
Borodino bread composition according to GOST. How sourdough is prepared

What could be tastier than freshly made homemade bread? Surely nothing. A wonderful fragrance throughout the house unforgettable taste crispy crust and tender crumb will certainly gather all family members for dining table. Satisfied and well-fed, they will definitely thank their magical mother, who once again pleased them with delicious homemade cakes.

Many hostesses think that making bread is a complex and painstaking job that requires some special skills and knowledge. In fact, everything is extremely simple. Having prepared it at least once, you will understand that it is absolutely easy even for novice hostesses. So, we will devote our article to the recipes of Borodino homemade bread baked in the oven.

A few words about Borodino bread

A toasted crust sprinkled with spices, a tender, slightly sweet crumb, pleasant and cumin - this is all Borodino bread.

Its origin story is as charming as its amazing taste. For the first time this bread was baked in memory of the defender of the Russian Empire Alexander Tuchkov. Few people know that the black color of bread symbolizes sorrow and the incomparable pain of his beloved, and the coriander sprinkled on top symbolizes gunshot.

In honor of the Borodino bread, a beautiful legend was also invented, which tells that Margarita and Alexander Tuchkovs loved each other infinitely. After the death of her husband, the woman sold all her jewelry and erected on the site of the death of her beloved Spaso-Borodino Monastery. Near the sacred place there is also a bakery, where black funeral bread with coriander was baked for the first time.

The classic recipe for Borodino bread in the oven

So, to prepare such bread, you will need the following products:

  • rye flour - 500 g;
  • wheat flour (preferably second grade) - 60 g;
  • red - 45 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • molasses (as an option, dark honey);
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander in grains (for powder);
  • water - 400 ml.

The recipe for Borodino bread in the oven implies pre-cooking leaven. For this we need the following products:

  • rye flour - 120 g;
  • wheat flour - 80 g;
  • sand sugar - 2 tsp;
  • raisins - 50 g;
  • water - 1 glass.

How sourdough is prepared

The recipe for making Borodino begins with sourdough. It should be prepared 2 days before baking. To do this, take a raisin and crush it well. Next, we need a jar with a volume of half a liter. We put our mashed raisins inside, add sugar (1 tsp) to it and half a glass of water preheated to room temperature. Pour wheat (40 g) and rye (60 g) flour there. Mix everything well, close the lid tightly and put in a warm place. If everything is done correctly, then in a day the mixture should ferment. As soon as this happens, it is necessary to strain our starter and add the remaining granulated sugar and water. Put the mixture back in a warm place, tightly closing the lid. Ready sourdough should smell nice and completely covered with bubbles.

Cooking dough

The recipe for Borodino bread in the oven also involves the preparation of dough. So, take a large bowl and pour one tablespoon of sourdough into it. Gradually introduce wheat flour of the second grade, cover with a towel and set aside for one hour.

While our dough is cooking, pour boiling water over the malt (about 1/3 cup) and cover it with a lid. Leave the mixture for 3 hours in a warm place.

How to knead the dough

To make our homemade cakes turn out, the Borodino recipe advises you to knead the dough correctly. To do this, add vegetable oil, vinegar, malt mixture and the remaining rye flour to the already risen dough. It is the observance of this sequence that will allow you to end up with tasty, lush and fragrant bread. So, carefully knead the dough until it acquires a smooth structure. Cover with a towel and set aside for a while.

Baking Borodino bread. The final stage of preparation

We take any lubricate it vegetable oil and dust lightly with flour. We spread our dough there and level it with our hands over the entire surface (it is better to do this with wet palms).

Then we sprinkle our future bread with coriander and bake in a preheated oven for one hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. That's it, our homemade cake is ready! The recipe for Borodino bread in the oven, as you can see, is quite simple, the main thing is this case- observe the proportions of the ingredients. Bon appetit!

How to cook Borodino bread in the oven using yeast

So, in order to bake yeast-leavened Borodino bread, we need the following products:

  • water - 300 ml;
  • rye flour - 300 g;
  • wheat flour - 180 g;
  • malt - 45 g;
  • molasses (dark honey) - 2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • coriander in grains (for powder) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yeast (dry) - 1 tsp;
  • cumin (for powder);
  • salt and soda.

Step by step cooking instructions

So how to bake Borodino bread in the oven? Recipe with a photo of this wonderful home baking we will definitely attach a little lower, and now let's get down to cooking. So, pour boiling water (100 ml) malt and set it aside for a while.

In a separate bowl, mix flour, yeast, salt, soda. Add honey, malt mixture, oil to them and knead the dough. It should be viscous in consistency. Cover our dough with a towel and set aside in a warm place to rise for 1 hour.

As soon as this happened, we form our bread. Lubricate the form and put the finished dough there. Let it rise again for 40 minutes. After that, sprinkle the surface of our future bread with coriander and cumin. We place the form in a preheated oven for 40-45 minutes at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. Everything, ours is ready delicious pastries. The recipe for Borodino bread in the oven at home will be fully observed if left ready-made pastries for another 10-15 minutes in the switched off oven. Bon appetit!

Borodino bread contains a lot of vitamins and useful substances, especially if it is cooked at home and with all my heart. Use our simple recommendations, and then the question of how to bake Borodino bread in the oven will never arise again.

This formulation of Borodinsky was approved by the order of the People's Commissariat of Food Industry.

"He's approved by the Ministry!" - "Nameless star.", M. Kazakov, Mosfilm, 1978

Borodino bread is one of the few that can be safely called legendary bread. He is loved and not loved, and it is not known who is more, but there is no person who speaks Russian who would not know about his existence. It is a pity that modern bakers do not want to bake it honestly. But it is difficult to refuse the extra penny that this brand brings. Therefore, today in almost any store you can find bread with the name "Borodinsky", but it is impossible to find and buy Borodinsky bread.

And what is he - the real Borodino? Modern "Borodino" bread is often an imitation (according to key visual and olfactory features) that Borodinsky, 20 or 30 years ago. It is black, it is sprinkled with coriander seeds and has a sweetish coriander aroma. At first glance, it unmistakably defines Borodino. You can talk about him quite tactfully, as Luda did in her article about Borodinsky:“In our time, both bakers at factories and owners of bread machines at home, they bake not so much the “real” Borodino as its analogues, for example, coriander bread. Vinegar is taken instead of sourdough, dry kvass instead of malt, sugar instead of molasses, special preparations instead of tea leaves, etc. wheat flour from 0-15% to 50% and more. But the bread turns out sweet and sour and coriander, and therefore - "Borodino"! "Despite this, I am sure that in the near future, when the number of good bakeries will grow and the culture of consumption will reach (nano level) a new quality level, the real Borodino will return.
Before I started baking, I walked around the Moscow grocery stores different price levels and studied the labels of all the "Borodino" that he found in them. I rejoiced, rye returned to the composition of many wallpaper flour, wheat 2s, malt and molasses. Probably soon - and the widespread use of spontaneous fermentation, without which Borodinsky - is simply unthinkable.

But this Borodinsky, (i.e. - THAT)- a real soloist of the big stage! No, not Basques, and not Kirkorov, of course, he is self-sufficient, he is for all time!
Although it is rye, it is soft and thin-brown, and tender, like a cake, its aroma and sweet taste- this is the "Dance of the Knights" by S. Prokofiev in the world of bread - (wow, what a good one, that is!).
Such Borodino - you need to bake, he deserves it!

RECIPE (For one loaf weighing just over 1 kg):

One loaf should contain:

560 - rye wallpaper flour;
- 105 g. - wheat flour 2 s.;
- 35 g - fermented rye malt;
- 0.7 g. - fresh yeast those years;
- 7 g - salt;
- 28 g - maltose syrup;
- 42 g - sugar;
- 3-4 g - coriander;
- 420-455 g - water (by moisture capacity) (my flour took 480 grams).

STEADER (5 hours at 30-31C):

40 g. - mature rye sourdough ow. 100%;
- 55 g - water;
- 80 g - rye wallpaper flour;
- a pinch (0.1 g) of instant yeast (I did not add).

brew (mix 100 g of warm water with flour and malt, then add 130 g. boiling water, 5-6 hours at 63-65C):

84 - flour;
- 35 g - fermented (red) malt;
- 230 - water.

OPARA (until full ripening at 28-29C, 2.5 - 3 hours):

349 - tea leaves (all);
- 175 g - sourdough (100 g flour 75 g water);
- 140 g - water;
- 180 - rye flour.

DOUGH (fermentation to maximum yield at 28-29C, about 45-60 minutes):

All dough;
- 7 g - salt;
- 28 g - maltose syrup;
- 42 g - sugar;
- 45 g. - water
- 105 g - wheat flour of the 2nd grade;
- 186 - rye wallpaper flour;
- 3-4 years - ground coriander.


1.Sourdough. With one or two 1:1 refreshments, prepare 40 grams of rye active sourdough. Dilute her necessary quantity water to the state of a foamy mass, knead rye flour into it, roll into a tight ball and put for 5 hours to ripen at 29-30C.

2. Welding. Mix flour and malt, dilute them with 100 g of warm water, pour another 130 g of boiling water into the resulting mixture and stir. Cover with a lid and leave for saccharification of flour starches for 5-6 hours at 63-65 C. Cool. After saccharification, the mass will become much thinner and sweet in taste. The color will turn chocolate.

3. Opara. It is good to mix tea leaves-water-sourdough. Stir flour into the resulting mixture. Leave under the film for fermentation until the maximum output (2.3-3 hours) at 30C.

4. Dough. Dissolve in a small amount water salt-sugar-molasses. Add the resulting mixture to the batter and stir. Combine rye and wheat flour and add the dough to them. Knead until smooth (gluten does not need to be developed, there is too little wheat flour for this). Leave to ripen under a lid or film for 45-60 minutes (I fermented for an hour). Ready dough transfer to a smooth surface moistened with water, wet hands form an oblong blank, transfer it to a sheet of baking paper, sprinkle with water and leave to proof for 30 minutes. To prevent drying, I covered the blank plastic container. After proofing, grease the workpiece with flour mash (very batter) and place on a hot oven (baking stone, frying pan, cast iron) for baking.

5. Baking. Bake for 10-15 minutes on a hot hearth at maximum temperature (I have 250C). Steam is practically not needed, well, or just a little (see excerpt from the source). During this time, the crust of bread will already rise, it must be transferred to a wire rack without a hearth and baked for another 45 minutes at 150C. Total bake - 1 hour. Immediately after baking, grease the bread with brewed starch (jelly). Eat the next day (after a few hours, when the bread crumb stabilizes).


Starter preparation:

Freshly started sourdough and after 5 hours:

Welding before saccharification and after, after 5 hours. She became sweet and noticeably thinner, a beautiful chocolate color:

I mix the finished tea leaves, water for dough and sourdough with a blender. Then I add flour.

This is how the dough turns out at the beginning of fermentation and after, after 2.5-3 hours. By the end of the fermentation of the dough, you need to prepare water-sugar-salt-molasses:

I kneaded the dough in a food processor. In the bowl of the combine and fermented. In 45 minutes, the dough has grown twice, or more:

The bread blank was molded on moistened glass:

The molded workpiece was transferred to paper dusted with flour, sprinkled with water, covered for 30 minutes for proofing. Before planting in the oven, smeared with flour mash.

Immediately after baking, I smeared the bread with jelly (brewed starch) to give the loaf a shine, which was mandatory in the pre-war years, in addition, the dried layer of brewed starch would “seal” the loaf from drying out.

Sprinkling bread with coriander grains in the hearth version of Borodino was not provided. By the way, according to the book "350 varieties", Borodinsky could only be a hearth. But nowadays, coriander grains on a crust are business card Borodinsky, and therefore I baked one of the loaves with sprinkles. Larger pores in the crumb in it turned out due to a 50 g larger amount of water in the dough (530 grams), but at the same time, the workpiece did not hold its shape in any way, it blurred.

9 ", we sent the recipe for Borodino bread there in the Men's Food nomination.

Borodino according to GOST 1984

This post is already the second about Borodino bread according to GOST (not counting other posts about Borodino non-GOST of our blog), dedicated to Borodino bread.

There is no reliable data on the appearance of Borodino bread. There are several versions of the origin of this product.

For the first time such bread was baked in the Spaso-Borodino Monastery by its servants. There was a bakery near the monastery, where the recipe for Borodino bread with fragrant coriander topping was created, which was baked for funeral dinners.

Another version claims that the creator fragrant pastries became the Russian composer Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin, this happened after his trip to Italy. But, scientists question this version - rye does not grow in Italy and is not popular for baking bread.

The recipe for real Borodino bread according to GOST was created at the Moscow Bakery Trust in 1933, one of the ingredients was coriander, used as a sprinkle. Probably from this time Rye bread with a sprinkle of coriander seeds began to be called Borodinsky.

We have already talked about the recipe for the hearth of the Borodino Soviet era, recorded not even by GOSTs, but also by OSTs, it was a 1935 recipe belonging to the well-known master of baking Lev Yanovich Auerman. This bread was made from a mixture of peeled rye and whole grain flour, which for this recipe were taken in equal parts, that is, such bread was 100% rye, it was hearth, yeast was not used for it, you can read more about the recipe itself and its implementation in our blog .

And the very first bread recipe according to GOST was Borodinsky according to GOST 5309-50.

Borodinsky bread - was one of the most popular varieties Russian bread. In the 1920s - 1930s, this type of bread was produced only in Moscow. In those distant years, the best quality Borodino bread was made in Moscow bakery masters - Latvians, and in second place in terms of taste and quality was bread, produced by the Khlebozavod of the cooperative of OGPU employees.

The most characteristic methods for preparing Borodino bread then were three:

  1. Preparation of dough with brewing malt, cumin and part of the flour and kneading without a bay. This method was used by masters Spredze and Zakis (judging by the names of the Latvians) in bakery number 159.

  2. Direct kneading dough with cumin and malt without brewing. This method has been used on Bakery No. 1 of the cooperative of employees of the OGPU.

  3. Dough preparation in the usual way, like rye custard (sweet and sour) with raschin (dough), but with the addition of auxiliary raw materials to the batch: aromatic and sugar substances.

In order to supply Muscovites with high-quality Borodino bread, the question of developing a standard for it was raised. In the end the standard took shape in GOST 5309-50 at the Moscow Bakery Trust based on the recipe for bakery No. 159. Later, on the basis of this GOST, it was developed GOST in 1984 under the number 2077-84.

Excerpt from GOST 5309-50:

“This standard applies to Borodino bread prepared custard way from a mixture of rye flour in the amount of 80%, wheat flour II grade in the amount of 15%, red rye malt in an amount of 5% with the addition of salt, sugar, molasses and coriander, or cumin, or anise on sourdough with or without the addition of yeast ( !!!, both the use and the absence of yeast in the recipe are allowed, irina-co) ».

But, time passed and a lot of things changed: soon, in some types of Borodino, they will add not only wheat flour of the 2nd grade, but also in a significant amount industrial yeast, and potato flour and vegetable oil (see the scan at the end of the post from the book by L. Ya. Auerman).

In fairness, it should be noted that, for example, the 1948 recipe according to GOST still contains a very small proportion of yeast (only 0.1% of the total weight of flour), and also includes a leaven, which is prepared on the basis of sour dough(that is, the dough left over from the last batch). This bread in 1948 was still baked on a hearth.

But the 1984 recipe of Borodinsky according to GOST, according to which we will bake bread today (recipe from the book “Production of choux bread using rye flour”, L. I. Kuznetsova and co-authors, 2003) already provides for several technological options for making bread, namely, three:

Absolutely traditional version , which also contains a small proportion of industrial yeast and spontaneous fermentation starter, and new versions of the recipe:
- dry brewed and
- on complex dry brewing with the use of acidifying additives, on KMKZ (complex lactic sourdough).

The last 2 options are characterized by a much larger proportion of industrial yeast introduced into the dough (0.7-2.2%). All this bread, of course, has already been baked in pans, since the baking method is much more laborious and requires a greater degree of professionalism.

For reference
Dry brewing - contains swelling rye flour (flour processed by roller drying, infrared irradiation and extrusion, with the help of these processes modification is achieved, that is, a change in the structure of flour starches). The effect of adding such flour to the dough is very similar to the effect of brewing, but it allows you to avoid the process of preparing brewing as a separate stage, simplifies and reduces the cost of production.
Acidifying additives - replace the starter of spontaneous fermentation and KMKZ, can consist of various components, for example, such: rowan powder from the pomace of fruits or the fruits of mountain ash, dry milk whey, fermented rye malt, enzyme preparation "Fungamil".
Malt extracts (Maltaxes) - the production technology is similar to the technology of molasses production: they are produced from an aqueous extract of mature malted grain of barley or rye and sometimes wheat in the form of a viscous thick liquid.
KMKZ - complex lactic ferment. It was actively used for baking rye and rye-wheat varieties of bread at Soviet bakeries in combination with industrial yeast. The main difference between this starter and the starter of spontaneous fermentation is that it practically does not contain yeast, it is dominated by lactic acid bacteria, mainly Lactobacillus casei, L. fermentum. This starter is characterized by high acidity, reaching 22-25 degrees, which inhibits the activity of almost all foreign microorganisms, therefore it is capable of self-preservation and long-term storage.

The history of the transformation of the Borodino bread recipe very well demonstrates how the technology for the production of rye bread in Russia was gradually simplified. This was due, for the most part, to the desire to reduce the cost of the final product.
But, nevertheless, one should not forget that until a certain time Soviet Union fed his citizens with fairly high-quality bread, which, although it included industrial yeast, but only their very minimum. Otherwise, in the preparation of Borodino bread, natural ingredients: natural fermented malt and sourdough, not malt extracts and acidifiers. This bread was quite healthy and useful.

Today we offer you to bake Borodinsky according to GOST for natural sourdough, without adding yeast (we excluded them from the recipe), recipe according to GOST 1984 on spontaneous fermentation sourdough.

We also we give in our post a variant of baking Borodino bread using spelled flour (our innovation) instead of wheat flour of the 2nd grade: after all, as you know, spelled flour is digested much easier than wheat flour, due to the lower content of plant antinutrients compared to modern wheat flour (antinutrients or plant toxins are substances that prevent the full absorption of cereals, which often cause allergic reactions and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa).

So, today we bake Borodinsky bread according to GOST, molded, sourdough, using tea leaves, rye red malt and dark molasses, with the addition of wheat flour of the 2nd grade or whole grain spelled flour.


Culinary spoon metal
- food film
- parchment
- a thermos with a wide mouth or a container with thick walls that can be put into the oven, with a volume of at least 2 liters - for brewing
- containers for sourdough (at least 1.5 l) and dough dough (at least 3-3.5 l)
- professional aluminum bread pan L7
- cooking scales
- plastic dough divider with flexible edge
- to maintain the necessary temperature regime: proofing cabinet, or underfloor heating, or room heater
- cooking thermometer
- silicone brush
- coffee grinder or mortar and pestle
- atomizer
- fine nylon sieve (if using whole grain spelled for baking)

Total for one loaf weighing about 850 grams, we need:
- 400 gr whole grain rye flour
- 75 gr wheat flour, 2nd grade producer "Divinka"

- 20 gr molasses dark maltose
- 30 gr sugar
- 3 gr cumin
- 5 gr salt
- 410 gr water (+ - 10 gr)

- 35 gr starter sourdough rye at the peak of activity
- 30 gr peeled rye flour
- 20 gr water
Total: 85 gr

- 25 gr fermented red rye malt
- 75 gr whole grain rye flour
- 250 gr water
- 2 gr ground cumin seeds
Total: 352 gr

- 85 gr sourdough
- 352 gr tea leaves
- 175 gr whole grain rye flour
- 125 gr water (+- 10 gr)
Total: 737 gr

- 737 gr whole dough
- 75 gr wheat flour, 2nd grade (or whole-grain spelled with sifted bran)
- 100 gr whole grain rye flour
- 30 gr sugar
- 20 gr molasses
- 5 gr salt
Total: 967 gr


1. sourdough: in the evening mix rye whole grain flour 30 gr, rye sourdough 35 gr, water 20 gr. cover cling film and leave for 9 hours at temp. 24 deg. C or for 12 hours at temp. 22 deg. WITH.

By morning, the starter should increase in volume by 1.5 - 2 times.

2. The day before baking, in the evening, prepare WELDING: in a thermos with a wide mouth, pour 75 g whole grain rye flour, 25 g red malt, 2 g coriander (pre-ground in a coffee grinder or pound in a mortar with a pestle), pour hot water 250 gr (temp. about 97 degrees C).

Part of the flour (about 10%) can be set aside and added at the very end of the tea leaves kneading, this will help bring additional active enzymes into the tea leaves.

Thoroughly mix the tea leaves with a metal spoon (we do not recommend using a blender, because too much tea leaves on its moving parts, which is then difficult to clean off). Close the thermos and leave to saccharify overnight.

If you use thick-walled dishes instead of a thermos, then tea leaves must be saccharify at temp. 63-65 deg. C within 2 hours: In the oven or proofer, check with a thermometer that the temperature is at the correct level. When too high temperature(70-75 degrees C), the tea leaves will already begin to bake and lose moisture, and if the temperature is insufficient, the saccharification process will go too sluggishly.

Tip: at bakeries, the loss of tea leaves during kneading dough is minimal, this is ensured with the help of a special technological equipment. At home, we are forced to brew in one container, and knead the brew in another, a large proportion of the brew remains on the walls of the dishes, and it, in turn, sometimes contains the necessary water according to the recipe. Thus, the loss of water in the manufacture of one loaf can be significant. Therefore, we always add brew to the dough by weight, and brew all the ingredients in excess (adding 10% to the weight of all ingredients).

3. Doing DIP.

Mix the whole starter, the whole tea leaves, 175g whole grain rye flour and 125g water in a bowl.

Cover bowl with cling film and set aside 1.5-2 hours at temp. 29-30 degrees C. It is also important to mix the dough with a spoon or spatula, since a large share of it may also remain on the hands.

The dough should increase in volume by at least 1.5-2 times, bubbles should appear on the surface.

4. Doing DOUGH.

Mix in a bowl all the dough and whole grain flour 100 gr, wheat of the 2nd grade (or spelled whole grain - pre-screen the bran through a fine nylon sieve) 75 gr, salt 5 gr, sugar 30 gr, molasses 20 gr. The dough turns out to be of medium density, the shape of a lump does not hold.

Cover with cling film and leave to 4 hours at temp. 29-30 degrees. WITH.

The dough should increase in volume by at least 2 times.

5. Lay out dough into a mold, greased with a thick layer or lard, or two layersghee.

Punch down the dough lightly with your hand. SHAPE a bar using a tablespoon (she needs to smooth the top of the workpiece, and also wind the spoon with a bulge to the dough, between the dough and the mold wall to form the inclined side of the workpiece). The spoon must be lowered to the bottom of the mold and move it up and down.
A thin handle of a fork or spoon is necessary for forming dough in the corners of the mold, and silicone spatula needed to smooth all these surfaces to smoothness. All these "tools" can be slightly moistened with water from time to time for better glide.

It may turn out that the dough will be very liquid and will blur all the time during molding, but all the same, all these manipulations must be carried out. In this case, when baking next time, reduce the amount of water by 20 g during kneading and slightly reduce the proofing time, otherwise the dough will again be very liquid.

cover up the shape with a film or a shower cap (on the side of the dough, grease vegetable oil).

6. PROOFING:60 min. at temp. 25 deg. WITH.

Spray the entire surface of the loaf with a spray bottle and sprinkle with whole coriander seeds.

7. BAKE with on the pizza stone without steam at:

230 deg. C - 15 min,
210 deg. C - 15 min,
180 deg. C - 30 min.

Preheat the oven for 1 hour at max. pace. 230 degrees C, it is necessary to put the workpiece in the oven very quickly, without rolling the pizza stone out.

After you have taken the bread out of the oven, grease it with starch jelly with a brush, which must be cooked in advance (1 tablespoon of starch without top per 200 ml of water, brew), but you can not grease it.

Cool the finished bread without shelter on the grate for 2-3 hours, then wrap it in a thin towel (preferably linen). Cut the bread no earlier than 24 hours later.

P.S. Bread baked with spelled has a slightly lower porosity than with wheat flour of the 2nd grade, the height of the loaf is 1-1.5 cm lower. But, no difference in taste can be felt.

Recipe notes:

I run my rye sourdough starter at 22-24 degrees C if your sourdough starter temperature is higher (this happens in the midst of summer season), then to obtain a loaf without cracks, the following conditions must be met:

1) Change the temperature of the test and dough (lower to 27 degrees C)
2) Change the hydration of the dough: reduce the amount of water introduced into the dough by 10-15 g
3) Reduce the time of making the dough (fermenting 1.5 hours instead of 2 hours)

All these measures can be applied either in combination or separately, depending on how high the temperature of your sourdough starter is.
If the temperature of your sourdough is below 22-24 degrees C, then you should refresh it 2-3-4 times at a temperature of 22-24 degrees C for a day or two and only then put bread on it, otherwise the loaf is also very likely to crack during baking.

And a little for appetite interesting facts about Borodino bread.

According to one of the romantic versions, this bread appeared thanks to the love of Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov.
Margarita came from the princely family of the Naryshkins. Her husband, Alexander Tuchkov was a colonel. For five years after the wedding, Margarita followed her husband in all military campaigns, until in 1811 she gave birth to a son. The birth of a child forced the princess to stay at home. According to legend, she saw a dream in which she heard the words "Your fate will be decided in Borodino!". However, Margarita never heard of such a place.
In September 1812, in the village of Borodino, a decisive battle took place with Napoleon's army, which attacked Russia. It was in this severe battle that her husband was killed, whose body the unfortunate Margarita was looking for on the battlefield. The search was in vain, and the heartbroken wife had the idea to build a church on the site of the death of her beloved spouse. Soon the church was built, the construction was completed and the Savior Not Made by Hands was lit in 1820. Margarita moved to the temple after the death of her son, becoming the abbess of the Spaso-Borodino Monastery. The monastery had its own bakery, which developed a recipe for bread made from rye flour. This bread did not go stale for a long time, had rich taste, glossy surface and sprinkled with either caraway or coriander, which could symbolize buckshot. This bread was called "funeral", and only at the end of the nineteenth it began to be called Borodino.

There is another version of the origin of Borodino bread. According to this version, Borodino bread was invented by the famous Russian composer and chemist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. According to legend, the idea to create Borodino bread came to the scientist after a trip to Italy with a group of fellow chemists. However, this version is rejected by historians, since rye does not grow in southern countries. Therefore, rye bread is supplied from Russia to many foreign countries where Russian emigrants live.

Or maybe "Borodinsky" simply comes from the word "fermentation" and has nothing to do with either Borodino or Borodino?

Be that as it may, it is only known for certain that the recipe for the current Borodino bread was developed in 1933 by the Moscow Bakery Trust. According to this recipe, coriander was one of the bread ingredients. Not a single literary source devoted to bread-making before 1920 mentions the name of the bread "Borodinsky", so it is quite possible that the name of the bread appeared along with its modern recipe.

Borodinsky refers to custard varieties of bread. The brewing of part of the flour in a bread recipe is a very old technique, and was known even in "prehistoric times" by the Egyptians and Greeks, but in Russia before the revolution, the use of brews was considered a technique so precious and special that the technology (and mythology) of brews was kept secret by bakers. First traditional technologies brews in Russian bread recipes were published by nine Moscow bakers in 1928-1930, and in the 1930s-1940s, brews were studied in detail by scientists, classified into 6 classes and formalized in the form of GOSTs for "custard" bread and liquid yeast(sourdough starters).

Choux bread is very specific in taste and its preparation is not so much difficult as it takes a lot of time. Therefore, today, in conditions of constant time pressure, both factories and owners of bread machines at home bake not so much the "real" Borodino as its analogues, for example, coriander bread. Shops take yeast and vinegar instead of sourdough, dry kvass instead of malt, special preparations instead of tea leaves, etc. And so that the bread is even more magnificent, taller, the share of wheat flour in it is increased from 0-15% to 50% and more. As a result, the bread turns out sweet and sour and coriander, and therefore - "Borodinsky"! But if you try real Borodino bread at least once, you will feel a huge difference! Borodinsky is a very soft, thin-crusted, never stale, very rye, tender bread. Easy to prepare, if the tea leaves are saccharified overnight. And quick to prepare if you have a sourdough with good lifting power and the ability to ferment the dough and dough at 30 * C.

Borodino bread is useful to everyone without exception - both healthy and sick. It is recommended for people with high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels in the blood, people suffering from constipation. This bread does not harm the figure at all, which is why it is so loved and in demand by people suffering from overweight. Many women also use Borodino bread as a natural cosmetic product for hair and facial skin.

The time for preparing products and the process of infusing bread takes a day. Bake Borodino bread for 50-55 minutes.

How to bake Borodino bread

Products for brewing
Peeled flour - 50 grams
Red rye malt - 25 grams
Ground coriander - 1 teaspoon
Water - 200 milliliters

Products for the test
Peeled rye flour - 200 grams
White flour (rye or wheat) - 75 grams
Dry yeast - 0.5 grams
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Molasses or dark honey- 5 tablespoons
Sugar - 30 grams
Water - 100 milliliters
Coriander beans - 0.5 teaspoon

Dough Products
Sourdough - 125 grams (consists of 50 grams peeled flour, 75 milliliters of water and 0.5 teaspoon of dry yeast)
Peeled flour - 125 grams
Water - 125 milliliters

Products for greasing the pan
Lard (can be replaced with oil or not added at all) - 1 tablespoon
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
Coriander beans or cumin - 1 tablespoon
Stage 1. How to prepare the sourdough
1. Mix 50 grams of peeled flour, 75 grams warm water, half a teaspoon of yeast, - and mix.
2. insist on room temperature and leave for 14-17 hours.

Stage 2. How to prepare tea leaves
1. Heat up to 85 degrees 200 milliliters of water.
2. Mix 25 grams of red rye malt and 50 grams of wholemeal flour in a bowl.
3. Pour the mixture with hot water.
4. Add 1 teaspoon of ground coriander to the tea leaves and mix.
5. Pour the tea leaves into a thermos, twist the thermos tightly and leave to infuse for 6.5-7 hours (if there is no thermos, you can pour it into a bottle and wrap it with a blanket), or put it on a hot battery.

Stage 3. How to make a dough
1. Heat 125 milliliters of water to 40 degrees. 3. Mix in a bowl hot water, tea leaves and sourdough, and stir very well.
4. Add 125 grams of peeled flour.
5. Knead the dough and cover the bowl with cling film.
6. Leave the bowl of dough for 3.5 hours in a warm, but not hot place (ideally in the summer sun or on a warm battery).

Stage 4. How to prepare the dough
1. Mix 0.5 grams of dry yeast with 75 milliliters of water and 3 grams of sugar.
2. Leave the yeast for 20 minutes.
3. Mix the dough with diluted yeast.
4. Add to the mixture 200 grams of peeled flour, 75 grams of white flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, 5 tablespoons of molasses, 30 grams of sugar and 15 milliliters of water.
5. Gently and quickly knead the dough until smooth, helping in kneading with a wooden bowl, as the dough can stick to your hands.
6. Leave the dough to rise for 1.5 hours in a warm but not hot place.

Stage 5. How to bake "Borodino" bread
1. Grease a bread pan with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of lard, vegetable oil and flour.
2. Moisten the table and hands and put the risen dough on the wet table.
3. Shape the dough into the desired shape.
4. Put it in a baking dish or on baking paper, and gently tamp.
5. Flatten the corners of the dough with a bowl and smooth the top.
6. Cover the form with the dough with a bag and leave for 1 hour in a warm place with a temperature of about 30 degrees.
7. Grease the dough ready for baking with a mixture of 50 milliliters of water and 1 tablespoon of flour, sprinkle with 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds and send to a preheated oven.
8. Bake bread for 15 minutes at a temperature of 250 degrees with steam - pre-boil a saucepan of water and put a saucepan of boiling water under a baking sheet with bread.
9. 15 minutes after the start of baking, ventilate the oven, set the temperature to 200 degrees and bake the bread for another 35-45 minutes, depending on the size of the bread.


Borodino bread is useful for gastrointestinal tract, as it is baked from coarse grain flour, which contains more dietary fiber.

There is an erroneous opinion that Borodino bread helps to lose weight. This is not so, because in Borodino bread per 100 grams of the product there are only 40 fewer calories than in white bread.

Borodino bread is stored for 3-4 days.

The average cost of products for making Borodino bread in Moscow as of December 2017 according to our recipe is 80 rubles.

The calorie content of Borodino bread is 208 kcal / 100 grams.

To make the process of making bread easier, the preparation of bread can be divided into time steps:

1. 19:00 - preparation of sourdough.
2. 24:00 - preparation of tea leaves.
3. 07:00 next day- preparation of sourdough.
4. 11:00 - kneading the dough. The dough should rise within 2-2.5 hours.
5. 13:00 - laying the dough in a baking dish, waiting 1-2 hours.
6. 14:00 - preheating the oven.
7. 15:00 - the bread is ready.

If there is not (or not enough) a baking dish, you can form bread on a sheet of baking paper.
