
Cheesecakes with corn grits and cottage cheese. An unusual recipe for cheesecakes with cornmeal

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The topic of today's photo recipe is curd syrniki With cornmeal. The addition of cornmeal does not spoil the taste of cheesecakes at all and does not turn the curd mass into a lump of dough. On the contrary, cheesecakes become lush, yellowish, the cottage cheese is very well felt in them, and there is no hint of adding flour. The calorie content does not increase, in cutting the curd mass does not stick to the hands, they are well fried from above and below, and the middle does not remain damp. But there is one minus - this recipe can be recommended only to those who love the taste of cottage cheese in cheesecakes. IN conventional recipes With wheat flour or semolina, it is muted, and in the recipe with cornmeal, nothing interrupts it.

Any fillers can be added to cheesecakes with cornmeal - dried fruits, poppy seeds, chocolate, candied fruits, berries and fruits. Since the curd mass does not become dense, “clogged” after adding flour, the curd lumps must be rolled in breading before frying, then they will keep their shape well. It is best to use a small amount of cornmeal or finely ground groats for this purpose. IN last time We used cornmeal when we cooked.


- dry crumbly cottage cheese (preferably homemade) - 200 g;
- corn flour for syrniki - 3 tbsp. l.;
- egg - 1 pc;
- sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l. (taste);
- corn flour or groats finely ground (for breading) - 0.5 tbsp.;
- for frying you will need vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Put the cottage cheese in a bowl, knead with a crush or fork until almost homogeneous.

Set the cottage cheese aside for now and beat one egg until a light foam appears on the surface.

Pour the cornmeal into the bowl with the egg. Pay attention to the proportions of the products - they are given for cottage cheese well squeezed from whey. For spreadable cornmeal curd, you will need to add a little more.

Grind the flour with the egg to get a thick mass without lumps. Leave for ten minutes, the flour needs to swell.

Transfer the egg-corn mixture to the bowl with the mashed cottage cheese. Mix, rubbing small lumps.

Add sugar to taste. You can put a little more than in the recipe, then the cheesecakes will taste sweet. Immediately after adding sugar, you need to start molding cheesecakes and frying so that the sugar does not have time to melt and the curd mass does not become liquid.

Pour one or two tablespoons of cornmeal or finely ground cereal onto a plate. Put a tablespoon of curd mass. Roll first with a tablespoon, helping with the flat side of a knife or a teaspoon. Then with your hands, right on the plate, shape into a cake. As needed, add breading, rolling in it curd balls from all sides.

Transfer the cheesecakes to a pan with heated vegetable oil. First, pour half of the amount indicated in the recipe so that the breading does not immediately absorb all the fat. Fry cheesecakes over medium heat until golden brown. Turn over with a spatula, add oil and bring to a golden brown on the other side.

These cheesecakes should be served, as usual, with your favorite additives. Everything will do - from condensed milk and sour cream to berry sauces and fruit jelly.
And it also turns out very tasty, which is also cooked on the same flour as our cheesecakes. Bon appetit!
Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)

Recently discovered wonderful recipe making cheesecakes. Cheesecakes are prepared with the addition of corn flour and oatmeal, and they turn out very beautiful, bright, appetizing, with a crispy crust. These cheesecakes are best served with sour cream. Very satisfying and tasty breakfast suitable for adults and children.


To prepare cheesecakes with cornmeal, we need:

cottage cheese - 250 g (I have 9% cottage cheese);

salt - a pinch;

sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;

egg - 1 pc.;

corn flour - 2 tbsp. l.;

cereals- 2 tbsp. l. (I cooked with No. 2 Grinding Flakes, but you can use any oatmeal that is available);

wheat flour for breading;

sour cream for serving.

Cooking steps

Combine cottage cheese, oatmeal, cornmeal, salt, sugar and egg. Adjust the amount of sugar to taste (1 tablespoon was enough for me, who likes it sweeter, you can add more sugar).

Heat up some vegetable oil in a frying pan. Form cheesecakes, roll them in flour and put in a pan. I formed cheesecakes like this: I took part of the mass with a tablespoon, put it on a plate with flour and formed a lump. Then slightly flattened, the cheesecake is ready.

Put the cheesecakes on a preheated pan and fry on both sides until golden brown.

appetizing, delicious cheesecakes cooked with cornmeal, serve hot with fresh sour cream.

Bon appetit!

Cheesecakes - a dish Slavic cuisine. Since in ancient times the cow was the main breadwinner in the family, and everyone had plenty of milk, it is not surprising that one unknown mistress accidentally noticed that curd had formed in sour milk. Use New Product steel immediately, but it was called - cheese. Hence the name - "cheesecakes". And when Peter I brought to Russia many overseas products, and among them was the more familiar to us hard cheese. Then cottage cheese renamed "curd". The name came from the word "create", since with cottage cheese they, however, made many dishes.
Classic cottage cheese pancakes are made with wheat flour and fried in a pan. And to make cheesecakes not only tasty, but also more healthy, wheat flour can be completely replaced with corn flour, and such a dessert should be baked in the oven. Cheesecakes with cornmeal - a recipe for a dish that can be prepared for breakfast for the whole family. Such a dish is low-calorie and healthy, it can be added to the menu. healthy eating for the whole family. If sugar is embarrassing in the recipe, you can replace it with honey or pieces of sweet dried fruits. Cottage cheese pancakes with cornmeal are very tasty and will appeal to both small children and those who follow their figure. After all, they are cooked in the oven without a gram of oil and fat. About the benefits of cottage cheese, which saturates our body with calcium and others useful vitamins and minerals, everyone knows. Corn flour is also very useful and valuable product, which is made from grains of yellow corn. With the use of dishes from cornmeal, metabolic processes in the body are stimulated, digestion is improved, and the cardiovascular system slows down the aging process. So cook cheesecakes in the oven step by step according to this recipe and support healthy lifestyle life. And for a change, you can find another one at the link delicious option lush cheesecakes in the oven.


  • 350 g of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar;
  • 2 tbsp Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp corn flour in the dough + for breading.

1. We take out the cottage cheese from the refrigerator and rub it through a sieve or beat it with a blender. The main goal is to break up the lumps.

2. Add sugar to the curd, add salt and vanilla sugar. Instead of vanilla sugar, you can add a pinch of vanilla powder. Mix thoroughly with a spoon.

3. Sift cornmeal through a sieve, then add a spoonful to curd mixture. For curd dough you only need two tablespoons, the rest will go for breading. Mix with a spoon until a homogeneous mass is formed. If the cottage cheese spreads, add more cornmeal.

4. Sprinkle the board with the remaining cornmeal. Take a serving with a spoon curd mass and dip into flour. Sprinkle with cornmeal and shape into rounds. You can do this with a knife and hands. We make balls from all the curd dough.

5. This recipe from the photo involves baking cheesecakes in the oven, but they can also be fried. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees and let it heat up for a few minutes. Stele on a baking sheet parchment paper, sprinkle a small amount cornmeal or semolina. We spread the semi-finished products and bake for 25-35 minutes. When baking, we orient ourselves and adapt to our oven.

6. Diet cheesecakes ready with cornmeal. They can be sprinkled powdered sugar, coconut flakes or cocoa, put a scoop of ice cream or your favorite fruit next to the plate, and then serve. Enjoy your meal!

Basic recommendations for the preparation of pp syrniki with cornmeal

  1. Most main product in the preparation of cheesecakes - cottage cheese, it must be of high quality and natural. Better to use rustic cottage cheese or shop product with a short shelf life. Do not choose cheap cottage cheese, and even more so curd product- the latter is prepared without the use of milk and will not bring any benefit to the body.
  2. Cottage cheese for cheesecakes should be fresh. Otherwise, sourness will ruin everything in the finished dish. Fat content is better to choose 5-9%. For cheesecakes, it is preferable to choose dry cottage cheese. Too much liquid product will have to compensate with flour. Then you will not get tender cheese pancakes, and "tormenters", moreover, they can become rubber. Wet cottage cheese is best squeezed out of cheesecake with gauze or a colander. And too dry - you can dilute with sour cream or kefir. Only quite a bit.
  3. Do not omit the point where the cottage cheese needs to be rubbed through a sieve. It is better to spend an additional 5 minutes on this, but gentle and airy ready meal you will be provided. By the way, cheese interrupted by a blender does not give such an effect.
  4. For better bonding curd dough you can add 1 egg, but this is optional.
  5. A dietary recipe for cheesecakes can be made not only in the oven. A multicooker can easily cope with such a task. Try steaming the dish in muffin tins.
  6. A pinch of baking powder will make cheesecakes in the oven more lush and tall.
  7. Dried fruits, nuts, bananas can be added to the curd dough to taste. Then you can do without sugar or other sweetener.
  8. Cheesecakes are a lifesaver for people who do not have enough time for culinary delights. They can be stuck, frozen, and how to have a quick breakfast - get it out of the freezer and just bake or fry.

That's all little tricks in the preparation of tasty and healthy cottage cheese dessert for breakfast!

Cheesecakes in my family love to eat for breakfast. Recently I tried to cook cheesecakes with corn flour, and we all liked such cheesecakes more than with wheat flour. Firstly, the color of cheesecakes on cornmeal is much brighter, and secondly, the structure of cheesecakes is more airy thanks, again, to cornmeal.

I suggest you cook cheesecakes on cornmeal with me. We sell two types of corn flour - fine grinding and more coarse grinding. I tried to cook with both types, I liked cheesecakes with wholemeal cornmeal more.

We will prepare all the products according to the list, by the way, you can add raisins or dried fruits to the dough according to your desire, I don’t add this time. I have the number of products indicated for two servings, as a result, 8 cheesecakes are obtained, for two for breakfast it is enough.

Put the cottage cheese in a bowl and drive in one egg.

Add vanilla sugar. You can use both vanilla extract and vanilla extract.

Add baking powder. At first I cooked cheesecakes without it, they turned out to be somewhat rough, with baking powder they are more airy.

Add cornmeal.

Add sugar - I don't have much sugar. If you like cheesecakes very sweet, add a little more sugar.

Mix all the ingredients well until smooth and let the dough stand for 10-15 minutes. If you have finely ground flour, you can immediately bake cheesecakes, I give the flour a chance to swell a little and remove excess liquid from the curd. We form cheesecakes of medium size.

Pour into the pan vegetable oil, put the pan on the fire and fry the cheesecakes first on one side, then turn over and fry on the other side, while covering the pan with a lid.

Ready cheesecakes with cornmeal are served with sour cream, berries or just for tea.

Bon appetit!
