
Blackcurrant jam recipe. Thick blackcurrant jam with gelatin

Good afternoon friends.

The height of summer, currants are beginning to ripen. Although it is vitamin, you can’t eat a lot of it at a time. And so that goodness does not disappear, I want to offer you several recipes for delicious jam from these berries - it will be both tasty and very healthy.

Have you ever thought about the difference between jam and jam? Jam consists of syrup and pieces of fruit or berries floating in it separately, and jam (confiture) - jelly dessert in which the fruits are boiled or crushed and make up a homogeneous mass. Sometimes they are made with the addition of gelling components (pectin, agar-agar).

We will prepare jam from black and red currants. These berries already contain great amount pectin. Therefore, without additional components we get a thick, beautiful, jelly-like product.

It is very important to ensure that unripe, rotten berries do not get into our preparation, because they contain enzymes that destroy pectin. As a result, this can add to the moldiness of our conservation. Therefore, we will thoroughly wash the currant berries and sort them out so that our jam can be stored for a long time.

It is better to cook confiture in wide pots or basins, where it will be convenient to mix the berries with sugar. It is cooked at a time, while it is actively mixed with a spoon. The mass should boil evenly, the foam that will appear in the process must be removed.

You need to cook jam for no more than 20-30 minutes, otherwise its quality will deteriorate. The finished product is usually poured into a small container.

And now let's get started.

This jam recipe is called “Five Minute”, because it needs to be cooked no more, no less, namely five minutes.

We will use a blender to grind the berries. Do not be discouraged if you do not have it, you can use a meat grinder, you can crush the currants with a crush or mortar, you will get the same result.

The products you need are very simple: only currants and sugar. Despite the speed of preparation and simplicity - the jam turns out to be very tasty!

  • Black currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

1. Currant berries are cleaned of twigs, washed, thrown into a colander so that water is drained from them.

2. Pour the berries into large saucepan, grind with a blender.

3. Add granulated sugar to the mass, mix. Let stand 15 minutes for the sugar to dissolve.

4. Put the pan on slow fire and stir with a spoon. After the jam boils, cook it for exactly five minutes, removing the foam.

5. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars, close the lid. We wrap the jars with a warm blanket, leave them alone until they cool completely.

Blackcurrant jam without cooking for the winter

Though berry dessert made according to this recipe and does not have a jelly-like structure, but it is perfectly spread on toast and cookies. Our berries will be ground with sugar and all of them useful vitamins and trace elements will remain for the whole winter. But in the process of preparation, you need to take into account important points:

  • So that the jam does not get moldy, all the dishes that we will use must be sterilized (pour boiling water over), this will save our product from the penetration of bacteria.
  • To grind berries, we use only stainless steel: a blender or a pusher (for mashed potatoes). We do not take a meat grinder.

For cooking we need:

  • Black currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

1. We thoroughly wash the berries, use scissors to remove the stalks and flowers. We remove immature or rotten berries. The process is not easy, not fast, but you can entrust it to one of the children, or combine all this preparatory work watching your favorite movie.

2. Pour the currants into a bowl, pour boiling water and let stand for 2 minutes. This procedure is needed in order to activate the pectin in the berries and at the same time kill any harmful bacteria. Place in a colander to drain the water.

3. We shift the berries into a saucepan, cover with sugar.

4. Then we perform the following procedure: beat the berries with a blender for one minute, mix for one minute so that the sugar is completely dissolved. And so we do until we kill all the berries and dissolve all the sugar.

5. To remove the bones and skins from the jam, pass it through a sieve. Remove the foam from the resulting mass. Pour everything into sterilized jars, roll up.

6. Let the jam cool, transfer to a place for storing preservation.

At first it may seem that the jam is too liquid, but after standing for 10 days it will begin to thicken, pectin will begin to work in it. When you open the jar in winter, the dessert will be thicker.

Also, if it is possible to store it in the refrigerator, you can not roll it up with lids, just close it with capron or a twist and put it in a far corner to wait for winter.

A simple recipe for currant jam - cooking video

I want to offer you a video that describes in detail a simple recipe for making delicious blackcurrant jam.

Jam turns out to be dense, like jelly, when you pick it up with a spoon, it does not spread, but is kept in a slide. Spreading it on toast or bread is a great pleasure!

For cooking we need:

  • Black currant - 2 kg.
  • Sugar - 2.5 kg.
  • water - 1 liter

How to cook pitted jam for the winter

We will get a dish with an ideal jelly-like consistency, transparent and tasty. It can be given to small children without fear for their tummies. in it only healthy ingredients, we will remove the bones from it. In this recipe, we will need not only a blender with which we grind the berries, but also a sieve. This is very important subject, which allows you to get rid of the seeds and skins of currants.

For cooking we need:

1. We sort out the berries, wash them well. Grind with a blender.

2. We pass currants through a sieve, this will help us get rid of skins and seeds. From the cake, you can then cook compote.

You can use another way: roll the gauze 5-6 times, put the berries into it and squeeze it hard.

3. Pour the resulting homogeneous currant mass into an enameled bowl or pan. Bring to a boil over low heat, pour sugar into it, stir and wait for its complete dissolution. We make sure that the jam does not burn and boil for another 5-7 minutes.

The total cooking time should not exceed 20 minutes, otherwise the pectin will collapse and the jam will not harden.

4. Pour into sterilized jars, close the lid.

5. Set to cool to room temperature.

Preparing jam from black and red currants

If you combine black and red currants in equal proportions, then the color of the jam will turn out to be the same as from black, because it contains brighter natural dyes. But there is more pectin in red currants, so perfect jam It is obtained from a mixture of these two types of berries.

The currant itself is an acidic berry, so if you plan to change the proportions of sugar in the recipe, do it very carefully so that your jam does not turn out like a "lemon".

For cooking we need:

  • Black currant - 500 gr.
  • Red currant - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.

1. My currants, clean from spoiled berries. Branches may not be removed. Pour everything with sugar and mix until the juice is released (or leave the berries to stand for half an hour). When all the sugar has become wet, put the saucepan on the stove, turn on the fire.

2. We are waiting for the jam to boil. After boiling, cook over medium heat for three minutes, stirring vigorously. Foam will rise so that it settles, you can reduce the fire. Pour the resulting mixture into a sieve and wipe thoroughly. You can rub it with a spoon or a pusher so that the cake that remains is almost dry.

3. currant juice pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil and turn off gas stove. We remove the foam.

4. Pour the jam into sterilized glass jars, cover with a lid, twist.

The finished product looks like a very well-frozen jelly, if you turn the jar of jam over, it will not flow out of it.

That's all! Try to make jam according to these recipes, you will love it. Before closing in jars, do not forget to leave a little of this delicacy for yourself for testing. Be healthy!

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious blackcurrant jam

2018-07-21 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams ready meal

0 gr.

0 gr.


57 gr.

228 kcal.

Option 1. Classic Blackcurrant Jam Recipe

A proven way to make blackcurrant jam. The berry is the leader in the content of vitamins. Jam is different from jam homogeneous consistency and density.


  • 1200 gr of ordinary granulated sugar;
  • filtered water - ½ cup;
  • 1000 gr ripe blackcurrant.

Blackcurrant jam recipe step by step

We cut off the berries from the branches, sort through, cutting off the tails. We place them in a sieve and mine, gently mixing, under running water. Pour the currants into a deep basin, fill with water and put on the stove. Boil for five minutes until the berries are soft.

Drain the broth and knead the currant with a wooden spoon until it releases juice. IN enamel pan pour half a glass of filtered water and put the berry mass into it.

We put currant mixture on a small fire and boil, stirring with a wooden spatula, for about ten minutes. We pour in small portions beet sugar without stopping stirring. Bring the mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat intensity and cook the jam for another half an hour.

With my solution of soda jars and sterilize by setting over steam or placing in the oven. Boil the lids for five minutes. We lay out the hot jam in prepared sterilized jars and seal hermetically with lids. We leave for a day under a warm blanket.

If you want to get a thick jam of a uniform structure, grind the currant mixture through a fine sieve. Be sure to cut off all the ponytails from the berries. Harvest berries for jam immediately after the rain, it is at this time that it is as juicy as possible.

Option 2. A quick recipe for blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker

Blackcurrant jam recipe in a slow cooker is simple. The assistant will relieve you of the need to constantly stir. In it, the delicacy will not burn, and the device will notify you when it is ready.


  • on the tip of a knife citric acid;
  • freshly picked blackcurrant - kilogram;
  • ½ stack spring water;
  • 1300 gr beet sugar;
  • pectin - 20 gr.

How to quickly make blackcurrant jam

Strip freshly picked currants from the branches. Remove debris, leaves and spoiled berries, carefully going through it. Cut off the ponytails and wash gently.

Place the berries in a saucepan, add a third of the total amount of sugar and smash everything with an immersion blender. Then grind the mass through a sieve. Pour the liquid currant mixture into the multicooker pan. Add pectin. Stir. Place the pan in the appliance and turn on the “stewing” program. Set the time to five minutes.

Open the lid, add the remaining sugar, mix. Cook, without changing the program, for another 20 minutes. Pack a hot delicacy in sterilized glass containers, seal tightly. Turn over and leave for a day, wrapped in a blanket.

If your appliance has jam and multi-cook programs, make jam using them. First, the berries are simmered in the “multi-cook” mode, and then brought to readiness by turning on the “jam” program.

Option 3. Blackcurrant jam recipe with orange

Orange and cardamom will make the jam even more interesting. The delicacy is fragrant and very useful. thick jam can be submitted to morning coffee with toast, or use as a filling for pancakes.


  • kilogram of blackcurrant;
  • five boxes of cardamom;
  • 550 gr granulated sugar;
  • ½ lemon;
  • orange.

How to cook

Tear off the berries from the branches, remove the tails, put the spoiled fruits aside. Place selected currants in a colander, and rinse with warm water, gently stirring. Leave for a while for the berries to dry.

Put prepared currants in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar, mix gently and leave for six hours. After the allotted time, put the container on the stove and bring to a boil. Remove from fire and cool.

Grind the currant mass through a sieve. Pour in granulated sugar, add cardamom. Wash the orange, pour boiling water over it and wipe it. Remove the zest from the citrus. Finely chop it and add to currant puree. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon into the currant mixture. Stir and cook for half an hour from the moment of boiling. Pour the hot treat into sterilized glass containers and roll up.

If desired, you can remove the cardamom at the end of cooking. Orange juice can also be squeezed into jam. Currant sour berry so don't skimp on the sugar. Jam can be prepared by adding other fruits and berries to it.

Option 4. Blackcurrant jam recipe with gelatin

If you make jam with gelatin, you get a thick, jelly-like treat. Thanks to minimal heat treatment, the berries retain most useful substances.


  • 25 gelatin;
  • beet sugar - one and a half kilograms;
  • two kilograms of ripe black currants.

Step by step recipe

After removing the berries from the branches, sort them out, removing leaves and spoiled fruits. Rinse currants well under running water warm water. Dry the washed berries on a towel.

Twist the currant through a meat grinder. Combine gelatin with granulated sugar and stir. Add the resulting mixture to currant puree. Stir and refrigerate for two hours.

Put the container with currant puree on the stove and cook for ten minutes, stirring regularly. Then remove from the burner and leave for two hours. Return to the stove again and boil for another quarter of an hour. Pack hot jam in sterilized dry jars. Roll up with boiled lids and cool under a blanket.

If you grind currants through a sieve, do not throw away the pulp. From it you can cook delicious and useful compote. Gelatin can be replaced with agar-agar, pectin.

Option 5. Blackcurrant jam without cooking with raspberries

For the winter, you can prepare blackcurrant jam, while retaining all the benefits, as well as the aroma and taste of berries. Currant delicacy with raspberries, which is prepared without cooking, is excellent tool prevention from colds.


  • drinking water - a glass;
  • fresh raspberries - half a kilogram;
  • beet sugar - 1 kg 800 g;
  • blackcurrant - kilogram.

How to cook

Remove the currant from the branches. Sort the berries, breaking off the tails and removing debris and rotten fruits. Pour currants with warm water and leave for a few minutes.

Throw the berries on a sieve and leave all the moisture to glass. Grind the currant through a sieve. Place currant puree in an enamel pan.

Sort the raspberries and rinse carefully. Transfer to a bowl and mash thoroughly until pureed.

Pour purified water into the saucepan, pour in granulated sugar and send to the fire. Simmer over low heat until the crystals dissolve. Remove the syrup from the stove, cool. Combine currant puree with raspberry and pour in the syrup. Stir. Wash glass containers with a solution of soda, rinse and sterilize in any way you are used to. Boil the lids. Pack the delicacy in containers, seal tightly and send it to the cellar for storage.

Since jam is prepared without boiling, use only ripe berries. In no case do not allow rotten fruits to get in, otherwise the jam will quickly deteriorate. For flavor, you can add vanilla, ginger or cinnamon to the jam.

The difference between jam and jam is the absence whole berries, as well as the complete connection of the syrup with them. Confiture, on the other hand, belongs to the varieties of this delicacy, but has a more jelly-like consistency. In the jam, not the fruits themselves are boiled at all, but the puree from them. These even small differences lead to the fact that the cooking technology is different for each delicacy. Currants are more acidic, so it will take a lot of sugar to cook. If you wish to store ready dessert before winter, then be sure to sterilize it by boiling cans with it in a pot of water for about 20 minutes.

Currant contains fruit acids, which interact with copper and aluminum, due to which finished product may even be hazardous to health. For this reason, take dishes from of stainless steel or at least enamelled. The only disadvantage of the latter is the burning of the product. To make blackcurrant jam, you need a freshly harvested crop, which must be cleaned of branches, leaves and bad fruits. Unlike strawberries and raspberries, in these recipes you can wash the berries under running water, because you don’t need whole specimens for jam.

How to make currant jam according to the classic recipe

Among the many recipes for making currant jam, there is a classic one that is old and proven. The ingredients for it will require the following:

  • currant - 1 kg;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg.

To prepare classic jam from currant, you need to follow the instructions below:

  1. Pour the berries into a deep saucepan, fill them with water and hold on fire for 5 minutes until softened. The fruits give juice, so the mass is liquid.
  2. Mash the washed currants with a wooden spoon or pestle so that it releases the juice.
  3. Pour 0.5 cups of water into an enameled or aluminum container, send the berries there.
  4. Cook the mass over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spatula so as not to burn.
  5. In 10 minutes. Start adding sugar little by little. Continue stirring with a spatula.
  6. When all the sugar is poured out, bring the mixture to a boil.
  7. Reduce the heat to a minimum, keep the treat on the stove for another half hour. Check readiness by dropping a couple of drops on a saucer. At the same time, they should not spread. Or try to rub a little jam between your fingers - the finished product will not leave a mark and will not stick.
  8. Sterilize jars over steam bath or use the oven for this. Boil the lids in water for about 10 minutes. Dry everything.
  9. Distribute the blackcurrant jam among the containers, roll up the lids.
  10. Cover upside down jars with a blanket or blanket.

How to make seedless jam

To make pitted blackcurrant jam, you have to tinker a little longer. But you will get a perfectly transparent delicacy of a pleasant color and taste. The ingredients are all the same:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.7 kg.

The proportions of the sweet ingredient can be varied depending on the sweetness of the berries and your personal preferences. To make blackcurrant jam, follow these steps:

  1. Harvest again - remove debris, petals and ponytails, rinse thoroughly.
  2. Use a meat grinder or blender, where you process the fruits to a puree state.
  3. Take a strainer, rub the resulting liquid mass through it. This is necessary to remove the bones.
  4. Connect berry puree with sugar, cook over low heat for about 7 minutes. Leave to stand overnight.
  5. In the morning, cook for 10 minutes, and then 15 minutes, but in the evening.
  6. Arrange in sterilized jars, cork with lids.

How to make jam in a slow cooker

Today, a multicooker has become a good assistant to any housewife. It can be used for more than just main dishes or pastries. It is easy to make preparations in it, for example, blackcurrant jam for the winter. It will need to take about 1 kg. Other ingredients are:

  • lemon acid- at the tip of a knife;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • pectin - 20 grams;
  • water - 0.1 l.

To get started, prepare the harvested crop by cleaning its branches, petals, and other debris. Only after that proceed with the steps of the recipe:

  1. Put the berries on the bottom separate pan, enter a third of the indicated volume of sugar, grind everything with a blender. If you want to get rid of the seeds, additionally grind the puree through a sieve.
  2. Send the liquid mass to the bottom of the multicooker bowl, add pectin, cook for 5 minutes, setting the "Soup" or "Stew" mode.
  3. Pour the remaining amount of sugar, stir. Continue cooking for about 20 more minutes.
  4. Roll the finished treat into sterilized jars.

Some multicookers have the "Multipovar" and "Jam" modes. They are also used to make jam. You must first darken the berry mass for 20 minutes using the "Multipovar", then grind through a sieve and cook for 20 minutes. already in jam mode. The presence of such functions should be specified in the instructions for the device. In any case, you can always cook blackcurrant jam in a slow cooker using the "Soup" or "Stew" mode.

Gooseberry and blackcurrant jam

The blackcurrant recipes do not end there. In addition to this berry, others are also used. An interesting addition to it will be gooseberries. Then the list of ingredients includes the following items:

  • currant - 1 kg;
  • gooseberries - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Sort the collected fruits from debris, tear off the stalks and rinse. Then start cooking:

  1. miss berry ingredients through a meat grinder or process with a blender.
  2. Add sugar to the resulting mass, put on fire.
  3. After the first boil, cook for about 10 minutes.
  4. Cool, boil the mixture again, but keep on fire for 15 minutes.
  5. Spread out ready-made treat for jars that have undergone sterilization, cork with lids.

Video: how to cook currant jam

Jam based blackcurrant considered a delicacy in its own right. It is often used as a snack with tea, added to ice cream, desserts, smeared on bread. The sweet treat takes pride of place in the kitchen cabinets of many families, delighting people of all generations. To date experienced housewives brought out many recipes that can be translated into reality in a matter of hours.

Blackcurrant jam: a classic of the genre

  • granulated sugar - 1.1 kg.
  • blackcurrant (ripe) - 950 gr.
  • drinking water - 145 ml.
  1. Cooking jam begins with the preparation of berries. They must be sorted out, then thrown into a colander and rinsed. Without fail, exclude spoiled specimens, throw away twigs and leaves.
  2. Leave the fruits on the sieve so that the liquid is glass. Now spread a towel on the kitchen table, put currants on the fabric. Leave it for half an hour to dry.
  3. Put the fruits in a bowl, mash with a kitchen pestle until you get porridge. You can also use a blender, it will grind the berries better.
  4. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, put the composition in an enamel bowl for cooking. Pour in drinking water, send the container to the stove. Wait until the mixture starts bubbling.
  5. After the formation of the first bubbles, simmer the berry for another quarter of an hour. Do not leave the kitchen, the composition must be constantly stirred. Now introduce granulated sugar in portions, wait for the crystals to dissolve.
  6. When you pour out all the sugar, put medium fire and cook the mass for half an hour. 10 minutes after the start of languor, reduce the burner to a minimum. Turn off the heat, let the jam cool without a lid.
  7. At this time, wash the dishes for packaging, half-liter containers are suitable. Sterilize containers and lids, dry. Arrange the finished jam in jars, roll up, cool. Keep cold.

Currant jam with ginger

  • ginger (root) - 15 gr.
  • currant - 900 gr.
  • chopped cinnamon - 8 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 900 gr.
  1. Prepare currants. It must be rinsed, dried, rubbed into a puree. Put the gruel in a heat-resistant bowl, add sugar, send to the stove.
  2. Set the minimum power on the burner, cover with a lid. Boil until the sand granules dissolve. When the crystals melt, increase the fire.
  3. Boil the delicacy for a quarter of an hour. During this time, peel the ginger from the top coating, grate or grind in a coffee grinder. Add to the berries, add cinnamon.
  4. Knead the treat, let it boil for another 8-10 minutes. At the end of the specified period, turn off the fire. Cover with a lid, cool, pack in containers.

  • filtered water - 175 ml.
  • granulated sugar - 850 gr.
  • currant - 1.15 kg.
  1. Rinse the fruits under the tap, dry on a sieve and a cotton towel. Remove the currants from the brushes, discard the rotten berries and leaves.
  2. When you select healthy ripe currants and wash them, send the fruits to the multicooker bowl. Pour in water, set the program "Cooking" or "Baking".
  3. At a temperature of 95-105 degrees, jam is cooked for a third of an hour. After passing the specified period, move the berries to a fine-grained sieve. Drain the currants into a separate bowl.
  4. You should get a soft homogeneous gruel. Pour granulated sugar, again send the composition to the multicooker cup. Set the "Cooking" mode, cook the composition for a quarter of an hour.
  5. When the device beeps about the end of the program, immediately lay out hot mix in sterile jars. Roll up well or cover with nylon covers.

Seedless currant jam

  • granulated sugar - 775 gr.
  • black currant (necessarily moderately ripe) - 950 gr.
  1. To begin with, it is important to prepare the berries for further action. Wash the fruits under the pressure of cool water, sort out the berries.
  2. For cooking jam, a composition with rot is not suitable. Throw away sticks, leaves, branches. Pour currants warm water, leave for 10 minutes, drain the liquid.
  3. Put the composition on gauze or a towel, leave to dry. When the berry dries, scroll it in a meat grinder or blender. You need to get a mushy mass.
  4. Now take a strainer of a small section, start mashing the puree so that the bones remain on the grid. If there is a need for re-grinding, do not neglect it.
  5. When you get a mass without peel and bones, put currant puree in a saucepan with enamel. Pour the sweetener, send to the fire. Cook the composition at medium power for 8 minutes.
  6. After the specified period, turn off the burner, leave the jam for 7-10 hours to infuse (all night). After passing through the allotted stage, boil the currant mass for another quarter of an hour.
  7. After that, cover the delicacy with a lid, let it stand for the rest of the day (at least 6 hours). During this period, have time to sterilize the dishes and lids for twisting.
  8. Pack the treat in prepared containers, cook steam bath. Take a wide saucepan, line its bottom with a cloth. Put the jars inside, fill with cool water up to the shoulders.
  9. Bring the liquid to a boil, then pasteurize the product for 12-15 minutes. Carefully remove the container with an oven mitt, immediately roll it up and turn it upside down.

  • granulated sugar - 1.65 kg.
  • blackcurrant - 2.2 kg.
  • food gelatin - 35 gr.
  • drinking water - in fact
  1. Take care of sorting the berries, rinse the currants, remove branches, leaves, rotten elements. Send healthy suitable fruits to a bowl and fill with warm water, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour out the liquid, dry the raw materials on towels. Pass the composition through a sieve, meat grinder or blender. When you get a uniform mass, rub it through cheesecloth. Such a move will remove the bones.
  3. Mix gelatin with granulated sugar, mix and fill with water according to the instructions. Combine currant porridge with the previous composition, send it to the cold for 2.5-3 hours.
  4. When the set time has passed, put the mass on the burner. Boil for 15 minutes, then leave to infuse for 1.5 hours. Repeat steps twice.
  5. After boiling and insisting, pour jelly jam prepared clean banks, tighten the lids and turn the container over. Leave it in this position for half a day.

Blackcurrant jam with oranges

  • granulated sugar - 1.35 kg.
  • blackcurrant (ripe, but not overripe) - 1.1 kg.
  • orange - 2 pcs. (about 330-350 gr.)
  1. Put the berry mass in a strainer, rinse under the tap. Throw away twigs and leaves, exclude rumpled elements. Leave the currant to dry for 25-40 minutes. Lay it out on a towel if needed.
  2. Now use a food processor, blender or meat grinder. You can also rub the berry through a sieve with a fine section of holes. Pour granulated sugar into the berries, grind with a fork.
  3. Send the mass to the fire for cooking. Set a low power, simmer the composition under the lid. At this time, remove the peel from the citruses, do not touch the white base.
  4. Squeeze the juice from the pulp, pour it into the currants, and pass the zest through fine grater or blender.
  5. Combine all ingredients in a saucepan. Boil the jam for a third of an hour with breaks every 10 minutes (the interval is 1 hour).
  6. While the mixture is cooking, clean the container. It must be scalded with boiling water and dried. The same manipulations are carried out with lids. Pour the jam and seal.

  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg.
  • pitted cherries - 900 gr.
  • black ripe currant- 900-950 gr.
  1. Rinse the berries and dry them in a colander. Lay out on kitchen towels, wait for the liquid to evaporate. Eliminate bad fruits, branches and leaves.
  2. Pour sugar into the composition, rub with a fork, transfer to a heat-resistant bowl. Cook covered for 20 minutes, then let stand for 3 hours. Repeat manipulations.
  3. Rub the jam through a sieve, add more sugar if necessary and boil. Pack in containers, tighten with a special key, put in the basement.

Often currant jam complement with gooseberries, ginger, orange and other ingredients. You can cook assorted two shades of berries without fear of spoiling the taste. Vary the amount of sugar according to the individual desires of the family.

Video: blackcurrant jam

​Related Articles​ Jam from gooseberries alone contains a lot of seeds, so half of the number of berries required by the recipe is boiled with a little water and rubbed through a sieve. The resulting puree is evaporated for 5-10 minutes, then the rest of the berries and sugar are added according to the recipe. It is very good to add raspberries, berries or blackcurrant puree to gooseberries, which enhance the aroma. BLACKCURRANT JAM. Ripe berries are washed, the sepals are removed. Large, irregularly shaped berries are cut into two or four parts, covered with half the amount of sugar required by the recipe, and left until next day. Then the rest of the sugar is poured in and the jam is boiled over low heat.

You will need

    • Cook jam for 15 minutes after boiling. Remove the emerging foam.
  1. Defrost, load into a blender and puree. Add sugar per cup of puree 1.5 cups of sugar. Put in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for half an hour, stirring and removing the foam.


  • . Blackcurrant jam (method 4) 1 kg blackcurrant, 500 g sugar.​First method Wash and sterilize the jars in which you will store the product. Sort through the blackcurrant. Remove the stems. Wash the berries in cold water and pour into a cooking bowl. Utensils for making jam should be with low walls and a wide bottom.
  • ​Continue to boil the jam for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally.​
  • currants
  • jam
  • Recipe:
  • Ripe berries are most suitable for making jam. They are washed, the stalks are removed and boiled in a small amount of water (100-150 g of water per 1 kg of berries) until softened, then sugar is added according to the recipe and boiled until cooked.
  • From stale strawberries, jam does not gel well. In this case, you can make a combined jam from strawberries, gooseberries and black currants, and you can add whole berries or puree from them. This jam gels well, as the currant contains a lot of pectin substances, it is enriched with vitamin C, has a good color and taste. The ratio of the number of berries and sugar remains the same as for strawberry jam. Of the total number of berries, half should be strawberries, and the other half - gooseberries and currants.
  • The jam is ready, pour it into the pasteurized jars you like and roll up the lids.
  • Tell me the recipe.
  • 1 kg of blackcurrant berries, 1.5 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water.
  • KakProsto.ru

Pour the berries into a cooking bowl, knead slightly, cover with sugar and set aside for several hours. After that, put on low heat and cook until cooked in one go or 2-3 times interrupting cooking for a few minutes.

You will need

    • Lightly mash the currants so that the berries are better saturated with sugar. Sprinkle with sugar and leave for a few hours.​
  1. Get your jars ready. To do this, rinse them thoroughly, pour over with boiling water, dry and, if necessary, calcine in hot oven. If you are not going to store the jam for a long time, then you can simply put it in clean jars.
  2. . It is not recommended to use overripe or spoiled berries for making jam; it is better to give preference to strong and slightly unripe berries.


  • is a very appetizing jelly-like mass made from berries or fruits. This excellent tea supplement can be bought in the store, but in fact there is nothing tastier than jam cooked at home. So, how to make jam from black
  • Currant jam is rough due to a large number seeds. To make it more tender, you can rub half the number of berries through a sieve, add the rest of the berries to the puree, boil for 2-3 minutes until the berries soften, add sugar according to the recipe and boil until cooked.
  • Recipe:
  • For jam, unlike jam, berries are taken in crushed form, after making jam, a homogeneous mass is obtained in the form of jelly. But unlike jelly, there are berries.
  • This year the recipe was like this (every year I practice something new):
  • Pour the berries into a cooking bowl, crush lightly, add water and 800 g of sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat, cook for 15 minutes and set aside for 8-10 hours in a cold place. Then add the rest of the sugar and cook until tender.
  • KakProsto.ru

Is it possible to make jam from frozen blackcurrant berries? If so, can you tell me how?)) Thank you in advance)))


Blackcurrant jam (method 2)
When the berries give juice, put the dishes on low heat and cook until cooked in one step, while interrupting the cooking for a few minutes 2-3 times.
Spread the jam in jars and, without covering with lids, leave for a day so that it can cool. Then cover and put away in the dark cool place.​

Then thoroughly rinse the berries, clean from dirt and debris. It is better to wash the berries through a sieve.
Boil the currant puree over high heat, add the washed strawberries, boil the mass well with continuous stirring, then add sugar and cook until tender.

Crushed berries and sugar in a ratio of 1 to 1.5 heat until smooth so that the sugar melts. Pour hot into jars and seal tightly with screw caps.​

I washed the sorted currant berries (from leaves, knots, dry berries and various kaki), poured them into a bowl, added water and boiled the berries until they burst. Some berries remained intact and floated up, I also crushed them, boiled for 5 minutes, then passed the whole mass through cheesecloth (there were bones and peels), then added sugar to the rest and cooked the jam until tender. regular jam not to roll up.
Just like from fresh, sprinkle with sugar and let it defrost, and then cook
1 kg of blackcurrant berries, 500 g of sugar, 1/2 cup of water.


Jam immediately after the end of cooking, put it hot in sterile jars, pasteurize and cork.

British Queen

You will get a bright, thick, juicy and insanely delicious jam.

Ethanol C2H5OH

Place the berries in a saucepan and mash them well with a wooden spoon so that they give juice.


Ingredients: 1 liter of black or red currant puree, 1 kg of wild strawberries, 1.2 kg of granulated sugar. Other recipes:

Valery Yanovich


How to cook currant jam?

Raspberries, if they are wormy or damaged by pests, are lowered for 1-2 minutes in salt water(20 g of salt per 1 liter of water), which is then drained. After sorting and removing the stalks, the berries are covered with half the amount of sugar following the recipe and left for 5-6 hours. The separated juice is drained, the rest of the sugar is added to it, boiled for 5 minutes. Prepared raspberries are poured with this syrup and boiled until tender.


Jam or blackcurrant jelly is prepared like this. For three glasses of water, seven glasses of sugar, it boils, add 11 glasses of peeled currants, cook for thirty minutes, turn it off and gradually add another seven glasses of sugar, it will dissolve, and that's it.

Currants happen: red, black and white, at least I only saw this on sale.


You can. As Mantis wrote.

Pour the berries into the prepared boiling syrup and cook until tender. Interrupt cooking 2-3 times for a few minutes, removing the foam.

​Second method Prepare jars and blackcurrants as described in step #1. Prepare syrup at the rate of 1 kg of sugar per 0.5 liter of water. Put the berries in the syrup and cook until thickened. Pectin does not need to be added to blackcurrant jam, since the berries contain enough pectin. To give a special taste and aroma, add 0.5 tsp. tartaric or citric acid.

Jam is a jelly-like mass. Unlike jam, the fruits in jam are soft, boiled, and the syrup does not separate from the berries. Besides the fact that this product is extremely tasty, it is also rich in vitamin C.​

Pour blackcurrants with 1 kilogram of granulated sugar, mix thoroughly, put on medium heat and cook for 25-30 minutes. To prevent the jam from burning, you need to stir it constantly.

granulated sugar - 2 kilograms;


JAM is whole or crushed fruits and berries boiled with sugar to a jelly-like state. Jam is considered well cooked,...Read more...​

Sorted apples are washed, core is cut, cut into slices, boiled in 10% sugar syrup for 10-15 minutes. Then add the rest of the sugar according to the recipe and boil the jam until tender.


​To raspberry jam was more tender, seeds (grains) can be removed from the berries. To do this, half the amount of berries provided for in the recipe is rubbed raw or scalded through a fine sieve. The mashed berries are boiled for 5 minutes, then the rest of the berries and sugar are added to them according to the recipe and boiled until cooked.


Jam can be made from red currants. It must first be washed, sorted out from leaves and twigs, let it boil, boil a little, rub through a colander. Add sugar to the resulting juice and pulp, and close in jars, boiling.


Jam - Russian cuisine recipes

Blackcurrant jam recipe: It is possible, as well as from fresh berries. Blackcurrant jam (method 3)

The third way Pour the currants into the cooking bowl, crush them slightly. Add water and 800 g sugar. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Boil for 15 minutes. Set aside in a cool place for 8-10 hours. Then add the rest of the sugar and cook until tender.​

1 kg of blackcurrant berries; Remove the berries from the heat and put in a cool place for about 10 hours. Blackcurrant - 1 kilogram.

From fruits and berries that ripen at the same time, you can cook a beautiful and delicious compote assorted, i.e. preserve fruits and ... More ...​


Raspberries contain little pectin, so they don't gel well. The best jam it turns out if you add apples or blackcurrant puree (mashed blackcurrant) to raspberries. Apples are peeled, cut into small cubes and boiled together with raspberries. Recipe:​700 gr. blackcurrant (wash it and throw away all the leaves, etc.) into a basin or saucepan (which is suitable for heating), pour 300 ml. water and bring to a boil for 15 minutes. Mix the berries a little.

Jam is made from two ingredients - berries and sugar. And the third component is added to the jam - various jelly-forming substances. For example, pectin. The result is a thick jelly-like mass.

1 kg of blackcurrant, 200 g of sugar. Fourth method Steam the currants in a saucepan under the lid and rub it through a sieve. cook sugar syrup from 0.5 l of water and 500 g of sugar. Pour blackcurrant puree into it and cook for 15-20 minutes. Then add the remaining sugar and cook until tender. 1 kg of sugar;

Put the cooled mass back on medium heat, stir and add another 1 kilogram of sugar. First, select the berries that will be used to make jam. At this stage, it is necessary to pay attention to the degree of maturity. ​Recipe: BLACKCURRANT JAM. In recent years, interest in blackcurrant jam has declined significantly. Well cooked...


We continue to cook the berries, but reduce the fire, pour gradually 900 gr. sugar and stir constantly. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon.

» Making Jam

And I don’t cook jam from frozen currants - when I need to get a little bit and grind it in a blender with sugar - and so eat or drink, jelly. And vitamins, in my opinion, are better preserved than in boiled form.

» Assorted compote

Pour the berries into a cooking bowl, mash, cover with sugar and boil under the lid for 20-25 minutes. Pack hot. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 20 minutes, liter - 30 minutes.​
