
Necessary things for outdoor recreation. Pork barbecue recipe

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What to take with you on a picnic to enjoy the fresh air as much as possible, without wasting extra time on cooking and without suffering from some important little thing hastily left at home? After all, spring is already in full swing and summer is approaching - it's time for vacations, graduations, vacations, country troubles, outings into nature, and rest should be comfortable and joyful. Read a detailed list of useful and necessary things on tochka.net.


Whatever composition you are going to - be it a close family circle or a large company - your comfort will largely depend on the preliminary organization of this wonderful event called rest.

And therefore, first of all, decide on a person who will take on the organization of recreation and distribute to each of the participants what they need to take with them to the picnic.

What to take on a picnic: food and drinks

What food to take on a picnic © Depositphotos

Of course, what's an outdoor picnic without food and drink! Surely each of the friends, especially if women are traveling, will want to surprise the company with a delicious homemade dish or an exquisite drink. And here there is a small rule about the amount of food: "take on yourself and your neighbor."

What food to take for a picnic? The king of any picnic is this! And most often the rest of the dishes are planned in combination with barbecue. But be careful with perishable food - it is better not to take this in order to avoid poisoning.


What to pack for a picnic tips © Depositphotos

It’s good to grab a picnic basket for nature - the products will certainly not choke in it and keep a beautiful look. A refrigerator bag is also important, and if there is none, then you can put frozen foods (for example, a bottle of water) in a regular bag at the bottom, and the rest of the food on top.


What food and what products to take on a picnic © Depositphotos

In addition to a well-thought-out menu, there are also products that will come in handy even on a richly laid table. So, what to take on a picnic from a meal list:

  • drinking water and more water! She is never redundant;
  • salt, spices, sauces, vinegar (by the way, it is useful not only in the kitchen, but also in the fight against blisters with insect bites);
  • greens, vegetables and fruits, as well as small raw potatoes that can be baked;
  • bread, butter, cheese, smoked meats - for "warming up" and snacks while the barbecue is being prepared;
  • juices for children and drinks for adults;
  • if there is alcohol, then, as a rule, pickles and brine go with a bang.
  • dessert, but do not get too carried away with sweets.

What to take with you on a picnic: equipment

What to bring for a summer picnic © Depositphotos

You already know what kind of holiday format you have - wild or close to civilization, in a gazebo with barbecue next door. Depending on this, it is easy to decide on the equipment necessary for the chosen holiday:

  • tent, canopy or awning;
  • picnic table and folding chairs;
  • bedding, rug, mat;
  • grill and barbecue, and to them skewers, matches, lighter, hatchet, paper and, possibly, even firewood.

What you can take with you on a picnic: dishes and things

What to bring to a summer picnic © Depositphotos

A place for a picnic has been chosen, an awning has been set up, a fire has been lit, it's time to think about the rest itself, as well as about cooking. For this you will definitely need:

  • oilcloth tablecloth, cellophane to cover food, an umbrella from the sun or rain;
  • a pair of knives, a can opener, a corkscrew, a cutting board, a grater;
  • picnic utensils: plates, glasses, spoons, forks (by the way, a large assortment of picnic sets are sold in stores in convenient and practical packaging or a picnic bag);
  • a couple of bowls for salads and plates for cutting;
  • trash bags.

In addition, in the list of personal items, do not forget to include a hat or cap, sunglasses, a windbreaker jacket (no matter how hot it is at the time of departure), a swimsuit, a towel, rubber slippers.

What you need to take with you on a picnic: medicines and hygiene products

What to take on a picnic © Depositphotos

A first aid kit for first aid (and not only) should include:

  • dry paper and wet sanitary napkins, regular or liquid soap, toilet paper;
  • means of protection from the sun and weathering, as well as from insects in accordance with the age of vacationers - for adults and children;
  • remedies for cuts, bruises, burns: bandage, plaster, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, as well as a special wound healing balm;
  • remedies for indigestion, activated charcoal;
  • painkillers;
  • heart drugs;
  • antiallergic agents;
  • in addition, do not forget your personal medicines and care and hygiene products.


What you can take on a picnic: leisure and entertainment

What to bring to a picnic list © Depositphotos

When everything you need for bodily comforts is collected, think about spiritual food. Do you plan to lie down calmly, talking with friends or actively rest in pursuit of a ball or a shuttlecock? Depending on your preferences, your list will be supplemented:

  • sports equipment - ball, badminton, rubber ring, chess, backgammon;
  • food for thought - books, magazines, crossword puzzles, pencil;
  • music - player, guitar, songbook;
  • Kids toys;
  • camera.

Enjoy your time in nature and good mood!

The summer months are the perfect time for nature trips. You can also relax outside the city with an overnight stay, one or more. However, no matter how much time you intend to spend on your vacation, take fees seriously. During a country picnic, you will need a lot of things, which we will now talk about.

First, about the products

What to take when traveling to nature in the first place? Of course, products. This is not only about meat for barbecues, with which we traditionally associate a picnic in nature. If you plan to stay outside the city all day, besides - with a large company, you will need a lot of products. But at the same time, make sure that they are not perishable. These are:

  • tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • hard cheeses;
  • bread;
  • smoked products (balyk, salami sausage, etc.) in vacuum packaging;
  • cookie;
  • variety of preserves.

Out of town it is better to take already pre-cut products - in this case, you will cook snacks from them much faster. If you plan to make barbecue, do not forget to bring sauces, mustard, ketchup or mayonnaise to it.

Kitchen tools

Along with the products, you will also need appliances, as well as other kitchen utensils. The best option would be to buy sets of disposable tableware. The simplest of them includes a plate, fork and knife. Some tourists like to take dishes from home on trips, but this is not very practical. Unlike household plates, disposable tableware is cheap, weighs little and does not break, so you don’t have to worry about its safety.

Also don't forget to take:

  • plastic cups;
  • cutting board;
  • wet wipes;
  • paper towels;
  • wide oilcloth;
  • corkscrew and knife;
  • Trash bags.

Every experienced tourist knows that you need to take a metal bowler hat with you on a tourist trip. In it, you can cook real camping porridge with stew or cook fish soup from freshly caught fish.

A separate list must be compiled for barbecue. To cook it according to all the rules, you will need:

  • folding brazier;
  • a set of skewers;
  • hatchet for chopping wood;
  • grill grate.

Some townspeople prefer to fry shish kebab on ready-made charcoal, which are sold in supermarkets. You can also purchase fire starter fluid if you don't want to start a fire the traditional way, with newspapers and matches.

Nuances regarding drinks and documents

Remember: before a trip to nature, first of all think about drinking water, and only then about alcoholic beverages. Practice shows that most often tourists do not have enough ordinary water. Take it at the rate of at least 3 liters per person. Do not forget that you will use water not only for drinking, but also for washing hands, cutlery and food.

If you are traveling with children, take a few packs of natural juice or quality lemonade for them.

An important nuance regarding alcoholic beverages. If possible, try to choose those that are bottled in plastic rather than glass containers. Plastic weighs less, it is more durable and safer.

But it is better not to take any documents with you. There is a chance that during a picnic they will be lost or damaged. The only exception is if you are traveling out of town by car. In this case, the driver, of course, needs to have a complete set of documents with him.

Documents for other vacationers may be required only in one case - if they went to nature during their stay abroad. The instruction before traveling abroad prescribes that they must have their passports with them.

How to entertain children?

In many schools, the good old tradition of going camping in the summer has been preserved. They are tiring for adults, but very popular with children. If you're thinking about what to bring on a class trip, the first thing to do is decide what sports you'll be playing. A simple seat in a tent or by the fire quickly gets bored by children, so it’s better to get them involved in sports activities right away. And for this, take with you:

  • soccer or volleyball. If you plan to play volleyball, don't forget the net. It can be stretched between two high poles stuck in the ground;
  • kite;
  • rackets and shuttlecocks for badminton;
  • a few jump ropes.

If you are traveling out of town with junior classes, you can take simpler entertainment, for example:

  • coloring with pencils or felt-tip pens;
  • bubble;
  • children's books.

We are going with a class to nature: what to take from medicines?

During active games, children can get scratches or abrasions, so first of all you will need a bandage, plasters, brilliant green and iodine. In addition, the first-aid kit must certainly contain:

  • drugs for indigestion;
  • several packs of activated charcoal;
  • children's antipyretic;
  • aspirin;
  • scratch disinfectant, such as hydrogen peroxide;
  • repellent - a protective agent against blood-sucking insects;
  • cream or balm that relieves itching after their bite.

Repellent is especially useful where there is a body of water nearby. Do not forget it even if you decide what to take with you on a trip to the sea. In summer, in many coastal countries, mosquitoes greatly annoy vacationers.

Useful little things

How to get ready for a tourist trip to nature, so as not to depend on the vagaries of the weather? Be sure to bring a few raincoats or compact folding umbrellas with you - they will come in handy in case of bad weather. Also, all vacationers must have hats - baseball caps, hats or panamas. If you plan to spend the night in a tent, in addition to sleeping bags, grab a few blankets.

If you are going for 1 day, then be sure.

Other useful little things that will surely come in handy during the holidays:

  • penknife;
  • toothpicks;
  • several flashlights with a set of spare batteries;
  • comb;
  • folding stools;
  • small plastic bucket.

In order to keep the memory of a wonderful summer picnic for a long time, many take a camera or camera with them. Take care of a clean flash drive in advance, take a spare battery. If you are driving a car, equip it with a “cigarette lighter” in advance so that gadgets can be recharged directly from the battery.

We wish you a pleasant stay!

Traditionally, our picnics begin with May Day holidays - the weather is getting better, long weekends are coming and the soul asks for outdoor recreation with family and friends, or, as people say, go “to barbecue”, and by “kebabs” far from always means meat . And what to take on a picnic besides meat, what food to prepare for outdoor recreation?

We compose the menu

Before you figure out what food you need to prepare, consider what you want to eat. Traditionally, these are the following products:

  • meat or fish for barbecue;
  • sausages, sausages, ham;
  • bread, buns;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs;
  • canned fish or fresh fish for fish soup;
  • potatoes, eggs;
  • ketchup or barbecue sauce;
  • beverages;
  • sweets.


Most often it is pre-marinated pork or chicken. You can buy it ready-made or pickle it yourself. Barbecue can be made from fish - salmon, sturgeon trout. Yes, it's expensive, but it's worth it. If you take more budget options, then mackerel and pink salmon are suitable. Of course, fish carcasses need to be filleted. You can fry chicken or beef liver on coals - be sure to try it! Kebabs are more convenient to carry in plastic buckets.

Sausages and sausages

They often replace meat, because they can also be fried on coals. In terms of satiety, they will completely replace traditional kebabs, but it will come out cheaper and less fuss. It is convenient to take cold cuts to nature - ham, boiled pork, lard, loin.


Any one you like. More convenient is the one that is better to break rather than cut. You can make sandwiches and take them with you - with butter and cheese, or with butter and low-fat sausage, with red fish, or whatever you like. In nature, an appetite is usually played out and everything is eaten.

Vegetables, herbs, fruits

In summer cottages, as a rule, greenery grows, but if you are going to a forest lake, then you need to take it with you. Tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, sweet peppers, green onions, dill, parsley - all this is wonderful for a snack. And apples, pears, grapes are an excellent dessert for both adults and children. It is advisable to wash them in advance and pack them in bags.


Perhaps there is nothing tastier than an ear cooked in a pot on a fire. It is saturated with smoke and turns out to be rich, fragrant and incomparably tasty. If you do not plan to fish, but you want fish soup, then buy some oily fish and take it with you. Even ordinary canned fish will do. If you plan to cook fish soup, then do not forget to bring raw potatoes, carrots and onions for dressing.


Small potatoes baked in coals are a classic of the genre, it is very tasty. Children especially love her. Let them indulge in healthy treats, despite the fact that they all get dirty. It is advisable to wash it at home in order to bake clean, without sand and earth.


Juice, fruit drink, lemonade are ideal drinks for a picnic. It is better to take tea and coffee with you in a thermos. If we talk about alcohol, then it's up to you. More often they take wine or beer. Vodka will go well under the ear. But noble cognac is better left for a home party or dinner in a restaurant.

Items for nature service

We have decided on the products, but the fees have not yet ended. What to sit on, from what and what to eat and other nuances must be thought out in advance. You will need:

  • tablecloth;
  • napkins;
  • plastic or paper utensils - plates, cups, forks, spoons, knives;
  • corkscrew;
  • seating mats, small folding chairs or sun loungers;
  • matches, charcoal;
  • grill, skewers, barbecue grill.

Food is conveniently packaged in plastic containers, and containers in wicker baskets or picnic boxes. Often they are already equipped with all kinds of pockets, straps and departments, in which it is convenient to hide everything you need.

Other Important Items

Cultured people never leave trash behind. Anything that cannot be burned, take it with you and throw it in the nearest trash can. Even if he is in the city. Therefore, take garbage bags with you or use old bags for this purpose.

Always need some means of protection against insects - midges, mosquitoes, ticks. If a mosquito bites quite harmlessly, then a tick or midge can cause allergies and very unpleasant consequences - pain, itching, swelling. Therefore, take care of sprays, gels and ointments in advance that will protect you from unpleasant insects.

If a picnic is planned in a hot summer, then hats and sun cream should also be taken with you.

Items for entertainment

1. Sports leisure. Eating kebabs in nature is a sacred thing, but you need to do something and keep the children busy. What do you like to do? Sing songs or play volleyball? More often than not, it's both.

We collect sports equipment:

  • ball - volleyball, football, children's balls;
  • badminton;
  • Flying saucer;
  • chess, cards, backgammon, checkers.
  • swimming equipment, if such is planned - rubber circles and sleeves.

2. Musical accompaniment. If we talk about entertainment, we can mention the guitar. Many companies are very fond of bard songs with a guitar around the fire - an echo of the 60s, 70s and 80s of the 20th century, when such events were very popular with students. Now the guitar, although it has slowed down, still remains a favorite on many trips.

3. Photo for memory. And where without it? What will you post on social networks and what will you insert into your family photo album? Therefore, a camera, a video camera are the constant companions of any picnic.

4. Children's fun. Children are a separate category. If you take them with you on a picnic, then think about what they will do with you. Therefore, collect a backpack for them - buckets, shovels, sand kits, plastic cars, baby dolls, an inflatable pool. It will be great if dad, older brother or uncle launches a kite with them - a little outdated toy, but no less interesting and funny. Yes, and all sorts of airplanes, helicopters, remote-controlled hang gliders are very appropriate in the fresh air - there is a lot of space and there is no fear that they will catch on the chandelier. Just move away from the trees and indulge. It will be fun.

multi-day trip

It's one thing to have a picnic on the weekend, and it's quite another when you go for a few days with a big company by car or boat. It requires special training and more serious fees. In addition to food, you will need a tent, bedroom bags, special clothing, fishing tackle, a supply of canned food, salt, matches, a flashlight, and everything recommended above. But that is another story.

It is desirable for every family to find time at least a couple of times a year to go on a picnic with children. Even without spending the night and long trips, just a weekend holiday. Children will grow up and will remember this time as the happiest, when they played football in the meadow with their dad and mom, ate kebabs and baked potatoes and indulged in the river.

Hello dear readers. The May weekend is approaching, the daughter's birthday, and after it the summer, with its warm sunny days, lush greenery of nature, inviting beaches and, of course, delicious fragrant kebabs. And this means that the season of trips to nature is declared open. Of course, for a good rest, the most important thing is sincere company and good weather. But not well-thought-out everyday issues often lead to an uncomfortable pastime. It happens that we take absolutely the wrong products and items with us on picnics, but we forget what we need on the contrary.

I even have a list of things on my fridge that I need to take on a fishing trip, for me this is also a vacation. So this article will be a quick guide, or just a reminder.

What to take and what not to take

Of course, you should proceed from the format of your vacation, but here are the main items that are necessary for organizing comfort and safety.

1. A bedspread, a blanket, a beach mat that you don’t mind laying on the ground. Perfect for organizing a table or a seat, not everyone likes to relax in specially organized places. You can also take oilcloth, newspapers instead of a tablecloth.

2. Drinking water. Calculated based on length of stay.

3. Hygiene products. If you plan to spend a day or several hours, then you can limit yourself to wet wipes and antiseptic gel, but if you are leaving with tents, it is recommended to take soap and a toothbrush, as well as a small bottle of gel or shampoo. And don't forget paper napkins and toilet paper.

4. Protective equipment against mosquitoes and ticks. If mosquitoes are harmless, then a tick bite can be fatal. Sun protection products ranging from caps to creams.

5. Warm clothes. Bathing clothes and a towel if you plan to relax near the pond.

6. Plastic dishes and trash bags. Very convenient, just collect all the garbage with you and take it to the nearest bin. No need to wash after. Today, shops present a wide range of products from plates to glasses.

7. The minimum first aid kit. There should include such means as activated charcoal or its analogues, a bandage and a plaster, an allergy remedy, a disinfectant for wounds, and an ointment for burns. If you are going to a wild party with friends, it is recommended to stock up on painkillers and medicines to help the stomach.

8. Matches or a lighter. This is necessary in case you still decide to organize a fire.

9. Knife and disposable utensils. If you are planning a barbecue.

10. Scotch. It's just that very often this material can come in handy in nature when equipping a place to relax. Especially when you go for more than a few hours.

The remaining elements must be taken based on needs, such as tents, sleeping bags, mattresses, inflatable pillows and mattresses, boilers and grates for cooking, a folding brazier, ignition tools, an ax for making firewood, a flashlight, it is advisable to take a flask for carrying water. But this point is more about trips for the whole weekend or trip.

And those who like to go by car for half a day can limit themselves to the main list, food and entertainment, and if you want to make your vacation more comfortable, you should take folding furniture. Of course, if you are planning a long trip, then you need money, documents, a change of clothes and personal hygiene products, and a supply of food easier and more.

Many ladies are concerned about the question of whether to take cosmetics or not. Of course, this is an individual question, but a compact BB cream is worth taking with you, as it protects your skin from drying out. And sometimes it has sun protection properties.

Do not take with you on a long trip:

1. Heavy and impractical things. Like a book if you're not going to read it. Or even a laptop. Some even do not want to part with their toys on a hike. Absolutely useless thing in nature.

2. Glassware.

3. Ready dressed salads, cakes. (Personally, I think that there should not be salads in nature, they quickly drain and can be smeared)

When organizing a vacation, it is very important to think about clothing. If this is a period of tick activity, then pay special attention to ensuring that clothing fits snugly around your hands and does not allow the tick to get under your sleeve or into your shoes. It is better to pre-treat the fabric with repellent.

Shoes should be comfortable and appropriate for the season. But warm clothes should be taken with you even in hot weather.

What food to take outdoors

If you are planning a vacation for a few hours, then you can limit yourself to sandwiches and other food taken from home. Fresh vegetables and fruits are perfect. Also take drinking water and a thermos of tea. Juice is available upon request. As a main dish, baked fish, meat, poultry are suitable.

Rest for the whole day means more food. Here it is already worth giving preference to dishes cooked in nature.

1. Pre-marinated barbecue, greens, vegetables, bread. A very tasty dish is grilled mackerel, as well as grilled vegetables. It is better to focus on lean meats so that the whole holiday is not spoiled by heaviness in the stomach.

2. Also be sure to take enough water and tea bags. You can take fruits, but it is better to give preference to those species that do not need difficult cleaning and thorough washing, such as oranges, bananas, apples. And grab a lemon, it's light but great as an alternative to the sauce.

3. Sausages and sausages. They also cook great on the grill.

4. Snacks for sandwiches.

5. Salt and pepper.

6. Sauce or ketchup. We often take barbecue. It is thick and very tasty with kebabs.

7. Potato and onion. Despite the abundance of barbecue, potatoes are rarely overlooked.

You should not take perishable foods that can go bad before the evening, these include almost all mayonnaise-filled salads, some sweets and pastries, and dairy products. It is also not recommended to take a lot of sweets and soda. So you will significantly increase the need for drinking water.

For example, when we go to nature with barbecue, we take a light snack with us. Because in nature the appetite is very good, and often children, and we ourselves, especially when with alcohol, are not ready to wait so long.

We even took canapes with us for our daughter's birthday. But here it is worth considering that it is better to eat them immediately. Many canapes contain perishable products. Although you can make fruit, right on the spot. But if you really want to impress, then to start the holiday, you can take a little from home. Well, now you can choose canapes for the festive table for every taste. Luckily, the internet makes this easy.

It is recommended to think over the menu for small children separately. It is better to take more fruits, dried fruits, and those types of baked goods that you can chew on, such as straws or drying. Children have an excellent appetite in nature.

All food is best stored in a portable refrigerator bag. You can pack both in disposable and in ordinary household plastic containers.

If a trip is planned, then here the calculation of food should come from the route. If there are shops on your way, and you do not plan to move away from civilization, then it is better to unload yourself and take less food and more money. But if the hike is more extreme, then your meal kit should be carefully considered.

For a long stay you need to take:

1. Canned food. Today there is a wide assortment, ranging from stew and fish, to vegetables and ready meals.

2. Pasta or a pack of cereals. Not bad for this purpose and primitive cheapest types of instant noodles. They are very light and compact. And the cereal should be poured into a plastic bottle so that it does not become damp.

3. Tea bags. Sugar and, if desired, well-packaged chocolate, milk powder, light biscuits, nuts and dried fruits. Everything that is compact, long-lasting, and what you like to treat yourself to.

4. Salt and other spices. Vegetable oil.

5. You can take some potatoes.

6. Instead of bread, you can stock up on bread. They are lighter and won't break.

The list of foods that should not be taken includes all perishable foods and those that can melt in the heat. It makes no sense to take ready-made food, and food that is enough for just one day. This will just make your backpack heavier.

And don't forget knives, pots, aluminum cookware, lighters, and a can opener. And also, in case of bad weather, I recommend buying a portable gas burner and a few cylinders.

In all cases, alcohol is taken at the request of vacationers. And on a hike, in general, you should take a small flask of vodka or cognac in case of emergency to disinfect, kindle, anesthetize.

Entertainment for the company in nature

Here you are limited only by the possibilities and imagination. If you are planning a vacation by the water, then you should take:

- a fishing rod for fishing enthusiasts (this is for me);

- means for the safety of children, cylinders and sleeves;

And everything else for a fun and active holiday:

- guitar;

- portable music device;

- badminton;

- kite;

- camera;

- toys for children, it is worth making a choice in favor of rubber and plastic.

Even this small list will provide you with a lot of pleasant emotions. And lovers of a relaxing holiday would be nice to stock up on a hammock and a favorite book, or a fishing rod.

For a child, it is worth taking a set of toys that will occupy him for a long time and will not bother him. Sand play sets are well suited for toddlers, and sports equipment for older children. But you can also take a drawing pad and felt-tip pens with you.

When planning a vacation, always think about activities and timing. Based on this, you will be able to divide all the things into really necessary ones, and those that can be purchased near the place of celebration, or even refuse. In any case, it is recommended to take drinking water with a reserve, or if there is an organized source, vessels for its transportation.

Also pay attention to personal things that are necessary for you. These can be medications or glasses and lenses. That is, individually important things, and simply things, without which the rest will be spoiled.

But remember, if you are planning a vacation by car or not far from home, then you can make it as comfortable as possible. But when planning a longer trip or hike, there is a choice between comfort and lightness of a backpack. Have a good and unforgettable vacation in nature!

A list of what to take for a picnic from food should be compiled in advance, having thought through the number of products well. This task most often falls on the shoulders of women. Delicious food is the key to the mood at a picnic. It is not necessary to take a lot of products or ready-made meals with you, the main thing is that it is tasty and in season. For example, in the summer, in the heat, it is better to buy more fruits and juicy vegetables than sweets or smoked meats.

How to choose food for a picnic

  1. It is worth considering the preferences of the members of the company. If there are men, be sure to buy meat and sausages. Girls often prefer lighter food: low-fat cheese, vegetables, chicken fillet.

  1. Fruit slices are an indispensable component of outdoor recreation. In summer, the choice of fruits is very wide: from citrus fruits to watermelons and peaches.

  1. Sandwiches. They are easy to prepare using simple recipes. Sandwiches can be made from both fresh and toasted bread. It is especially delicious if you toast the bread over a fire.
  2. Products must be compatible with each other. For example, if you take herring for a picnic, then sweet fruits will be out of place, it is better to replace them with vegetables.
  3. If you are on a diet, you should not starve when everyone around you will eat deliciously. You can take lean bread with you and use it to make sandwiches with vegetables and cheese. A couple of pieces of meat will also not harm the figure.

How to organize a picnic in the city?

Many cannot afford outdoor recreation by the fire, so they are content with evening gatherings on a bedspread in the city strip. This is also a great alternative to relaxing at the computer.

Such a picnic does not require special preparation, just go to the store on the way to the place of rest and buy an approximate list of products:

  1. Bread black or white for sandwiches;
  2. Ham or meatloaf;

  1. Fresh cucumber and tomato, onion feathers optional;

  1. Easy ready-made salad (you can cook it yourself at home);
  2. Pies with your favorite filling;
  3. Juice or fruit drink.

Drinking alcohol is prohibited in public places, so you should not take strong drinks with you.

In the open air comes a stronger appetite than at home in the kitchen, so you can afford more high-calorie food. Grilled chicken, pizza, rolls can also become attributes of such a mini picnic. The range of products depends only on your preferences.

What food to take on a picnic in the forest

A picnic in the forest implies a fire, so the first thing you need to take care of is the barbecue.


In order for the meat to be juicy and soft, it must be marinated a day before eating. Recipe for barbecue: for 1 kg of pork meat, a marinade is prepared from 250 g of fat mayonnaise (small pack), 3 tablespoons of 9% vinegar, half a tablespoon of sugar, salt to taste, a pinch of ground black pepper.

Instead of barbecue, you can give preference to fresh bacon or simple sausages, if you have a grill grate, it is possible to cook grilled sausages on charcoal.

As a side dish

As a side dish for barbecue or grilled sausages, you can take:

  1. Salad of fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, seasoned with olive or sunflower oil; or cook sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh vegetables;

  1. Fruits, especially citrus fruits, also go well with kebabs;
  2. Jacket-boiled potatoes.

Sauce for meat

Grilled meat sauce can be bought ready-made or prepared by mixing equal parts low-fat mayonnaise and savory tomato ketchup. For an amateur option with soy sauce and lemon juice.

What to take in cold weather?

List of foods for a picnic in cool weather:

  • Hot tea or coffee in a thermos;

  • Hearty salads such as Olivier, Caesar, royal;

  • Smoked sausage, pork ham or lard;

  • Hot grilled chicken;
  • Meat lasagna, hearty pizza;

  • Hot pastries with various fillings;
  • Warming drinks (mulled wine, cognac, wine).

In cold weather, in order to warm up faster, you need to eat the most high-calorie foods. Hot drinks will also make you feel cozier.

Alcohol on a picnic

Drinking alcohol at a picnic is everyone's choice. However, it should be understood that alcohol should be a good snack. For these purposes, meat dishes and oily fish are best suited.

Fish is a real delicacy.

A delicacy dish at a picnic is pink salmon baked in foil over smoke. Before baking, red fish should be marinated according to the following recipe: a tablespoon of lemon juice, a mixture of seasonings for fish dishes, which can be bought at any store, low-calorie mayonnaise.

Many people prefer to drink alcohol, but for this it is advisable to choose natural drinks, such as juice, cranberries or currants; natural sap (optimally birch); chilled sweet tea.

The list of products for a picnic is an individual concept for each company, taking into account taste preferences and competently combining products, outdoor recreation will leave only pleasant impressions.

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