
What is meatloaf made from? Meat loaf of minced meat in the oven

kerescan - Oct 4th, 2015

meat loaf- this is, in fact, one large cutlet, but baked in the oven. Knowing the composition, having a recipe and knowing the cooking technology, it is very easy to make it yourself at home. This task will be on the shoulder even for the most inexperienced hostesses. Let's get to it together.

The preparation of meat bread begins with the preparation of a delicious homemade minced meat. Make the composition of the minced meat the way your family likes.

For 1 kg of rolled meat, we take no less than 5 eggs.

All other components are put to the taste of the hostess or those for whom the food is being prepared. It can be: spices, root crops, mixtures of peppers. You can add bread soaked in milk, or you can cook a purely meat dish.

Mix the minced meat seasoned with spices and salt with eggs well. The better you mix, the more homogeneous the meat mass will turn out.

Then the form in which the baking will be done is well lubricated. pork fat. This form can be a goose, a low pan, or something else.

We fill the form with seasoned minced meat. It must be well tamped. If tamping is not given due attention, then voids will form in the finished product, which will degrade the quality of the final product.

Delicious meat bread baked in the oven or oven.

At the end of baking, the product is removed and smeared with egg white. Then it goes back to the oven for a few more minutes. As a result of such manipulations, it turns out beautiful and appetizing.

As you can see, making meatloaf is easy, and its composition is quite simple. Preparing a recipe is not difficult. We use ready product- for morning or lunch sandwiches, meat salads or just a snack.

See also the video: How to cook meat loaf - Meatloaf.

meat loaf very easy to cook at home. It's hearty and fragrant snack. To cook minced meat loaf in the oven, you will need a rectangular baking dish to ready meal It was similar in shape to a loaf of bread. Such bread is prepared not only from minced pork, but also from beef, chicken or a mixture of minced meat. To achieve a juicy dish, you can add milk, cream or water to the minced meat, and eggs or starch are added to give a denser consistency. Such fragrant bread makes wonderful sandwiches.

When baking, the loaf will decrease in size, stand out clear broth, and a ruddy crust forms on top. Meatloaf is often prepared with various fillings- mushroom, vegetable, cheese, egg, etc.

I cook food according to the list.

I cut off the crust from the banana.

I soak the crumb of a loaf in cold milk.

Purified onion cut into cubes.

In a frying pan vegetable oil fry chopped onion. It will add flavor to the finished meat loaf.

In a bowl I combine minced meat, fried onions, squeezed loaf slices, eggs, salt and ground black pepper to taste, mustard, dried basil, chopped garlic.

I first mix the mass, then grind it well with a blender.

I grease the form with vegetable oil, put the cooked minced meat into it. Fill out the form tightly so that there are no voids. I level the top with my hands soaked in water.

I cover the top of the meatloaf with ketchup.

I bake minced meat loaf in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for about 55 minutes. If the top is browning too much, you can cover the dish with minced meat with foil. I check the readiness of the dish with a toothpick or skewer. If the juice released after piercing is clear, then the loaf is ready.

I take out the bread from the mold, sprinkle with a mixture of peppers.

Minced meat loaf is ready!

I let the dish cool completely, only then I cut it. The loaf becomes denser and easier to cut into slices.

Enjoy your meal!

Meatloaf is very tasty and hearty product, for the preparation of which does not require a lot of time and expensive ingredients. If you do not want to make such a product yourself, then you can purchase it at the store at any time. However, it should be noted that meat bread, prepared at the factory, almost always includes various flavorings and other ingredients. harmful additives. In this regard, such a product is best cooked at home.

Meat bread: recipe with photo

You can make such a product in different ways. In this article, we decided to describe to you a couple of recipes that are most popular among gourmets.

So, to make minced meat bread, you should purchase in advance:

  • beef with a small amount fat and pork without fat - 250 g of each product;
  • carrots are fresh and as juicy as possible - several large pieces;
  • large fresh egg - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet onions - 1 pc.;
  • round-grain rice - a full glass;
  • dry milk or potato starch- a full large spoon;
  • spices, to be exact. ground pepper, fine salt and sweet paprika - use to taste.

Minced meat preparation

Meat bread, the recipe of which we are considering, is very fragrant and satisfying. Before baking it in the oven, you should prepare mixed minced meat. Beef and pork for him must be purchased as fresh as possible. Only in this way you will get a tasty and nutritious product.

Thus, meat products rinse thoroughly in cool water, and then cut off all the veins from them and grind them in a meat grinder. Together with pork and beef, it is recommended to pass onion heads through the mentioned device. At the end, all the ingredients must be salted, peppered and stirred until a homogeneous minced meat is obtained.

Making the base for the bread

After the mixed minced meat is ready, you should start preparing the base. To do this, it is necessary to sort out round-grain rice, and then rinse it thoroughly and boil it in salt water until completely soft. Next, the cereal needs to be thrown into a sieve, rinsed in cold water and shake hard.

Having prepared the rice, it should be laid out to the minced meat, and then add the carrots, grated on fine grater, whipped fresh eggs, powdered milk or potato starch. After mixing the ingredients, you should have a viscous and fragrant base.

By the way, to make meatloaf more reddish, sweet paprika should also be added to the prepared mass of minced meat. Such a spice will give the product not only a pleasant shade, but also a special taste.

Product sample

How do you know if your meatloaf tastes good in the end? To do this, you need to make a small cutlet from the mixed base, and then lightly fry it in a pan with oil. If this product does not have enough salt or other spices, then it is recommended to add them before the direct formation of bread.

We form a meat product

After all the described actions, you should take a deep rectangular shape and generously grease it with oil. Next, you need to lay out the entire meat base in it and tamp it well.

Heat treatment process

How long should meatloaf be baked? The recipe for this product recommends cooking it at a temperature of 200 degrees for an hour and a half. It should be noted that during heat treatment a lot of broth can form in the mold of such bread. It can be drained if necessary.

Properly served at the dinner table

After preparing homemade meatloaf in the oven, it should be carefully removed and completely cooled in the form. Next, the product must be removed from the dishes and kept in the refrigerator for another couple of hours. After that, the product must be sprinkled sweet paprika as well as sesame seeds. In the future, it can be cut into pieces and presented to guests along with any dish, vegetables and fresh herbs.

Cooking at home Bavarian meat loaf

The principle of preparing such a product is practically no different from what was described above. However, the presented bread includes several other ingredients, which makes it more unusual and tasty.

So, to prepare Bavarian meat bread, we need:

  • minced meat mixed low-fat (beef and pork) - about 800 g;
  • fine sea salt - 2 dessert spoons;
  • bacon without skin (you can buy raw smoked, fresh or boiled smoked) - about 200 g;
  • ground black pepper - add to taste;
  • dried marjoram - dessert spoon;
  • nutmeg - 3 pinches;
  • bulb bitter onion - 1 medium head;
  • corn starch - about 2 large spoons;
  • breadcrumbs - a large spoon;
  • cooking oil - for lubricating the mold;
  • tomato paste or ketchup - 2 large spoons;
  • cumin - apply to taste.

Preparing the bread base

Before cooking bavarian bread, should do fragrant base. To do this, you need to take ready-made mixed minced meat, and then scroll it through a meat grinder twice. It is recommended to do this with bacon. By the way, for such a procedure it is necessary to use the smallest knives. This is necessary in order to make meat bread as homogeneous, tender and tasty as possible.

Mixing Ingredients

After the base for the bread is ready, you need to chop the onion separately and fry it in butter until brownish. Next, it should be added to chopped meat, and also pour in the sea fine salt, dried marjoram, allspice ground pepper, nutmeg, corn starch, cumin and tomato paste in the amount of 1 big spoon(you can use ketchup).

After a long and intensive mixing all products you should get a homogeneous mass. If necessary, it can be beaten off by hand.

Formation process

Having made a tasty and fragrant base for Bavarian meat loaf, you should proceed to its formation. To do this, you need to take a deep rectangular form, and then generously grease it with cooking oil and sprinkle breadcrumbs. Next, put the minced meat in the prepared dishes and tamp it well. To do this, you can knock on it with your palm or shake the dishes strongly. These actions will contribute to the fact that all the air present in the base will come out of the minced meat, making it denser. In this form, the semi-finished product should be placed in the refrigerator and kept there for about 4 hours. During this time, the product will thicken and ripen.

Proper heat treatment

After the minced meat has been kept in the cold, it should be removed, and then several not very deep cuts should be made on it with a knife. Next, the surface of the product needs to be greased with a spoon of ketchup or tomato paste, which is recommended to be mixed in advance with a small amount of starch.

Having finally prepared the semi-finished product, it should be placed in an oven preheated to 170 degrees and baked for 50 minutes. The main thing at the same time is not to overdry the product.

Serve to the table

After preparing Bavarian bread from minced meat, it should be cooled directly in a baking dish, and then carefully removed and kept in the cold for about two hours. After that, it must be cut into pieces and presented to the table along with any first or second course. By the way, a sandwich is very tasty from such a product. To do this, it should only be placed on white bread and covered with a piece of cheese.

This dish is Lately became very popular: they talk about it in culinary programs, and more and more recipes appear on the Internet. I learned how to cook it, chose 3 of the most popular recipe which I present here. I photographed in detail the process of preparing the first and simplest of the recipes. At the end of the article, after the recipes, I quote what I read from the history of meat bread, where did it come from?

To prepare it, you will need a special rectangular form (you can buy it for 150 rubles) and foil (cover the form with meat loaf on top while baking in the oven).

From my point of view, meatloaf has several advantages, here they are:

  • Cooking is even faster and easier than cutlets: you just need to pass everything through a meat grinder, mix and bake in a mold (no need to mold, breadcrumbs ...)
  • You don’t need to get used to its taste - all family members will eat it as if they have been eating it all their lives, because it really is very similar to our cutlets (only the shape is different).
  • It is convenient to eat in the form of sandwiches with bread.
  • This is a variety that increases your experience-level as a cook and always pleases the family (otherwise all cutlets, yes cutlets ...). And here is something new - square cutlets :)
  • It can be cooked with fillings (in our zrazy) of cheese, bell pepper, fried mushrooms, eggs ... but you don’t need anything like sculpting and wrapping in a separate zrazy, the process takes less time, much easier: just put everything in layers in a mold and bake in the oven.

Recipe number 1. The easiest meat loaf

Ingredients: 1 kg. meat, 2 eggs, 2 medium potatoes, 2 slices of white bread soaked in milk, onions - 1 head, garlic - 5 cloves, mustard - 4 tablespoons, ground black pepper, salt and tomato paste for lubrication.

Cooking method:

  1. Skip the meat through a meat grinder with onions, potatoes and garlic.
  2. Add raw eggs, mustard, bread soaked and softened in milk, salt and black pepper to the mixture.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly, put in a greased butter rectangular bread pan. And you can add boiled eggs at this step: put half of the minced meat on the bottom of the form, on top in a row, in length, lay out the whole peeled boiled eggs one by one, cover with the second half of the minced meat on top. In this case, ready bread in the context will be very interesting - with boiled egg in the middle.
  4. Cover the pan tightly with foil

Recipe number 2. Puff pastry with bell peppers and vegetables

Ingredients: 1 kg. meat, 2 eggs, 1 small zucchini, 1 carrot, 2 colorful bell peppers, 1 tomato, 2 slices of white bread soaked in milk, onion -1 head, heavy cream (> 30%) - 200 grams, garlic - 5 cloves , dry basil, vegetable oil, ground black pepper, salt and tomato paste for lubrication.

Cooking method:

  1. Skip the meat through a meat grinder with bread soaked in cream (do not squeeze the bread), add eggs, seasonings and salt. Stir the mince thoroughly.
  2. Chop onions and carrots and fry together in vegetable oil, while onions and carrots are fried, do pepper.
  3. Bulgarian pepper, chopped into strips, add to the pan with onions and carrots,
  4. Cut the tomato into cubes and add to the pan with the vegetables. Fry until done.
  5. Zucchini (small) cut into small cubes and fry separately in vegetable oil until golden brown, in the process of frying, add the garlic passed through the press to the zucchini.
  6. Minced meat divided into 2 parts, put one part in a greased creamy oil mold, forming sides of minced meat, or making a recess in it for the filling, then put a layer of fried vegetables (salted and seasoned to taste), cover with minced meat again on top. The vegetable filling should be inside the minced meat.
  7. Cover the pan tightly with foil
  8. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  9. Remove the foil, brush the top of the meatloaf with ketchup (to brown) and bake for another 10 minutes until the top is browned.

Recipe number 3. Layered meat bread stuffed with cheese and raisins or prunes

Ingredients: 1 kg. meat, cheese durum varieties- 250 grams, 1 egg, 1 potato, 4 tablespoons of mustard, walnuts - 0.5 cups, raisins or prunes - 0.5 cups (optional), 2 slices of white bread soaked in cream, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg nut, spicy ketchup and a little bit olive oil for lubrication, salt and black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Skip the meat through a meat grinder with potatoes, walnuts, add egg, mustard, spices and salt. Add raisins (or finely chopped prunes soaked until soft) to the minced meat. Stir the minced meat thoroughly.
  2. Grate the cheese and mix with bread soaked in cream (do not squeeze the bread), salt and pepper a little - this is the filling for meat bread.
  3. Divide the minced meat into 2 parts, put one part in a mold greased with butter, forming the sides, that is, making a recess in the minced meat for the filling, then put a layer of filling, cover with minced meat again on top. The vegetable filling should be inside the minced meat.
  4. Make holes in the top of the meat loaf up to the filling so that the filling, if it starts to boil inside, does not tear the bread and does not leak out, and the steam would come out through these holes. Two holes are enough. Brush the top of the minced meat with olive oil.
  5. Cover with foil
  6. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  7. Remove the foil, brush the top of the meatloaf with ketchup (to brown) and bake for another 10 minutes until the top is browned.

What is meatloaf and where did this recipe come from

I became interested (argued with my brother), and that's what I found out

Meatloaf is of European origin. The first mention of meat loaf appears in the history of mankind in cookbook- Apicus manuscript (Rome) back in the 5th century!

Meat loaf is national dish Germany and Belgium, he is also a relative of the famous German and Swedish meat balls - meatballs (meat balls)

The English-speaking population of the planet calls meatloaf none other than MeatLoaf, where meat is meat, and the word loaf symbolizes the rectangular shape characteristic of bread, the Americans cooked meatloaf back in the days of colonization. But then he somehow disappeared from the table of Americans and appeared again only in the 19th century.

Interestingly, meat bread occupies an honorable place in national cuisine in no less than 20 countries, and among them, in addition to those already mentioned, are the Philippines, and Mongolia, and Italy, and Greece, and even Vietnam, where it is called giò and is more likely to be stewed than baked.

Usually the main ingredients of meatloaf are minced meat mixed with white bread soaked in milk or cream and raw eggs and baked in the oven until done.

To shape meatloaf, it is not necessary to have a special rectangular baking dish, sometimes meatloaf is shaped by hand and baked on a regular flat baking sheet.

The classic meat loaf is made from beef, but lamb and pork, chicken and turkey meat are also often used.

That's it, I've satisfied my curiosity about meat bread, I hope you do too.

All recipe photos


  • minced meat - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 1-2 pcs.;
  • white bread - 3 slices;
  • eggs - 4 pcs. (1 - in minced meat, 3 - in the filling);
  • milk (water) - 100 ml;
  • kefir - 80 ml;
  • ketchup - 4 table. spoons;
  • refined sunflower oil- 3 table. spoons;
  • salt;
  • spices.

Cooking time - 1 hour 40 minutes.

Yield - 8-10 servings.

Despite the fact that a product called "meat loaf" can be bought at various grocery supermarkets, nutritionists advise giving preference to homemade food. Therefore, adherents of such a diet can easily bake delicious meat bread at home. It can be served with any side dish or used for sandwiches.

In this article, you will learn what meatloaf is made of and how to make meatloaf at home.

How to cook meatloaf in the oven - a recipe with a photo step by step

First you need to prepare everything necessary products. The main ingredient is minced meat. Usually they take mixed minced pork and beef, but you can make meatloaf from turkey or chicken. Filling is often used. For example, you can make meatloaf with eggs, mushrooms, vegetables. For this, carrots, potatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, bell pepper. Spices are also needed, which you can choose to your taste. For example, take ground black or red pepper, coriander, suneli hops or curry seasoning. You can also add a few tablespoons of mustard to the minced meat.

The amount of minced meat given in this recipe makes two "loaves" of bread, so one can be made with filling and the other without. You need to start cooking meat loaf by boiling eggs for the filling (boil 3 pcs.) And preparing vegetables. The onion should be peeled and finely chopped. Peel the potatoes and cut into several pieces.

Pour sunflower oil into a frying pan, heat it, put the onion and fry it until transparent. White bread soak in milk or water, then squeeze. Pass potatoes and squeezed bread through a meat grinder and add to minced meat. Put the fried onion there and beat in the egg.

Salt minced meat, add spices and mix thoroughly. Then pour kefir into it and add 2 tables. ketchup spoons. Once again, mix everything well.

To bake minced meat loaf in the oven, it is best to use a special oblong loaf pan. If there is no such form, you can take a regular baking sheet and cover it with foil. In this case, the size of the foil must be chosen so that its edges can be connected from above above the bread.

Divide the minced meat in half in the bowl. Put one part of minced meat on a baking sheet and give it a rectangular shape. Top it off with foil. Divide the second part of minced meat in half. Place one half on a baking sheet or dish. Lay hard-boiled and peeled eggs on top.

If you are making meatloaf - a recipe with mushrooms, then instead of eggs, you need to lay several whole mushrooms in a row. Top the filling with the remaining stuffing and cover with foil.

Bake meat bread at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes. Then remove the baking sheet from the oven, carefully so as not to burn yourself with steam, unfold the foil and grease the top of the product with meat with the remaining ketchup.

No more wrapping the foil, put the baking sheet back in the oven and bake the meatloaf for another 15-20 minutes. Then take the bread out of the oven and let it cool down. Then transfer to a dish and cut into slices.

Meat bread in the oven, the recipe with the photo of which is described above, can be served with vegetables, herbs, ketchup or tomato juice.

We wish you all bon appetit!
