
Sweet Soups - Recipes (17 Sweet Soup Recipes). Not compote and not jelly - sweet soup to the delight of everyone! Cold and hot sweet soups - recipes for kids and adults

For the preparation of sweet soups, fresh, canned and dried berries and fruits are used, as well as fruit and berry juices, purees, syrups and extracts produced food industry. The liquid base of these soups is a fruit decoction. The berries are put whole, and the fruits are cut into pieces (cubes, slices), large dried fruits are cut into several parts. Berries and fruits, damaged or dented, are rubbed and injected as a puree. Oranges and tangerines are put raw in the soup.

To obtain the desired consistency, the soup is seasoned with diluted starch, and to improve the taste and aroma, add citric acid, lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, cloves. Sweet soups are served cold, but you can also serve them hot. Unlike compotes, sweet soups have a sour taste and a thicker texture. liquid base. Soups are served with garnish and with sour cream or cream. As a garnish use: boiled rice, sago, small pasta (soup filling), dumplings, dumplings with berries; puddings - rice and semolina, casseroles, which are cut into cubes (1 -1.5 cm); wheat or corn flakes and corn sticks. Sour cream or cream is put on a plate or served separately in a gravy boat. Separately, on a pie plate, you can serve dry biscuit, cake, cracker. Serve these soups for breakfast or dinner, can be used as a first course.

Soup from fresh fruit. Apples and pears are sorted, washed, peeled and seed nests are removed, cut into slices, slices or cubes. A decoction is prepared from the cleanings. Sliced ​​apples and pears, sugar, cinnamon are put into the strained chilled broth and boiled for 3-5 minutes. Then pour diluted cold water potato starch and bring to a boil. If the soup is not sour enough, then add citric acid.

Half of the fruit can be wiped. For puree soup, wipe all the fruits. In this case, the puree is diluted with a decoction, brought to a boil, diluted starch is poured in and boiled until thickened. Soup is prepared not only from one type of fruit, but also from a mixture of apples, pears, plums.

Soup from a mixture of dried fruits. Dried fruits sorted, sorted by type, washed, large specimens of apples and pears are cut into pieces. Apples and pears are put in the dishes, poured with water and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then put the rest of the fruit, sugar and cook until cooked, add diluted potato starch, bring to a boil. You can add citric acid to the soup.

When on vacation, put a side dish on a plate, pour soup, put sour cream or cream.

Dried fruits and berries (apples, pears, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, raisins, etc.) 160, sugar 100, potato starch 20, water 900.

§ 7. Cold soups

Cold soups are seasonal soups, as they are prepared in the summer. Cold soups include: okroshka, cold borscht, beetroot soup, green cabbage soup. They are cooked on bread kvass, beetroot broth, vegetable broth, kefir.

These soups are prepared in a cold shop, using specially allocated dishes, utensils and boards with the appropriate markings. At the same time, sanitary requirements are strictly observed when processing products, preparing and storing soups. Ready soups stored in the refrigerator.

You can put pieces on a plate when you leave food ice or serve it separately at a power outlet. Cold soups are refreshing pleasant taste and aroma.

For the preparation of cold soups, most often catering enterprises receive ready kvass(OST 18-118-73), but it can be prepared from rye crackers or concentrates produced by the food industry.

Cooking bread kvass. Rye bread cut into small pieces and dried in an oven until crispy. The water is boiled, cooled to 80 ° C, prepared crackers are poured in and left for 1.5-2 hours to infuse, while the water is periodically mixed. As a result of infusion, a wort is obtained, which is drained and filtered.

Sugar, yeast, diluted with must, are put into the bread must, which has a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, and put in a warm place for fermentation for 8-12 hours. During the fermentation process, raisins, caraway seeds, mint can be put into kvass. The resulting kvass is filtered; cool and store in the refrigerator or on ice.

Rye crackers 40 or dry bread kvass 35, sugar 30, yeast 1.5, curly mint 1.5, water 1200 Yield 1000.

Okroshka meat. Okroshka is prepared on bread kvass, as well as yogurt, kefir, sour milk, serum. The process of preparing okroshka can be divided into three stages: food preparation, filling kvass and vacation.

    Green onions are chopped, part of the onion is rubbed with salt until juice appears. Fresh cucumbers rough and bitter skin is removed, large seeds are removed, thin-skinned cucumbers are not cleaned. Processed cucumbers are cut into small cubes or straws. Eggs are boiled, peeled, the white is separated from the yolk. The yolks are rubbed through a sieve, and the proteins are cut into small cubes. The meat is boiled, cooled and cut into small cubes or strips. Bread kvass is filtered. The dill is finely chopped. Prepared products are stored in the refrigerator until the holiday.

    boiled egg yolks rubbed with ready-made mustard, salt, sugar and part of sour cream, combined with green onion, pounded with salt, gradually diluted with bread kvass with stirring and put in the refrigerator. Seasoned kvass gives okroshka a good taste.

    When on vacation, put chopped meat, egg whites, cucumbers, onions on a plate, pour seasoned kvass, put sour cream and sprinkle with dill. If okroshka is prepared in in large numbers, then chopped products (except for meat and egg whites) are put in seasoned kvass and mixed, and meat and egg whites are put on a plate when you leave.

Meat okroshka can be prepared with potatoes, which are pre-boiled and then cut into small cubes. It is allowed to replace fresh cucumbers with pickles and radishes.

Beef 219, bread kvass 700, green onion 75, fresh cucumbers 150, sour cream 10, eggs 1 pc. , sugar 10, ready-made mustard 4, sour cream 30.

Okroshka meat team. It is prepared in the same way as meat okroshka. In addition to beef, ham or boiled veal, lamb, tongue, etc. are used for its preparation.

Okroshka vegetable. The potatoes are washed well, boiled in the skin, cooled and peeled. Carrots are peeled and boiled. The root and tops of the radish are cut off, washed well. Potatoes, carrots and radishes are cut into small cubes or short straws. In addition to the listed vegetables, you can use turnips for this okroshka, cauliflower. Cooking vegetable okroshka on the same principle as meat.

Borscht is cold. Peeled beets are chopped into strips and stewed with the addition of vinegar until cooked. Carrots, cut into strips, are allowed separately, then combined with beets, poured hot water, put salt, sugar, bring to a boil and cool. green onion shredded. Fresh cucumbers are cut into strips. Place chopped vegetables

When you leave, put on a plate boiled eggs, pour borscht, put sour cream and sprinkle with dill. Borscht can be cooked without carrots, with meat or fish. Boiled meat or fish is put on a plate when on vacation.

Beets 250, green onions 63, fresh cucumbers 125, eggs 1 pc., sugar 10, vinegar 3% 16, water 800, sour cream 80.

Beetroot is cold. The beets are cut into small cubes or strips and stewed with the addition of vinegar. Young beets are used with tops, they are cut and boiled separately. Carrots, cut into small cubes or strips, are allowed. poached and boiled vegetables cool. Green onions are chopped. Fresh cucumbers are cut into small cubes or straws. Prepared vegetables are combined, poured with kvass, put salt, sugar.

On vacation, put half a boiled egg on a plate, pour beetroot, put sour cream, sprinkle with dill. When preparing beetroot, part of the bread kvass can be replaced with beetroot broth.

Features of recipes for preparing various types of sweet soups

Sweet soups- this is an undeservedly neglected category of first courses. Many perceive such soups only as a dessert that complements the main meal. Although in fact, sweet soups can be no less satisfying and nutritious than classic soups.

Such first courses are prepared on the basis of milk, fruit and berry decoctions. As for milk sweet soups, they usually add all kinds of cereals and pasta. A striking example of such a dish is sweet milk noodles, well known to everyone since childhood. Soups based on berry and fruit decoctions vaguely resemble compotes. The only difference is that soups are thickened by adding diluted starch to them. In addition, in such first courses, in addition to berries and pieces of fruit, you can see some cereals and pasta. Quite often, such confectionery products are served as a bite to such soups:

Sweet fruit soups It is customary to season with sour cream or cream. This filling not only improves taste characteristics first courses, but also makes them more satisfying and nutritious.

Sweet puree soups are prepared from slightly spoiled and crushed fruits and berries, grinding the previously mentioned components to a homogeneous consistency.

Recipes for sweet fruit soups are not limited to using only fresh raw materials. For the preparation of such first courses, frozen and canned fruits and berries, dried fruits. Even fruit and berry puree and juices can be used in making sweet soups. Thus, these marvelous and, no doubt, useful first dishes become available to us all year round.

As for the types of sweet soups, in addition to dairy and fruit and berry soups, they can be hot and cold. The serving temperature of such first courses directly affects the technology of their preparation recipes. Each case has its own characteristics. However, we will introduce you to this issue in more detail later in the article.

Two more significant types of sweet soups are liquid soups and pureed soups. By the way, recipes for both can be found in this section of the site. All text instructions are supplemented with step-by-step photos. It is thanks to them that the process of preparing a new dish will become many times easier!


Hot sweet soups are, as a rule, milk soups. You can cook them from almost any milk - whole, dry, condensed.

Feature of cooking sweet hot soups based on whole milk is to prevent burning this product. In order to avoid such a nuisance, it is enough just to rinse the container in which it is planned to heat the milk with water. In addition, such sweet soups, during the cooking process, you need to stir constantly. This manipulation will also help to avoid burning.

Cereals and pasta in milk are poorly boiled, and therefore they are recommended to be boiled first until tender in water, and only then combined with hot milk.

With powdered milk and condensed milk, the same principles of cooking are preserved, however, both of these products must first be diluted. Powdered milk diluted in a proportion of 1.5 tbsp. dry product for 1 glass of water (220-250 ml), and condensed - 1.5-2 tbsp. for 1 glass of water (the volume is also 220-250 ml). Both of these products are diluted with boiling water.

Such hot sweet soups are seasoned, as a rule, with a piece of butter. Thanks to him, the first dish becomes a little fatter and much more satisfying. In addition, a similar component makes the taste of sweet milk soup more gentle.

Of course, the category of hot sweet soups is represented not only by milk soups, but also by some fruit and berry first courses. With the features of the preparation of the latter, we suggest that you get acquainted directly in the photo recipes of this section of the site.


Cold sweet soups, to a greater extent, are represented by fruit and berry first courses. They may or may not give in. heat treatment during the cooking process. The peculiarity and commonality is that they are served chilled.

Such sweet soups can be seasoned with scoops of ice cream. In this case, you get an excellent dessert dish.

You can enhance the taste of sweet soups served cold by adding white or red grape wines. In addition, the taste and aroma of such first courses can be adjusted by adding cinnamon and some other spices, as well as adding citric acid and candied citrus fruits.

Cold sweet soups can be served in a very original way, using ice plates prepared by one's own hands as dishes. You can learn about their manufacture from the corresponding article on our website.

Most cold sweet soups are represented by mashed soups, which will be discussed later.

Puree soups

Sweet soups are made from fresh fruit and berries without subjecting them to heat treatment. Thanks to this, such first courses are very useful, because all useful material they are fully preserved. In addition, the advantage of such soups is the speed of preparation. In just 15 minutes you can get delicious first dish.

In order for the consistency of the sweet soup-puree to be homogeneous and the texture tender, fruits and large berries must be peeled first. In the case of small berries, you can grind the resulting puree through a sieve.

For grinding food, as a rule, use a blender, although other kitchen devices with similar functions are quite suitable.

You can increase the satiety and nutritional value of sweet puree soups by adding sour cream or cream to them, as mentioned earlier.

Other features of the preparation of such first courses can be studied in more detail in the corresponding recipes.

Summing up…

Making sweet soups at home is not at all troublesome. You can verify this by examining step by step photos recipes in this section of the site. However, not only ease of preparation is the advantage of this type of first course. Their indisputable advantage is the benefit. These sweet soups are rich in vitamins and minerals. The systematic use of these first courses allows you to keep your immune system in good shape.

Sweet soups - the best option in order to diversify your everyday menu. Delicious and healthy, they have become a real culinary find!

Sweet soups are not as common as dressing soups, or, say, mashed soups.

And if they are not on your menu, then perhaps you should try at least a couple.

Cold, sweet, perfect for hot weather and just as an afternoon snack.

Soups made from frozen fruits and berries just ask for a table in late spring to fill the diet with vitamins.

Children, especially capricious ones, can cook such a soup by decorating it whole berries, but "Hungarian" and "Latvian" are more suitable for adults.

Sweet Soups - General Cooking Principles

Sweet soups are prepared not only from fresh ripe fruits- fruits and berries, dried fruits and even pumpkins are used.

Sweet soups include milk soups prepared with whole or diluted milk with the addition of enough sugar and flavored with vanilla or cinnamon.

The "broth" in berry and fruit sweet soups can consist not only of compotes, cold sweet soups are prepared directly from the pulp of fruits and berries and diluted with fermented baked milk, which, if desired, can be replaced with liquid, drinking yogurt, cream or kefir.

Compote for dessert sweet soups can be prepared not only on water, but also on bases of clarified juices and even in wine diluted with water. During the cooking process, alcohol evaporates, and the soup is saturated only palatability guilt. Of course, the amount of wine in soups is minimal and it is used solely for the sake of giving original, characteristic notes.

Both fruits and berries are introduced into the broth in small slices, cubes or rubbed. In this form, pumpkin is usually added.

Separately boiled cereals can be added to soups, most often it is rice. The recipe for a sweet soup "in Latvian" involves the addition of croutons from rye bread, which are boiled together with berry juice.

Fruit and berry sweet soups are often diluted with cream or a mixture of cream and sour cream.

Sweet soups of any kind are served both chilled and hot. When serving, dessert (fruit and berry) are served with cream, which you can whip yourself or use whipped cream in a can. Honey or butter is put in milk.

Recipe for sweet soup "in Latvian style" with dried fruits


400 gram loaf of rye bread;

100 grams of high-quality, sorted raisins;

100 ml of blackcurrant juice;

70 grams dried apricots(dried apricots);

80 grams of pitted prunes;

50 grams of cranberries;

150 grams of granulated sugar;

A small pinch of powdered cinnamon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off the top crust from a loaf of bread, carefully cut out the crumb and shape it into cubes. Dry the bread in the oven at the lowest temperature.

2. Sort the dried fruits, selecting unsuitable, rotten berries, and be sure to remove the tails from the raisins. Wash well and pour boiling water completely covering the berries.

3. Stir two tablespoons of sugar with a teaspoon of water, boil thick syrup as for lollipops and immediately coat the inside of the loaf with it. To avoid burning yourself, use a cooking silicone brush.

4. Pour dried bread currant juice and bring to a boil on moderate heat. Add cranberries with sugar, put cinnamon to your taste and, stirring well, set to cool.

5. Drain the dried fruit and pat dry by spreading the berries on a linen towel. If there are seeds in the prunes, take them out. It is advisable to cut dried fruits into small identical pieces, but you can use them whole.

6. Beat the chilled soup with a blender until a homogeneous puree is obtained, add dried fruits, stir and pour the soup into a bread loaf.

7. Serve with whipped cream.

Recipe for sweet rice soup with apples and plums


150 grams of round grain rice;

350 grams of apples of any non-sour variety;

200 grams frozen or fresh plums;

Sugar, sand - 60-70 grams;

40 grams of "Peasant" oil.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse apples and plums well. Remove the peel from apples, cut each into two parts and remove the core with seeds, remove the seeds from the plums.

2. Put the apples cut into small slices in a thick-walled deep frying pan or a small pot, pour in one liter cold water and quickly bring the compote to a boil.

3. Add plums and simmer, covered, until apples soften. Frozen plums do not need to be thawed.

4. Dip the washed rice groats into boiling, slightly salted water (2.5-3 cups, depending on the desired density of the dish) and boil until tender. Do not express the decoction.

5. Grind apples stewed with plums along with rice water and rice through a sieve. Simmer the grated soup over low heat for no more than 5 minutes. and adjust the taste of the soup with sugar and salt to your liking. Add oil and serve.

Vanilla Rice Soup Recipe


Pasteurized milk, whole - 600 ml;

half glass rice groats;

A pinch of vanillin;

One tablespoon of sugar, sand;

Homemade heavy cream, or oil 72% - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the rice several times, changing the water, or just under running water. Pour the cereal with 250 ml of purified water and put on moderate heat, cook until half cooked. Stir occasionally to keep the rice grains from clumping and sticking to the bottom of the pot.

2. Bring milk to a boil with granulated sugar and vanilla diluted in it. Good instead of vanilla vanilla sugar, which needs to be put a little more.

3. Dip undercooked rice into milk, without broth and cook it until fully prepared. In ready sweet soup put down the spoon ghee.

Recipe for sweet pumpkin soup with milk


Pasteurized milk, 3.2% fat - 1 liter;

Half a kilo of fleshy pumpkin;

Semolina - 50 g (2 tablespoons);

30 grams of butter "Traditional";

Sugar, cinnamon powder and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peel from the pumpkin in a thick layer to capture the hard part of the pulp under it, and cut the fleshy part into small cubes.

2. Lay the pieces of pumpkin on the bottom of a thick-walled dish, fill with water so that it only slightly covers them, and set to stew. Be sure to add small piece oil, half of the indicated amount.

3. When the pumpkin is well boiled, grind it into a puree using a sieve, or beat it with a food processor.

4. Dilute pumpkin puree in hot boiled milk and put on fire. Add little by little to the boiling pumpkin-milk mixture semolina while vigorously stirring the boiling mass. Try to do it in such a way that no lumps form.

5. Sweeten to your taste, season the soup with cinnamon, salt and be sure to put the remaining oil. Boil 7 min. on low fire.

Recipe for cherry sweet soup with rice and cream


100 grams of rice, polished;

400 grams frozen cherries seedless;

100 grams of white granulated sugar;

Starch (potato) - 1 tbsp. l. with a small slide;

Heavy cream.

Cooking method:

1. Boil rice separately until fully cooked, in slightly salted water. Do not boil too much, it should remain crumbly. Rinse thoroughly and drain it in a colander to drain any excess moisture.

2. Cook compote with sugar from frozen cherries in one liter of filtered water.

3. Cool down boiled water and dilute the starch in it well so that there are no lumps left, pour the mixture into the compote boiling over high heat. While pouring the starch mixture, quickly stir the boiling liquid.

4. In prepared portion plate put four spoons of boiled rice, pour cherry soup on top and garnish with cream. Be sure to whip the cream. You can also put a few thawed cherries in the soup.

Hungarian cherry sweet soup recipe


One kilo of cherries own juice;

350 ml dry red wine "Cabernet", diluted with 550-650 ml of water;

250 ml low-fat 11% cream;

Sour cream of moderate fat content - 200 ml;

200 grams of sugar;

Cinnamon - 2 small sticks;

1 tsp almond essence;

Whipped cream in a can, for serving.

Cooking method:

1. Transfer the cherries from the jar along with the juice to the wine diluted with water, add sugar, put the cinnamon sticks and bring to a boil. Slightly reduce the heat and boil the cherries in wine syrup for half an hour.

2. Remove from the stove and put in hot soup almond essence.

3. Separately, mix sour cream with cream with a spoon or whisk, without whipping.

4. Gently add the sour cream mass to the hot soup, mix thoroughly until smooth and refrigerate.

5. Serve the cooled soup in a transparent bowl with whipped cream from a can. You can put a small vanilla pod next to the cream.

Recipe for sweet pumpkin soup with cream and cinnamon


Pumpkin, pulp - 600 grams;

80 ml cream 22%;

Granulated sugar- 2 tbsp. l.;

Half teaspoon small table salt;

10 grams of butter, sweet cream;

20 grams (incomplete tablespoon) of white flour;

1 tsp cinnamon, ground.

Cooking method:

1. Cleaned from seeds and peel pumpkin pulp cut into cubes of one and a half, two centimeters. Fill with water so that the cubes are only slightly covered and boil the pulp until completely softened under the lid on small fire.

2. Mix flour in a pan with melted butter and fry, stirring constantly, for seven minutes. At the end of frying, the flour will become a delicate cream color.

3. Grind the finished pumpkin without a decoction or beat with a processor into a puree. Enter the cream in a thin stream, add sugar and salt and mix well, put to a boil.

4. Add ground cinnamon, mix the soup well again and, without bringing to a boil, heat it on the stove for about three minutes.

Recipe for cold sweet ryazhenka soup with caramelized banana


Celery petiole - 1 small;

one juicy, honey pear;

small sour apple;

100 ml medium-fat fermented baked milk;

A tablespoon of liquid light honey;

Half a lemon;

Ripe, better even a little overripe, banana;

Two tablespoons pomegranate seeds.

Cooking method:

1. Cut a banana without a peel into small centimeter squares, as an option - into thin half-rings and lightly stew on butter(1 tsp) with the addition of some water. It should be a little, one tablespoon is enough. After 3 min. add honey to the bananas, stir quickly and remove from heat to cool.

2. Place pear, apple and celery root cut into small half-centimeter pieces in a blender bowl. Be sure to remove the core with seeds from a pear with an apple. Pour in the ryazhenka and whisk.

3. Pour out cold soup into a plate, garnish with banana slices boiled in honey and sprinkle pomegranate seeds.

Soup cooked on compote of frozen cherries will turn out with more rich taste, if the thawed berries are first ground and only then boil the base for the soup.

Raisins in sweet soups should be taken small light, it is these varieties that do not contain seeds. But it should be noted that light varieties are less sweet.

Instead of sugar, put in sweet milk soups when serving thick honey, the dish will turn out much healthier.

If you could not find pitted prunes, an ordinary one will do, but remove the pits only after the berries swell, after soaking.

Doctors assure that liquid food very useful for a person, and there is no reason not to believe or deny it. Every day a person should eat at least one bowl of soup, borscht, broth, etc. In the diet of a small child liquid meals even more relevant, but they don't have to be meat or vegetable. Sometimes you should please your child with sweet soups. They will not only come to the liking of almost any child, but will also reimburse the energy spent earlier, and also replenish children's body vitamins and microelements.


  1. Blueberries - 50g
  2. Starch - 5g
  3. Sugar - 25g

To prepare blueberry sweet soup for a child, sort, rinse thoroughly and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 50g fresh and fully ripened blueberries. Then put it to boil and, after boiling, add sugar (1 tbsp or 20 g) to the saucepan. When the soup boils again, pour 1 tsp into it. (5g) starch diluted in 1/4 cup blueberry broth (chilled). Then boil the soup and after cooling, serve to the child.

Read also: Soups for children.


  1. Apples - 100-150g
  2. Rice - 20g
  3. Sugar - 30g
  4. Cinnamon - 4g

To surprise a child by preparing a sweet apple soup for him, bake a ripe apple (preferably Antonov) and wipe through a sieve (hair or metal). Then in 1st. water boil cinnamon ( small piece) and sugar (5g). Add 1 tbsp. rice and cook until tender. When the rice is well boiled, rub it hot through a sieve, mix well with apple puree and add 1 tbsp. Sahara. After that, whisk everything with a whisk and, without stopping whisking, so that there are no lumps, warm up to steam. The density of the finished apple soup should be about the same as that of jelly.

Similarly, a sweet apricot soup is prepared for the child.

Read also: Delicious creams for baby.


  1. Prunes - 50g
  2. Sugar - 30g
  3. Sago/semolina - 20g
  4. Almonds - 10g

To treat a child with this soup, soak 50 g of prunes in a glass of cool water in the evening, and the next day, without draining the water, boil it until soft. Then wipe through the sieve (hair or metal) and dilute with boiling water to the initial volume (up to 1 cup). After that, boil the soup again, add 1 tbsp. sago or semolina and cook for about 40 minutes. At the end, add 1 tbsp. sugar and when the sweet soup has cooled down a bit, you can serve it to your child.

For the preparation of sweet soups, fresh, canned and dried berries and fruits as well fruit and berry juices, purees, syrups and extracts produced by the food industry. The liquid base of these soups is a fruit decoction. The berries are put whole, and the fruits are cut into pieces (cubes, slices), large dried fruits are cut into several parts. Berries and fruits, damaged or dented, are rubbed and injected as a puree. Oranges and tangerines are put raw in the soup.

To obtain the required consistency, the soup is seasoned with diluted starch, and to improve the taste and flavor, add citric acid, citric or orange peel, cinnamon, cloves. Sweet soups are served cold, but you can also serve them hot. Unlike compotes, sweet soups have a sour taste and are more thick consistency liquid base. Soups are served with garnish and with sour cream or cream. As a side dish, use: boiled rice, sago, small pasta (soup filling), dumplings, dumplings with berries; puddings - rice and semolina, casseroles, which are cut into cubes (1-1.5 cm); wheat or cornflakes and corn sticks. Sour cream or cream is put on a plate or served separately in a gravy boat. Separately, on a pie plate, you can serve dry biscuit, cake, dry cookies. Serve these soups for breakfast or dinner, can be used as a first course.

Soup from fresh fruits. Apples and pears are sorted, washed, peeled and seed nests are removed, cut into slices, slices or cubes. A decoction is prepared from the cleanings. Sliced ​​apples and pears, sugar, cinnamon are put into the filtered chilled broth and boiled for 3-5 minutes. Then pour in the potato starch diluted with cold water and bring to a boil. If the soup is not sour enough, then add citric acid.

Half of the fruit can be wiped. For puree soup, wipe all the fruits. In this case, the puree is diluted with a decoction, brought to a boil, diluted starch is poured in and boiled until thickened. Soup is prepared not only from one type of fruit, but also from a mixture of apples, pears, plums.

Soup from a mixture of dried fruits. Dried fruits are sorted, sorted by type, washed, large specimens of apples and pears are cut into pieces. Apples and pears are placed in a bowl, poured with water and boiled for 15–20 minutes. Then put the rest of the fruit, sugar and cook until cooked, add diluted potato starch, bring to a boil. You can add citric acid to the soup.

When on vacation, put a side dish on a plate, pour soup, put sour cream or cream.

Dried fruits and berries (apples, pears, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, raisins, etc.) 160, sugar 100, potato starch 20, water 900.
