
Why is green tea better than black tea? Choosing a healthy tea: black or green? Health benefits of black tea

What tea is more useful to drink in summer - black or green, chilled or hot?

Advises one of the best domestic specialists, teatester of the May Company in Moscow, Igor Aleksandrovich Boyko.

Why green tea more useful?

Green tea is so different from black that many people think they are different varieties. In fact, it is the same tea plant.

Green tea is healthier than black tea because it contains more polyphenols, carbohydrates and vitamins. During its production, fermentation simply does not occur, as a result of which tea loses up to 30-40% of useful compounds.

To keep the tea green, it is first steamed in Japan with hot steam and roasted in China. As a result, in green leaves tea enzymes are killed initially, and this process is not carried out. That's why the leaves stay green. Green tea is always healthier than black tea.

It is very good to drink in the heat. It perfectly quenches thirst. And since it has a high content of tannins, tannin, it has a positive effect on the gastric mucosa.

IN Central Asia they love it very much and drink a lot, because the food there is fatty. This is especially true for lamb, which low temperature solidification of fat. And with the help of tea, fat is better absorbed by the body.

By the way, the shape of the bowl, from which they drink tea in Central Asia, is specially designed in such a way that the amount of tea decreases as it cools. As a result, the temperature of the infusion you drink is the same all the time.

But green tea is especially popular in the East. And this is no coincidence. The Chinese drink green tea, and sell black tea for export. The Japanese buy the highest quality green tea from China. Everyone else gets what's left.

How does tea help health?

Tea has the most beneficial effect almost every function of the body. It is one of the richest sources of manganese among foods. natural origin. And manganese is essential for bone growth and body development. The tea contains a large number of antioxidants. They prevent the development of cardiovascular and cancer lower cholesterol levels.

Caffeine is contained in the tea plant about the same as in coffee beans - from 1.8 to 3.5%. In the process of technological processing, this amount practically does not change.

That is, in both black and green tea, the amount of caffeine is approximately the same.

However, the structural formula of caffeine in tea and coffee is different. Tea caffeine has a milder effect on the human body. If you drink a cup of coffee, then after 15-20 minutes you will feel a surge of energy, your efficiency will increase. But the effect of caffeine, which is contained in coffee, wears off just as quickly. And the caffeine tea plant has a smoother effect and a longer effect.

Very good tea infusion for eyes. For example, if a child gets sand in his eyes, parents should know that they need to quickly rinse their eyes with a weak solution of tea - no matter black or green, and only then go to the clinic.

Several decades ago, doctors at the Botkin Hospital conducted clinical trials to treat dysentery with green tea. It was found that control batches of patients who consumed tea were cured in the same way as those who took medication.

Interestingly, if ordinary tea is better to drink 10-20 minutes after brewing, which allows you to enjoy the aroma, then for the treatment of dysentery, an infusion that has stood for two or three days is more effective.

Tea is very good for the kidneys. This is especially true, again, for green tea, which has very good diuretic properties. In addition, tea helps prevent heart attacks and myocardial infarctions, atherosclerosis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, urolithiasis. This unique natural doctor protects against caries, normalizes arterial pressure, helps with poisoning and indigestion.

Why should you drink tea in summer?

Hot tea, if drunk in the heat, quenches thirst better than cold tea. Although definitely drink cold tea nice too. I mean exactly brewed and then chilled tea.

And what is sold in bottles in every stall is, of course, not tea. natural product there are microdoses, on average 1.5-2%. The rest is nutritional supplements and dyes. And most importantly, they do not quench thirst, but, on the contrary, cause an addictive effect.

Since the temperature is quite high in summer and a person sweats, there is a need for the body to restore its water balance. Therefore, we are thirsty and try to somehow make up for the lack of water in the body.

In summer, the consumer preferences of tea lovers change dramatically. According to the research conducted by the May Company, the consumption of flavored teas increases significantly in the warm season. Regular black tea is drunk, respectively, much less. Russians especially love tea with mint and currants. But really long drink flavored teas difficult. You can drink them a few times and then go back to traditional black and green tea.

However, all tea additives are an effect extra taste Positively, the body is still affected by special compounds that bind the oxidation processes in the human body. This, in turn, slows down the onset of old age.

And the most important thing. Tea is a unique drink not only for its beneficial properties. Today on the market there is a myriad of not only single varieties, but also blends, where several varieties of tea are mixed, often from different continents. This is democratic ancient drink. Thanks to such a variety of flavors that tea testers are constantly creating, everyone can choose their own tea that will be pleasant to drink.


Magazine " Women Health», № 7/2007

The history of black and green tea dates back thousands of years, and the debate about their benefits has not subsided to this day. And today, often guided by the choice between black and green tea only by their taste sensations, people don’t really think about the benefits or harms. But for people who care about their health, be aware of the benefits of drinking various kinds tea is needed. This article provides a description of the beneficial properties of black and green tea, as well as an answer to the question of which tea can be considered more useful.

Before proceeding to the analysis of the beneficial properties of black and green tea, it is important to note that all types of tea are the leaves of tea trees. All types of tea differ in the parts of this tea tree used. And also in how the collected leaves were processed. Black tea, which is one of the most popular and familiar to Russians, is obtained from tea tree leaves that have been fully fermented (oxidized). Following the collection, the leaves are subjected to a number of procedures: felting, twisting, oxidizing and drying. Black tea can be of several types: long leaf, granulated, powdered and pressed, it all depends on the quality of the tea leaves. The difference between green tea and black tea is that its leaves are oxidized for only one or two days, and then the process stops forcibly by heating them. The end result is a light, herbal-flavored drink that has a non-bitter, mild taste.

Useful properties of black tea

Black tea is made from the harvested leaves of adult tea bushes. Black tea has the following beneficial features: the presence of the substance TF-2, which reduces the risk of cancer, and also reduces the risk of oncology internal organs. Also, regular intake of black tea can normalize the activity of the heart and the whole vascular system, destroys microbes that cause the appearance of cystitis and herpes, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
The disadvantages of black tea should be attributed: it is not recommended to use it in volumes of more than four cups a day, this is due to the high content of caffeine and aromatics that cause overexcitation of the nervous system. Also, drinking tea in large volumes can cause darkening of the teeth.

Useful properties of green tea

Since green tea leaves are minimally oxidized during processing, all its beneficial properties are preserved in the proper size. Benefits of green tea include: vitality, due to the presence of antioxidants, the normalization of metabolism, improving the vital activity of the intestinal flora, preventing the formation of calculus on the teeth, increasing the strength of capillaries, improving the absorption of ascorbic acid. Is excellent tool for those who decide to lose weight.
The disadvantages are the presence of caffeine, it is also not desirable to use it in the evening - at night.

What type of tea is healthier

In general, summing up, it is important to note that green tea, due to the fact that its leaves are oxidized to a lesser extent, retains more beneficial properties than black tea. Therefore, it would be correct to consider green tea more useful, although not significantly. But in the end, the use of any tea helps to get rid of fatigue, increase tone, cheer up, in reasonable quantities, of course.
And speaking from a medical point of view, black tea is good for people with heart problems, and green tea is good for people with problems. gastric tract, as well as for people who want to lose weight.

Disputes among lovers of tea drinks concern not only favorite tastes and aromas, but also the benefits of a particular tea. If among the variety of varieties it is difficult not to get confused, then the main types can be represented as black and. It is traditionally believed that green tea that has not been fully processed and fermented is healthier, but is this really so, and which drink should you prefer? The answer to this question is in our article.

Benefits of green tea

You can figure it out more useful after comparing the useful properties and characteristics. It should be noted that both black and green tea are obtained from the same raw material - tea leaves. The difference is only in the processing of them after collection. In addition, the process of transporting and brewing the drink itself plays a big role, which for each variety will differ in important nuances.

The main benefits of green tea varieties:

  • An excellent antioxidant, helps to eliminate toxins and harmful compounds from the body.
  • Effectively breaks down body fat, is used during diets to stabilize weight.
  • It has anti-aging properties, recommended for use in old age.
  • Strengthens cardiovascular system and increases vitality.
  • Reduces blood pressure by removing excess salts from the body, providing anti-edematous action.
  • Lowers blood sugar levels, is an excellent prevention of arteriosclerosis.

Among the main disadvantages of this drink - great content caffeine in the composition. It is generally accepted that green tea is less intense, but in fact the concentration active substances it is much higher than in black varieties. That is why, it is not recommended to use it at night, as well as during exacerbation of chronic diseases. Green tea is introduced into the children's diet much later than regular black tea, and the abuse of this healthy drink during pregnancy and lactation can lead to negative consequences in the development of the baby. Usually, in the absence of medical contraindications, it is recommended to drink no more than two to three cups of green tea per day and only in the morning. During the period of dieting, the dosage can be slightly increased, be sure to take breaks between courses.

The benefits and harms of black tea

Black or red according to the Chinese classification, our compatriots fell in love with tea more than other varieties, so its popularity is much higher. However, there are many conflicting myths about the benefits of this drink. First of all, this is due to the presence of caffeine in the composition, so strong black tea invigorates no worse than a traditional cup of coffee. In addition, it is not recommended to give black tea to children under two years old, because it interferes with the normal absorption of calcium and its main building element, vitamin D. Despite such shortcomings, black varieties also have positive qualities.

Useful properties of black tea:

  1. An excellent invigorating effect that does not last too long, so it will not hurt to sleep peacefully at night.
  2. Some varieties of black tea are considered nutritious enough to replace one meal with a simple tea.
  3. Normalization of digestive function is achieved due to good vitamin and mineral composition drink.
  4. Rapid recovery of strength after physical and mental activity.
  5. Removing an attack of nausea and calming the stomach after vomiting also belongs to the advantages of this drink.
  6. Black tea can increase blood pressure.
  7. The diaphoretic and bactericidal effect is successfully used in the treatment of colds.

A "safe" serving of black tea is three to four cups a day. During pregnancy and lactation, it is better to halve consumption, and for young children, it is better to start “acquaintance” with weak, freshly prepared decoctions with the addition of a small amount sugar and milk. By the way, milk neutralizes harmful effect on bones and tooth enamel, so black tea with milk is considered more a suitable drink for children than similar mixtures.

Which tea is healthier?

Despite the difference in taste, black or green “demonstrate” almost the same properties for our body. Both drinks perfectly tone up and refresh, except that green has more pleasant taste chilled. In addition, drinks do an excellent job with the effects of overeating and alcohol abuse after a feast. Several key differences can be identified, as well as important nuances in the preparation of these drinks.

Important nuances of drinking tea:

  • Green varieties are recommended to use in the morning to tone the body, while black is suitable for recuperation and a calming effect.
  • Of great importance is the quality of the water used in the preparation of tea. For any of it kind of fit only purified and preferably settled liquid of a suitable temperature.
  • Green tea is recommended to be brewed with slightly cooled water (80-90 degrees). At this time, black will better reveal its taste and aroma when using boiling water or water aged up to 90-95 degrees.
  • It is better to drink any drink not too hot, as it is more beneficial for tooth enamel and stomach. Chilled liquids should also not be abused, because it disrupts the work of the stomach and can lead to negative consequences.
  • Any kind of tea will better reveal its qualities in a glass or ceramic teapot, but it is better to refuse metal utensils.
  • Teabags, regardless of the variety, cannot boast a full range of useful qualities. In most cases, this is just a cheap surrogate for raw tea, which will not bring the expected benefits to the body.
  • Green tea, unlike black tea, has less effect on the color of tooth enamel, so its use in such problems is more justified.

Several Yet interesting facts and a comparison of black and green tea can be found in the proposed video.

If you analyze the issue well, green is more beneficial for our body, you can come to a completely unexpected conclusion. The tea leaves used for the production of both types contain completely unique and indispensable substances for us, therefore tea drink truly considered the elixir of youth and health. The method of processing and drying of raw materials slightly changes the composition of the product, but in more this is influenced by the collection period and the additional flavors and additives used in the preparation. So, it is better to prefer loose tea leaves good quality regardless of the "color" of the drink, as well as learn the basic rules of brewing and storage. Moderate consumption in the absence of medical contraindications will allow you to fully enjoy the variety for well-being.

Black tea or green? Which one is better and what should you choose? The questions are relevant for those who care about their health and seek to extract the maximum positive effect from a drink. But the answers are ambiguous: a comparison is required, to consider the features, benefits and harms of both varieties.

Natural tea leaf contains antioxidants, vitamins, alkaloids (caffeine, theine), tannins and essential oils. The combination of these chemical substances gives the drink saturation and determines the beneficial properties, regardless of the variety. It tones, gives a charge of vivacity, activates the brain.

Tea is a good diuretic, due to which excess fluid and associated toxins, waste products are removed from the body. harmful substances. Excess salts are removed along with sweat, the release of which also increases after drinking a hot drink. Otherwise, the effect on the body is different and depends on the variety.

What is the difference

The leaves for black and green tea are taken from the same plant, and the difference in color, taste and properties depends on the subsequent processing. The degree of fermentation is important - the oxidation of raw materials under the action of their own chemical compounds. In black tea, it is high, so the color is saturated, and in ready drink there is astringency. Green - undergoes minimal fermentation or does not oxidize at all. Thanks to this, the sheet retains its natural color and composition.

IMPORTANT. The processing method directly affects the quality of welding. Unaged, overexposed or improperly dried raw materials lose more than half of their useful properties and acquire an unpleasant aftertaste.

How black tea works

Fermentation allows you to maintain a balance of vitamins in the product (especially group B, PP), antioxidants, tannins. Due to this, the drink has a mild tonic effect. It has no stimulating effect on circulatory system does not lower blood pressure. Vitamins help strengthen the immune system and effectively fight pathogenic bacteria, so this variety is especially indicated for colds.


The main feature of black tea is tart taste, due to the presence of tannins in it. These chemical compounds plant origin beneficial effect on digestive system, liver and pancreas. Aroma and freshness are provided by antioxidants that slow down the processes of cell death and start the regeneration of structures.

This variety goes well with herbs (thyme, chamomile, calendula) and citrus fruits (lemon, bergamot). Adding milk softens the taste and removes bitterness. In this form, the drink speeds up the metabolism and normalizes the intestinal microflora.


There are few side effects even with daily use more than 2-3 cups. However, it is recommended to monitor the dosage and strength, especially in the following cases:

  • increased acidity;
  • diseases of the stomach;
  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • thyroid disorders.

Strong black tea is contraindicated for children and pregnant women. If individual reactions occur, consult a specialist.

NOTE. The high content of caffeine in the product limits its use by women during lactation. An alkaloid transmitted to a child with milk can cause sleep disorders and overexcitation in a baby.

How green tea works

Green tea retains a maximum of natural compounds, therefore it is rich in antioxidants, tocopherols, ascorbic acid and caffeine. A freshly brewed drink has a light color, pronounced astringency and viscosity. It has an exciting effect on nervous system, triggers brain activity.


There are three main varieties:

  1. Chinese. The leaves are dried in the open air and then heat-treated. This gives the drink a soft taste.
  2. Japanese. It is steam fermented, so the tea leaves have a richer color.
  3. Ceylon. Mostly large-leaved with a slight floral aftertaste.

Popular additives: jasmine, mint, lime, strawberry. These ingredients complement the natural taste, soften it. But lemon and bergamot are not recommended.

THIS IS INTERESTING. Attention should be paid not only to the method of processing and additives, but also to the appearance tea leaf. The most valuable is twisted welding, which opens when exposed to hot water.

Harm and contraindications

  • increased acidity;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excitability and pathologies of the nervous system
  • insomnia;
  • anemia and lack of iron in the body;
  • gout;
  • problems in the musculoskeletal system.

The drink enhances urination, which is dangerous for kidney pathologies, urolithiasis. The last cup of this tea should be drunk 5-6 hours before bedtime.

If you want to lose weight, you can use both black and green tea. Unsweetened drink contains a minimum of calories and is quickly absorbed by the body. However, for a faster effect, it is worth using the second grade. It speeds up metabolic processes, promotes faster breakdown of food components, especially fats and their derivatives. A cup of green tea, drunk 1-1.5 before meals, reduces appetite and prevents overeating.

I love both black and green ... Can I mix?

On the day you can drink both types of tea: there are no separate contraindications for this. It is only necessary not to forget about dosages, not to get carried away with drinks before bedtime.

There are blends of tea leaves - a mixture of both varieties in different proportions. This combination, when used in a reasonable amount, does not harm the body and allows you to combine the effectiveness of varieties in one circle. The taste of the drink is original, but may not be to everyone's taste.

General indications

When choosing, be guided by your own preferences and general recommendations for use:

  • at high blood pressure and slagging of the body, to speed up metabolism and cellular regeneration, quick "recharging" - green tea;
  • for colds, anemia and low blood pressure, for a long-term, but less pronounced tonic effect - black tea.

In other cases, and in the absence of contraindications, you can use both.

Summing up and answering the question of which tea is more useful, black or green, we note that both varieties have an equal set of positive and negative effects. Choose a drink based on individual features health, taking into account all contraindications and possible side effects.

The most popular drink in the world is tea. Drink of beauty and longevity. And what a variety of species. Classification of tea is characterized by the degree of fermentation (oxidation).

The content of tannins of the feedstock depends on this. Hence the different colors of tea: white, yellow, green, red, black.

This article will focus on green and black tea. And we will also try to answer the “eternal” question, which tea is better to drink - green or black ?! To do this, you need to know more about them.

Green or black tea is healthier

This is not to say that the benefits of green tea are greater than black ones. Both drinks have a number of positive qualities and a number of contraindications.

Green tea helps rid the body of radioactive elements such as strontium-90. In addition, this drink strengthens the cardiovascular system, lowering the level of cholesterol in the body.

The properties of black tea also have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, but “overdose” should be avoided (drink no more than 3 cups a day).

Green tea also cleanses the body, washing out toxins and salts from it, and even reduces blood sugar levels (therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes). Guess what tea is recommended to drink for weight loss?

Heard about, which means the color of tea is identical! True, the effect of tea will be smoother than that of coffee.

The health benefits of green tea don't stop there. It contains flavonoids, which have many beneficial functions, such as protection against the formation of gallstones and diuretic stones.

For diarrhea and colds also recommended to drink this drink, because it has diaphoretic and bactericidal properties.

Do you know how green tea is useful for older people ?! The presence of polyphenols - these substances neutralize toxins and radicals, which often cause cancer, and also rejuvenate the cells of the body.

In addition, green tea is useful for those who have high blood pressure.

The composition of black tea is largely similar, so most of the aforementioned "usefulness" is present in this type of tea.

"Without measure" this drink can be drunk only by athletes or lovers of saunas and baths, we advise the rest to drink a few cups of tea, and in other cases to drink clean water or other drinks if you don't like or can't drink green tea.

The main benefits of black tea - high content vitamins (B, P, PP), which raise vascular tone (useful for hypotensive patients).

Harm of green and black tea

Having listed the useful properties, it is impossible not to say about possible harm green tea. This drink is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach (gastritis or ulcers), gout (after all, tea contains purines).

And in the presence of rheumatism or arthritis, green tea can be drunk only in small doses. To avoid insomnia, do not recommend using it at night!

It is better not to drink green tea during pregnancy, as it can cause anxiety for the baby due to the presence of caffeine in it.

Now a few words about the harm of black tea. As we have already said, the main thing is to know the measure, since this type strong drink increases capillary pressure.

How to brew green tea

Probably, if not everyone, then many have heard about the term "tea ceremony". The fact is that each type of tea has its own characteristics of brewing, the seller or the Internet can tell them.

Therefore, today we will consider the main components " correct brewing tea."

Proportions of tea and water. It's a matter of taste, someone loves strong tea, and someone can be exceptionally weak. The optimal dose is a teaspoon of tea leaves per 250 ml of water.

Brewing time. And here there is an alternative - slow or fast (up to one minute). If you need to raise the tone of the body, then drink "quick" tea. Well, "slowed down" gives the drink tannic useful material.

Water and temperature. One of important points! It is ideal for tea to take spring water. Of course, there is no such water in the apartments, so take filtered water.

In the worst case, tap water is suitable, which is collected in a jar and put for a day to “infuse”. By the way, make sure that the water does not boil over, the taste of tea will not be the same!

The water temperature for brewing green tea should be around 85-90 degrees. In no case do not brew with boiling water! After all, it kills all the beneficial substances in tea.

Dishes. Another top priority. Recommended - from clay or porcelain. Note that before brewing black tea (or green), you must first rinse the dishes with boiling water.

This simple action will eliminate excess odors and heat the walls of the cup, preparing the heat for brewing tea.

Green tea brewing tips. The tea leaves are covered with a clean, dry spoon. The teapot with tea leaves is wrapped with a towel and lasts for about three minutes. Then pour tea leaves into the mug (1/3 mug) and wait again for 2 or 3 minutes, after which we add boiling water to the mug.

Interesting fact. If everything is done correctly, you should see a yellowish foam. You don't have to throw it away, just stir it

How to brew black tea

General rules brewing is similar to the above, but there are minor differences. We will stop on them.

Brewing time. Black tea is brewed for 6-7 minutes. At the same time, the top of the teapot is covered with a napkin, which will let the steam through, but absorb the essential oils.

  • Green tea is recommended to drink without sugar. It is better to add honey or dried fruits.
  • You can brew again, but not more than 5 times. In this case, we advise you to increase the brewing time each time.
  • Drink tea in small sips to enjoy its taste and aroma.
  • Strongly hot drink can provoke cancer of the esophagus in the future, so make sure that its temperature is comfortable.
  • It is best to drink tea either two hours after a meal or an hour before a meal. Moreover, the drink should be consumed “dry” to avoid the release of saliva, which can cause lethargy of the body, at the end of the caffeine effect.

Summing up

Now you yourself have to make a choice which tea is more useful for you, but we recommend alternating them (if there are no contraindications and preferences).

By the way, there is caffeine in black tea, but as proven latest research, there is a little more of it in green tea!

Perhaps you have your own tea drinking secrets? Then we invite you to discuss them in the comments below.
