
Easter cake: recipes, secrets of a successful test. Easter baking - Easter cakes and rolls

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Mandatory attribute - Easter cakes. Traditionally, the dough for Easter cakes is made on dough, rich, with a lot of eggs, sugar, butter, adding spices, dried fruits or candied fruits for a special taste. All products must be of high quality - fresh and strong yeast, eggs, if possible, from home-made chicken, proven flour, and butter without flavors, with a high percentage of fat. Eggs and butter are introduced into the dough at room temperature, the flour must be sifted several times. It is recommended to soak raisins overnight in cognac, but this advice is not necessary. Easter cake will turn out to be no less tasty if you simply steam the raisins in a water bath or pour boiling water for a couple of minutes.
In order for the dough to infuse, become lush, soft, it must be allowed to approach well. Due to the large amount of baking, the dough for Easter cakes ripens for a long time, several hours, so it is better to free the day for which baking is planned from other things.

For steam:

- warm milk - 1 glass;
- flour - 130 gr;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- pressed yeast - 50 gr.

For test:

- flour - 800-850 gr;
- butter -230 gr;
- egg yolks - 6 pcs;
- sugar - 2 cups;
- vanilla sugar - 2 sachets;
- vegetable oil - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
- raisins - 200 gr.

Recipe with photo step by step:

To prepare dough and dough, mix salt, sugar and fresh yeast.

We heat the milk, but do not boil it. The temperature should be slightly warmer than room temperature, 25-30 degrees. Pour warm milk into the yeast mixture and stir, dissolving all grains and lumps of yeast.

Pour the flour, be sure to sift before adding. Mix with a spoon or whisk, kneading the lumps.

The dough for the sourdough will turn out to be medium in density, about like pancakes or a little thicker. Cover the dishes and put in heat for 30-40 minutes.

While the dough is ripening, prepare everything for the test. Steam the raisins in a water bath, leave to dry on a towel. We will get the oil in advance (if this is not done, soften it in the microwave), separate the yolks from the proteins. Add two types of sugar (white and vanilla) to the yolks, grind to a thick, almost homogeneous cream-colored mass.

Ripe dough will rise, covered with bubbles. Stir it and pour the yolks with sugar.

Add soft butter. Stir until all the products are combined, the mass should turn out to be liquidish, without oily lumps.

Sift the flour two or three times. Pour half into the dough, mix until thickened. By consistency, it will turn out like sour cream or a little thicker. Add another half of the flour from the remaining, along with it, pour the raisins.

Mix with a spoon as long as possible. As soon as all the flour is moistened, put it on the table.

Sprinkle the remaining flour with your hands and knead into a soft, smooth dough. At first, the dough will be sticky, heavy, rough. You need to knead it for a long time, at least 15 minutes, but it is better to take a break and knead again, also for 10-12 minutes. If necessary, grease your hands with vegetable oil, the dough will stick to your palms less. Well-kneaded dough will become soft, very plastic, will be slightly springy and easily roll into a ball.

We cover the dishes with the dough and put in heat for two to three hours. After about 1.5 hours, we crush once and leave to rise again. The dough rises very well, during proofing it increases several times, becomes soft and fluffy. Cakes from it are wonderful!

We also bring to your attention one more

Easter cake The most delicious recipe with photos and videos offers an oven made from premium flour, previously sifted through a kitchen sieve. This simple action gives the dough a special fluffiness and makes it incredibly tender, fluffy, airy and melting. From the products you will still need fresh chicken eggs, sugar, butter, yeast and milk, and the fragrant spices that make up the composition will give a special pronounced aroma to rich pastries. In addition to raisins, you can add dried apricots, prunes, candied fruits, marmalade or nuts to the dough. Here, fantasy should not be limited, because there are no very strict canons, and any improvisation is not only welcome, but also recommended.

Sweet Easter cake - the most delicious recipe with a photo

The most delicious recipe with step-by-step photos will tell you how to bake a rich and fluffy Easter cake at home. The peculiarity of the method is that the basis for the dough is egg yolks and fatty butter. Due to this, pastries are unusually tender, airy and melting. And the presence of cognac and saffron tincture in the composition provides the Easter cake with a completely magical, unique aroma.

Ingredients for making the most delicious Easter cake

For the test

  • premium flour - 1 kg
  • milk - 1 tbsp
  • raw yeast - 50 g
  • yolks - 10 pcs
  • squirrels - 3 pcs
  • sugar - 250 g
  • salt - ½ tsp
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet
  • butter 82.5% - 200 g
  • cognac - 50 ml
  • lemon zest - 3 tsp
  • ground nutmeg - ½ tsp
  • raisins - 100 g
  • candied fruits - 50 g
  • saffron tincture - 1 tbsp

For glaze

  • protein - 1 pc.
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 2 tsp
  • powdered sugar - 200 g

Step-by-step instructions on how to cook Easter cake according to the most delicious recipe with a photo

  1. For dough, heat half a glass of milk a little, add yeast mashed with a fork and stir well so that the components dissolve. Then add 100 grams of flour, mix well again and leave for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Boil the remaining milk in a separate container, add the flour sifted through a sieve (100 g) and quickly stir with a silicone spatula so that no lumps and clots remain. When the mass becomes homogeneous, pour it into the yeast, stir and send to a dry, warm place for 60-90 minutes.
  3. Combine yolks and whites at room temperature, salt and both types of sugar and beat with a mixer into a lush, creamy mass.
  4. Pour ½ egg dressing into the dough, add 250 grams of sifted flour, knead well until smooth and put in heat for 1 hour.
  5. Melt the butter in a water bath. Prepare lemon zest, spices and cognac.
  6. Introduce the second part of the yolk mass into the dough, add half a kilogram of flour and knead the dough well so that in the end it stops sticking to your hands.
  7. Introduce warm oil in small portions, add zest and spices, pour in cognac, knead until smooth and leave warm for another 1 hour to make the dough come up.
  8. Wash the pitted raisins well, dry them, mix with candied fruit, roll in flour and knead into the dough. Keep in a warm place until the volume has doubled in size.
  9. Punch down the risen dough and arrange on molds, greased from the inside with oil. Give a little time for the mass to rise and send it to a well-heated oven. Oven at 180 degrees until done.
  10. For the glaze, slightly froth the protein with a fork, add lemon juice, pour in powdered sugar and beat until a dense creamy consistency.
  11. Decorate ready-made Easter cakes with protein glaze and other traditional elements of Easter decor and put on the festive table.

An easy and quick recipe for the most delicious cake with dry yeast

If it is not possible to devote a lot of time to Easter baking, you can use this easy recipe and very quickly make a delicious, rich cake with dry yeast. The secret of the speed lies in the fact that the pastries are prepared according to a simplified program and are given a total of only about an hour to rise. By using low-fat milk and margarine instead of butter, the dough is quite fluffy and easy to rise even in such a short time.

Essential Ingredients for the Dry Yeast Instant Cake Recipe

  • skimmed milk - ½ l
  • sugar - 380 g
  • premium flour - 1.25 kg
  • eggs - 6 pcs
  • dry yeast - 10 tsp
  • creamy margarine - 240 g
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • salt - 2/3 tsp
  • raisins - 350 g

Step-by-step instructions for a quick recipe for baking Easter cake with dry yeast

  1. Warm the milk a little and dissolve the dry yeast in it. Leave for 10 minutes for the components to react.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar until white and add to the milk-yeast mass. Put creamy margarine dissolved in a water bath there, add salt and vanillin, add flour sifted through a kitchen sieve and stir very carefully. The finished dough should be absolutely homogeneous, plastic and soft.
  3. Rinse raisins in running water, put in a colander to dry, roll in flour and knead into the dough so that it is evenly distributed.
  4. Lubricate the inside of the baking dishes with butter, fill 1/3 with the prepared dough and let it rise for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Preheat the oven well and bake Easter cakes in it at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked. Then take out, cool and decorate in an original way with Easter elements of food decor.

Soft, moist and juicy Easter cake - the best recipe with a photo step by step

This is one of the best recipes for making moist, soft and juicy homemade Easter cake. The dough, kneaded with sour cream and olive oil, turns out to be tender and quite fatty, keeps its shape perfectly and does not crumble during cutting.

Ingredients for a step-by-step recipe for making a moist, soft cake

  • wheat flour of the highest grade - 750 g
  • milk 3.2% - 250 ml
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp
  • olive oil - 40 ml
  • butter - 40 g
  • margarine - 65 g
  • sour cream 20% - 100 g
  • raw yeast - 25 g
  • salt - 1/3 tsp
  • raisins - 100 g
  • vanillin - ½ tsp

Step-by-step instructions for baking a soft and moist Easter cake

  1. Beat the egg, 50 grams of sugar and olive oil with a whisk in a separate container. Pour boiling milk, cool to room temperature, add mashed yeast and send for half an hour to proof.
  2. Take the remaining eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Cool the whites a little and beat with half the remaining sugar.
  3. Grind the yolks with the second half of the sugar, butter and margarine until the solid components are completely dissolved in the liquid ones. Salt and add vanilla.
  4. Add to the milk-yeast mixture, first the yolk, then the protein mass and stir very well. Then introduce sour cream and start kneading the dough, gradually introducing the flour sifted through a sieve in small portions.
  5. Then put the dough on the table and continue to knead with your hands slightly moistened with olive oil. At the exit, the mass should become plastic and moderately soft.
  6. Fold the finished dough into a large saucepan, cover with a towel and put in a warm place for 2.5-3 hours. During this time, it should increase in volume by 2-3 times. Then knead, add raisins and knead thoroughly.
  7. Grease the baking pans with butter and fill them about halfway with the batter. Leave for half an hour to rise and send to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.
  8. Bake until cooked, then remove to cool, decorate with Easter decor and serve.

Delicious and easy recipe for Easter cake at home

You can bake a rich Easter cake at home according to this simple recipe. The dough prepared in this way has a delicate, soft structure, a pleasant, sweet taste and a delicate creamy aroma. If desired, at the time of kneading, it is appropriate to add fragrant spices such as vanilla, nutmeg, cordamom or cinnamon. They will add richness and unusual spicy notes to the delicacy.

Essential Ingredients for a Delicious Easter Cake

For the test

  • milk - 750 ml
  • butter - 180 g
  • raw yeast - 40 g
  • egg - 6 pcs
  • flour - 1.65 kg
  • sugar - 12 tbsp
  • salt - 1.5 tsp
  • raisins - 150 g
  • dried apricots - 150 g

For glaze

  • squirrels - 3 pcs
  • powdered sugar - 150 g
  • confectionery topping - 1 pack

Step-by-step instructions for a simple Easter cake recipe

  1. Knead raw yeast, pour into a deep container, add half of the total sugar, dilute with warmed, but not boiling milk and send for 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
  2. When a fluffy “cap” appears on the dough, add the eggs and the remaining sugar, and then mix well.
  3. Pour the flour previously sifted through a sieve, pour in the remaining warm milk and knead the mass thoroughly until a completely homogeneous consistency. In the process, salt and add melted butter at room temperature.
  4. Rinse raisins and dried apricots in running water, soak for 15 minutes in boiling water, dry in a colander, chop into small pieces, roll in flour and add to the dough. Mix well again so that the berries are evenly distributed over the dough. Mark the container with the workpiece in a warm place for an hour.
  5. When the dough has increased by 2-3 times, gently punch it down and arrange it in molds, previously greased with butter from the inside. Fill out no more than half of the entire form. Leave for 30-40 minutes in a warm place so that the dough comes up again.
  6. Bake in a well-heated oven at 180 degrees for 25 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the cake.
  7. For glaze, combine chilled proteins with salt and powdered sugar and beat into a strong dense foam.
  8. Lubricate the surface of hot cakes with icing, decorate according to your own taste and serve to guests.

Sweet dough for Easter cakes is prepared very easily, but not quickly, as it requires two sets of 30-40 minutes for proofing and sometimes even more. We advise you to prepare the dough from fresh, pressed yeast: the muffin will turn out to be lush, fragrant and very delicate in taste. Fresh yeast raises the dough almost twice as much as dry yeast, so once you try to create a cake with a wet product, you will never go back to yeast in bags. Wet yeast is stored on the refrigerator door at + 3 ... + 5 degrees. You can add dried fruits to the created dough: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dried cranberries, candied fruits.


  • 15 g wet yeast
  • 3 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 100 g granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp topless salt
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 chicken yolks


1. Wet yeast is mixed only in warm liquid, so warm the milk slightly in a water bath, in a saucepan or in a microwave and pour it into a bowl (we advise you to choose a very deep bowl, as the dough will strive to run over its edges!). Put the yeast in warm milk with a temperature not exceeding +35 ° C, add salt, sugar, mix the yeast thoroughly with a fork or whisk.

2. Add 1.5 cups of sifted flour, mix everything thoroughly again until the dough is similar in texture to pancake dough. Cover with a cotton towel and leave warm for 30 minutes.

3. During this time, the dough will increase by about 2-3 times and become very fluffy, airy.

4. Melt the butter, add the warm butter to the batter along with two egg yolks. Mix thoroughly so that the fat is distributed throughout the dough.

5. Pour 1 cup of wheat flour, knead a soft, plastic dough.

6. Leave again in a warm place, covered with a cotton towel, for 30-40 minutes.

Having got to the master class of English confectioners, I was simply fascinated by their creation. And so I decided to reproduce it in my kitchen. And, it seems to me, I succeeded.🙂 My step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you knead very tasty, sweet and fluffy rich yeast dough for Easter cakes and buns with milk and yolks according to an English recipe.

To start the dough we need:

  • 30 grams of bakery pressed yeast;
  • 1 st. spoon ;
  • 400 grams of sugar + 12 grams of vanilla sugar;
  • 5 yolks +1 egg (large D-0, or D-B);
  • ¼ tsp fine salt;
  • 700 ml milk (38°C);
  • 1.2 kg of wheat flour, premium or extra (it took me about 1.4 kg);
  • 65 grams of butter 82%.

How to cook sweet yeast dough with milk and yolks

We start preparing the dough with preparatory work. That is, we separate the yolks, heat the milk and melt the butter. The next step is preparing the dough.

Beat sugar with vanilla, yolks and one egg until the whole mass is light, add invert syrup and continue to beat. The mass will become slightly denser and increase in volume, but not significantly.

In a tall and deep bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm milk. Then, add about 350-400 grams of sifted flour and mix.

We introduce the entire egg mass, continue to mix at medium speed. Next is the turn of the butter, which by this time should already have reached room temperature.

Continue kneading the dough with the rest of the flour. I needed a little more flour than the recipe says. It entirely depends on the quality of the flour used. The main thing is that the dough should be kneaded and, at the same time, slightly stick to the palms. We spread it out of the bowl on the work surface.

Check the dough for elasticity. As you can see in the photo, it is very loose and breaks when pulled up.

We begin to knead it in the working area. The dough, at the same time, sticks to the palms, but no more flour should be added. As you knead it, it will become elastic and will easily fall behind the palms.

15 minutes after kneading, the dough does not stick to the palms at all.

When checking for elasticity, it can be seen that it does not tear, which means that the batch is done correctly.

When cutting the dough, its texture should be smooth and uniform.

Lubricate the bottom of the bowl with oil and place our rich yeast dough in it. We tighten the film, send it to proofing for 40-60 minutes.

Easter cakes, and (Babka Knot). I will draw up the details of the preparation of each baking as a separate step-by-step recipe with a photo, therefore, you will be able to bake everything yourself at home. 🙂

The aromas of freshly baked Easter cakes attract buyers to bakeries and bakery shops long before the Feast of Christ's Resurrection. But you can bake homemade Easter cakes yourself, spending a little money and time. We always want the cake to be sweet and rich, and the recipe is simple. Here is a recipe for a sweet cake on sour cream and butter, such a yeast dough for cakes can be kneaded on kefir, milk or whey. A large amount of muffin in the recipe will do its job, you will definitely like the juicy wet cake!

Kulich sweet simple yeast recipe

At the exit from the specified number of products, you will get about 5-6 small or 3-4 fairly large Easter cakes.

Required products for the test:

  • 5 eggs
  • 120 g butter (butter or margarine, spread),
  • 150 g sour cream (fat),
  • 50 g yeast (live pressed),
  • 200 - 250 g sugar,
  • 260 ml of kefir, whey or milk,
  • 120g raisins,
  • vanilla sugar, vanillin - to taste, but you can take 1-2 drops of fruit essence,
  • 2.0 - 2.2 kg of flour.

For the fondant you will need:

  • 2 squirrels,
  • 150 - 200 g sugar. powder,
  • a pinch of citric acid.

Easy cake recipe

Preparation of the dough consists of two stages - dough and kneading the whole dough.

For dough (do not be afraid of this word, everything is done simply) you need to pour yeast, half sugar into warm milk (kefir, whey), 2 handfuls of flour on top and set everything aside in a warm corner, covered with a towel, for at least 30 minutes.

Separately beat eggs and sugar, adding vanillin (essence). Melt butter with sour cream.

Knead the whole dough: pour the mixture of eggs with sugar into the dough, then the butter and sour cream mixture. Mix and add flour gradually. Then steamed and squeezed raisins are introduced. You need to knead with your hands, moistening them with vegetable oil.
The dough should rest for 1-2 hours and rise (increase in volume and rise). It needs to be lowered 2-3 times.

Baking cakes: grease the molds with melted margarine or sunflower oil, fill with dough for 1/3 of the volume, let it rise for 12-20 minutes. Bake until tender in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes (depending on the size of the molds). If the top starts to burn, cover with foil. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick, if it comes out dry, without lumps of dough, then Easter cakes are ready.

How to decorate Easter cakes with fondant

Beat cold proteins with powder and citric acid. The cooled Easter cakes are smeared on top with fondant, sprinkled with confectionery sprinkles and decorated with ready-made sugar figurines.

Ready-made rich cakes are stored for several days and do not dry in paper or disposable bags; you can carefully cover them with a towel.

Recipe number 2

Easter cakes from the Vienna dough are obtained with a special taste and aroma, and the crumb of a high-quality fibrous texture. Very good cookies!

A bit about the Vienna test
Viennese dough for Easter cakes is very similar to Alexandria, but there is still a difference in the recipe and texture of the dough.
Yeast must be alive and fresh, from a manufacturer you have checked. I do not recommend using dry yeast in this recipe, but if you still use it, then you need to take 12-15 grams.
Easter cakes taste sweet, but everyone has different tastes, and if you like VERY sweet, then you can add a little sugar.

Weight of raw dough about 1700 g
Output of ready Easter cakes: 6 pcs. - 250 grams and 1 pc. – 180 grams

Step by step video cooking recipe from Valentina:


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 250 g
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Live yeast - 30 g
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Wheat flour - 750 g
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • Raisins ... candied fruits - 150 g (more can be)
