
Home brewery - we organize our own business. The nuances of choosing a ready-made home brewery

IN Lately traditions home brewing are being actively revived in Russia. A large role in this process is played by the wide availability of raw materials necessary for the preparation of an intoxicating drink. It is currently available for purchase at specialized stores or order online. A wide range of equipment offers on the brewing market can be found from domestic and foreign manufacturers. The cost of installations depends on the quantity finished product, which they are able to produce for a certain period of time. You can make your own brewery at home. To do this, you need to have skills in working with tools and an understanding of the essence technological process making beer.

What is needed for the installation of a hydromodule?

You can make a home brewery from various materials. Ideal for these purposes is a pan of their thin of stainless steel volume of 30-35 liters. Beer kegs can replace such a container. The industry produces them with a capacity of 50 and 100 liters. Such containers are produced from a material permitted by hygienic standards for the preparation of food products.

Vesta with a saucepan for the manufacture of the device will need:

  • brass clamp, locknuts, gaskets made of silicone and fluoroplastic;
  • ball valve, equipped with an external thread, corresponding to the diameter of the brass drive;
  • copper pipes, tees and adapters;
  • angle fitting for fitting a hose on it;
  • corrugated stainless steel hose.

All of this material is freely available and available to everyone.

Sequence of work

How to make a mini brewery for home cooking beer can be found from a large number existing instructions. The manufacturing process of the simplest installation begins with drilling two holes in the container chosen to create a home brewery. One of them is made in the side surface of the pan at a height of 2-3 cm above the bottom. A crane will be mounted in it. The second is drilled parallel to the tap or 10-15 cm higher than it. This hole is designed to install a thermometer.

The holes are drilled with a conventional drill. The drill diameter is selected in accordance with the outer dimensions of the adapters.

When drilling the walls of a pot or keg, jagged edges appear on the edges of the holes. They must be removed using a special round nozzle for grinding the surface, which can be installed on a drill.

The surface grinding process is carried out not only to improve the aesthetic appearance of the container, but also for sanitary and hygienic purposes. A rough surface is harder to clean than a smooth one and can become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria, which are the main enemies of beer.

With the help of adapters and silicone gaskets, a tap and a thermometer are mounted in the holes prepared on the side surface.

The thermometer fitted to the pot must have a metal stem extending beyond the adapter inside the pan.

The next step in making a brewery at home is to install filtration systems. To do this, you need to make calculations and prepare drawings. The easiest way is to draw on paper the circumference of the bottom of the pan chosen for the manufacture of equipment and, inside its diameter, draw up a diagram of the filtration module. It has a square contour, consists of copper pipes, tees and adapters, and is connected to a tap built into the tank. The drawings made help determine the size for cutting copper pipes, which are soldered into a single circuit.

The outer diameter of the connecting copper tubes must match the inner diameter of adapters made of the same metal. The connections can be fixed by soldering the contour elements or ordinary rivets.

The two connections in the loop are left unsoldered. This is done so that the circuit can be disassembled and washed. Slots are made on the contour tubes with a hacksaw or a small grinder. The distance between them is 0.5-0.8 mm. The copper circuit prepared in this way is installed inside the pan with the slots down and attached to the container tap.

In this way, the simplest mini brewery for the home is made. A home-made installation of such a capacity can produce an average of 25 liters of beer per brew. A do-it-yourself home brewery must have a cooling system - a chiller. For its manufacture, the easiest way is to take a corrugated stainless pipe.

For the chiller device, it is better to take a corrugated pipe made of burnt stainless steel.

Approximately 5 meters of corrugated pipe are twisted into a spiral, the diameter of which corresponds to the inner contour of the pan. The two ends of the tube are brought out above the circles of the spiral to a height sufficient to connect the water supply to the cooling system. Adapters specially designed for its connection to the water supply system are fixed to the ends of the pipe. They can be connected to the water supply with the most common hoses.

The rigidity of the structure can be ensured using conventional plastic clamps that fasten the tubes together.

chiller from corrugated tubes able to cool the digester in 20-25 minutes with

temperatures from +100 0 С to 22 0 С. A do-it-yourself home brewery made in this way is much cheaper than devices offered by the trade. You can brew a very high quality beer in it. It is being prepared for gas stove. One end of the chiller hose is connected to the water supply, from the other the liquid flows into the sink installed in the kitchen. There are other ways to make a boiler with a different heating system. In a saucepan, by analogy with a tap and a thermometer, you can mount shadows. They are connected to electricity. Such an installation can be used for brewing beer in utility rooms that are connected to water and sewerage.

What you need to know

The essence of the technological process of making beer is to carry out several stages that differ from each other in temperature and time parameters. Each type of drink has its own mode of preparation. During these processes, chemical and biological processes take place. Each of them has its own duration and the temperature necessary for its passage. There should always be a clock next to the mini brewery, allowing you to control the time of the process.

A visual device and assembly of a homemade home brewery:

Beer production has been valued since antiquity. It is known from history that they began to brew a foamy drink during the existence of the Egyptian pharaohs. In our times there is great amount recipes, varieties of drink and technologies for its production.

Many lovers foamy drink prepare beer on their own, at home. To brew beer at home, you need to buy a home brewery. However, small automatic production costs quite a lot of money, so many people create their own breweries.

Self-brewing beer at home is not a very laborious task, but it can be time consuming, but this is a small loss compared to the noble, delicious beer made by yourself.

Foamy drink, brewed at home, guarantees the presence of only natural ingredients, and this, if, of course, everything is done correctly. And how proudly one can say, treating all the gathered friends or relatives, that this lovely drink hand-crafted!

Collection of home mini brewery

The first step is to buy or find a pan enough big size, it is better to start looking for containers with a volume of 20 liters or more, a tank and even an ordinary bucket with a lid can be a replacement option. It is best to look for options made of stainless steel, but they are quite expensive, in the absence of finances, you can consider an enameled option.

The price of a pan covered with enamel can be about 2 thousand rubles, good options from stainless steel start from 3-4 thousand rubles. It is necessary to choose a cooking container with thicker walls for systematic heating and longer cooling. You should not take a container with a volume of more than 50 liters, since such scales are not very convenient for transportation and cooking at home.

You can brew beer at home whole grain and from pre-purchased concentrate.
The purchased concentrate is a evaporated natural product and can be used. A fairly decent assortment is presented on the Internet and specialized stores, from which you can choose a product for every taste. Its cost varies within eight hundred rubles for a jar of twenty liters.

The second option involves the purchase of natural malt and brewing from it. But while some people start the brewing process at a later stage, making their own malt from barley, they tend to brew their own water with the right composition minerals. There are only a few such people, however, knowing the necessary parameters of water mineralization and malt composition, they can brew a perfectly similar beer well-known brand. If there is a desire to cook just good beer, water from any decent source will do.

The purchased container is necessary to create the so-called mash and wort brewer. At home, all this will be produced in one pan to save space, while the quality will not deteriorate.

To start production in the nearest hardware store, you need to purchase some equipment:

1/2 inch brass clamp, a couple of locknuts, gaskets - two silicone and two PTFE;
ball valve with a thread from the inside, suitable for a brass squeegee;
soldered American with a copper tube;
the union is angular for a hose;
copper tees - three pieces, with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters;
corner copper tubes - 4 pieces, 1.5 cm in diameter;
unannealed copper tube - about two meters.

Brewery assembly

The pan or other similar container must be placed on its side and a hole drilled in the wall as close to the bottom as possible. If it was chosen enamelware, then the enamel must be preserved as much as possible.

After that, we apply two gaskets to the prepared hole, first from silicone, then from fluoroplast, if this is not done, then the nuts screwed then will damage the silicone part.

For the mash, further manipulations are necessary.
The mash is necessary for further keeping the future foamy drink while maintaining a certain temperature. The process is called temperature pause. This pause is necessary for the active work of enzymes - alpha- and beta-amylases, which must necessarily destroy the starch in the broth to simpler substances - sugars. Sugars will be a good breeding ground for yeast in the future.

Alpha- and beta-amylases work differently, and, most importantly, when various temperatures. The first compounds are included in the heating range of 70-75 degrees, the second requires conditions of 60-65 degrees. If alpha compounds are constantly in the work, then the beer will be of a dense consistency, rich taste, however, low in alcohol content, if the conditions are suitable for beta particles, the drink will be strong, but light in taste and not thick.

If you properly balance these two processes, you can achieve the perfect balance of taste, texture and alcohol. Such temperature ranges give great freedom to the brewer's imagination.

Assembling the mash

The first step is to solder an American, a tee and a small piece of copper pipe to each other.

soldering is enough simple process, but requires little skill, so it's better to practice on unnecessary details at first. After learning or finding someone to help with soldering, you need to buy some lead-free solder to keep the drink safe, and a flux, since soldering is impossible without it. During the soldering process, you must be very careful, as all parts will be hot and even a slight contact with the skin will cause burns.

Upon completion of soldering, the resulting structure must be screwed to the workpiece in the pan, then determine the size of the copper tubes that should be at the bottom, occupying the largest possible diameter.

After twisting the entire structure in copper pipes occupying the bottom of the pan, it is necessary to cut holes, the easiest way to do this is with a universal grinder with a special nozzle, but if it is not there, an ordinary hacksaw will do.

Making a chiller for cooling

A chiller is a cooler for brewed beer, often referred to as a coil. It will require a tube of annealed copper (it can be easily bent) about 15 meters long. The diameter of the tube is better to choose at least one centimeter. In addition to the tube, you need about two to three meters of a regular garden hose.

The purchased tube must be bent like a spiral spring, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the pan where the beer will be brewed. The created spring can be fixed with transverse fasteners, they can be made of wire. The ends of the created coil should be on top of the pan.

Required additional purchases:

1) Hydrometer. Can be purchased at specialized brewing stores. Necessary for carrying out measurements on the density of beer wort.

2) The container where the final fermentation process will take place. In brewing shops, volumetric containers specialized for this process are very available - there is already a drain valve, a water seal (water seal) and a temperature gauge.

3) A mill for high-quality grinding of malt. Better take good quality, they are more expensive, but will not require further replacement. Classic coffee grinders are not suitable for grinding malt. There are people who grind raw materials by hand, with an ordinary rolling pin, but this method is very tedious.

4) Outdoor temperature meter. It is better to choose digital.

After completing the assembly of the device and purchasing all the necessary things and ingredients, you can proceed to yourself. The most important thing is to strictly follow all the assembly steps, in this case you can get great results and always proudly put your own foamy drink on the table.

To make beer at home, it is not necessary to use expensive equipment, it is enough to have a couple of pots, a fermentation tank, a water seal and a thermometer. The video shows a beer recipe for beginners who want to try their hand at brewing, but are not yet ready to spend a lot of money on this hobby.

Good beer is hard to find these days. Beneath the beautiful labels and elegant bottles, there is a drink that doesn't quite fit to be called a beer. So if you do enough a good product(beer), then there will definitely be a demand for it.

The only difficulty that can be encountered is distribution channels. Our article will help you create good beer and organize all production processes, as well as discuss the sales channels that will allow you to sell.

The relevance of the development of the brewing business in the modern world

The business of brewing is relevant for several reasons.

The first is the great desire of a wide audience drinking really good beer . In the West, brewing is considered an art, in which not everyone can achieve success. Some beer recipes have been passed down from generation to generation for centuries.

The second reason for the relevance of the brewing business is the great demand for alcoholic products. If your drink is really worthwhile, then you will definitely find your regular customers and fans.

However, like any business, brewing contains a few shortcomings. In a highly competitive environment, creating a business is quite difficult. There is a chance that you will remain at a low level and will sell beer to a narrow circle of your acquaintances. To avoid this in the future, it will be necessary to connect large cash costs. And yet, as a small dealer, it will be difficult for you to keep the price, which will be at the level of the average market and at the same time generate income. Both disadvantages will disappear if you have a distribution channel. The more you have, the more goods you will sell.

Types of breweries

Exists two kinds breweries:

  1. full cycle;
  2. with a shortened production cycle.

brewery full cycle , in essence, is a small brewery. To build and organize such a business, you will need to spend a lot of time, effort and money. According to the most conservative estimates, it will take you over $100,000 to open such a home brewery. This cost includes not only equipment for brewing, but equipment for organizing production processes. We conclude that such a business will not be lifting for a novice entrepreneur.

For breweries short cycle no expensive equipment required. The production capacity of such a home brewery can range from 30 to 2000 liters. Moreover, in order to organize manufacturing process You need a room whose area does not exceed 40 square meters. meters.

An example and benefits of organizing a business based on Schulz equipment are discussed in the following video:

If you have not yet registered an organization, then the easiest this can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to facilitate and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant at your plant and save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed with an electronic signature and sent automatically online. It is ideal for an individual entrepreneur or LLC on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it got!

Technological process of brewing in our own brewery

Selection and preparation of premises

The choice and equipment of the premises depends on how you are going to sell your products.

Let's analyze several features to consider when choosing a location.

You need to take care that to your mini brewery equipment was approaching. This is necessary in order to ship the produced beer. In this case, you will need a separate room or warehouse for storing beer products. It includes both finished beer and production raw materials.

For the equipment of the room you need to use the following equipment:

  • Ventilation systems;
  • Sewerage;
  • Heating systems;
  • Water supply;
  • Power supply.

The room you have chosen must be equipped fire safety systems .

A step-by-step description of creating a home brewery

Domestic and imported models can be used as installed equipment.

To start a home brewery you need:

  • Fermentation tank;
  • Subsequent fermentation capacity;
  • Cooling chamber;
  • Water purification filters;
  • Syrup boiler;
  • Vessel for sterilization;
  • Antibacterial agents.

Depending on any starting budget, you will be able to raise required list materials.

In order to sell the produced beer you need airtight kegs.

How to organize a home brewery is described in the following video:

The nuances of choosing a ready-made home brewery

As equipment, you can already use finished brewery . This technique will last longer, and the taste of beer will be significantly improved. The basic set of such a device includes: a fermentation tank, a built-in laboratory and a transfusion system. A budget option such an installation is capable of cooking up to 700 liters per day. And in more advanced models, this mark exceeds 2000 liters.

Purchase of the necessary raw materials

Particular attention needs to be paid purchase of raw materials. The taste of beer will depend on the quality of the supplied products. Your beer won't taste as good if you're constantly skimping on ingredients you buy.

Raw material, which is necessary for the production of beer, consists of: special dry yeast and hopped malt concentrate. You also need to pay attention to water. It must be clean, tasteless, etc.

pay attention to disinfectants . You need to constantly process your workplace to avoid fines from the SES.

try arrange logistics so that the process of supplying the necessary raw materials is carried out constantly. Your business will be profitable when it functions constantly. Any interruptions, which can be caused for many reasons, will affect sales. If your sales continue to drop, then profitable business you won't be able to sell beer.

Description of the cooking process

Malt is lowered into a container with water brought to a certain temperature. After chemical reaction resulting from the addition, the malt transfers its main functions to the water. After that, the remaining malt is removed and hops are added.

As a result, beer is pasteurized. It turns out the mash, which is poured into a container for fermentation. Next, you need to add yeast there, and after some time sugar, so that the carbonization process occurs. Thus, the finished beer is obtained.

We arrange our business

In order to open your own brewery you need. To choose the right one, you need to consult with lawyers and economists.

In addition, to open a room for such activities, you need get corrupted from the following authorities:

  • State Fire Supervision;
  • Energy Supervision;

We organize the business process

Any production that does not have well-established logistics operations in production, sooner or later, will come to chaos and confusion. To prevent this, consider the process of proper organization of each component of the brewing business.

Internecine processes in the room should take place according to the following layout: beer production - bottling - delivery to the warehouse - sorting - shipment from the warehouse.

Accordingly, the less goods in stock, the faster beer should be produced. This is only if you already have a high demand.

For service
A home brewery is enough for one person. His duties should also include cleaning and cleaning the premises. You also need a specialist who will conduct IP accounting.

Your ad must be in the habitats of your target customer. most suitable and inexpensive advertising platforms can be:

  • Free advertisements;
  • flyers;
  • Signboards and billboards;
  • Social advertising networks;
  • Advertising in supermarkets.

To make more coverage, you need to produce more beers. Accordingly, the more beers you have, the greater the clientele. Potential client, should be interested in buying your beer. To do this correctly, you need to use the popular marketing techniques.

Any level of sales depends on the production level and the amount of demand. Ideally, your demand should exceed your supply. If the level of sales is so low that sales are not going at all, then it is worth considering the feasibility of your business.

We calculate the financial part

If you want to open a brewery with sterilized equipment, then it will cost you over $100,000. In addition, the cost of hermetic barrels, transport costs, personnel costs will be additionally added to this cost.

The average of such a business at a normal level of sales will be no more than a year.

It is recommended to use this option for two reasons. The first one is high quality produced beer, which will allow it to be sold in large quantities. And this factor reduces the payback period. Second, you don't have to constantly monitor the performance of a setup that you built yourself. The machine will do everything for you.

Analysis of this business niche

The experience and feedback of brewery users suggests that when opening such a business, first of all need to pay attention to:

  • The quality of the supplied products;
  • The quality of the produced beer;
  • Market (your beer should not differ much);
  • Advertising;
  • Sales channels.

Tracking these parameters will allow you to maintain an optimal level of sales.

It wouldn't hurt to create own brand . Your customers will recognize you and be more willing to buy.

As main sales channel you can use small specialty stores that contain your logo. In the follow up you can sell . This will allow you to significantly increase your own profits, which will go to you passively.

Thus, to open your own home brewery, you do not need to have a lot of knowledge. Enough to buy necessary equipment which will do everything for you.

An overview of the operation of an inexpensive semi-automatic do-it-yourself brewery is shown in this video material:

home brewery - This perfect solution for lovers of fresh beer. Such devices can be purchased at the store or assembled with my own hands from the available parts. The brewing equipment is compact, does not take up much space and can be used for a long time. Making beer at home can also be a small business. However, in this case, you will have to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of the preparation and distribution of alcohol.

Home breweries have already gained popularity among those who really understand the types and taste of beer. Brewing production on large enterprises, although controlled by special services, can not always boast quality product. under the guise expensive varieties release ordinary drink middle price range with big amount dyes and flavors. Small beer companies that specialize in the production and sale of quality and rare species beer, belong to a price segment that is not accessible to everyone.

Homemade beer will have a number of advantages:

  • low cost;
  • having only natural ingredients in the composition, without preservatives and dyes;
  • the ability to cook the desired variety according to the correct recipe.

Brewing beer at home is correct solution. If the factories produce only 3 main varieties (light, dark and wheat), then you can independently prepare a drink according to any of the recipes. Different types ale, filtered and unfiltered lager, beer with additives - they all differ in taste and preparation technology. The most important advantage of home brewing is that all drinks will be created from natural healthy ingredients.

How to start a beer business

There is not enough equipment for home brewing to be able to freely trade their products. By law, cook alcoholic drinks For home use possible without restrictions. However, a number of conditions are necessary to brew beer for commercial purposes:

  • company registration;
  • availability of suitable premises;
  • license to trade in low-alcohol drinks;
  • permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, fire inspection and energy supervision.

There are two main types of home breweries:

  • microbreweries - produce 50-500 liters of beer per day;
  • microbreweries - produce from 500 to 15,000 liters of drink per day.

Do-it-yourself devices are not suitable for doing business. For commercial purposes, you need to purchase equipment. The main condition is that all equipment must have documentation that will be available during the test. To save money, you can pick up used equipment, but you need to buy it with documents.

DIY home brewery

Can be found different instructions how to build a home brewery with your own hands. To do this, you need simple parts and a large container for making a drink. You can brew a drink from whole malt or concentrate. The second option is simpler - this substance is sold in stores along with brewery equipment and is a natural product after evaporation.

How to make your own home brew:

  • take large saucepan or other metal container for 10, 20, 50 liters or more;
  • drill two holes for a tap and a thermometer with a drill;
  • install a tap and a thermometer using adapters;
  • mount the filtration system according to the drawing;
  • install a chiller - a device for cooling the tank.

Equipment for the production of beer at home is sold in specialized stores. Here you can also buy ingredients and accessories for brewing. Such devices are guaranteed and function correctly. However, a homemade microbrewery will also last a long time and will brew a quality drink if assembled according to the instructions.

Factory equipment for the production of beer

Mini breweries can be prefabricated or solid, designed for different volumes of the drink, varying in shape and design. During cooking home beer can be used as a concentrate or natural products V different proportions. The equipment will ensure uniform heating and mixing of raw materials, as well as its high-quality washing. Taste ready drink will depend on the concentration of the ingredients, the type and quality of the yeast, and the temperature regime and duration of brewing beer.

Microbreweries for home have several modes. To start the process, you need to set the desired values:

  • the temperature at which the raw material will be processed;
  • brewing time.

Automatic home brewers are simple pieces of equipment that anyone can handle. Thanks to automation, such a device independently ensures uniform processing of components. Microbreweries can provide the owner with up to 10 liters of fresh quality drink per day - this amount is enough for home use.

How to choose a homebrew

Specialty stores offer a wide range of home microbreweries. These are products of various manufacturers aimed at making beer for home use or commercial purposes. There are several criteria that you should pay attention to when buying a beer brewing device:

  • pricing policy - the cost of equipment should be paid off by business income or not greatly affect the family budget;
  • the size of the brewery - in order to understand which model to choose, it is worth deciding in advance where it will be located in the house;
  • design, availability of additional functions.

All varieties of breweries are divided into 2 types. The first of them provides that the initial fermentation of beer takes place in a container, and then the drink must be infused in the refrigerator. If there is no free space for it or the dimensions of the refrigerator do not allow storing beer in it, it is worth stopping at the second option. Here, after the first stage of fermentation, the drink can be immediately poured and stored in bottles.

The best brewery is the one that best meets the needs of the buyer. It makes no sense to purchase expensive large-scale equipment in order to brew several liters of beer per month. Insufficiently experienced brewers should also take simpler equipment with a small amount functions and concentrated raw materials.

Top Models

Microbreweries, breweries and other equipment are sold in specialized stores. They are also available for home use. To choose the most suitable model in terms of price, quality and functions, you should contact a consultant.

Models that provide beer brewing from natural ingredients instead of concentrate belong to a higher price category. From available options 2 varieties can also be distinguished. The first of them can work only with dry concentrated raw materials, the second - including with liquid wort. Such models are popular because they brew the drink without the formation of lumps, as with dry concentrate.

When choosing a model, it is worth remembering several factors:

  • pricing does not depend on the quality of the car, but on its configuration and brand awareness;
  • all parts can be purchased separately;
  • design is a matter of personal preference.

Among the most popular manufacturers of home breweries are BeerMachine, Mr. Beer and others. Regardless of the model and its cost, it is worth buying equipment in stores where it is possible to obtain a guarantee of its quality. Buying used devices without documents is always a risk of malfunction.

Making beer is a separate art that can be mastered, including at home. The drink is brewed from natural ingredients, without the use of dyes, preservatives and other chemicals to speed up the process and extend the shelf life of the finished product. The most tangible advantage is the quality of home-brewed beer. In addition, there is an opportunity to experiment, add new ingredients or try rare recipes. Unlike purchased bottled beer, such a product will be really fresh, tasty and natural.

Beer has been one of the most popular drinks in our country for many years. Now there are many varieties of beer, up to non-alcoholic. This ancient, intoxicating drink is in increasing demand every year. Therefore, opening your own small brewery can be profitable business and family craft. Usually, breweries are divided by the volume of beer produced per day. The smallest brewery produces 100-300 liters of beer per day, and relatively large workshops produce up to 1000-1500 liters. More than 1500 liters per day, this is already the sphere of medium business, which we will not touch on now. And among mini-breweries, breweries with a capacity of about 1000 liters of beer per day are especially popular.

Beer production

In order for beer to be in the greatest demand, it must be made “on tap”. Such a product is considered to be of higher quality than bottled beer. And as a container for such beer, only kegs (barrels) with a volume of 30-40 liters each. Equipment for the production of beer varies greatly in price, depending on manufacturability, degree of quality and manufacturer. For example: equipment for the production of 800-1000 liters of beer per day costs about 20,000,000 rubles if you buy from a German manufacturer, and if you use the services of Russian companies, then an analogue of the same equipment can be purchased for 8,000,000 rubles. Usually, such a significant difference in price is determined not so much by the quality of the equipment as by the "hype" of the manufacturer's brand.

If you want to get smaller volumes of beer, then the equipment can be bought for a much more modest fee. For example, for the production 200-300 liters of beer, the equipment will cost 2-3 million rubles. Beer production is a very responsible process, because people's health depends on the quality of products. Therefore, when starting a business Special attention contact the technologist you will be hiring.

In addition, you yourself must know the beer production process perfectly in order to control the work of your enterprise. In the production of beer, the SES is the most important regulatory body, so all sanitary standards at your plant must be at a high level. The beer production process consists of several stages:

  1. Wort production.
  2. Yeast fermentation.
  3. Fermentation.
  4. Bottling of the finished product.

Raw materials and project economics

In order to produce beer, you will need: brewer's yeast, hops, malt and water. Since water usually leaves much to be desired, you should immediately take care of installing equipment for cleaning and “softening” water. Buy raw material available from domestic or foreign suppliers, large breweries or equipment manufacturers. By the way, at many large breweries, you can also buy beer bottling equipment.

Its cost usually starts from 500 000 rubles. The cost of opening a mini-brewery will be about 5,000,000 rubles. The first investments will begin at the stage of paperwork. As documents you will need: *

  • Company charter.
  • Constituent documents.
  • Certification of constituent documents by a notary.
  • SES permission.
  • Fire Department Permit.
  • Documents from the Housing Office.

It should be noted that beer is an excisable product, which is subject to a fee per liter. The amount of this fee may vary depending on the region. Also, to open a mini brewery, you need to obtain a sanitary certificate, which is issued by the local SES authority. In addition to documents, you will need production area near 80 square meters, equipment and personnel. As a staff, you can use: a technologist, adjusters, line operators, a cleaner and loaders.

All this will require substantial costs, but the profit, even from a small enterprise, is 500,000 rubles per month, taking into account all taxes and additional costs, the payback period will be 2 years. And the profitability of this business is equal to 50%. If you manage to open your own mini brewery, then then you may well open your own beer bar. And on our portal, you can read more
