
Dough for a silicone form in gas. Is it necessary to oil the silicone mold?

A modern housewife should thank fate every day for the fact that she was lucky enough to live in the 21st century. Even 50 years ago, our mothers and grandmothers kept housekeeping in much less comfortable conditions. And they could not even imagine how to bake without oil or how to bake in silicone molds. By the way, about forms. They appeared recently in relation to other kitchen utensils, but many managed to appreciate them. Although for those who are accustomed to more traditional materials, they still seem unworthy of trust. In their opinion, the same material cannot be used in medicine, in construction, and in everyday life, and be harmless at the same time. Let's figure out how things really are.

Let's start with the fact that silicone, by its very name, scares many housewives in vain. In fact, this modern material is harmless when handled correctly and has a lot of advantages that are in our favor. It is soft and supple, but at the same time very durable. It can take any shape, therefore it is suitable as a material for making not only molds, but also potholders, brushes - almost any kitchen utensils. Finally, silicone products are simply beautiful! They decorate the kitchen and delight the hostess with their colors.

Advantages of silicone:

  1. The silicone that your bakeware is made of does not contain any substances that could “release” when heated and poison your food. It is so harmless that it is used in surgery. Implants for breast augmentation are made from it.
  2. For the same reason, the silicone mold is not afraid of products with strong odors. Silicone does not absorb them, because it does not interact with food at the chemical level.
  3. This material can withstand large temperature changes, so your silicone mold is a versatile dish. You can use it in both oven and freezer.
  4. Silicone molds save space in your kitchen - no other cookware can be folded, twisted, rolled and stored compactly like this.
  5. Such flexibility and pliability of the material allows cookware manufacturers to show endless imagination. It is likely that any pattern, figure, fairy-tale character, architectural form has already been embodied in the form of a silicone model. So, your cake can have any of these styles.
  6. Despite the intricate configurations of many baking dishes, you can not be afraid that you will not be able to scratch out the finished cake from them later. You are a priori spared this problem, because nothing burns to silicone.
  7. Silicone has outstanding thermal conductivity properties. In practice, this means that it heats up quickly in the oven and thus reduces the cooking time. This form also cools down very quickly, so you do not risk burning your hands.
  8. Using silicone molds for other purposes is almost impossible, because they are great not only for sweet pastries, but also for preparing all kinds of casseroles, stews and omelettes. Dough, jelly, chocolate, vegetables, meat, fish - silicone has no "contraindications". You can even do it yourself in a silicone mold.
These qualities favorably distinguish silicone utensils from glass, ceramic and metal. As for the shortcomings, the moon also has a dark side. Knowing and considering the following nuances, you will save yourself from possible problems.

Disadvantages of silicone:

  1. The silicone mold always bends, not just when it suits you. Fragile and delicate baked goods may suffer during transport from the oven to the table. Just make sure the cake doesn't bend too much and break.
  2. Fans of a toasted crust may not wait for it to appear. Silicone prevents sticking, browning, and often makes the sides of baked goods smooth and shiny.
  3. Static electricity can build up in silicone. As a result, your cake can acquire the super ability to attract dust.
  4. Not all manufacturers use 100% pure silicone as raw material. Saving on a purchase, you risk getting dishes with impurities. Such a form can smell unpleasantly of rubber, transfer this smell to products and, as a result, will last less than high-quality ones.
  5. Silicone is afraid of knives and other sharp objects in your kitchen.
As you can see, the number of pluses significantly exceeds the number of minuses. And you can forget about these disadvantages if you follow the elementary instructions for use.

Rules for using silicone molds

  1. Use wooden tools instead of metal when cooking in silicone cookware. And it is best to use silicone tools.
  2. For washing such dishes, choose gels and avoid hard washcloths and abrasive cleaners.
  3. First put the form in the oven, and then fill it with dough. So you prevent sagging, and, consequently, splashing and spilling.
  4. Avoid touching the edges of the form to hot surfaces, grates. Do not bring to open fire.
Now that you know how to bake in silicone molds, you understand why professional chefs, and not just pastry chefs, value them so much.

Unfortunately, many do not know how to use silicone baking molds. There is nothing difficult. Let's look at all the nuances of this simple case.

Before first use

There are a few mandatory steps to follow before using silicone bakeware for the first time. First, wash your molds thoroughly. They may have dust and dirt on them, which you do not need. Then dry the silicone mold so that there is no moisture left on it after washing. The next step is to oil it. You need to lubricate the entire inner surface. This will improve the non-stick properties of the silicone. Rub all corners and edges evenly, excess oil can be drained or wiped off, you don’t need a lot of it. Leave the silicone mold to soak in the oil a little and dry. All! Preparations before first use completed!

How to use a silicone mold when baking

If you have gone through all the preparatory steps before the first use, then silicone molds no longer need to be lubricated with oil or grease. They are ready for baking. If you plan to bake a large cake or pie, the mold can be lightly dampened with plain water.

Before pouring the dough, place the mold on a metal baking sheet or wire rack. The silicone mold is flexible, so once the dough is poured it will be difficult to move without a supporting metal pan. Pastries can be placed in a cold or preheated oven, as required by your recipe. Keep track of the temperature. Silicone is afraid of too high temperature and open exposure to fire. Mold may melt, handle with care. Read more on the packaging of your product.

Should know that, in most cases, baked goods in silicone molds will cook a little faster than in steel molds. Don't forget to be prepared!

Warning! Silicone is easy to cut or puncture. Do not use knives and forks with the mold. Better take wooden, plastic or silicone spatulas.

After cooking, the form and pastries should be allowed to cool slightly so that the finished pastry comes out of the mold more easily and does not break apart. Five minutes is enough for a small silicone mold. If everything is done correctly, then the pastry will hardly stick to the walls and slip out without any problems. You can try to bend the edges of the mold a little to make sure that the pastry does not stick.

I think it's hard to find a hostess now who would get along with pastries, but at the same time would not have a single silicone mold. But do we properly prepare them for use after purchase? Are we operating correctly?

Now I don’t remember exactly when I got my first silicone mold. Probably 2.5-3 years ago. However, the addictive phase did not pass as quickly as I thought at first.

I had to suffer, especially with such fragile desserts as, for example, milk soufflé with candied fruits "Tenderness". Yes, and with ordinary muffins too - it was sometimes very problematic to take them out.

Now I have new cupcake molds. That's why I came up with the idea to write this thread.

Before first use

After purchasing a silicone mold, several procedures should be followed:

1. Wash well with a mild detergent, preferably several times (possible in the dishwasher). Sponges, cloths, washcloths should not be rough or hard.

2. After removing all dirt and dust, dry the mold thoroughly. Not a drop of moisture should remain anywhere.

3. Lubricate the inside of the form with butter or vegetable oil, a thin and even layer. Leave for a while.

Lubricate later or not?

For example, I have Regent forms. I got used to them in the following way. Before pouring the dough, I sprinkle them well with cold water. And when the pastry is ready, I let it cool right in the mold and only after that I take it out.

Baking rules

I put the empty form on a baking sheet and only then pour the dough. This sequence is the most logical, because silicone is soft.

Due to the fact that these forms are very vulnerable, they can be easily broken through, pierced, cut through. To avoid this, you should use wooden, silicone or plastic spatulas. I prefer the first option.

You can send to bake in both a cold and a preheated oven. As in the case of a baking sleeve, such forms should not come into contact with an open flame.

In silicone, baking is cooked somewhat faster than in Teflon molds or stainless steel. Therefore, you need to be careful to take out the cupcakes or cake on time. The temperature of use typically ranges from -50" to 230". This is enough for freezing and baking.

Form cleaning

But the temperature during washing can be adjusted - after some dishes, the form will be easier to wash with cool water, after others - with warm or hot.

The same goes for smell. I bake not only sweet muffins, but also liver and fish ones. The silicone is absorbent, so after baking like this, I always treat the mold with vinegar. I do the same, for example, with a frying pan in which I fried fish.

It is better to wash silicone molds immediately, without delaying for a long time. Those contaminants that dry out or harden will be much more difficult to wash off. Alternatively, you can soak in soapy water and rinse several times.


You know, now I can say that I love silicone molds. Their biggest advantage is ease of storage. They can be twisted, folded, bent! In general, to do with them everything that is impossible with others. This is especially true for a small kitchen or when there are a lot of forms. I have both options! So now I'm nowhere without them! ;)

What do you think about silicone molds? Do you have your little secrets about them? What do you usually cook in them?

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This review is about a silicone mold for baking round cakes. The thing in the household is not to say that it is urgently needed, but, in my opinion, very useful. Moreover, despite the newfangled trends in limiting calories eaten, losing weight and other so-called "rules of a healthy lifestyle", the number of sweet teeth (both "legal" and "underground") is still quite large.

I didn’t bother much with the search for a similar form in the off-line mode and immediately ordered it, it just happened.

I threw out the outer box, came whole. The mold is packed extremely simply - in a plastic bag, on which a barcode and sku code were pasted.

The mold itself is made of yellow-orange silicone. You can't choose a color on the site, it says "random" - i.e. random (which one will be sent, this one will be sent), mine was not in the photo at all. Personally, color doesn't matter to me.

The diameter is 22.5 cm, the height of the sides is 6 cm, the entire surface of the bottom is “waffle”, with small indentations. Weighs 150 grams.

Badges on the back at the bottom - how to operate:

Do not expose to open flame
temperature withstands from -40 to +240 degrees Celsius
and 2 more that I don't understand

It is, of course, impossible to check the chemical composition and sanitary and hygienic standards of this silicone at home. The only thing that inspires optimism is that silicone is a fairly inert material, widely used both in everyday life and in medicine, the food industry, etc. It is possible that there is some difference in chemical composition between European and Chinese silicones, but I don’t think it’s very already significant.

Before use, the mold must be washed using an ordinary dishwashing detergent and greased with liquid vegetable oil after wiping / drying it. According to experienced housewives, lubrication with oil should be carried out only before the first use, in the future this procedure is no longer needed.

It was a little embarrassing that the oven in our stove is gas, although many manufacturers of kitchen ovens are gradually switching to non-electric ones. Our fears turned out to be in vain, the mold passed the test as "excellent".

For the first test, we decided to bake a chocolate cake and make a simple homemade cake out of it.

The liquid dough is poured into the mold only when it is already on the baking sheet. Otherwise, there is a chance of shedding it or not holding it, since the form itself is very soft.

Having set the required temperature in the oven and slightly adjusting it (from 200 to 210 degrees Celsius) in the process of further cooking, the following result was obtained.

It seemed to me that the time for preparing the cake took a little less than in the traditional metal form. Readiness was determined visually.

After the form was taken out of the oven, we let it cool for 5-8 minutes and quite calmly took the cake out of the form by simply turning it on its side. It is clear that it is impossible to pick it out of the mold with sharp objects such as knives and forks. Yes, and there is no need for this.

Minimum sticking and loss of precious grams of goodies:

Finished result:

It is pointless to lay out recipes - there are a great many of them with individual preferences and secrets for each family.

Bon appetit!

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Silicone baking molds allow you to prepare desserts without the use of oil. Silicone is highly resistant to temperatures up to +240 degrees.

The dense structure of the material withstands about 2000 baking.

Many people think that such forms are unhealthy, but this is not so. When used properly, silicone does not release any harmful substances into food.

Types of silicone baking molds

The main difference between silicone molds from each other is their purpose.

For cupcakes

When baking cupcakes, it is better to pay attention to small sets of identical containers (usually there are 6 of them in a set), a form that is a single canvas is also a good option: you can make several magnificent desserts on it at once.

The main advantage of forms located on one canvas is that all pastries will be cooked at the same temperature.

A wide volume range allows you to choose the best option for each family member. So, for children it is better to choose small molds, and for adults - larger ones.

For large baked goods

For cupcakes that are large, you should use long rectangular or round molds with a hole in the middle. This will cut the thickness of the cake for easy cooking, or help it bake through the middle.

Of great interest are containers in the form of flowers, objects, animals, fruits. Detachable silicone molds are also interesting. Usually they are made with a ceramic bottom to facilitate the process of removing the finished dessert from the mold.

Other silicone accessories


Such accessories are very convenient at several stages of the preparation of desserts.

For kneading dough.

Silicone mats help to knead the dough without sticking to the table. Here flour is needed only to prevent the dough from sticking to the hands. The main advantage of many rugs is the markings applied to their surface for even rolling out layers of dough. There are rugs with a three-dimensional texture that help the hostess create an interesting pattern on the surface of the cake.

For baking.

You can also use silicone mats in the oven. To do this, the accessory should be placed on a baking sheet, and the future dessert should be placed on it. Before baking, such a mat does not require oil treatment. This use is due to the fact that it is much easier to wash a silicone mat than baking sheets.

How to choose and care.

The whole care of this thing is that it only needs to be cleaned after use with running water, detergent and a soft sponge.

When buying a rug, you need to pay attention to several factors:

  1. It is better not to choose cheap products to buy, as they can be harmful to human health.
  2. In order for the dessert to bake faster and better, you need a rug that has a thickness of up to 4 millimeters.
  3. After purchase, you must hold the mat in the oven for 2 hours at a temperature of 240 degrees.

siliconized paper

Thanks to the use of siliconized paper, pastries do not burn. Unlike parchment, it does not stick to dessert. Also, the advantage of this accessory is its 100% natural composition.

This paper can withstand up to 6 uses in the oven.

Sheets allow you to roll out the dough of uniform thickness. On such paper it is convenient to move the prepared cake into the oven, as it can be baked directly on the sheet. This will also avoid soiling the trays.

Terms of Use

There are several tips that will help to reveal the functionality of the silicone mold, as well as its safety during cooking.

  1. It is required to pour the prepared dough into a mold that is installed on a baking sheet, otherwise the dough may leak out, since silicone is a flexible material.
  2. Containers made of such material can be used not only in the oven, but also in the freezer. This is due to the fact that silicone can withstand temperatures from -40 to +240 degrees.
  3. When using for the first time, you need to lubricate the mold with oil, and further processing is optional. Before each use, the mold should be washed with liquid dishwashing detergent. For the first time, the container must be rinsed well, and also poured over with boiling water.
  4. The cooking time for desserts using silicone containers does not differ from cooking in ceramic, glass or metal dishes. But only the top blushes in them, and the walls and bottom of the baking have a fairly moist structure.
  5. After cooking, the pastry must be removed from the oven and left in the mold for about 7 minutes. If the dessert is stuck, you need to turn the edges of the mold in the opposite direction, and use a spatula to separate the cooked cupcake from it. Do not use metal cutlery, as they can pierce the product.
  6. Baking molds can also be used for cooking second courses in the oven. But for this, large containers should be preferred. The best solution for such a dish would be a round mold about 25–30 centimeters in diameter.
  7. With all the abundance of various patterns, it is better to choose a minimum of threads and small details on the form, so that in the future there will be no problems with removing the baking. It is also worth considering that small parts on the mold are very difficult to wash after cooking.
  8. To wash dried dough, you need to soak a container of silicone for 10 minutes in water at a cool temperature. After that, the water is poured out, and the form is turned inside out and wiped with a soft sponge.
  9. For easy storage, all oven accessories can be folded down to save space. They quickly take their original shape when straightened, do not undergo deformation and do not wrinkle.
  10. You can use the molds in the microwave only if it is completely dry. It is also worth considering that the edges of the container should not come into contact with the walls of this household appliance.

Mostly baking molds are used for making cupcakes. There are many recipes for this dessert, which is baked using silicone molds.

cupcake recipes

classic muffins

What will be required:

  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 190 grams of sugar sand;
  • incomplete faceted glass of 15% sour cream;
  • three quarters of a package of butter;
  • a little baking powder;
  • faceted glass of flour;
  • a couple handfuls of raisins.

How to cook:

  1. The flour is sifted.
  2. Raisins are washed and dried with a towel.
  3. Oil is heated in a water bath.
  4. Eggs are beaten with sour cream and granulated sugar, and then oil is poured into this mixture.
  5. Flour mixed with baking powder is poured into the egg liquid.
  6. The dough is gently kneaded, and then raisins are added to it.
  7. If silicone molds are used for the first time, they must be lubricated with oil.
  8. The containers are filled with dough to two-thirds of the volume.
  9. Cupcakes are baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for about half an hour.

yeast muffins

What will be required:

  • 3 full faceted glasses of flour;
  • two thirds of a package of butter;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • dry yeast packaging;
  • some salt;
  • half a glass of raisins;
  • a couple of handfuls of candied fruits;
  • 5 eggs;
  • some vanilla.

How to cook:

  1. Raisins are washed and steamed with boiling water for several minutes.
  2. Milk is heated, and then yeast is poured into it.
  3. The butter is melted in a water bath.
  4. Flour is mixed with sugar and baking powder.
  5. Milk and butter are poured into the flour. The whole mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  6. Pre-beaten eggs are poured into the mixture, vanillin is poured.
  7. Dried fruits are poured into the dough.
  8. Silicone molds are filled with prepared dough by two thirds. The top of future cupcakes is smeared with oil.
  9. They are baked for 45 minutes in the oven.

The surface of the cupcakes can be decorated with chocolate chips.

Cottage cheese cupcakes

What will be required:

  • 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • butter packaging;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • incomplete faceted glass of sugar sand;
  • a couple of tablespoons of starch;
  • 160 grams of flour;
  • a small amount of baking powder;
  • a handful of raisins.

How to cook:

  1. Cottage cheese is mixed with sugar with a fork. Eggs and starch are driven into the curd mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  2. Softened butter is added to the mixture, flour and baking powder are sifted.
  3. Raisins are washed, soaked in boiling water.
  4. Raisins are poured into the curd dough, everything is mixed.
  5. The dough is poured into molds and baked in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

Instead of raisins, you can add another favorite ingredient to cupcakes, for example, berries, nuts, chocolate. So the dessert will turn out with a richer taste and will become a favorite treat for every member of the family.

Silicone molds: expertise (video)

Silicone baking molds are a godsend for housewives, as they allow not only to simplify the cooking process, but also save time on washing dishes after it. This material is not only convenient and practical to use, but also harmless to health.
