
What are the varieties of honey? Dark, white and rare varieties of honey. What variety is the most useful? Types, varieties of honey and its medicinal properties

Varieties of honey - today are represented by a fairly large number. It is worth noting that the same sort of honey, due to certain properties, can belong to different varieties at the same time. In this section, we have tried to collect and show the most common varieties of honey. This should make it easier to find the variety of honey of interest and get to know its properties better.

Bee honey is a product of processing nectar or honeydew by honey bees, which is a sweet, aromatic, syrupy liquid or crystallized mass. Honey is the most common and well-known product of beekeeping.

Elite varieties

Elite varieties of honey are usually the most useful, rare and expensive varieties of honey.

The elite varieties of honey include:

white honey

White honey is a natural food product collected by bees from certain honey plants, such as: white locust, fireweed (Ivan-tea), sweet clover, white clover, linden, raspberry, sainfoin, rapeseed, alfalfa.

It should be borne in mind that white honey from these honey plants will become only after crystallization. If you are offered white honey on the market, always treat this product with a certain amount of caution, since the risk of buying a fake is quite high.

Famous varieties of white honey:

light honey

Light honey - as a rule, it has a light color, both after pumping and after crystallization.

Known varieties of light honey:

dark honey

Dark honey - as a rule, it has a dark color, both after pumping and after crystallization.

Known varieties of dark honey:

poisonous honey

Poisonous honey (drunk honey) - this variety got its name because after eating such a product, a person becomes like a drunk. This causes dizziness and nausea. It should be noted that the bees are not poisoned during the collection and processing of nectar. They also eat it but in moderation.

Honeydew honey - is obtained not from the nectar of flowers, but from the so-called honeydew, honeydew, and also honeydew.


List and characteristics of types of honey that exist in nature

There is just as great a variety of varieties and types of honey as there are honey plants, and even more. Each of them is good in its own way, because they are all produced by hardworking bees and have a lot of useful properties. The difference lies only in the original source, which has special qualities.

Catalog of types of honey

One way or another, any type of honey has antibacterial properties, however, some of them have such qualities more pronounced. Others boast a high content of metals, or vitamins. Any variety of honey is useful for a certain reason. Consider what varieties of honey are, in more detail.

One of the most valuable species, buckwheat bee product is collected from the flowers of the same name. It has a very sweet, up to astringency, taste and smell. Crystallization of its dark mass always proceeds into a homogeneous mass, and not necessarily coarse-grained. It is very rich in iron, which is why it is extremely useful for the process of blood restoration.
Another representative of the most useful varieties is linden. He is highly regarded by people. Many people even believe that there is no better medicine. But unfortunately, there is no absolute potion of immortality. It has a fairly light color, boasts a greenish tint, and belongs to the white variety of the product. It certainly has a pleasant and mild scent. As for the taste, you can hardly find it sweeter. This product is very nutritious, therefore it quickly restores organic depletion. A chic bouquet of vitamins ensured widespread use in traditional medicine.

White is a rather rare variety that has many fakes. Its sources are white locust, the same clover, sometimes even linden, and some others. But some types of honey become white only after crystallization. Therefore, it can have several names. What I want to note is that it cannot be “pure”, at least it is almost impossible to achieve the absence of impurities. Therefore, it often has at least some shade.


The bitter taste of chestnut sweetness does not diminish the actual value of the product. The cloying smell of flowering chestnut remains, which is why it often evokes nostalgic memories of July on cold winter evenings. But not only the aroma, but also the color of it matches the fruits of the tree. This is one of the few species that can maintain its liquid state for much longer than the rest, to be more specific, up to two years. This dark variety has a wide variety of vitamins and microelements, including metals, therefore it is widely used for medicinal purposes.

The uniqueness of fireweed honey is provided by the legendary base - a herb used for a long time as a remedy for various diseases. The product of bees not only retained all the properties of the plant, but also multiplied and strengthened them. Rich in vitamin C, it is necessary as a first line remedy in the fight against colds.

The generalized name of the honeydew is associated with the collection of honeydew by bees, and not pollen. There is also honey. These varieties have different colors, but certainly dark, up to black. And although they are not suitable for constant use by bees, they are not only harmless to humans, but also especially useful.

Perhaps the most interesting variety of honey is angelica. This variety of honey has an exquisite taste, intoxicating aroma and excellent healing characteristics. Basically it has a dark color, but can even be red. In medicine, it has found its main use as an antispasmodic for stomach problems.

It is bred with royal jelly to enhance the properties of both ingredients. No additives or chemicals, just two natural ingredients. This mixture has the ability to save a person from many ailments. Mixed with a ratio of 1 to 150.

Floral by definition is harvested from plants that have pollen. Such a product almost always has a pleasant aftertaste and spicy smell. It is actively used both in folk and modern medicine.

It is surprising that such an unpretentious plant as sweet clover, which is considered an ordinary weed, can cause such an amazing product. This is an early autumn flower. It can be produced from yellow medicinal flowers and white ordinary ones. In any case, it has high-quality antimicrobial properties, accelerates the healing of wounds, and prevents their suppuration.

Extremely valuable and useful acacia honey may have a white, virtually colorless or yellow color. Completely without bitterness, the taste is not sharp, just like the smell. A rare property of this product is a long-term resistance to the crystallization process. It is simply an excellent food for diabetics and children, as it is absorbed by the human body fantastically quickly.

Sunflower honey very quickly says goodbye to its extremely tasty liquid form. At the end of coarse-grained crystallization, it becomes light, occasionally with impurities of a green glow. Most of all, the benefit of such a substance will be in the treatment of the cardiovascular system and respiratory tract. In addition, it perfectly removes toxins from the human body, serves as a good diuretic.

Bee honey collected from mountain forbs is considered to be the purest. This includes nectar from rather rare flowers, giving a special healing power to the product. The result of such a mix is ​​a different color, aroma and taste. But being natural, it treats colds well.

Wild bee honey is a truly original nutrient. It has a wide variety of vitamins. The peculiarity of this variety lies in a special approach to its collection. Honeycombs are not unpacked for six months, in order to acquire greater density and aroma of the product. In other words, high concentration.

In fact, there is no pollen on the cedar, and even a narrow-minded person knows about this. In this case, to create honey, bees collect cedar honeydew to create this wonderful mixture. People can also cook it according to separate recipes using the same honeydew and other types of bee products. In any case, the product is very popular and quickly sells out due to its life-giving abilities.

May call actually any fresh honey collected with the beginning of spring. It turns out that this is not a specific variety, but several of them. They have a special relation to themselves, not only because of their freshness and specific healing power. There is a symbol of the beginning of life, the end of winter. It is readily purchased for the treatment of colds.

Honey, preserved in honeycombs, has its own healing power, different from the squeezed counterpart. In this case, a huge role is played by the wax itself, which stores particles of propolis and pollen. It is good to chew for healthy gums and a strong immune system. As a rule, in this state it is noticeably more expensive than in liquid.

Many people would like to see how bees knock out nectar from pine trees, however, this cannot be, due to the absence of the latter in coniferous trees. Therefore, this variety belongs to honeydew honey. The peculiarity of this substance is a high concentration of potassium.

Nothing invigorates like honey from herbs. Is that the agenda from the military registration and enlistment office. Most often it is golden in color, and it is valued about the same, in particular, for health. The general tonic effect of the substance enriched with vitamins and a variety of microelements literally saturates the body with energy.

Black can only be in two cases. It is either a honeydew product or it is made from black cumin flowers. In the latter version, it can only be collected in Egypt. The cost for it is akin to the height of the pyramids, due to the uniqueness and special healing indicators.

The most popular drinks among the Slavic peoples are intoxicating. Prepared on the basis of honey, however, they no longer differ in medicinal properties. But this does not affect the wonderful taste.

An amazing product is used to strengthen the immune system. Green honey contains a special substance - spirulina. This substance enhances the taste of honey and their properties, such as healing and the ability to heal.

The color of pumpkin honey matches the plant from which it is collected. It does not keep its liquid form for a long time and soon crystallizes. The diuretic effect is not very pronounced, but it is actively taken for problems with organic filters: kidneys and liver.

In fact, apple is prepared by a person. In another, prepared liquid honey, crushed and peeled apples are sunk. It is made by adding a small amount of water and then heating it. In the finished state, the mixture is very useful for arthritis and cystitis.

A special ingredient that allows you to get such an unusual color is usually perga. This product has huge reserves of vitamin A, which is especially important for vision. In addition, there are special healing micro and macro elements of pollen.

Being devoid of moisture, the substance loses its sharpness of taste and smell, but retains many properties for a longer time. Dry honey largely depends on the variety from which it was created. One of the healthiest varieties.

Tea tree honey, according to many scientists, can even cure staphylococcus aureus, where even some antibiotics cannot cope. It has very strong antimicrobial properties. The product is light, with a slight aroma.

Although it does not cause much addiction among people, nevertheless, sugar is produced even now. It belongs to non-natural varieties. The product crystallizes very quickly, with rather large grains. It should be noted that there is little useful in it and it is used as a substitute for sugar in baking.

Brown walnut is actively used in pharmacology. It is used to make drugs against sclerosis, worms and general strengthening drugs. In its pure form, it is valued precisely because of its firming and tonic properties.

Sometimes, when there is a lot of honey, but little by little, they are simply mixed. How to determine the resulting product is not clear, but it acquires interesting qualities of its constituent ingredients. Sometimes meadow honey is also called this, since it also has a lot of things mixed in it.

Lemon honey is made exclusively at home. It turns out a powerful remedy for colds. In addition, it brings out the smell and taste characteristic of citrus, which is why it is loved by housewives around the world.

One of the best and most useful varieties is considered field. It is usually either practically colorless or light yellow. Winged workers collect it from field plants (hence the name). Depending on the honey plant from which it was collected, the product has the appropriate beneficial properties. Sage, for example, treats inflammation on the skin, and nightshade saves from rheumatism.

Steppe honey, which is collected from herbs, has a lot of useful properties that it absorbs from all the plants that serve as its source. Its medicinal properties and nutritional qualities are very high. Takes pride of place among the most useful species.
Forest is considered one of the elite varieties. Its unique properties allow the use of the product in the treatment of many ailments. It has a specific tart taste and a color palette from light yellow to light brown.

Sweetness collected from wild-growing honey plants located in the taiga-forest zone - that's what taiga honey is. Among all varieties, it is considered one of the highest quality. It gives out a special aroma, as well as a rich color of a coffee shade.

Beesweet is not always an amber or bright yellow color, there are also varieties of a darker shade. They differ not only in color, but also in special properties.

Dark varieties

Catalog of dark varieties of honey:

  • buckwheat;
  • heather;
  • burdock;
  • chestnut;
  • tulip;
  • rowan.

Dark varieties include honey enriched with iron. As a rule, it is the metal that affects the color of the product. The most famous species are buckwheat and heather. These are the most popular varieties of honey.

White varieties

The list of these varieties is as follows:

  • lime;
  • acacia;
  • crimson;
  • sweet clover.

Some of them can acquire a characteristic color only after crystallization.

rare varieties

What is honey? Allocate:

  • tobacco;
  • carrot;
  • dandelion;
  • pumpkin.

Not always bees collect the product exclusively or at least mainly from the selected plant. The matter is aggravated if it is also infrequently found in nature.

Elite varieties

There are so-called elite types of honey, which are made from flowering plants, or rather, their nectar. In any case, they are rich in fructose and glucose, which make up four-fifths of the mass of the entire substance. Both dark and white honey can be found here.

Medicinal varieties

Of course, any bee product has its own healing characteristics, however, some species store a more pronounced healing property. Many products are enhanced in order to make the effect of their use more powerful. By and large, only non-natural varieties are not classified as medicinal varieties.

What variety is the most useful?

The very opinion that one variety can be more useful than another under any circumstances does not have a grain of truth. So what are the healthiest varieties of honey? All types of honey, but in fact it all depends on the specific situation. Indeed, as already known, in case of a lack of potassium, it is best to eat pine, and if a person has lost a lot of blood, then he should use buckwheat.


Food of the gods

Varieties of sweet nectar

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7 most healing varieties of honey

Honey has quite an interesting meaning. In translation, the word means a spell or something endowed with magical properties. And this is not surprising, since this is the only product that can heal any disease, bestow wisdom and youth. Introducing the 7 most healing varieties of honey.

It is considered one of the best among all varieties of honey. Its taste is never to be confused with any other: it constantly tickles your throat when you try it. Buckwheat honey is much darker than all other varieties: its color varies from dark yellow to dark brown. It is produced by bees from buckwheat flowers. If we compare buckwheat honey with light honey, then it is twice as rich in trace elements and amino acids, and therefore the most useful.

The benefits of this honey are enormous: it treats anemia, hypertension, beriberi, stomatitis, gastritis, skin diseases, colds, and restores protein metabolism. Buckwheat honey is often used in cooking as a component of dough, the basis for compotes.

Its characteristic feature can be called the absence of color or a light amber hue, as well as an unusual fragrant. This honey is characterized not only by its high taste qualities, but also by its healing qualities. Depending on where the honey was grown, it has a completely different taste. Thus, linden honey, collected in the Far East, has a very delicate taste, and the one that was brought from the European part of the Russian Federation is characterized by a sharp bouquet, when the taste and aroma are felt in the mouth and tickle the throat.

This honey is indispensable in the treatment of tonsillitis, bronchial asthma, bronchitis, laryngitis, runny nose, diseases of the kidneys, stomach and intestines, burns and wounds.

This is truly the most famous variety of honey. One hectare of flowering acacia allows a bee to collect more than 1500 kilograms of honey. And from one tree, the bee family collects up to 8 kilograms of the product. Upon pumping, this honey is colorless, and upon crystallization, it gradually acquires a white hue. The characteristic difference of this honey is that the content of glucose and fructose in it is almost equal.

Acacia honey is used as a general tonic, helps with gastrointestinal, renal diseases, diseases of the nervous system. It is also an excellent remedy for insomnia and a sedative.

An ideal product for connoisseurs of bitter taste. He only slightly gives bitterness, tart. The color varies from dark yellow to red-brown. Its differences are slow crystallization, strong ductility. When it thickens, it begins to resemble jelly in consistency, in the middle of which a huge amount of air bubbles form. But if this honey is mixed, it will become liquid again. Extraordinarily rich in minerals.

Heather honey is effective in the absence of appetite, vascular diseases, helps with diseases of the nervous system.

This is a rather dark, thick honey, which has a pleasant bitterness. Its characteristic feature can be called the fact that it crystallizes unusually slowly.

Chestnut honey has antimicrobial characteristics, it is also seen in a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. This honey significantly increases the protective capabilities of the body, helping to cope with kidney diseases. The main suppliers of chestnut honey in Russia are Altai, Kuban and Adygea.

It is distinguished by exceptional transparency and a light amber hue. From this honey comes an unusually pleasant smell, and its taste is moderately sweet. It crystallizes rather slowly, changing color to white. Sainfoin honey is considered a particularly valuable variety, as it is extremely rich in vitamins, biologically active substances and minerals. It contains a lot of carotene, ascorbic acid and valuable enzymes.

This honey has a tonic effect, calms the nervous system, strengthens the capillaries.

Contains a great variety of substances useful for humans. It can have a completely different color: from light amber to white, which is characterized by a greenish tint. Donnikovy honey has a great taste, harmoniously mixed with a slight bitterness. It is never possible to forget the aroma of this honey, which gives off a subtle note of vanilla. It is known to be extremely popular among connoisseurs of honey. Sweet clover honey effectively helps with problems with the intestines, diseases of the veins, relieves inflammation from the gastrointestinal tract, dilates blood vessels, normalizes metabolism. This product is an excellent solution for insomnia, as a sedative. When used in the form of propolis compresses or patches, it relieves pain from cuts, wounds, sprains and bruises.

Anna Prikhodko


Differences and characteristics of different varieties of honey

Not every beekeeper will be able to name all elite or all dark varieties of honey. For buyers, some of this information is generally closed. And she needs to know. List with photos and videos.

Each apiary produces several varieties of honey during the season, and there are more than a hundred different varieties and types in total. Each honey plant forms one variety, in addition, honey can be obtained from honeydew. All varieties are useful in their own way, and they all have bactericidal properties. Everyone can learn to distinguish one variety from another by studying the characteristics of such a wonderful product as bee honey.

List of known varieties

If bees collect nectar from different honey plants at the same time, the honey is polyfloral. Any polyfloral variety is also called forbs. Monofloral honey is more valued, but its types and varieties are so different that not a single catalog contains even half of the names. Below are most of the varieties known and available in Russia.

Acacia honey

Honey from a white acacia is a record-breaking liquid and transparent. Yellow acacia adds color. Both varieties belong to the elite, having a low glycemic index. The sugaring period exceeds a year, and the benefit is to normalize metabolism. Acacia grows in Russia, Canada and Kenya, and the variety is among the most expensive, as it does not cause allergies.

Forged by adding corn syrup, which is difficult to detect.

Buckwheat honey

Brown color, long candied period and tart taste are the main characteristics of buckwheat honey. It belongs to the elite, helping to treat the gastrointestinal tract and restore red blood cells. Bactericidal properties are also expressed. Honey is collected in Altai and Canada - in the second case, the color resembles a ruby.

Because of the ability to absorb starch, it is usually added.

Linden honey

Small-leaved linden is the main honey plant of Bashkiria. Honey turns out to be slightly less liquid than acacia.

It helps with colds, being a strong expectorant.

The variety belongs to the elite, and molasses is mixed in fakes.


chestnut honey

There are two varieties - horse chestnut and food. The second of the two varieties is elite, and it candied for 2-3 years. The benefits are due to a mild effect on the nervous system, which is not typical for horse chestnut. Bactericidal properties - record. The variety is distinguished by the place of collection - Sochi, Crimean, etc.

Forged, issuing one variety after another or adding burnt sugar.

sweet clover honey

Honey from white sweet clover is not popular in Russia, but in Canada and the USA this variety is more common. Yellow sweet clover nectar contains a lot of glucose, and the product is candied in a month, unlike a competing variety with a long crystallization period. The main purpose is a diuretic. Both varieties are distinguished by a record content of coumarin, which thins the blood. The light amber hue changes during crystallization, and the consistency then resembles ghee.

Fake honey is either not candied or is rapeseed.

fireweed honey

Fireweed is Ivan tea, and its nectar is quickly candied. The consistency becomes greasy, and the greenish color changes to a shade of cream.

Delicate and delicate taste is not lost.

Fireweed honey treats inflammation of the mucous membrane.

The fakes contain rapeseed nectar.

clover honey

The honey plant is white, red and pink clover, which grows in Russia and Canada. Bees are more willing to collect nectar from white clover, but the product from such nectar candied faster - in 2 or 3 months. In this case, the amber-orange hue becomes beige. The taste remains very gentle, and the smell of herbs does not disappear.

A fake product is not able to be candied.

Sainfoin honey

The variety is valued in Europe and is present in Russia.

The main specialization is the restoration of the balance of hormones.

Candied for many months, and then the color becomes pink-white.

In fakes there is molasses.

sunflower honey

Sunflower nectar serves as the basis of a bee product that is produced in Altai and in Europe, but not in America.

Sugaring is very fast and the color becomes bright yellow.

The taste is considered moderately tart, the aroma is weakly expressed.

Honey belongs to low grades. They don't fake.

Angelica honey

Angelica, also known as angelica, is a rare honey plant in Europe and Asia. Honey is useful in the treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as the nervous system.

The color can vary from amber red to brown. After crystallization, which must wait a year, the product darkens and becomes like a resin.

A fake is honey of less rare varieties, in which burnt sugar is added.

Raspberry honey

Raspberry nectar is used to form a product used as an antipyretic. After sugaring, the color becomes light cream with a brown or greenish tint. The smell of raspberry flowers practically does not disappear, and when falsified, raspberry syrup is used.

The variety is distributed throughout the world.

heather honey

Heather nectar is the source of a bee product familiar to many from Stevenson's ballad. The product is produced in Scotland and Asia Minor, as well as in the Caucasus and Western Siberia. A characteristic feature is the density, which does not allow the honeycombs to be easily released. The crystallization period is infinite, and the benefit is expressed by the ability to treat asthma.

Burnt sugar is added to the fake.

honeydew honey

If the bee product is formed not from nectar, but from honeydew, then it is called honeydew. This product is harmful to bees, but very beneficial to humans.

Characteristic properties: dark color, increased density and low moisture content. The crystallization period will be long, it is not defined.

There are no fakes - we are talking about a low-grade product.

pine honey

Honeydew collected from needles can be the basis of a bee product that is not candied.

Fir and spruce, that is, their needles, give the product a brown-green color, and pine - only yellow. Regardless of the color, a high potassium content will be characteristic.

No fakes have been found.

white honey

A bee product that looks like sour cream is a cream prepared by whipping.

Canola honey is used for cooking, and the shelf life is increased.

Berries and nuts can be added to the finished cream.

The fake is diluted with a filler - flour, sawdust, etc.

black honey

Only one honey plant can provide a rich black color to a bee product.

This is black cumin, the nectar of which bees collect mainly in Egypt.

According to local healers, the beneficial properties are inexhaustible: the product is suitable for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and heart. It is also used as a disinfectant.

The fake is cane molasses.

Honey with royal jelly

The mammary glands of bees that have recently left the combs produce a product that accumulates in the cells-baths.

Storage is difficult, and royal jelly is added to honey, not exceeding a concentration of 1 to 100.

The benefits are inexhaustible, but the properties are not fully understood.

The counterfeits do not contain milk.

Herb honey

A mixture of different nectars is called forbs.

All varieties differ in origin and color: meadow, forest, mountain, also dark and light.

Regardless of the color, honey has a strong tonic property.

A fake is a mixture of monofloral products of several varieties.

flower honey

All varieties are divided into two groups - flower and honeydew.

If products from two different groups are mixed, the mixture will no longer be marketable, but it will remain edible.

Flower varieties are called varieties formed from any nectar - acacia, linden, etc.

Forged by adding burnt sugar, molasses or starch.

mountain honey

The mountain forbs always contain the nectar of an elite honey plant - food chestnut, linden or acacia.

Also, any mountain variety has a unique shade that cannot be obtained with conventional mixing.

An example is Abkhazian honey, in which the concentration of chestnut nectar exceeds 20%.

Fakes are mixtures made from monofloral honey.

apple honey

The variety is rare. Better to call it apple. The properties are little studied, but the ability to stimulate the immune system has been revealed.

Another product is better known: the pulp of apples is added to light flower honey, and the mixture is evaporated at T = 40-45 °.

It turns out a cure for cystitis and any inflammation in the joints.

The main thing is not to buy an apple product instead of apple honey.

pumpkin honey

The variety belongs to those that are almost never found on sale.

The sugaring process is fast, and the benefits are due to the mildest choleretic and diuretic effect.

More often, a honey product is prepared by filling the pumpkin cavity with sugar. Perhaps the benefit in the second case will not be much less.

A fake is candied honey from a sunflower.

red honey

If the watermelon pulp is evaporated for several hours, a product of bright red color will be obtained.

Its name is nardek, and it is used only in cooking.

Perga is added to bee honey, but then the color turns brown.

Watermelon honey is not fake.

green honey

To any bee product, you can add a preparation from algae of a special variety.

As a result, the natural taste will not change and even intensify.

Healing qualities are also enhanced, but the color changes.

Neither propolis nor honeydew mixture can give honey a rich green color.

Wild honey

Within the genus Apis, there are not one, but seven species of bees. Many of them do not live in hives, but their combs are available to a person, filled with nectar in the same way as in ordinary apiaries.

After honey collection, honeycombs can be removed and the finished product can be sold. The most famous Himalayan variety, which is described in the table.

There are no wild bees in Russia.

Cedar honey

The cedar gives off honeydew, and the bees form a product with a characteristic shade from it.

The variety is artificial: cedar resin is added to light herbs.

The proportion can be 1 to 1.

Deception consists in imposing an opinion about the natural origin of the variety.

May honey

The product of the first rolling, obtained in any apiary, is called May.

The variety is a kind of light forbs. The period of sugaring depends on the nectar composition, but does not exceed one year.

The maximum benefit appears after 5-6 months of storage.

A fake is a product of a later roll.

tea honey

In Australia and New Zealand, a honey plant called Tea Tree grows.

The product from its nectar is thick, it is not candied for almost a year.

Healing properties associated with antiseptic and antiviral action.

When falsifying, molasses is usually added.

dry honey

Any bee product with a specific gravity of 1.450 is called dry.

There is another definition: dry honey is honey powder or granules that must be dissolved in water.

Essential oils are lost during processing.

The usefulness question remains open.

Taiga honey

Honey plants from the coniferous forests of Siberia and Altai form a special and unique mixture with healing properties.

The product does not sugar for a long time, remaining liquid for almost a year, and the benefits are due to the high content of vitamins and minerals.

It is easy to recognize the variety by its rich color.

An obligatory sign is a coffee shade.

forest honey

The variety belongs to the light forbs, formed by honey plants of deciduous forests.

The mixture always contains wild raspberry nectar, useful in the treatment of colds.

The perfect balance of ingredients is the main advantage of the variety.

Molasses is added to fakes.

Steppe honey

Steppe honey plants give the product a dark color, and the variety is called steppe to emphasize that the nectar is collected from wild plants.

Cultivated plantations use pesticides and the beekeeper must not make any mistake.

In general, the variety is characterized as follows: meadow forbs, often dark and always without impurities.

Honeydew, that is, honeydew, is not contained in the natural product.

field honey

Honey plants grow in fields and meadows, giving the product a light or, conversely, a very dark color.

Field variety in another way can be called meadow forbs. We are talking about dozens of nectars, but always one prevails.

Oregano nectar is useful for insomnia, and sage treats inflammation.

When falsifying, granulated sugar is added.


When pumping honeycombs, any product comes into contact with oxygen. A suspension or fog is formed, and the reaction proceeds on the surface of the droplets.

The smaller the drop, the more oxides the resulting mixture contains. For commercial combs, this problem is not typical - they are supplied in their original form.

It is impossible to falsify wax honeycombs.

sugar honey

The absence of a honey bribe is not a reason for the beekeeper to grieve.

For feeding, a syrup made from water and sugar is used.

The bees fill the cells with syrup mixed with enzymes. After being removed from the combs, the product quickly turns sour.

Nut honey

You can add a mixture of nuts to a commercial bee product that has not had time to be candied.

It usually contains almonds, hazelnuts, cashew nuts, walnuts and pine nuts.

The color of the product becomes brown, diuretic and choleretic properties increase.

The technologies used are different, and honey does not always comply with GOST.

hop honey

The nectars of many plants are not useful, but harmful to humans.

These include azalea, mountain laurel, aconite, wild rosemary and some others.

Food poisoning is not ruled out.

mixed honey

Products of different monofloral varieties can be mixed.

Most often this is done to prepare a fake.

Sometimes even elite varieties are used.

The mixture cannot be stored for a long time, and it does not look like a natural product.

lemon honey

We are talking about an artificial variety obtained at home.

The mixture usually contains honey, lemon pulp and zest.

It must be remembered that lemon reduces blood density in the same way as ginger. There will be many contraindications.

Classification of varieties

Each variety can be light or dark, floral or honeydew. The elite, moreover, include only monofloral varieties. The same applies to low varieties - rapeseed, sunflower, etc. All honeydew honey, according to Russian GOST, is considered low-grade.

Light varieties

Light monofloral varieties are known more than dark ones. These include:

  • Acacia;
  • Lime;
  • sainfoin;
  • Crimson;
  • Dzhantakovy (camel thorn honey), etc.

In different countries, this division is not different. The list may contain more than one hundred items.

Dark varieties

Among the dark varieties there are many rare ones. And when asked to list them, they usually name only two. They are listed at the top of the list:

  • Chestnut;
  • Buckwheat;
  • Heather;
  • Burdock;
  • Rowan;
  • Tulip;
  • Caraway;
  • Carrot.

The blueberry variety is controversial.

Elite varieties

Several varieties belong to the elite class:

  • Chestnut;
  • Acacia;
  • Lime;
  • Buckwheat.

Here is the list for Russia. In some countries, coniferous varieties are also considered elite. The same applies to sweet clover honey.

rare varieties

Really rare varieties are the following:

  • Tobacco;
  • Carrot;
  • Dandelion;
  • Pumpkin;
  • apple;
  • Hawthorn.

The latter is even considered non-existent. Hawthorn is a very inefficient honey plant. And on the shelves it is difficult to find honey from the nectar of lingonberries, blueberries or strawberries.

Honey consists of plant nectar and some components that come from the bee's body. It contains about 300 different substances, but the main ones are glucose and fructose. By color it can be of different shades and is divided into groups of honey varieties:

  • light colors;
  • moderately colored colors;
  • dark colors.

Dark honey color means that the product contains more minerals and other substances and is considered healthier than the light variety. It begins to turn into nectar in the body of bees. From plants, bees transfer nectar to the wax cells of honeycombs. The bees not only collect and carry the nectar, but also process it in the hive. First, they produce honey from nectar, then they evaporate water from it, then it must be mixed in honeycombs and treated with enzymes. Due to this, the chemical composition of the product changes.

When the product is ripe, it is sealed by bees with wax caps. These signs help to determine it by maturity, variety and pumping time. If the product is not sealed, it means that it has an increased water content and contains a large amount of unsplit sucrose. Its quality will be worse and it cannot be stored for a long time.

If it contains more glucose, then it is able to crystallize, and with increased fructose, it will taste sweeter. Crystallization does not impair the quality, but when heated, the medicinal and nutritional properties decrease. From 40 ° and above, it turns into a regular syrup.

With nectar, various aromatic substances enter the hive, therefore it has a peculiar taste. Taste also depends on organic acids : apple, milk, lemon.

Product properties

Varieties of honey

For pre-sale preparation, it is divided into two types: centrifugal (popular) and cellular (useful). By consistency: crystallized (shrunken) and liquid. It happens very liquid, liquid, thick and gelatinous. The consistency of shrunken honey is fine-grained, coarse-grained and fat-like. They also differ in color and transparency, taste and aroma.

Types and their features

What is honey?

  1. The May type of honey - the first pitching, has a philistine name. It happened in ancient times, when people lived according to a different chronology, that is, two weeks later. At this time, the first product was pumped out.
  2. Monofloral type of honey - this is what is called when more than 40% of nectar is collected from one honey plant. Bees collect nectar from various honey plants.
  3. - developed in a dry summer from sweet secretions of insects: a mealybug, aphids, psyllids. And it is also produced from honeydew (sugar substances of plants): linden, apple, fir, spruce, maple, hazel, rose, pear, etc. Its color is usually dark, but it can also be light yellow from coniferous trees . The aroma depends on the source of honeydew: it may be odorless or unpleasant. The consistency is viscous, syrupy, does not melt in the mouth for a long time. It is used by confectioners and bakers.
  4. Polyfloral type of honey - produced from nectar collected from several types of plants. The name is depending on the type of honey plant: mountain, forest, meadow, steppe.

Varieties of honey and their beneficial properties

  • acacia- it is considered that it does not crystallize for a long time. The taste is enveloping, floral, delicate, when swallowed, the taste intensifies. If the product is liquid, then it is transparent in appearance, and upon crystallization it becomes white, fine-grained and resembles snow. From yellow acacia it is very light, and when crystallized it looks white, greasy, its grain size is medium. It is used in medical practice for nervous diseases as a sedative and for insomnia. It does not cause allergies and is used in baby and diabetic nutrition. It has an antimicrobial effect and is used for eye diseases. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. With children's enuresis at night, the child should not be given to drink, but give him a spoonful of acacia honey, it retains moisture in the body and soothes, very useful.
  • Heather- refers to low grades of honey, has a reddish-brown color, a specific aroma and astringent taste. It contains more protein and mineral salts, so it does not crystallize, but coagulates, becomes jelly-like. According to the healing and healing properties, it is considered useful and one of the best. It is used in diseases of the bladder and kidneys, it has a diuretic effect. Used in the treatment of gout and rheumatism. If you take it at night, then the dream will be calm and strong. Calms the nervous system and is an anti-inflammatory agent for diseases of the intestines and stomach.
  • Buckwheat- the best grade, dark color, has sharp and spicy taste and aroma. During crystallization, it becomes a mushy mass. It contains iron and protein, thanks to which the vascular bed is cleansed, blood is renewed, damaged tissues are regenerated and the level of hemoglobin increases. Recommended for anemia, anemia and pregnancy. And also for those who suffer from gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice. Cures beriberi, hypertension, scarlet fever, measles, rheumatism. It is used when there is a hemorrhage in the brain or retina, improves capillary permeability. Locally it is used for trophic ulcers, furunculosis, purulent wounds and many skin diseases. Useful in children's and diabetic nutrition, with nervous diseases it has a calming effect.
  • Donnikovy- first-class, with high qualities. When crystallized, it has a white or yellow color, it contains a lot of glucose. It has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, analgesic, sedative, diuretic effect. Breastfeeding mothers are advised to take to stimulate milk flow. It is taken for colds, insomnia, headaches and for the treatment of respiratory organs. They treat rheumatism and cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis. For purulent wounds and cuts, compresses with propolis are applied.
  • Lime- the best sort of honey, transparent, has a slightly yellowish or greenish color, very sweet taste and aroma of linden. When crystallized, it becomes white, in its pure form it is rarely found. It is used to treat colds, as it has a diaphoretic property. Used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, kidneys and in gynecology. It has an antibacterial and antimicrobial effect, helps in the treatment of purulent wounds and burns.
  • Lugovoi- first-class, upon crystallization becomes fine-grained or greasy. The color varies from golden yellow to yellow-brown, depending on the predominance of flowers. It has healing and nutritional properties, is used for various diseases.
  • May- an early summer variety of honey, the sweetest, they begin to pump it out after the flowering of acacia. The color varies from white-gray to bright yellow, cooling taste and menthol aroma. It is well absorbed by the body, without disturbing the function of the pancreas, which means that diabetes does not develop. Recommended for atherosclerosis, liver diseases and nervous conditions. Honey has a calming effect.

Quality determination methods

Dip a spoon into the honey and rotate it. The immature will drain, and the mature will wrap in folds like a ribbon. You can lower a thin stick into it: the real one will stretch in a continuous thread, the fake one will drain and drip with splashes. Quality honey does not foam.

All varieties of natural honey have beneficial properties and are essential for a healthy diet. It differs only in appearance and taste, but the benefits are almost the same. It is stored in a dark place so that the beneficial substances do not decay from the action of light.

Varieties of honey

What are the types of honey. What is their feature

Natural bee honey differs in several ways: botanical (origin), floristic (from which flowers), regional (where it is collected) and technological (pumping method). Depending on these features, honey has different taste and healing properties and differs significantly in color, aroma and taste.

Varieties of honey - origin

By botanical origin natural honey can be flower, honeydew or mixed. Flower honey is a product of processing plant nectar by bees. He happens monofloral(from one plant species) and polyfloral(with several types of plants). Honeydew honey is formed when bees process honeydew and honeydew, which they collect from the stems and leaves of plants. mixed honey varieties are made from a natural mixture of flower and honeydew honeys.

Monofloral honey is called according to the type of nectar-bearing plant: linden, heather, etc., polyfloral honey is designated as a flower collection or according to the lands on which bees collected nectar: ​​meadow, mountain taiga, field, etc. Monofloral honeys are less common than polyfloral ones.

Regional feature defines the republic, region or region where honey plants grow. Distinguish honey varieties obtained, for example, from the Bashkir or Far Eastern linden.

Technological sign means a method of extracting and processing honey: centrifugal, honeycomb, sectional, pressed. So, centrifugal honey obtained by pumping it out of the honeycombs on the honey extractor, cellular– in natural packaging, perfectly clean and ripe. Sectional cell- honey enclosed in special sections made of thin plywood or food-grade plastic, the section holds about 500 g of honey. pressed- obtained by squeezing: the honeycombs deteriorate in this case.

The variety of honey can be judged by its appearance, aroma and taste, however, for a more accurate and reliable determination of the variety, it is necessary to use laboratory methods for determining the organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of honey.

Acacia honey

One of the valuable varieties of honey. It is collected by bees from two types of acacia - white and yellow. Honey collected from yellow acacia has a light yellow color, and honey from white acacia is almost colorless.

Acacia honey has a delicate floral smell and mild taste, it does not have that honey bitterness inherent in other varieties of honey (for example, buckwheat or chestnut). One of the distinguishing properties of acacia honey is its ability to stay in a liquid state for a long time, it begins to sugar about a year after its collection. The main collection area of ​​acacia honey is the south of Russia, the Caucasian foothills.

Medicinal properties. Due to the high content of fructose, acacia honey is easily absorbed by the body and is suitable for diabetic and baby food. Because of a number of properties, it is also called "baby" honey - it does not cause allergies. Contains a large amount of carotene and enzymes that improve digestion.

Its antiseptic properties are used in the treatment of conjunctivitis and other eye diseases, as well as in the treatment of neurodermatitis and eczema in the form of aqueous solutions and ointments. With regular use, acacia honey helps to lower blood pressure, has a mild sedative effect and has a beneficial effect on mental disorders and nervous breakdowns. Acacia honey is recommended to use at night for insomnia. Its healing properties have also been noted for various gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the kidneys and liver.


To reduce the secretory function of the stomach. In a glass of milk or kefir, stir a tablespoon of acacia honey, consume in the morning an hour and a half before meals, if honey is taken immediately before meals, then, on the contrary, it promotes the secretion of gastric juice.

With peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. It is useful to take acacia honey by dissolving it in warm water, one and a half to two hours before breakfast, lunch and 3 hours after dinner, plus 40-60 drops of 5% propolis tincture in 1/4 cup of warm water or milk.

With diarrhea. 1 st. l. bird cherry fruit is poured with a glass of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Insist, strain, add 30 drops of 20% alcohol tincture of propolis and a tablespoon of acacia honey and drink 1/3 cup 20-30 minutes before meals.

For various eye diseases. Dilute acacia honey in warm water (up to 45 g) in a ratio of 1:2, use as drops and lotions.

Altai honey

It is honey of the widest taste spectrum. It is the embodiment of the tastes of the herbs of the Altai forest glades, the foothills of the meadows, the taiga-coniferous massifs of Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. This is the most fragrant variety of honey because summer flowers give it the flavor of the taiga. Honey plants are such herbs as: meadowsweet, sweet clover, angelica, Ivan-tea, raspberry, forest geranium and many other plants of the forest zone. There are Altai angelica and Altai taiga. Altai honey has high taste and preventive qualities, has a light or dark brown color, contains a lot of pollen and settles quickly.

Medicinal properties. It has a general strengthening effect, soothes, is recommended for headaches, insomnia, vegetovascular dystonia. It has a high therapeutic effect in colds and pulmonary diseases, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, liver diseases. Useful for heart diseases: promotes the expansion of coronary vessels, reduces edema of cardiac origin, stabilizes blood pressure. Very effective in gynecological practice. Removes toxins from the body, is used as a diuretic.


Peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum. Pour 50 g of marsh cudweed herb with 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes in a water bath, strain. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day with 1 teaspoon of Altai honey after meals.

Hypertensive heart disease. Rinse 1 glass of cranberries, dry, crush in an enamel bowl with a wooden pestle, mix with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals, drinking 0.5 cups of boiled water. The course is 1-1.5 months.

Prevention of gynecological inflammatory diseases. Mix 200 g of Altai honey, 10 ml of 20% propolis tincture, 50 g of pollen, 500 ml of boiled water. Heat the mixture to 40-45 ° C. Use for a sitz bath 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture per 5 liters of boiled water. The temperature of the water in the bath is 40 ° C, as it cools, add hot water. In the bath, you can add an infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile at the rate of 30 ml per 1 liter of water.

hawthorn honey

High quality honey, dark in color with a slightly reddish tinge. The taste of honey is slightly bitter. Bees collect nectar from the hawthorn tree, which gives honey its characteristic taste and aroma.

Medicinal properties. Hawthorn honey is an excellent heart remedy. It can be used for a wide variety of cardiovascular diseases. And first of all, it is necessary to say about the effect of hawthorn on the senile heart - it revives, strengthens, supports it. It is also recommended for those who experience constant overload and who, as a result, show early signs of wear and tear of the body. Hawthorn honey is able to alleviate such conditions, and, perhaps more importantly, act as a prophylactic. It also helps with cardiac arrhythmias, as well as in cases where the normalization of high blood pressure is required, it is a good aftercare after myocardial infarction.


With myocardium, cardiac asthma, arrhythmias. Mix hawthorn honey with pomegranate juice: one tablespoon per glass. Use this honey for 1-2 months, 100-150 g per day.

With hypertension. Mix 200 ml of carrot juice, 200 ml of beetroot juice, 100 g of crushed cranberries, 200 g of hawthorn honey, 100 ml of alcohol. Insist 3 days in the dark. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 1-1.5 months.

heather honey

Heather honey is dark or red-brown in color, with a weak aroma and a slightly bitter taste. It has an amazing property to turn into jelly after pumping. If it is disturbed, it becomes liquid, in a calm state it thickens again.

Heather honey is difficult to extract from the combs in the honey extractor, and therefore it is pumped out immature or subjected to loosening before pumping with brushes with steel needles. It has a high diastase number - about 50 units. which indicates a high content of enzymes in it. It crystallizes poorly, often remaining in a state of action or jelly. In microscopic examination of crystallized honey, it differs from other honeys in the presence of needle-shaped crystals.

Medicinal properties. It is used in the absence of appetite, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and diaphoretic properties, it is recommended for colds, urolithiasis, cystitis, as well as functional disorders of the nervous system.


For the prevention of urolithiasis. 3 art. pour spoons of lingonberry leaves in a thermos with boiling water, leave for 3 hours. Drink 1/3-1/2 cup with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey 3 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

To remove sand, small stones from the kidneys. Prepare the collection: the roots of the stolnik, juniper fruits, young birch leaves, great celandine, goose cinquefoil - 20 g each; 4 tbsp. l. mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain and add 2 tbsp. spoons of heather honey and drink for an hour, trying to delay urination as long as possible. When urinating, take a warm hot bath.

mountain honey

The Altai Mountains hold the secret of longevity and prolongation of vitality. Mountain honey is collected from wild honey plants - the rarest herbs and flowers of Altai such as acacia, blackthorn, bird cherry, wild rose, honeysuckle, clover, goldenrod, Bogorodskaya grass, sage, mint, oregano, snakehead, sow thistle and many other mountain plants. The bribe is not as great as with herbs - therefore, mountain honey is highly valued. It has a dark, dark yellow and red-brown color, very viscous, slowly crystallizes, tart and bitter in taste.

Mountain honey is considered the most environmentally friendly.

Medicinal properties. Mountain honey is useful for stress, endocrine system disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and is effective in treating diseases of the kidneys, liver, and stomach. Removes salts and toxins. It is useful in atherosclerosis and also as a sedative in nervous diseases, it is used for increased thyroid function. The high content of carotene and vitamin A give mountain honey very strong healing properties.


As a tonic vitamin remedy. Mix mountain honey with pollen 1:1 and take 1-2 tsp. a day, but not at bedtime.

Hypertonic disease. Pour 1 cup of viburnum fruit with 1 liter of hot water, boil in an enamel bowl for 10 minutes, strain, cool, add 3 tbsp. spoons of mountain honey. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Course - 2 months. Repeat the treatment after 15 days.

With diffuse goiter. Mix 1 kg of honey, juice of 10 lemons, 10 crushed heads of garlic. Insist 7 days. Take 4 teaspoons 1 time per day. The course is 1-1.5 months.

Buckwheat honey

Buckwheat honey is confidently referred to as high-grade honey with pronounced medicinal properties. Honey itself is made from buckwheat nectar, which is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, boron and other useful trace elements.

The color can be from dark yellow to dark brown, with a slight reddish tint. It has a unique tart taste and pleasant aroma, by which buckwheat honey can be immediately recognized among other varieties. When it is used, it is very characteristic to "tear the throat." Buckwheat honey crystallizes faster than all other varieties of honey, literally in one month. During crystallization, it turns into a mushy mass, from fine-grained to coarse-grained crystals.

Medicinal properties. The rich mineral and vitamin composition allows the use of buckwheat honey for the treatment of hypo- and beriberi, in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhages in the brain, heart, retina, to improve capillary permeability, in hypertension, in combination with drugs that lower blood pressure, in the treatment of rheumatism, scarlet fever, measles, as well as for the prevention and treatment of blood vessels. In addition to hematopoietic properties, buckwheat honey is a pronounced antiseptic, it is used to treat purulent wounds, furunculosis and other skin diseases.


With anemia. Linden flower tea with buckwheat honey with 2 tbsp. l. red wine for 1 glass of tea. Adding buckwheat honey to milk is always good for anemia. 1 st. l. honey contains 100 calories, 1 glass of milk - 124 calories. Thus, a high-calorie drink is obtained.

With anemia. Crush 20 g of dry ginseng root into powder, mix with 2.5 tsp. honey, leave for a week, stirring 3-4 times a day, then take at the tip of a teaspoon 2 times a day.

With hypertension. Try to eliminate high-protein, low-carb and salty foods from your diet. From fruits, you need to eat apples, grapes, cranberries in an amount equivalent to 4 glasses of juice. Buckwheat honey taken with every meal, it removes excess moisture from the blood, reducing blood pressure.

sweet clover honey

Belongs to the number of excellent first-class honeys and has a high taste. Fresh honey has a watery-transparent color and quickly crystallizes. Crystallized honey has a light amber or white color with a very subtle pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla. Bees collect it from yellow and white sweet clover, which is distributed throughout the European part, except for the northern and northeastern regions, in the Caucasus, Western Siberia and Central Asia. It is very rich in glucose. It has very high taste qualities.

Medicinal properties. Due to the fact that sweet clover is a medicinal plant in itself, it is believed that honey from sweet clover has special medicinal properties. It contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It is especially recommended for insomnia, hypertension, migraine, neuroses, respiratory diseases, all manifestations of atherosclerosis, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, has analgesic and antibacterial properties.

Outwardly, this honey is used to wash purulent and non-purulent wounds, cuts, and also as a patch for furunculosis. It is used to prepare warm baths for rheumatic diseases, with myositis in children and adults. Sweet clover honey stimulates lactation in lactating women.


For insomnia. 1 st. dilute a spoonful of honey in 1 glass of warm boiled water, drink for 30 minutes. before going to sleep.

For hemorrhoids: Taking sitz baths, introducing melilot honey through the rectum with an enema.
For baths - pour 4-5 liters of warm water into the basin, add 50 ml of infusion of chamomile, mint, coltsfoot or St. John's wort, 50 g of sweet clover honey.
For an enema - a 20-30% solution of sweet clover honey is warm.

For varicose veins: Mash 250 g of peeled garlic in a mortar and mix with 350 g of sweet clover honey, insist for 7 days, take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 40 minutes. before meals.

Goldenrod honey

Honey is collected from common goldenrod, a perennial herbaceous medicinal plant. The individual flower heads of goldenrod are very small, but they most often form large, bright yellow panicled inflorescences.

The honey bee visits the flowers so quickly that it is impossible to count the number of flowers from which it takes nectar in a minute. Goldenrod honey has a dark yellow or light brown color and may have an unpleasant bitter taste and aroma.

Medicinal properties: goldenrod honey has firmly taken its place in the treatment of inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, in the treatment of painful urination. In addition, it can have a stimulating effect on metabolism, be effective in skin diseases, as well as liver diseases.


With kidney disease. It is recommended to use 80-120 g of honey with lemon juice and rose hips (infusion), which improves diuresis and reduces intoxication. In the treatment of kidney diseases, honey is administered orally with mineral water recommended by a doctor, preferably warm.

With liver disease. Mix goldenrod honey with blackcurrant 1:1, consume 1 tsp each. 30 minutes before meals.

With a disease of the bladder. Dissolve a teaspoon of goldenrod honey in boiled water (half a glass). Drink half a glass 2 times a day before meals. The remedy is effective in the treatment of urinary incontinence.

chestnut honey

It is a monofloral variety of honey, i.e. collected from the flowers of a particular plant species. To prepare this honey, bees collect nectar from the flowers of the chestnut tree, which grows mainly in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Edible chestnut honey is dark in color, with a faint aroma of chestnut flowers and a pleasant, slightly bitter aftertaste.

It crystallizes very slowly, remains liquid all winter, and only in spring turns into a dark brown mass. Horse chestnut honey is thin, clear and usually colorless. It should not be left for the winter, as it easily crystallizes.

Medicinal properties. It has the most pronounced bactericidal properties and is therefore used in the treatment of wounds and sore throats. It has a beneficial effect on the entire vascular system, has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, promotes the release of bile (improves appetite). In folk medicine, chestnut honey is used as a remedy for bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases.


With bronchitis, hoarseness, cough. Mix radish juice with chestnut honey in a ratio of 2:1. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. each hour.

With angina. Gargle with chestnut honey or propolis (alcohol tincture) dissolved in water, 3-4 times a day. 5-6 times a day for 10-15 days (one teaspoon per procedure) keep honey in your mouth until completely dissolved, honey in combs is better.

When treating wounds, ulcers. Chestnut honey - 80 g, fish oil - 20 g, the ointment is applied to the wound in the form of a bandage.

With purulent otitis media and sinusitis. With inflammation of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses, it is good to use bee honey. To do this, take a sterile glass rod, remove honey from the honeycomb cell with it and instill 1-2 drops every 3-4 hours into one, then into the other nostril or inside the ear.

fireweed honey

This is transparent honey with a greenish tinge, crystallizing, it becomes white in the form of delicate grains or resembles a creamy (fat-like) mass, turns yellow when heated. It has a delicate aroma and pleasant taste, melts easily in the mouth.

Honey is produced by bees from a perennial plant - fireweed, also known under a different name - narrow-leaved willowherb. This is a strong summer honey plant, especially in burnt areas and clearings in Siberia and Altai. Blooms from late June - early July for 30-40 days. Its productivity in a favorable year reaches 10-15 kg per day. The honey productivity of a hectare of continuous thickets of willow-herb (fireweed) is about 300-600 kg.
Medicinal properties. It has a calming and anti-inflammatory effect. It is prescribed for gastritis with high acidity, with peptic ulcer, they successfully treat constipation, diseases of the throat and internal organs. Honey stimulates blood formation, increases the body's defenses, helps with insomnia and headaches, and is useful for nursing mothers. It is recommended for various diseases of the prostate gland.


With prostate adenoma. 5% alcohol infusion with fireweed honey take 1 teaspoon (keep in the mouth until completely dissolved), at the same time take bee bread in a teaspoon 1.5 hours before meals 3 times a day. In addition, use suppositories containing 0.1 g of propolis and 2 g of cocoa butter - they are injected deep into the rectum 1 time per day in the evening. At the same time, drink an infusion of herbs: horsetail - 35 g, nettle - 35 g, lingonberry leaves - 40 g. 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water in a thermos, leave for half an hour or an hour, strain and drink? glass 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. 1 st. dilute a spoonful of fireweed honey in 0.5 cups of boiled water. Take 1.5-2 hours before meals with increased acidity of gastric juice. With low acidity, take 5-10 minutes. before meals. With heartburn, use honey with milk, cottage cheese, porridge. The course is 1.5–2 months.

clover honey

Clover honey is light, almost colorless, has a delicate aroma and a pleasant peculiar taste. Quickly crystallizes into a solid white crystalline mass. Recognized as one of the best varieties. If the nectar is collected from red clover, then the color of honey is pink or red-yellow. Contains 40.24% fructose and 34.90% glucose.

Medicinal properties. Like linden, it is recommended for colds as a diaphoretic, for lung diseases as an expectorant, very useful for poor appetite, loss of strength, anemia, joint tumors, and in combination with propolis - for the treatment of burns, furunculosis and abscesses.

Used for diarrhea, blood loss, atherosclerosis. It has analgesic properties, so it is used for rheumatic pains inside and for the preparation of baths.


For the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. Add to 100 g of water 2-3 tbsp. l. clover honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. Place in a glass dish with a tight lid and refrigerate. Take a teaspoon with? a glass of warm water or tea 2-3 times a day before meals for 3-4 weeks.

Against cough. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a glass, 2 tbsp. l. glycerin and top it all with clover honey. If the cough is weak, take a teaspoon during the day, if strong, then a teaspoon in the morning, before lunch, at night, at night.

General strengthening effect.
Mix 100 g of honey and 1 g of adsorbed royal jelly. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, keep the mixture in your mouth as long as possible. After half an hour, drink 1 glass of rosehip infusion.

Coriander honey

This honey is also called kolyandrovy. Honey is transparent, color - from light brown to amber, bees collect it from white or pinkish flowers of an annual plant - coriander, which grows in many regions of the South of Russia (where it is specially cultivated for this purpose), in Central Asia and Transcaucasia. The honey productivity of coriander is 60-120 kg per 1 ha. In favorable weather, nectar production reaches 200-500 kg per 1 ha. Coriander honey crystallizes within one to two months into a coarse-grained mass.
Different varieties of honey differ in aroma, on the basis of which one can judge the quality of honey and, to some extent, the origin. Coriander honey contains a large amount of essential oils, so it has a specific, rather sharp spicy aroma peculiar only to it, a specific medicinal-caramel flavor and wonderful medicinal properties.

Medicinal properties. Coriander honey is used for various diseases and disorders, such as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (coriander honey has a choleretic effect, increases secretion, improves digestion and is also useful for loss of appetite, so coriander honey is successfully used for various diseases of the stomach, duodenum, liver , pancreas), activates mental and physical activity due to mild stimulation of the central nervous system (help with stress and chronic fatigue), has an antiseptic, analgesic, bronchodilator effect (useful for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis), slows down the heart rate (can be used for tachycardia and extrasystole), and also increases potency - it is not for nothing that it is considered "male" honey.


To stimulate mental and physical activity. Mix coriander honey with royal jelly in a ratio of 1:1000, apply in the morning 1-2 tsp.

Treatment of impotence. Mix honey with pollen in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 teaspoon. spoon - 1 des. spoon 2-3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. The course is a month. After a 2-week break, repeat the treatment. At the same time, take a pharmacy tincture of Rhodiola (golden root) 10 drops 3 times a day. The course of taking Rhodiola is up to 1 month. Do not exceed the dose.

Linden honey

This is one of the most valuable varieties of honey. Bashkir and Far Eastern honey are distinguished at the place of honey collection. Bashkir linden honey, the so-called Lipets, is colorless, becomes white upon crystallization, with a golden hue, coarse-grained mass. Far East linden honey of light yellow or light amber color. Linden honey has an excellent incomparable aroma and a wonderful, strong, intense taste. This honey is very fragrant.

Medicinal properties. Honey has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antipyretic, diuretic, sedative and tonic effect. It is used in the treatment of colds (runny nose, tonsillitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis), bronchial asthma, heart disease, inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and gallbladder diseases, gynecological diseases. In folk medicine, linden honey is recognized as an anti-measles agent, it is given for mumps, convulsions in children. Honey is indicated for the treatment of purulent wounds and burns, for eczema, mastitis, cystitis, urethritis, and with goat's milk for tuberculosis.


With stomatitis. Prepare an infusion: 25 g of dried chamomile flowers (6 tbsp.) Pour 500 ml of boiled water in an enamel bowl, close the lid and place in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes. Then let the infusion cool, strain it, and squeeze out the remaining raw materials and bring the volume of boiled water to 500 ml, dissolve in it 2 tbsp. l. lime honey. Rinse 3 times a day after meals, and it is also useful to chew linden honey in combs.
The decoction can also be used as a lotion for ulcers, eczema, burns.

With the flu. Mix dry flowers and raspberries in equal weight proportions. 2 tbsp. l. brew the mixture in a porcelain teapot with a glass of boiling water, leave for 12-15 minutes and drink warm, dissolving linden honey to taste, 1/2 - 1 cup 3-4 times a day for influenza, as well as for respiratory diseases. Honey, especially lime, has a strong diaphoretic effect. Its effect is enhanced when combined with teas, infusions and decoctions of linden flowers, raspberry fruits and leaves, coltsfoot grass and other medicinal plants.

With a cold.
2 tbsp. l. lime honey in a glass of hot milk. Take at night.

Meadow honey

In meadow honey, there are odor carriers of dozens of different types of flowers, which compose it in a unique overall bouquet of aromas. Bees collect it from the nectar of meadow flowers - dandelion, clover, savory, sage, bedstraw, orchis, etc. The color of meadow honey varies from light yellow to brown. The most fragrant meadow honey in Russia is collected from Rosaceae in Central Russian meadows.

Medicinal properties. The beneficial properties of meadow honey are determined by the melliferous plants that predominate in it, for example:
Savory - has an astringent, diuretic, diaphoretic and antiseptic effect. It is recommended to take with diarrhea, catarrh of the intestines, indigestion and vomiting.
Thyme - used for colds, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and indigestion.
Sage - used for inflammatory skin diseases, treatment of festering wounds and ulcers, light burns and frostbite.
Geranium - used for diarrhea, dysentery, kidney disease, rheumatism, gout, as a good hemostatic and dissolving kidney stones remedy.
It is characterized by high nutritional and medicinal properties. Differs in antibacterial action. Meadow honey has a softening, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, perfectly regulates the functioning of the liver, intestines, and has a tonic effect. Due to its composition, it is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system and the cardiovascular system.


Ointment for wounds. Prepare the powder of cudweed marsh, then take it in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. and carefully grind in a mortar with? a glass of unsalted butter and the same amount of honey. Use the ointment in the treatment of burns, hard-healing wounds and ulcers.

With the flu. Take a tablespoon of linden flowers and raspberry fruits, place in an enamel bowl and pour 2 cups of boiled water and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, strain the infusion and dissolve in it 2 tbsp. l. honey, taken warm glass 3-4 times a day.

With a cold. Pour 1 cup of dry fruits of viburnum with 1 liter of boiled water, simmer for 10-12 minutes, leave for 1-1.5 hours, strain. Add 3 tbsp. l. bee honey, stir until dissolved and drink 0.5 cups of decoction 3-4 times a day for colds accompanied by severe headaches, coughing and loss of voice.

May honey

May honey contains the aromas of blooming gardens of the very first spring flowers and trees. Therefore, the taste of honey is formed by willow, maple, oxalis, bird cherry, wild strawberry, sage, currant, cherry, apple tree and many other plants blooming in May. Gathered in mid-May or in the first or second decade of June. The color of honey can vary depending on which plants or trees the bees collect nectar from, ranging from yellow to brown.
May honey returns cheerfulness, cheerfulness and good mood.

Medicinal properties. It has the most valuable and medicinal qualities: a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic and hemostatic effect.

May honey is rich in fructose, which allows it to be absorbed by our body faster than other varieties. Fructose itself has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic processes of the body. May honey is used for atherosclerosis, insomnia and nervous diseases, colds, eye diseases.


With the flu. Heat peeled garlic on a small plate and mix with May honey in a ratio of 1: 1, take before going to bed with warm boiled water.

To soften hair. Take 30 g of pharmacy chamomile, pour 100 ml of boiling water and insist with the lid closed for an hour. Strain the infusion of chamomile, squeeze out and dissolve a tablespoon of May honey in it, moisten the hair with the resulting solution (after preliminary washing and drying with a towel), and rinse with warm water after 30-40 minutes. For oily hair once a week, for dry hair - once every 10-12 days.

Remedy for many diseases- viburnum on May honey. Scald the berries with boiling water and wipe through a colander. Mix the resulting mass with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. A week later, the medicine is ready. One tablespoon on an empty stomach is a supply of vitamins for the day, if you suffer from hypertension, you can not use more than one spoon per day.

Dandelion honey

Dandelion honey is golden yellow in color, very thick, quickly crystallizing, with a strong smell and a peculiar sharp taste. In the spring, it is eaten mainly by bees, and also serves as feed additives for feeding adult bee brood.


With hypertension. Prepare a mixture of a glass of table beet juice, a glass of horseradish juice, the juice of one lemon and a glass of dandelion honey, take a tablespoon 3 times a day before bedtime for 2 months.

With hepatitis. Prepare a mixture consisting of one glass of red carrot juice, a glass of table beets, a glass of dandelion honey with the addition of 30 ml of vodka and juice of 2 lemons, take a tablespoon 3 times a day 20-30 minutes before meals for 30 days, after 2 months repeat the course.

For insomnia. Prepare the collection: wild rose, fruits - 35%; blackberry, leaves - 30%; St. John's wort, grass - 10%; motherwort, grass - 10%; valerian, root - 5%; plantain, leaves - 5%; thyme, grass - 5%, prepare an infusion (1:20), dilute it in 1 glass with 1 tbsp. l. dandelion honey and take according to? glass 2-3 times a day, the remedy also helps with severe irritability, fatigue.

Thistle honey

It is white or light yellow in color, fragrant, pleasant in taste, belongs to first-class honey. Bees produce honey from the perennial plant thistle field, which grows along the banks of rivers and lakes, in vegetable gardens and crops in many regions of Russia. Sow thistle is the worst weed and where there are thickets of it, the bees provide themselves with a productive bribe. Field thistle blooms from mid-summer to September.


When exhausted. Crush 20 g of dry ginseng root into powder, mix with 2.5 liters of honey, leave for a week, stirring 3-4 times a day, then take 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

During surgery. Mix honey with pollen in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 teaspoon. spoon 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks before surgery and 2-3 weeks after surgery. After 7 days from the start of taking the mixture, the dose can be increased to 1 des. spoons 3 times a day.

sunflower honey

This kind of honey is very pleasant to the taste in the liquid state, but it quickly crystallizes, becomes light amber during crystallization, sometimes even with a greenish tint, has a weak aroma and a pleasant, somewhat tart taste. The crystals are large, yellow or light amber in color, reminiscent of melted butter.

Medicinal properties. Sunflower honey has the highest enzymatic activity. It has valuable dietary qualities, pH-3.5. It is used for colds, flu, for any febrile conditions, as well as for atherosclerosis, heart disease, bronchial asthma, neuralgia, and gastrointestinal diseases. It is used as a tonic and diuretic. Promotes the release of toxins from the body.


For colds and flu. Take sunflower honey with lemon juice (100 g of honey and juice of one or half a lemon).

As an expectorant.
Useful infusion of plantain leaves. Pour 6 g of plantain leaves with a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, add 30 g of sunflower honey. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

With lung diseases. Take a glass of red carrot juice, table beets, horseradish, 30 g of vodka, a glass of sunflower honey, juice of 2 lemons. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula in an enamel bowl for 30 minutes, then take a tablespoon 20-30 minutes before meals.

propolis honey

To give special healing properties, propolis is added to honey. Propolis honey outwardly differs little from ordinary honey - it has a yellowish-lemon hue, a bitter-sweet taste and a pleasant balsamic smell.

Medicinal properties. The practice of using honey with propolis shows that almost any disease can be overcome by this drug, since it has a pronounced biological activity and a powerful bactericidal effect. The addition of propolis to honey significantly increases the antioxidant, antimicrobial, wound healing and immunological effects of honey. It is used as a remedy for malignant neoplasms of the skin, treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.


With pulmonary tuberculosis. Mix 100 ml of aloe juice, 500 g of crushed walnut kernels, juice of 4 lemons, 300 g of honey. Take 1 dec. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Badly healing wounds. Trophic ulcers. 1 st. pour a spoonful of cudweed grass with 1 cup of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 10 minutes, cool, strain and add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of propolis honey. Lubricate wounds 2 times a day.

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
Add to 1 glass of milk at a temperature of 40-45 ° C 1 tbsp. a spoonful of propolis honey. Drink 1 glass 1-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course is a month. After a 2-week break, repeat the treatment.

Rape honey

This honey has a whitish, yellowish color and hue. A special aroma conceals a truly sweet, almost cloying taste. The honey is very thick and quickly turns into specific whitish crystals with a special, tart taste and persistent aroma of a flower field. Sometimes it begins to crystallize even in the honeycomb cells. The taste of rapeseed honey leaves a slight pleasant bitterness on the tongue, slightly reeking of mustard.

Rapeseed honey is produced from the nectar of yellow rapeseed flowers, a fodder plant famous for its essential oils. Bees are able to collect about eight kilograms of this fragrant substance in a whole day.
Rapeseed honey should be stored carefully - it tends to turn sour quickly. It also dissolves poorly in water, which should be taken into account when creating all kinds of medicinal mixtures on water with an admixture of rapeseed honey.

Medicinal properties. Rapeseed honey has an increased glucose content, more than 51%, which has an excellent effect on mental activity, penetrating into the vessels of the brain. Also, rapeseed honey is quickly absorbed in the intestines, and, due to the ability to remove heavy metals from the body, is highly valued by specialists. Rapeseed honey also has a positive effect on the liver and bile ducts when taken in a warm liquid form. Like any honey, rapeseed honey promotes skin regeneration and can be used for burns. The high content of boron in this type of honey restores bone tissue and helps the thyroid gland in women after menopause.


General strengthening effect. Mix rapeseed honey with crushed walnut kernels in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with half a glass of boiled water. It is especially useful for pregnant women, nursing mothers, patients with anemia, atherosclerosis, hypertension.

For ulcers. Lubricate the surface of poorly healing ulcers and wounds with rapeseed honey and apply it in bandages. In addition, you can also take local baths from a 30% honey solution at a temperature of 32-34 ° C and a duration of 20-30 minutes. Take 1-2 baths daily until complete recovery.

Bruising honey

Refers to first-class honey. Has a light or light amber color. Possesses weak aroma and pleasant taste. Usually thick in consistency. It crystallizes slowly, forming a fine-grained cage. Bees extract this kind of honey from the nectar of blue-violet or bright blue flowers of the common bruise, or blush.

Medicinal properties. It is used as an excellent remedy for cardiovascular diseases and as a sedative for neuroses.


With neuroses. Accept by? tsp a mixture of royal jelly with bruise honey (in a ratio of 1:100) 2-3 times a day for neurasthenia, vegetative neurosis, heart neurosis, menopausal neurosis, hysteria, etc. Keep the drug in the mouth until completely dissolved. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks. After a 2-3 week break, it can be repeated.

With atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases. Pour 250 g of peeled and chopped garlic on a grater with 350 g of liquid honey, mix well and insist in a dark place for a week. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals.

fruit honey

Fruit honey is obtained from the nectar of flowering fruit trees such as apple, pear, and cherry. Fresh honey is transparent in color with a yellow-red tint, after crystallization it becomes light yellow. It has an extremely pleasant fruity aroma and a delicate sweet taste.

This honey has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste, contains 45% fructose and 31% glucose, crystallizes finely. Medicinal properties. Has antimicrobial properties. Recommended as a general tonic, as well as for the treatment of diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, rutin, carotene, relatively many salts of manganese, sodium, potassium and calcium.


For flu and colds. Mix freshly grated garlic slurry with honey in a ratio of 1: 1 and take with warm water, 1 tbsp. l. mixture at bedtime or 1 tsp. 2 times a day.

With gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach. Mix honey with butter in a 1:1 ratio. Take 1 tbsp. spoon an hour before meals in the morning and evening. The course is 1.5-2 months.

flower honey

Flower honey has a unique aroma and taste of honey, which is born from the nectar of wild flowers of a wide variety. The color of honey varies from colorless to orange-yellow and dark colors, depending on the place of collection, as well as the species composition of plants. Flower honey is collected in all honey-bearing regions of our country.

Medicinal properties. Flower honey contains the healing properties of many honey plants, so it is useful as a general tonic. Recommended for respiratory diseases, colds, headaches and insomnia, myositis (in the form of warm baths), is a strong diaphoretic.


Prevention of respiratory diseases and influenza. Take a decoction of wild rose (10 g per 200 ml of water) 0.5 - 1 cup with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flower honey 3 times a day half an hour before meals for a month.

Treatment of cough, flu, colds. Cut off the “cap” of a large black radish, make a recess with a knife so that 2-3 tablespoons of honey can fit in it. Close with a “hat”, leave for 3-4 hours. Pour the resulting mixture of juice and honey into a glass. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Last meal before bed.
With insomnia, sleep disorders. Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of beetroot juice, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flower honey, a glass of warm boiled water or milk. Drink before bed.

Sainfoin honey

Esparcet honey is considered first-class. It is made from the nectar of the pink or red flowers of Vicoleaf sainfoin. It has a pale pink or golden amber color, strong rich aroma and excellent taste. It slowly crystallizes into a white, creamy, greasy mass. Rich in vitamins and carotene.

Medicinal properties. The healing properties of sainfoin honey have not yet been sufficiently studied, but it is known that with regular use it improves blood circulation and strengthens capillary vessels. In folk medicine, sainfoin honey is known as a tonic, vitamin remedy, it is used for various gynecological diseases, uterine bleeding, and also as a means of enhancing sexual activity in men.


With impotence. Mix freshly squeezed carrot juice with sainfoin honey 1:1. Accept by? glass 3 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals. Take pollen in 1-2 tsp. in a day.

With uterine bleeding. 1 st. brew a spoonful of flowers and tops of nettles with a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Drink 0.5 cup with a teaspoon of honey 4-5 times a day.

Honey comb

Comb honey is honey that has not been extracted from wax combs. In general, natural honey, and especially honey in combs, with proper storage, does not deteriorate for an arbitrarily long time. In an edible state, it was found even in the Egyptian pyramids. And all because honey has a powerful disinfecting effect that destroys bacteria, microbes and molds.
Comb honey contains more vitamin A than carrots, so chewing it is very good for the eyes. Honey in honeycombs is a recognized remedy in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, which, as a rule, are associated with a violation of metabolic processes in the body caused by a lack of certain nutrients. Honeycomb allows the body to make up for this deficiency.

Honeycomb strengthens the immune system. Observations have shown that people who regularly eat comb honey are less likely to get colds. Propolis contained in comb honey has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, healing, bactericidal, antifungal properties. It normalizes the activity of the intestines, treats stomach ulcers, has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, and helps with various female diseases.
With prolonged chewing of honeycombs, phytoncides are released, which have a therapeutic effect on various human organs - they are enriched with vitamins, amino acids, proteins, enzymes. Flower pollen contained in honey has a rejuvenating effect, as it contains all the amino acids and vitamins necessary for the human body. Comb honey contains biologically active substances produced by both plants and bees. Bees help the nectar of flowering plants, wax and propolis to unite into one unit called HONEYCOMB HONEY and acquire such amazing properties as antimicrobial, antiviral, antileukemic, radioprotective, immunogenic.

There are many varieties of honey. Bees collect it from different plants, because these varieties differ in color, taste, smell. Each of them has its own healing properties.

Honey must be properly stored and used, then it will bring maximum benefit. We will tell you how to figure it out.

Basic information

Honey is monofloral and polyfloral. Monofloral honey is collected from one type of plant: clover, sunflower, acacia, heather, etc. And polyfloral honey is collected in different places, so it is called according to the place of collection: meadow, field, mountain, etc.

Honey is dark or light, the color depends on the variety. Some varieties of honey become white after crystallization.

Immediately after pumping out of the honeycombs, honey has a moderately liquid consistency. If it turned out to be too liquid, then the honey is still unripe, it must be kept in the combs.

Sometimes it thickens and crystallizes. This is a natural process. The quality of honey is not lost. It may also become cloudy. This also does not affect its properties.

There are many varieties of honey. They differ in appearance and healing properties. Here are the most famous and common ones. They are on sale throughout Russia.


This is one of the most common varieties of honey. Acacia honey is almost transparent, has a light color. It slowly crystallizes. It has proven to be an effective sedative. It is used for irritability, nervous tension, insomnia.


This honey is considered high quality. It is dark yellow or brown in color and has a tart taste. Contains a lot of iron, useful for blood formation. Improves blood composition in case of anemia, helps to restore health after a hemorrhage.


Has a transparent color. It has expectorant and diaphoretic properties. Indispensable in the treatment of colds, coughs, bronchitis, pneumonia.

One of the most common varieties of honey. Smells like lime. At first it is transparent, but after sugaring it becomes light yellow or white. It has expectorant properties, relieves fever. Effective for colds. Also used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and gallbladder.


Fireweed is a plant Ivan-tea, known in Rus'. Fireweed honey is opaque, has a brownish-greenish color. When it is candied, its crystals become like white flakes. It is effective in inflammatory diseases, is a prophylactic against tumors.


It has a dark color and a bitter taste. In terms of taste, it is considered low-grade. Its advantage is that it is almost not candied.

It has bactericidal and antiviral properties, heals wounds, burns. Useful for diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as for heart ailments.


Sweet clover is a common weed. But the honey obtained from it is one of the best. Has an amber or white color, smells of vanilla. Sweet clover honey thins the blood, facilitates blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. Protects against heart attacks and strokes.


In color, it is very light or completely colorless. Relieves headaches, has a calming effect, relieves irritability.


It is also called flower. The color of this honey ranges from golden to brown. Has a sweet taste. Differs in bactericidal and antiviral action. Strengthens immunity.


It is harvested in the forest, so it is environmentally friendly and belongs to the elite varieties. It is light brown or yellow in color and has a tart taste. Effective for the treatment of many diseases.


It is also a very valuable, environmentally friendly variety of honey. Its color can be very different. The taste is bitter. It is a preventive and general tonic, used for many diseases.

There is honey collected from poisonous plants such as azalea, rhododendron, delphinium, etc. They call him "drunk". After its use, phenomena similar to the symptoms of alcohol poisoning (nausea, vomiting, headache) occur. They pass after a few days. But if you eat a large amount of "drunk" honey, death may occur. Fortunately, with long-term storage of such honey, its poisonous properties disappear.

It is best to take it in the morning on an empty stomach. Dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey in water at room temperature and drink. Or you can eat honey in a bite, washed down with water.

If you are experiencing nervous tension or sleep problems, shortly before you go to bed, drink a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey. Thanks to this, you can quickly relax and fall asleep.


Honey does not tolerate high temperatures; when heated, its beneficial properties are lost. Therefore, before adding honey to tea, milk, boiling water, cool the drinks.

Be sure to brush your teeth after taking honey to prevent cavities.

Honey should not be kept in metal containers, because of this it can oxidize and cause poisoning. Store it only in glass or ceramic jars.

Some people are allergic to honey, it is contraindicated for them. Also, it should not be used by diabetics.

On a note!

Borax honey is an effective remedy for cockroaches. Combine borax (sodium tetraborate) with honey in a ratio of 50:50 and mix thoroughly. Divide the mixture into small containers and place in places where cockroaches are found. After a while, they will completely disappear.

Honey is often adulterated. This is a very profitable business, since the sugar used to fake honey is ten times cheaper than it.

In the process of falsification, manufacturers add molasses, sugar, starch, and flour to honey. But not only! Sometimes clay, chalk, glue are added to honey ... Such additives are harmful to health and can even be dangerous. Therefore, international requirements for quality control of honey are constantly being improved and tightened.

According to botanical origin, natural bee honey is divided into flower, honeydew and mixed (a natural mixture of flower and honeydew honey).

Flower honey is obtained as a result of the collection and processing of flower nectar by bees. It can be monofloral, i.e., from the nectar of one (or predominantly one) plant, and polyfloral (combined) - from the nectar of several plants.

Monofloral honey is determined by the type of the main nectar plant. It can be lime, buckwheat, acacia, sunflower, etc.

Linden honey is characterized by a light yellow or light amber color. It has a pleasant delicate aroma of linden flowers, which include farnesol and other terpenoid compounds. Honey from the flowers of small-leaved linden, growing in the forest-steppe zone of the European part of Russia, has a strong aroma with a slight bitterness. In the broad-leaved forests of the Far East, bees get honey from the flowers of the Amur and Manchurian linden. Such honey has a delicate aroma of linden flowers without bitterness. An even more delicate aroma is characteristic of honey collected from large-leaved and white lindens, common in the southern zone of the country. In liquid form, honey is transparent, like water, with a greenish tint. Linden honey crystallizes at room temperature within one to two months into a fine-grained fat-like or coarse-grained mass.

Buckwheat honey is distinguished by its color palette - from dark yellow to dark brown with a reddish tinge, it has a pleasant, sharp, specific taste and a peculiar aroma. In the crystallized state, honey is dark yellow or brown in color, fine or coarse-grained.

Sunflower honey has a light golden color that intensifies when exposed to sunlight. Upon crystallization, it becomes light amber, sometimes with a greenish tint. It has a pleasant, somewhat tart taste and a subtle faint aroma of sunflower. Farnesol, alpha-terpinene, alpha-pinene and other terpenoid compounds were found in honey.

It crystallizes very quickly - within a month after pumping out of the combs. The crystals are large, clearly visible to the naked eye; a looser layer of glucose crystals, the “foam,” often forms on their surface.

Fireweed honey of light color with a greenish tinge, becomes white upon crystallization. It is characterized by a delicate taste and aroma. In liquid form, honey is transparent, like water, crystallizes very quickly into a fat-like or fine-grained mass.

Acacia honey is white in color with a greenish tint, has a delicate and delicate aroma. Honey contains robinin, acacin (glycosides of flavonic origin), volatile oils. Acacia honey may not crystallize for a long time (from one to two to three years) at room temperature. It crystallizes as a fine-grained mass, acquiring a color from white to golden yellow. It has good taste qualities. With prolonged storage, a darker intercrystalline liquid appears on the surface.

Cotton honey is distinguished by its color: transparent, like water, or extra white. It has a delicate and peculiar aroma, pleasant taste, crystallizes into a coarse-grained mass for two or more months. Freshly harvested by bees has a taste characteristic of the juice of the plant itself, which disappears as the honey ripens. Mature honey has a delicate, but peculiar taste and aroma.

Clover honey comes in two varieties. White clover honey in liquid form is white, transparent, with a greenish tint, delicate and delicate aroma. Honey contains flavonoids, volatile oils, phenolic compounds, resins, coumarin derivatives. During crystallization, it takes the form of a white fat-like mass, has a slightly pronounced aroma of clover flowers, and good taste. Crystallizes within one to two months.

Red clover honey is red-yellow in color and crystallizes relatively slowly. The taste and aroma are the same as those of white clover honey.

Sainfoin honey is white in color, sometimes with a greenish tinge, with a delicate and delicate aroma, pleasant, moderately sweet taste. It crystallizes into a fine-grained or greasy mass within one to two months.

Heather honey is characterized by dark amber or red-brown color, strong specific aroma, tart taste. This honey is very viscous, pumped out of the combs with great difficulty or not pumped out at all. With stirring or shaking, its gelatinous consistency is destroyed and it becomes liquid, but thickens again during subsequent storage. It slowly crystallizes. Microscopic examination of crystallized honey shows needle-shaped crystals, which distinguishes it from other types of honey.

Raspberry honey is a light honey of the highest quality. In liquid form - white or transparent, like water, in crystallized form - white with a creamy tint. It crystallizes into fine and coarse-grained mass. Honey has a delicate aroma of raspberry flowers and a delicate taste of berries.

Sweet clover honey has a color from white to light amber extra in liquid form and white in crystallized form. It crystallizes slowly, forming a coarse or fine-grained white mass. Sweet without aftertaste, the aroma is somewhat reminiscent of vanilla. With abundant release of nectar, this feature in the aroma becomes less noticeable.

Coriander honey has a dark color, characteristic specific aroma and taste. It contains terpenoid compounds that give it a specific aroma.

It crystallizes within one to two months into a coarse-grained or greasy mass.

Other types of monofloral honey are also obtained in small quantities - chestnut, mustard, rapeseed, phacelia, mint, tobacco, onion, etc. However, they are not widely used.

Polyfloral honey is defined as flower prefabricated. Polyphoric honey, depending on the place of collection, can be mountain, meadow, steppe. The characteristic of flower honey is inconsistent. Since different plants bloom in different periods of the year in the same field, meadow, honey has different properties. Its color can be from light and light yellow to dark, aroma and taste - from tender and weak to sharp, crystallization - from greasy to coarse-grained.

Stone honey is deposited by wild bees in rock crevices. It is light in color, has a pleasant taste and good aroma, contains a lot of glucose, is low hygroscopic, hard like candy, and is inseparable from honeycomb wax.

Honeydew honey is obtained as a result of the processing of honeydew and honeydew collected from the leaves and stems of plants by bees. Pad is a sweetish, thick liquid secreted by aphids, mealybugs and other insects that feed on plant juices. Pad appears on the leaves of trees and shrubs, sometimes falling in small drops (hence the name) to the ground. In large quantities, it occurs on linden, maple, poplar, hazel, etc.

Honeydew is called sweet discharge from the leaves of trees and needles of spruce, pine without the participation of insects. The formation of honeydew is enhanced by sharp fluctuations in temperature and relative humidity. Honeydew and honeydew are collected by bees in the absence of nectar in the area of ​​departure, usually in hot, dry weather.

Honeydew honey is determined by species of deciduous and coniferous trees. Honeydew honey from coniferous trees (spruce, fir, pine) has a color from light to dark amber, viscous viscous, sometimes unpleasant, bitter or sour taste and a peculiar aroma. This type of honey contains volatile oils and resins rich in gamma-pinene, beta-pinene, phellandrene, limonene, anisealdehyde, tertiary terpene alcohols and other compounds. It crystallizes slowly into a fine-grained or coarse-grained mass.

Honeydew honey from deciduous trees (oak, ash, etc.) is viscous, viscous, with a peculiar aroma, dark in color. The crystallization of this honey is the same as honeydew honey from coniferous trees.

In our country, it is accepted that honeydew honey is of lower quality and belongs to second-class honey. For humans, this honey is completely harmless; it is not suitable for feeding bees.

Poisonous honey, which is sometimes collected by bees in the Caucasus, the Far East and Siberia, is unsuitable for human food. It causes poisoning in humans, very similar to severe intoxication, which is why it is also called "drunk honey." Bees collect poisonous honey in the Caucasus from the flowers of rhododendron, azalea, cup-flowered heather, mountain laurel, andromeda, aconite, nectar or pollen, which may contain glycosides - andromedotoxin, rhodotoxin, mellitoxin. In the eastern regions, bees collect it from marsh plants of rosemary, hellebore. In the presence of a bribe, bees do not visit poisonous plants, so poisonous honey occurs in small quantities and not annually. The poisonous properties of honey can be neutralized by heating it.

Mixed honey is formed as mixed or as honeydew, depending on the predominant source from which it is obtained.

According to the method of obtaining honey can be centrifugal, pressed and honeycomb.

Centrifugal - liquid or crystallized honey, extracted from honeycombs using a honey centrifuge (honey extractor). This is the most common type of honey.

Pressed honey, such as heather, is obtained from combs by pressing and only when it is impossible to extract it in a honey extractor. In such honey, an increased content of wax and wax-like substances is found.

Comb honey in sealed combs can be in the form of frames, sections or individual pieces. It is especially highly valued, but trade in such honey is impractical, since it does not find the use of wax.

According to the areas of growth of nectar-bearing plants, honey is divided into Bashkir, Caucasian, Far Eastern, Central Asian, etc.

Depending on the origin, types of honey are known that cannot be considered natural. These include sugar honey from fruit juices, vitamin and artificial. They should be considered as counterfeits of a natural product.

Sugar honey is a product of sugar syrup processing by bees. Sucrose, which is the syrup, undergoes hydrolysis under the action of bee enzymes. The resulting sugar honey, like natural honey, consists mainly of a mixture of fructose and glucose. During ripening, maltose and some other sugars are synthesized. As a result of processing, bees introduce enzymes (including diastase), ash elements, vitamins and bactericidal substances into it. However, it does not contain aromatic substances and other valuable components that pass into honey from flower nectar. According to the main physical and chemical indicators and organoleptic properties, it is difficult to distinguish this honey from natural flower honey. The special production of sugar honey and its sale under the guise of bee honey is falsification and is prosecuted.

Honey from sweet fruit juices is obtained by bees at a time when there is no nectar flow, and bees take juice from ripe raspberries, grapes, cherries, etc. Some beekeepers feed a specially prepared syrup from fruit or vegetable juices with added sugar and get it like this called express honey. The honey obtained in this way differs from the natural one by a high content of mineral salts, acids, substances indigestible in the intestines of bees, etc.

Vitamin and medicinal honey bees produce from sugar syrup with the addition of syrups and juices rich in vitamins (blackcurrant, carrot, etc.). However, the increased content of vitamins in such honeys is not detected, since the bees change their amount to the level of their need. According to the main indicators, this honey is no different from sugar and is a fake.

Artificial honey is obtained from sugar without the participation of a bee. In appearance, it is similar to bee honey, but differs from it in chemical composition, and, consequently, in nutritional and medicinal value. To prepare it, sugar is dissolved in a syrup containing about 80% solids, a small amount of citric or lactic acid is added and the solution is heated. In this case, sucrose is hydrolyzed into an equal amount of glucose and fructose. Commercially produced artificial honey contains at least 60% invert sugar. It can also be flavored by adding 10-20% natural honey or essence.

Artificial honey has a sweet taste, good digestibility, can be used as a table product in the manufacture of confectionery and other products. It enters the trading network packaged in glass jars under the name “Artificial honey”.
