
Spicy ingredients. The spiciest dishes in the world

Hot Suicide Wings- literally translated means hot suicidal wings. Robin Rosenberg, the chef of one of the Chicago taverns, is also a wit. Few dare to try the chicken wings of his preparation. The fact is that Rosenberg's signature wings are the sharpest chicken wings in the world!

The dish is so spicy that before trying it, the guest will have to sign a document according to which he will not sue the tavern for possible physical complications. Chicken wings are cooked with one of the hottest pepper varieties in the world - Red Savina Habanero. A person who wishes to taste this dish will be provided with ambulance: the waiters always keep ready the "antidote" - sour cream, milk sugar and white bread.

The idea of ​​serving one of the most spicy dishes in the world, Robin hatched for many years. “Of course, for many this is an unacceptable dish, but perhaps there is a person to whom it will deliver true pleasure", says the chef.

2 Bollywood Burner

A London-based Indian restaurant claims a place in the Guinness Book of Records in the category "the spiciest dish on the planet." According to restaurant chefs, their lamb dish, with curry sauce and a generous sprinkling of the hottest pepper in the world, is by far the hottest dish on our planet.

This masterpiece is called "Bollywood Burner". It's not in the main menu. This infernal dish is served exclusively by special order. Anyone wishing to taste this dish must give a receipt in the presence of restaurant employees, in which he confirms that when ordering a dish, in the event of an unexpected result of a dangerous tasting, he takes full responsibility.

It is known that in the southern province of India, Hyderabad, the cuisine is particularly spicy and, according to connoisseurs, the curry of the British is unlike any hot sauce that they have ever tasted. This curry uses the hottest plant in nature, the naga pepper. According to the Scoville scale (the scale of "hotness of peppers"), its sharpness exceeds 850,000 units. In comparison, widely used in mexican food Tabasco pepper has a spiciness of only 800 units, while "pepper spray" - a tear agent used by the US police - has 2,000,000 units.

3. Phaal

Phaal is an Indian dish. It is considered the spiciest curry in the country. Phaal is a sauce that is made from 10 types of pepper, the main of which is the so-called (Bhut Jolokia) Bhut Yolokia - in the Guinness Book of Records it is listed as the most hot spice on the ground!

Huge popularity phaal acquired in New York when the owner of one of the restaurants included it in his menu. As a result, restaurant visitors, having tasted phaal once, then began to bring their friends there so that they too would try such a spicy dish.

4. Infamous hot pot

“Shameful hot pot” is a very spicy dish that is prepared in a Chinese restaurant in China itself. Why this dish got such a name, history is silent. True, there are legends in China that once this dish was an attribute of some sadomasochistic ritual in this country.

The owner of the restaurant says that despite strict warnings about the spiciness of the dish, he continues to watch how visitors grab their stomachs after the first spoonful.

5. Australian chili

Nobody can really cook spicy dishes just like the Australians, writes mc.com.ua. A specific chili sauce, which is prepared in Australia, is considered one of the spiciest dishes in the world.

Those who wanted to try this "slightly" spicy dish never lined up. Adding a drop to some large dish is possible, but to take and eat a “clean” sauce is not.

This chili uses a hot pepper called naga jolokia, the same one used in a London restaurant. Indian cuisine, discussed above.

In Australia, finally, there were those who wanted to become famous and swallow not even the chili itself, but its fiery component. The characters are Ryan Duke and Alex Fanning. Fortunately, the guys survived. The impressions of the heroes are approximately the same: they are not going to try THIS a second time, but they are terribly proud of themselves!

6. Tabasco

Mexican Tabasco sauce is known all over the world. However, the most popular is its lightest version - Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce (only 600-1200 scovilles).

The hottest of sauces is Tabasco Habanero Sauce. Its fortress is 5000-7000 scovilles, which is 10 times the fortress of Tabasco Green. In addition to the extreme spiciness for the layman, this sauce also has complicated recipe taking its roots from Jamaican cuisine. Tabasco Habanero is made from vinegar, Habanero pepper (one of the most sharp varieties in the world), cane sugar, regular Tabasco sauce, salt, mango pulp, tamarind, banana, papaya, tomato, dried onion, garlic, spices and aged in oak barrels Tabasco pepper.

Tabasco Habanero is simply perfect for drinking with vodka (no peppercorns compare to a drop of habanero in a glass) and is designed to serve as a condiment for exotic cuisines like African, Caribbean and Mexican.

7. Couscous with lamb and vegetables

Couscous is a staple food in the Maghreb, particularly in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Also common in other parts of Africa, France, the Sicilian province of Trapani in Italy, and parts of the Middle East.

Couscous comes in many varieties, and not all of them are spicy. There is fish couscous, sweet and even vegetarian couscous. A lot of pepper is added to couscous with lamb. According to the combination of ingredients, this couscous is the most fiery dish. It is not surprising that the Maghrebians and Africans who adore him are much more active and cheerful than their northern neighbors.

As a rule, couscous is prepared on the basis of semolina from durum wheat. Traditionally, couscous was prepared by women, but because the preparation of couscous is a very laborious process.

8. Mexican watermelon

Arrange a fire in the mouth and turn a person into a dragon can ... watermelon. But not a simple watermelon, but a watermelon cooked in a special way- in Mexican. In Mexico, where most dishes really breathe hot peppers, watermelon is not forgotten either.

Here it is abundantly flavored with pepper, sprinkled with salt and watered with lime juice. The taste of this dish is very specific and seems to many simply incredible disgusting: if the preparation of salted watermelons is practiced in Russia in some places, then peppered watermelon looks just a perversion. However, there are spicy lovers on this dish too.

9. Mama Africa

Mama Africa are South African sauces. Tabasco lovers compared to Mama Africa lovers; just angelic sweets. Mama Africa Habanero makes even the most die-hard fans cry spicy taste. Which is not surprising - it contains 22,000 scovilles! Gourmets who are especially sympathetic to ordinary people advise even sniffing this sauce from afar!

The composition of Mama Africa sauces includes fruits, fresh chili peppers, carrots, onions, garlic, green peppers, lemon juice. And to give piquant taste fresh and dried spices are added: coriander, basil, oregano, ginger, black pepper and mint.

The most spicy are "Mama Africa Habanero", "Mama Africa with red chilli", "Mama Africa Chili with mint".

10. Kimchi

This dish is from Korea. Kimchi is a spicy pickled vegetables and first of all chinese cabbage. Pickled cabbages seasoned with red pepper, onion, garlic and ginger.

In Korea, kimchi is considered the main dish, without which no meal is complete. Koreans believe that moderate consumption of kimchi promotes the absorption of body fat. So for some, this spicy dish looks like a diet. It is also believed that spicy kimchi is a good remedy for colds.

Today we invite everyone who is bored with insipid cuisine to the table. The current top ten contains the spiciest food in the world.

Hot spices are traditional for the cuisine of the countries of the East. In hot climates, spices help keep foods longer and also help fight some intestinal infections. Many fans of spicy are found among Europeans and Americans. By the way, it was the American Wilbur Scoville who proposed a scale for measuring the spiciness of dishes.

For comparison, classic sauce Tabasco is estimated at 600-800 scovilles, and Tabasco Abanero, which is included in our top ten, is already 5,000-7,000 scovilles.

Among Koreans, this dish is considered one of the indispensable attributes of any meal. There is an opinion that its moderate consumption promotes fat burning. Kimchi is made from pickled vegetables, mainly Chinese cabbage, seasoned with red pepper, ginger, garlic and red pepper. This dish is also used as an anti-cold remedy.

9. Mama Africa

These South African sauces are made from chili peppers, onions, garlic, carrots, and green peppers, with a myriad of spices such as coriander, basil, oregano, ginger, and mint. Compared to Mama Africa famous sauce Tabasco will seem unusually insipid. Sophisticated spicy lovers do not recommend even sniffing African sauce at close range without preparation.

8. Couscous

The traditional dish of North Africa and the Middle East is prepared in different ways, so in addition to spicy varieties, there are regular and even sweet options. However, for example, couscous with lamb is traditionally prepared with the addition of many spices. A properly prepared dish should burn the palate and tongue.

7. Phaal

This type of curry is very popular among fans of spicy food. Phaal includes 10 types of pepper, the main of which is Bhut Yolekiya, listed for its pungency in the Guinness Book of Records. By the way, phaal is often ordered by Europeans and Americans who want to taste a truly spicy oriental cuisine.

6. Tabasco Habanero Sauce

This sauce is popular in Caribbean, Mexican and African cuisines. This variety differs from the classic Tabasco in the presence of the hottest Habanero pepper. By the way, our compatriots who tried the sauce quickly made a recipe for warming peppercorns - a drop of Tabasco Habanero in a glass of vodka.

5. Infamous hot pot

This Chinese dish you can try some restaurants. It is believed that it was once an attribute of one of the sadistic rituals in medieval China. As a rule, a tiny portion of the "pot" is enough to get stomach cramps.

4 Bollywood Burner

This dish is served in one of the British restaurants. On the menu cooking masterpiece does not appear - it is prepared exclusively by special order. The dish includes lamb, rice and 20 chili peppers burning variety Naga Infiniti.

3. Australian chili

In their attempts to surpass in sharpness oriental cuisine Australians have gone almost to the point of absurdity. A teaspoon of Australian chili will make even a huge bowl of boiled rice unbearably hot. However, this fact did not stop two desperate Australians who tasted the sauce in pure form. The experiment ended with hallucinations and gastric lavage.

2. Mexican watermelon

Mexicans love watermelon in its original form, but after a simple preparation sweet fruit turns into incredible savory dish. The pulp is sprinkled with salt, poured over with lime juice and seasoned with plenty of pepper. Not every tourist finds the strength to taste such a delicacy.

1. Hot Suicide Chicken Wings

Name of this original dish can be translated as "Burning suicide." This delicacy is served in one of the Chicago restaurants. Before tasting the delicacy, visitors sign a document according to which they have no claims against the establishment due to possible health complications. The spiciest chicken wings in the world are served with white bread and sour cream, which are considered a good “antidote” for all kinds of seasonings.

A few days ago, I first visited mexican restaurant. It almost cost me my life. Considering myself a lover of spicy food, I asked the waiter to bring me the spiciest dish from their menu. It turned out to be Chili Con Carne. Braving that I was in the Caucasus and ate very, very spicy adjika, without hesitation, I ate an impressive piece of the dish. That's when it all started... I had a volcanic eruption in my mouth.

Everything worked out. Having been taught for my arrogance by chili pepper, I hasten to tell you:

  • how to tame the fire in the mouth,
  • what foods are really dangerous to life,
  • what you need to cook a spicy dish at home.

1. The fire in the mouth can be tamed like this:

  • Don't drink water! It only activates the burning effect of capsaicin even more.
  • It is better to drink dairy products containing casein, it is the best fight against peppery capsaicin.
  • If there is no milk or sour cream on hand, eat bread. It contains gluten, which neutralizes the pungency
  • Hold a slice of lemon in your mouth, its acid will ease the burning sensation.
  • Banana, as it is not surprising, is also excellent tool fighting fire in the mouth. The starch contained in it also helps to cope with burns.
  • Alcohol, unlike water, breaks down capsaicin.
  • Apply lip balm to your lips. She will protect them delicate skin from spicy food. There will be no burning on the lips. After eating spicy food, simply wash or wipe off the lipstick from your lips.

If you are a fan of gastronomic tourism, or if you accidentally find yourself in a restaurant that specializes in preparing hellishly spicy dishes,

2. Think carefully before ordering anything from this list:

Hot suicide wings

Yes, that's right - "Hot Suicidal Wings." As the name implies, this is a hell of a spicy dish! Chef Robin Rosenberg began to cook them in one of the Chicago restaurants. Few dare to try the chicken wings of his preparation. The fact is that Rosenberg's signature wings are the spiciest chicken wings in the world!

The dish is so spicy that before sampling, the guest will have to sign a document according to which he will not sue the tavern for possible physical complications.

Chicken wings are cooked with one of the hottest pepper varieties in the world - Red Savina Habanero. An ambulance will be provided to a person who wishes to taste this dish as soon as necessary: ​​the waiters always keep the “antidote” at the ready - sour cream, milk sugar and white bread.

Bollywood burger

The dish, which claims to be the "spiciest dish on the planet", is prepared in a London restaurant of Indian cuisine. According to the Scoville scale (the scale of "hotness of peppers"), its sharpness exceeds 850,000 units. In comparison, Tabasco pepper, widely used in Mexican cuisine, has a sharpness of only 800 units, and "pepper spray" - a tear agent used by the US police - 2,000,000 units.

"Infamous Hot Pot"

“Shameful hot pot” is a very spicy dish that is prepared in a Chinese restaurant in China itself. Why this dish got such a name, history is silent. True, there are legends in China that once this dish was an attribute of some sadomasochistic ritual in this country. The owner of the restaurant says that despite stern warnings about the spiciness of the dish, he continues to see how customers clutch at their stomachs after the first spoonful.

mexican watermelon

Most strange dish on my list. Mexicans, as it turns out, are big inventors. This ability helped them transform common watermelon into a fiery charge. The taste of the dish is probably an abomination, but despite this it is considered very spicy. It is richly flavored with pepper, sprinkled with salt and poured with lime juice.


This dish is from Korea. Kimchi is a spicy spiced sauerkraut, most notably Chinese cabbage. Pickled cabbages are seasoned with red pepper, onion, garlic and ginger.

3. What you need to cook hellishly spicy dish

If, despite my warnings, you are still determined not only to taste, but also to prepare a hellishly spicy dish, then go to the nearest supermarket and try to get the following ingredients there:

Sauces Mama Africa

These are South African sauces. Tabasco lovers, compared to the lovers of "Mother of Africa", are simply angelic sweet tooth. Mama Africa Habanero makes even the most persistent admirers of spicy taste cry. Which is not surprising - it contains 22,000 Scovilles! Gourmets who are especially sympathetic to ordinary people advise even sniffing this sauce from afar. The most spicy are "Mama Africa Habanero", "Mama Africa with red chilli", "Mama Africa Chili with mint".

Sauces Tabasco

Tabasco sauce, of course, is familiar to many spicy lovers. However, in our stores they sell mainly the lightest version of it, Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce (only 600-1200 scovilles). The hottest of the sauces is Tabasco Habanero Sauce. Its fortress is 5000-7000 scovilles, which is 10 times the fortress of Tabasco Green. In addition to the extreme spiciness for the layman, this sauce also has a complex recipe that takes its roots from Jamaican cuisine.

Habanero red pepper

Habanero pepper is rightfully recognized as the most pungent among its counterparts, as evidenced by the world-famous Scoville scale of "hotness of peppers". Extraordinarily hot pepper habanero is especially good in recipes that contain tropical fruits or tomatoes. This scorching pepper is traditionally used to add flavor to Caribbean BBQ, salsas, marinades and seasonings.

Photo: manhanter.ru, basetop.ru, vkusnovarka.ru, basetop.ru

Dishes for thrill-seekers

Although spicy food negatively affects our stomachs, there are quite a lot of extreme lovers in the world who want to taste something extremely spicy. And although the degree of spiciness of food for each person is different, there are dishes that will seem very spicy even to a sophisticated gourmet. We offer you a list of dishes that are recognized as the most spicy dishes in the world.

Hot Suicide Wings

If you translate this name, then it will sound like "hot suicidal wings." The chef of one of the Chicago taverns, Robin Rosenberg, is also a wit. Few visitors to the tavern dare to order and try this dish. The fact is that Rosenberg's signature wings are the spiciest chicken wings in the world! The dish is so spicy that before trying it, the guest will have to sign a document according to which he will not sue the tavern for possible physical complications.

When preparing these wings, one of the hottest varieties of pepper in the world - Savina - is used. An ambulance will be provided to a person who wishes to taste this dish as soon as necessary: ​​the waiters always keep the "antidote" at the ready - sour cream, milk sugar and white bread.

Robin has been nurturing the idea of ​​serving the world's spiciest dish for years. "Of course, for many this is an unacceptable dish, but perhaps there is a person to whom it will bring true pleasure," says the chef.

Bollywood Burner

Also, a London restaurant of Indian cuisine claims a place in the Guinness Book of Records in the category "the most spicy dish in the world". According to restaurant chefs, their lamb dish, with curry sauce and a generous sprinkling of the hottest pepper in the world, is by far the hottest dish on our planet.

This dish is not in the main menu of the restaurant, it is served only by special order. A client who wants to taste this dish, as in the case of Hot Suicide Wings, must give a receipt in the presence of restaurant employees, in which he confirms that when ordering a dish, he, in the event of an unforeseen result of a dangerous tasting, takes full responsibility.

It is known that in the southern province of India, Hyderabad, the cuisine is particularly spicy and, according to connoisseurs, the curry of the British is unlike any hot sauce that they have ever tasted. This curry uses the hottest plant in the world, the naga pepper. According to the Scoville scale (the scale of "hotness of peppers"), its sharpness exceeds 850,000 units. To understand how "spicy" this is, imagine that the tabasco pepper widely used in Mexican cuisine is only 800 units, and the "pepper spray" tear agent used by the US police is 2,000,000 units.

Phaal (Phaal) is an Indian dish. It is considered the spiciest curry in the country. This is a sauce that is prepared from 10 types of pepper, the main of which is the so-called Bhut Yolekiya - in the Guinness Book of Records it is listed as the hottest spice on earth!

Phaal gained immense popularity in New York when the owner of one of the restaurants included it in his menu. As a result, restaurant visitors, having tasted phaal once, then began to bring their friends there so that they too would try such a spicy dish.

Infamous hot pot

This is an extremely spicy dish that is prepared in a Chinese restaurant in the Middle Kingdom itself. No one really knows for what reason this dish was named so. Although, there are legends in China that once this dish was an attribute of some sadomasochistic ritual in this country.

Despite stern warnings about the spiciness of the dish, the owner of the restaurant continues to watch how customers clutch at their stomachs after the first spoonful.

Australian chili

One of the spiciest dishes in the world, made in Australia - a specific chili sauce (Australian chilli).

There have never been anyone who wants to try this sauce in its pure form, the maximum is to add a drop of it to some dish. This chili uses a hot pepper called "naga jolokia", the same one used in the London Indian restaurant mentioned above.

Despite the sharpness of this sauce, in Australia, finally, there were those who wanted to become famous and swallow not even the chili itself, but its fiery component. The names of these heroes: Ryan Duke and Alex Fanning. Luckily for them, the guys survived. The impressions of the heroes are approximately the same: they are not going to try THIS a second time, but they are terribly proud of themselves!

Tabasco sauce (tabasco) perhaps one of the most famous in the world. The most popular is his most easy option- Tabasco Green Pepper Sauce (600-1200 Scoville in total).

But among Tabasco sauces, there is also the "heaviest" option - Tabasco Habanero Sauce. Its fortress is 5000-7000 scovilles, which is 10 times the fortress of Tabasco Green. In addition to the extreme spiciness for the layman, this sauce also has a complex recipe that takes its roots from Jamaican cuisine. Tabasco Habanero consists of vinegar, Habanero peppers (one of the hottest varieties in the world), cane sugar, regular Tabasco sauce, salt, mango pulp, tamarind, banana, papaya, tomato, dried onion, garlic, spices and oak-aged pepper Tabasco.

Tabasco Habanero is just perfect to drink with vodka (no pepper is like a drop of habanero in a glass) and is intended to serve as a condiment for exotic cuisines like African, Caribbean and Mexican.

Couscous with lamb and vegetables

Couscous (Couscous) exists in many variants, and not all of them are sharp. This dish is one of the staple foods in the Maghreb, in particular in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Also common in other parts of Africa, France, the Sicilian province of Trapani in Italy, and parts of the Middle East.

Couscous comes from fish, sweet and even vegetarian. A lot of pepper is added to couscous with lamb. By the combination of ingredients, this couscous is the most fiery dish. It is not surprising that the Maghrebians and Africans who adore him are much more active and cheerful than their northern neighbors.

mexican watermelon

In Mexico they cook the most spicy watermelon in the world. An ordinary watermelon is abundantly flavored with pepper, sprinkled with salt and poured with lime juice. The result is a very specific taste, which not everyone likes, and some consider it frankly disgusting.

And if the preparation of salted watermelons in Russia is still practiced in some places, then peppered watermelon looks just a perversion. Although, since it exists, it probably has its own demand.

Mama Africa are South African sauces. Lovers of Tabasco compared to lovers of "Mother of Africa" ​​are simply angelic sweet tooth. Mama Africa Habanero makes even the most persistent admirers of spicy taste cry. This is not surprising, because the sharpness of this sauce is 22,000 scovilles.

The composition of these sauces includes fruits, fresh chili peppers, carrots, onions, garlic, green peppers, lemon juice. And to give a piquant taste, fresh and dried seasonings are added: coriander, basil, oregano, ginger, black pepper and mint.

The most spicy are "Mama Africa Habanero", "Mama Africa with Red Chili" and "Mama Africa Chili with Mint".

Kimchi dish (Kimchi) originally from Korea. It is a spicy seasoned pickled vegetables and primarily Beijing cabbage. Pickled cabbages are seasoned with red pepper, onion, garlic and ginger.

In Korea, kimchi is considered the main dish, without which no meal is complete. Koreans believe that moderate consumption of kimchi promotes the absorption of body fat. So for some, this spicy dish looks like a diet. It is also believed that spicy kimchi is a good remedy for colds.

Do you love spicy food? You like to test extreme limits culinary arts? Then you will love these twenty-five spiciest dishes in the world. Have you already tried one of these fiery dishes and survived? Tell us about it in the comments ;)

25. Thai Pepper Steak (Neua Pad Prik)

This spicy dish is much simpler than most dishes of its kind. To make Thai Pepper Steak, the chef simply tosses a few pieces of beef into a pot and seasons them with herbs, shallots, basil and garlic before adding Bird's Eye Chili, which is the main ingredient. This dish is the most famous in Asia, especially in Thailand and Indonesia.

24. Sichuan Hot-Pot

Sichuan roast is popular dish in Mongolia and China, but the heat in these countries cannot be compared with Sichuan. This dish includes scalding hot broth, which is replete with garlic, onion and Sichuan pepper mixed with raw pieces meat and vegetables.

23. Pork Vindaloo (Vindaloo Pork)

Pork vindaloo is spicy Indian dish which includes many spices and strong flavors. Considered one of the spiciest dishes in the world, pork vindaloo was first introduced to Goa by the Portuguese and consisted of pork marinated in red wine, peppers and garlic, but the Indians eventually adopted it and enriched it with curries. . What makes this dish so spicy is the unimaginable amount of "ghost pepper" (Bhut Jolokia), the hottest chili pepper in the world.

22. Phaal Curry

Eating something as spicy as Curry Faall is certainly a task that not everyone can handle. Known as the world's spiciest curry, this dish is so spicy that restaurants serving it provide customers who have finished an entire bowl of this curry with a certificate of recognition. This dish contains about 10 various types peppers, including the "ghost pepper", the hottest chili pepper in the world.

21. Tom Yum

Today, Tom yum, which is sour and spicy soup from Thailand, is gaining more and more popularity as one of the spiciest dishes in the world. Anyone who tries it will definitely be captivated by its amazing fragrant taste, as well as his raw heat. This dish includes spicy chicken and seafood seasoned with Thai pepper chili bird's eye.

20. Shrimp Creole

Creole Shrimp is the most popular dish on the Mason-Dixon Line in the United States. This dish includes red and Green pepper, tomatoes, shrimp and chicken, but it is also seasoned with a huge amount fresh peppers chile and cayenne peppers.

19. Potato with Huancaina Sauce (Papa A La Huancaina)

Considered one of the world's spiciest dishes, Huancaina Potato is the most popular dish in Peru among spicy food lovers. This salad contains boiled yellow potatoes served cold in cream sauce Huancaina on greens such as lettuce and black olives. What makes this salad so spicy is the Amarillo chili pepper contained in its Juancaina sauce.

18. Daikon with Sichuan Peppercorns (Lo Bok with Sichuan Peppercorns)

Daikon with Sichuan peppercorns is popular spicy salad from China. This salad is both sweet and crunchy and super spicy thanks to the bird's eye chili that enhances the already fiery and numbing sensation of Sichuan pepper.

17. Bibimbap with Kimchi

Bibimbap with kimchi is a spicy dish from South Korea that includes pickled cabbage and great amount garlic, chili, onion and ginger. In rural areas, kimchi is usually cooked in heavy clay pots and buried in the ground to ferment for about a month.

16. Chicken wings with sauce Suicide (Suicide Chicken Wings)

These beloved chicken wings from the USA are seasoned with a sauce called "Suicide" for a reason - they are just damn spicy! They are typically dipped in a combination of mouth-scalding Tabasco sauce, cayenne pepper chunks and crushed chili for garnish.

15. Caribbean Chicken (Jerk Chicken-Caribbean)

Caribbean chicken not only looks delicious, it tastes fabulous too. This dish includes almost all the best Caribbean ingredients and spices, including cloves, cinnamon, green onion, nutmeg, thyme and garlic.

14. Wat (Wot)

Wat is a spicy dish from Ethiopia that is very popular among Africans. This dish is one of African dishes, which are cooked in an area south of the Sahara, known to be the hottest in the world. The dish is replete with kilos of onions and garlic, ginger and plenty of ultra-spicy Berbère, which is a mixture of dried spices and chili peppers.

13. Otak-otak (Otak-Otak)

Otak-otak, which is popular among Indonesians, Malaysians and Singaporeans, is fish casserole, which is usually served steamed or on a grilled banana leaf. This dish is so spicy because it contains a large number of dried pepper chili mixed with minced fish, shrimp sauce and galangal, a root vegetable that looks just like ginger but tastes like pepper.

12. Griot with Sauce Ti-Malice

Griot is a dish from pork shoulder from Haiti, which is one of the spiciest dishes not only in this region, but throughout the world. This dish is soaked in Haitian hot sauce and includes crushed bonnet or habanero peppers, Apple vinegar and hot pickled peppers.

11. Pork with asparagus beans(Pad Prik Khing)

Pork with green beans, which is a popular dish from Thailand, is made from pork, hard vegetables or seafood. This dish is considered one of the spiciest in the world because it includes Prick King curry paste, which is mostly spicy ginger. It contains dried red chili peppers, shrimp paste, onion, garlic and galangal.

10. Curry out minced beef with turmeric (Kua Kling Phat Tha Lung)

Minced beef curry with turmeric is most popular in Thailand. It is now gaining popularity in Los Angeles, where it is regarded as the spiciest dish available. The "sharpness" of this dish is described as "almost unbearable".

9. Hell Brined, Smoked and Grilled Jerk Chicken Wings at East Coast Grill

This dish is known for being said to be served with a side dish of six bombs. These chicken wings are served with spicy sauce and banana and guava ketchup, hot peppers bonnet, three liters of yellow mustard and an abundance of spices.

8. Fried rice from Pearl's Fried Rice Cafe

Fried rice from the Pearl Cafe is served at the Pearl Café in Florissant and is considered one of the spiciest dishes in the world today. This rice includes dried kachai peppers and a wide variety of other spices. Out of 400 people who decided to try this rice, only 21 people were able to finish their portion.

7 Korean Suicide Burrito

A dish called "Korean Suicide Burrito", which was first introduced at John's Snack & Deli in San Francisco, USA, is made using Chinese, Mexican and Korean peppers. A blogger who tried this dish once wrote about his horrific experience, saying that he felt like curling up in a fetal position from the intensity of the heat in this dish.

6. Spicy Tuna Rolls

In Bushido, spicy tuna rolls are popular for their incredible spiciness. In fact, they are so spicy that at a restaurant in Charleston, South Carolina, the dish became part of a test in which a person has to eat 10 rolls, but no one has yet succeeded in this.

5. raw pasta chili (Sambal Oelek)

Raw chili paste, the most popular in Indonesia, is one of the most favorite dishes of tourists visiting the country. It is prepared from various peppers and is used for spreading or adding to other dishes. However, it can also be eaten directly and due to its content of habanero peppers, cayenne peppers, bird's eye chili and Spanish peppers, this dish is very spicy.

4. Kimchi Jjigae

Kimchichjigae is a type of kimchi served in Korea that contains green onions, garlic, tofu, mushrooms, and lots of red chili peppers. The spiciness of this dish ranges from tolerable to tongue-burning, and is served very hot to allow the client to sweat through both the spiciness and the temperature.

3. Pepper Cau-Cau (Cau-Cau)

Cau Cau pepper or yellow chili pepper is a popular dish from Peru. It is the spiciest version of tripe stew with potatoes from neighboring countries and is one of the main ingredients used in the preparation of ceviche raw fish V lemon sauce) and Kaus Rellana (potato casserole).

2. Roast Huo Guo

Roast Huo Guo, a particularly spicy dish from China, is served hot. This spicy dish is prepared from a wide range of raw ingredients such as beef, fish, tofu and vegetables and takes its pungency from the oil pressed from Sichuan peppers.

1. Ethiopian beef stew(Sik Sik Wat)

Ethiopian beef stew is another Ethiopian dish made with chili, paprika, and fenugreek, which is used to spice up chicken or beef roasts. This spice is very similar to red pepper paste and can be used to spread over a spongy pancake known as Injera.
