
Common watermelon (edible watermelon). Research project "Useful berry - watermelon

Ershova Xenia

Project presented



Scientific research project


4th grade student

MKOU secondary school No. 2 r.p. New Main

Project Manager:

Khaibullova G.I., primary school teacher

MKOU secondary school No. 2 r.p. New Main

year 2014

We are big, friendly and hardworking. Today I will prove to you that we really love, and most importantly, we are not afraid to work. We have a very large garden. We grow Victoria, tomatoes, cucumbers, greens on it. And the main BERRY that we grow is the WATERMELON.

Research topic: "The main berry is watermelon"

Purpose of the study:to determine the possibility of growing watermelons in the conditions of the Melekes region.

Tasks: 1) study the characteristics of the watermelon plant and the characteristics of its cultivation

2) create conditions for growing watermelon in your garden;

3) observe the receipt of the watermelon fruit and check its taste.

Hypothesis: in local conditions, you can grow a thermophilic watermelon plant and get a sweet and ripe fruit.

Subject of study: watermelon.

Object of study:taste and ripeness of watermelon.

Research methods:Experimental - practical method.

The relevance of my research is that many people dream in middle lane grow big watermelons and I want to prove that it is possible.Well, let's all in order.

In early May, my mother and I soak the seeds. We wrap them in a cloth, put them in a plate, fill them with water and put them in a warm, bright place. We put it in the bath on the window.

On the fifth or sixth day, the seeds begin to germinate, which means that the whole family is going to the garden.

I noticed that not all seeds germinated before. We collected seeds from watermelons that we bought. And this year we bought seeds. Mom said that these are hybrids, these seeds sprouted all. And I also learned that if the seeds are hybrids, then they give good harvest, but on next year from seeds grown watermelons, there will be no harvest.

Well, it's science. And we are going to the garden.

The first is dad with a walk-behind tractor. He loosens (digs up) the earth. Then he and mom pull the ropes so that our rows are even and beautiful, and most importantly, so that they do not interfere with each other (so that they do not sweat). Then mom comes with a rake and makes holes. Next we go with my brother Alyosha, pour sand into the holes and water them.

Now the most crucial moment begins. We put the germinated seeds in the holes, and dad carefully fills them up. At this stage, the main thing is not to break the sprouted tail.

On the 5th - 6th day, watermelons give the first shoots. This year we planted an early ripe variety "Victoria F1". The first shoots were already on the fourth day. And on the fifth - sixth day, almost all the watermelons have risen. And all this because the watermelon loves that the temperature difference between day and night does not exceed 10 0 S. And that's exactly what happened in May.

After germination, we have a hot season. Daily watering and weekly weeding begins. Water every day so that the watermelons grow large. This year, dad made our work a little easier. On some rows, he extended drip irrigation.

And from August 1, we stop watering. Now our Berry should gain sugar content and redness. And for my brother and me, this stage is probably the most difficult. Believe me, it is very difficult to look into the garden, to see huge watermelons there, but to know that they are not ripe yet.

Therefore, at this time we have time to go to Moscow to visit our brother and sister. Once again see the new sights of our capital.

And here comes the long-awaited moment. We pick the first watermelon. As a family, we spread a blanket on the lawn, which Alyosha takes care of. He mows and waters it. So we sit down and cut our first watermelon. Such a juicy red sweet. And it is doubly sweet, because I also take part in their cultivation.

Ask what we do with so many watermelons? I will answer you, we treat everyone. We treat friends and relatives. And our beloved guard Lord loves our watermelons. And do not believe it, but he spits out the seeds. We also salt them. I also found a recipe for watermelon jam. Next year we will try to cook such a jam. To your friends who are interested in growing southern fruit in our garden, we want to advise:

  1. Choose a variety recommended for growing in your area;
  2. For planting in a greenhouse, choose the best, strong seedling bushes;
  3. Do not plant plants densely, each watermelon needs at least half a square meter of area;
  4. Water your plants moderately in the morning or evening. warm water, trying not to fall on the leaves, drops of water can cause a plant burn;
  5. During feeding, plants especially need nutrition during the period of fruit pouring;
  6. To prevent watermelons from spoiling, lying on a damp surface of the earth, place non-rotting material under the fruits.

7) Maintain in the greenhouse high temperature air, but avoid high humidity,

And next year I will tell you how it is to grow cucumbers in winter in Italian? Have I intrigued you? Then I have everything. See you next year.

Thank you for your attention.


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Home BERRY - WATERMELON Research project Theme: Author: Ershova Ksenia, 4th grade student of MKOU secondary school No. 2 r.p. Novaya Maina Project manager: Khaibullova G.I., primary school teacher, secondary school №2 New Maine 2014

Our main berry

Theme of the project - The main berry - WATERMELON The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility of growing watermelons in the conditions of the Melekes region. The subject of the study is watermelon. The object of the study is the taste and ripeness of watermelon. Research method - experimental - practical

Tasks: To study the features of the watermelon plant and the features of its cultivation. Create conditions for growing watermelon in your garden. Observe the receipt of the watermelon fruit and check its taste.

Hypothesis: Suppose that in local conditions it is possible to grow a heat-loving watermelon plant and get a sweet and ripe fruit.

The relevance of my research is that I want to sing an ode to BERRY and prove that large watermelons can be grown in the middle lane.

Soak the seeds first

After cultivation, the earth breathes freely.

The intervals between rows should not be less than 3 meters.

A very important moment

Watermelons do not like big temperature changes.

Daily Watering Weekly Weeding

Drip irrigation - increases yields.

Every year MOSCOW is different, but very beautiful.

The first watermelon is always the most long-awaited, and therefore the sweetest

Lawn my brother don't trust no one

I grow my own so it tastes so good.

Our friend and guard LORD

We salt watermelons

Let's make jam

Watermelon benefits a person: It is iron, which is important for our body. Unloading watermelon days are very useful. This helps the body cleanse the kidneys. This is a real treasure trove of folic acid (vitamin B9), which our body needs to produce the “right” new cells. Instead of sugar in watermelon, fructose, so even diabetics can eat them.

Here is such a berry, named WATERMELON.

See you next year


  • 1 Name etymology
  • 2 Distribution and ecology
  • 3 Botanical description
  • 4 Vegetable raw materials
    • 4.1 Chemical composition
    • 4.2 Pharmacological properties
  • 5 Significance and application
  • 6 Classification
    • 6.1 Varieties and varieties
    • 6.2 Taxonomy
  • 7 World production of watermelons
  • 8 Interesting Facts
  • Notes


Watermelon ordinary(lat. Citrullus lanatus) - annual herbaceous plant, a species of the genus Watermelon ( Citrullus) of the Pumpkin family ( Cucurbitaceae).

Gourd culture. Fruit - pumpkin, spherical, oval, flattened or cylindrical shape; the color of the bark is from white and yellow to dark green with a pattern in the form of a grid, stripes, spots; the flesh is pink, red, crimson, less often - white and yellow. Currently grown in 96 countries in more than 1200 varieties.

1. Etymology of the name

The word is borrowed from Kypchak. carbuz. In Ukrainian and Belarusian word watermelon denoted by the word kavun, while Ukrainians and Belarusians call a pumpkin a garbuz (ukr. garbuz). Turkic χarbuz/karpuz goes back to Persian χarbūza, χarbuza - melon(literally "donkey cucumber", cf. Avest. χara - donkey, Wed-Pers. būcinā - cucumber).

Top down:
Sliced ​​fruit.

2. Distribution and ecology

Watermelon is native to South Africa (Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa: Cape Province, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North Western Province, Northern Cape Province), where it is still found in the wild.

Already in ancient Egypt, people knew and cultivated this culture. Watermelon was often placed in the tombs of the pharaohs as a source of food in their afterlife. Watermelons were brought to Western Europe during the era of the Crusades. Watermelons were brought to Russia by the Tatars in the 13th-14th centuries and were originally cultivated on the Lower Volga [ source not specified 337 days] .

In Russia, the industrial culture of watermelon is concentrated in the Volga region and some areas of the southern regions, and in Ukraine mainly in the southern regions and the Crimea; here the watermelon ripens freely on outdoors, while achieving excellent qualities in terms of taste. In the middle chernozem regions, watermelon sometimes does not ripen in the ground, as well as in more northern areas, so the crop in the fields is replaced by its cultivation on burrows or in greenhouses. For gourds, virgin sandy loamy chernozem is preferred, on which the fruits are larger than on loamy. Maturation early varieties- in the second half of June, late - by October.

Watermelons grow well in steppe and Mediterranean climates with long, hot, dry summers and mild, short winters.

3. Botanical description

The stems are thin, flexible, creeping or curly, usually round-five-sided, up to 4 m long or more, branched. The young parts of the stem are densely pubescent with soft protruding hairs.

Leaves on long petioles, alternate, hairy, rough, triangular-ovate in outline, heart-shaped at the base, from 8-10 to 20-22 cm long and 5-10 to 15-18 cm wide, rigidly rough on both sides, deeply tripartite, their lobes are pinnatipartite or twice pinnatipartite, with an acute middle lobe elongated at the apex, the lateral lobes are usually rounded, sometimes the leaves are entire, more or less lobed.

Flowers unisexual, with boat-shaped bracts. Staminate flowers solitary, 2-2.5 cm in diameter, on a hairy peduncle; receptacle broadly bell-shaped, downy; sepals narrowly lanceolate to subulate-filamentous; corolla outside greenish and hairy, widely funnel-shaped, its lobes oblong-ovate or oval; stamens five, of which four are fused in pairs, and one is free. Pistillate flowers solitary, somewhat larger than male ones; ovary more or less pubescent; the column is thin, about 5 mm long; stigma five-lobed, greenish.

The common belief that the watermelon fruit is a berry is botanically incorrect. The fruit of all representatives of the genus Watermelon is a multi-seeded, juicy pumpkin. Watermelon fruits in shape, size and color can vary greatly from each other depending on the variety; fruit surface is smooth.

Seeds are flat, often bordered, variously colored, with a scar. The flesh is pink or red, very juicy and sweet, but there are varieties with whitish-yellow flesh.

Blooms during the summer months. The fruits ripen in August-September.

4. Vegetable raw materials

4.1. Chemical composition

Watermelon fruit pulp contains from 5.5 to 13% of easily digestible sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose). By the time of ripening, glucose and fructose predominate, sucrose accumulates during the storage of watermelon. The pulp contains pectin substances - 0.68%, proteins - 0.7%; calcium - 14 mg /%, magnesium - 224 mg /%, sodium - 16 mg /%, potassium - 64 mg /%, phosphorus - 7 mg /%, iron in organic form - 1 mg /%; vitamins - thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, carotene - 0.1-0.7 mg /%, ascorbic acid- 0.7-20 mg /%, alkaline substances. 100 grams of the edible part of the fruit contains 38 kilocalories.

Watermelon seeds contain up to 25% fatty oil. Watermelon seed oil contains linoleic, linolenic and palmitic acids, according to physical and chemical properties similar to almond oil and can replace it, according to taste - with Provencal.

4.2. Pharmacological properties

The fruits are used as a medicinal raw material. ripe watermelon(pulp, rind) and seeds.

Watermelon has a strong diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, laxative and tonic properties. Normalizes metabolic processes, enhances intestinal motility.

5. Significance and application

In the south, nardek (watermelon honey) is prepared from watermelon, evaporating watermelon juice to the thickness of honey. Nardek contains up to 20% sucrose and 40% invert (split) sugar.

Salts of iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, contained in the pulp of watermelon, have a beneficial effect on the activity of the organs of hematopoiesis, digestion, of cardio-vascular system, endocrine glands. Watermelon is used in clinical nutrition with anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver diseases, gallstones and urinary tract, as well as a diuretic for uric acid diuresis, obesity and the need for fasting as indicated during treatment. It does not cause irritation of the kidneys and urinary tract. Content in watermelon pulp easily digestible sugars and water determines the use of watermelon in chronic and acute liver diseases. At cholelithiasis, cystitis, urolithiasis, it is recommended to use 2-2.5 kg fresh watermelons daily. The fiber of the watermelon pulp improves digestion, promotes the elimination of cholesterol, and the folic acid and vitamin C contained in the watermelon have an anti-sclerotic effect. Long-term use of watermelon pulp helps to cure chronic gastritis, improves the condition of patients diabetes, atherosclerosis. With hypertension, nephritis, pyelocystitis, gout, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, watermelon is recommended. fasting days which can be carried out under the supervision of a physician. pectin substances And a small amount of fiber in watermelon pulp helps to optimize the intestinal microflora and does not cause flatulence. Watermelon juice quenches thirst well in a feverish state. The content of alkaline compounds regulates the acid-base balance, as a result of which watermelon is used for acidosis of various origins.

It must be remembered that watermelon has the property of accumulating nitrates in fruits. The reception of such a watermelon even in healthy person causes nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. It is even more dangerous for children and kidney patients. Children may experience severe dyspeptic symptoms, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and in some cases, convulsions and dehydration.

Watermelon seeds have a hemostatic and antihelminthic effect. The most powerful anthelmintic effect has a drug from the seeds of watermelon. Watermelon oil is obtained from watermelon seeds, which is used to prevent urolithiasis and prostatitis.

IN traditional medicine watermelon juice was used for nourishing and vitamin face masks that prevent flabbiness, both dry and oily skin, improve its color, make it soft and smooth.

6. Classification

Cubic watermelon.
Tokyo, Japan

6.1. Varieties and varieties


Within the species, two varieties are distinguished:

  • Citrullus lanatus var. citroides (L.H. Bailey) Mansf. - Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa (Cape Province, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Transvaal)
    • Citrullus vulgaris var. citroides L. H. Bailey
  • Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus - only found cultivated
    • Citrullus lanatus var. caffer (Schrad.) Mansf.


The best varieties of melon watermelons - Astrakhan, or bykovsky(white), monastic(green with white stripes and with red or gray seeds), kamyshinsky(same color) Kherson, Mozdok, Uryupinskiy and others. Some of the watermelons enter the salt, like cucumbers, and for cooking, by boiling and thickening juicy pulp, watermelon honey(nardek, bekmes). When cultivating watermelon in a garden or greenhouse, seeds are taken from stale ones (fresh produce infertile, albeit strong-growing plants).

Of the varieties, the earliest deserve attention - apple, Korean, chernouska, raspberry cream and etc.

6.2. Taxonomy

View Watermelon ordinary belongs to the genus Watermelon ( Citrullus) tribes Benincaseae subfamilies Cucurbitoideae gourd family ( Cucurbitaceae) order Cucurbitaceae ( Cucurbitales).

6 more families
(according to APG II System)
6 more tribes
(according to APG II System)
4-6 more types
order gourds subfamily Cucurbitoideae genus Watermelon
Department Flowering or angiosperms family Pumpkin tribe Benincaseae view
Watermelon ordinary
44 more orders of flowering plants
(according to APG II System)
another subfamily Zanonioideae
(according to APG II System)
18 more births

7. World production of watermelons

Watermelon production 2007 according to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

8. Interesting facts

The world record for the weight of watermelons is approximately 119 kilograms. Such a mass was reached by the watermelon of the Carolina Cross variety.

In 2009, a farmer from the Temryuk district, Igor Likhosenko, grew a watermelon of the Russian Size variety weighing 61.4 kilograms. It is the largest watermelon grown in Europe


  1. The name Angiosperms is also used.
  2. For the conditionality of classifying the group of plants described in this article as a class of dicotyledons, see the section "APG Systems" of the article "Dicotyledons".
  3. 1 2 Tyquin - slovari.yandex.ru/dict/bse/article/00081/35200.htm- article from the Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  4. 1 2 According to the GRIN website (see plant card)
  5. Lavrenov V. K., Lavrenova G. V. Modern encyclopedia of medicinal plants. - M .: CJSC "OLMA Media Group", 2009. - S. 30-31. - 272 p. - ISBN 978-5-373-02547-8
  6. Watermelon variety Carolina Cross - rareseeds.com/seeds/Watermelon/Carolina-Cross
  7. A berry weighing half a centner grew in the Kuban - kp.ru/daily/24341/531599/
  8. Watermelon Paradise brought together thousands of guests - www.ntv.ru/novosti/171909/


  • Genus 1424. Watermelon - Citrullus Forsk. // Flora of the USSR. In 30 volumes - herba.msu.ru/shipunov/school/books/flora_sssr1957_24.djvu / Started under the leadership and under the chief editorship of Acad. V. L. Komarova; The editors of the volume are B. K. Shishkin and E. G. Bobrov. - M.-L. : Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1957. - T. XXIV. - S. 111-114. - 501 + XVII p. - 2500 copies, Medicinal plants , Flora of Africa , Vegetables , Pumpkin , Agricultural crops .
    The text is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license.

A little history about the Watermelon ... Don't be surprised that everyone's favorite watermelon is called a berry. It belongs to vegetables (cucurbitaceae family). Watermelon has been known since antiquity, its images have been preserved even on the Egyptian pyramids. Watermelons grow wild in South Africa. Watermelon was valued in ancient China, where it had its own holiday "Watermelon Day". In Ukraine and Russia, watermelons have been grown since the second half of the 17th century. Watermelon is not only one of the most popular delicacies, it also has many useful properties.

How to choose the right watermelon? You can tell when a watermelon is ripe by the sound it makes when tapped on the skin. Watermelons with a dull sound are still immature. And too "voiced", on the contrary, are already overripe. You need to choose something in between - loud watermelons. In addition, in a mature watermelon, the tail is darkened, sluggish, and the peel is elastic - you cannot pierce it with your fingernail. Watermelons, which appeared on sale before August, must have been supplied with the necessary dose of fertilizer. "Chemical" pulp can be recognized by yellow streaks and whitish hardened areas.

Riddles about watermelon Riddles about watermelon! Himself scarlet, sugar; caftan green, velvet. The caftan is green on me, and my heart is like a kumach, it tastes like sugar, it is sweet, and it looks like a ball. No windows, no doors. Full of people. Striped balls came to us from melons. The green calf is tied with a rope, lies on its side and grows fat. A speckled chicken pouts on the wattle fence. My jacket is green, my shirt is white, my pants are red, and my tie is black. Green, striped, and sweet in the middle. You can hardly hug this fruit. If you're weak, you won't get up! Cut it into pieces, eat the red pulp.

Poems about watermelon Poems about watermelon It's good that watermelon has no mouth, teeth and belly. He would have swallowed himself otherwise: - Am! Am! Am! But we do have a mouth, Strong teeth, stomach, Indefatigable appetite... And the watermelon is already cracking. Carries butuz big watermelon. Carries home, tries, Smiles at everyone he meets. But only behind the watermelon

Planted by Katya Watermelon .... Striped green watermelon. Very juicy and sweet in taste. And there are simply no seeds in it. I enjoy eating it. I'm going to collect all the seeds. I'll take it to the garden in the morning. I will plant and water them. And the watermelon will grow young. I'll bring a watermelon home. We will eat it with the whole family!


"Wonderful Watermelon"


Shcherbinina Alexandra,

10 years old, 4th grade B grade,

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2"

Volik Lyubov Mikhailovna,

primary school teacher


2011/2012 academic year

Research work "Wonderful watermelon".

The work was done by a student of grade 4 B, MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2", Astrakhan

Shcherbinina Alexandra.

Head teacher of primary classes Volik L.M.


Goal of the work:

  • Find out as much information as possible about watermelon

  • Find out: watermelon vegetable or fruit

  • What color can be the pulp of a watermelon
Research objectives:

  • Study the literature on the subject

  • Find out where the watermelon comes from and how it got to Russia

  • Determine what medicinal properties possesses watermelon

  • Find out the effect of the properties of watermelon on the human body
Research methods:

  • Search for information in the boarding school, encyclopedias, books

  • Ask each other and adults

  • Watermelon is good for people

  • All watermelons are spherical

  • pulp ripe watermelon Red
A little bit of history.

I studied a lot of literature about watermelon and learned so many new things:

  • The birthplace of watermelon is South America, (where it is still found in the wild)

  • Already in ancient Egypt, people knew and cultivated this culture. Watermelon was often placed in the tombs of the pharaohs as a source of food in their afterlife.

  • Watermelons were brought to Western Europe during the era of the Crusades.

  • In ancient Egypt, watermelon as a cultivated plant was known 4000 years ago. However, then it was not grown at all because of the juicy and sweet pulp, and to obtain from its seeds is very valuable oil. According to Egyptian myths, the watermelon was "sowed" by the god of the desert and thunderstorms, Seth, who personified the evil inclination.
In Russia

  • Watermelons were brought to Russia by the Tatars in the 13th-14th centuries and were originally cultivated on the Lower Volga. The trade route from Persia went through the capital of the Khazars - Itil, i.e. Astrakhan. Here the watermelon settled in the twelfth century. But the history of Russian watermelon has been counted since 1560, when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered that Astrakhan watermelons be delivered to the royal court. Tsar Peter, being in the Caspian, was so delighted with watermelons that he ordered a salute to be given in their honor and a coin to be knocked out. He wanted to grow them near Moscow. hired the best workers, they brought “watermelon craftsmen” from the Volga, the local seeds, even the local soil - all to no avail. Only in the 1860s, Efim Grachev developed northern varieties of watermelons and melons - and things started to go well.
I conducted a survey among classmates and got the following results:

  • Do you think watermelon is a berry or a vegetable?
72% consider watermelon a berry, 24% a vegetable, 4% a fruit.

  • What color is the flesh of a watermelon?
78% - red, 14% - pink, 8% - yellow.

  • What shape are watermelons?
Spherical -64%, oval - 32%, cube - 8%, other shape 0%

  • What are the benefits of watermelon? Where can it be used?
Food - 58%, medicine - 23%, 8% - cosmetology, 8% - diet, 3% - like juice.

After studying the literature, consulting with friends and adults, I discovered interesting facts:

  • The world record for the weight of watermelons is approximately 119 kilograms. Such a mass was reached by a watermelon of the Carolina Cross variety.

  • A farmer from Russia, Igor Likhosenko, in 2009 grew a watermelon of the Russian Size variety weighing 61.4 kilograms. It is the largest watermelon grown in Europe

  • In some high mountain areas, such as California's Sierra Nevada, you can see watermelon snow in summer. He Pink colour and has the smell and taste of watermelon. This phenomenon is due to the presence of Chlamydomonas nivalis algae in the snow,
containing the red pigment astaxanthin.

  • In Japan, craftsmen have grown cubic miracle watermelons. They take up less space when transporting.

  • I also learned that watermelon can not only be eaten, but you can create from it. Carving - artistic carving on a watermelon.

  • August 27 is considered Watermelon Day. I visited this holiday and presented my photos confirming how interesting it was there.
Medicinal properties of watermelon.

We asked our school doctor about the health benefits of watermelon.

And here's what we found out:

watermelon science

  • Do not buy watermelons that are sold before August. They are most likely pumped up with nitrates - nitrogen fertilizers and growth stimulants

  • Don't buy watermelons off the road! Just watermelon peel absorbs very well from the air harmful substances including heavy metals.

  • Settles on the rind of a watermelon during its transportation great amount bacteria, so be sure to wash it well before use.

  • In no case should you try a watermelon from a seller with a knife and generally allow you to cut a dirty watermelon!
On a note

  • The only Watermelon Museum in Russia was opened in 2006 in the city of Kamyzyak, Astrakhan Region.

  • Monument to watermelon in the village of Rivne, Saratov region and in Kherson
World production of watermelons.

Watermelon production 2009 according to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

A country

Production of watermelons, t



62 256 973



3 796 680



3 300 000



2 092 630



1 944 490



1 912 991



1 060 000



1 058 848



840 000

I used to think that Russia ranks first in the cultivation of watermelons, but it turned out that watermelons are produced not only in our country. The table shows that the first place belongs to China, and we are still in 7th place.


After reviewing various sources of information, we learned:

  • Watermelon is a berry that brings great benefit the human body.

  • Our assumption that all watermelons have a spherical or slightly flattened shape was not confirmed. Japanese farmers grow cubic watermelons.

  • Our assumption that all watermelons are only with red pulp was not confirmed. Astrakhan scientists have developed a variety of watermelon with yellow flesh called "Lunny".
Information sources

Olga Stusenko

Subject: " Useful berry- watermelon"

Target: to determine the possibility of growing useful watermelon berries in the conditions of the Kalinin region.


To acquaint with the history of the appearance of watermelon in Russia and its useful properties;

Create conditions for growing watermelons in your mini garden;

Reveal useful qualities watermelon and use in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

Hypothesis: in the conditions of the Kalinin region, it is possible to grow a heat-loving watermelon plant and get a useful ripe fruit.

Methods: study

a) studying information on the Internet, in books

Survey of others;

Experiments on growing watermelon in the garden.

green striped ball,

Filled with scarlet like heat,

lies on the bed, like a load,

Say what it is. ?

"Watermelon" can easily be answered by any person. There are few people in the world who are indifferent to watermelon - the largest and most useful berry in the world.

Me and our whole group love watermelons very much. We have a mini garden. We grow herbs on it. We really wanted to grow large, tasty, juicy, ripe watermelons in our garden.

We wondered how the watermelon appeared in Russia? From the encyclopedia, we learned that the watermelon plant came to us from tropical Africa.

From the presentation prepared by the older group, the children and I saw that watermelons are round, oval and even square; with red, yellow, white pulp.

Why is this berry useful?

The nurse of our kindergarten spoke about the use of watermelon in medicine. In folk medicine, watermelon is recommended as a means of cleansing the kidneys, liver, regulates metabolic processes in the body.

Dasha's mom brought and showed us watermelon-flavored cosmetics.

And grandmother Matvey said that a lot of delicious things can be made from watermelon: honey, sweets, jam. She found how to cook it all in the Encyclopedia of Russian Cuisine.

Then we decided to ask our friends about senior group Do their parents grow watermelons in their gardens?

A total of 19 people were interviewed.

Of these, 10 said yes.

3 answered in the negative.

6 found it difficult to answer.

We decided to prove to everyone that in our mini garden you can grow a large, ripe, healthy watermelon.

We chose for ourselves an early ripe variety "Victoria F1".

And now the most interesting!

In the first days of May, we soaked the seeds in a rag, put them in a plate, filled them with water and put them in a warm, bright place, on the window.

On the fifth or sixth day, the seeds began to germinate. And then the most crucial moment began. We put the germinated seeds in seedling cups, carefully covered them. At this stage, the main thing is not to break the sprouted tail.

In the meantime, they dug up the ground in their mini garden.

On the 5th-6th day, watermelons give the first shoots.

We kept them in cups for another week, then carefully planted them in our mini garden

After that, we started to have a hot time. Daily watering and weekly weeding. Water every day so that the watermelons grow large.

And here comes the long-awaited moment. We pick a watermelon, of course it is the smallest we have seen - it fits in the palms of our children, but inside it is very red and so that everyone had enough to try, of course our parents came to the rescue and brought us a large striped watermelon which we shared among all and treated our friends.

Research project results: watermelon is a really healthy berry. In the course of our research, we learned about the history of the appearance of watermelon in Russia and its useful properties, learned how to sculpt it from salt dough. The guys took care of the planted watermelon together, watched how it grows, grew, though small, but their own watermelon. And they came to the conclusion that indeed watermelons grow in the Kalininsky district, but this requires certain conditions: sandy soil, daily watering, weekly weeding.

Miracle - berry - watermelon,

Striped round cargo.

Grew all summer on earth

And ripe and on the table!

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