoke chicken wings in a torpedo

The device uses the principle of an oven. The smokehouse is made of food grade of stainless steel. Portable equipment is a sealed device, inside of which there is a tray for chips and liquid, slots for gratings. The cover is closed with bolts. The source of heat is a fire, a gas burner. Meat can be cooked quickly, and therefore cannot be stored for a long time.

Unlike similar devices, the thickness of the metal is 1.5 mm. Smoke is formed as a result of the thermal decomposition of wood and consists of: drip liquid and gaseous atmosphere. Such a smokehouse is convenient for hiking in nature; in it, cooking chicken meat will be quick.

In smoke, only 10% of the substances are involved in the smoking process. Phenols form the smell and taste, 14% is assigned to acids, 20% of the compounds give a characteristic color. Volatile acids play an auxiliary task.

Features of serving to the table

Smoked meats can be garnished with any fresh vegetables and lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill. Vegetables and poultry will harmoniously complement each other's taste. You can use sharp tomato sauces.
This dish is served as cold appetizer to chilled beer.

Storage Features

If after the meal left smoked products You can store them in the refrigerator for up to a week. Smoke has an antiseptic (antimicrobial) effect, so smoked foods can be stored much longer than boiled and fried foods.

It doesn’t matter which cooking method you choose, according to the recipe for hot smoked or cold wings, in any case, your relatives and friends will appreciate taste qualities smoked ribs, and the smoking cooking process itself will become a good tradition.

Smoking wings at home is a very interesting, simple and most importantly tasty activity. Having spent a minimum of money and effort, you will get a delicious dish that you can not only enjoy yourself, but also treat your friends. In this article, we will tell you how to smoke chicken wings in a hot smoked smokehouse.

Cooking in nature "How to smoke chicken wings"

For this recipe we need:

- chicken wings 9 pcs.
- salt
- pepper
- sugar
- lemon acid

Before making hot smoked chicken wings, raw wings should be marinated. To do this, thoroughly rinse the wings with water, and then let them dry a little. Next, we prepare a “dry” marinade for smoking chicken wings. To do this, mix salt, sugar, pepper, citric acid in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5 in any container and carefully rub the wing with this mixture. For spicy lovers, I recommend adding a little Tabasco sauce to the marinade. Now let's marinate our wings, for this we leave them in the refrigerator for 5 hours, or leave them to marinate at room temperature for about 2 hours.

Cooking in nature "Marinating chicken wings"

About an hour before the start of smoking, we take out the wings from the refrigerator, and leave them for half an hour, so that they warm up slightly. At this time, we pour the sawdust to the bottom of our smokehouse, then we cover the sawdust with foil, which we will throw away together with the drained fat at the end of the process, or use a special pan to drain the fat.

cooking in nature "Portable hot smoked smoker"

Smoking chicken wings in a smokehouse. Now lay the chicken wings in such a way that they do not touch each other. Next, close the lid and put the smoker on the fire. After 20 minutes, we release smoke from the smokehouse and leave the wing for another 20 minutes. After this time, hot-smoked chicken wings will be fully cooked.

Cooking in nature "Wings in the smokehouse"

Please note that homemade chicken wings are smoked for about 10 minutes longer than ordinary store-bought wings. In general, this is the approximate time for smoking wings. It is better to establish the optimal smoking time for chicken wings for your smokehouse empirically. Although this time will not be much different from the cooking time for smoked wings, which is indicated in our recipe.

Cooking in nature "Smoked wings are ready"

It is equally important to properly serve the cooked dish. An unusual taste and appearance of smoked wings will be given by a bunch of green lettuce and small fresh or pickled tomatoes. Hot smoked wings are best served directly at the end of the smoking process. But many believe that cold smoked wings are superior in taste to freshly cooked ones. But it's up to you!

Cooking in nature "Chicken wings with greens"

If you are interested in this recipe or you just love smoked dishes, then we bring to your attention the following recipe, from the smoking section, namely how to smoke hot smoked perch

Only very few people, due to certain circumstances, can say: "I don't like smoked meats." Perhaps these preferences are based on the bad experience of tasting smoked " liquid smoke» "delicacy", and perhaps just an individual perception. But very few people, having tried real hot smoked products, still hold this opinion. In fact, you can smoke anything, starting with pork carcasses and ending with blue plums, but in this article we will focus on perhaps the most beloved product - smoked chicken wings. This is the least fussy product to make in your smoker at home and won't take too long.

Cooking recipes may differ from each other, as each experienced smoker owner brings his own nuances and shares his best practices. So in this article, we, based solely on own experience, we will describe several methods and recipes.

To prepare these wings, we need:

  • chicken wings; spices (we used salt, red pepper, paprika, cumin, cardamom, dried garlic and marjoram) - you can experiment;
  • press;
  • cold smoked smokehouse

To begin with, I will describe what our smokehouse design is. This is a small (1*1m) building made of red refractory bricks and clay, has a chimney on the roof with a diameter of 25 cm, without a bottom. Instead of a bottom, there is a hole leading to a trench, through which smoke is supplied to our smoking chamber. The trench is reinforced with sheet metal and has a length of about 8 meters. It has two exits for a fire - at a distance of 8 meters (for cold) and 1 meter (for hot) from the working space of the smokehouse.

The first recipe involves the use of cold smoke, but first you need to do some manipulations with the wings.

Read also:

Salad from smoked sausage and fresh cabbage

We wash the wings several times and dry them with napkins. Putting them in a deep container, sprinkle liberally with salt and other spices, stirring evenly. It is necessary that a layer of spices covers the wings on all sides. When this procedure is completed, you need to put the wings under the press. To do this, you need to take a flat kitchen item (chopping board, pot or pan lid) of a smaller diameter than a container with wings, cover from above and press down with a load. We used two 3kg dumbbells, which turned out to be very convenient - the dumbbells are not high and did not take up much space in the refrigerator, where we determine our capacity.

Thus, in the refrigerator under pressure, chicken wings should be about 5-6 days. This will allow the meat to be salted and marinated evenly.

The day before the scheduled smoking day, we take out the wings from under the press and dry them. This time we do not use napkins - we string the pickled wings on an elastic nylon thread or wire and hang them in a warm place. Do not forget to put napkins under them - marinade will drip abundantly from them.

After drying, we place a bunch of wings in a smokehouse, close the door tightly and proceed to the smoking process.

It is necessary to note several nuances:

  • the process of cold smoking is much longer than hot smoking (smoking wings will take you about 12 hours);
  • it is ideal to use juniper branches or sawdust from fruit trees as fuel (we use fruit tree branches);
  • you need to make sure from time to time that the fire does not flare up, but smolders evenly - this will allow you to get as much smoke as possible and not increase the temperature in the smokehouse chamber;
  • remember that each time you look into the smoker, you increase the smoking time by 10 minutes - try to do this less often.

Read also:

The difference between cold smoking and hot smoking

After 10-12 hours, chicken wings can be considered ready - they have acquired a pleasant brownish tint. These will be completely different wings that we are used to seeing on the shelves - the aroma of smoked meats will be unforgettable, and the taste of chicken meat will remind you of balyk.

Steamed cold smoked wings

True, like any raw smoked meat, the wings will be slightly harsh - you need to understand this fact. We, through trial and error, improved the recipe - added heat treatment before smoking.

In this case, we need, among other things, a baking sleeve. If you are a happy owner of a double boiler, this process is much simpler for you - you need to steam the wings until half cooked and you can hang them to dry. We used a sleeve: putting some of the wings into it (about 5-6 pieces) and tightly tightening it with ties, we placed it in a pot of boiling water and “cooked” it for about 30 minutes.

Then everything happens according to the same scheme: dry, hang in a smokehouse, smoke. Now that the chicken wings have been pre-cooked, you won't need 10 hours - six will be enough. Of course, you need to take into account the temperature outside - in winter it will take more time than in summer. Such wings will be tender and soft. They are perfect as a snack with beer or as an independent snack.

hot smoked wings

The recipe for hot-smoked chicken wings is impossibly simple - only the absence of the smokehouse itself can become a limitation in its use. No need for any preliminary training- just marinate the meat with your favorite spices and the next day you can already start the smokehouse. Usually, chicken wings are smoked at a temperature of about 100-120 degrees Celsius, make sure that the mark on the thermometer inside the smokehouse does not drop below 80 degrees and in a few hours you can already enjoy homemade wings.
