
Long shelf life products in case of war. Stockpiling: Products with a long shelf life

You know how quickly things change in times of instability. If we recall the experience of past crises... You have probably drawn your own conclusions.

By stocking up on groceries, you can save your nerves and not think about how to feed your family if at some point the store does not have the right products. Indeed, for a good housewife, it is important that everyone in the family is well-fed.

Also you save your money. After all, prices do not stand still. And if you shop during the period or in wholesale stores, the savings will be significant.

What products make up a strategic reserve

First of all, decide for what period of time you are going to stock up on food - for a week, a month, three months, a year or more.

Based on this, make a list of everything you need. These will be products that are stored in the refrigerator, as a rule, quickly perishable and long-term storage products.

How to stock up on food for the week

Take some time and make a rough menu for the week. What do you need for this? Write it down right away.

See if you have flour, cereals, pasta ... Look in your refrigerator, what assortment of products is there. Think about what else you need to buy on your list. Try to replenish the stock of mandatory products on the weekends.

In the refrigerator, you should have all the basic products, from which you can always quickly prepare a traditional sandwich and simple dishes.

Here is a sample list of must-haves. This usually includes - butter, milk, eggs, frozen fish, meat, poultry, dairy products, vegetables, fruits and greens. As well as sugar, salt, spices, cereals, pasta. You can add cheese, sausage, olive or other oil, coffee and tea - within reasonable limits. Each hostess will have their own list.

What products are bought in reserve

Usually, when people talk about stocks, they mean products with a long shelf life. There are rules here. Be sure to read the label for the expiration date and storage conditions of the products.

There is a list of products that cannot be stored for a long time without appropriate processing - flour, biscuit cookies, crackers. Over time, pests infest.

Sweets, chocolate, dry milk, vegetable oil will not be able to retain their taste for a long time. They contain fats that oxidize over time.

Don't forget to stock up on bottled drinking water. See shelf life.

How to stock up on groceries for a year

Here are the foods that have a long shelf life

  • sugar, salt, vinegar
  • condensed milk, meat stew in metal cans
  • pasta premium group A
  • tea, sublimated coffee
  • spices (red and black pepper, bay leaf)
  • parboiled long-grain rice.
  • This includes canned fish, the shelf life of which is 2-3 years.

    How many products you need, calculate for yourself, depending on your needs and capabilities.

    Take care also of the purchase of a multivitamin-mineral complex.

  • For ease of housekeeping, enjoy shopping. It is very comfortable. Then you do not have to throw away expired spoiled products, thoughtlessly bought on the next trip to the store.
  • Try not to go shopping on an empty stomach. In this case, you will probably buy a lot of excess and spend money in vain.
  • Put a piece of paper under the magnet on the refrigerator, where you will regularly write down the necessary purchases. For example, suddenly remember that the oil is running out.
  • Before purchasing groceries, take a small inventory of the groceries you already have. Pay attention to the expiration date. In the future, when buying a new package, pack or jar, do not forget to update your old stocks. This way you will be sure that the products you have in stock will not be stale and will be within their expiration date.
  • If there is no economic crisis after all, the strategic stock of food you have will save you time and money on frequent shopping trips. In an unstable situation in the economy - you will be ready to protect yourself from the crisis.

    Be healthy and love yourself!

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    Every housewife strives to have a strategic supply of food that can be stored for a long time and makes life much easier in times of crisis and during times of severe cold. It is important not only to know what products are bought in reserve, but also how to store them correctly.

    Sugar in reserve

    Many of us cannot imagine a cup of coffee or tea without a few spoons of sugar, and those with a sweet tooth will not refuse delicious and fragrant homemade cakes, which are impossible without sugar, which can be stored for 7-8 years. It is best to purchase small packages (2-5 kg), which must be placed in a dry and ventilated area.

    Pasta in reserve

    You can store noodles, vermicelli and pasta for up to 3 years. The storage place must be dry and dark, the packaging must be airtight. Pasta from an open or damaged package must be placed in a glass or plastic container with an airtight lid. The condition of the pasta is negatively affected by temperature changes and prolonged exposure to sunlight.

    Flour in reserve

    With the advent of bread machines in our homes, many of us began to buy a huge amount of flour, preferring to take 50 kg bags. If you do not bake muffins and bread, then the strategic supply of flour can be much less - 10-15 kg. Flour can be stored for 10-12 months. The optimum storage temperature is 0 ° C, periodically all the flour must be sifted - this way you will avoid the appearance of flour worms and bugs.

    Vegetable oil in reserve

    Today, this product is sold in plastic containers, less often in glass. It is glass containers that contribute to the long-term storage of oil, so if you purchased a product in plastic packaging and plan to store it for a long time, pour the oil into a glass bottle or jar and close the lid tightly.
    Our grandmothers very often added a small amount of salt to the oil container to avoid sedimentation. Today, there is no need for this procedure, since in most cases we use refined oil that does not form sediment. You can store the oil for no more than 2 years at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C in a dark place. Do not store the oil in the refrigerator - it may lose its taste and useful qualities.

    Cereals in reserve

    For storage of cereals, it is best to use plastic containers or glass jars. If you have the opportunity, store cereals in the refrigerator. The shelf life of most cereals is 4-8 months. Buckwheat retains its taste and useful properties the longest - up to 16 months of storage. Long-term storage of cereals will not adversely affect their external condition, but the taste and useful properties will be lost.

    Home preservation in reserve

    Regardless of the conditions, the shelf life of home preservation should not exceed 1 year. This is especially true for compotes made from cherries, apricots and plums with pits. Long-term storage of home preservation not only spoils the taste of products, but can be hazardous to health.

    Industrial conservation in reserve

    Manufacturers of canned food always indicate the conditions and shelf life, however, it can be significantly reduced if the can of canned food is damaged or deformed. When choosing a can with preservation in a store, pay attention to the absence of dents and signs of corrosion. When buying canned vegetables in a glass jar, make sure it is sealed tightly.

    Spices in reserve

    Closed and open spices can be stored for up to 2 years. To preserve their aroma and flavor, it is best to use airtight containers and store away from light and moisture. Ideal conditions are a dry, ventilated room, the temperature of which does not exceed 25 ° C. The familiar bay leaf will help prevent the appearance of insects - put 1-2 small pieces of the leaf in a container with spices.

    Nuts in reserve

    The refrigerator is the best way to store nuts. You can also store them in the freezer. The belief that nuts in the shell can be stored for years can play a bad joke on you. Violation of the storage conditions of nuts leads to the fact that they lose all their useful properties. Out of the refrigerator, nuts can be stored for no more than 2 months.

    Honey in reserve

    Natural honey can be stored for years using a glass container with a tight lid. It is necessary to store the product at a temperature of 5-10°C; at a temperature above 10°C, it loses its qualities and acquires a bitter taste.

    One of the country's most secret organizations is celebrating its 85th anniversary this year. And the leadership of the service decided to lift the veil of secrecy a little and tell about their work. To do this, an impromptu museum of the Federal Reserve was opened for several days in the Southern Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

    The Rosrezerv service is engaged in the formation, storage and maintenance of the state's strategic reserves, which are needed in case of emergency situations. For example, after a natural disaster, during a war or to provide humanitarian assistance. By the way, 60,000 tons of food and medicine, which over the past two years were taken to the Donbass by humanitarian convoys, were mainly taken from the warehouses of the southern administration. However, more on that later.

    This department is considered one of the main elements of the state security system. It is known that food, various types of fuel and a number of other strategic products are stored in its storerooms. Statistical data (how much and what is in the warehouses), as well as the location of the storage facilities, is a state secret. Only employees of the service and the country's top leadership know it. This information is almost more protected than the location of the largest Russian nuclear mines or space defenses.

    Employees of the service sign obligations to preserve state secrets, and talking to these people is a great journalistic success.

    Six centuries of security

    Russian historians found the first mention of state reserves already in the annals of the 7th century. The documents say that at that time, long-term storage goods, mainly grain, were placed in the warehouses. This made it possible to insure against mass starvation in terrible lean years or after numerous wars that shook ancient Rus'.

    True, then it was a personal initiative of the princes. The nationwide system of reserves began to take shape only in the XIV century, during the reign of Ivan Kalita, the collector of Russian lands.

    The first specialized organization, the so-called Provisional order, appeared in 1700, under Peter I. The order was responsible for supplying the regular army with food. Stores (that is, special warehouses) were located in Moscow, Kyiv, Bryansk, Smolensk and other cities and were used during the Great Northern War. In 1716, the Prikaz was transformed into the Provisional Office, and after the victory of Russia, from 1724, it became part of the Military Collegium.

    In 1920, for the first time in our country, it was possible to create a specialized grain fund, in 1927 a permanent Grain Fund began to form. Of course, in the difficult revolutionary and war years, the reserves were at a minimum level. But after the war, when the threat of a global nuclear war loomed before the world, Soviet specialists, as they say, brought the system to perfection.

    No statute of limitations

    According to the employees of the service, today the world's only Institute of Storage Problems operates in Moscow, which deals with the conservation of food and other products.

    It turned out that some Russian technologies make it possible to store products for decades, while they do not lose their gastronomic and energy properties at all. True, these developments are needed rather for safety net - products are stored in warehouses for a strictly prescribed time. Delay is not allowed.

    Keeping such a huge volume so that it does not go to waste and is used efficiently is not an easy task. Therefore, personnel is a special pride of the service.

    It so happened that at the plants of the Federal Reserve, they mainly work with whole families, for several generations. Why this happens, the service workers themselves do not say. This is probably due to increased secrecy: if grandparents, as well as parents, have worked in this system all their lives and have shown themselves in the best possible way, they will probably teach their children to keep secrets.

    It is only known that there are such dynasties whose total length of service exceeds 180 years. Most employees have one entry in the work book.

    Save Donbass

    When an armed conflict broke out in the Donbass, it became clear that the locals were on the verge of a humanitarian catastrophe. Food disappeared from store shelves, and the Ukrainian authorities stopped supplying medicines, including life-saving ones. Then, in agreement with the local authorities, the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations began supplying all the necessary products.

    I could not help but take the opportunity and asked the leadership of the southern Rosrezerv about how it was. First of all, I wanted to know how unexpected these events were for the service and whether there were any interruptions in supplies, because, fortunately, they did not actually encounter such a volume of work in modern Russia.

    One of our main tasks is to be one hundred percent ready for any emergency at any time. Therefore, when the order came to form cargo parties to the Donbass, there were no difficulties. We worked in accordance with our instructions, which are regularly worked out in quiet times, - Alexei Butenko, deputy head of the Rosreserve department for the Southern Federal District, told RG. - In August 2014, I was able to talk to the drivers of the first humanitarian convoy that brought medicines and food to Donbass. They were all people with big hearts. After all, many of them volunteered to go voluntarily, despite the risk of being fired upon by the Ukrainian military. So, they, adult men, with tears in their eyes, told how the locals met them with flowers, and then, bit by bit, sorted out all the food that the rescuers had brought. How one woman swept the floor in the back with a broom to collect the remnants of spilled cereals and feed her family. It is terrible to imagine how many people would have died without medical care and from hunger, if not for timely assistance.

    Unfortunately, such cases do happen. We helped people during the conflict in Ossetia, after the flood in the Kuban in 2002, and so on, says Butenko. - And today, when the world is again restless, we, as always, stand guard over the safety of our citizens and are ready to help at any moment.

    Properly organizing a weekly trip is one thing. But to prepare for wintering in the taiga or, even cooler, in surviving in the conditions of the alleged BP ... well, or some kind of cataclysm, anyway Big P ... - is completely different. The difference between these actions is like between the ninth grade of school and the graduation year of the university. Everything lies in psychological approach. A real survivalist must be ready not only technically and physically, but also mentally. All three of these factors are extremely important. Many are already organizing caches, dragging equipment and other food supplies there - in a word, they are preparing in detail.

    However, the longer the products are stored, the higher the risk that they will deteriorate at the most inopportune moment. Although, to be honest, if it comes to BP, any moment will be inappropriate. Under those conditions, the ordinary can become a serious test for the victim. Therefore, it is better to learn in advance to determine when a particular product begins to deteriorate and how long it can, in principle, be stored. So.

    Possible stocks of products in case of BP

    canned food

    There is documentary evidence of eating canned food made in the nineteenth century. Yes, they were stored, of course, in permafrost conditions, but nonetheless. Soviet canned food, in particular stew, easily overcome the period of 25 years and do not lose their taste. Modern ones are stored less, but they will last 5 years without problems. So any survival specialist will always have a supply of this excellent product with him. But canned food also spoils. And, if you eat a slightly moldy sausage, you can get by with the usual food poisoning, then spoiled canned food threatens with botulism or other extremely serious consequences for the body. How to prevent such a situation? To begin with, we look at the date - this will give a rough idea of ​​​​the shelf life and possible risks.

    After that, we carefully examine the bank. If there are traces of rust, holes and swelling - the product is not suitable for consumption. Although there are exceptions. For example, swelling of a can - bombing - can be observed when canned food freezes in winter conditions or high-mountain travel. Ice takes up more space than water. So, such a bombardment disappears when the can is thawed. If, when opening the jar, the contents begin to flow out under pressure, this is also an alarm signal. This means that microorganisms could multiply there, and the pressure is due to the accumulation of their metabolic products. On the other hand, in high altitude conditions, this is completely normal precisely due to the lower ambient pressure.

    Also, formations may appear on the walls of the jars that are not evidence of food spoilage - caramelization of condensed milk, the appearance of a black coating on the lids and necks of glass jars, a change in the color of products that have come into contact with the air remaining in the jars. In addition, canned meat with a high content of broth is stored much worse at high temperatures - the taste of meat is noticeably reduced. But this, again, is not life-threatening. Canned offal, such as pate, also does not tolerate high temperatures - they soften and lose their taste.

    Documented shelf life of stew - 2 years. In practice - 3 times longer.


    An excellent source of carbohydrates. Easy to make, long shelf life, almost do not deteriorate. Almost. Storage conditions must be observed. They should be stored in piles, folded into cloth bags, which are packed in a plastic bag, which in turn is stuffed into a large canvas bag. Why such difficulties? For protection against moisture, insects and mutual damage. Actually, it’s easy to determine the spoilage of crackers - mold on the surface and discoloration. Rye and rye-wheat crackers are stored two years, the rest - up to a year.


    Thanks to the sealed vacuum packaging, they are perfectly stored. Actually, if this tightness is broken, then damage begins quite quickly. Accompanied by a musty smell and a noticeable deterioration in taste. Shelf life - 2 years.


    Due to the almost complete absence of liquid, they are perfectly stored. But over time, proteins begin to break down, carotenoids begin to oxidize, and the pasta itself begins to turn rancid. Fortunately, they can still be eaten. Only they are no longer so tasty and crumble into small pieces during cooking. In case of violation of the storage regime, they can also be exposed to mold, which makes them completely unusable. Shelf life without egg and dairy additives - 12 months, that is, a year. With additives - six months and less.


    Everything is absolutely the same. Don't store it properly and it will mold. There will be mold - you can not eat. If you store it correctly, the product will deteriorate sooner or later anyway. The normal aroma will disappear first. Then the color will change (rancidity and oxidation), and then the taste. There is still possible, but not the same. Shelf life without changing properties — up to three years.

    Sugar and salt

    Where do without them. Here you can not be afraid of mold. However, high humidity, again, causes some damage to stocks - individual grains crumple, stick together and melt. It doesn't really affect the taste, though. Shelf life - formally is not limited.

    Dried fruits

    In addition to proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins are also needed for long-term survival in extreme conditions. And they are found in dried fruits. Yes. less than in fresh fruits, however, they are stored much longer. But again, it all depends on storage conditions. Exclude the access of insects, exclude excess moisture - and, in fact, that's all. At least guaranteed six months you have in stock.


    Year he will definitely live - if of low quality. If you didn’t spare the money and bought normal chocolate, and also black (and milk, by the way, is not chocolate at all, it’s pressed sugar with powdered milk and preservatives, to which a little cocoa is added), then don’t worry - some years it will not only be possible to eat it yet, but it will also be very good to survive when all other products run out. A square of chocolate a day is enough to sustain life - not the most pleasant, of course, and very hungry, but nonetheless.

    Even at the front in World War II, in addition to the basic first-aid kit, soldiers usually carried a few bars of chocolate with them. By the way, the fact that chocolate is so nutritious is a clarification: if you don’t want personal PD to happen to you, eat chocolate in normal life (it is one of the best pledges of natural insulin production, without which you can’t), but do not abuse it. A few squares a day in the presence of other products will definitely suffice.

    We remind you that the dates indicated by us are officially announced. In practice, they can easily be doubled, or even more. Otherwise, everything is quite simple - create conditions that exclude high humidity, check the condition of the caches every six months for the quality of the products stored there, avoid stocks with a high water content, try to maintain a cool temperature - and you can be sure that the BP will not find you unprepared. At least in terms of food supplies.

    Do you know what distinguishes a truly thrifty hostess? She never runs out of food. After all, even from the remnants of dinner two days ago, she can cook lunch, snacks and a light dessert.

    But joking aside, some products are simply designed to be strategic stockpiles in case of a hurricane or a sudden arrival of relatives. After all, their shelf life is practically unlimited. The main thing is to store it correctly. And no, it's not stew.

    Fresh food is the key to health. At the very least, healthy digestion. Therefore, do not be lazy to check the expiration dates and better not make too ambitious food stocks. But some products, to the delight of economical owners, can be stored for a long time and even for a very long time. So, do not rush to throw away ...

    1. White rice

    In the course of laboratory studies, it was found that rice does not lose its nutritional properties even after 30 years. But only under the condition of proper storage: in a dry container without air access. But brown rice, alas, cannot boast of such impressive terms.


    Honey is an amazing product, which was not in vain attributed to almost magical properties at different times. Just think: the oldest "jar" (more precisely, a jug) of honey - whole 5,500 years! And yes, it's still edible. At least that's what the scientists think.

    3. Salt

    Salt has been used for centuries as a natural preservative for foods, extending their shelf life. And all thanks to the unique ability to absorb moisture. Not surprisingly, the mineral itself has an almost unlimited shelf life. But only if the salt is not iodized: its shelf life is "only" 5 years.

    4. Soy sauce

    Even after opening the bottle, soy sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for years without losing its properties. Possibly due to the high salt content. And if you take into account its compatibility with another "long-liver" - rice, you get an ideal supply!

    5. Sugar

    Granulated sugar can be stored for decades, but on one condition: the absence of air.

    6. Dry beans

    The same researchers who tested rice for resistance to aging recognized dried beans as long-lived. And although over 30 years of storage the overall quality of the product has deteriorated somewhat, it was still recognized as edible. After all, time almost did not affect its protein structure and did not affect digestibility for the human body.

    7. Maple syrup

    Another sweetener with a shelf life that only honey can compete with. Moreover, the researchers claim that even mold on the surface is not afraid of maple syrup. If such a misfortune happened, the syrup should be poured into a saucepan, sent to a slow fire, brought to a boil, carefully remove the mold, and move the purified liquid into a new clean container.
