
Meat pies thin yeast dough. Delicious pastries with meat and potatoes from quick dough

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Ruddy, fragrant and very tasty - homemade meat pies. Cooking such pies is accessible to everyone. How to cook meat pies in the oven watch and read on.

Meat pies: oven baking recipes step by step

A good memory from childhood is my mother's or grandmother's pies. The time has come for you to learn how to bake such that children and then grandchildren will remember them.

Recipe Pies with meat baked in the oven


  • 3 art. flour
  • 1 st. milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1.5 st. l. Sahara
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 sachet dry yeast
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

  • 0.5 kg minced meat(pork or chicken)
  • onion
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • spices
  • 1 st. l. flour

Cooking method:

1. Beat eggs with sugar and salt.

2. Add warm milk and yeast. Pour in vegetable oil and beat until smooth. Then gradually add the sifted flour. Knead the dough.

3. Cover the dish with the dough with a clean towel and put it in a warm place for 1-2 hours to approach.

4. Onion cut into cubes.

5. Fry minced meat and onion in a small amount of vegetable oil.

6. Salt the finished filling, season with spices. For better viscosity, you can add to minced meat a raw egg or flour. Better to use flour.

7. Punch down the risen dough and cut into balls. Roll the balls with a rolling pin into a cake. Put a little on the edge of the cakes meat filling. Pinch the edges of the pies.

8. Grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle with flour. Transfer pies to a baking sheet.

9. Pies can be smeared with whipped yellow, protein, salty or sweet water.

10. Bake pies in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

11. Cool the pies on a baking sheet under a towel.

Recipe Pies with meat from unleavened dough in the oven


  • 2.5 st. flour
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 1 st. kefir
  • a pinch of salt

For filling:

  • 300 gr. chicken fillet
  • onion
  • vegetable oil
  • pepper

Cooking method:

  1. Whisk the egg with salt.
  2. Pour in kefir and melted butter.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap cling film and put in the refrigerator.
  5. Pass through a meat grinder chicken fillet along with onions.
  6. fry minced chicken in vegetable oil for 2-5 minutes.
  7. Season the finished filling with salt, pepper and knead thoroughly.
  8. Remove the dough from the refrigerator and film. Divide the dough into balls.
  9. Roll out the balls slightly, but not thinly. Spread the filling over the rolled out dough.
  10. Pinch the edges of the dough and shape them into patties.
  11. Bake pies at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes. Pies before baking can be greased with melted butter.

Still doubting your abilities, then watch the video recipe and start baking.

video recipe Delicious meat pies in the oven

Cook with pleasure and be healthy!

Always your Alena Tereshina.

Step-by-step recipes for making yeast pies with meat: on water with beef, from ready dough And minced pork with rice and carrots, from kefir dough, bone-in beef, mixed minced meat

2018-01-25 Irina Naumova





In 100 grams ready meal

8 gr.

6 gr.


26 gr.

199 kcal.

Option 1: Classic yeast dough meat pies recipe

Kneading and proving yeast dough, preparing the filling, molding and baking pies is a laborious and long process. But the game is worth the candle. You only have to cook such pies once or twice, and you can already bake them without tips and recipes. Our dough will be cooked on the water. And while it comes, we will do delicious stuffing. So let's get started.


  • a quarter liter of water;
  • 10 gr dry yeast;
  • two tablespoons of sugar;
  • one teaspoon of salt;
  • 3 tbsp grows oil refiner;
  • chicken egg;
  • 4 stacks of flour.

For filling:

  • three hundred grams of beef;
  • four onions;
  • chicken egg;
  • 10 grams of salt;
  • 5 gr chopped black pepper;
  • 2 tbsp grows oil.

Step-by-step recipe for pies with meat from yeast dough

Worth starting with important point- water for kneading the dough should be warm, slightly more than room temperature.

We pour dry yeast into it, granulated sugar and salt. Stir until yeast dissolves.

Once everything has dissolved, add the chicken egg and refined oil. Stir a little so that the egg is distributed throughout the mass.

Sift half of all the flour and add in small portions, constantly stirring the dough with a mixer.

Now we sift and also introduce the rest of the flour a little at a time, kneading the mass with a mixer.

Now you need to work with your hands - knead, patting, bringing to desired consistency. We give the test oval shape directly in a bowl, cover with a towel and put in a warm place.

For the filling, you need to boil the beef. Take meat without bones. You can cut it into two or three large pieces.

Cook until tender, about one and a half to two hours.

Then we pass the beef through a meat grinder.

We clean four onions, finely chop and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil.

Do not overdo it, the onion should not burn.

Salt it, add pepper and stir.

We mix the beef passed through the meat grinder and the fried onion. The filling is ready.

The dough should rise while we cooked the meat. It just takes about two hours.

The shape of the pies can be given any at your discretion. Let's try to make round portions.

Line a baking sheet with parchment. Divide the ball of dough into equal balls and arrange them on a baking sheet. So it will be more convenient to calculate the amount of filling according to the number of balls.

Pour a little flour on a cutting board, knead the ball with your hands to a small cake. You can roll it out a little with a rolling pin.

In the middle we put a spoonful of the filling, we fix the edges of the cake. To make the pie round, first we take the opposite edges, fasten them, then others. As a result, we got a nice knot.

We pinch it well so that it does not open. Place each knot on a parchment-lined baking sheet, knot side down. Don't take it with your hands.

In the same way, blind all pies with meat filling.

Now let's do the proofing of the dough. We heat the oven to 100 C, put a baking sheet in it, and do not close the door completely.

Or you can put the baking sheet in a warm place. It is necessary that the pies increase and rise along with the filling.

Break the egg, stir and brush the pies. Sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds if desired.

Now increase the temperature to 180 C and bake for twenty minutes.

At the end, we take the baking sheet out of the oven, carefully transfer the pies to a wooden board with a spatula so that the pastries are steamed.

It turned out very beautiful, lush, mouth-watering yeast pies with beef meat. Nobody can resist.

By the way, this dough is suitable for any filling, do not be afraid to experiment.

Option 2: A quick recipe for meat pies from yeast dough

It happens that the decision to bake pies comes unexpectedly, and there is no time to fully prepare the dough and filling. There is a way out - ready-made yeast dough and minced meat. This time we use pork meat. And we will add the filling with rice and carrots. Delicious and hearty pies will turn out.


  • yeast dough - 1 kg;
  • minced pork - 600 gr;
  • onion repch - two hundred gr;
  • carrots - two hundred gr;
  • long-grain rice - 100 gr;
  • grows refined oil - 100 ml;
  • milk - 1 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp;
  • crushed black pepper - 1 pinch.

How to quickly cook pies with meat from yeast dough

Rinse long-grain and parboiled rice, boil until tender.

Take the dough out of the package and defrost. If the dough is not frozen, just put it in a warm place.

Chop the onion, grate the carrots and fry until soft.

In the same oil, fry the minced meat with the addition of salt and pepper.

When all the ingredients for the filling are ready, cool them and mix in a bowl.

From the finished filling we sculpt small portioned koloboks.

We divide the dough into pieces, sculpt a ball from each, make a cake out of it, rolling it out a little with a rolling pin.

Place a ball of stuffing in each. And we form a beautiful neat pie. It may be the traditional oval shape.

Seal the edges and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment. We do the same for the rest of the pies.

Put in a warm place and let the pies rise. Twenty minutes is enough.

Bake in an oven preheated to 190 C for half an hour.

Brush each pie with beaten egg, if desired. So they will turn out more ruddy and appetizing.

Option 3: Yeast pies with kefir meat

You can cook the dough not only on water, but also on any fermented milk product. We will have kefir. And we will make the filling from pork and onions with spices.


  • three hundred ml of kefir;
  • hens egg - 2 pcs;
  • grows refined oil - 150 ml;
  • dry yeast - 11 gr;
  • milk - one hundred ml;
  • one and a half tablespoons of sugar;
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt;
  • five hundred gr wheat flour 1 grade.

For filling:

  • three hundred grams of boneless pork;
  • large onion - 1 pc;
  • tea l salt;
  • half tea l chopped black pepper.
  • For lubrication:
  • chicken raw yolk- 1 PC;
  • two tablespoons of milk.

Step by step recipe

Pour milk into a saucepan, heat but do not boil. Milk should not be hot. When it becomes warm, turn off the heat and pour in the yeast and sugar.

Stir and let the yeast react - leave for half an hour. Do not put in a draft, the bathroom is best.

Heat kefir and pour vegetable oil into it, beat in chicken eggs and stir.

As soon as you saw that bubbles began to appear on the dough, it increased in size - pour kefir. Mix everything again.

Add the sifted flour in small portions, kneading the dough. It should be soft, not very sticky.

Note: If you pour all the flour at once, the dough will become too dense, and ready-made pies lose their splendor and airiness.

Cover the finished dough with a towel and put it in a warm place for an hour.

First you need to boil the pork, then cut into pieces and pass through a blender.

Fry the onion in oil, add to the blender bowl and stir again with the addition of salt and black pepper.

To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, grease them a small amount vegetable oil. Take the right amount for a pie, sculpt a ball, and then make a cake right with your hands.

Put the stuffing in the middle and seal the edges. So, the first pie is ready. Do the rest and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment.

If you don't have baking paper, grease the pan with oil.

Break the egg, separate the yolk, mix it with two tablespoons of milk. Lubricate the pies with the resulting mass.

Bake at 180 C for half an hour. Once the pies are nicely browned, they are ready.

It is better to transfer the finished pastries from the baking sheet to a basket or to a cutting board - this way their lower part will not steam out and get wet. And if you cover them with a towel, golden brown will become softer.

Option 4: Juicy yeast pies with bone-in beef

Cooking pies is divided into several stages. Since we will add a little broth from boiled beef to the filling, ready-made pastries it will be juicy and appetizing. Let's prepare the dough in milk using dry high-speed yeast.


  • seven hundred grams of beef on the bones;
  • one hundred ml of broth;
  • seven hundred grams of wheat flour;
  • a third of a liter of milk;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • chicken egg;
  • ten grams of dry yeast;
  • tea l salt;
  • one hundred grams of oil plums;
  • one hundred grams of onion;
  • 2 tbsp grows oil.

How to cook

If you take fast acting yeast, from it is better to mix with the sifted flour first. But if you are not sure of their quality, pour them into warm milk, add sugar and stir.

When the mass begins to foam, you can add melted butter, salt. Everything is mixed, and then flour is added and the dough is kneaded.

Put the dough in a large bowl, cover with a towel or cling film. It should stand in a warm place for one to two hours. It should rise twice.

Then lightly knead it with your hands, let it rise again.

As soon as the dough reaches, we will prepare the filling. Boil the beef on the bone over medium heat. Approximate time cooking - 1.5 hours.

Do not pour out the broth - it will still come in handy.

Trim the pulp around the bones, chop in a blender. Add fried onion, salt and pepper.

To make the filling tasty and juicy, pour in two large spoons the broth we have left.

Carefully divide the risen dough into portions, roll each into a small cake, put the filling and seal the edges.

Arrange pies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Keep a distance of about five centimeters. This will prevent the pies from sticking to each other.

Let them rest for twenty minutes. Break the egg, shake and brush the pies.

Then bake the same amount of time at 180 degrees.

Transfer the finished pastries to a basket, cover with a towel.

Option 5: Mixed Minced Meat Yeast Pies

Minced meat made from different types meat. We just fry it in a pan, and then we will make a delicious filling. By the way, you can add your favorite greens - ready-made pies are more fragrant.


  • a quarter liter of warm water;
  • 4 tbsp flour;
  • chicken egg;
  • 3 tbsp grows oils;
  • 2 tsp dry yeast;
  • 2 tbsp sugar;
  • tea l salt;
  • three hundred grams of homemade minced meat;
  • bulb;
  • greens to taste;
  • tea l salt;
  • 1/2 tsp crushed black pepper.

Step by step recipe

Pour into a large bowl warm water. Pour yeast, granulated sugar and salt. Stir with a whisk.

Break in the egg and pour in the oil. Again work with a whisk.

We introduce flour in small batches, kneading the dough. Then with your hands, clapping the mass, bring the dough for ten minutes.

Cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for two hours.

For the filling, we begin to fry the chopped onion, and then add the minced meat. Fry until ruddy. Add salt, pepper and stir.

If you decide to add greens, chop it up and pour it into ready stuffing. Stir again.

Disassemble the dough into portioned balls, make a cake from each with your hands, put the filling in the center.

Seal the knot tightly and place each pie seam-side down on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Let the pies rise for twenty minutes, then brush with egg and bake for twenty minutes at 180 C.

Beautiful, ruddy, juicy and delicious pies ready.

Butter yeast dough according to GOST for pies is just great. It is airy, light, very pleasant and easy to work with. Pies made from such dough remain fresh for a very long time and do not get stale. Minced meat can be anything, sweet and not sweet, most importantly, it should not be liquid, it should not flow out. I will cook pies from yeast dough with minced meat.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: in the oven .


for the test:

  • 640 g premium flour
  • 46 g sugar
  • 69 g softened margarine (preferably 70 g butter)
  • 70 g egg melange (2 eggs)
  • 8 g salt (1 tsp without a slide)
  • 23 g fresh yeast
  • 170 g water (plus 150 g more)

for stuffing:

  • 600 g mixed minced meat
  • 1 bulb
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • vegetable oil for cutting dough.

Cooking pies

  1. First you need to make a brew. Heat water (170 ml) to 30 degrees. Crumble yeast into water and stir. In a large bowl (about 2 liters), mix 240 g of flour and water with yeast. Cover the cup with cling film or a damp towel and place in a warm place (30 degrees) without drafts for 2 hours.

  2. After two hours, the dough will rise and increase in size by two to three times, which is why a large cup is needed.
  3. Break the eggs into a cup and mix, mixed eggs are called melange in cooking. One egg weighs an average of 50 g, the total is 100 g, for the test we need 70 g, which is about ¾ of the resulting mixture. Add a couple of tablespoons of water to the remaining melange and set aside for now, grease the pies with it before baking.

  4. Pour the remaining flour, eggs, sugar, softened butter and salt into a large bowl.

  5. Add the risen dough and another 150 ml of water. According to the recipe, only 170 ml, but this is very small, it will be almost impossible to knead the dough. Many GOST recipes were written many years ago, but then the moisture content of the flour was much higher, and even in industrial scale the dough is kneaded differently than at home, where technologists monitor the dough and top up if necessary required amount water.

  6. Using a mixer or by hand, knead soft dough. Transfer it to large saucepan, or leave in a cup, if its volume allows, cover with a film and put in a warm place for another 2 hours. After an hour, make one punch down of the dough, for this, simply press the risen dough with your hand so that carbon dioxide comes out of it.

  7. The finished yeast dough according to GOST should increase well in volume, become lush.

  8. For minced meat, I simply fried onions in oil, added minced meat, salted, peppered it, and fried until tender. It is important that the minced meat is ready, and all the moisture has boiled away, but it should not be dry, try it. Cool the mince.

  9. Grease the dough and cutting surface with vegetable oil. Divide the dough into 20 equal pieces. Get 10 pies per 1 baking sheet, 2 baking sheets in total.

  10. Using your fingers, knead the dough into a cake, put a tablespoon of the filling in the center.

  11. Connect in the center and form an oblong pie.

  12. Place the minced meat pies seam side down on a greased baking sheet. Yeast dough pies increase in size well, so leave a distance of at least 2-3 centimeters between them. Cover the pies with a damp towel and leave to rise for another 20-30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.

  13. Lubricate the yeast dough pies according to GOST with the remaining beaten egg on all sides and bake for 25-30 minutes until a beautiful crispy crust. You can use any other

Meat pies in the oven

5 (100%) 2 votes

After holiday delicacies, I am happy to return to simple yeast baking. Especially since it's winter - it's time to bake ruddy pies with meat in the oven step by step recipe with a photo will be very detailed, designed for beginners. I make yeast dough on dough, stuffing from boiled meat With fried onions and pepper. The pies are tasty, lush, with a thin soft crust and a very juicy meat filling. The dough is getting ready sponge method, but very easy to prepare, fits quickly and never misfired.

My Meat Pie recipe is for a small portion, it turns out 12-15 pieces, just on one baking sheet. Which is very convenient: it takes a little time, and you can use the meat from which the broth was cooked for the first courses in the filling. If you need to bake more, double the proportions.


To prepare yeast pies with meat you will need:

  • warm milk - 0.5 cups;
  • fresh pressed yeast - 12 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l. with a hill.
  • egg - 1 pc;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l;
  • flour - 150 g.
  • boiled beef - 200 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 4 tbsp. l.

How to cook meat pies in the oven. Recipe

For the filling, I used beef, the adrenal part. If you prefer pork, choose moderately fatty meat. You can take it with a bone, cook the broth for soup, and define the meat in the filling. I fill the meat cold water, bring to a boil. Foam will begin to rise - I collect with a slotted spoon so that the surface remains clean.

Beef is cooked for an hour and a half, until soft. For pork, an hour is enough, but if the piece is large or sinewy, then you need to increase it to one and a half hours. I left the meat in the broth, just for now suitable dough it will cool down.

I make dough for pies with meat on dough, yeast. I mix fresh yeast(those sold in cubes or bars), sugar and salt.

I knead with a spoon, grind until the sugar begins to melt and a liquid brownish gruel forms. I pour in warm milk.

I stir, dissolve grains of sugar and salt. I add some flour.

The dough will be runny, like pancake batter. You don’t need to make it thicker, a thick dough lasts longer, and a liquid one will begin to foam and rise after 10-15 minutes. I put the bowl with dough in heat for 20-30 minutes.

Opara, although liquid, but it needs to ferment, rise well. When it increases several times, and bubbles and holes appear on the surface, it means that the dough is ripe. You can add other products and knead the dough.

I shift the dough into a larger bowl. I pour the broken egg into it.

The composition of the dough for baked pies with meat is very simple, it does not contain either butter or sour cream. To better knead and be loose, I add vegetable oil.

I sift the flour, about two-thirds of the right amount. I will add the rest little by little when kneading.

Having mixed all the components of the dough to a loose, lumpy consistency, I spread it on the board, gradually adding the rest of the flour. I knead with my hands for 15 minutes, rolling the dough over the flour.

After a while, it will become soft, plastic, stop sticking to your hands. By pressing on the bun, you will feel how it springs under the palms and rounds again. I put the kneaded dough back into the bowl, brushing the bottom and sides with oil. I cover with a lid, put in heat for an hour or until it triples in size.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. I cut the onion into small cubes. With onions, the meat filling for pies in the oven will be much tastier and juicier. So do not spare the bow!

Heat oil in a frying pan, add onion. Stirring, bring to transparency and twist the fire to a minimum. I leave the onion to languish for ten minutes, until it becomes soft, with a slight golden hue.

Advice.When frying onions, do not leave them unattended. Stir, watch the fire and do not forget that the onion has the ability to burn instantly. The burnt onion has a bitter taste, it is not suitable for the filling.

I take the meat out of the broth. I cut into pieces so that it is convenient to push into the meat grinder.

I twist it once through a meat grinder with a conventional grate. I pour the mince into a bowl.

There I shift the fried onion along with the oil. If someone in the family does not love fried onion, scroll it in a meat grinder alternating with pieces of meat.

I add salt, season with black ground pepper. You can add a pinch nutmeg or coriander - use those spices that you usually season meat dishes with.

I mix everything, as if slightly grinding the meat filling for pies. By consistency, it will turn out to be a little viscous and will not crumble.

Advice.If the filling is crumbly, it will spill out of the pies, stuffing and eating them is not very convenient. Add a spoonful of water or broth and stir again.

The meat patty dough has risen and tripled in size. I knead around the edges, pressing down with my palm.

I divide into equal pieces weighing 30 grams. I roll each blank into a bun, covering it with a slightly bent palm. You need to roll it on a board or table without sprinkling flour on the surface, but spread it on flour so that the dough does not stick.

I cover the blanks with a film, leave for 10-12 minutes. During this time, the koloboks will round out, grow a little and become softer. I turn on the oven, let it warm up to 180 degrees.

I knead a few koloboks into cakes about 1.5 cm thick. A rolling pin is not needed, the dough is very soft, plastic, stretches perfectly. I spread 1.5-2 teaspoons of the filling. If in doubt that you can divide into equal portions, use a kitchen scale. I used 20 grams for each pie. Raising the edges, tightly squeeze over the minced meat.

Then I pinch from the middle to the edges. If the filling falls out, I correct it, push it back. It will turn out a small neat pie with a scallop on top. To make the seam tighter, I collect the scallop in folds, tucking it inward. This is how I start all pies.

I cover the baking sheet with paper. I lay out the pies seam down at a distance from one another. I cover with a towel and put on proofing on the stove. Do not skip this stage - without proofing, meat pies in the oven will not rise, they will be tough.

After 15-20 minutes, the pies will increase, fit, become lush. I shake the egg until light foam I grease each pie on top and on the sides.

I put the baking sheet with the pies in the oven on the middle level. Temperature 180 degrees. Bake pies with meat in the oven for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown.

I remove ready-made pies with meat from yeast dough from a hot baking sheet onto a board or transfer them to a large bowl. Be sure to cover with a light towel, let them gradually move away from the heat. If you do not cover and leave on a baking sheet, then the top will dry out, and the bottom pies will get wet.

Well, the meat pies are baked in the oven, cooled down a bit - it's time to try. Very tasty, they have enough fillings, and the dough is tender, soft. I hope, friends, my recipe for baked meat pies and you will like it. happy baking beautiful and delicious pies! Your Plushkin.

One of the versions of the recipe for making pies in video format

The hut is not red in the corners, but red in the pies! Our ancestors knew a lot about pies, treated guests, put on festive table, took it with you on the road .. Whether you want to meet the guest well or don’t want to, you definitely need to learn how to cook pies with meat from yeast dough! Even just for your family. Today I will tell you in detail and show how I do it meat pies in the oven.

Recipe for meat pies in the oven

Dough Ingredients:

  • Kefir - 300 ml (the more sour, the better)
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml. (I used sunflower, you can use olive without a strong smell)
  • Dry yeast - 11 g (standard small bag) If using raw - 30 g will be required.
  • Milk - 100 ml.
  • Sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons
  • Flour - 500 -550 g (may require a little more or less depending on the density of the flour)

For filling:

  • Boiled meat (in this recipe I have pork) - 300 gr.
  • Onion - 1 large or 2 medium sized onions
  • Salt, pepper to taste

For brushing the pies:

  • Yolk of one egg
  • Milk - 2 tbsp. spoons

How to cook meat pies from yeast dough in the oven

Let's start preparing the brew. The main secret good test- make the yeast work. To do this, heat milk (100 ml) to a warm temperature (no more than 40 degrees, otherwise the yeast will die!). If you dip your finger into such milk, it should be pleasant, comfortable, warm.

Pour the yeast into warm milk, add 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, stir. It will take 20-30 minutes for the dough to increase in size and be ready to rise. yeast dough. We put the dough in a place without drafts.

To create comfortable conditions, cover the dough with cling film or a towel.

Kefir is also heated, pour in vegetable oil (150 ml.)

Drive in 2 chicken eggs(eggs can be broken into a separate bowl and stirred, only then poured into the dough).

So, the dough rose with a hat, and then bubbles began to appear on its surface and the dough began to settle, which indicates that it is ripe and we can continue kneading the yeast dough.

Pour kefir with the rest of the ingredients into a well-suited dough. We stir.

Now it's time for the pain. Sift it in parts, periodically stirring and checking the consistency of the dough. Depending on the humidity in the room and the density of wheat flour, the dough can take a little more than 500 gr. or a little less.

The dough should be soft, pleasant, slightly sticky. Do not add all the flour at once - otherwise the dough may turn out to be too dense, and we need air fluffy pies with meat, right?

Cover the kneaded dough with a clean towel and put it in a warm, draft-free place for 1 hour. The rise time of the dough is individual, if the conditions are good (warm, no drafts, humid), the yeast dough will double in volume in 1 hour. If the apartment is cold and the dough “fits” slowly, give it more time to do this.

While the dough is rising, prepare the filling. Boiled meat (I have pork, 300 grams) is placed in a blender bowl, previously divided into pieces.

Turn on the blender, turn the pieces into crumbs. Add fried onion. Mix the ingredients, salt, pepper.

Forming meat pies

So, the dough for pies with meat has already come up, we proceed to the most interesting thing - we form pies.

Lubricate your hands with a small amount of vegetable oil so that the dough does not stick to your hands and tear off small pieces, forming a ball. Then we stretch the ball into a cake so that it is convenient to lay out the filling. Place one tablespoon of meat filling in the center of the cake. We connect the edges of the dough and form a pie.

On a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, lay out the pies with the seam down at a distance of 4-5 cm from each other.

So that the pies have a crispy golden crust, coat the pies with yolk mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of milk. You can add a pinch of salt to the resulting mixture, with which we will cover the pies.

We grease the pies with a pastry brush and send them to a preheated oven (up to 170 C).

Bake meat pies in the oven for 20-25 minutes. We focus on the golden crust - the pies should become ruddy.

We lay out the finished pastries in a wicker basket or on a wire rack (so that the bottom of the pies does not get wet during cooling). It is better to cover the pies with a towel so that the crust becomes soft.

Meat pies in the oven according to this recipe are “downy”, with lush dough And juicy stuffing. Bon appetit!

I will be glad to answer all your questions about the recipe, feel free to share reviews, photos of the resulting pies.

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