
Italian cheeses. Mozzarella production technology

For the production of Mozzarella cheese industrial scale possible on automated lines or semi-automated lines, with manual process control. The whey obtained during the preparation of Mozzarella can be used for the production of Ricotta cheese with the appropriate equipment. Some industries dry the whey.


Dried whey is used as a substitute whole milk(WMS) in inexpensive products nutrition, added to confectionery, in animal feed, etc. Whey is also in demand among large livestock farms, because it can be used in mash for pigs, cows, etc. However, many enterprises simply pour whey into the sewer, which is why environmentalists often make claims against them.

Equipment and investment in production.

Calculation of investments for the production of Mozzarella cheese. For production with a processing capacity of 20 tons of milk per day, equipment is needed with an estimated cost of 15 million rubles. In addition, installation, piping and connection services for this equipment will be needed, in the amount of about 2 million rubles. To accommodate such a production line, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​at least 300 square meters.

The standard set of equipment includes: a milk receiving and cooling station, a raw milk buffer tank, a cleaner, a bactofuge, a pasteurizer, a cheese making boiler, a mozzarella cheese machine, a filling machine, a whey collection tank, a CIP station for washing equipment and pipelines. In addition, you will need an ice water generator, a steam generator, a water treatment plant and a sewage pumping station, and a cold store.

According to sanitary standards, an enterprise of this size needs: a rest room and a staff meal, a shoe dryer, a locker room, and a shower room.

Cheese production technology.

How is Mozzarella cheese made? raw milk pumped from the milk tanker through a cooler to a buffer tank for storage and distribution. From the buffer tank, it is sent for preheating, after which it is sent to a separator cleaner to remove impurities. From there to pasteurization at 60 degrees. Milk is cooled to 45 degrees and poured into a cheese-making boiler. Here, a curdling enzyme (sourdough) is added to it while maintaining desired temperature to get a clot. The resulting clot is cut to obtain curd. cheese grain fall asleep in molds or on special trolleys with drainage holes for pressing and the final draining of whey. After that cheese dough put in a special machine for the production of mozzarella cheese. Here the dough is crushed, stretched, heated and cheddared, and then shaped. As a standard, this type of cheese is molded in the form of koloboks. But there is mozzarella in the form of sausages or small pieces- grains. To keep fresh soft varieties mozzarella is sold in whey. Ready Mozzarella cheese is packed and sent for sale.

Mozzarella has pleasant taste and a special consistency, which are explained by the fact that the cheese dough has undergone thermal melting.

Payback business for the production of cheese.

The payback of the business for the production of Mozzarella cheese is very fast - 1.5 - 2 years. However, it should be borne in mind that the availability of sources of raw materials, the presence of a sales market, competitors, the solvency of consumers and the promptness of the enterprise management have a huge impact on the profitability of this business.

Below is a video tutorial on the production of Mozzarella cheese.

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Features of the reproduction of mozzarella-type cheeses at the production sites of Russia

Cheeses with a layered cheddar structure have been known in Russia for a long time. Smoked pigtails chechila and elastic heads of suluguni are popular with the consumer.

Mozzarella, which came to us from the Mediterranean countries, took its place on the shelf next to the usual cheddar cheeses. Delicate, freshish balls of this traditional Italian cheese fell in love with the inhabitants of Russia. The culinary possibilities of using mozzarella are very wide: salads with appetizing balls bocconcini, aromatic italian appetizer caprese, as well as smoked, baked and deep-fried mozzarella.

And, of course, low-moisture ripened mozzarella is indispensable for making classic Italian pizza. Cheese spreading evenly over the surface of the dough, forming a soft stretchy crust, is perhaps the most important component of this dish.

Russian cheese makers have been interested in organizing the production of mozzarella group cheeses for a long time, the development of the market in recent years has initiated a desire to develop and implement technology for a product that is in demand on the market.

In accordance with market trends, INGREDICO can offer domestic technologists all the tools necessary for the production of cheeses with cheddarization and cheese melting - starters, enzymes and technology.

The following compositions can be used as starter cultures:

Starter culture FD DVS STI-14, consisting of non-viscous strains St. thermophilus, which is an active acid-forming agent, ensures the formation of a plastic clot and gives mozzarella-type cheeses a characteristic delicate creamy taste.

Cultures of the FD DVS TCC-4 series, which have in their composition St. thermophilus And Lb. delbrueckiisubsp. bulgaricus, give to cheeses fresh taste with a slight hint of yoghurt flavor, characteristic of traditional cheeses Mediterranean. The development of a characteristic taste is achieved by the accumulation of fermentation products Lb. bulgaricus.

Bacterial starter culture FD DVS TCC-20 containing strains St. thermophilus in combination with Lb. helveticus, excellent for the production of pizza cheese. It should be noted that the product produced using this starter has a pronounced cheesy taste upon completion of maturation, and does not darken when melted. This effect is achieved through active fermentation galactose strains Lb. helveticus. As a result, the Maillard reaction, which occurs between sugars and proteins at high temperatures with the formation of melanoidins - dark pigments, proceeds with less intensity.

You can evaluate the effect of cultures according to table 1.

Starter cultures are produced in a convenient lyophilized form, with a dosage designed for fermentation of 500 and 1000 kg of a normalized mixture.

The milk-clotting enzyme is of the greatest importance in cheese technology.

At the moment, based on value for money, most major manufacturers choose enzymatically produced chymosin. This enzyme has a high specificity for kappa-casein, which means it is excellent for cheese production.

One of the enzymes with 100% chymosin is CHY-MAX developed by Chr. Hansen.

Enzymatically produced chymosin CHY-MAX allows you to increase the yield of cheese compared to milk-clotting enzymes with a mass fraction of chymosin 75-85% by 1.5-2%. The enzyme also significantly improves consumer properties cheese: due to the specificity of the action, less bitter peptides are formed. The cheese cloth becomes more elastic, the clot is pulled out more easily.

A modern development - a new generation enzyme CHY-MAX M has 5 times greater specificity for κ-casein than CHY-MAX, which means it has a more economical consumption and retains more protein in the clot. The increase in cheese yield in this case is 0.1-0.3% compared with the use of CHY-MAX. The taste profile of cheese produced with CHY-MAX M is pure sour milk, which is explained by the high specificity of the enzyme action. The same feature allows you to extend the shelf life of cheddarized cheeses.

A progressive solution in the production of cheeses with cheddarization and melting of the cheese mass is the use of an additional enzyme - phospholipase.

Phospholipase YeildMax PL from Chr. Hansen, concentrating on the interface of miscible phases, splits phospholipids, reducing surface tension, which ensures stable stability of the water-fat emulsion. The emulsifying properties of the YeildMax PL enzyme help preserve maximum amount milk fat in a clot, thereby increasing the yield finished product.

The effectiveness of the combination of CHY-MAX M and YeildMax PL enzymes has been experimentally proven. At enterprises Krasnodar Territory the yield of cheeses produced using the above enzyme combination increased by 4% compared to the use of the milk-clotting enzyme alone.

Enzymes CHY-MAX and CHY-MAX M are available in dry form in 0.5 kg packs, as well as in liquid form in a 20 l canister.

YeildMax Enzyme is available in liquid form in quantities starting at 1 litre.

Key points in the technology of cheeses such as Mozzarella are the conditions of cheddaring and melting.

After kneading the grain at 41-43 °C and reaching a pH of 6.3-6.1 in whey, the cheese mass is cheddarized. This process can take place during whey kneading, or by cutting the clot into blocks and continuing fermentation.

Active acidity at this stage determines further physicochemical characteristics cheese. Upon reaching pH 5.2-5.4, it is necessary to start melting the clot.

During the stretching phase, at low pH, the clot, which has lost a significant amount of calcium, can form a non-cohesive consistency, which will lead to softening of the cheese during storage.

At high pH during the stretching step, there is a risk of getting a coarse "immature" clot, high content calcium in which prevents the necessary hydration of paracasein fibers.

When the clot reaches the optimal active acidity, it begins to melt in water at a temperature of 65-80 °C. Instead of water, it is possible to use brine - in this case, the distribution of salt in the cheese will be more uniform. It is also possible to carry out dry melting of the clot.

The melting temperature depends on the active acidity achieved in the previous step. For cheeses drawn at pH 5.0-5.2, which corresponds to the lower limit of acidity, a drawing temperature of 65-70 °C is required. For cheeses whose active acidity is close to the upper acidity limit pH 5.4, temperatures up to 80 °C should be used.

important technological stage is the cooling of cheese immediately after production. To stop further post-oxidation, it is necessary to provide a decrease in temperature finished cheese up to 8-10 °C. Often at this stage, salting of cheese occurs in brine with a concentration of 18-20%.

Mozzarella cheese, depending on size and shape, can be packed in brine barrier bags or vacuum packed.

In the context of a general decline in imports of dairy products in modern conditions, the niche of cheeses such as mozzarella and filata pasta looks attractive for Russian producers.

Technologists of Russian enterprises, armed with high-quality starter cultures, highly specific enzymes and qualified support from INGREDICO technologists, can organize the production of products that are not inferior to imported analogues.

Wrote on November 18th, 2015

Listen, what a wonderful mozzarella they are now making in Russia! About palatability I'm not lying: the fingers that hold this cheese are ready to be cut off.

As the curator of the Facebook group "Witnesses of Import Substitution", I recently made an inspection trip to several cheese factories in the Kostroma region as part of a press tour organized by the "Cities of Russia" party.

Why exactly here? Yes, because since ancient times this Russian region has been famous for the quality of its cheese. For example, Kostroma, close in taste to Dutch cheese, even under the tsar-father, it was exported in large quantities to Europe. Isn't it time to start doing it again?

I'm at the Volzhanka cheese factory. It is located in the city of Volgorechensk, not far from Kostroma. This is a relatively compact production, specializing in soft cheeses. In several workshops, using equipment purchased in Italy, the production of mozzarella, ricotta, stracciatella, burrata, ricotta, scamorza, baptism, caciotta, goat fromage blanc is launched ... All this variety is made only from natural raw materials, which is about 20 tons of milk per day.

A few words about how soft cheeses are made, in particular mozzarella. At the cheese factory technological process production consists of the following stages: milk acceptance, cleaning, milk maturation, pasteurization, clot formation, curd maturation, grinding, thermomechanical processing, molding, cooling and packaging.

At all stages of mozzarella production, industry-wide equipment is used, with the exception of ripening, grinding, thermomechanical processing and cooling operations.

The production of mozzarella at modern enterprises begins with pasteurization of milk, after which coagulation occurs at 30-38 degrees.

Next, the product is fermented and, therefore, you can proceed to the cut of the curd. Cheese grain, depending on the yield of the final product, must be cut in a certain way. Then part of the whey is removed, and the maturation of the curd must take place under the whey at approximately 5 degrees. After that, the cheese grain is placed in a vacuum. Next, the resulting mass is cooked at a temperature of 80-90 degrees until its structure becomes elastic, and it will be possible to start molding.

Molding is done depending on the desired size and shape. This mass is called mozzatura (trimmings) - hence the name of the cheese. The whey remaining after this process can be used to make cheese.

By the way, originally mozzarella (it. Mozzarella) is a young Italian cheese from the Campania region. Classical mozzarella (Mozzarella di bufala campana) is made from black buffalo milk, but mozzarella from cow's milk. This cheese is sold in the form of white balls soaked in brine, as it does not keep for a long time. The most delicious mozzarella is giornata (one day old), but you can only buy it in Italy.

Traditional types of Italian cheeses of this group, the most popular in Russia: Mozzarella, Ricotta, Mascarpone and Pizza Cheese.

Different mozzarella varieties differ from each other in shape, taste and texture, which depend on the milk and the aging time. Mozzarella can be more or less fresh, sour or salty, tender or firm.

In the production of mozzarella, water salting is necessarily used, which greatly facilitates molding. Mozzarella-type cheeses have a mass fraction of moisture - up to 60%, mass fraction table salt 1,5-6%.

After shaping, mozzarella is subjected to pre-cooling, then final cooling in a special brine. All these processes are carried out at certain temperatures, which is one of the most important factors.

Why are temperatures so important? Because mozzarella cheese comes out of production hot. In order to fix the form, the product is cooled. If a very rapid cooling occurs, this will adversely affect the quality, in particular the taste properties product, his appearance, as well as on the content of the necessary useful elements. After cooling and brine, the mozzarella is sent directly to the packaging.

We take pictures, but at the Volzhanka cheese factory it doesn’t stop for a minute workflow. At the same time, about 15 people work in the shops, and in total at the cheese factory - 44 employees working in several shifts.

Welcome to the table!

How to distinguish real mozzarella from fake?

A truly well-ripened mozzarella should release droplets of liquid when cut. Properly kneaded classic mozzarella is a tight elastic dough, which does not tear and has a layered consistency. I tasted our Russian mozzarella. Yes, a little fresh, elastic, but at the same time very gentle.

Every quarter, a closed tasting is held here, during which Italian cheeses are compared with those produced locally. And ours, according to the Italian specialist, is not inferior to overseas originals.

And now we are driving 120 kilometers from Kostroma to the city with the romantic name "Buy".

Not far from it is the "Voskresensky cheese maker"

Meet the director of the cheese factory, Igor Dzhurko. The revival, or to put it beautifully, the "resurrection" of the enterprise, began five years ago, when the owner had a Spanish investor who was imbued with the idea of ​​​​producing parmesan, gouda and maasdam on the Kostroma land.

The workshop was built and launched three years ago by workers from Ukraine. The equipment was adjusted by technologists from Denmark, Spain and Italy.

This is how production technology looks like hard cheeses.

Kostroma cheese is considered a hard cheese, for the manufacture of which rennet is used. Like most hard cheeses, Kostroma cheese is produced using a special technology that involves reheating milk, in which an enzyme has already been added and the curdling process has begun. Kostroma cheese ripens only 45 days, which is relatively little. Eg, average term maturation of hard varieties of cheese is 60 days, and elite varieties with mold acquire their own unique taste and aroma due to the long maturation time (from 90 days)

Now the cheese factory produces ten varieties of cheese, as well as butter, cottage cheese and sour cream.

To create hard cheese varieties, the cheese grain is constantly mixed and dried.

Compared to the peculiarity of mozzarella production technology, the production of hard cheeses is more automated.

Accordingly, there are much fewer people working in the shop.

One shift - no more than 6 people.

The last stage is the cheese in a cold room for maturation.

Do you know why Kostroma is called the cheese-making capital of Russia? The fact is that the first Russian cheese maker, Nikolai Vereshchagin, specially traveled to Switzerland in order to be trained by the masters of cheese making, and in 1878 it was in Kostroma that he opened the first cheese factory in the Russian Empire.

In those days, Kostroma cheeses became a delicacy on the tables of the elite. Years passed and cheese makers improved old recipes and created new varieties of Kostroma cheese. The most popular types are "Susaninsky", "Demidovsky", "Voskresensky", "Ivan Kupala" and "Kostroma" cheese.

Kostroma cheese is a fairly high-calorie product, about 343 kcal per 100 grams. Mass fraction fat content in Kostroma cheese is 45%. The composition of Kostroma cheese includes useful vitamins groups A and B, as well as it contains a large number of milk protein.

Useful amino acids, mineral salts, as well as trace elements and carbonyl compounds make Kostroma cheese incredibly useful and nutritious food. Kostroma cheese is characterized by its own individual moderately spicy cheese taste, in which it is easy to catch sour notes. The aroma of Kostroma cheese is also unique, it is slightly spicy.

Kostroma cheese has a fairly plastic consistency. It can be easily cut, as the cheese body is homogeneous. On a cut of Kostroma cheese, you can see cheese eyes of a characteristic round or slightly flattened shape.

Meanwhile, in this idyllic picture from the Russian hinterland, there is a small touch that blurs a clear focus. It's about about product prices, because this is what most of all excites a simple buyer.

As we were told, the production of one kilogram of cheese takes from 10 to 12 liters of milk, while the cost of a liter is 25 rubles, which means that one cannot rely on cheap cheese. So, for example, the selling price of Maasdam cheese is 340 rubles per kilogram, and yet it still needs to be brought to the counter, where a significant trade margin will be added to its value. At the Kostroma cheese exchange, this variety is sold for 400 rubles, and in Moscow stores it can cost one and a half to two times more. So, it is not worth hoping for the cheapness of imported cheeses in the foreseeable future. And it’s already good that having visited the production plant Russian cheese, I parted with some of my illusions about the cheapness of domestic products.

Moreover, retail chains literally twist the arms of the manufacturer, forcing him to carry additional expenses. It was this main problem of our domestic cheese producers that was discussed at a press conference following our inspection trip.

Russian market soft cheeses- this is a black hole, - says the director of "Volzhanka", where they make mozzarella, Alexei Kostin (he is on the left in the photo). - We can double production at any moment, but everything again depends on raw materials. Cheeses produced on the basis vegetable oil in the country, if not 80 then 50 percent, but this is also a lot. For example, a few months ago, the Susaninsky plant was closed in the Kostroma region. And the Susaninsky cheese is still produced in Lithuania and Belarus, the countries where the most more quantity palm pseudo-cheese. In this regard, maybe we should somehow brand the Kostramskoy, Susaninsky cheese, so that, by analogy with French champagne or cognac, it could be produced only in a certain area. That is, in the Kostroma province.

Now feel the idiocy of the situation. That same Susaninskaya cheese factory, which underwent a complete modernization last year, was closed due to a lack of raw materials. That is, in the Kostroma region, there is a CATASTROPHICALLY LACK OF MILK! Made it, damn it. This reason is the main, if not the main brake in the development of cheese production throughout the country. But this does not interfere with those who drive left and cheap cheese using vegetable fats. Which are profitable for the same large retail chains to sell. Cheap and fast. A good turnover, although not of high quality for the stomach of our consumer

It's time to introduce the term "analogue products" and sell these analogues on separate racks, in special sections, - suggested the chairman of the Cities of Russia party, Vladislav Kovalenko, who is sitting on the right hand. – Only in this way, we will protect the consumer from the "accidental" purchase of meat-free sausage, cheese based on palm oil and other ersatz food.

Well, let's see if we can do it. I'll check it out in the summer next year when I'm back in Kostroma. In July 2016, a big cheese festival will be held here.

Technological map of the production of soft cheese "Mozzarella"

The technological process for the production of soft cheese "Mozzarella" must be carried out in compliance with the current sanitary standards and rules for dairy industry enterprises. Sanitization of equipment and containers is carried out in accordance with the instructions for sanitation.

1. Determine the acidity of the milk supplied to the production. Acidity should be 4.0-4.5 units. Acidity is determined by the chemist, in his absence - by the shift master.

Production of "Mozzarella" from fresh milk is not allowed.

2. Cleaning of milk at a temperature of 40 ° C in accordance with the rules for the operation of the milk purifier.

3. Pasteurization at temp. (74 ± 2) ° С with an exposure of 20-24 seconds.

4. Cooling down to 33-37 ° C (control with a thermometer).

5. If the acidity of the milk is less than 4.0, it is necessary to add citric acid (dissolved in 2 liters of past. water), having previously removed the resulting foam from the surface of the milk mixture. The amount of citric acid contribute in accordance with table 1.2:

Table 1.2 - The procedure for adding citric acid

7. Add 1 liter of chilled 20% solution of calcium chloride (2 kg of salt per 10 liters of water at a temperature of 85 ° C) to the starter. A bacterial starter is introduced (20 g per starter, dissolved in the sky. Quantity of pasteurized milk).

8. Contribute 47 g rennet VNIIMS, dissolved in the sky. amount of warm water.

9. The mixture is thoroughly stirred for 3 minutes and left alone until a clot forms. Clotting duration d.b. at least 25 min.. Ready clot d.b. of normal density and give rather sharp edges on the split with the release of transparent serum.

10. To reduce protein waste into whey and increase the yield of cheese, cutting the clot is carried out immediately after it is ready. Downtime of the finished clot in this case is not allowed. The clot is cut with knives into grains 8-10 mm in size for 10-20 minutes.

11. Part of the whey is removed with a pump into the ricotta maker, approximately 40% of the volume of the starter.

12. By launching steam into the starter jacket, the grain is heated to 40 ° C with stirring. Stirring after the second heating for 10 to 15 minutes.

13. When squeezed in the hand, the finished grain should stick together into a monolith, which, when rubbed in the palm of your hand, breaks up into separate grains.

14. Cheese grain, together with whey, is poured into the bath.

15. Cheese mass is cheddarized to pH 5.2 for balls, 5.3 for loaves. The acidity of the mature cheese mass should be 160-180 o T. Cheddarization can take place within 2-5 hours.

An indicator of maturity is also a melting test. A piece of cheese mass is immersed for a few seconds in hot water and stretched. The cheese mass during stretching should be homogeneous and not tear as much as possible.

16. The entire whey is rolled out, the grain is cut into pieces and laid out on the table.

17. Turn on the auger knives on the mozzarella machine, open the taps for feeding hot water(81-83 about C) for circulation. The cheese mass is fed into the hopper for grinding.

18. Shredded and melted cheese mass is fed into the kneading machine by augers. When the bowl of the kneader is full, the augers and knives of the hopper are temporarily switched off.

19. The cheese mass in the kneader is thoroughly kneaded until a soft, homogeneous, shiny mass is obtained, which does not tear when stretched.

20. The finished mass is fed into the molding device. The supply of grain to the bunker is resumed.

21. 1) The formed cheese heads are cooled by immersing them in cold water 10-15 about C, where they are kept for 40 minutes.

2) Mozzarella balls are immersed in a container with water at a temperature of 15 ° C, then the container is brought into the refrigerator and kept there for 2 hours. The cooled ball should have an internal temperature of no more than 15 ° C.

22. Then the cheese is immersed in a salt pool for 40 minutes - loaves of 1 kg, 30 minutes - loaves of 0.6 kg. Concentration saline solution d.b. 18-20%. Temperature 0-8 o C. Mozzarella balls do not salt. They are packaged in bags and poured with lemon-salt solution (70 g of citric acid, 300 g of salt per 50 l of water, pasteurized at 75 ° C, cooled to 0-8 ° C).

23. After salting, the cheese is taken out and dried for 8-10 hours at a temperature of 0-8 o C. It is necessary to store the cheese for drying in one row so as not to restrict air access.

24. After drying, the cheese is fed to the packaging.

For organization profitable business in the food industry, it is important to choose a direction in which demand is high enough, but competition is extremely low. Due to the fact that in recent years there has been practically no import of cheese, the production of this product of good quality can become a real gold mine for an entrepreneur. The mozzarella cheese business is especially attractive due to the great love of buyers for this Italian variety. dairy product. This article will tell you how to open a mozzarella cheese production in Russia, as well as how to make this business as efficient as possible.

Mozzarella production: initial investment

Although this type of cheese can be made at home using a saucepan and a fine mesh sieve as tools, for large-scale production it is necessary to purchase special equipment for the production of mozzarella cheese. To complete the production workshop, you will need to purchase:

  • Pasteurizer.
  • Press.
  • Vertical cheese maker.
  • thermoplastic module.
  • Drainage drum.
  • washing line.
  • Packing machine.

Equipment is best purchased in the form of a production line for the production of soft cheeses. In such installations, all details are maximally optimized for well-coordinated work at all stages of the production of cheese products. This option of purchasing equipment is beneficial both in terms of financial costs and in providing guarantees from the manufacturer. The Italian mozzarella production line is the most suitable for the production of this type of cheese. The total costs for the purchase, delivery and connection of production equipment will cost the entrepreneur at least 25 million rubles. You can save a lot of money if you buy Chinese equipment or buy a production line in the secondary market, but the quality of such products can be very questionable.

The next main item of expenses for organizing a business will be the rental of premises. The average size monthly payments for these needs is 100 thousand rubles, but if you open a production facility outside the city limits, you can significantly reduce this figure. To organize a large cheese factory, it is recommended to build a building. In this case, the financial costs will amount to 3-5 million rubles, but in the long term, this approach is more attractive, because it will be necessary to allocate approximately the same amount to pay rent for several years.

The rest of the costs of organizing this business come down to the monthly payment of wages and payment of utility bills. In total, such expenses will range from 200 thousand to 1 million rubles. A wide range of costs is explained by the possibility of full or partial utilization of production capacities. At first, it is possible to make mozzarella in limited quantities. This product must be sold within 1 month from the date of production, subject to all technological standards and storage rules, therefore, at the beginning of the plant, it is also necessary to diversify the directions for selling the finished product as much as possible.

To open a large mozzarella plant with the construction and commissioning of a building, the purchase of new imported equipment and the involvement of highly paid technologists, an initial capital of 30 million rubles will be required. Large-scale production will make it possible to produce up to 6000 kg of cheese per day, therefore, with the right organized process, it will be possible to return all the money spent within a short time.

Calculation of mozzarella production profitability

wholesale mozzarella on Russian market carried out at a price of 270 rubles / kg. If the production capacities are fully loaded, then the daily revenue will be 1.6 million rubles. Daily expenses for the purchase of raw materials:

  • Milk - 1.2 million rubles.
  • Enzymes - 500 rubles.

If we subtract costs from daily revenue, then the profit will be about 400 thousand rubles. It will be possible to receive an income of at least 12 million rubles per month, provided that the production works seven days a week. From this amount, it will be necessary to pay salaries to employees, pay bills for electricity and water, and also pay all taxes and contributions to various funds. As a result, the net profit of a large enterprise for the production of mozzarella will be about 10 million rubles per month.

According to the results of preliminary calculations, the profitability of production is beyond doubt, and if a large enterprise operates at maximum productivity, it will be possible to recoup financial investments within 3 months.

Mozzarella production technology

Before embarking on real actions to create a plant for the production of high-quality products, the technology for the production of mozzarella must be carefully studied. With significant volumes of cheese production, the slightest violation production process can lead to big losses. The main share of the cost of purchasing raw materials is the purchase of milk, so this product must be purchased from reliable manufacturers or suppliers. When enough milk will be delivered to the plant and fermented using special additives. The further process of making mozzarella is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Pasteurization of milk is carried out, followed by fermentation.
  • Fermented milk is boiled at a certain temperature, followed by the formation of cheese mass.
  • Soaking cheese in saline.

Ready cheese is packed using a machine and delivered to a warehouse or retail chain.

Sales of finished products

Mozzarella Russian production practically does not differ from the best Italian samples of this product. Demand this variety cheese is always stable in our country, therefore, with the competent work of enterprise managers, there should be no problems with the sale of finished products.

If you conclude agreements for the sale of cheese with a large distribution network, then this option will be the most preferable, due to the possibility of selling constant volumes of products. Company Stores for the sale of cheese products can be opened only if the range of dairy products produced is increased.


Mozzarella production is very profitable business, but the initial investment is too high for a small business. If it is not possible to buy equipment for the production of mozzarella in large volumes, then you should consider purchasing a small production line. The cost of such equipment will be several times lower, but the amount of profit will be reduced proportionally. Given the high cost of raw materials, to sell finished products at dumping prices is unlikely to succeed, and it will also be very difficult to sell small wholesale batches of cheese at the best price.

Given these difficulties, it is recommended to open large enterprise, which will be focused not only on the domestic consumer, but will also allow, after the fall of the "sanctions curtain", to provide our "Western partners" with cheese products.
