
Three-layer yogurt dessert. Dessert of yogurt and gelatin

English dessert with blueberries Mix flour with vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt, pour in the milk and beat the dough with a whisk until the consistency of liquid sour cream. Bake 2-3 pancakes, laying out small portions dough on a frying pan, oiled frying pan. Cut the nectarine in half, remove the stone, ...Required: wheat flour - 70 g, egg - 1 pc., milk - 125 g, vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, butter- 25 g, nectarine - 1 pc., blueberries - 3 tbsp. spoons, thick cream - 50 g, sugar - 1 teaspoon, yogurt - 2 tbsp. spoons, chopped hazelnuts - 1 tbsp. spoon, lemon juice

Yogurt with honey Mix honey with ginger and beat with a whisk. If the honey is candied, heat it, stirring, in a water bath. To do this, pour water into a medium-sized saucepan, bring it to a boil. Put honey in a small saucepan or cup, place the dishes over boiling water ...You will need: honey - 6 tbsp. spoons, ground ginger root - 1 teaspoon, 10% fat yogurt - 500 g, chopped nuts - 2 tbsp. spoons, ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

Yogurt with honey and nuts 1. Whisk honey with ginger. If the honey is candied, it should be heated in a water bath. 2. Fry the nuts in a pan without oil. 3. Spread yogurt in bowls, pour over a mixture of honey and ginger. Sprinkle with cinnamon and nuts. ♦Required: yogurt - 500 g, honey - 6 tbsp. spoons, walnuts - 2 tbsp. spoons, grated ginger root - 1 teaspoon, ground cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

Yogurt pudding fast food Mix yogurt and condensed milk thoroughly, put in a greased form and bake in the oven at a moderate temperature until golden color then cool and place in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add to the pudding ...You will need: natural yogurt - 2 cups, condensed milk - 1 can, butter - for lubrication

Curd-orange dessert Using a blender, mix cottage cheese with yogurt, sugar and vanilla sugar. Whip cream, gently fold in curd mass. Cut the zest from one orange. Peel all oranges from peel and white fibers, cut slices from ...You will need: granular cottage cheese - 250 g, natural yogurt - 200 g, sugar - 100 g, vanilla sugar - 2 bags, oranges - 8 pcs., 35% fat cream - 1 cup, nuts

Fruit mousse with yogurt fruit mix, without defrosting, grind with a blender into a puree, add sugar, mix, arrange in bowls. Beat yogurt with vanilla sugar, put on top of fruit, sprinkle with cinnamon.You will need: a mixture of frozen fruits - 300 g, sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, ground cinnamon - 1 pinch, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, natural yogurt - 2 cups

Grape salad with yogurt Cut grapes in half. Peel the apple, cut into slices, fields with lemon juice. Mix yogurt with apple juice and cinnamon. put grapes and an apple in a salad bowl, fields with yogurt.You will need: green and black seedless grapes - 80 g each, an apple - 1 pc., lemon juice - 1 teaspoon, low-calorie yogurt - 100 g, apple juice - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground cinnamon - 1 pinch

Yogurt, orange and marzipan dessert Soak the gelatin in cold water. Remove the zest from the oranges, squeeze the juice, pour into a small saucepan. Then put the juice on a small fire, add marzipan, zest and sugar powder. Keep on fire until the marzipan dissolves. Then add gelatin, mix and add yo...Required: 60 g sugar powder, juice and zest of 2 small oranges, 50 g marzipan, 120 g cream, 170 yogurt, 3 sheets of gelatin

Yogurt in clay pots Heat the milk to a comfortable temperature, so as not to burn yourself ... no need to boil! and do not use aluminum utensils! vitamin C is completely destroyed in it and milk cannot be boiled in it. mix Activia yogurt, with boiled milk and pour it into pots and cover ...Required: cow's milk-3.5% -1 liter, yogurt-"activation" without additives, 2 clay pots (500 ml each) with lids, electric oven

Dessert from yogurt Gelatin pour a glass of water and leave for 10 minutes. Lightly beat yogurt with regular and vanilla sugar. Squeeze juice from oranges, pour into yogurt, mix everything. Whip the cream and refrigerate for a while. Strain gelatin through a sieve, put in a bowl ...Required: 500 g of the fattest yogurt, 1 cup of 33% cream, 2 oranges, 50 g of peeled and chopped pistachios, 4–5 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 sachets of gelatin, 1 1/2 sachets of vanilla sugar

How to feel like a virtuoso chef or confectioner? The first step is to get a good modern yogurt maker, for exampleTefal YG657132. Stunning yoghurts, cottage cheese and dairy desserts (each option has its own button-program), this craftswoman cooks for "five plus". You can not limit your imagination in inventing new recipes: juicy seasonal berries and fruits, jams and marmalades, nuts and granola, coconut flake snowfall and chocolate waterfalls all fit in eco-friendly glass cups to turn your afternoon snack into a gourmet paradise. Six servings of a healthy dessert that contains nothing but the freshest products and your love!

Don't forget the two golden rules for making dairy desserts to make it perfect.

1) Choose the “right” milk. Farm, market, "from under the cow" can be used, but must first be boiled. You understand that only beneficial bacteria should multiply in the thermobath of the yogurt maker. sterilized whole milkgreat option, choose what is stored for no more than 10 days. Also made from pasteurized milk good yogurt, thicker and fatter, with a slight appetizing crust on a surface. The longer you cook the yogurt, the more acidic and thicker it will be.

2) Leaven- that's the most important thing, and better method trial and error to choose the one that suits you. Conventionally, they can be divided into pharmacy and starter cultures from the supermarket. In pharmacies and on healthy lifestyle counters good shops there are "Narine", "Evitalia", "Vitalakt", "Bifivit", "Biota" and many other liquid and dry starter cultures. Ordinary "live" yogurts from the dairy departments without additives and with minimum term storage (which means the maximum number bifido- and lactobacilli) are also suitable for sourdough.

Just gotta start delicious games with a yogurt maker, how you want to cook complex desserts. To health!

Today we want to offer you delicious dessert from yogurt with gelatin, which cooks very quickly. Such a dessert can be prepared with the most various fruits and berries to your taste! Children will especially like it, but adults will not leave indifferent 🙂

  • To prepare the dish we need:
  • Drinking yogurt - 1 jar
  • Food gelatin
  • Fruits
  • Chocolate - a few pieces

Yogurt and Gelatin Dessert Recipe

For dessert, we need yogurt. We took drinking yogurt. You can choose any taste. Pour gelatin into yogurt. The amount of gelatin depends on the manufacturer's requirements, which are always indicated on the package. We leave the gelatin to swell for about 20 minutes. When the gelatin swells, put the pan with yogurt on the stove and heat it, but do not boil it. Stirring constantly, let the gelatin dissolve, and then remove from the stove.

Let's cut the fruit. We took grapes, bananas, peaches, melons. You can use any fruit of your choice. We cut them into small pieces.

We take cups and begin to lay out fruit in layers, then pour a small amount prepared yogurt with gelatin, again fruit, yogurt. So we alternate to the very top. Then the dessert can be sprinkled grated chocolate, you can also sprinkle with nuts, here is your imagination.

The jelly recipe originated in France, where this word denoted all frozen dishes, both sweet and savory. Since then, a lot of time has passed, during which the association of jelly exclusively with dessert has taken root in people. Especially healthy and tasty is yogurt jelly, a simple recipe that even a child can cook.

Yogurt jelly contains a lot of vitamins and microelements: calcium, which is good for bones, collagen, which is necessary for the skin, glycine, which has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Delicate and refreshing dessert will become the king of any table. In addition, jelly can be a little trick for mothers whose children refuse to eat dairy products necessary for growth.

Basic way to make jelly

Despite the apparent complexity of the dessert, the basic recipe for yogurt jelly is extremely simple. To prepare it, you need two glasses of yogurt, a tablespoon of gelatin, sugar to taste. It is appropriate to use fragrant dessert spices: vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg, carnation. Yogurt can be taken both natural, cooked on your own, and ready-made, with your favorite taste.

The recipe has only one difficulty. special preparation and caution requires gelatin. It must be filled with several spoons cold water. Do not use hot water, it promotes the formation of lumps. After 20-30 minutes, when the gelatin swells, it should be melted. It is best to use for this purpose water bath, which will allow you to control the process and break lumps in time.

But if you use instant gelatin, then there will be no difficulties at all. All details of the cooking process are written in the instructions on the package.

Mix yogurt with sugar until the texture becomes homogeneous, and warm up a little. Stirring constantly, slowly add warm liquid gelatin to the resulting mass. spill future dessert in pre-chilled cream pans. And put in a cold place until completely solidified. As a rule, this takes about 2 hours, but the time may vary, depending on the size of the jelly.

How to make colorful jelly

This recipe is subject to many variations. For holiday table can cook colorful jelly. It will take beautiful shape. Suitable form for cupcakes or serving cups for ice cream. But do not use aluminum molds. Aluminum tends to oxidize, which has little effect on all dishes, but can dramatically affect the taste of a delicate dessert.

Any yogurt is suitable, with one taste or with different, combined. For example, creamy, apricot and caramel. To get more bright colors, use food colorings, or natural juices berries, fruits and vegetables.

Using the main recipe, you need to prepare each color layer separately, pouring the top over the frozen bottom. It takes about half an hour for each layer to dry, which increases total time cooking. But each subsequent one will freeze faster than the previous one.

Before serving, arrange the jelly on dessert plates. The dish is recommended to decorate beautifully fresh berries, whipped cream, various syrups, coconut flakes or chocolate chips. So light, gentle healthy dessert Everyone will love it, kids and adults alike.

Video recipe for making yogurt jelly
