
Plum compote 1.5 liters. plum compote

Plum compote for the winter is a simple homemade recipe that will be a worthy replacement for purchased drinks of dubious quality. With a little time during the season of fresh fruit ripening, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor throughout the year.

How to cook plum compote for the winter?

Cooking plum compote for the winter, simple and tasty, will not be difficult even for those who are not experienced cooks.

  1. For canning, ripe, fragrant fruits are selected, but with dense pulp, without defects in the form of dents, damage, various spots or rotten areas.
  2. You can prepare a drink with and without bones. In the first case, remember to use compote during the first year of storage.
  3. When preserving compote without sterilization, pre-sterilized jars and lids boiled for at least five minutes should be used.
  4. When harvesting compotes, the double pouring method is used, where initially the fruits are poured with boiling water for 10-15 minutes, after which syrup is boiled from it, in which the previously heated plums are corked.
  5. With a single pour, a syrup is immediately prepared, which is poured over the fruits. The workpiece in this case is sterilized, and then rolled up for the winter.

Plum compote for the winter without sterilization

Plum compote for the winter with seeds and without sterilization is one of the most troublesome versions of the drink. It can be made in various concentrations by adding more or less fruits and adding the amount of sugar, focusing on your taste. Subject to sterility in any version, the drink is excellently stored.


  • plums - 700 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g.


  1. Washed plums are placed in steamed jars, which are poured with boiling water to the full volume of the vessel.
  2. After 15 minutes, the liquid is drained, supplemented with sugar, boiled.
  3. Warm, still warm fruits are filled with syrup, cover the container with a sterile lid.
  4. They complete the preservation of plum compote for the winter by corking jars, which are turned over on lids and put under a fur coat until they cool.

Pitted plum compote for the winter

Compote from yellow plums for the winter or from the fruits of blue varieties is more practical to harvest without stones. With this method, you can not worry about turning the drink into a harmful drink after a year and store the workpiece for as long as you need. For flavor, you can season the syrup with vanilla or cinnamon.


  • plums - 750 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • vanilla, cinnamon.


  1. Washed plums are cut around the perimeter, rid of the pits.
  2. Lay the halves in sterilized jars, pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  3. The water is drained, sugar is sweetened, adding vanillin or cinnamon if desired.
  4. After the syrup boils, pour the plum halves into it.
  5. Roll up jars with lids, turn over and insulate until cool.

Apple-plum compote for the winter

Plum compote for the winter is a simple recipe that is easy to diversify by supplementing the base fruit with other ingredients. As always, apples will be in place, which are peeled from the core with seeds and cut into slices. When using fruits of sweet varieties, citric acid is added to the composition of the drink.


  • plums - 450 g;
  • apples - 4-5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon.


  1. Whole or pitted plums are placed in sterile jars along with apple slices.
  2. Pour boiling water, filling the container to the top.
  3. After 15 minutes, the liquid is drained, boiled with sugar for 2 minutes.
  4. Pour citric acid into the jar, pour syrup.
  5. Roll up apple compote with plums for the winter with sterile lids, turn over and wrap for a day.

Pear and plum compote for the winter

Plum compote for the winter is a recipe that will be especially in demand when harvesting with pears. Fruits are suitable for any variety and size, you can even take a wild game, which will give an extra light astringency to the finished drink. It is important that the pear pulp is dense, and the fruits are ripe and fragrant.


  • plums - 450 g;
  • pears - 400 g;
  • water - 2.5-2.7 l;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.


  1. Plums and pears are poured into steamed containers.
  2. Top up with boiling water, cover the vessel with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. The infusion is drained, supplemented with sugar, allowed to boil, stirring.
  4. Pour fruit with syrup.
  5. Roll up with a boiled lid, turn upside down until cool.

Plum and orange compote for the winter

The year-round availability of citrus fruits allows you to use them at any time of the year not only for independent consumption, but also for adding to all kinds of preparations. Thanks to the fragrant notes of orange, compote from white, red or blue plums will become more fragrant, filled with a new flavor palette and freshness.


  • plums - 500 g;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • citric acid - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Washed plums and an orange are blanched for a couple of minutes in boiling water, transferred to a sterile jar. Orange is pre-cut into slices.
  2. Pour sugar, citric acid to the fruit, pour boiling water to the top.
  3. Cork the compote from or from the fruits of a dark variety with a boiled lid, turn it upside down and wrap it warmly.

Plum compote with cinnamon for the winter

Plum compote for the winter with cinnamon is a simple recipe by which you can diversify the classic taste of the workpiece, make it slightly spicy, thereby enriching the aroma of the workpiece. Instead of a ground additive, it is allowed to use cinnamon sticks, putting 2-3 pieces in each three-liter bottle.


  • plums - 600 g;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 250 g;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. The preparation of plum compote for the winter begins with the preparation of fruits, which are washed and, if desired, pitted.
  2. Put the fruit mass in a sterilized jar, pour boiling water for 10 minutes.
  3. The water is drained from the jar, boiled with the addition of sugar and cinnamon.
  4. Boiling syrup is poured into jars with plums.
  5. Seal the lids, turn the containers over to cool.

Compote of peaches and plums for the winter

Delicious plum compote for the winter can be prepared by combining stoned fruit with peach slices. If you want to further enhance the fragrance of the drink, fruit platter can be supplemented with a sprig of mint, cinnamon, and other spicy additives. The proportions of the components are not constant and can be changed at your discretion.


  • plums - 300 g;
  • peaches - 300 g;
  • granulated sugar - 270 g;
  • water - 2.5 liters.


  1. Fruit platter of halves of plums and pitted peaches is poured with boiling water for 15 minutes.
  2. Drain the water from the jars, boil with the addition of sugar and lemon.
  3. The contents of the jars are poured with syrup, rolled up hermetically with a lid, turned upside down, allowed to cool in this form.

Concentrated plum compote for the winter

Preparing concentrated plum compote will save container and space in the pantry. Before drinking, the resulting drink will need to be diluted with boiled cooled water to the desired degree of sweetness and saturation. If the plums used are sweet in themselves, the amount of sugar can be slightly reduced.


  • plums;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 1 l.


  1. Washed plums are filled to the top with a jar, poured with boiling water.
  2. After 15 minutes, the liquid is drained and its volume is measured.
  3. They cook syrup for compote for the winter from plums, adding 300 g of sugar for each liter of water.
  4. Fruit is poured with boiling syrup, the container is hermetically sealed, insulated until completely cooled.

Plum compote without sugar for the winter

Harvested without sugar can be sweetened with honey before serving, thereby increasing the nutritional characteristics of the drink or consumed as is, without fear of harming the figure, given its low calorie content. In this case, it is better to pit the fruits, so the taste of the compote will be softer.


  • plums - how much is available.


  1. Halves of washed and pitted plums fill jars by a third or half.
  2. Pour boiling water into the jars, cover the containers with boiled lids.
  3. Place the vessels in a bowl of boiling water and sterilize three-liter containers for 30 minutes, liter containers for 15 minutes.

Zucchini and plum compote for the winter

Harvested with a plum for the winter is not only a delicious drink, but also a preparation that tastes like pineapples, instead of which zucchini pulp cut into circles, cubes or sticks appears here. It would be more appropriate to use in this case white plum varieties, ideally sour cherry plum.


  • plums - 300 g;
  • zucchini - 800 g;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 2 l.


  1. Plums and chopped zucchini without peel and middle are poured twice with boiling water and left to cool until warm.
  2. Before the third boil, add sugar and citric acid to the water, boil for a minute.
  3. Pour syrup into jars with contents, seal hermetically, wrap until cool.

Plum compote with mint for the winter

You can make homemade plum compote for the winter with sprigs of mint, which will make the drink refreshing and even more fragrant. If there is no fresh herbs, it is allowed to replace it with dried ones, which will practically not affect the taste of the workpiece. Plums with pits are preferably used here as the base component.

Most fruits and berries are suitable for making compotes, but some of them need to be added with acid, essence, a lot of sugar, and some are delicious without any additives. Plums are among the latter - they are sweet, slightly sour, and fragrant. Blue plums, when used with the skin on, give the compote an intense ruby ​​color as well. Compote from yellow plums, unfortunately, turns out to be almost colorless, but no less tasty. It will perfectly refresh on a hot day or harmoniously complement any menu.


  • water - 2 l;
  • plums - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g.

How to cook plum compote

1. First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Plums must be washed carefully and well, as they will participate in the cooking process along with the peel.

2. We select a saucepan of the required volume, place the washed berries there and fill it with sugar. If you use whole plums, then the compote will turn out transparent and without pulp. You can also clean them from the bones, but then the finished drink will be more cloudy and with pieces of plums.

3. Pour water into the pan in the specified volume and place it on the fire. After boiling, you need to reduce the temperature and cook for another 6-7 minutes.

4. Ready compote can be left to cool in a saucepan, or poured into another container.

5. Optionally, you can extract plums from the drink, because not everyone likes compote with floating fruits. But it is better to leave the berries, because this way the drink will acquire a richer taste.

Plum compote for the winter accompanied by step-by-step photos. The recipe for making compote from plums for the winter is very easy and simple, but most importantly, rolled compotes will be stored for quite a long time.


  • Plums - 600 gr.
  • Granulated sugar - 300 gr.
  • Filtered water - 2 liters.


1. As usual, any cooking workflow begins with the preparation of the main ingredients. In this recipe, we will talk about making compote from plums for the winter, and naturally we prepare plums and granulated sugar.

For plum compote, we select the same size and without cracks. After each of them, thoroughly rinse under warm running water and dry with a towel. We measure three hundred grams of granulated sugar with a measuring glass.

2. The most important step in spinning the compote is the sterilization of the dishes we need. Therefore, we wash the liter jars (which I will use later) with detergent and rinse thoroughly under running warm water from the foam.

We also wash self-twisting caps from the factory oil.

In a deep, capacious dish, boil water, then lay out the lids there and boil further. Holding a towel over boiling water, sterilize the jars.

They can also be sterilized in an oven, but this whole process is up to you.

3. Pour two liters of filtered water into a clean pan and put it on the burner, turned on, at full power. Then cover the pot with a lid and bring to a boil.

Add three hundred grams of granulated sugar to boiling water, mix the syrup and bring to a boil again.

4. In sterilized jars, carefully lay out pre-washed plums one at a time. After that, pour the finished syrup into each jar, then cover with lids on the reverse side and leave to languish for 15 minutes.

5. After fifteen minutes, drain the infused syrup from under the plums back into the pan. For the convenience of draining, you can use a nylon lid in the form of a colander, see the photo.

6. Bring the syrup to a boil and pour it back into the jars, then roll it up with self-tightening lids (in order not to burn your hands on burning jars with a dry towel, hold the jars themselves when you spin the compote).

Rolled compotes for the winter according to this recipe will be stored for a year without any problems. They can not be put away somewhere in the cellar for storage, but simply left in a remote box at room temperature.

To prepare compote from plums for the winter, select fleshy fruits with a small, well-separated bone. You can preserve all types and varieties of plums: mirabelle, Hungarian, cherry plum, tkemali, etc. Small and unripe plums can be preserved whole, while large ones are best cut in half and remove the seeds. If you still decide to leave the bones, remember that it is not recommended to store such compotes for more than a year. It is better to blanch fruits with dense skin, because when pouring boiling water or boiling it can burst, and as a result you will get not a beautiful compote, but a shapeless mass. Plums are blanched in hot water for no longer than 10 minutes, after which they are immediately dipped in cold water (ice can be added to the water). With proper processing, the skin on plums is covered with a fine mesh of cracks, through which the syrup easily penetrates into the fruit. Sometimes you can do with a simple piercing of plums. You need to prick plums with a thick stainless steel needle or a wooden toothpick, piercing all the way to the pit.

Plum compote is tasty on its own, but when combined with berries or other fruits, plums make delicious assorted compotes. You will find several assorted recipes in this article.

Wash jars for compote thoroughly with hot water and laundry soap or baking soda, rinse with clean hot water and place to sterilize over steam or in a hot oven. When removing jars from the oven, be careful, use handy potholders so as not to burn yourself. Place the sterilized jars upside down on a clean towel. Plums contain quite a lot of acid, so it is better to close compotes with varnished lids. The lids must be boiled before rolling, and some housewives additionally wipe the lids with alcohol or vodka. You can do this: just before rolling, pour in ½ tsp. vodka or alcohol in the lid, spread over the entire inner surface and immediately roll up.

plum compote for the winter. Wash jars for compote with laundry soap and soda and sterilize. Wash the plums, cut in half and remove the pit. Fill the jars ⅓ full with plums, pour boiling water into them, without adding about 4 cm to the neck, and leave for 20-30 minutes. Then drain the water into a saucepan and add sugar at the rate of 100 g of sugar per 1 liter jar (or 300 g of sugar per 3 liter jar), and bring the syrup to a boil. Pour the boiled syrup into jars, topping up to the edge of the neck (if not enough, add boiling water), and roll up. Turn over, wrap.

plum compote

3 kg plums,
1.5 liters of water
750 g sugar.

Cut ripe plums in half and remove pits. Place the plums in clean jars and pour over the boiling syrup. Cover with lids and sterilize for 5 minutes (0.5 liter jars). Roll up, turn over and leave to cool completely.

Plum natural. Plums can be cut and pitted or left with pits, if desired. If the fruits are quite dense and the stones are not removed, blanch the plums for 2 minutes in boiling water. Pack plums tightly into jars and sterilize (1 liter jars - 30 minutes). Roll up.

Plum natural №2. Blanch slightly unripe plums in boiling water for 2-3 seconds, then plunge into ice water for 1-2 minutes. Put the plums in clean, dry jars, fill with boiling water, cover with lids and sterilize: 0.5-liter - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes, 3-liter - 25 minutes. Roll up, turn over. Natural plum can also be prepared from pitted fruit halves, only the blanching process should be skipped.

Plum compote with sterilization

Filling Ingredients:
1 liter of water
300-500 g of sugar.

Sort the plums, wash, cut in half and remove the stone. Place the plums tightly in the jar, cut side down, and pour over the hot syrup. Set to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 12-15 minutes, 1-liter - 18-20 minutes, 3-liter - 25-30 minutes. Roll up.

Plums - "drowned"

500 g plums,
500 g sugar
2 liters of water
1 tsp plum tincture,
½ lemon
1 stick of cinnamon.

Cut the washed plums in half and remove the pits. Put in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, add the juice of half a lemon and plum, put cinnamon and put on fire. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and reduce heat to low. Steam plums for 5 minutes, remove from heat and cool without opening the lid. Pour into sterilized jars and roll up.
Plum compote without sugar. Prick small plums with a wooden toothpick, cut large plums in half and remove the pits. Place the prepared plums in jars, fill with boiling water (you can use the juice of berries or fruits) and sterilize: 0.5-liter - 5 minutes, 1-liter - 8 minutes. Roll up.

Plum compote without water

3 kg black plums,
500 g sugar.

Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Arrange the plums on a baking sheet in a single layer, sprinkle with sugar and place in the hot oven for 10 minutes. Then turn off the oven and leave the plums for 1 hour, do not open the door! The plums will release juice. Transfer to sterilized jars, fill with juice and set to sterilize for 20 minutes.

Plum compote "daily"

350 g plums,
300-500 g sugar (or to taste).

Pour prepared plums with pits into a clean jar and pour boiling water over it. Cover and leave overnight. By morning, the plums should absorb the liquid and settle to the bottom. Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil. Pour plums with boiling syrup and roll up. Turn over, wrap.

Plums in own juice. Divide the plums into unequal parts (⅔ and ⅓). Pile up most of it and put it in jars. Peel the smaller part of the stones and chop in a blender or in a meat grinder. Squeeze out the juice, let it stand for 2-3 hours, filter and put it on fire. Bring to a boil and pour over the plums in jars. Cover with lids and sterilize: 0.5-liter - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes, 3-liter - 40 minutes. Roll up, turn over.

Pitted plum compote

Filling Ingredients:
1 liter of water
300-500 g of sugar.

Blanch ripe firm plums in boiling water until the skin bursts. Then dip the plums into ice water and remove the skin. Put the plums in jars, fill with hot syrup and pasteurize at a temperature of 85ºС: 0.5-liter - 15 minutes, 1-liter - 25 minutes (or sterilize, respectively, 10-12 and 15-18 minutes).

Plum compote with spices

Ingredients for 10 liter jars:
20 cloves,
3 cinnamon sticks
vanillin - to taste,
sugar at the rate of 400 g per 1 liter of water.

Remove pits from unripe plums. Boil 40% syrup from water, sugar and spices and dip prepared plums into it. Boil plums until half cooked. Arrange in clean jars, filter the syrup and pour over the plums. Put to sterilize: 0.5-liter - 10 minutes, 1-liter - 15 minutes. Roll up.

Compote of plums stuffed with nuts

1.5 kg plums,
1-2 pcs. peaches (nectarines or apricots),
800 g sugar
nuts - by the number of plums (cashews, almonds, walnuts, etc.).

Wash plums. On each plum, make a longitudinal cut and remove the stone, being careful not to break the plum. Wash the nuts, soak in boiling water for a few minutes and peel (if any). Put half a nut in each plum. Arrange the plums in layers in the prepared jars and place thin circles of peaches on each layer of plums. Pour boiling water over the plums and leave for 5 minutes. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar, boil and pour the plums in jars again. Immediately roll up, turn over, wrap. It is impossible to store such a compote for more than a year.

Assorted compote with plums

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:
500 g plums,
2-3 apples
1-2 peaches
1 stack Sahara,
2.5 liters of water.

Wash the apples and plums, soak the peaches for 5 minutes in a solution of baking soda (½ tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water) and then rinse well with running water. Cut the plums and peaches in half and remove the stones, cut the apples into quarters and remove the core (or use a special tool). Place the prepared fruit in sterilized jars and sprinkle with sugar. Pour boiling water up to half of the jar, cover with a lid and soak for 10-15 minutes, covered with a towel. In the meantime, boil more water and pour the fruit in jars to the top. Roll up, turn over and wrap immediately.

Pear and plum compote

2 kg pears,
1 kg plums,
For syrup:
1 liter of water
330 g sugar.

Pears cut in half and dip in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. Cut the plums in half and remove the pits. Place plums and pears in prepared jars and pour boiling syrup over. Cover with lids and sterilize: 1-liter - 8 minutes, 2-3-liter - 15 minutes.

Plum and chokeberry compote

1 kg plums,
200 g of chokeberry.
For filling:
1 liter of water
300-500 g of sugar.

Separate chokeberry berries from twigs, wash well and soak in cold water for 2-3 days, changing it once a day. Place plums and chokeberries in shoulder-length jars and pour hot syrup over. Cover with lids and sterilize: 0.5-liter - 12 minutes, 1-liter - 15-18 minutes. Roll up.

Good luck preparing!

Larisa Shuftaykina

What a fragrant and tasty compote is obtained from plums! Be sure to prepare yourself a few jars of this miracle drink. perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes, gives a great mood with its taste and beautiful ruby ​​color, and also saturates with vitamins. Plum compote can be prepared with or without pits. There are no strict rules for compotes, for example, if you have a few apples or a bunch of grapes, please add to plums and you will have an excellent compote with several fruity undertones. The container can be selected depending on preferences. In three liter jars it is convenient to close compote for a large family or on a festive table, and smaller jars are convenient for its quick use. Ours is very affordable and simple, so cook with pleasure. Plum compote for the winter recipe for 1 liter jar with a photo step by step indicated below, so let's start cooking it.

Ingredients for making plum compote for the winter

Cooking step by step with a photo of compote from plums for the winter

Plum compote is a wonderful vitamin drink that is delicious with any pastry. Bon appetit!
